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BOOK ONE GENERAL RULE: Penal laws cannot

make an act punishable in a manner in
which it was not punishable when
CRIMINAL LAW - that branch or division of EXCEPTION: (it may be applied
law which defines crimes, treats of their retroactively) When the new law
nature and provides for their punishment. is favorable to the accused.
CHARACTERISTICS OF CRIMINAL LAW a) The new law is expressly
1. GENERAL - it is binding on all persons made inapplicable to pending
who live or sojourn in the Philippine actions or existing causes of
territory (Art. 14, NCC) actions.
EXCEPTIONS: b) Offender is a habitual criminal.
a) Treaty stipulations
b) Laws of preferential application LIMITATIONS ON THE POWER
c) Principles of Public International OF CONGRESS TO ENACT PENAL LAWS:
Law. 1. No ex post facto law shall be enacted
The following persons are 2. No bill of attainder shall be enacted
exempted: 3. No law that violates equal protection
a. Sovereigns and other chief clause of the constitution shall be
of state enacted
b. Ambassadors,ministers,
4. No law which imposes cruel and
plenipotentiary, minister
unusual punishments nor excessive
resident and charges
fines shall be enacted.
 Consuls, vice-consuls and other
1. Classical Theory - basis of criminal
commercial representatives of foreign
liability is human free will. Under this
nation cannot claim the privileges
theory, the purpose of penalty is
and immunities accorded to
retribution. The RPC is generally
ambassadors and ministers.
governed by this theory.
2. Positivist Theory – basis of criminal
2. TERRITORIAL – penal laws of
liability is the sum of the social and
the Philippines are enforceable only
economic phenomena to which the
within its territory.
actor is exposed wherein
EXCEPTIONS: (Art. 2, RPC) i.e.,
prevention and correction is the
enforceable even outside
purpose of penalty. This theory is
Philippine territory.
exemplified in the provisions
1) Offense committed while on a
Philippine ship or airship regarding impossible crimes and
2) Forging or counterfeiting any coin habitual delinquency.
or currency note of the Philippines 3. Eclectic or Mixed Theory – combination
or obligations and securities issued of positivist and classical thinking
by the Government. wherein crimes that are economic and
3) Introduction into the country social in nature should be dealt in a
of the above-mentioned positive manner; thus, the law is more
obligations and securities. compassionate.
4) While being public officers or
employees should commit an
offense in the exercise of PRELIMINARY TITLE
their functions.
5) Should commit any of the crimes  ART. 2 – APPLICATION OF ITS
against national security and the PROVISIONS
law of nations defined in Title One
EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: 1.) Philippine vessel or aircraft.
Penal laws not applicable within or  Must be understood as that which is
without Philippine territory if so registered in the Philippine Bureau of
provided in treaties and laws of Customs.
preferential application. (Art.2, RPC)
2.) On Foreign Merchant Vessels
3. PROSPECTIVE  ENGLISH RULE: Crimes committed
aboard a vessel within the territorial

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waters of a country are triable in
courts of such country.

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EXCEPTION: When the crimes merely Requisites of mistake of fact as a
affect things within the vessel or when defense:
they only refer to the internal a. That the act done would
management thereof. have been lawful had the
facts been as the accused
 FRENCH RULE: believed them to be.
GENERAL RULE: Crimes committed b. That the intention of the
aboard vessel within the territorial accused in performing the
waters of a country are not triable act should be lawful.
in the courts of said country. c. That the mistake must be
EXCEPTION: When their commission without fault or
affects the peace and security of the carelessness on the part of
territory or when the safety of the accused.
the state is endangered.
2. Culpable Felonies - performed
 In the Philippines, we follow the without malice.
English Rule. Requisites of CULPA:
a. Freedom
 In the case of a foreign warship, the b. Intelligence
same is not subject to territorial laws. c. Negligence and Imprudence


CRIMINAL LIABILITY sense and exercise due reflection in all
his acts; it is his duty to be
Chapter One: Felonies (Arts. 3-10) cautious, careful and prudent.

 ART. 3 – FELONIES Mala Prohibita - the class of crimes

punishable by SPECIAL LAWS and
Felonies – are acts or omissions punishable where criminal intent is not, as a rule,
by the RPC. necessary, it being sufficient that the
offender has the intent to perpetrate the
ELEMENTS OF FELONIES (GENERAL) act prohibited by the special law.
1. there must be an act or omission ie,
there must be external acts. MALA IN SE vs. MALA PROHIBITA
2. the act or omission must be punishable MALA
3. the act is performed or the omission
1. As to The moral trait The moral
incurred by means of dolo or culpa. moral is considered. trait of the
trait of Liability will offender is not
“NULLUM CRIMEN, NULLA POENA SINE the arise only when considered. It
LEGE” - there is no crime where there is offender there is dolo or is enough that
no law punishing it. culpa. the prohibited
act was
WHICH THEY ARE COMMITTED: 2. As to Good faith or Good faith is
use of lack of criminal not a defense.
1. Intentional Felonies – the act good intent is a
is performed with deliberate intent faith as valid defense;
or malice. a unless the crime
Requisites of DOLO or MALICE: defense is the result of
a. Freedom
3. As to The act gives
b. Intelligence The degree of
degree rise to a
c. Criminal Intent of accomplishment crime only
accom- of the crime is when it is
Mistake of Fact – is a misapprehension plish- taken into consummated.
of fact on the part of the person ment of account in
causing injury to another. Such person the punishing the
is not criminally liable as he acted crime offender.
without criminal intent.

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4. As to Mitigating and Mitigating and 3. Praeter intentionem – lack of intent to
mitigati aggravating aggravating commit so grave a wrong.
ng and circumstances circumstances
aggravat are taken into are generally
account in not taken into
imposing the account.
stances penalty. a) That the act performed would be an
5. As to When there Degree of offense against persons or property.
degree is more than participation is b) That the act was done with evil intent.
of one offender, generally not c) That its accomplishment is inherently
partici- the degree taken into impossible, or that the means
pation of participation account. All employed is either inadequate or
of each in who ineffectual.
the commission participated in d) That the act performed should not
of the crime the act are constitute a violation of another
is taken punished to
provision of the RPC.
into account. the same
6. As to Violation of the Violation of  ART. 6 – CONSUMMATED,
what RPC (General Special Laws FRUSTRATED & ATTEMPTED
laws are rule) (General rule) FELONIES
Intent distinguished from Motive  When all the elements necessary for
INTENT MOTIVE its execution and accomplishment are
1. Is the purpose to 1. Is the moving present.
use a particular power which impels
means to effect one to act 2. FRUSTRATED FELONY
such result ELEMENTS:
2. Is an element of 2. Is NOT an a) The offender performs all the acts
the crime, except in element of the of execution.
unintentional crime b) All the acts performed would
felonies (culpable)
produce the felony as a consequence.
3. Is essential in 3. Is essential
c) But the felony is not produced.
intentional felonies only when the
identity of the d) By the reason of causes independent
perpetrator is in of the will of the perpetrator.


PAR. 1 - Criminal Liability for a felony 1) Rape
different from that intended to be 2) Bribery
committed 3) Corruption of Public Officers
4) Adultery
REQUISITES: 5) Physical Injury
a) That an intentional felony has
been committed. 3. ATTEMPTED FELONY
b) That the wrong done to the ELEMENTS:
aggrieved party be the direct, natural a) The offender commences the
and logical consequence of the felony commission of the felony directly by
committed. overt acts.
b) He does not perform all the acts of
PROXIMATE CAUSE – that cause, which, in execution which should produce
the natural and continuous sequence, the felony.
unbroken by any efficient intervening c) The offender’s acts are not stopped by
cause, produces the injury without which his own spontaneous desistance.
the result would not have occurred.

Thus, the person is still criminally DESISTANCE - is an absolutory cause which

negates criminal liability because the law
liable in: encourages a person to desist from
1. Error in personae- mistake in the committing a crime
identity of the victim.2. Abberatio
ictus – mistake in the blow.

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- this is applicable only in commit rebellion or
the attempted stage. insurrection, treason, sedition.
2. Conspiracy as a means of committing a
OVERT ACTS – Some physical activity or crime
deed, indicating intention to commit a a) There is a previous and
particular crime, more than a mere express
planning or preparation, which if agreement;
carried to its complete termination b) The participants acted in concert
following its natural course, without or simultaneously which
being frustrated by external obstacles, is indicative of a meeting of
nor by voluntary desistance of the the minds towards a common
perpetrator will logically ripen into a criminal objective. There is an
concrete offense. implied agreement.


the purpose of the offender in or proposal to commit a felony is
performing an act is not certain. The not punishable since they are only
accused maybe convicted for a felony preparatory acts
defined by the acts performed by him EXCEPTION: in cases in which the law
up to the time of desistance. specially provides a penalty therefor, such
as in treason, coup d’etat, and rebellion or
1) Internal acts “The act of one is the act of all”
 Such as mere ideas in the mind GENERAL RULE: When conspiracy is
of person. established, all who participated therein,
 Not punishable. irrespective of the quantity or quality of
2) External acts cover: his participation is liable equally,
a) Preparatory acts - ordinarily whether conspiracy is pre-
not punished except when planned or instantaneous.
considered by law as independent EXCEPTION: Unless one or some of the
crimes (e.g. Art. 304, Possession conspirators committed some other crime
of picklocks and similar tools) which is not part of the intended
b) Acts of Execution - crime.
under the RPC act constitutes a “single indivisible
 Conspiracy may be inferred when two
 Light Felonies are punishable or more persons proceed to perform
only when they have been overt acts towards the
consummated EXCEPT: If committed accomplishment of the same
against persons or property, felonious objective, with each doing
punishable even if not his act, so that their acts
consummated. though seemingly independent were
in fact connected, showing a common
 Only principals and accomplices are design.
liable, accessories are not liable
even if committed against  These overt acts must consist of:
persons or property. - active participation in the actual
commission of the crime itself, or
- moral assistance to his co-
 ART. 8 – CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL conspirators by being present at the
TO COMMIT FELONY time of the commission of the crime,
REQUISITES OF CONSPIRACY - exerting a moral ascendance over
1. That 2 or more persons came to an the other co-conspirators by
agreement. moving them to execute or
2. That the agreement pertains to implement the criminal plan
the commission of a felony. (PEOPLE vs. ABUT, et al., GR No.
3. That the execution of the felony was 137601, April 24, 2003)
decided upon.
2 CONCEPTS OF CONSPIRACY 1. That a person has decided to commit a
1. Conspiracy as a crime by felony; and
itself.EXAMPLE: conspiracy to 2. That he proposes its execution to
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some other person or persons. accordance with law, so that such
person is deemed not to have
transgressed the law and is free from both
 ART. 9 – CLASSIFICATION OF FELONIES criminal and civil liability. There is no civil
ACCORDING TO GRAVITY liability, except in par. 4 of Art. 11,
where the civil liability is borne by the
Importance of Classification persons benefited by the act.
1. To determine whether these felonies
can be complexed or not. 1. SELF- DEFENSE
2. To determine the prescription of the
crime and the prescription of the REQUISITES:
penalty. a) Unlawful aggression (condition sine
qua non);
Grave felonies – are those to which the b) Reasonable necessity of the means
law attaches the capital punishment employed to prevent or repel it; and
or penalties which in any of their periods c) Lack of sufficient provocation on the
are afflictive, in accordance with Art. 25 part of the person defending himself.
of the Code.

Less grave felonies – are those which

the law punishes with penalties which in
their maximum period are UNLAWFUL AGGRESSION
correctional, in accordance with Art. 25 of - is equivalent to an
the Code. actual physical assault or, at least
- threatened assault of an
Light felonies – are those infractions of immediate and imminent kind which is
law for the commission of which the offensive and positively strong, showing
penalty of arresto menor or a fine not the wrongful intent to cause injury.
exceeding 200 pesos, or both, is provided.


 ART. 10 – OFFENSES NOT SUBJECT TO employed depends upon the nature and
THE PROVISIONS OF THE RPC quality of the (1) weapon used by
the aggressor, and (2) his physical
GENERAL RULE: RPC provisions are condition, character, size and other
supplementary to special laws. circumstances, (3) and those of the
EXCEPTION: person defending himself, (4) and also
1. Where the special law provides the place and occasion of the assault.
otherwise; and
2. When the provisions of the RPC are
impossible of application, either by  Perfect equality between the weapons
express provision or by necessary used by the one defending himself and
implication. that of the aggressor is not required,
nor material commensurability
Thus, when the special law adopts the between the means of attack and
penalties imposed in the RPC, such as defense.
reclusión perpetua or reclusión temporal, REASON: Because the person assaulted
the provisions of the RPC on imposition does not have sufficient tranquility
of penalties based on stage of of mind to think and to calculate.
execution, degree of participation, and
attendance of mitigating and aggravating
circumstances may be applied by necessary Rights included in self-defense:
implication. Self-defense includes not only the defense
of the person or body of the one assaulted
but also that of his rights, the
Chapter Two: Justifying Circumstances enjoyment of which is protected by
and Circumstances Which Exempt from law. Thus, it includes:
Criminal Liability (Arts. 11-12) 1. The right to honor. Hence, a slap
 ART. 11. JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES the face is considered as unlawful
aggression directed against the honor
JUSTIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES – are those of the actor (People vs. Sabio, 19 SCRA
where the act of a person is said to be 901).
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2. The defense of property rights, only if 3. The person defending be not induced
there is also an actual and imminent by revenge, resentment or other evil
danger on the person of the one motive.
defending ( People vs Narvaez, 4. AVOIDANCE OF GREATER EVIL OR
SCRA 389).
“Stand ground when in the right” - 1. That the evil sought to be avoided
the law does not require a person to actually exists:
retreat when his assailant is rapidly 2. That the injury feared be greater
advancing upon him with a deadly weapon. than that done to avoid it; and
3. There be no other practical and
Under Republic Act 9262, known as the less
Anti- Violence against Women and their harmful means of preventing it.
Children Act of 2004:
Victim-survivors who are found by  No civil liability except when there
the courts to be suffering from Battered is another person benefited in
Woman Syndrome do not incur any which case the latter is the one liable.
criminal or civil liability notwithstanding
the absence of any of the elements for  Greater evil must not be brought
justifying circumstances of self-defense about by the negligence or imprudence
under the RPC. (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262) or violation of law by the actor.
The law provides for an additional
justifying circumstance. 5. FULFILLMENT OF DUTY; OR LAWFUL
Battered Woman Syndrome – refers EXERCISE OF RIGHT OR OFFICE.
to a scientifically defined pattern
of psychological and behavioral REQUISITES:
symptoms found in women living in 1. That the accused acted in the
battering relationships as a result of performance of a duty or in the
cumulative abuse. lawful exercise of a right or office;
Battery – refers to any act of 2. That the injury caused or
inflicting physical harm upon the woman the offense committed be
or her child resulting to physical and the necessary consequence of the
psychological or emotional distress. due performance of duty or the
lawful exercise of such right or


1. Unlawful Aggression; SOME LAWFUL PURPOSE.
2. Reasonable necessity of the
means employed to prevent or REQUISITES:
repel it; and 1. That an order has been issued by a
3. In case the provocation was superior.
given by the person attacked, 2. That such order must be for
the one making the defense had some lawful purpose
no part therein. 3. That the means used by the
subordinate to carry out said order
1. Spouse
2. Ascendants
 Subordinate is not liable for carrying
3. Descendants
out an illegal order if he is not
4. Legitimate, natural or adopted
aware of its illegality and he is not
brothers and sisters, or relatives
by affinity in the same degrees.
5. Relatives by consanguinity within the
fourth civil degree.
Exempting Circumstances (or the
circumstances for non-imputability) – are
those grounds for exemption from
punishment, because there is wanting in
1. Unlawful Aggression;
2. Reasonable necessity of the means the agent of the crime any of
employed to prevent or repel it; and the conditions which makes the act
voluntary, or negligent.

