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Intermediate English

Name: Abril Montaño Mosqueira date: 26/06/2027

Comparatives and superlatives

Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative for of the adjectives in

1. My sister thinks she's more intelligent (intelligent) than me, but I don't agree!

2. Avatar is probably the worst (bad) film I've seen!

3. What is the wettest (wet) month of the year in England?

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are better (good) than the books?

5. Who is the most (powerful) person in your country?

6. I think Men in Black 1 was funnier (funny) than Men in Black 3.

7. Is Angelina Jolie older (old) than Sandra Bullock?

8. John is the nicest (nice) person that I know.

9. Valencia played worse (bad) than Real Madrid yesterday.

10. Cats are not as intelligent (intelligent) as dogs.

11. Show me the best (good) restaurant downtown.

12. (hot) The hottest desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa.

13. Who is (talkative) the most talkative person in your family?

14. She's got (little) less money than you, but she doesn't care.

15. He thinks Chinese is (difficult) the most language in the world.

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