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Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Advance Access published June 7, 2014

Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their

management in the perioperative period
1A01, 1A02, 1B04,
Alexander Michael Stewart BSc(Hons) MPhil MRCP 2A03 and 2A06

Kim Greaves BSc MD FACC FRCP


Key points This review will provide an overview of supraven- Atrial flutter
tricular tachycardias (SVTs), their classification, Atrial flutter (AFL) is the second most common
Cardiac arrhythmias are a significant

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cause of morbidity and mortality in diagnostic features, and management in the peri- pathological SVT and usually originates from a
the perioperative period. operative period of adult non-cardiac surgery. re-entrant circuit at the tricuspid valve. This
Potential triggers for The term ‘SVT’ refers to paroxysmal forms an organized regular rhythm characterized
perioperative supraventricular tachyarrythmias that require atrial or atrioven- by atrial depolarization at 300 bpm and with
tachyarrythmias should be tricular (AV) nodal tissue, or both, for their initi- 2:1 conduction in the AV node results in ventricu-
identified and treated.
ation and maintenance.1 lar depolarization at 150 bpm. Differentiating
Haemodynamically unstable
The incidence of persistent SVT is 2% before this arrhythmia from other SVTs can be difficult
supraventricular tachyarrhythmias
should be treated with immediate operation and 6% in the postoperative period.2 In as flutter waves are often obscured by T waves at
synchronized electrical non-cardiac surgery, perioperative arrhythmias this rate. Furthermore, variable conduction from a
cardioversion. are more likely to be supraventricular than ven- ratio of 2:1 to 3:1 can give the appearance of an
Resuscitation equipment should be tricular in origin.3 Atrial arrhythmias occur most irregular SVT.
immediately available when frequently 2–3 days post-surgery similar to peri-
attempting electrical cardioversion
of supraventricular tachyarrythmias. operative acute coronary syndromes and are likely Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia
related to sympathetic stimulation associated with Both AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT)
Classification of supraventricular
tachycardia (SVT) can guide an inflammatory response.4 Other precipitants of and AV re-entrant tachycardia (AVRT) can present
appropriate pharmacological SVT often associated with high sympathetic tone at any age but more commonly in young adults.
treatment in the perioperative are summarized in Table 1. Such arrhythmias are Severe haemodynamic decompensation is rare in
important for the anaesthetist; in particular, atrial the absence of concurrent structural cardiac disease.
For haemodynamically stable SVT fibrillation (AF) is associated with haemodynamic AVNRT is caused by a re-entrant circuit in-
where there is doubt regarding
the diagnosis, seek advice. derangement, postoperative stroke, perioperative volving posterior and anterior inputs to the AV
myocardial infarction, ventricular arrhythmia, node, one of which is rapidly conducting and the
heart failure, and longer hospital stay.5 other slower conducting (Fig. 1). An atrial ectopic
during the refractory period of the fast pathway
Alexander Michael Stewart BSc(Hons)
MPhil MRCP propagates down the slow pathway to the ventri-
Trainee in Anaesthesia, Department of Classification and cles and then conducts retrogradely up the repo-
Anaesthetics, Poole Hospital NHS Trust
Longfleet Road, Dorset BH15 2JB
electrocardiogram features6,7 larized fast pathway to the atria. A re-entrant
UK circuit is formed with almost simultaneous activa-
The diagnostic features of SVTs are summarized
tion of atria and ventricles, thus obscuring the P
Kim Greaves BSc MD FACC FRCP in Table 2 and diagrammatically represented in
Professor of Cardiology, Department of wave within the QRS complex (Table 2).
Figure 1.
Cardiology, Poole Hospital NHS Trust
Longfleet Road, Dorset BH15 2JB Atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia
AVRT uses an accessory pathway bypassing the
James Bromilow BM MRCP FRCA
Regular SVTs
AV node, which may conduct in an anterograde
FFICM Sinus tachycardia direction (from the atria to ventricle via the ac-
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care Medicine, Department of Critical Sinus tachycardia (ST) is an appropriate auto- cessory pathway) or in a retrograde direction
Care, Poole Hospital NHS Trust nomic response to a physiological stress. The (from the ventricle to atria via the accessory
Longfleet Road, Dorset BH15 2JB normal maximum ventricular rate in a physio- pathway). In contrast to AVNRT, an AVRT re-
Tel: þ44 1202 442443 logical ST can be estimated by subtracting the entrant circuit depends upon the presence of
Fax: þ44 1202 448589 patient’s age from 220 bpm. Inappropriate ST is congenitally abnormal myocardial fibres (acces-
E-mail: a rare exception to this rule and should be con- sory pathways) connecting the atria and ventri-
(for correspondence)
sidered a diagnosis of exclusion. cles that bypass the AV node (Fig. 1). Three
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& The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management