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The exemption from punishment is based without the least discernment because
on the complete absence of intelligence, there is a complete absence of
freedom of action, or intent, or on the the power to discern or a total
absence of negligence on the part of the deprivation of freedom of the will.
accused. (PEOPLE vs. ANTONIO, GR No.
144266, November
27, 2002)
1. It affects the 1. It affects
act not the actor. the actor not the act.  An infant under the age of nine
2. The act is 2. The act years is absolutely and
considered to complained of is conclusively presumed to be
have been done actually wrongful, incapable of committing a crime.
within the bounds but the actor is not
of law; hence, liable.
legitimate and
 The phrase “under nine years” should
lawful in the eyes be construed “nine years or less”
of the law. 3. Since the
3. Since the act is act complained of 3. PERSON OVER NINE YEARS OF AGE
considered lawful, is actually wrong AND UNDER 15 ACTING WITHOUT
there is no crime. there is a crime but DISCERNMENT.
since the actor
acted without  Must have acted without discernment.
voluntariness, there
is no dolo nor culpa
DISCERNMENT – mental capacity to fully
4. Since there is a appreciate the consequences of an
4. Since there is crime committed unlawful act.
no crime, nor though there is no Discernment maybe shown by:
a criminal, there criminal, there is a) The manner the crime was
is also no criminal civil liability. committed: or
or civil liability. b) The conduct of the offender after its
(except Art. 11, par. commission.
Insanity or imbecility exists when there is
a complete deprivation of intelligence or  Basis: Lack of negligence or intent.
freedom of the will.
 An insane person is not so exempt if it ELEMENTS:
can be shown that he acted during a 1. A person is performing a lawful act;
lucid interval. But an imbecile 2. With due care;
is exempt in all cases from 3. He causes injury to another by mere
criminal liability. accident;
4. Without fault or intention of causing
1. Test of COGNITION – complete
deprivation of intelligence in 5. A PERSON WHO ACTS UNDER THE
2. Test of VOLITION – total FORCE
deprivation of freedom of will.
 The defense must prove that the ELEMENTS:
accused was insane at the time of 1. That the compulsion is by means of
the commission of the crime because physical force.
the presumption is always in favor 2. That the physical force must
of sanity. be irresistable.
3. That the physical force must
 Insanity exists when there is a come from a third person.
complete deprivation of intelligence in
committing the act. Mere abnormality  Basis: complete absence of freedom or
of the mental faculties will not voluntariness.
exclude imputability. The accused
must be "so insane as to be  The force must be so irresistable as to
incapable of entertaining criminal reduce the actor to a mere instrument
intent." He must be deprived of reason
and acting
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who act not only without will but physically impossible for her to take
against his will. home the child. (People vs. Bandian,
63 Phil. 530).
6. UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR The severe dizziness and extreme
debility of the woman constitute an
ELEMENTS: insuperable cause.
1. That the threat which causes the ABSOLUTORY CAUSES - are those where
fear the act committed is a crime but for
is of an evil greater than, or at reasons of public policy and
sentiment, there is no penalty imposed.
equal to, that which he is required
to commit;
2. That it promises an evil of such gravity Other absolutory causes:
and imminence that the ordinary 1. Spontaneous desistance (Art. 6)
2. Accessories who are exempt
man would have succumbed to it.
criminal liability (Art. 20)
 Duress as a valid defense should be
3. Death or physical injuries inflicted
based on real, imminent, or
under exceptional circumstances (Art.
reasonable fear for one’s life or
limb and should not be
4. Persons exempt from criminal
speculative, fanciful, or remote fear.
liability for theft, swindling and
malicious mischief (Art. 332)
5. Instigation
MEUS ACTUS” – An act done by me
 Entrapment is NOT an absolutory
against my will is not my act.
cause. A buy-bust operation
conducted in connection with illegal
drug-related offenses is a form of
INSUPERABLE CAUSE – some motive which
has lawfully, morally or physically
prevented a person to do what the law

1. That an act is required by law to be 1. Ways and 1. Instigator
done. means are induces the would-
2. That a person fails to perform such resorted to for the be accused to
act. capture of commit the crime,
3. That his failure to perform such act lawbreaker in the hence he becomes a
execution of his co-principal.
was due to some lawful or insuperable
criminal plan.
2. not a bar 2. it will result in
to the the acquittal of
Examples: prosecution and the accused.
a. The municipal president detained the conviction of the
offended party for three days lawbreaker
because to take him to the nearest
justice of
the peace required a journey for three and extreme debility, and left the
days by boat as there was no other child in a thicket were said child died, is
means of transportation. (US vs. not liable for infanticide because it was
Vicentillo, 19 Phil. 118) Chapter Three: Circumstances Which
Mitigate Criminal Liability
The distance which required a
considered an insuperable cause.
Note: Under the law, the CIRCUMSTANCES – those
person arrested must be delivered which if present in the commission of the
to the nearest judicial authority crime, do not entirely free the actor from criminal
at most within 18 hours (now 36 liability but serve only to reduce the penalty.
hours, Art.
125 RPC); otherwise, the public officer  One single fact cannot be made the basis of
more than one mitigating circumstance.
will be liable for arbitrary detention.
Hence, a mitigating circumstance arising

b. A mother who at the time of childbirth from a single fact, absorbs all the
was overcome by severe dizziness other mitigating circumstances arising
from the same fact.
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BASIS : Diminution of either freedom of 4. Minor delinquent under 18 years of
action intelligence or intent or on the age, sentence suspended (Art. 192,
lesser perversity of the offender. PD 603 as amended by PD 1179)
5. 18 years or over – full criminal
6. 70 years or over – mitigating, no
Source Subsections Arts. 68, 69 imposition of death penalty; if
1-10 of Art. and 64 already imposed, execution of death
13 (RPC) of RPC penalty is suspended and commuted.
As to the If not offset It operates  BASIS: diminution of intelligence
effect (by an to reduce
aggravating the penalty
circumstanc by one to 3. NO INTENTION TO COMMIT SO GRAVE
e) it will two degrees A WRONG
operate to depending
have the upon what Rule for the application:
penalty the law Can be taken into account only when
imposed at provides the facts proven show that there is a
its minimum notable and evident disproportion
period, between the means employed to execute
provided the
the criminal act and its consequences.
penalty is
a divisible
As to offset May be Cannot be
offset by offset  Intention may be ascertained by
aggravating considering:
circums- a) the weapon used
tance b) the part of the body injured
c) the injury inflicted
1. INCOMPLETE JUSTIFYING OR one (1) degree lower than
EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES that imposed. (Art. 68 par. 2)
 BASIS : intent is diminished
 Applies, when all the requisites
necessary to justify the act are not 4. PROVOCATION OR THREAT
PROVOCATION – any unjust or improper
 But in the case of “incomplete self- conduct or act of the offended party,
defense, defense of relatives, and capable of exciting, inciting or irritating
defense of a stranger”, unlawful any one.
aggression must be present, it being REQUISITES:
an indispensable requisite. 1. The provocation must be sufficient.
2. It must originate from the offended
2. UNDER 18, OR OVER 70 YEARS OLD party.
3. The provocation must be immediate to
 It is the age of the accused at the time the commission of the crime by the
of the commission of the crime person who is provoked.
which should be determined. His age  The threat should not be offensive and
at the time of the trial is immaterial. positively strong. Otherwise, the
threat to inflict real injury is an
Legal effects of various ages of offender unlawful aggression, which may give
1. Nine (9) years of age and below – rise to self-defense.
exempting circumstance. (Art. 12, 5. VINDICATION OF GRAVE OFFENSE
1. That there be a grave offense done
2. Over 9 but not more than 15 – to
exempting unless, he acted the one committing the felony, his
with discernment in which case spouse, ascendants; descendants,
penalty is reduced to at least two legitimate, natural or adopted
(2) degrees lower than that brothers or sisters or relatives by
imposed. (Art. 12, par. 3; Art. 68, affinity within the same degrees;
par. 1) 2. That the felony is committed in
3. Above 15 but under 18 - regardless of immediate vindication of such
discernment, penalty is reduced by grave offense.

long as the from the

 “Immediate” allows for a lapse of time offender is
unlike in sufficient provocation, as still suffering
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mental agony brought about by the - the offense need -must immediately
offense to him. not be immediate. It precede the
is only required that commission of the
PROVOCATION VINDICATION the influence thereof crime.
lasts until the
moment the crime
is committed
1. It is made 1. The grave
directly only to the
offense may be
person committing committed also
the felony. against the
mentioned by law. 1. That the offender had not been
2. The cause that 2. The offended actually arrested;
brought about party must have 2. That the offender surrendered
the provocation done a grave himself to a person in authority or
need not be a offense to the to the
grave offense. offender or latter’s agent;
his relatives 3. That the surrender was voluntary.
mentioned by law.
3. It is necessary 3. The vindication
that the provocation of the grave offense
or threat may be proximate, A surrender to be voluntary must be
immediately which admits of an spontaneous, showing the intent of
preceded the act. INTERVAL of time. the accused to submit himself
unconditionally to the authorities, either
1. he acknowledges his guilt; or
5. PASSION OR OBFUSCATION 2. he wishes to save them the trouble
and expense necessarily incurred in his
It requires that: search and capture.
1. The accused acted upon an impulse. REQUISITES OF VOLUNTARY PLEA OF
2. The impulse must be so powerful GUILTY:
that 1. That the offender spontaneously
it naturally produced passion confessed his guilt.
or obfuscation in him. 2. That the confession of guilt was
made in open court, that is,
REQUISITES: before the competent court that is
1. That there be an act, both unlawful to try the case; and
and sufficient to produce such 3. That the confession of guilt was
a condition of mind; made prior to the presentation of
2. That said act which produced the evidence for the prosecution.
obfuscation was not far removed  BASIS: lesser perversity of the
from the commission of the crime offender.
by a considerable length of time,
during which the perpetrator might 8. PHYSICAL DEFECT OF OFFENDER
recover his normal equanimity.
 When the offender is deaf and
 A mitigating circumstance only when dumb, blind or otherwise suffering from
the same arose from lawful some physical defect, restricting his
sentiments. means of action, defense or
communication with others.
 BASIS: Loss of reasoning and self-
control, thereby diminishing the  The physical defect must relate to the
exercise of his will power. offense committed.

WHEN PASSION OR OBFUSCATION NOT the provocation comes from the injured
MITIGATING: When committed: party.
1. In the spirit of lawlessness, or
2. In a spirit of revenge  BASIS: diminution of element
of voluntariness.
- produced by ROVION
PASSION/ an impulse which
provocation REQUISITES:

P a g e 12 | 61
1. That the illness of the offender i) Craft, fraud or disguise;
must diminish the exercise of his j) Unlawful entry;
will- power. k) Breaking of parts of the house;
2. That such illness should not deprive l) Use of persons under 15 years of
the offender of consciousness of his age.

 Includes illness of the mind not 2. Specific – those which apply only to
amounting to insanity. specific crimes, such as ignominy in
crimes against chastity and cruelty and
 BASIS: diminution of intelligence and treachery which are applicable only to
crimes against persons.
a) Disregard of rank, age or sex
due the offended party;
b) Abuse of superior strength or
means be employed to weaken the
1) Impulse of jealousy, similar to passion defense;
and obfuscation. c) Treachery (alevosia);
2) Testifying for the prosecution, d) Ignominy;
analogous to plea of guilty e) Cruelty;
f) Use of unlicensed firearm in the
murder or homicide committed
Chapter Four: Circumstances which therewith (RA 8294).
Aggravate Criminal Liability (Art. 14)

Aggravating circumstances – are those 3. Qualifying – those that change the

which, if attendant in the commission of nature of the crime.
the crime, serve to have the penalty  Alevosia (treachery) or evident
imposed in its maximum period provided premeditation qualifies the killing
by law for the offense or change the of a person to murder.
nature of the crime.  Art. 248 enumerates the qualifying
aggravating circumstances which
BASIS: quality the killing of person to
They are based on the greater perversity murder.
of the offender manifested in
the commission of the felony as shown by:
1. the motivating power itself, 4. Inherent – those which of necessity
2. the place of the commission, accompany the commission of
3. the means and ways employed the crime, therefore not considered
4. the time, or in increasing the penalty to be
5. the personal circumstances of imposed, such as:
the offender, or the offended party. a) Evident premeditation in robbery,
theft, estafa, adultery and
CIRCUMSTANCES: b) Abuse of public office in bribery;
c) Breaking of a wall or unlawful
1. Generic – those which apply to all entry into a house in robbery
crimes, such as: with the use of force upon things;
a) Advantage taken of d) Fraud in estafa;
public position; e) Deceit in simple seduction;
b) Contempt or insult of public f) Ignominy in rape.
c) Crime committed in the dwelling
of the offended party; 5. Special – those which arise under
d) Abuse of confidence or obvious special conditions to increase the
ungratefulness; penalty of the offense and cannot be
e) Place where crime is committed; offset by mitigating circumstances,
f) Nighttime, uninhabited place, or such as:
band; a) Quasi-recidivism (Art. 160);
g) Recidivism (reincidencia); b) Complex crimes (Art. 48);
h) Habituality (reiteracion); c) Error in personae (Art. 49);

