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Thinking of Homeschooling?


1. You Are Already Homeschooling! 3. Although Difficult, Homeschooling Is Doable
Did you teach your child how to walk? How to tie their Homeschooling is a voyage, but that doesn’t mean it will
shoes? How to ride a bike? Congrats, you are officially a always be smooth sailing. Expect obstacles along the way.
homeschool parent. “Wait a minute,” you might say. “That’s There will be moments you doubt yourself and think there is
not at all the same thing as teaching my child upper-level no way to succeed in this endeavor. Classical Conversations
math and science!” But why not? Sure, these subjects or helps make the homeschool journey doable by equipping
others might seem daunting, but with the right curriculum parents with resources, an easy-to-follow curriculum, and
and guidance from other homeschool parents, you can teach support from a local community. But no matter what
your child anything—just like you taught them to tie their program your family chooses, you will still encounter life’s
shoes. By teaching your child subjects like math, science, storms—so be prepared. Trust the homeschool process.
history, and English, you are simply continuing the education Trust your curriculum. Trust your friends’ guidance. Trust
you have already begun giving them. yourself. Trust God. And before you know it, you’ll soon
be at your journey’s end, having successfully prepared
DID YOU KNOW? your student not just for college and a career but for all
In addition to our local communities and proven curriculum, areas of life.
Classical Conversations® provides hands-on equipping so
that any parent can become their child’s best teacher. DID YOU KNOW?
Our local communities are for more than just our students.
2. Research Your State Requirements
They are for our parents to be encouraged, equipped, and
Since laws regarding homeschooling vary by state, what
held accountable by one another as they homeschool.
homeschoolers must do to succeed can get confusing.
Some states are highly selective in their standards; others 4. There Are Many Opportunities for
are more relaxed. It’s important to be aware of your state’s Socialization
homeschooling requirements so that you don’t run into How can your child possibly thrive socially without being
any issues down the road. To learn about your state’s rules, in traditional school? Well, there are many options out there
visit HSLDA’s Homeschool Laws by State webpage, for homeschoolers to socialize while learning, from home-
which conveniently breaks down each state’s requirements school co-ops to our own Classical Conversations Christian
with an interactive map. communities, where local families meet one day a week to


learn together and do life together. This provides guidance DID YOU KNOW?
and accountability for our parents and allows our students Classical Conversations’ programs align with children’s
to socialize with each other, often leading to friendships typical development so that learning occurs more naturally.
that extend beyond our weekly Community Day. And, of
course, there are always sports teams, art and fitness classes, 8. You Might Not Get It All Done Every Day
book clubs, scouting organizations, and youth groups that Homeschool parents never lack for things to do. For in-
your child can join to boost their social skills. stance, sometimes a science lesson leads to a multi-hour
investigation of all living things in the backyard. As a new
5. Not All Homeschooling Is Schooling at Home homeschool parent, be prepared for days you don’t finish
Although your home will likely be your learning head- everything you planned. There will be times you have to
quarters, homeschooling doesn’t have to take place there carry subjects over to the next day, or maybe even the day
all the time. In fact, there are many opportunities to study after that. Of course, you don’t want to put everything off to
subjects you are already learning outside of the home. the next day, but don’t feel guilty if you didn’t have time to
For example, you can study earth science at a local park, read The Story of the World or work through Saxon algebra.
history at your state museum, and math during a grocery You can get to these tomorrow. Now, if you find yourself
shopping trip. Although books are powerful resources, repeatedly struggling to stay on track day after day, consult
remember to train your children to learn from all aspects of a fellow homeschool parent in your local community for
life. So don’t be afraid to take advantage of the wonderful advice, or see if your curriculum provides a day-by-day
flexibility of all the “field trips” available to homeschooling! schedule for the academic year.
6. You Call the Shots 9. You’ll Reclaim Your Own Education
If you choose to homeschool, this means you are in charge At Classical Conversations, we often say that parents
of your child’s education—no one else. This might seem reclaim their own education when they homeschool their
overwhelming, but it can be liberating, equipped with a children. Obviously, the focus of homeschooling is to teach
trusted curriculum and the guidance of other homeschool your child, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn right
parents. Is a certain textbook not working for your family? along with them! Whether it’s a less familiar subject or one
Switch it out for something else. Does your child need you majored in at college, you’ll certainly relearn forgotten
more time to grasp a concept? Spend more time and bits of information and discover completely new ones. This
attention when needed. Don’t want to teach math that makes homeschooling even more rewarding, as both you
way? There are other options. One of the great joys of and your child participate as students together.
homeschooling is that it allows you to tailor your child’s
education to best suit your family’s needs, goals, and values. DID YOU KNOW?
With Classical Conversations Plus, you can earn a Master
7. Rushing Your Child’s Learning Won’t Help
of Arts in Classical Studies through Southeastern Universi-
One of the limitations of traditional schooling is that many
ty by teaching your child through Classical Conversations!
students end up moving on to the next grade level before
they are ready. Fortunately, homeschooling allows children 10. You Can Homeschool Your Child
to learn at their own pace. So try not to fret if your child For many parents considering homeschooling, the final
isn’t understanding a certain math concept or isn’t able obstacle to becoming their child’s best teacher is the fear
to memorize dates on the historical timeline “as quickly that they aren’t qualified. If you can relate, know that you
as other children” or “as is typical for their age.” With just are enough. All you need are a few tools under your belt for
a little more patience, often a switch will go off in their the journey ahead—tools like a proven educational method,
brains, and they’ll suddenly understand whatever it was a curriculum that suits your family, helpful resources, and
they were previously struggling to learn. accountability from other homeschool parents. Whether you
choose to homeschool with Classical Conversations or not,
these are tools every homeschool parent needs. And with
them, you can homeschool your child.