Table 1 Risk factors for SVT in the perioperative period ventricle via the accessory pathway can precipitate ventricular fibril-
Acute anaesthetic factors Acute surgical factors lation and sudden death.

Anaesthesia-induced cardiac Pain Focal atrial tachycardia

depression Trauma Focal atrial tachycardia (FAT) is a regular atrial rhythm at a constant
Inotropes Anaemia rate of .100 beats min21 originating within the left or right atrium
Hypervolaemia ! acute atrial stretch Local and systemic inflammation (elevated
Auto-PEEP IL-6 and CRP) outside of the sinus node. Usually, there is a subtle difference in P
Shock Mediastinal manipulation wave morphology from sinus rhythm, so comparison with a sinus
Pulmonary artery catheter/misplaced ECG is valuable in diagnosis. Abrupt onset over 3–4 beats favours
central line
Local anaesthetic toxicity FAT, as ST requires 30 s to minutes for onset and offset.

Acute medical factors Chronic medical factors Irregular SVTs

Hypoxia Ageing (fibrosis and inflammation) Atrial fibrillation

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Hypovolaemia Atrial distension (heart failure, valvular
Electrolyte disturbances disease)
AF is the most common pathological SVT and is caused by multiple
Acute myocardial infarction Ischaemic heart disease electrical wavelets appearing in the atria simultaneously with an ir-
Metabolic/respiratory acidosis Congestive cardiac failure regular ventricular response. AF is classified acute when occurring
Pneumonia Chronic hypoxia, e.g. COPD, OSA
Sepsis Hypertension
suddenly in a patient previously in sinus rhythm. Conversely, in
Pulmonary embolism Cardiomyopathy chronic AF, the onset of tachycardia is gradual and is precipitated by
Hypoglycaemia/hyperglycaemia Persistent tachycardia-induced atrial physiological stressors similar to an ST.
Hypothermia/hyperthermia remodelling
Myocarditis/pericarditis Accessory pathways
Characteristic ECG findings for AF are the absence of P waves,
Pneumothorax Congenital heart disease with disorganized electrical activity in their place, and irregular R –
Excessive alcohol and caffeine intake Scarring post-cardiac surgery R intervals due to irregular conduction of impulses to the ventricles.
Recreational drugs Pulmonary hypertension
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) is less common than FAT and occurs
most often in acutely unwell patients. The typical patient is elderly with
arrhythmias are seen with these accessory pathways (Table 2): (i) a acute pulmonary infection and may have associated ischaemic heart
regular narrow complex tachycardia (orthodromic; anterograde conduc- disease, electrolyte derangement, or theophylline toxicity. This arrhyth-
tion via the AV node and retrograde conduction via the accessory mia usually progresses into other atrial tachyarrhythmia typically AF.
pathway); (ii) a regular broad complex tachycardia (antidromic; antero- MAT is characterized by irregular atrial activity with at least
grade conduction via the accessory pathway and retrograde conduction three morphologically distinct P waves and an isoelectric baseline
via the AV node); (iii) an irregular broad complex tachycardia (AF with between the P waves.
rapid anterograde conduction via the accessory pathway).
Preoperative diagnosis and investigations7,8
Wolff –Parkinson –White syndrome
A classical history for a regular SVT describes an abrupt onset of
The term Wolff–Parkinson– White (WPW) syndrome is a specific
rapid regular palpitations. Irregular palpitations suggest AF and
form of AVRT and is applied to the patient with both preexcitation
gradual onset regular palpitations infer an ST. Associated symptoms
manifest on an ECG and symptomatic arrhythmias (orthodromic or
offer a guide to severity and commonly include pounding in the
antidromic AVRT) involving the accessory pathway. The term WPW
neck or head, anxiety, shortness of breath, or light-headedness. Less
pattern is applied to the patient with preexcitation manifest on an
commonly SVT is associated with chest pain or syncope.
ECG in the absence of symptomatic arrhythmias. The classic ECG
Some patients can identify triggers such as caffeine or alcohol
pattern of preexcitation in sinus rhythm has two major features:
intake and develop techniques to terminate palpitations such as vagal
† A short PR interval (,120 ms) due to rapid AV conduction manoeuvres, which support the diagnosis of AVNRT or AVRT.
through the accessory pathway and bypass of the AV node. Patients for elective surgery with these symptoms should be
† The QRS complex consists of fusion between the early depolar- postponed pending appropriate investigations and treatment from a
ization via the accessory pathway and later depolarization via cardiologist.
the AV node producing a delta wave and a broad QRS complex.
The AV node acts as a rate-limiting filter between the atria and ven-
tricles. The accessory pathway bypasses this filter and can conduct Patients with paroxysmal SVT typically have a normal resting ECG,
rapid supraventricular arrhythmias directly to the ventricles. In the but evidence of preexcitation and the appearance of WPW pattern
context of WPW syndrome with AF, conduction of rapid AFs to the should be sought.