P a g e 13 | 61
d) Taking advantage of public circumstances are attendant. (Art. 62,
position and membership in an par. 3)
organized/syndicated crime group 4. The circumstances which consist
(Par.1[a], Art. 62). a) In the material execution of
the act, or
GENERIC QUALIFYING b) In the means employed
CIRCUMSTANCE CIRCUMSTANCE shall serve to aggravate the liability of
As to its effect those persons only who had knowledge
Increases the penalty To give the crime of them at the time of the
which should be its proper and execution
imposed upon exclusive name and of the act or their cooperation
the accused to to place the author therein. Except when there is proof of
the maximum period thereof in such a conspiracy in which case the act of
but without situation as to one is deemed to be the act of all,
exceeding the limit deserve no other regardless of lack of knowledge of
prescribed by law. penalty than that
the facts constituting the
specially prescribed
by law for said
circumstance. (Art. 62, par. 4)
crime. 5. Aggravating circumstances, regardless
of its kind, should be specifically
alleged in the information AND proved
As to whether it can be offset by a
as fully as the crime itself in order to
mitigating circumstance
May be offset by Cannot be offset by a
increase the penalty. (Sec. 9, Rule
a mitigating mitigating 110, 2000 Rules of Criminal
circumstance. circumstance Procedure)
6. When there is more than one
qualifying aggravating circumstance
RULES ON AGGRAVATING shall only serve to aggravate
CIRCUMSTANCES the liability of the principals,
1. Aggravating circumstances shall not be accomplices and accessories as to
appreciated if: whom such
a) They constitute a crime specially present, one of them will be
punishable by law, or appreciated as qualifying aggravating
b) They are included by the law in
while the others will be considered
defining a crime and prescribing
as generic aggravating.
a penalty therefor, shall not
be taken into account for the
purpose of increasing the penalty.
EXAMPLE: “That the crime
Par. 1. – That advantage be taken by
be the offender of his public position.
committed by means
of  Applicable only when the offender is a
…fire,…explosion” (Art. 14, par. 12) is public officer.
in itself a crime of arson (Art. 321)  The offender must have abused his
or a crime involving destruction public position or at least use of the
(Art. same facilitated the commission of the
324). It is not to be considered offense.
to increase the penalty for the crime  This circumstance cannot be taken
of arson or for the crime into consideration in offenses where
involving destruction. taking advantage of official position
2. The same rule shall apply with respect is made by law an integral element
to any aggravating circumstance of the crime, such as in
inherent in the crime to such a degree malversation under Art. 217, or in
that it must of necessity accompany falsification of a document
the commission thereof. (Art. 62, par. committed by public officers
2) under Art. 171.
3. Aggravating circumstances which  Taking advantage of a public position
arise: is also inherent in the case of
a) From the moral attributes of the accessories under Art. 19, par.
offender, or 3 (harboring, concealing, or assisting
b) From his private relations with the in the escape of the principal of
offended party, or the
c) From any personal cause, crime), and in crimes committed by
public officers (Arts. 204-245).
P a g e 14 | 61
Par. 2 – That the crime be committed in fix the relative position of the offended
contempt of or with insult to the party in reference to others.
public authorities. - there must be a difference in the
social condition of the offender and the
1. That the public authority is engaged in
the exercise of his functions. Age of the offended party – may refer
2. That he who is thus engaged in the to old age or the tender age of the victim.
exercise of said functions is not the
person against whom the crime is Sex of the offended party – refers to
committed. the female sex, not to the male sex.
3. The offender knows him to be a public
4. His presence has not prevented DISREGARD OF RANK, AGE, OR SEX
the offender from committing the IS NOT APPLICABLE IN THE
criminal act. FOLLOWING CASES:
1. When the offender acted with
Public authority – sometimes also called a passion and obfuscation.
person in authority, is a public officer who is 2. When there exists a relationship
directly vested with jurisdiction, that is, a between the offended party and the
public officer who has the power to offender.
govern and execute the laws; like a 3. When the condition of being a
mayor, councilor, governor, barangay woman
captain and barangay chairman. is indispensable in the commission of
the crime. (e.g. in parricide,
 A teacher or professor of a public or abduction, seduction and rape)
recognized private school is not a
“public authority within  Disregard of sex and age are not
the contemplation of this absorbed in treachery because
paragraph. While he is a person in treachery refers to the manner of
authority under Art. 152, that the commission of the crime,
status is only for purposes of Art. while disregard of sex and age
148 (direct assault) and Art. 152 pertains to the relationship of the
(resistance and disobedience). victim (People vs. Lapaz, March 31,
Par. 3 – That the act be committed Dwelling – must be a building or structure,
(1) with insult or in disregard exclusively used for rest and comfort. A
of “combination of a house and a store” or a
the respect due the offended party on market stall where the victim slept is
account of his (a) rank, (b) age, or (c) not a dwelling.
sex, or - dwelling includes
(2) that it be committed in the dependencies, the foot of the
dwelling of the offended party, if the staircase and enclosure under the house.
latter has not given provocation.  The aggravating circumstance of
dwelling requires that the crime
 The four circumstances enumerated be wholly or partly committed
should be considered as one therein or in any integral part thereof.
aggravating circumstance only.  Dwelling does not mean the
 Disregard of rank, age or sex permanent residence or domicile of
is essentially applicable only to the offended party or that he must be
crimes against person or honor. They the owner thereof. He must, however,
are not be actually living or dwelling therein
taken into account in crimes against even for a temporary duration or
property. purpose.
 To be appreciated as an aggravating
circumstance, there must be  It is not necessary that the accused
evidence should have actually entered the
that in the commission of the crime, dwelling of the victim to commit the
the offender deliberately intended to offense; it is enough that the victim
offend or insult the sex, age and was attacked inside his own
rank house, although the assailant may
of the offended party. have devised means to perpetrate
Rank of the offended party – is the the assault from without.
designation or title of distinction used to

P a g e 15 | 61
WHAT AGGRAVATES THE COMMISSION 4. When the owner of the dwelling
OF gave sufficient and immediate
1. The abuse of confidence which
the offended party reposed in the
offender by opening the door to him; or
2. The violation of the sanctity of the
home by trespassing therein with
violence or against the will of the


The provocation must be:
1. Given by the owner of the dwelling,
2. Sufficient, and
3. Immediate to the commission of the

 If all these conditions are present, the

offended party is deemed to have
given the provocation, and the
fact that the crime is committed
in the dwelling of the offended party
is not an aggravating circumstance.
REASON: When it is the offended party
who has provoked the incident, he
loses his right to the respect and
consideration due him in his own


1. When both the offender and
the offended party are occupants of
the same house, and this is true
even if
offender is a servant in the house.
 EXCEPTION: In case of adultery in
the conjugal dwelling, the same
is aggravating. However, if
paramour also dwells in
conjugal dwelling, the applicable
aggravating circumstance is abuse
of confidence.

2. When robbery is committed by the use

of force upon things, dwelling is not
aggravating because it is inherent.
 But dwelling is aggravating in
robbery with violence against or
intimidation of persons because
this class of robbery can be
committed without the
of trespassing the sanctity of the
offended party’s house.

3. In the crime of trespass to dwelling, it is

inherent or included by law in
defining the crime.

P a g e 16 | 61
 There must exist a close relation
between the provocation made
by the victim and the commission
of the crime by the accused.

5. The victim is not a dweller of

the house.

Par. 4. – That the act be committed with

(1) abuse of confidence or
(2) obvious ungratefulness.

 Par. 4 provides two

aggravating circumstances which, if
present in the same case and must
be independently appreciated.
 While one may be related to the other
in the factual situation in the case,
they cannot be lumped together
abuse of confidence requires a
confidential relationship between the
offender and the victim, but this is not
so in ungratefulness.


1. That the offended party had trusted
the offender.
2. That the offender abused such trust by
committing a crime against the
offended party.
3. That the abuse of
confidence facilitated the
commission of the crime.
 Abuse of confidence is inherent in
malversation (Art. 217), qualified theft
(Art. 310), estafa by conversion or
misappropriation (Art. 315), and
qualified seduction (Art. 337).

1. That the offended party had trusted
the offender;
2. That the offender abused such trust by
committing a crime against the
offended party.
3. That the act be committed
with obvious ungratefulness.
 The ungratefulness contemplated by
par. 4 must be such clear and manifest
ingratitude on the part of the accused.

Par. 5 – That the crime be committed

(1) in the palace of the
Chief Executive, or in his
presence, or (2) where public
authorities are engaged in the
discharge of their duties, or
(3) in a place dedicated
to religious worship.

P a g e 17 | 61
 Except for the third which  When the place of the crime
requires that official functions is illuminated by light, nighttime is
are being performed at the not aggravating.
time of the commission of the GENERAL RULE: Nighttime is absorbed in
crime, the other places mentioned treachery.
are aggravating per se even if no EXCEPTION: Where both the treacherous
official duties or acts of religious mode of attack and nocturnity were
worship are being conducted there. deliberately decided upon in the same
case, they can be considered separately if
 Cemeteries, however respectable they such circumstances have different factual
may be, are not considered as place bases. Thus:
dedicated to the worship of God.  In People vs. Berdida, et. al. (June
PAR. 5. Where PAR. 2. Contempt 30, 1966), nighttime was
public authorities or insult to public considered since it was purposely
are engaged in authorities sought, and treachery was further
the discharge of appreciated because the victim’s
their duties hands and arms were tied together
In both before he was beaten up by the
Public authorities are in the performance of accused.
their duties  In People vs. Ong, et. al. (Jan. 30,
Place where public duty is performed 1975), there was treachery as
In their office. Outside of their the victim was stabbed while
office. lying face up and defenseless,
and nighttime was considered
The offended party
upon proof that it facilitated
May or may not be Public authority
commission of the offense and was
the public authority should not be the
offended party taken advantage of by the

P a g e 18 | 61
Par. 6. – That the crime
be committed
(1) in the nighttime, or
(2) in an uninhabited place, or
(3) by a band, whenever such circumstance may facilitate the
commission of the offense.

 When present in the same case and their element are distinctly palpable and can
subsist independently, they shall be considered separately.


1. When it facilitated the commission of the crime; or
2. When especially sought for by the
offender to insure the commission of the crime or for the purpose of impunity; or
3. When the offender took advantage
thereof for the purpose of impunity.

Nighttime (obscuridad) – that period of darkness beginning at end of dusk and ending
at dawn. Nights are from sunset to sunrise.

 It is necessary that the commission of the crime was begun and completed at nighttime.
Uninhabited place (despoblado) – one where there are no houses at all; a place at a
considerable distance from town, or where the houses are scattered at a great distance
from each other.
 What actually determines whether this aggravating circumstance should be considered
against the accused, aside from the distance and isolation of the place, is the
reasonable possibility of the victim receiving or securing aid from third persons.
Band (en cuadrilla) – whenever more than three (i.e., at least four) armed
malefactors shall have acted together in the commission of an offense, it shall be deemed
committed by a band.
 The requisite four armed persons
contemplated in this circumstance must all be principals by direct participation who acted together
in the execution of the acts constituting the crime.

If one of them was a principal by inducement, there would be no cuadrilla but the aggravating
circumstance of having acted with the aid of armed men may be considered against the
inducer if the other two acted as his accomplice

P a g e 19 | 61
Par. 6 “By a Par. 8. “With the
 This aggravating circumstance is band” aid of armed
absorbed in the circumstance of abuse men”
of superior strength. As to their number
 This aggravating circumstance is not Requires more than At least two
applicable in crimes against chastity. three armed
malefactors (i.e., at
Par. 7 – That the crime be committed on least four)
the occasion of a conflagration, As to their action
shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or Requires that more This circumstance is
other calamity or misfortune. than three armed present even if
malefactors shall one of the
have acted together offenders merely
REASON FOR THE AGGRAVATION: in the commission relied on their aid,
The debased form of criminality met in of an offense. for actual aid is not
one who, in the midst of a great calamity, necessary.
instead of lending aid to the
adds to their suffering by taking advantage  If there are four armed men, aid of
of their misfortune to despoil them. armed men is absorbed in employment
Therefore it is necessary that the offender of a band. If there are three armed
took advantage of the calamity men or less, aid of armed men may be
or misfortune. the aggravating circumstance.
 “Aid of armed men” includes
Par. 8 – That the crime be committed “armed women.”
with the aid of Par. 9 – That the accused is a recidivist.
(1) armed men or REQUISITES:
(2)persons who insure 1. That the offender is on trial for an
or afford impunity. offense;
2. That he was previously convicted by
REQUISITES: final judgment of another crime;
1. That armed men or persons took 3. That both the first and the
part in the commission of the second offenses are embraced in
crime, directly or indirectly. the same title of the Code;
2. That the accused availed himself of 4. That the offender is convicted of the
their aid or relied upon them when the new offense.
crime was committed.
MEANING OF “at the time of his trial for
 This aggravating circumstance requires one crime.”
that the armed men are accomplices It is employed in its general
who take part in that minor capacity sense, including the rendering of the
directly or indirectly, and not when judgment. It is meant to include everything
they were merely present at the crime that is done in the course of the
scene. Neither should they constitute trial, from arraignment until after
a band, for then the proper sentence is announced by the judge in
aggravating circumstance would be open court.
cuadrilla.  Being an ordinary aggravating
circumstance, recidivism affects only
the periods of a penalty, except
WHEN THIS AGGRAVATING in prostitution and vagrancy (Art.
CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL NOT BE 202) and gambling (PD 1602)
CONSIDERED: wherein recidivism increases the
1. When both the attacking party and the penalties by degrees. No other
party attacked were equally armed. generic aggravating circumstance
2. When the accused as well as produces this effect.
those who cooperated with him  In recidivism it is sufficient that the
in the commission of the crime succeeding offense be
acted under the same plan and for committed after the commission of the
the same purpose. preceding offense provided that at
the time of his trial for the second
offense, the accused had already been
convicted of the first offense.

P a g e 20 | 61
 If both offenses were committed on It is necessary that It is enough that a
the same date, they shall be the offender final judgment has
considered as only one, hence, they shall have served been rendered in
cannot be separately counted in out his sentence the first offense.
order to constitute recidivism. for the first
Also, offense
As to the kind of offenses involved
judgments of convicted handed down
on the same day shall be considered as The previous and Requires that the
only one conviction. subsequent offenses offenses be
REASON: Because the Code requires must not be em included in the
braced in the same same title of the
that to be considered as separate
title of the Code. Code.
convictions, at the time of his trial for
one crime the accused shall have been
previously convicted by final judgment THE FOUR FORMS OF REPETITION ARE:
of the other.
 To prove recidivism, it is necessary 1. Recidivism (par. 9, Art. 14) – where a
to allege the same in the information person, on separate occasions, is
and to attach thereto certified copy of convicted of two offenses embraced in the
the same title in the RPC. This is a generic
sentences rendered against the aggravating circumstance.
2. Reiteracion or habituality (par. 10, Art.
 Recidivism must be taken into account 14) – where the offender has been
no matter how many years have previously punished for an offense to
intervened between the first and which the law attaches an equal or greater
second felonies. penalty or for two crimes to which it
attaches a lighter penalty. This is a
 Even if the accused was granted a generic aggravating circumstance.
pardon for the first offense, but he
commits another felony embraced in 3. Multi-recidivism or habitual delinquency
the same title of the Code, the first (Art. 62, par, 5) – where a person within a
conviction is still counted to make him a period of ten years from the date of his
recidivist since pardon does not release or last conviction of the crimes
obliterate the fact of his prior of serious or less serious physical
conviction. injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or
The rule is different in the case of falsification, is found guilty of the said
amnesty which theoretically considers crimes a third time or oftener. This is
the previous transgressions as not an extraordinary aggravating
punishable. circumstance.

Par. 10 – That the offender has been 4. Quasi-recidivism (Art. 160) – Where a
previously punished for an offense person commits felony before beginning to
to which the law attaches an equal serve or while serving sentence on a
or greater penalty or for two or previous conviction for a felony. This is
more crimes to which it attaches a a special aggravating circumstance.
lighter penalty.  Since reiteracion provides that the
accused has duly served the sentence
REQUISITES of REITERACION or for his previous conviction/s, or is
HABITUALITY: legally considered to have done
1. That the accused is on trial for so, quasi-recidivism cannot at the
an offense; same time constitute reiteracion, hence
2. That he previously served sentence for this aggravating circumstance cannot
another offense to which the law apply to a quasi-recidivist.
attaches an  If the same set of facts
a) Equal or constitutes recidivism and reiteracion,
b) Greater penalty, or the liability of the accused should be
c) For two or more crimes to which it aggravated by recidivism which can
attaches a lighter penalty than easily be proven.
that for the new offense; and
3. That he is convicted of the new Par. 11 – That the crime be committed
offense in consideration of a price, reward or
CN RECIDIVISM As to the  When this aggravating circumstance is
offense present, there must be two or more

P a g e 21 | 61
principals, the one who gave or 2. An act manifestly indicating that the
offered the price or promise and the culprit has clung to his
one who accepted it, both of whom determination; and
are principals. 3. A sufficient lapse of time between the
determination and execution, to
 If without previous promise it was allow him to reflect upon the
given voluntarily after the crime had consequences of his act and to allow
been committed as an expression of his conscience to overcome the
his appreciation for the sympathy resolution of his will.
and aid shown by the other
accused, it should not be taken into  To establish evident premeditation, it
consideration for the purpose of must be shown that there was a period
increasing the penalty. sufficient to afford full opportunity for
meditation and reflection, a time
 The price, reward or promise need not adequate to allow the conscience to
consist of or refer to material things or overcome the resolution of the will, as
that the same were actually delivered, well as outward acts showing the
it being sufficient that the offer made intent to kill. It must be shown
by the principal by inducement be that the offender had sufficient
accepted by the principal by time to reflect upon the
direct participation before the consequences of his act but still
commission of the offense. persisted in his determination to
commit the crime. (PEOPLE vs.
Par. 12 – That the crime be committed SILVA, et. al., GR No.
by means of inundation, fire, 140871, August 8, 2002)
poison, explosion, stranding of a
vessel or intentional damage thereto,  The essence of evident premeditation
derailment of a locomotive, or by the is that the execution of the criminal
use of any other artifice involving great act is preceded by cool thought and
waste and ruin. reflection upon the resolution to carry
out the criminal intent within a
 When another aggravating space of time sufficient to arrive at
circumstance already qualifies the a calm judgment. (PEOPLE vs.
crime, any of these ABADIES, GR No. 135975, August 14,
aggravating circumstances shall be 2002)
considered as generic aggravating
circumstance only.  Evident premeditation is presumed to
exist when conspiracy is directly
 A killing committed through any of established. When conspiracy is
these qualifies the crime to murder, merely implied, evident premeditation
except if arson was resorted to but cannot be presumed, the latter must
without intent to kill, in view of be proved like any other fact. (PEOPLE
P.D. vs. SAPIGAO, et. al., GR No. 144975,
1613 which provides a specific penalty June 18, 2003)
for that situation.
 Premeditation is absorbed by reward
or promise.