Ten Great Read-Alouds
for the Homeschool Family

Reading aloud is a favorite pastime of many homeschool families. It’s not just fun;
reading aloud also has many practical benefits to encourage a love of stories and
a love of learning in students. Seems like a worthwhile way to spend part of the
school day, right?
The single most
important activity for To help provide some read-aloud material for your family, we’ve compiled this list
of ten of our favorite books to read aloud, along with several practical benefits of
building the knowledge
reading aloud. Many of these stories, such as Classical Conversations’ very own
required for eventual Echoes trilogy, are specifically edited with your read-aloud time in mind, making
success in reading is them perfect for readers and listeners of all ages. Happy reading!

reading aloud to THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH (find it here)

children. . . . It is a Full of imaginative and humorous wordplay, The Phantom Tollbooth will spark amuse-
practice that should ment and laughter in any word-loving family. Join Milo on a memorable journey
through a world where sounds can be seen, sights can be heard, and puns literally
continue throughout
come to life. The clear, witty prose and imaginative sketches create a fun story that
the grades.” promotes the value of vocabulary, encourages a sense of wonder for both words
BECOMING A NATION and numbers, and leads to discussions about avoiding jumping to conclusions. The
OF READERS1 Phantom Tollbooth is recommended reading in our Challenge B program, although
students of any age can enjoy this fantastic tale.

Whether by mimicking your character voices and inflections or by practicing
delivering their own passages, reading aloud with your child lays the
foundations for valuable, lifelong communication skills.
THE HOBBIT (find it here)

As each family member
reads out loud, they are
There’s no surprise with this one! J. R. R. Tolkien’s whimsical, epic prequel to The
Lord of the Rings has been a read-aloud family favorite for generations. This book
especially comes to life when the whole family embarks together on Bilbo’s journey
to the Lonely Mountain. While reading, consider allowing each family member to
deliver a specific character’s dialogue for more engagement. When concluding a
practicing enunciation, read-aloud session with The Hobbit, expect discussions around loyalty, bravery, risk,
the temptation of power, and how even the unlikeliest of heroes can make a differ-
pronunciation, and
ence in the world.
public speaking, as
well as expanding THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA
Whether you choose to have each family member read a specific character’s dialogue
vocabulary and reading
or simply read the stories aloud to your littles, C. S. Lewis’s classic adventure series
speed. Reading aloud is a fantastic read-aloud for the whole family. The Chronicles of Narnia encompasses a
allows you to share wide breadth of relatable characters with diverse personalities, whether in the shape
of magical creatures or children. It doesn’t matter what age a reader is—enjoying
funny lines or important these books, especially in the company of others, will undoubtedly spark conversa-
phrases with people tions around truth, beauty, and goodness as well as the deadliness of greed, selfish-
engaged in the same ness, and betrayal.

story while the ideas

are fresh in your head.”
Your child’s (and perhaps your own) speaking vocabulary will blossom as you
LEIGH BORTINS, read aloud. They’ll take the new terms and phrases you verbalize into their
THE CORE (PAGE 91) everyday conversations, making them more eloquent speakers.

