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Character Chart Date this chart was completed: FAMILY: Character's Full Name: Mother: Reason or meaning of name: Relationship with her: Nickname: Father: Reason for nickname: Relationship with him Race: Siblings: Occupationiclass How many? Birth order. Social Class: Relationship with each: PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Children of siblings: Age How old does sfhe appear? Extended tamil? Eye Color. Glasses or contacts Close? Why or why not? Hair Color: Style: Weight; Height Type of bodyibuild: ATTITUDE Skin tone: Skin type’ Most at ease when Shane of face lll at ease wher Distinguishing Marks: Priorities Freckles Moles: ‘Scare Philosophy, Predominant feature: How sihe feels about self. Looks like: Past failure she would be embarrassed to have Is sihe healthy, If not, why not FAVORITES Char's favorite color: Char's least favorite color: why? Favorite Music Least favorite Music why? Food Literature: Expressions: Expletives: Mode of transportation Daredevil or cautious? Same when alone? peaple knaw about. ‘aig? If granted one wish, what would it be? Why? PERSONALITY: Greatest strength Greatest weakness: Char's soft spot Is this soft spot chvious to others? If not, how does sihe hide it?. Biggest vulnerability. TRAITS: Optimist or pessimist___Why?, Introvert or extrovert: Why? Drives and motivations. HABITS Talents: Drinks: wihat?, When and how much?, Extremely skilled at Hobbies: Extremely unskilled at How does she spend a rainy day? Good characteristics: Character flaws: Mannerisms BACKGROUND Peculiatities: Hometown: Biggest regret Type of childhood Minor regrets: First memory: Biggest accomplishment Most imporiant childhood event that still affects hirwher. winy? Education Religion. Finances. Minor accomplishments Char's darkest secret: Does anyone else know? Ityes, did sfhe tell ther? Ifo, how did they find out?

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