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Fall 2023

Instructor Information

• Farnaz Farahanipad

Office Number
• ERB 548

Email Address

Faculty Profile
Farnaz Farahanipad

Office Hours
• Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm - 2:00pm (on Microsoft Teams) or by appointment


Time and Place of Class Meetings

 CSE5325-Section 004: Time and Place of Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 pm–
4:50 pm, COBA245E
 CSE5325-Section 005: Time and Place of Class Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 1:00
pm–2:20 pm, NH 203

Description of Course Content

• The focus of this course is on issues and principles for software management; managerial
and support aspects of software projects, including: processes, estimation techniques,
planning and scheduling, risk analysis, metrics, and quality assurance. Other topics include:
configuration management, verification and validation, and maintenance; team project.

Student Learning Outcomes

• Students will learn how to effectively manage software projects, ensure software
quality, and handle maintenance tasks throughout the software development lifecycle.

• Perform defect analysis and quality inspections of software.

• Present deliverables
• Review deliverables of other teams

Required Textbooks and Other Course Materials

• Hans van Vliet, Software Engineering: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition, John Wiley &
Sons, 2008.

*The course material is a mixture of specific and generic references for each part of the
course. Where possible, free online material will be recommended.
*Lecture slides will be placed on Canvas.

Recommended Textbooks and Materials

1. Practical Software Maintenance: Best Practices for Managing Your Software Investment by
Thomas M. Pigoski, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition, 1996, ISBN: 0471170011.
2. "Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme" by Robert K. Wysocki

• Section 4 : Cao, Chao office hours: TBA
• Section 5 : Shenvi, Ashwini Pandurang office hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 10:30am - 12:30pm in ERB 501 

Technology Requirements
The instructor intends to use in-person class as much as possible. All learning activities such as
classes, quizzes and exams will be online if in-person classes are not possible.
 Canvas: for video recordings of lectures, submitting programming assignments/homeworks,
questions/discussion forum, releasing grades
 If the quizzes/exams are held online, we will use Respondus Monitor and Lockdown Browser
to administer quizzes and exams. and webcam for quizzes and exams. Students will need a
webcam, a microphone, and Internet access.

Grading Information

Tentatively, course grades will be based on the following:
• 5 Quizzes (40%)
• Project (40%)
• Home work (15%)
• Class participation(5%)

Quiz Policy: You will also have in-person quizzes which counts towards your 40% class test grade.
These quizzes will take place in the classroom during class hours and will be announced a week in
advance. I will count the best 4 out of 5 quizzes.

Project Policy: The is a team project of outmost two students. The student is free to choose a
project of their own interest. You’ll have to submit Project Proposal, Project Progress Report, Project
Presentation and Project Final Report during the semester. Each report will have indivual points and
counts towards the 40% grade for project.

• Project Proposal (TBA): Submit a 1-2 page document that describes the
problem to be solved and a list of references. In addition, provide the names

of the group members and the task assignments of each group member. The
task assignments for each group member must be clearly identified.%2
• Project Progress Report (TBA): Submit a short report (2-3 pages) describing
the progress of the project and each member of the group. %8
• Project Presentations (TBA ): Perform a 20 minute (in-class) presentation as
a group.  15%
• Project Final Report (TBA): Submit a 6-8 page paper written by all group
members. 15%

Homework Policy: We will have two or three homework assignments. Each will focus on applying a
software engineering tool discussed in class.

Final letter grades will be assigned based on absolute percentage as follows:

• [85 100] --- A

• [70 85) --- B
• [60 70) --- C
• [50 60) --- D
• [00 50) --- F

where [ ] denotes inclusion and ( ) denotes exclusion. The instructor reserves the right to move the
thresholds down based on the distribution of final percentages, but they will not move up.

At The University of Texas at Arlington, taking attendance is not required but attendance is
a critical indicator of student success. Each faculty member is free to develop his or her own
methods of evaluating students’ academic performance, which includes establishing course-
specific policies on attendance. As the instructor of this section, attendance is highly
encouraged, but not mandatory except for quizzes and project presentation. However, while
UT Arlington does not require instructors to take attendance in their courses, the U.S.
Department of Education requires that the University have a mechanism in place to verify
Federal Student Aid recipients’ attendance in courses. UT Arlington instructors should be
prepared to report the last date of attendance as part of the final grading process.
Specifically, when assigning a student a grade of F, faculty must report the last date a
student attended their class based on evidence of academic engagement such as a test,
participation in a class project or presentation, or an engagement online via Canvas. This
date is reported to the Department of Education for federal financial aid recipients.

