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ENG031- K4
Minutes of the Meeting

The monthly meeting of Sugbo Rider Group was held on April 1, 2023, at 1 p.m. at
the Pine trees Mountains in Balamban Cebu, City. The Founder, six of the officers
and around fifty-five members of the said group were present. The minutes of the
last meeting were read and approved as corrected. 

The Treasurer reported the total accumulation of the solicitation and fund raised
from the Sponsorship partners amounting Php35,000.00 in all for the upcoming
charity ride and outing.

Mr. Abando, reporting on the printing of Jerseys for the members who still don’t
have the uniform, since it was a month ago that the distribution of Jerseys was
stopped due to some issues caused by the printing store. As officer Bautista raised
to the team that it has already been solved and will be continuing the printing and
distribution of Jerseys since there will be an upcoming event next month. The
Founder announced that the prices of Jerseys will be in the range of Php600-
Php700 depending on the number of Jerseys to be printed and made.

Everyone agrees and founder Mark announced also that the Charity ride and event
will be in the South part areas where selected indigent families are already listed.
Other details for the event are to be announced by the officers in every chapters.

The meeting adjourned at 3 p.m.

Rhenalyn L. Napoles, Secretary

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