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Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management

Table 2 Differential diagnosis of the SVTs. AV, atrioventricular; AVRT, atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia; WPW, Wolff –Parkinson – White syndrome. From Link,6 1440.
Copyright & (2013) Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society

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Echocardiography † urea and electrolytes,
† liver function tests,
Patients with structural heart disease are at greatest risk for develop-
† thyroid function tests,
ing SVT under anaesthesia. A preoperative echocardiogram may
† drug screening,
elicit potential precipitants of SVT such as valvular heart disease,
† arterial blood gas,
atrial dimensions, and left ventricular size and function. These ab-
† blood glucose,
normalities may also help guide therapy upon onset of acute SVT.
† chest radiograph.
Most patients with a history of AVNRT or AVRT have a structur-
ally normal heart. However, certain types of structural heart disease
are associated with particular SVTs. Re-entrant atrial tachycardias Management of perioperative SVT3,8 – 10
around surgical scars are a major source of morbidity in the growing
population of survivors of congenital heart disease. Initial assessment
Whenever possible, cardiac arrhythmias should be controlled before
Other investigations operation as surgery and anaesthesia can cause marked deterioration.
Management of medical comorbidities and correction of underlying
Abnormalities that may precipitate SVT under anaesthesia may be
electrolyte imbalance are part of the strategy for treatment and pre-
detected with the following tests:
vention of perioperative SVT (see Table 1 for perioperative risk
† full blood count, factors for SVT).

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Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management

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Fig 1 Mechanisms of SVTs. AFL, atrial flutter; AVNRT, atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia; AF, atrial fibrillation; AVRT, atrioventricular re-entrant
tachycardia; FAT, focal atrial tachycardia; MAT, multifocal atrial tachycardia. From Link,6 1442. Copyright& (2013) Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with
permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.

b-Blockers and non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers is dependent on the AV node (AVNRT or AVRT) or provide diag-
(e.g. verapamil, diltiazem) should, where possible, be continued in nostic information in the case of AFL (the P wave morphology is
the perioperative period as they reduce the incidence of perioperative exposed and this arrhythmia is not dependent on the AV node for
SVT. maintenance).
For patients with AF at high risk of thromboembolism, therapeut- I.V. adenosine is recommended as a first-line medication due to a
ic anticoagulation should be stopped and therapeutic low molecular rapid onset and short half-life. The use of adenosine necessitates full
weight heparin bridging therapy considered in the pre- and post- ECG monitoring and resuscitation equipment in theatre should the
operative period. rare complications of bronchospasm or asystole occur. Adenosine
Upon acute onset of intraoperative SVT, aetiology should be should be administered with extreme caution in asthmatics and
considered before therapy is instituted except in extreme haemo- patients taking digoxin and/or verapamil.
dynamic instability where immediate synchronized direct current Second-line agents such as the longer-acting AV nodal blocking
(DC) cardioversion is required (refer to Fig. 2 for the SVT manage- agent diltiazem can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a narrow
ment algorithm and Table 3 for the therapeutic options for acute complex tachycardia but carry a higher risk of prolonged hypoten-
SVT management). sion and should be used with caution in the perioperative setting.