 When the offender decides to kill a

PAR. 12 “by PAR. 10 “on the particular person and premeditated on
means of occasion of a the killing of the latter, but when
inundation, fire, conflagration, he carried out his plan he actually
etc.” shipwreck, etc. killed another person, it cannot
The crime is The crime is properly be said that he
committed by committed on the premeditated on the killing of the
means of any occasion of a actual victim.
such acts involving calamity or
great waste or ruin. misfortune.
 But if the offender premeditated on
the killing of any person, it is proper
to consider against the offender the
Par. 13 – That the act be committed 1. The time when the offender
with evident premeditation determined to commit the crime;
The prosecution must prove –

P a g e 22 | 61
aggravating circumstance of
premeditation, because whoever is
killed by him is contemplated in his

Par. 14 – That (1) craft, (2) fraud, or (3)

disguise be employed

P a g e 23 | 61
 The test of disguise is whether
Craft (astucia) – involved the use of the device or contrivance resorted to
intellectual trickery or cunning on the part by the offender was intended to or
of the accused. did make identification more
- it is a chicanery difficult, such as the use of a mask or
resorted to by the accused to aid in the false hair or beard.
execution of his criminal design. It is
employed as a scheme in the execution of  The use of an assumed name in the
the crime. publication of a libel constitutes
Fraud (fraude) – insidious words or Par. 15 – That (1) advantage be taken of
machinations used to induce the victim superior strength, or (2) means
to act in a manner which would enable be employed to weaken the defense.
the offender to carry out his design.  Par. 15 enunciates two aggravating

Where there is The act of the circumstances, namely, that
a direct accused done in advantage was taken of superior
inducement by order not to strength, or that means
insidious words or arouse the suspicion
machinations, fraud were employed by the offender to
of the victim weaken the defense of the victim,
is present. constitutes craft.
either of which qualifies a killing to

 MEANING OF “advantage be taken”:

According to Justice Regalado, the fine To deliberately use excessive force that
distinctions between “craft” and “fraud” is
would not really be called for as these out of proportion to the means for self-
terms in Art. 14 are variants of means
employed to deceive the victim and if defense available to the person attacked.
all are present in the same case, they (PEOPLE vs. LOBRIGAS, et. al., GR
shall be applied as a single aggravating
circumstance. No.
147649, December 17, 2002)
 Craft and fraud may be absorbed in
treachery if they have been
deliberately adopted as the means,
methods or forms for the treacherous NO ADVANTAGE OF SUPERIOR
strategy, or they may co-exist STRENGTH IN THE FOLLOWING:
independently where they are adopted 1. One who attacks another with
for a different purpose in the passion and obfuscation does not
commission of the crime. take advantage of his superior strength.
2. When a quarrel arose
 For instance: unexpectedly and the fatal blow
 In People vs. San Pedro (Jan. 22, was struck at a time when the
1980), where the accused aggressor and his victim were engaged
pretended to hire the driver in against each other as man to man.
order to get his vehicle, it
was held that there was craft  For abuse of superior strength, the
directed to the theft of the test is the relative strength of
vehicle, separate from the the offender and his victim, whether
means subsequently used to or not he took advantage of his
treacherously kill the defenseless greater strength.
 In People vs. Masilang (July  When there are several offenders
11, participating in the crime, they must
1986) there was also craft where all be principals by direct participation
after hitching a ride, the accused and their attack against the victim
requested the driver to take must be concerted and intended to be
them to a place to visit somebody, so.
when in fact they had already
planned to kill the driver.  Abuse of superior strength is inherent
in the crime of parricide where the
Disguise (disfraz) – resorting to any husband kills the wife. It is generally
device to conceal identity. accepted that the husband is
physically stronger than the wife.

P a g e 24 | 61
 Abuse of superior strength is also Treachery (alevosia) – is present when
present when the offender uses a the offender commits any of the crimes
weapon which is out of proportion to against person, employing means, methods
the defense available to the or forms in the execution thereof which
offended party. tend directly and specially to insure its
execution, without risk to himself arising
“by a band” “abuse of from the defense which the offended party
superior might make.
The element of The gravamen of REQUISITES OF TREACHERY:
band is appreciated abuse of superiority 1. That at the time of the attack, the
when the offense is is the taking victim was not in a position to defend
committed by more advantage by the himself; and
than three armed culprits of their 2. That the offender consciously adopted
malefactors collective strength the particular means, method or
regardless of the to overpower their
form of attack employed by him.
relatively weaker
strength of the victim or victims.  The test of treachery is not only the
victim or victims. relative position of the parties
Hence, what is but, more specifically, whether or not
taken into account the victim was forewarned or afforded
here is not the the opportunity to make a defense or
number of to ward off the attack.
aggressors nor the
armed, but their 1. Applicable only to crimes against
relative physical
strength vis-a
vis the offended
 Abuse of superior strength absorbs persons.
cuadrilla (“band”). 2. Means, methods or forms need not
insure accomplishment of crime.
“Means employed to weaken defense” - 3. The mode of attack must be
the offender employs means that consciously adopted.
materially weakens the resisting power  Treachery is taken into account even if
of the offended party. the crime against the person is
complexed with another felony
EXAMPLES OF “means employed involving a different classification in
to weaken defense” the Code. Accordingly, in the special
1. Where one, struggling with complex crime of robbery with
another, suddenly throws a cloak over homicide, treachery but can be
the head of his opponent and while appreciated insofar as the killing
in this situation he wounds or kills him. is concerned.
2. One who, while fighting with  The suddenness of attack does not,
another, suddenly casts sand or dirt of itself, suffice to support a finding
upon the latter eyes and then of alevosia, even if the purpose was
wounds or kills him. to
3. When the offender, who had kill, so long as the decision was
the intention to kill the victim, made made all of a sudden and the
the deceased intoxicated, victim’s helpless position was
thereby materially weakening the accidental.
latter’s resisting power.  Treachery must be appreciated in the
killing of a child even if the manner of
 This circumstance is applicable only to attack is not shown. It exists in the
crimes against persons, and sometimes commission of the crime when the
against person and property, such as adult person illegally attacks a child of
robbery with physical injuries or tender years and causes his death.
When the aggression is continuous,
Par. 16 – That the act be committed treachery must be present in the beginning
with treachery (alevosia). of the assault. (PEOPLE vs. MANALAD, GR
No. 128593, August 14, 2002)
 Thus, even if the deceased was
shot while he was lying wounded

P a g e 25 | 61
on the ground, it appearing that ignominy to the natural effects of the
the firing of the shot was a act.
mere continuation of the
assault in which the deceased was Ignominy – is a circumstance pertaining to
wounded, with no the moral order, which adds disgrace
appreciable time intervening and obloquy to the material injury
between the delivery of the blows caused by the crime.
and the firing of the shot, it
cannot be said that the crime was MEANING OF “which add ignominy to the
attended by treachery. natural effects thereof”
The means employed or
the circumstances brought about must tend
When the assault was not continuous, in to make the effects of the crime
that there was interruption, it is sufficient more humiliating to victim or to put
that treachery was present at the moment the offended party to shame, or add to
the fatal blow was given. his moral suffering. Thus it is incorrect
 Hence, even though in the to appreciate ignominy where the victim
inception of the aggression which was already dead when his body
ended in the death of was dismembered, for such act may
the deceased, treachery was not be considered to have added to the
not present, if there was a break victim’s moral suffering or humiliation.
in the continuity of the (People vs. Carmina, G.R. No. 81404,
aggression and at the time of January 28,
the fatal wound was inflicted 1991)
on the deceased he was
defenseless, the circumstance of  Applicable to crimes against chastity,
treachery must be taken into less serious physical injuries, light or
account. grave coercion, and murder.

ALEVOSIA SHOULD BE CONSIDERED EVEN Par. 18 – That the crime be committed

IF: after an unlawful entry.
1. The victim was not predetermined but
there was a generic intent to Unlawful entry – when an entrance is
treacherously kill any first two persons effected by a way not intended for the
belonging to a class. (The same rule
obtains for evident premeditation).
2. There was aberratio ictus and the
 Unlawful entry must be a means to
bullet hit a person different from effect entrance and not for escape.
that intended. (The rule is
different in evident premeditation). REASON FOR AGGRAVATION:
3. There was error in personae, hence One who acts, not respecting the walls
the victim was not the one intended erected by men to guard their property
by the accused. (A different rule is and provide for their personal safety,
applied in evident premeditation). shows a greater perversity, a greater
REASON FOR THE RULE: When there audacity; hence, the law punishes him
is treachery, it is impossible for either with more severity.
the intended victim or the actual
victim to defend himself against the Par. 19 – That as a means to the
aggression. commission of a crime, a wall,
roof, floor, door, or window be broken.

 This circumstance is aggravating only

in those cases where the offender
TREACHERY ABSORBS: resorted to any of said means to enter
1. Craft the house. If the wall, etc., is
2. Abuse of superior strength broken in order to get out of the
3. Employing means to weaken the place, it is not an aggravating
defense circumstance.
4. Cuadrilla (“band”)
PAR. 19 PAR. 18
5. Aid of armed men It involves the Presupposes that
6. Nighttime breaking there is no such
(rompimiento) of breaking as by entry
Par. 17 – That means be employed or the enumerated through the
parts of the house. window.
circumstances brought about which add

P a g e 21 | 61
 If the offender broke a window to 2. That the other wrong be unnecessary
enable himself to reach a purse with for the execution of the purpose of the
money on the table near that window, offender.
which he took while his body was
outside of the building, the crime of  Cruelty is not inherent in
theft was attended by this aggravating crimes against persons. In order for it
circumstance. It is not necessary that to be appreciated, there must be
the offender should have entered the positive proof that the wounds found
building. on the body of the victim were inflicted
while he was still alive in
Par. 20 – That the crime be committed order unnecessarily to prolong
(1) with the aid of persons under physical suffering.
fifteen years of age, or
(2) by means of motor vehicles,  If the victim was already dead when
airships, or other similar means. the acts of mutilation were being
performed, this would also qualify
TWO DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES the killing to murder due to
GROUPED IN THIS PARAGRAPH: outraging of his corpse.
1. With the aid of persons under fifteen
years of age: IGNOMINY CRUELTY (PAR.
 Tends to repress, so far as (PAR.17) 21)
possible, the frequent practice Involves moral Refers to physical
resorted to by professional suffering suffering
criminals to avail themselves of
minors taking advantage of their  Unlike mitigating circumstances (par.
irresponsibility. 10, Art. 13), there is no provision for
2. By means of motor vehicles, airships, aggravating circumstances of a
or other similar means: similar or analogous character.
 Intended to counteract the great
facilities found by modern  ART. 15 – ALTERNATIVE
criminals in said means to CIRCUMSTANCES
commit crime and flee and
abscond once the same is Alternative circumstances – are those
committed. which must be taken into consideration
 Use of motor vehicle is aggravating as aggravating or mitigating according to
where the accused purposely and
the nature and effects of the crime and
deliberately used the motor
the other conditions attending its
vehicle in going to the place of the
crime, in carrying away the effects
thereof, and in facilitating
The nature and effects of the crime and
their escape.
the other conditions attending
its commission.
MEANING OF “or other similar means”
Should be understood as referring
to motorized vehicles or other
1. Relationship;
efficient means of transportation
2. Intoxication; and
similar to automobile or airplane.
3. Degree of instruction and education of
the offender.
Par. 21 – That the wrong done in the
commission of the crime be deliberately
augmented by causing other wrong not The alternative circumstance of
necessary for its commission. relationship shall be taken
into consideration when the offended
Cruelty – there is cruelty when the culprit party is the –
enjoys and delights in making his victim a) Spouse,
suffer slowly and gradually, b) Ascendant,
causing unnecessary physical pain c) Descendant,
in the consummation of the criminal act. d) Legitimate, natural, or adopted
brother or sister, or
REQUISITES OF CRUELTY: e) Relative by affinity in the
1. That the injury caused be deliberately same degree of the offender.
increased by causing other wrong;

P a g e 22 | 61
OTHER RELATIVES INCLUDED: 3. In crimes against chastity, like acts of
1. The relationship of stepfather or lasciviousness (Art. 336), relationship
stepmother and stepson or is always aggravating, regardless of
stepdaughter. whether the offender is a relative of a
REASON: It is the duty of the higher or lower degree of the offended
stepparents to bestow upon their party.
stepchildren a mother’s/father’s
affection, care and protection.  When the qualification given to
2. The relationship of adopted parent the crime is derived from the
and adopted child. relationship between the offender
 But the relationship of uncle and niece and the offended party, it is neither
is not covered by any of mitigating nor aggravating,
the because it is inseparable from
relationship mentioned. and inherent in the offense. (e.g.
parricide, adultery and concubinage).
1. As a rule, relationship is mitigating
in crimes against property, by analogy
1. Mitigating –
to the provisions of Art. 332.
i. If intoxication is not habitual, or
 Thus, relationship is mitigating in
ii. If intoxication is not subsequent to
the crimes of robbery (Arts. 294-
the plan to commit a felony.
302), usurpation (Art. 312),
2. Aggravating –
fraudulent insolvency (Art. 314)
i. If intoxication is habitual, or
and arson (Arts. 321-322, 325-
ii. If it is intentional (subsequent to
the plan to commit a felony).
2. In crimes against persons –
a) It is aggravating where the TO BE ENTITLED TO THE MITIGATING
offended party is a relative of CIRCUMSTANCE OF INTOXICATION, IT
I. a higher degree than the MUST BE SHOWN:
offender, or 1. That at the time of the commission
II. when the offender and the of the criminal act, the accused
offended party are relatives of has taken such quantity of alcoholic
the same level (e.g. brothers) drinks as to blur his reason and
b) But when it comes to physical deprive him of a certain degree of
injuries: control, and
i. It is aggravating when the 2. That such intoxication is not
crime involves serious physical habitual, or subsequent to the plan
injuries (Art. 263), even if to commit the felony.
the offended party is a  To be mitigating, the accused’s
descendant of the offender. state of intoxication must be proved.
But the serious physical Once intoxication is established
injuries must not be inflicted by
by a parent upon his child satisfactory evidence, in the absence
by excessive chastisement. of proof to the contrary, it is
ii. It is mitigating when presumed to be non-habitual
the offense committed is or unintentional.
less serious physical injuries
or slight physical injuries, if Instruction or education
the offended party is a – as an alternative circumstance,
relative of a lower degree. does not refer only to literary but more to
iii. It is aggravating if the the level of intelligence of the accused.
offended party is a relative - refers to the lack of sufficient
of ahigher degree of the intelligence and knowledge of the full
offender. significance of one’s acts.
c) When the crime is homicide or - Low degree of instruction and
murder, relationship is aggravating education or lack of it is generally
even if the victim of the crime is a mitigating. High degree of instruction
relative of a lower degree. and education is aggravating, when
d) In rape, relationship is aggravating the offender took advantage of his
where a stepfather raped his learning in committing the crime.
stepdaughter or in a case where
a father raped his own daughter. GENERAL RULE: Lack of sufficient
education is mitigating.

