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A robbery

It was a cold, humid afternoon. The light was fading fast and a blanket of mist
was starting to form. A flash of lightning tore across the sky which made my
blood run cold. The cotton candy clouds were transformed into dark, sinister
creatures ready to attack me. The air was damp and cold. I had run out of
money, so I decided to go to the bank to get some
Suddenly two well-built men pulling black masks over their heads rushed
through the door. They began shouting and waving guns in the air. “Do as we
say and no one will get hurt”, they exclaimed. One of the robbers herded us
into a corner of the room. We were huddled together. He ordered us to lay
face-down on the floor.
I was terrified and my whole body froze in fear. I felt my pulse quicken and it all
made my hair stand on end.. I headed for the cashier and waited patiently in
the queue.
Surely no worse misfortune could follow that day. Hardly even daring to
breathe . I remained totally still . I did not move an inch . I did not even look up
in case the men decided to carry out their threat and start shooting. They were
remarkably calm as the cashiers busily emptied the contents of their tills. I kept
expecting to hear the wailing of sirens as the police car hurrying to rescue us,
but there was an unbearable silence. Almost as suddenly as they had entered,
they grabbed their bags, jumped into a car and sped away.
Just then, several officers took off in their cars to see if they could catch the
criminals. Other officers tried to calm us down enough so that they could take
coherent statements. The robbers finally had handcuffs clamped on their wrists
by the policemen. After bundling them into a police car they raced off towards
the police station.
If I had not been at the bank that day I would not have had that terrible
experience. I wish I had not been there.

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