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Janelle Allison V.

Virtusio January 15, 2021

X – St. Joseph ENGLISH

Let’s Check In!

Use the correct modal verb to complete the sentence.

1. I will finish my work today.

2. You should submit your performance task next week.
3. I must take a break after this stressful term.
4. You should not complain about school because your parents work hard to send you there.
5. May I go?

Check Your Understanding

Complete the dialogue between the doctor and patient using the
appropriate modal.
Doctor: How do you feel today?
Patient: I’m quite dizzy. I can hardly move my body.
Doctor: When did you start feeling this?
Patient: I could not remember the exact date.
Doctor: Can you still do your normal routines?
Patient: Yes, doc. I still go to work. And in fact, I will drive going back home
after this appointment.
Doctor: Let me check your vital signs. Do you have a fever? Cold? Cough?
Patient: I don’t think so. I remember after eating this meal I bought from a street vendor, I started
feeling this way.
Doctor: You should not eat random food outside. The food was probably

Transform the following sentences using a modal verb.

1. She likes swimming. (expressing ability)
She can swim.
2. Do some stretching and stand up every two hours if you work in front of
the computer regularly. (expressing necessity)
You should do some stretching and stand up every two hours if you work in front of
the computer regularly.
3. I think it’s not interesting. (expressing possibility)
It might not be interesting.
4. Do you need help? (expressing permission)
May I help you?
5. Speak politely. (expressing obligation)
You must speak politely.

Write a sentence using appropriate modals based on the following pictures.

1. Type: expressing possibility
Sentence: He might not be able to go to work tomorrow.
2. Type: expressing permission
Sentence: May I go to the library?
3. Type: expressing obligation
Sentence: He must read and study all the books for him to pass the med school.
4. Type: expressing possibilities
Sentence: There might be a typhoon coming.
5. Type: expressing necessity
Sentence: Every kid should eat the right kind and amount of food so that their body won’t be

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