Regular narrow complex supraventricular Irregular narrow complex SVT

Atrial fibrillation
In the haemodynamically stable patient, slowing conduction through Management of acute-onset intraoperative AF should begin with as-
the AV node may either terminate the tachycardia if the mechanism sessment of haemodynamic status and correction of precipitants. For

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Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management

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Fig 2 Management algorithm for acute onset intraoperative SVT.

perioperative AF, the goal of management is rate control. Slowing appropriate anticoagulated as soon as it is safe to do so from a surgi-
the ventricular rate lengthens diastole, enhancing stroke volume and cal wound perspective.11 The CHADS2 score stratifies patients for
reduces myocardial oxygen consumption. The b-blocker esmolol is risk of stroke associated with AF according to the presence of con-
rapidly hydrolysed by plasma esterases and therefore is easily titrat- gestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75, diabetes mellitus, and
able. While this drug is b1-receptor selective and useful in patients prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack.12
with obstructive airways disease, it is negatively inotropic preclud-
ing use in patients with severe left ventricular impairment.
Metoprolol is less titratable than esmolol and has similar b1 receptor AF with preexcitation
selectivity and negative inotropic effects. The non-dihydropyridine In patients with an accessory pathway capable of anterograde con-
calcium channel blocker diltiazem has less negative inotropic action duction who develop AF, conduction to the ventricle often occurs
than esmolol but is less easily titrated. Both diltiazem and amiodar- through a combination of the AV node and the accessory pathway.
one are recommended for heart rate control in patients with left ven- However, because most accessory pathways have a shorter refractory
tricular impairment. Diltiazem is more efficacious at rate control period than the AV node, the ventricular rate can be more rapid if
than amiodarone but is more likely to cause hypotension. I.V. AV conduction occurs preferentially via the accessory pathway. For
digoxin slows the ventricular rate during SVT through vagotonic this reason, AV nodal blocking drugs (adenosine, diltiazem, verap-
effects but is not recommended in the perioperative period due to amil, b-blockers, and digoxin) are contraindicated since blocking
slow onset (6 h) and low efficacy in high adrenergic states such as the AV node will promote conduction down the accessory pathway
surgery. and potentiate ventricular fibrillation.
Postoperative AF predisposes patients to a considerably increased Haemodynamically unstable preexcited AF should be treated
risk of stroke and thromboembolism. Patients with AF persisting for with synchronized DC cardioversion. Amiodarone, which is not se-
.48 h should be risk stratified against the CHADS2 score and if lective for the AV node in prolongation of the action potential and

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Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management

Table 3 Therapeutic options for the acute treatment of SVTs

Treatment Usual dose Major acute side-effects Cautions/contraindications

Haemodynamically unstable tachyarrhythmia

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j 2014

Synchronized direct current Broad complex tachycardia or atrial fibrillation, start with a 120– 150 J biphasic shock † Bradycardia, heart block, VT, VF, and Contraindications
electrical cardioversion (200 J monophasic) and increase increments if this fails up to 360J. asystole † Digitalis toxicity
Atrial flutter and regular narrow-complex tachycardia use lower energies: start with 70 – † Stroke † Haemodynamically stable AF of duration
120 J biphasic (100 J monophasic). † Burns . 48 h without anticoagulation/TOE
† Complications of sedation
Conditions unlikely to cardiovert
† FAT, MAT, and Permanent AF

SVT with narrow QRS complex

Adenosine 6 mg rapid i.v. bolus followed by flush into a proximal vein. If no response within 1–2 † Facial flushing, chest pain Contraindications
min; administer 12 mg † Bronchospasm † WPW syndrome and AF
† Hypotension, rarely asystole † Cardiac transplant recipients

