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Class 5 work page lesson 3

1.Bedouin is the name for nomads of the Arabian Desert.

  2. Sirocco is the name for the hot, dry, dusty wind that blows through the Mediterranean
  3. A wadi is a dry river bed in the Middle Eastern desert. It means ‘valley’.
  4. A nomad is a wanderer, a person who does not live in one place and is
constantly on the move.
  5. A cactus is a fleshy plant, usually with prickles, found in a hot, dry climate.

1.Bedouin is the name for nomads of the Arabian Desert.

  2. Sirocco is the name for the hot, dry, dusty wind that blows through the Mediterranean
  3. A wadi is a dry river bed in the Middle Eastern desert. It means ‘valley’.
  4. A nomad is a wanderer, a person who does not live in one place and is
constantly on the move.
  5. A cactus is a fleshy plant, usually with prickles, found in a hot, dry climate.

1.Bedouin is the name for nomads of the Arabian Desert.

  2. Sirocco is the name for the hot, dry, dusty wind that blows through the Mediterranean
  3. A wadi is a dry river bed in the Middle Eastern desert. It means ‘valley’.
  4. A nomad is a wanderer, a person who does not live in one place and is
constantly on the move.
  5. A cactus is a fleshy plant, usually with prickles, found in a hot, dry climate.

1.Bedouin is the name for nomads of the Arabian Desert.

  2. Sirocco is the name for the hot, dry, dusty wind that blows through the Mediterranean
  3. A wadi is a dry river bed in the Middle Eastern desert. It means ‘valley’.
  4. A nomad is a wanderer, a person who does not live in one place and is
constantly on the move.
  5. A cactus is a fleshy plant, usually with prickles, found in a hot, dry climate.

1.A planet is a heavenly body that moves in an oval orbit round a star.
2. Not liquid or hollow, with no gaps or spaces
3. The throwback of light, heat, or sound from one surface to another surface.
4. An object that is separate from something else, but dependent on or controlled

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