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The Scarlet Letter Activities and Reading Schedule

Reading Schedule:
10/8-11/19: Chapters 1-3 (Skip the Intro.), pages 45-65
10/12-16/19: Chapters 4-6, pages 65-90
10/17-22/19: Chapters 7-10, pages 91-126
10/23-28/19: Chapters 11-13, pages 126-151
10/29-11/1/19: Chapters 14-18, pages 152-185
11/2-5/19: Chapters 19-21, pages 186-211
11/6-11/19: Chapters 22-24, pages 211-236

The Scarlet Letter

As you read The Scarlet Letter, you will be expected to complete the related assignments. 
Each assignment is explained below.  
I. Novel Access/Options for Reading

1. Amazon has a free Kindle addition as well—


2.  The book can be found on other online sources, such as

3. You can simply use the hard copy I assigned you.

If you cannot understand what is going on in the novel, click on this link (or go to)

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