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Science Department

EXAMINATION: Final Year Exam YEAR: 2021/22

SUBJECT: Biology LEVEL: Secondary 3 Accelerated
NAME OF SETTER: Ms. Vanessa DURATION: 2 hours
NAME OF VETTER: Ms. Anuradha EXPERT: Ms. Luz



1 B 11 D 21. D 31. D
2 C 12 D 22. C 32. D
3 B 13 D 23. C 33. D
4 C 14 B 24. C 34. B
5 A 15 A 25. D 35. A
6 D 16 C 26. A 36. A
7 C 17 B 27. A 37. C
8 C 18. A 28. C 38. A
9 C 19. D 29. B 39. C
10 A 20. C 30. B 40. B


1 (a)

part process
U and V filtration / filtering (blood) ;
A ‘substances forced out
R diffusion
W (selective) reabsorption ;
reabsorbs, water / glucose / salts / minerals /
ions /amino acids
X (re)absorbs water / passes urine to pelvis or
A waste substances

(b) Send messages to structure X ( collecting duct) to 2
make membrane more permeable to water; Produce
urine which is more concentrated and volume is
[total: 5]
2 (a) Negative feedback loop is a sequence of events that brings 2
about opposite effect to changes; It restores a system to its
original state
(b) (i) Starch and sugar from the meal were digested in the 2
alimentary system into glucose; Glucose was absorbed
from the small intestine to the blood stream, increasing
blood glucose concentration.
(b) (ii) Pancreas is stimulated to produce insulin; Insulin increases 3
liver cell’s permeability to glucose, converting it to glycogen;
thus, blood glucose concentration decreased.
3 (a) ADCFBGE 2

(b) Reflex arc: the brain is only stimulated after nerve impulses 2
have been transmitted to the effector;

Voluntary action: the brain interprets an impulse and decides

on a response; A stimulus is necessary for reflex action, but
voluntary action can be initiated in the absence of stimulus ;
[total: 4]
4 (a) The image will be blurry; 2
Blurred effect is due to the image focused behind instead on the retina
wall because of insufficient accommodation by the lens
4 (b) (i) antagonistic 1

4 (b) (ii) accommodation 1

[total: 4]


5 (a) drug / medicine(AW) / chemical / substance ; 2

produced by microorganisms
A ref to idea of synthetic analogues
kills / stops, growth of, bacteria / other microbes ;
(b) (i) No antibiotic was added to dish A/(most) were killed by the antibiotic in B 1

(b) (ii) fewer resistant bacteria in B / non-resistant 1

bacteria were killed in B/(only) antibiotic-resistant bacteria transferred
from B / (only)resistant bacteria in C
[total: 4]
(6) 5
each correct row = 1 mark:

AVP for functions

[total: 5]
(7) (a) A dominant allele expresses itself and gives same phenotype in both 2
homozygous and heterozygous condition; A recessive allele expresses
itself in a homozygous condition and masked by dominant allele.
(b) (i) PP or Pp 1

(b) (ii) Pp, pp 2

(c) 50% (since 1 PP: 1pp) 1

(d) (i) Stem cells are unspecialised cells that divide by mitosis to produce 1
daughter cells that can become specialised
(ii) Basal cells of the skin; Cells in the bone marrow 2
(e) Any two of the following: 2
Mitosis occurs in somatic cells, meiosis occurs in germ cells;
Mitosis involves one nuclear division; meiosis involves two nuclear
Daughter cells have same number of chromosomes as parent cell
(mitosis); daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes as the
parent cell (meiosis)
[total: 11]


8 (a) (i) to absorb as much water as possible/ 1

to collect water and nutrients located in deep soil layer
(ii) to store water 1

(iii) to reduce loss of water and to reflect heat. 1

(b) Prevent water loss through transpiration; 2

less surface area exposed to the sun and wind
[total: 5]
9 (a) (i) The process shows the insertion of human insulin into a plasmid 2
(recombinant plasmid); complementary base pairing occurs
(ii) Protein machinery of bacterium is needed for insulin production encoded 2
by the genes; AW
(b) Transgenic bacterium 1

[total:5 ]
10 (a) (i) convert nitrogen into ammonia 1

(ii) present in waterlogged soil; break down nitrites into nitrogen 1

(ii) convert ammonia into nitrates 1

(b) Any two of the following answers: 2

Adding artificial fertilisers/manure; growing leguminous plants; ploughing

the roots (with their nodules) into the soil
(c) Development providing for the needs of an increasing human population, 2
without harming the environment
(d) Any three of the following answers: 3

educating the people about conserving the forests; introduce legal

quotas for logging; introduce programmes of re-stocking; protect young
trees from grazers; training loggers to remove trees with minimum
damage to surrounding trees

[total: 10 ]


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