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Aldris Sellitan

Cleric of Chauntea in Hellturel

Appearance: Elderly Half-orc male who dresses in simple garments and carries a sickle. He
has white hair tied back with some leather bindings and his dark brown eyes show a kindness
and gentleness that you wouldn’t expect from an orc. He stands at 5’11” with a slender build.

Quote: “We are all bound by our nature, both good and bad. True strength comes from
overcoming one's evil nature without destroying the good that is already there. ”


● A wise orc who always looks to find a deeper meaning in the events of the world around
● Has a soft spot for children and will lay down his life without hesitation to save a child
from harm.
● Finds fulfillment in making a difference in the lives of those he serves.

Background: Aldris was born into a war clan just east of Elturel in the mountains. He was a
child when his clan was raided by Hellriders of Elturgard, and he was brought into Trinubel and
raised by a family of halflings. His family was very loving and raised him well, when he was 14
he decided he wanted to become a cleric. Since then he traveled to Elturel for the festival of the
companion because he wanted to see it for himself at least once in his life. Now he is in
Avernus. He found himself in the market when Klav Ikaia made his stand, inspired by his
heroism, Aldris is staunchly in favor of him warts and all. He sees the potential in Klav even if he
is still not perfect yet. Klav is fond of Aldris as well and has made him one of his favored
consultants. Aldris has impacted the market by stopping Klav from turning normal civilians into
vampire spawn and reserve such actions for only the dying. He believes eventually Klav can be
convinced to redeem himself and face the afterlife.

What he doesn’t know:


What he does know:


● Protect the people of the market
● Aid Klav Ikaia in reestablishing his kingdom and saving the city

Quest Involvement:
● Helping High Harvest Home

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