Distance education courses require regular and substantive online interaction and
participation. Students must participate in online course activities to demonstrate
attendance; logging into an online class is not sufficient by itself to demonstrate attendance

Make-up Exams
Make-ups for (non-exam) graded activities may be arranged if your absence is caused by illness or
work/personal emergency. A written explanation (including supporting documentation) must be
submitted to your Instructor. If the explanation is acceptable, an alternative to the graded activity will
be arranged. Make-up arrangements must be arranged prior to the scheduled due date.

Grade Grievances
Anyone feeling that a dispute exists after the grading of any assignment or exam may submit a
written grievance. This grievance should identify the item in dispute and arguments supporting the
student’s position. Grievances must be submitted in writing within two class periods following the
return of the assignment. The instructor or GTA agrees to return a written response to the student’s
grievance within two class periods from receipt of the grievance. If the error is due to wrongful
calculation of points, then no grievance needs to be submitted. If a written grievance is received, the
instructor and GTA reserve the right to re-grade the entire exam (not just the specific point in
question). If the student finds the result unsatisfactory, then any appeal of a grade in this course
must follow the procedures and deadlines for graderelated grievances as published in the current
University Catalog.

Academic Dishonesty

While I do encourage students to work together on understanding Coding Assignments and other
programming concepts, I expect every student to do their own work and turn in their own code.
Coding Assignments are checked for similarity – any student's code that is determined to be too
similar to another student's code submission will be assigned a 0 for the first offense and will be
referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Further, your final grade will be reduced by 10%. If you
commit a second offense during the semester, you will get an F. This policy will be applied to all
students involved – it does not matter if you are copying from someone else or allowing someone
else to copy your work.

Institutional Information

UTA students are encouraged to review the below institutional policies and informational sections
and reach out to the specific office with any questions. To view this institutional information, please
visit the Institutional Information page
( which includes the
following policies among others:
 Drop Policy
 Disability Accommodations
 Title IX Policy
 Academic Integrity
 Student Feedback Survey
 Final Exam Schedule

Additional Information

Face Covering Policy

Face coverings are not mandatory, all students and instructional staff are welcome to wear face
coverings while they are on campus or in the classroom.

Emergency Exit Procedures

Should we experience an emergency event that requires evacuation of the building, students should
exit the room and move toward the nearest exit. When exiting the building during an emergency, do
not take an elevator but use the stairwells instead. Faculty members and instructional staff will assist
students in selecting the safest route for evacuation and will make arrangements to assist individuals
with disabilities.

Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center (ASC) includes a variety of resources and services to help you
maximize your learning and succeed as a student at the University of Texas at Arlington. ASC
services include supplemental instruction, peer-led team learning, tutoring, mentoring and TRIO
SSS. Academic Success Center services are provided at no additional cost to UTA students. For
additional information visit: Academic Success Center
( To request disability accommodations for
tutoring, please complete this form

▲ The IDEAS Center ( (2nd Floor of Central Library) offers FREE tutoring
and mentoring to all students with a focus on transfer students, sophomores, veterans and others
undergoing a transition to UT Arlington. Students can drop in or check the schedule of available peer
tutors at, or call (817) 272-6593.

The English Writing Center (411LIBR)

▲ The Writing Center offers FREE tutoring in 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-minute face-to-face and online
sessions to all UTA students on any phase of their UTA coursework. Register and make
appointments online at the Writing Center ( Classroom visits,
workshops, and specialized services for graduate students and faculty are also available. Please
see Writing Center: OWL ( for detailed information on all our programs and

The Library’s 2nd floor Academic Plaza ( offers students a

central hub of support services, including IDEAS Center, University Advising Services, Transfer UTA
and various college/school advising hours. Services are available during the library’s hours
( of operation.

Librarian to Contact
▲ Each academic unit has access to Librarians by Academic Subject
( that can assist students with research
projects, tutorials on plagiarism and citation references as well as support with databases and
course reserves.

Emergency Phone Numbers

▲ Incase of an on-campus emergency, call the UT Arlington Police Department at 817-272-3003

(non-campus phone), 2-3003 (campus phone). You may also dial 911. Non-emergency number 817-

Research or General Library Help

Ask for Help
 Academic Plaza Consultation Services (
 Ask Us (
 Research Coaches (
 Library Tutorials (
 Subject and Course Research Guides (
 Librarians by Subject (
 A to Z List of Library Databases (
 Course Reserves (!/course_reserves)
 Study Room Reservations (

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