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KEBBI STATE maf OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, ALIERO FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS. FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION 2017/2018 MSc. STATISTICS COURSE CODE: STA 805 TIME: 3 Hrs COURSE TITLE: Sample Survey Techniques UNITS: 3 Instructions: Answer any four questions. Do not write on question paper. ¥ 1. Discuss various equal probability sampling schemes and obtain unbiased estimator of population mean in each sampling schemeg. Also write the variance of unbiased estimator so obtained. 2.a) Explain the advantages of stratified random sampling over simple random sampling. b) Compare the efficiency of stratified random sampling and cluster sampling with respect to variability between and within strata and cluster respectively. 3. a) Explain probability proportional to size sampling scheme size ‘portional b) Introduce an unbiased estimator of population mean under probabitity t sampling scheme with replacement. Derive its variance and show that it is same as the variance of sample mean estimator when selection of units is with equal probability. 4. a) Discuss the optimum allocation of resources of survey in stratified random sampling and derive its mathematical expression. Hence or otherwise, obtain the expression for allocation of sample sizes in different strata under different allocations for the fixed cost. ) Obtain the expression for variance for stratified sample mean under Neyman and proportional allocation when cost of survey is fixed and cost per unit is same from stratum to stratum. 5. a) Explain the concept of sampling on two or more occasion. b) Established the estimator(s) of population mean on each occasion in a sampling on two occasion and write their variance. 6. Write short note on ang two; a) Non-sampling error b) Non-response

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