† Obstructive airways disease, digoxin, and

Esmolol 0.5 mg kg21 over 1 min, then 50 – 200 mg kg21 min21 infusion titrated to response † Hypotension, heart block, bradycardia, Cautions
Metoprolol 1–5 mg over 10 min negative inotropy † Asthma
† Bronchospasm † Heart failure, AV block, Ca-channel
blocker treatment

Diltiazem 0.25 mg kg21 over 2 min, then 5– 15 mg h21 infusion titrated to response † Hypotension, heart block, bradycardia, Cautions
negative inotropy † Heart failure, AV block, b-blocker

SVT with preexcitation and refractory SVT

Amiodarone 300 mg i.v. loading dose over 10 min † Hypotension, bradycardia, AV block, QTc Contraindications
Repeat 150 mg i.v. over 10 min as needed. prolongation † Pregnancy
Follow loading dose with 900 mg over 23 h. † Phlebitis † Porphyria
Maximum dose of 2.2 g in 24 h † Ocular, pulmonary, hepatic, † AV block, marked sinus bradycardia
haematological, neurological
complications with chronic use Cautions
† Administer via central vein and dilute in
5% dextrose

SVT with hypokalaemia (target serum K:  4.5 and < 5.5 mmol litre21)
Potassium chloride Infusion via peripheral access: Infusion via central access: † Hyperkalaemia † Continuous ECG monitoring is required
Maximum infusion rate of 20 mmol Maximum infusion rate of 40 mmol KCl † Arrhythmias, cardiac arrest for infusions .20 mmol h21
KCl h21 h21 † Paraesthesia, confusion, weakness † Cautiously replace potassium in renal
Maximum concentration of 40 mmol Maximum concentration of 1 mmol KCl † Phlebitis impairment
KCl litre21 ml21 † Monitor blood glucose levels

SVT with hypomagnesaemia (target serum MG:  1 and < 2 mmol litre21, i.e. supranormal levels)
Magnesium sulphate Infusion via peripheral access: 2.5 g Infusion via central access: 5 g † Flushing, drowsiness, hypotension, † Continuous ECG monitoring is required
(10 mmol) Mg in 100 ml (2.5%) (20 mmol) Mg in 50 ml (10%) bradycardia, arrhythmias for infusions
solution at 3 ml min21 solution at 1.5 ml min21 † Respiratory depression and coma † Cautiously replace magnesium in renal
† Monitor blood calcium levels

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Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and their management

refractory period, may be considered in haemodynamically stable with congenital thyroid disease and prolonged QT interval and
preexcited AF. should be considered a drug of last resort.15

Multifocal atrial tachycardia Areas of controversy

Treatment of the arrhythmia’s precipitant takes therapeutic prece-
dent, as the condition is usually transient resolving when the under- Published guidelines on the acute management of AF emphasize the
lying disease process improves. role of rhythm control with electrical cardioversion or antiarrhyth-
Cardioversion is rarely successful in MAT. Owing to the multiple mic drugs such as flecainide.12 In the perioperative setting, addition-
atrial foci, DC cardioversion is not effective in restoring sinus al emphasis should be placed upon the trigger of arrhythmia.
rhythm and may precipitate ventricular arrhythmias. Treatment of the underlying disease, analgesia, oxygenation, and
correction of haemodynamic or electrolyte derangement may restore
sinus rhythm in the majority of cases without the need for antiar-
Broad complex SVT

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rhythmic drugs. Furthermore, the efficacy of electrical cardioversion
SVT may occasionally present as a broad complex tachycardia due is considered limited if underlying triggers are not eliminated and
to a bundle branch block or conduction via an accessory pathway. the adverse effects of antiarrhythmic drugs such as flecainide or pro-
Broad complex regular tachycardia should be treated as ventricular cainamide may be exaggerated in the critically unwell, patients
in origin, unless a diagnosis of SVT with aberrant conduction or of under general anaesthesia, or both.8,16
antidromic AVRT is certain. Attempts to treat VT with AV nodal
blocking agents such as adenosine will prove ineffective and poten-
Declaration of interest
tially deleterious.
Irregular broad complex tachycardias should be treated according None declared.
to the established advanced life support guidelines.9

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Tecadenoson is an adenosine A1 receptor-selective agonist Perioperative Cardiac Management in Non-cardiac Surgery of the
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and endorsed by the European
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