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Privilged communication:

Black’s law dictionary: A communication that is protected from forced disclosure.

Official communication:

Relevant provision: Article 7 of QSO 1984.

Public officer shall Not be compelled to disclose communication made to him in official confidence
when he consider that the disclosing of such communication would affect public interests.

Professional communication:

Relevant provision: Article 9.

Professionals are not allowed to disclose any material secrets during the course of their bussiness
from their clients.

Advocate proceeds a case on the information recieved from thiEir respective clients. They can not
disclose such information without consent.


 Communication made in furtherance of illegal purpose.

 When fact shows that crime or fraud has been committed.

Communication between husband and wife: Communication between husband and wife are
privileged and their disclosure cannot be compelled. It extend to all cases inwhich the interests of
the strangers are solely involved aa well as those inwhich husband or wife is a party.

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