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Ch-1 Crop Production and


Name of Student: - _______________________________________

Batch Timing: - ________________ Branch: - __________________

Class: - _____________ Phone Number: - __________________


1. Agriculture: Agriculture is the process of cultivating crops, rearing animals, and utilizing natural resources to
produce food, fibre, and other products.
2. Crop: - Plants of the same kind that are grown and cultivated as a source of food in a large
cultivable land is called a crop.
3. Types of crops: -
(i) Kharif crop: - season  (from July to October) example: rice, maize soyabean and cotton
(ii) Rabi crop: - season  (from October to march) example: what, oats, pulses and mustard.
4. Basic Practices Of Crop Production: -
(i) Preparation of soil: - One of the most important tasks in agriculture is to turn the soil and
loosen it. The process of loosening and turning of the soil is called tilling or ploughing.
The soil must be prepared by ploughing, harrowing, and levelling. This helps to loosen the soil,
remove weeds, and create a good seedbed.
(ii) Sowing: - Sowing the process of planting the seeds in the soil.
- Sowing of seeds at appropriate depths and distances gives good yield. Good variety of
seeds is
- sown after selection of healthy seeds. Sowing is done by seed drills and traditional
- A seed drill is a machine used for planting seeds in a systematic and uniform manner. A seed drill
is a machine used for planting seeds in a systematic and uniform manner.
(iii) Adding Manure and Fertilisers: -
- Fertiliser: The inorganic compounds containing nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium
and phosphorus. They are made in the factories. Example: Urea, ammonium sulphate,
potash, etc.
- Manure: - A natural substance prepared from decomposition of plant and animal wastes
(cow dung, animal bones, dead leaves, dead insects and vegetable wastes) by the action
of microbes.
- Advantage of manure :-
A. Being nutrient-rich, providing essential nutrients for plant growth
B. Improving soil structure, texture, and fertility
C. Being environmentally friendly, not containing harmful synthetic chemicals
D. Being cost-effective, often available for free or at low cost
(iv) Irrigation: - Supply of water to crops at appropriate intervals is called irrigation.
- Method of Irrigation: -
(a) Tradition methods of Irrigation: Moat, Chain pump, Dheki, Rahat.
(b) Modern methods of Irrigation: Sprinkler system, Drip system.
- Sprinkler irrigation: Water is distributed over the crops in the form of small droplets through
sprinklers that are mounted on pipes or hoses.

Expert Faculty: Dheeraj Kumar Phone number: 9625199126

- Drip irrigation: Water is delivered to the roots of the crops through a network of small tubes or
pipes that are placed near the plant's base.
(v) Protection from Weeds: - Weeding involves removal of unwanted and uncultivated plants
called weeds. Weeds are controlled by using certain chemical called weedicides , like 2,4-D
(vi) Harvesting: - Harvesting is the cutting of the mature crop manually or by machines.
- Method of harvesting: -
(a) Winnowing: - by the help of wind, grains from the chaffs are sperate
(b) Threshing: - Threshing is the process of loosening the grains from the chaff.
(vii) Storage: - Proper storage of grains is necessary to protect them from pests
and microorganisms. Harvested food grains normally contain more moisture than
required for storage. Large scale of storage of grains is done in silos and granaries to
protect them from pest like rats and insects. Farmers store grains in jute bags or metallic
(viii) Crop rotation: Crop rotation is the practice of growing different crops in a particular field in different
seasons. It helps to maintain soil fertility and prevent the build-up of pests and diseases.
(ix) Animal husbandry: -
- Animal husbandry is the management and care of farm animal for milk, egg or wheat

 Important Questions

1. What is the difference between organic and inorganic fertilizers? Give examples of
2. What are the advantages of crop rotation?
3. What is the importance of irrigation in agriculture? Name three methods of
4. What is a seed drill? How does it help farmers in crop production?
5. Explain the steps involved in the preparation of soil for crop production.
6. What is weeding? Name two manual methods and two chemical methods of weed
7. Explain how pests can damage crops. Name two chemical methods of pest control.
8. What is the importance of harvesting and storage in crop production? Name two
methods of crop storage.
9. What is organic farming? Name two benefits of organic farming.
10.Explain how the Green Revolution contributed to increased food production in India.

Expert Faculty: Dheeraj Kumar Phone number: 9625199126

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