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Given data:
Distance between the ends of the suspension table (L) = 120 m
Height of the ends above the lowest point (h) = 8 m
Im (I meters) = Distance from the lowest point to the highest end

The equa on for the catenary curve is given by:

y = a * cosh((x - b) / a) + c

y = height of the cable at a given horizontal distance x from the lowest point
a = constant related to the weight of the cable
b = horizontal distance from the suspension point to the lowest point
c = ver cal offset at the lowest point (height of the lowest point from the

In this case, we have two points on the catenary curve: (0, h) and (L/2, h). Using
this informa on, we can determine the values of a, b, and c.

Step 1: Find the value of a.

Since the cable is symmetric, the lowest point occurs at the midpoint of the span
(L/2). Therefore, at x = L/2, y = c, and we have:

h = a * cosh((L/2 - b) / a) + c
Step 2: Find the value of c.

At the lowest point, the height is zero (y = 0). So we get:

0 = a * cosh(-b / a) + c

Step 3: Find the value of b.

We know the height at one end (x = 0) and the height at the lowest point (x =
L/2). Using these values, we can find b:

h = a * cosh(-b / a) + c
h = a * cosh((L/2 - b) / a) + c

Now, we have three equa ons (from Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3) with three
unknowns (a, b, and c). Solving these equa ons simultaneously will give us the
values of a, b, and c.

Once we have the values of a, b, and c, we can find the height (y) at any
horizontal distance (x) from the lowest point using the catenary curve equa on.

Finally, to find the distance Im from the highest end to the lowest point, we can
use the following equa on:

Im = h - c

I hope this helps! If you need further assistance with the calcula ons, please let
me know.
To compute the reac ons at the supports and the maximum tension
in the cable, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the reac ons at the supports due to the UDL.

Let R_A be the reac on at support A and R_B be the reac on at

support B.

Since the cable is symmetrically loaded and supported, the ver cal
reac ons at A and B will be equal.

∑Ver cal forces at A = 0:

R_A - (20 kN/m * 80 m) - 20 kN = 0
R_A = 1600 kN + 20 kN = 1620 kN

Therefore, the reac ons at the supports are:

R_A = 1620 kN (upwards)
R_B = 1620 kN (upwards)

Step 2: Determine the maximum tension in the cable.

To find the maximum tension in the cable, we need to consider the

worst-case scenario, which occurs when the UDL is ac ng along with
the weight of the cable itself at the lowest point.
The weight of the cable can be calculated as follows:
Weight of the cable = Length of the cable * Mass per unit length
Weight of the cable = 80 m * (20 kN/m) = 1600 kN

At the lowest point, the tension in the cable (T) will be the sum of the
tension due to the UDL and the tension due to the weight of the cable:

T = 1620 kN (tension due to UDL) + 1600 kN (tension due to weight of

the cable)
T = 3220 kN

Therefore, the maximum tension in the cable is 3220 kN.

To summarize:

Reac ons at supports:

R_A = 1620 kN (upwards)
R_B = 1620 kN (upwards)

Maximum tension in the cable: 3220 kN

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