P a g e 23 | 61

P a g e 24 | 61
1. Crimes against property (e.g. the imputation tends to blacken the
arson, estafa, theft, robbery) memory of one who is dead.
2. Crimes against chastity, and  This article applies only when the
3. Treason – because love of country offenders are to be judged by their
should be a natural feeling of every individual, and not collective, liability.
citizen, however unlettered or
uncultured he may be.  ART. 17 PRINCIPALS


FOR FELONIES 1. Those who take a direct part in the
execution of the act (PRINCIPAL
2. Those who directly force or
1. Principals others to commit it (PRINCIPAL BY
2. Accomplices INDUCTION)
3. Accessories 3. Those who cooperate in the
commission of the offense by another
FOR LIGHT FELONIES act without which it would not have
1. Principals been accomplished (PRINCIPAL BY

 Accessories are not liable for light Par. 1 – Principals by direct

felonies. participation
REASON: In the commission of
light felonies, the social wrong as REQUISITES:
well as the individual prejudice is 1. That they participated in the
so small that penal sanction is criminal resolution; and
deemed not necessary for accessories. 2. That they carried out their plan and
personally took part in its execution
by acts which directly tended to the
 The classification of the offenders as
same end.
principal, accomplice, or an
accessory is essential under
MEANING OF “personally took part in its
the RPC. The classification maybe
applied to special laws only if the latter
That the principal by direct participation
provides for the same graduated
must be at the scene of the commission of
penalties as those provided under the
the crime, personally taking part in
its execution.
Par. 2 – Principals by induction
1. That the inducement be made directly
1. Active subject (the criminal) with the intention of procuring
 Art. 16 enumerates the
the commission of the crime; and
active subjects of the crime.
2. That such inducement be
2. Passive subject (the injured party)
 Is the holder of the injured right: the determining cause of the
the man, the juristic person, the commission of the crime by the material
group, and the State. executor.

 Only natural persons can be the active  One cannot be held guilty of having
subject of crime because of the highly instigated the commission of the crime
personal nature of the criminal without first being shown that the
responsibility. crime was actually committed
(or attempted) by another.
 However, corporation and partnership Thus, there can be no principal by
can be a passive subject of a crime. inducement (or by indispensable
 Corpses and animals cannot be passive cooperation) unless there is a principal
subjects because they have no rights by direct participation. But there can
that may be injured. be a principal by direct participation
EXCEPTION: Under Art. 253, the
of defamation may be committed if

P a g e 25 | 61
without a principal by inducement
(or by indispensable cooperation). Becomes liable only The mere
TWO WAYS OF BECOMING PRINCIPAL BY when the crime is proposal to commit a
INDUCTION: committed by felony is punishable
1. By directly forcing another to the principal by in treason or
direct participation. rebellion. However,
commit a crime by –
the person to
a) Using irresistible force.
whom the
b) Causing uncontrollable fear. proposal is made
 In these cases, there is no should not commit
conspiracy, not even a unity the crime,
of criminal purpose and otherwise, the
intention. proponent becomes
Only the one using the force or a principal by
causing the fear is criminally What kind of crime involved
liable. The material executor is
not criminally liable because of Involves any crime The proposal to
Art. 12, pars. 5 and 6 be punishable
must involve only
(exempting circumstances) treason or rebellion.
2. By directly inducing another to commit
a crime by –
a) Giving of price, or offering of
 The one giving the price or BY DIRECT PARTICIPATION UPON
offering the reward or promise LIABILITY OF PRINCIPAL BY INDUCEMENT:
is a principal by 1. Conspiracy is negatived by the
inducement acquittal of co-defendant.
while the one committing the 2. One cannot be held guilty of having
crime in consideration thereof instigated the commission of a crime
is a principal by direct without first being shown that the
participation. There is crime has been actually committed
collective criminal by another.
responsibility.  But if the one charged as principal
b) Using words of command by direct participation is acquitted
 The person who used the because he acted without criminal
words of command is a intent or malice, his acquittal is
principal by inducement while not a ground for the acquittal of
the person who committed the the principal by inducement.
crime because of the words REASON FOR THE RULE: In
of command is a principal exempting circumstances, such as
by direct participation. There when the act is not voluntary
is also collective because of lack of intent on the
criminal responsibility. part of the accused, there is
 The inducement must precede the a crime committed, only that
act induced and must be so the accused is not a criminal.
influential in producing the Par. 3 – Principal by
criminal act that without it, the indispensable cooperation
act would not have been performed.
 If the person who actually committed 1. Participation in the criminal
the crime had reason of his own to resolution, that is, there is either
commit the crime, it cannot be said anterior conspiracy or unity of criminal
that the inducement was influential in purpose and intention immediately
producing the criminal act. before the commission of the crime
charged; and
2. Cooperation in the commission of
PRINCIPAL BY OFFENDER WHO offense by performing another act,
INDUCEMENT MADE PROPOSAL without which it would not have
TO COMMIT A been accomplished.
In both

There is an inducement to commit a crime

When liable

P a g e 26 | 61
MEANING OF “cooperation in the simultaneous acts, with the intention
commission of the offense” of supplying material or moral aid in
Means to desire or wish in common a the execution of the crime in an
thing. But that common will or purpose efficacious way; and
does not necessarily mean previous 3. That there be a relation between
understanding, for it can be explained or the acts done by the principal and
inferred from the circumstances of each those attributed to the person charged
case. as an accomplice.
 Before there could be an accomplice,
 If the cooperation is not indispensable, there must be a principal by direct
the offender is only an accomplice. participation.
 The person charged as an accomplice
should not have inflicted a mortal
COLLECTIVE CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY wound. If he inflicted a mortal wound,
 This is present when the offenders are he becomes a principal by
criminally liable in the same manner direct
and to the same extent. The penalty participation.
to be imposed must be the same for  In case of doubt, the participation of
all. the offender will be considered that of
 Principals by direct participation have an accomplice rather than that of a
collective criminal responsibility. principal.
Principals by induction, except those
who directly forced another to commit  ART. 19 ACCESSORIES
a crime, and principals by Accessories are those who –
direct participation have collective - having knowledge of the commission of
criminal responsibility. Principals the crime, and
by indispensable cooperation - without having participated therein
have collective criminal responsibilities either as principals or accomplices,
with the principals by direct take part subsequent to its commission
participation. in any of the following acts:

INDIVIDUAL CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY 1. By profiting themselves or assisting the

 In the absence of any previous offender to profit by the effects of the
conspiracy, unity of criminal purpose crime.
2. Assisting the offender to profit by
and intention immediately before the
the effects of the crime.
commission of the crime, or
3. By concealing or destroying the body
community of criminal design, the of the crime to prevent its discovery.
criminal responsibility arising from  In profiting by the effects of the
different acts directed against one and crime, the accessory must receive
the same person is individual and not the property from the principal. He
collective, and each of the should not take it without the
participants is liable only for the act consent of the principal. If he took
committed by him. it without the consent of the
principal, he is not an accessory but
a principal in the crime of theft.
Accomplices are persons who, not acting TWO CLASSES OF ACCESSORIES
as principals, cooperate in the execution CONTEMPLATED IN PAR. 3 OF ART. 19
of the offense by previous and a) Public officers who harbor, conceal
simultaneous acts, which are not or assist in the escape of the principal
indispensable to the commission of of any crime (not light felony) with
the crime. abuse of his public functions.
They act as mere instruments who perform 1. The accessory is a public officer.
acts not essential to the perpetration of 2. He harbors, conceals, or assists
the offense. in the escape of the principal.
3. The public officer acts with
REQUISITES: abuse of his public functions.
1. That there be community of design;
that is, knowing the criminal design of
the principal by direct participation,
he concurs with the latter his purpose;
2. That he cooperates in the execution of
the offense by previous or
P a g e 27 | 61
4. The crime committed by the misprision of treason (Art. 116) but as
principal is any crime, provided a principal thereof.
it is not a light felony.

b) Private persons who harbor, conceal or

assist in the escape of the author of
the crime who is guilty of
treason, parricide, murder, or attempts
against the life of the President, or
who is known to be habitually guilty
of some other crime.

1. The accessory is a private person.
2. He harbors, conceals or assists in
the escape of the author of the
3. The crime committed by the
principal is either:
i. Treason,
ii. Parricide,
iii. Murder,
iv. An attempt against the life of
the President, or
v. That the principal is known to be
habitually guilty of some other

 Where the alleged principal is

acquitted, it is neither proper nor
possible to convict the defendant as
an accessory. The responsibility of the
accessory is subordinate to that of the
principal in a crime
HOWEVER, conviction of an
accessory is possible notwithstanding
the acquittal of the principal, if the
crime was in fact committed, but
the principal was not held liable,
because of an exempting
circumstance (Art.
12), such as insanity or minority.

 Neither the letter nor the spirit of the

law requires that the principal be
convicted before one may be punished
as an accessory. As long as the
corpus delicti is proved and the
accessory’s participation as such is
shown, he can be held criminally
responsible and meted out the
corresponding penalty (Inovero vs.
Coronel, CA, 65 O.G.

 The prescribed acts of the accessory

under par. 2 must have been intended
to prevent the discovery of the crime,
hence, mere silence does not
make one an accessory. If,
however, the crime involved is a
conspiracy to commit treason, his
silence may hold him liable for

P a g e 28 | 61
 Where the accused misleads the
authorities by giving them
false information, such act is
equivalent to concealment and he
should be held as an accessory.

Anti-Fencing Law of 1979

Pres. Decree 1612
Fencing – is an act, with intent to gain, of
buying, selling, receiving, possessing,
keeping, or in any other manner dealing in
anything of value which a person knows or
should have known to be derived from the
proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft.

Fence – is a person who commits the act of

fencing. A fence who receives stolen
property as above-provided is not
an accessory but a principal in the
crime defined in and punished by the
Anti- Fencing Law.
Mere possession of anything of value which
has been the subject of robbery or theft
shall be prima facie evidence of fencing.



 The exemption provided for in this

article is based on the ties of blood
and the preservation of the cleanliness
of one’s name, which compels one to
conceal crimes committed by relatives
so near as those mentioned in
this article.


1. spouse, or
2. ascendant, or
3. descendant, or
4. legitimate, natural or adopted
brother, sister or relative by affinity
within the same degree.


1. profited by the effects of the crime,
2. assisted the offender to profit by
effects of the crime.
REASON: Because such acts are prompted
not by affection but by a detestable

 Public officer contemplated in par. 3

of Art. 19 is exempt by reason
of relationship to the principal, even

P a g e 29 | 61
such public officer acted with abuse of 2. Self-defense – so as to protect
his official functions. society from the threat and wrong
REASON: Ties of blood or relationship inflicted by the criminal.
constitutes a more powerful incentive
than the call of duty. 3. Reformation – the object of
punishment in criminal cases is to
P.D. 1829 penalizes the act of any person correct and reform the offender.
who knowingly or willfully obstructs,
impedes, frustrates or delays the 4. Exemplarity – the criminal is punished
apprehension of suspects and to serve as an example to deter others
the investigation and prosecution of from committing crimes.
criminal cases.
5. Justice – that crime must be
 The benefits of the exception in Art. punished by the State as an act of
20 do not apply to PD 1829. retributive justice, a vindication of
absolute right and moral law
TITILE THREE: PENALTIES violated by the criminal.

Chapter One: Penalties in General THREE-FOLD PURPOSE OF PENALTY

21-24) 1. Retribution or expiation – the
penalty is commensurate with the
Penalty – is the suffering that is inflicted gravity of the offense.
by the State for the transgression of the 2. Correction or reformation – shown by
law. the rules which regulate the execution
of the penalties consisting in
PENALTY 3. Social defense – shown by its inflexible
1. Must be productive of suffering, severity to recidivists and habitual
without however affecting the delinquents.
integrity of the human personality.
2. Must be commensurate with the
offense – different crimes must be  ART. 21 – PENALTIES THAT MAY BE
punished with different penalties. IMPOSED
3. Must be personal – no one should be
punished for the crime of another. A felony shall be punishable only
4. Must be legal – it is the consequence of by the penalty prescribed by law at the
a judgment according to law. time of its commission.
5. Must be certain – no one may  It is a guaranty to the citizen of
escape its effects. this country that no acts of his,
6. Must be equal for all. will be considered criminal
7. Must be correctional. until
the Government has made it so by
PURPOSE OF THE STATE IN law and has provided a penalty.
PUNISHING CRIMES  REASON: Because a law cannot
The State has an existence of its own to be rationally obeyed unless it is
maintain, a conscience to assert, and first
moral principles to be vindicated. Penal shown, and a man cannot
justice must therefore be exercised by the be expected to obey an order
State in the service and satisfaction of a that
duty, and rests primarily on the has not been given.
moral rightfulness of the punishment
 The basis of the right to  GENERAL RULE: Penal laws are applied
punish violations of penal law is the prospectively.
police power of the State. EXCEPTION: When retrospective
application will be favorable to
THEORIES JUSTIFYING PENALTY: the person guilty of a felony;
1. Prevention – to prevent or suppress the
Provided that:
danger to the State arising from the
criminal act of the offender.
1. The offender is NOT a habitual
criminal (delinquent) under Art. 62(5);

P a g e 30 | 61
2. The new or amendatory law does provide more favorable conditions to
NOT provide against its the accused.
retrospective application.
Criminal liability under the repealed
Habitual delinquent – a person who, law subsists:
within a period of ten years from the date of 1. When the provisions of the former law
his release or last conviction of the are reenacted; or
crimes of serious or less serious physical  The right to punish offenses
injuries, robbery, theft, estafa, or committed under an old penal law
falsification, is found guilty of any said is not extinguished if the
crimes a third time or oftener. offenses are still punishable
in the repealing penal law.
EX POST FACTO LAW 2. When the repeal is by implication; or
An act which when committed was not a  When a penal law, which impliedly
crime, cannot be made so by statute repealed an old law, is
without violating the constitutional itself
inhibition as to ex post facto laws. An repealed, the repeal of the
ex post facto law is one which: repealing law revives the prior
1. Makes criminal an act done before the penal law, unless the language of
passage of the law and which was the repealing statute provides
innocent when done; otherwise.
2. Aggravates a crime, or makes it  If the repeal is absolute, criminal
greater than it was, when committed; liability is obliterated.
3. Changes the punishment and inflicts 3. When there is a saving clause.
a greater punishment than the
law annexed to the crime
when committed;  ART. 23- EFFECT OF PARDON BY THE
4. Alters the legal rules of evidence, OFFENDED PARTY
and authorizes conviction upon a less
or different testimony than the GENERAL RULE – Pardon by the offended
law required at the time of the party does not extinguish the criminal
commission of the offense; liability of the offender. REASON: A
5. Assumes to regulate civil rights crime committed is an offense against the
and State. Only the Chief Executive can
remedies only, in effect imposing pardon the offenders.
a penalty or deprivation of a right
for something which when done EXCEPTION - Pardon by the offended
was lawful; and party will bar criminal prosecution in the
6. Deprives a person accused of a following crimes:
crime of some lawful protection to
which he has become entitled, such Adultery and Concubinage (Art.
as the protection of a former 344, RPC)
conviction or acquittal, or a – EXPRESS or IMPLIED pardon must
proclamation of amnesty. be given by offended party to BOTH
 If retroactive effect of a new law is - Pardon must be given PRIOR to
justified, it shall apply to institution of criminal action.
the defendant even if he is:
1. presently on trial for the offense; Seduction, Abduction, Acts of
2. has already been sentenced Lasciviousness (Art. 344, RPC)
but service of which has not begun;
3. already serving sentence – EXPRESS pardon given by
offended party or her parents or
 The retroactive effect of criminal grandparents or guardian
statutes does not apply to the culprit’s - Pardon must be given PRIOR
civil liability. to the institution of the criminal
REASON: The rights of action. However, marriage between the
offended persons or innocent third offender and the offended party EVEN
parties are not within the gift of AFTER the institution of the criminal
arbitrary disposal of the State. action or conviction of the offender will
extinguish the criminal action or remit
 The provisions of Art. 22 are the penalty already imposed against the
applicable even to special laws which offender, his

P a g e 31 | 61
co-principals, accomplices and accessories 2. The commitment of a minor to any
after the fact. of the institutions mentioned in Art.
80 (now Art. 192, PD No. 603) and for
Rape (as amended by R.A. 8353) the purposes specified therein.
- The subsequent valid marriage 3. Suspension from the employment
between the offender and the offended or public office during the trial or
party shall extinguish criminal liability or in order to institute proceedings.
the penalty imposed. In case the legal 4. Fines and other corrective measures
husband is the offender, subsequent which, in the exercise of their
forgiveness by the wife as offended administrative or disciplinary powers,
party shall also produce the same effect. superior officials may impose upon
their subordinates.
 Pardon by the offended party under 5. Deprivation of rights and the
Art. 344 is ONLY A BAR to criminal reparations which the civil law
prosecution; it is NOT a ground may establish in penal form.
for extinguishment of criminal liability.

