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REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON PEACE — WORK — FATHERLAND. DECREE No. 2922/0710 og 08 FEV to appoint an Ambassador.- THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, MINDFUL OF the Constitution; MINDFUL OF the Decree No.87/1198 of 07 September 1987 to organize the Permanent External Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; MINDFUL OF the Decree No.2011/408 of 09 December 2011 to organize the Government, as amended and supplemented by decree No.018/190 of 02 March 2018; MINDFUL OF the decree No.2013/12 of 22 April 2013 to organize the Ministry of External Relations, HEREBY DECREES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1. - Mr EWUMBUE-MONONO CHURCHILL is, with effect from the date of signature of this Decree, appointed, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Djibouti, with residence in Addis-Ababa in Ethiopia. ARTICLE 2.- The appointee shall be entitled to the various benefits provided for by the regulations in force. ARTICLE 3.- This decree shall be registered, published according to the procedure of urgency and inserted in the Official Gazette in English and French./- PRESIDENCE DE LA REPUBLI PRESIDENCY OF TH RETA YAOUNDE, 06 FEV 21120 ‘SEC NER SERVICE OU Fe ISLATIF ET REX EGISLAT STATUTORY AFFAIRS CARD NDI SERVICE JE CERTIFIEE CONFORME CERTIFIED TRUE COPY

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