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Coaching Practice Handout

GROW Model Coaching Questions

Current Coaching Session
1. “What would you like to achieve with today’s discussion?”
2. “What would be a good outcome for you of our conversation?”
3. “What is the most important thing that you would like to talk about today?”
4. “You seem to have different goals here. Which one do you want us to focus on?”
5. “What specifically is it about this issue that you would like to discuss?”
6. “Is there anything else that you would like us to work on?”

Performance Goal
7. “What is it—very specifically—that you would need to accomplish first as a precondition for
reaching your end goal?”
8. “What are the main milestones on the way to achieving this goal?
9. By when would you need to reach them?”
10. “How could you set a goal in a way that it primarily depends on your actions and performance
rather than on the circumstances or what others do?”
11. “How will you know that you have achieved your performance goal?
12. How will you measure success?”

1. “What is happening right now?”
2. “What are the main factors that contributed to this situation?”
3. “What other factors might be involved here?”
4. “Who else is involved in this issue? What is their role?”
5. “Who else is affected? In what way?”
6. “Which steps have you already taken to tackle this issue?”
7. “What happened as a consequence?”
8. “What are the main obstacles?”
9. “What stops you from …?”
10. “What resources are needed?”

1. “What could be a potential solution here?”
2. “What choices do you have?”
3. “What steps could you take to make progress in this issue?”
4. “Let us try to explore another course of action. What else could you do about this?”
5. “What advice would you give to someone else in the same situation as you?”
6. “What stops you from doing this?”
7. “What are the most important advantages of following this option?”

1. “What will you do?”
2. “Which option will you pursue to achieve your goal?”
3. “Which concrete action steps will you take?”
4. “What will be your next step to make it happen?”
5. “When (exactly) will you do this?”
6. “When will you put this into practice?”
7. “How will this action help you to achieve your goal?”
8. “Whose support do you need to make it happen? What exactly will you do (and when) to get
that support?”
9. “What are the main obstacles that you expect to face when you implement your actions?
10. “How will you overcome these obstacles?”

Please note: This list is not exhaustive

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