 Nevertheless, civil liability may be Reasons why they are not penalties:
extinguished by the EXRESS WAIVER 1. Because they are not imposed as
of the offended party. a result of judicial proceedings.
Those mentioned in paragraphs 1, 3
and 4 are merely preventive
measures before conviction of
2. The offender is not subjected to or
made to suffer these measures in
expiation of or as punishment for a
Produced by the Caused to the  Par. 1 does not refer to
disturbance and victim of the crime the confinement of an insane or imbecile
alarm which are who suffered who has not been arrested for a crime. It
the outcome of damage either to his refers to “accused persons” who are
the offense. person, to his detained “by reason of insanity or
property, to his honor
or to her chastity.
 Paragraphs 3 and 4 refer
Is sought to be Is repaired through to administrative suspension
repaired through indemnity. and administrative fines and not
the imposition of to suspension or fine as penalties
the corresponding for violations of the RPC.
penalty.  The deprivations of rights established
The offended The offended in penal form by the civil laws is
party cannot party may waive illustrated in the case of parents
pardon the offender the indemnity and who are deprived of their
so as to relieve the State has no parental authority if found guilty of
him of the reason to insist in its the crime
penalty. payment.
of corruption of their minor children,
in accordance with Art. 332 of
the Civil Code.
 Where a minor offender was
committed to a reformatory pursuant
to Art. 80 (now, PD 603), and while
1. The arrest and temporary detention of thus detained he commits a crime
accused persons, as well as therein, he cannot be considered
their detention by reason of a quasi-recidivist since his detention
insanity or was only a preventive measure,
imbecility, or illness requiring their whereas a quasi-recidivism
confinement in a hospital. presupposes the commission of a
crime during the

P a g e 32 | 61
service of the penalty for a previous 4. Deprivation of rights
crime. (disqualification and suspension).
5. Pecuniary (fine).
Chapter Two: Classification of Penalties
(Arts. 25-26)  Perpetual or temporary absolute
disqualification, perpetual or
 ART. 25 – PENALTIES WHICH MAY BE temporary special disqualification, and
IMPOSED suspension may be principal or
accessory penalties.
 The scale in Art. 25 is only a EXAMPLES:
general classification of penalties I. Perpetual absolute
based on their severity, nature disqualification is a principal
and subject matter. penalty in prevaricacion (Art.
204) and perpetual special
 The scale of penalties in Art. 70 disqualification, in malversation
is provided for successive service (Art. 217).
of sentences imposed on the II. Temporary absolute
same accused, in consideration of disqualification is a principal
their severity and natures. penalty when the accessory
 The scales in Art. 71 are for the acts with abuse of public
purpose of graduating the penalties by functions (Art, 19[3] and Art.
degrees in accordance with the rules
58) and temporary
in Art. 61.
special disqualification, in direct
bribery (Art. 206).
III. Suspension is a principal
ARTICLE 25: penalty
a) Based on their severity or gravity in rendition of unjust
1. Capital,
interlocutory orders (Art. 206).
2. Afflictive,
3. Correctional,  Bond to keep the peace is
4. Light imposed only in the crime of threats
 This classification corresponds to (Art. 284), either grave (Art. 282) or
the classification of felonies in light (Art.
Art. 9, into grave, less grave and 283).
b) Based on their nature  ART. 26 FINE – WHEN AFFLICTIVE,
1. Principal penalties – CORRECTIONAL OR LIGHT
those expressly imposed by the FINE IS:
court in the judgment of 1. Afflictive – over P6,000.00
conviction. May be further 2. Correctional – P200.00 to P6,000.00
classified based on divisibility 3. Light penalty – less than P200.00
i. Divisible – are those that
have fixed duration and  Same basis may be applied to Bond
are divisible into three to keep the peace by analogy.
ii. Indivisible – are  This article determines the
those which have no classification of a fine whether
fixed duration. These are: imposed as a single or as
1) Death an alternative penalty for a crime.
2) Reclusión perpetua
3) Perpetual absolute or  The rule herein does not apply
special disqualification where the fine involved is in a
4) Public censure compound penalty, that is, it is
2. Accessory penalties – are those imposed in conjunction with another
that are deemed included in the penalty.
principal penalties.
 Where the fine in question is exactly
c) Based on subject matter P200, under Art. 9 it is a light
1. Corporal (death). felony, hence the felony involved is a
2. Deprivation of freedom light felony; whereas under Art. 26,
(reclusion, prision, arresto). it is a correctional penalty,
3. Restriction of freedom (destierro). hence the offense involved is a less
grave felony. It has been held that
this discrepancy

P a g e 31 | 61
should be resolved liberally in favor of  ART. 28 – COMPUTATION OF
the accused, hence Art. 9 prevails over PENALTIES
Art. 26 (People vs. Yu Hai, 99 Phil.
725). 1. When the offender is in prison – the
HOWEVER, according to Justice duration of temporary penalties is
Regalado there is no such discrepancy. from the day on which the judgment
What is really in issue is of conviction becomes final.
the prescription of the offense vis- 2. When the offender is not in prison –
a-vis the prescription of the the duration of penalties consisting
penalty, the former being the in deprivation of liberty, is from the
forfeiture of the right of the State day that the offender is placed at
to prosecute the offender and the the disposal of judicial authorities for
latter being the loss of its power to the enforcement of the penalty.
enforce the judgment against the 3. The duration of other penalties – the
convict. duration is from the day on which
the offender commences to serve
his sentence.
Chapter Three: Duration and Effects of
Penalties (Arts. 27-45)  ART. 29 – PERIOD OF PREVENTIVE
Section One – Duration of Penalties OF IMPRISONMENT
DIFFERENT PENALTIES Preventive imprisonment – is the period
of detention undergone by an accused
1. Reclusión perpetua – 20 yrs. and 1 day where the crime with which he is
to 40 yrs.
charged is non-bailable or, even if
2. Reclusión temporal – 12 yrs. and 1 day
bailable, he is unable to post the requisite
to 20 yrs.
3. Prisión mayor and temporary bail.
disqualification – 6 yrs. and 1 day to 12
yrs., except when disqualification is an  These rules on preventive
accessory penalty, in which case its imprisonment apply to all
duration is that of the principal sentences regardless of the duration
penalty. thereof, including the so-called
4. Prisión correccional, suspensión, perpetual penalties as long as
and destierro – 6 mos. and 1 day to 6 they involve deprivation of liberty.
yrs., except when suspensión is It applies to destierro.
an accessory penalty, in which case
its duration is that of the When is the detention prisoner entitled
principal penalty. to the full credit of his
5. Arresto mayor – 1 mo. And 1 day to preventive imprisonment?
6 mos. If the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily
6. Arresto menor – 1 day to 30 days in writing to abide by the
7. Bond to keep the peace – the period same disciplinary rules imposed upon
during which the bond shall be convicted prisoners.
effective is discretionary on the court. When will he be credited only with four-
fifths the time during which he has
 Destierro is a principal, undergone preventive imprisonment?
correctional and divisible penalty. If the detention prisoner does not agree to
abide by the same disciplinary rules
In what cases is destierro imposed? imposed upon convicted prisoners.
1. Serious physical injuries or death
under exceptional circumstances. (Art.  In the case of a youthful offender who
247) has been proceeded against under
2. In case of failure to give bond for good the Child and Youth Welfare Code, he
behavior. (Art. 284) shall be credited in the service of
3. As a penalty for the concubine in his sentence with the full time of
concubinage. (Art. 334) his actual detention, whether or not
4. In cases where after reducing the he agreed to abide by the
penalty by one or more same disciplinary rules of the
degrees, institution.
destierro is the proper penalty.
The following offenders are not
entitled to be credited with the full time
or four-
P a g e 32 | 61
fifths of the time of preventive 1. A pardon shall not restore the right
imprisonment: to hold public office or the right
1. Recidivists or those convicted of suffrage.
previously twice or more times of EXCEPTION: When any or both such
any crime. rights is/are expressly restored by
2. Those who, upon being summoned the terms of the pardon.
for the execution of their sentence,
failed to surrender voluntarily. 2. It shall not exempt the culprit from
the payment of the civil liability.
 Habitual delinquents are included in
No. 1.
 No. 2 refers to convicts who failed PARDONING POWER:
to voluntarily surrender to serve 1. That the power can be exercised
their penalties under a final only
judgment, since this is indicative of after conviction “by final judgment”;
a greater defiance of authority. It does
not refer to failure or refusal to 2. That such power does not extend to
voluntarily surrender after the cases of impeachment.
commission of the crime. GENERAL RULE: When the principal
penalty is remitted by pardon, only the
Section Two – Effects of the penalties effect of that principal penalty is
according to their respective nature. extinguished, but not the
accessory penalties attached to it.
 A plebiscite is not mentioned or EXCEPTION: When an absolute pardon is
contemplated in Art.30, par. 2 granted after the term of imprisonment
(deprivation of the right to vote), has expired, it removes what is left of the
hence, the offender may vote in that consequences of conviction.
exercise, subject to the provisions of PARDON BY THE PON BY
pertinent election laws at the time. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFENDED PARTY
(ART. 36) (ART. 23)
 Perpetual absolute disqualification is As to the crime covered
effective during the lifetime of
convict and even after the service of Can extend to Applies only
the sentence. any crime, to crimes
unless otherwise against chastity
provided by or under the RPC.
 Temporary absolute disqualification
subject to
lasts during the term of the
conditions in the
sentence, and is removed after the Constitution or the
service of the same, EXCEPT: laws.
1) Deprivation of the public office
employment, and As to extinguishment of criminal
2) Loss of all rights to retirement pay liability
or other pension for any office Extinguishes Does not extinguish
formerly held. criminal liability. criminal liability
although it may
 Bond to keep the peace is different constitute a bar to
from bail bond which is posted for the the prosecution of
provisional release of a person the offender.
arrested for or accused of a crime.
At to the effect on civil liability
Cannot affect the The offended
CIVIL INTERDICTION IN ART. 34 IS civil liability ex party can waive the
IMPOSED WHEN THE PENALTY IS: delicto of civil liability.
1. Death which is not carried out, the offender.
2. Reclusión perpetua,or
3. Reclusión temporal Whn granted
Can be Can be validly
 ART. 36 – PARDON; ITS EFFECTS extended granted only before
only after the institution
conviction by final of the criminal
judgment of the action.

P a g e 33 | 61
To any or all of In adultery and
the accused concubinage, must
include both  Subsidiary penalty shall be proper only
offenders. if the accused has no property with
As to whether it can be conditional which to pay the fine, and not as a
May be absolute or Cannot validly be matter of choice on his part by opting
conditional made subject to a to go to jail instead of paying.
 Subsidiary penalty is not an accessory
penalty, hence it must be specifically
imposed by the court in its
judgment, otherwise the accused
cannot be made to serve the
corresponding subsidiary
 ART. 37 – COSTS
Costs or costs of suit – are the expenses of RULES AS TO SUBSIDIARY PENALTY
litigation allowed and regulated by
1. If the penalty imposed is
the Rules of Court to be assessed against or
prisión correccional or arresto and
to be recovered by a party in litigation.
fine – subsidiary imprisonment is
not to exceed 1/3 of the term
of the sentence, and in no case to
continue for more than one year.
1. Fees, and
Fraction or part of a day, not counted.
2. Indemnities, in the course of judicial
2. When the penalty imposed is fine only
– subsidiary imprisonment
 Are chargeable to the accused only
a) not to exceed 6 months – if the
in cases of conviction. In case
culprit is prosecuted for grave or
of acquittal, the costs are de
less grave felony, and
oficio, meaning each party bearing
b) not to exceed 15 days – if
his own expenses.
prosecuted for light felony.
 The payment of costs is a matter
3. When the penalty imposed is higher
that rests entirely upon the discretion
than prisión correccional –
of courts.
no subsidiary imprisonment.
4. If the penalty imposed is not to be executed by
 ART. 38 - PECUNIARY LIABILITIES What confinement, but of fixed duration – subsidiary
penalty shall consist in the same
are the pecuniary liabilities of deprivations as
those of the principal penalty, under the same
persons criminally liable? rules as nos. 1, 2 and 3 above.
They are, in the following order: 5. In case the financial circumstances of the
1. The reparation of the damage caused convict should improve, he shall pay the fine,
2. Indemnification of the notwithstanding the fact that the convict
consequential damages suffered subsidiary personal liability therefor.
3. Fine  When the penalty prescribed for the offense is
4. Costs of proceedings. imprisonment, it is the penalty actually
imposed by the Court, not the penalty provided
When is Art.38 applicable? for by the Code, which should be considered in
In case the property of the offender should determining whether or not subsidiary penalty
not be sufficient for the payment of all his should be imposed.
pecuniary liabilities. NO SUBSIDIARY PENALTY SHALL BE
ART. 39 – SUBSIDIARY PENALTY 1. The penalty imposed is higher than
prisión correccional or 6 years,
Subsidiary penalty – it is a subsidiary  Additional penalty for habitual
personal liability to be suffered by delinquency should be included in
the convict who has no property with which determining whether or not
to meet the fine, at the rate of one day subsidiary penalty should be
for each eight pesos (P8.00), subject to imposed.
the rules provided for in Art. 39.

P a g e 34 | 61
2. For non-payment of reparation  The Code does not provide for
or indemnification, any accessory penalty for destierro.

3. For non-payment of costs, and

4. Where the penalty imposed is a fine PERPETUA IMPRISONMENT
and another penalty without fixed Has a specific Has no definite term
duration, like censure. duration of 20 years or accessory
and 1 day to 40 years penalties.
 The rules on subsidiary penalty in Art. and accessory
39 are applicable to crimes punishable penalties.
by special laws by force of Art. 10
of the Code. Imposable on Imposable on crimes
felonies punished by punishable by special
Section Three – Penalties in which the RPC. laws.
other accessory penalties are inherent

P a g e 35 | 61
1. Death, when not executed by reason
of commutation or pardon
i. Perpetual absolute disqualification, and
ii. Civil interdiction during 30 years, if not expressly remitted in the pardon.

