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Seven aspects in which the

English culture has

affected the development
of humanity
Jesus Quintanilla Mata
Stephen Hawking and time travels

 The first scince description about the time was by Isaac Newton in 1689 he said the
time is absolute and this is relentes. The situation change because the general theory
of relativity of Einstein which in theory the space time was curved and distorted by the
matter. Hawking said in the book My brief history the quantum fluctuations can make
worm black holes and travel in time in microscopic scale.
Astra zeneca was discovered in the Oxford

 It was created non-profit. Is the only vaccine created by a public body the
university of Oxford which did not seek economic benefits but the comun
Good. This vaccine has an efficiency of 94%.

 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be granted a United

States patent for a device that produced clearly intelligible replication of the
human voice at a second device. This instrument was further developed by
many others, and became rapidly indispensable in business, government, and
in households.
Sewing Machine

 Before sewing machines were invented women spent much of their time maintaining their family's
clothing. Middle-class housewives, even with the aid of a hired seamstress, would devote several days
of each month to this task. It took an experienced seamstress at least 14 hours to make a dress shirt
for a man; a woman's dress took 10 hours; and a pair of summer trousers took nearly three
hours. Most people except the very well-off would have only two sets of clothing: a work outfit and a
Sunday outfit.
 Sewing machines reduced the time for making a dress shirt to an hour and 15 minutes; the time to
make a dress to an hour; and the time for a pair of summer pants to 38 minutes. This reduced labor
resulted in women having a diminished role in household management, and allowed more hours for
their own leisure as well as the ability to seek more employment
Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of
 Egland's urbanism and notions of landscape and countryside are closely tied to
the movement of people and economic sectors from major metropolitan areas
into new towns, extensions of older towns, smaller towns, villages, and
remote rural areas
Secular Celebrations

 New Year's Eve and Day (31 December, 1 January), celebrate the beginning of
the new year. April Fool's Day (1 April), is a day on which people play practical
jokes on one another. The sovereign's birthday is celebrated in June. Guy
Fawkes's Day (5 November) commemorates the foiling of a 1605 Catholic plot
to blow up the houses of Parliament and is an occasion for fireworks and
revelry. Remembrance Day (11 November) celebrates the contributions of war
veterans to defending the freedom of the nation.
Graphic Arts
 Most training of graphic artists is provided by universities and art colleges. Art has been
incorporated into the school curriculum as part of the nation's educational policy, and
all English students receive some training in and exposure to the graphic arts. In 1997
and 1998, 22 percent of the population over age 15 visited a gallery, museum, or other
major collection, a figure that has shown little change since the late 1980s. Whether
museums are egalitarian in terms of affordability and relevance, however, is debatable.
The National Disability Arts Forum and similar organizations are funded by the Arts
Council of England and improve access to the arts and training in the arts for the
disabled population; the Arts Council promotes cultural diversity as well.

 This activity was so interesting becuse we learn about aspects England

influenced in the humanity thanks to british culture. I am interested in what
Stephen Hawking about time-space i think that british culture is always
present in humanity this culture is the mom of America.

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