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About this supplement.

This is a fan-made supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th

edition which adds rules for the god Handrich. It will likely be useful if
playing my ”Journey to Karak-Rorkar” campaign where a group of
Handrich priests are found as NPCs and can surely be of use in other
games as well. The supplement is made by Leo E Gunnemarsson.

Archives of the Empire volume III

This fan-supplement was released before Archives of the Empire volume three. The latter came with its own rules for
priests of Handrich. I´m keeping this fan-supplement accessible despite this but keep in mind there are now official
rules for Handrich worshippers.
The Cult of Handrich, God of Trade and Prosperity
Seat of Power: Marienburg Holy Sites
Head of the Cult: Arch-Priest Temples to Handrich are not numerous, found only
Primary Orders: Trade Fraternities of in some mayor cities and shrines to him are even
Handrich, Brothers of Handrich rarer, found only occassionally by the side of large
Major Festivals: The first day of spring sailing traderoutes. All markets are however seen as minor
season is a day of sacrifice to Handrich for fu- places of worship by the god due to their belief that
ture profit. all trade transactions are watched by the god.
Popular ”Holy Books”: The Large Book of Penances
Trade Rites and Rules, The Law of Prosperity,
Tale of Johann Gaut The most common penance of Handrich is a direct
payment to the cult. Such a payment can not be
Common Holy Symbols: A golden disc sym-
trivial however if the god is to be appeased for only
bolising a coin of unspecified currency
by risking your economic wellbeing can you show
Handrich (also known as Haendryk) is popular with
Handrich that you are willing to atone and trust in
traders, merchants, burghers, and others involved in
making a profit through business dealings. Although him to bring it back only if you are worthy. Charities
most peasants consider all business folk to be can also be used for penance though the cult pre-
swindlers, cultists of Handrich are more concerned fers the first option.
with prosperity for all through commerce, at least so
they state. For the cult of Handrich dictates that Strictures
what benefits the merchant benefits those around
-You must each day work towards making a profit or
him as well.
increasing your profit
Handrich is depicted as a contented and jovial figure
who delights in both the acquisition of wealth and -If you form a partnership in trade with a person, an
the spending of it. He is the consummate seller — oath must be sworn and be honoured for the du-
charismatic, smooth, and likable, and seems to view ration of the contract
his cultists not so much as mere worshippers, but as
business partners. Handrich is shrewd in his de- -Give charitably, but within reason
alings and expects his cultists to be smarter and
faster than the people they deal with. Cultists -A signed contract must be honoured
believe Handrich watches every transaction and bu- -Never use violence for gain
siness dealing. On the negative side, Handrich is
both greedy and manipulative, exhorting the belief -Do not get caught in a lie until you have left town
that the ends justify the means. In Handrich's eyes,
if you make a profit from someone else's stupidity or
ignorance, then that's coin better spent on better
ventures. Mercopio and Violence
Worshippers You may hold a more Tilean idea of Handrichs strictures
in which case you can replace:
Most worshippers of Handrich are merchants or at
least work in a field where they sell or trade regu- ”-Never use violence for gain”
larly. The strictures of Handrich do not approve of with
violence as a way to earn money which for some
”-Never use violence for gain without getting paid a risk
time halted his spread in Tilea until the land rebran-
ded him as Mercopio and struck his strictures
against violence to allow the mercenary nation to If the god accepts this change of the stricture or not is up
openheartedly accept him, or this new version at to the GM but at least the Tilean subset of the cult does
least. Thus he has come to popularity amongst pay- and fellow priests there will not question it.
masters of mercenary armies as well.
Miracles of Handrich
The Blessings available to followers of Handrich are; Charisma,
Truth of the Coin
Conscience, Fortune, Protection, Wisdom, Wit
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Blessed Contract Target: All coins and other currencies within range
Range: Special Duration: Instant
Target: All that signed a contract Handrich is the god of all coins and currencies and he knows his domain
Duration: Until you break a stricture of Handrich well. Calling upon his wisdom you separate the false from the true. All
coins or currencies within range that are not false will sparkle momentarily
As a contract is signed by you and others you bless it with the powers of as the miracle washes over them. All forgeries will however instead blacken
Handrich so that the god may guard the trade deal. If anyone that signed as if covered by soot, clearly marking them for the deception they are.
this contract breaks it they immediately roll on the wrath of the gods table
and unlike when normally rolling on the table they do not remove a sin Investment Magic
point after the roll. Any result on the table refering to ”your deity” refers to
Handrich even if the one suffering it doesn’t worship him. Range: Special

Target: One investment transaction

Seer Economic
Duration: One endeavour
Range: Willpower bonus miles
You call upon Handrich to bless your investments and make sure you don’t
Target: One settlement lose them. You can cast this before using the Banking endeavour. If suc-
Duration: Instant cessfully cast the miracle allows you to re-roll the die to see if you lose your
Opening your eyes to the economic visions of Handrich you visualize the
fluid changes of market prices to reveal the path to prosperity. When using
this miracle state something that may be possible to buy in the settlement.
The GM then tells you either that it is unavilable there or the average price
it goes for there.

Call for Acquisitions

Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: One hour

You call to holy Handrich for what you need to be in stock and so they shall
be. For the duration of the miracle you get a +40 bonus to all acquisition

Gilded Tongue
Range: Self

Target: Self

Duration: Willpower bonus minutes

Like Handrich your tongue is gilded to let you convince others to sell or buy
in your favour. For the duration of the miracle you add a number of SLs to
your haggle tests equal to your willpower bonus.

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