2. Reclusión perpetua and reclusión temporal

i. Civil interdiction for life or during the sentence, and
ii. Perpetual absolute disqualification, unless expressly
remitted in the pardon of the principal penalty.

3. Prisión mayor
i. Temporary absolute disqualification, and
ii. Perpetual special disqualification from suffrage, unless expressly remitted in
the pardon of the principal penalty.

4. Prisión correccional
i. Suspension from public office, profession or calling, and
ii. Perpetual special disqualification from suffrage, if the duration of imprisonment
exceeds 18 months, unless expressly remitted in the pardon of the principal penalty.
 There is perpetual special disqualification from suffrage, only when the
duration of the
imprisonment exceeds 18 months.

5. Arresto – suspension of the right to hold office and the right of suffrage during the
term of the sentence.
1. Every penalty imposed carries with it the forfeiture of the proceeds of the crime and
the instruments or tools used in the commission of the crime.
2. The proceeds and instruments or tools of the crime are confiscated and forfeited
in favor of the Government.
3. Property of a third person not liable for the offense, is not subject to confiscation
and forfeiture.
4. Property not subject of lawful
commerce (whether it belongs to the accused or to third person) shall be destroyed.
 The confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds and instruments of a crime is an accessory

The provisions of Art. 45 cannot apply when

1. The instruments belong to innocent third parties,
2. Such properties have not been placed under the jurisdiction of the court, and
3. When it is legally or physically impossible.
 This accessory penalty presupposes a judgment of conviction. However, even if the
accused is acquitted on reasonable doubt, but the instruments or proceeds are
contraband, the judgment of acquittal shall order their forfeiture for appropriate

P a g e 36 | 61
Chapter Four: Application of Penalties Intentional Mutilation, or Arson
(Arts. 46-72)

Section One – Rules for application of

penalties to the persons criminally
liable and for the graduation of
the same.



GENERAL RULE: The penalty prescribed by

law in general terms shall be
imposed upon the principals for a
consummated felony.
EXCEPT: When the penalty to be
upon the principal in frustrated or
attempted felony is fixed by law.

1. BY DEGREES – refers to
a) the stages of
execution (consummated,
frustrated, or attempted); and
b) the degree of the
participation of the offender (whether
as principal, accomplice or accessory).
2. BY PERIODS – refers to the proper period
of the penalty which should be imposed
when aggravating or mitigating
circumstances attend the commission
of the crime.


1. UNDER AGE. When the offender is
below 18 years of age at the time
of the commission of the crime.
2. OVER AGE. When the guilty person is
more than seventy (70) years of age.
upon appeal or automatic review of the
case by the Supreme Court, the
vote of eight members is not
obtained for the imposition of the
death penalty.

 Automatic review is available only in

cases where death penalty is
imposed (R.A. 7659).


1. Treason
2. Qualified Piracy
3. Qualified Bribery
4. Parricide
5. Murder
6. Infanticide
7. Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
8. Robbery – with Homicide, Rape,

P a g e 37 | 61
9. Rape – with the use of a deadly
weapon, or by two or more persons
- where the victim became
- with Homicide
10. Qualified Rape
11. Destructive Arson
12. Plunder
13. Violation of certain provisions of the
Dangerous Drugs Act
14. Carnapping


1. In complex crime, although 2 or
more crimes are actually committed,
they constitute only one crime in the
eyes of the law as well as in the
conscience of the offender.
2. The offender has only one
criminal intent, hence there is only one
penalty imposed for the
commission of a complex crime.


compuesto) – a single act
constitutes 2 or more grave or
less grave felonies.
1. That only a single act is
performed by the offender;
2. That the single act produces:
(1) two or more grave
felonies, or (2) one or more
grave and one or more
less grave felonies.


complejo) – an offense is
a necessary means for committing
the other.
1. That at least two offenses are
2. That one or some of
the offenses must be
necessary to commit the
3. That both or all of the
offenses must be punished
under the same statute.


1. In case of continuing crimes
2. When one offense is committed to
conceal the other.
3. When the other crime is
an indispensable part or an element
of the other offenses.

P a g e 38 | 61
4.Where one of the offenses is penalized offender shall be PUNISHED FOR EACH
by a special law. and every offense that he committed.
 Art. 48 does not apply when the law CONTINUING CRIME – is a single crime,
provides one single penalty for consisting of a series of acts, but all
special arising from ONE CRIMINAL RESOLUTION;
complex crime. These include – length of time in the commission
Robbery with Homicide is immaterial.
Robbery with Rape
Rape with Homicide
Kidnapping with Serious REAL OR CONTINUED
Physical Injuries MATERIAL CRIME
Kidnapping with Homicide or PLURALITY
Murder 1. There is a series 1. There is a series
of acts performed of acts performed
 The penalty for complex crime is the by the offender by the offender
penalty for the most serious crime, the 2. Each act 2. The different acts
same to be applied in its maximum performed by the constitute only
offender constitutes one crime, all of
period. a separate crime, the acts performed
each act is arise from one
 If different crimes resulting from one generated by a criminal resolution
single act are punished with the criminal impulse
same penalty, the penalty for any
one of
them shall be imposed, the same to be 2. REAL OR MATERIAL PLURALITY -
DIFFERENT CRIMES in law, as well as in the
applied in the maximum period.
conscience of the offender; the
 Art. 48 applies to crimes through PRINCIPALS WHEN THE CRIME COMMITTED IS
negligence. E.g.: offender found guilty DIFFERENT FROM THAT INTENDED
of a complex crime of homicide with RULES:
less serious physical injuries through 1. If the penalty for the felony
reckless imprudence. committed be higher than the
penalty for the offense which the
 When 2 felonies constituting a accused intended to commit, the lower
complex crime are punishable by penalty shall be imposed in its
imprisonment and fine, respectively, maximum period.
only the penalty of imprisonment 2. If the penalty for the felony
should be imposed. REASON: fine committed be lower than the penalty
is not included in the list of for the offense which the accused
penalties in the order of severity, and intended to commit, the lower penalty
it is the last in the graduated scales in shall be imposed in its
Art. 71 of the RPC. maximum period.
3. If the act committed also constitutes
Plurality of Crimes- consists in the an attempt or frustration of another
successive execution, by the same crime, and the law prescribes a higher
individual, of different criminal penalty for either of the latter, the
acts, upon any of which no conviction penalty for the attempted or
has yet been declared. frustrated crime shall be imposed in
its maximum period.
a) When the offender commits The penalty for impossible crime is Arresto
any of the complex crimes in Mayor (imprisonment of 1 mo and 1 day to
ART 48. 6 mos) or fine ranging from 200-500pesos.
b) When the law specifically fixes BASIS FOR THE IMPOSITION OF PROPER
a single penalty for two or PENALTY
more offenses committed. 1. Social danger; and
c) When the offender commits 2. Degree of criminality shown by
continuing crimes. the offender
According to Arts. 50-57, the penalty prescribed
by law for the felony shall be lowered by one or two
degrees, as follows:

P a g e 39 | 61
1. For the principal in frustrated felony –
2. For the principal in attempted felony – 1. that the offender had been convicted of any of
two degrees lower; the crimes of serious or less serious physical
3. For the accomplice in consummated injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or falsification.
felony – one degree lower; 2. that after conviction or after serving his
4. For the accessory in consummated felony – sentence, he again committed, and, within
two degrees lower; 10 years from his last release of first
conviction, he was again convicted of any
DIAGRAM OF THE APPLICATION OF ARTS. of the said crimes for the second time.
50- 57: 3. that after his conviction of, or after serving
sentence for the second offense, he
again committed, and, within 10 years from his
last release or
CONSUM- FRUS- ATTEMP- last conviction, he was again convicted of any of
MATED TRATED TED said offenses, the third time or oftener.
Prin 0 1 2
Habituality distinguished from recidivism
Accom 1 2 3
Acces 2 3 4
As to the CRIMES committed
In this diagram, “0” represents the penalty prescribed The crimes are It is sufficient that
by law in defining a crime, which is to be imposed specified the accused on the
on the principal in a consummated offense, in date of his trial,
accordance with the provisions of Art. 64. The shall have been
other figures represent the degrees to which the
penalty must be lowered, to meet the different
convicted by final
situations anticipated by law.
judgment of
another crime
embraced in the
same title.
Section Two – Rules for the application of As to the PERIOD of time the crimes are
penalties with regard to the committed
mitigating and aggravating The offender is found No period of time
circumstances, and habitual delinquency guilty within ten between the
years from his last former conviction
release or last and the last
conviction. conviction.
As to the NUMBER of crimes
The accused must be The second offense is
 ART. 62. EFFECTS OF THE found guilty the third for an offense found
ATTENDANCE OF MITIGATING OR time or oftener of in the same title.
the crimes specified.
HABITUAL DELIQUENCY An additional penalty is If not offset by a
EFFECTS: also imposed mitigating
1. Aggravating circumstances (generic and circumstance, serves
specific) have the effect of increasing to increase the
the penalty, without however exceeding penalty only to the
the maximum maximum
period provided by law. ART. 63 RULES FOR THE APPLICATION OF
2. Mitigating circumstances have the effect of INDIVISIBLE PENALTIES
diminishing the penalty. OUTLINE OF THE RULES:
1. When the penalty is single indivisible, it shall
3. Habitual delinquency has the effect, not only be applied regardless of any mitigating
of increasing the penalty because of (except if privilege mitigating) or
recidivism which is aggravating circumstances.
generally implied in habitual
delinquency, but also of imposing an additional

P a g e 40 | 61
2. When the penalty is composed of two indivisible penalties, the following rules shall be
a) When there is only one
aggravating circumstance, the greater penalty shall be imposed.
b) When there is neither mitigating nor aggravating circumstances, the lesser penalty shall
be imposed.
c) When there is a mitigating circumstance and no aggravating circumstance,
the lesser penalty shall be imposed.
d) When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances are present, the
court shall allow them to offset one another.



1. When the penalty is single and
indivisible (except if privileged mitigating)
2. In felonies through negligence
3. When the penalty is only a fine
imposed by an ordinance
4. When the penalties are prescribed by special laws


1. The court can fix any amount of the
fine within the limits established by law.
2. The court must consider: (1) the mitigating and aggravating
circumstances; and (2) more particularly, the wealth or means of the culprit.
3. The court may also consider: (1) the gravity of the crime committed; (2) the
heinousness of it s perpetration; and (3) the magnitude of its effects on the offender’s

 This article is not immediately applicable to a minor under 18 years of age,
because such minor, if found
guilty of the offense charged, is not sentenced to any penalty. The sentence is
suspended and he is ordered committed to the reformatory institution, IF, his
application therefore is approved by the court.

 This article is applicable when the minor’s application for suspension of sentence is
DISAPPROVED or if while in the reformatory institution he becomes INCORRIGIBLE,
in which case he shall be returned to the court for the imposition of the proper penalty.



three times the length of time corresponding to the most severe of the penalties imposed
upon him.
2. But in no case to exceed 40 years.
3. This rule shall apply only when the convict is to serve 4 or more sentences successively.
4. Subsidiary penalty forms part of the penalty.


1. Material accumulation system
No limitation whatever, and accordingly, all the penalties for all the violations
were imposed even if they reached beyond the natural span of human life.
2. Juridical accumulation system
Limited to not more than three- fold the length of time corresponding to the most
severe and in no case to exceed 40 years. This is followed in our jurisdiction.
3. Absorption system
The lesser penalties are absorbed by the graver penalties.

P a g e 41 | 61
Civil liability is satisfied by following the degree, the STARTING POINT for
chronological order of the dates of determining the minimum term of the
the final judgment. indeterminate penalty is the penalty
next lower than that prescribed by the
Section Three – Provisions common Code for the offense.
in the last two preceding sections
 ART. 77. WHEN THE PENALTY IS A a) The Maximum Term – must not exceed
COMPLEX ONE COMPOSED OF THREE the maximum term fixed by said law.
DISTINCT PENALTIES b) The Minimum Term – must not be
COMPLEX PENALTY - is a less than the minimum term
penalty prescribed by law composed of prescribed by
three distinct penalties, each forming a the same.
period: the lightest of them shall be the
minimum, the next the medium, and the  For SPECIAL LAWS, it is
most severe the maximum period. anything within the inclusive range
of the prescribed penalty. Courts
INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW (ISL) are given discretion in the
Act No. 4103 as amended by Act No. imposition of the indeterminate
4225 penalty. The aggravating
and mitigating circumstances
CONCEPT OF INDETERMINATE SENTENCE are not considered unless the
– is a sentence with a minimum term and a special law adopts the same
maximum term terminology for penalties as
those used in the RPC (such as
which, the court is mandated to impose reclusión perpetua and the like).
for the benefit of a guilty person who is
not disqualified therefore, when the B. WHEN BENEFIT OF THE ISL IS NOT
maximum imprisonment exceeds one APPLICABLE:
(1) year. It applies to both violations The Indeterminate Sentence Law shall
of Revised Penal Code and special laws. not
apply to the following persons:
A. SENTENCE IN THE ISL 1. sentenced to death penalty or life
In imposing a prison sentence for an imprisonment
offense punished by the Revised Penal 2. treason, or conspiracy or proposal to
Code or special penal laws, the court shall commit treason
sentence the accused to an 3. misprision of treason,
indeterminate sentence, which has a rebellion,
maximum and a minimum term based sedition or espionage
on the penalty actually imposed. 4.
 ISL application is mandatory, where piracy
imprisonment would exceed one year. 5. habitual delinquents
6. escaped from confinement, or
THE RPC: 7. granted with conditional pardon by
1. The Maximum Term – is that which the President, but violated the terms
could be properly imposed under the thereof
RPC, considering the aggravating and 8. maximum term of imprisonment does
mitigating circumstances. not exceed 1 year
2. The MinimumTerm – is within the 9. sentenced to the penalty of
range of the penalty one degree lower destierro
than that prescribed by the or suspension only
RPC, without considering
the circumstances. C. RELEASE OF THE PRISONER ON
 BUT when there is a privileged PAROLE
mitigating circumstance, so that the The Board of Pardons and Parole may
penalty has to be lowered by one authorize the release of a prisoner on
parole, after he shall have served the
minimum penalty imposed on him,
provided that:
a) Such prisoner is fitted by his training
for release,
b) There is reasonable probability that he

P a g e 42 | 61
will live and remain at liberty without
violating the law,
c) Such release will not be incompatible
with the welfare of society.

P a g e 43 | 61
D. ENTITLEMENT TO FINAL RELEASE  The same shall be done for a child
AND DISCHARGE over nine years and under fifteen
If during the period of surveillance such years of age at the time of the
paroled prisoner shall: (a) show himself to
be a law abiding citizen and, (b) shall
not violate any law, the Board may issue
a final certification in his favor, for his final
release and discharge.


When the paroled prisoner shall
any of the conditions of his parole: (a) the
Board may issue an order for his arrest,
and thereafter, (b) the prisoner shall serve
the remaining unexpired portion of
the maximum sentence for which he
was originally committed to prison.


The minimum and maximum terms in the
IS must be fixed, because they are the
basis for the following:
1. Whenever a prisoner has: (a) served
the MINIMUM penalty imposed on
him, and (b) is fit for release of
the prisoner on parole, upon terms
and conditions prescribed by the Board.
2. But when the paroled prisoner violates
any of the conditions of his
parole during the period of
surveillance, he may be rearrested
to serve the remaining unexpired
portion of the MAXIMUM sentence.
3. Even if a prisoner has already served
the MINIMUM, but he is not fitted for
release on the parole, he shall
continue to serve until the end of
the MAXIMUM term.


