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Astrology isn’t science, but your horoscope is more real than you


Omen - предзнаменование, знак, примета, служить

предзнаменованием, предвещать

omen of success — предзнаменование успеха 

omen of misfortune — плохая примета, дурной знак 

to believe in omens — верить в приметы 

read an omen — истолковать примету  

Bad bet — проигранное пари

Betting all your money on a single number in roulette is a bad


Double down — играть по крупному; удваивать ставку

I decided to double down on my investment in the stock market

after conducting thorough research and seeing positive trends.

Laughingstock – посмешище

After his embarrassing performance, he became the

laughingstock of the entire school.

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