(PD 603, as amended)

Who is a Youthful Offender?

A youthful offender is a child, minor, or
youth, including one who is emancipated
in accordance with law, who is over nine
years but under eighteen years of age at
the time of the commission of the offense.
 A child nine years of age or under at
the time of the commission of
offense shall be exempt from
liability and shall be committed to the
care of his or her father or mother, or
nearest relative or family friend in the
discretion of the court and subject
to its supervision

P a g e 44 | 61
commission of the offense, unless he
acted with discernment, in which case
he shall be proceeded against
in accordance with Article 192.

1. The purpose of the Child and Youth

Welfare Code is to avoid a situation
commingle with ordinary criminals in
2. If the court finds that the
youthful offender committed the crime
charged against him, it shall
DETERMINE the imposable penalty
and the civil liability chargeable
against him.
3. The court may not pronounce
judgment of conviction but instead
SUSPEND all further proceedings if,
upon application of the youthful
offender, it finds that the best
interest of the public and that of
the offender will be served thereby.
4. The benefits of Article 192 of PD
603, as amended, providing for
suspension of sentence, shall NOT
APPLY TO (1) a youthful offender who
once enjoyed suspension of
sentence under its provisions, or (2)
one who is convicted of an offense
punishable by death or life
5. The youthful offender shall be
RETURNED to the committing court for
pronouncement of judgment,
when the youthful offender, (1) has
been found incorrigible, or (2) has
willfully failed to comply with the
conditions of his rehabilitation
programs; or (3) when his continued
stay in the training institution would be
6. When the youthful offender has
reached the age of TWENTY-ONE while
in commitment, the court shall
determine whether-
a) To DISMISS the case, if the
youthful offender has behaved
properly and has shown his
capability to be a useful member
of the community; or
b) To PRONOUNCE the judgment of
conviction, if the conditions
mentioned are not met.
7. In the latter case, the
convicted offender may apply for
PROBATION. In any case, the youthful
offender shall be credited in the
service of his sentence with the full
time spent in actual commitment and
8. The final release of a youthful
offender, based on good conduct as
provided in Art. 196 shall not
obliterate his CIVIL LIABILITY for

P a g e 45 | 61
9. A minor who is ALREDY AN ADULT at 2. Available institutional and community
the time of his conviction is not resources.
entitled to a suspension of sentence.



PROBATION is a disposition under
which a defendant after conviction
and sentence is released subject
to conditions imposed by the court and
to the supervision of a probation

This shall apply to all offenders except
those entitled to benefits under
603 and similar laws.


1. After having convicted and sentenced
a defendant, the trial court
MAY SUSPEND the execution of
the sentence, and place the
defendant on probation, upon
APPLICATION by the defendant
within the period for perfecting
an appeal.
2. Probation may be granted whether the
sentence imposed a term of
imprisonment or fine only.
3. NO application for probation shall be
entertained or granted if the
from the judgment of conviction.
4. Filing of application for
probation operates as a WAIVER OF
5. The application shall be filed with
trial court, and the order granting or
denying probation shall NOT BE
6. Accessory penalties are deemed
suspended once probation is granted.

The convict is not immediately placed on
probation. There shall be a prior
investigation by the probation officer and
a determination by the court.


The court shall consider:
1. All information relative to the
character, antecedents, environment,
mental, and physical condition of the
P a g e 46 | 61
1. The offender is in need of correctional
treatment that can be
provided effectively by his
commitment to an institution.
2. There is undue risk of committing
another crime.
3. Probation will depreciate the
seriousness of the offense committed.

1. Sentenced to serve a maximum term
of imprisonment of more the 6 years.
2. Convicted of subversion or any crime
against the national security or
the public order.
3. Previously convicted by final judgment
of an offense punished by
imprisonment of not less than 1 month
and 1 day and/or a fine not less
than P200.
4. Once placed on probation.

1. Mandatory or general – once violated,
the probation is cancelled. They are:
a) Probationer: Presents himself to
the probation officer designated to
undertake his supervision, at such
place as may be specified in the
order, within 72 hours
from receipt of order;
b) He reports to the probation officer
at least once a month.
2. Discretionary or special – additional
conditions listed, which the courts
may additionally impose on the
probationer towards his correction and
rehabilitation outside prison.
HOWEVER, the enumeration is not
inclusive. Probation statutes are
liberal in character and enable
the courts to designate practically
ANY term it chooses, as long as
the probationer’s Constitutional rights
are not jeopardized. Also, they must
not be unduly restrictive of
probationer, and not incompatible
with the freedom of conscience of

1. If the convict is sentenced to a term of
imprisonment of NOT more than one

P a g e 47 | 61
year, the period of probation shall not 4. Convict who becomes insane, after
exceed 2 years. final sentence of death has
2. In all other cases, if he is sentenced to been pronounced.
more than one year, said period
shall not exceed 6 years.
3. When the sentence imposes a fine only  ART. 87. DESTIERRO
and the offender is made to
serve subsidiary imprisonment. The ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING CASES IS
period of probation shall be twice DESTIERRO IMPOSED:
the total number of days of 1. Death or serious physical injuries
subsidiary imprisonment. is caused or are inflicted
under exceptional circumstances (Art.
1. At any time during probation, the 2. Failure to give bond for good
court may issue a warrant for the behavior in grave and light threats (Art.
ARREST of a probationer for any 284);
serious violation of the conditions of 3. Penalty for the concubine in
probation. concubinage (Art. 334);
2. If violation is established, the court 4. When, after reducing the penalty by
may (a) REVOKE his probation, or (b) one or more degrees, destierro is
continue his probation and MODIFY the the proper penalty.
conditions thereof. This order is not
3. If revoked, the probationer shall SERVE TITLE FOUR: EXTINCTION OF
the sentence originally imposed. CRIMINAL LIABILITY

K. TERMINATION OF PROBATION Chapter One: Total Extinction of

The court may order the final discharge of Criminal Liability (Arts. 89-93)
the probationer upon finding that, he
has fulfilled the terms and conditions of  ART. 89. CRIMINAL LIABILITY IS


1. Case is deemed terminated. 1. By the DEATH of the convict as
2. Restoration of all civil rights lost or to personal penalties; BUT as
suspended. to pecuniary penalties, liability
3. Fully discharges liability for any fine is
imposed. extinguished only when the death of
the offender occurs before or
 Note that the probation is NOT after final judgment
coterminous with its period. There
must be an order issued by the
court discharging the probationer. 2. By SERVICE OF SENTENCE;
3. By AMNESTY, which completely
extinguishes the penalty and all
its effects.
Chapter Five: Execution and Service of 5. By PRESCRIPTION OF THE CRIME
Penalties (Arts. 78-88) 6. By PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTY
 ART. 83. SUSPENSION OF THE WOMAN with the offender in
EXECUTION OF THE DEATH SENTENCE the crimes of rape, seduction,
abduction, and acts of
Death sentence shall be suspended when lasciviousness. In the crimes of
accused is a: rape, seduction, abduction, and acts
1. Woman, while pregnant, of lasciviousness, the marriage, as
2. Woman, within one year after provided under Art 344, must be
delivery, contracted in good faith.
3. Person over 70 years of age;
AMNESTY – is an act of the sovereign
power granting oblivion or general
pardon for a past offense, and is rarely

P a g e 48 | 61
if ever exercised in favor of a single
individual, and is usually extended in
behalf of

P a g e 49 | 61
certain classes of persons who are a) Death, reclusión perpetua or
subject to trial but have not yet been reclusión temporal – 20 years
convicted. b) afflictive penalties – 15 years
c) correctional penalties – 10 years
PARDON – is an act of grace, proceeding except those punishable by arresto
from the power entrusted with the mayor which shall prescribe in 5
execution of the laws, which exempts years.
the individual on whom it is bestowed  When the penalty fixed by law is a
from the punishment the law inflicts compound one, the highest
for the crime he has committed. penalty shall be made the basis
of the application of the
Pardon distinguished from amnesty rules contained above.
PARDON AMNESTY 2. Crime of libel – 1 year
1. Includes any 1. A blanket pardon 3. Offenses of oral defamation and
crime and is to classes of slander by deed – 6 months
exercised persons or 4. Light offenses – 2 months
individually by communities who
the President may be guilty of
Prescription of the penalty – is the loss or
political offenses.
2. Exercised when forfeiture of the right of the government
the person is 2. May be exercised to execute the final sentence, after the
already convicted even before trial or lapse of a certain time.
investigation is had
3. Merely looks
relieves the and abolishes and PRESCRIPTIVE PERIODS OF PENALTIES:
offender from the puts into oblivion 1. Death and reclusión perpetua – 20
consequences of an the offense itself; it
offense of which he
so overlooks
has been convicted; and obliterates 2. Other afflictive penalties – 15 years
it does not work for the offense with 3. Correctional penalties – 10 years
the restoration of which he is charged except for the penalty of arresto
the rights to hold that the person mayor which prescribes in 5 years.
public office, or the released by 4. Light penalties – 1 year
right of suffrage, amnesty stands
unless such rights before the law
are expressly precisely as though  ART. 93. COMPUTATION OF THE
restored by means he had committed PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTIES
of pardon. no offense.
4. Does not alter
the fact that the OUTLINE
accused is a 4. Makes an 1. Period of prescription commences to
recidivist as ex- convict no run from the date when the culprit
it produces only longer a recidivist, evaded the service of his sentence.
the extinction of because it 2. It is interrupted when the convict
the personal effects obliterates the last a) gives himself up,
of the penalty. vestige of the crime. b) is captured,
5. Does not c) goes to a foreign country with
extinguish the which we have no extradition
civil liability of treaty, or
the offender 5. Does not
d) commits any crime before the
6. Being PRIVATE extinguish the civil expiration of the period of
ACT by the liability of the
President, must be offender
pleaded and proved 6. Being a
by the person Proclamation of
pardoned the Chief Executive 1. That the penalty is imposed by final
with the judgment
concurrence of 2. That the convict evaded the service of
Congress; is a PUBLIC his sentence by escaping during
ACT of which the
the courts should
take judicial notice
Prescription of the crime – is the PRESCRIPTIVE PERIODS OF CRIMES:
forfeiture or loss of the right of the 1. Crimes punishable by
State to prosecute the offender, after
the lapse of a certain time.

P a g e 50 | 61
term of his sentence
3. The convict who escape from prison
has not given himself up, or been
captured, or gone to a foreign country
4. That the penalty has
prescribed because of the lapse of
time from the

P a g e 51 | 61
date of the evasion of service of the Chapter One: Persons Civilly Liable for
sentence by the convict. Felonies (Arts. 100-103)
Chapter Two: Partial Extinction of PERSON GUILTY OF FELONY
Criminal Liability (Arts. 94-99)
 ART. 94. PARTIAL EXTINCTION OF 1. As an offense against the state,
CRIMINAL LIABILITY because of the disturbance of the
social order; and
CRIMINAL LIABILITY IS PARTIALLY 2. As an offense against the private
EXTINGUISHED: person injured by the crime, UNLESS it
1. By CONDITIONAL PARDON; involves the crime of treason,
2. By COMMUTATION OF SERVICE rebellion, espionage, contempt, and
3. For GOOD CONDUCT ALLOWANCES others wherein no civil liability arises
which the culprit may earn while he is on the part of the offender,
serving sentence; either because there are no damages
4. By PAROLE to be compensated or there is no
a. Parole – is the suspension of private person injured by the crime.
the sentence of a convict,
after serving the minimum term EFFECT OF ACQUITTAL
of the indeterminate penalty, Extinction of the penal action does NOT
without being granted a carry with it extinction of the
pardon, prescribing the terms civil; UNLESS the extinction proceeds
upon which the sentence shall be from a declaration in a final judgment
suspended that the fact from which the civil
liability might arise did not exist. (See
b. If the convict fails to observe Section 1, Rule
the condition of the parole, the 111 of the 2000 Rules on Criminal
Board of Pardons and Procedure. Civil liability arising from other
Parole is authorized to : sources of obligations is not impliedly
(1) direct his ARREST AND instituted with the criminal action).
RETURN TO CUSTODY and thereafter;
WITHOUT REDUCTION of the time The dismissal of the information or the
that has elapsed between the date of criminal action does NOT affect the right
the parole and the subsequent arrest. of the offended party to institute or
5. By PROBATION. See Probation Law continue the civil action already instituted
page42 arising from the offense, because such
dismissal or extinction of the penal
Conditional pardon distinguished from action does not carry with it the extinction
parole of the civil action.
1. May be given at any 1. May be given after If the offender dies prior to the institution
time after final the prisoner has of the action or prior to the finality of
judgment; is granted served the minimum judgment, civil liability ex-delicto is
by the Chief Executive penalty; is granted extinguished. (DE GUZMAN vs. PEOPLE
under the provisions by the Board of
Pardons and Parole
Administrative Code under the provision
154579. October 8, 2003)
of the
Indeterminate In all these cases, civil liability
2. For violation of Sentence Law from sources other than delict are
the conditional 2. For violation of not extinguished.
pardon, the convict the terms of the
may be ordered re- parole, the convict
arrested or re-  ART. 101. RULES REGARDING CIVIL
Chief Executive, or ART. 159 OF THE - Civil liability is still imposed in
may be PROSECUTED RPC, he can be re- cases falling under exempting
under Art. 159 of the arrested and re- circumstances
Code incarcerated to serve
the unserved portion
of his original penalty.

P a g e 52 | 61
1. No civil liability in paragraph 4 commits a felony while in
of Art. 12 which provides for the discharge of his duties.
injury caused by mere accident. 3. The said employee is insolvent and has
2. No civil liability in paragraph 7 not satisfied his civil liability.
Art. 12 which provides for failure
to perform an act required by Chapter Two: What Civil Liability
law when prevented by some lawful Includes (Arts. 104-111)
or insuperable cause.
- No civil liability is imposed in cases ART. 104. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN CIVIL
falling under justifying circumstances LIABILITY
EXCEPT: under paragraph 4, where a
person does an act, causing damage RESTITUTION – restitution of the thing
to another, in order to avoid evil or itself must be made whenever possible
injury, the person benefited by the even when found in the possession of a
prevention of the evil or injury shall be third person except when acquired by such
civilly liable in proportion to the benefit he person in any manner and under the
received. requirements which, by law, bar an action
for its recovery.
PROPRIETORS OF ESTABLISHMENTS will be ordered by the court if
restitution is not possible. The court shall
ELEMENTS UNDER PARAGRAPH 1 determine the amount of damage,
1. That the innkeeper, tavernkeeper or taking into consideration the price of
proprietor of establishment or his the thing, whenever possible, and
employee committed a violation of its special sentimental value.
municipal ordinance or some general
or special police regulation. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES –
2. That the crime is committed in such includes not only those caused the injured
inn, tavern or establishment. party, but also, those suffered by his
3. That the person criminally liable is family or by a third person by reason of
insolvent. the crime.

 Concurrence of all elements makes the - END OF BOOK ONE -

innkeeper, tavernkeeper, or proprietor
civilly liable for the crime committed
in his establishment.


1. That the guests notified in
the innkeeper or the person
representing of the deposit of their
goods within the inn or house.
2. The guests followed the directions of
the innkeeper or his representative
with respect to the care of
and vigilance over such goods.
3. Such goods of the guests
lodging therein were taken by
robbery with force upon things or
theft committed within the inn or



1. The employer, teacher, person, or
corporation is engaged in any kind of
2. Any of their servants, pupils,
workmen, apprentices, or employees

P a g e 53 | 61

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