Teaching core reading THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER (find it here)

Mark Twain’s classic about the mischievous adventures of Tom Sawyer on the
skills is best done Mississippi River is a simple plot, but it’s one that will captivate any listener—child
alongside rather than or adult—when read aloud, especially during scenes of cleverly written dialogue.
Comedy, satire, and folk narrative are all wrapped into this charming story. Amidst
in front of a student.
moments of laughable childhood revels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer will also have
This is a great time to your family considering more serious topics and issues, such as the place for pranks
bond with your children. and jokes, the effects of racial prejudice, and the value of strong moral character.
Although recommended for our Challenge I students, Tom’s thrilling episodes will
Especially when they’re
inspire and entertain readers of all ages.
young, pull them onto
your lap or put an arm READ ALOUD REWARD #3
around them as you Reading aloud creates opportunities for your child to ask, “What would I do
in this character’s situation?” This develops problem-solving and critical
encourage them to read
thinking skills and encourages empathy and compassion.
difficult books out loud.
Touch helps to break
THE STORY OF THE WORLD (find it here)
down fear and self-
What makes a great read-aloud? It doesn’t have to be a fairy tale, but it does have
doubt and any other to be a good story. There are hardly any stories better than the narrative of world
emotional barriers.” history. That’s why The Story of the World makes for an excellent family read-aloud.
This four-volume series retells world history through easy-to-read, captivating stories
that span the breadth of human civilization. Reading The Story of the World aloud with
your child has many advantages, from reinforcing their understanding of the historical
timeline and geography to developing their sense of awe for God’s plan throughout
time. We recommend parents read The Story of the World series aloud or listen to the
audiobook versions with their Foundations students, although older students will
Reading stories out loud certainly enjoy these historical narratives, too.
to [my children] every
TANGLEWOOD TALES (find it here)
night improved my own
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s beautiful retelling of timeless tales from Greek mythology
reading, speaking, and makes for an enchanting read-aloud with the family. Tanglewood Tales is a colorful
literature analysis introduction to six classic myths, including “The Minotaur,” “The Dragon’s Teeth,”
and “The Golden Fleece.” It’s an excellent companion for Foundations students as
they study ancient history in Cycle 1 or for older students and parents revisiting
LEIGH BORTINS, these spellbinding legends. Whoever your audience, Tanglewood Tales will transport
THE CORE (PAGE 103) your family on a memorable journey encountering larger-than-life heroes, kings,
giants, and other magical creatures in the world of mythical Ancient Greece.


Reading and discussing Ancient World Echoes is a collection of myths, short stories, and fables correlating with
literature together is a the Foundations Cycle 1 study of ancient history. This volume, like the others in the
Echoes trilogy, is thoughtfully edited to provide thirty-minute reads of 2–3 stories
favorite family pastime. and poems for each week in the Foundations year. These easy-to-read tales can be
If there were no church enjoyed by students of all ages, from Foundations littles, to Challenge graduates, to
homeschool parents and grandparents. Beautiful paintings and sketches throughout
to attend, no work to
the book bring to life such narratives as Aesop’s truth-revealing fables from Ancient
occupy us, or no neigh- Greece and Muh-Lan’s courageous adventure in Ancient China.
bors to keep up with, we
OLD WORLD ECHOES (find it here)
would still feel connected
If you’re looking to expand your family’s understanding of foreign historical cultures,
to the world through then Old World Echoes is a must-read. It pairs perfectly with Foundations Cycle 2,
great books.” though older students are also encouraged to join along on these adventures. This
book enables families to time travel to great lands from long ago through enchanting
stories and poems originating from England, France, Germany, Russia, the Middle
East, Japan, Korea, and other regions. Encounter bold characters from Thor and
Loki, to King Arthur and Merlin, to Aladdin and the Genie in this engaging,
beautifully illustrated text.


As you read aloud to your child, you are telling them that they are worth your
full attention. This naturally brings about beautiful moments of precious family

NEW WORLD ECHOES (find it here)

New World Echoes concludes the Echoes trilogy with stories and poems from the
Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Iceland to complement the Foundation Cycle
3 year. You’ll encounter works from familiar authors and poets in NewWorld Echoes—
including Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Davy Crockett, whose
characters and narratives are sure to spark engaging, thoughtful conversations with
your student, no matter their age!
KINGS OF ROME (find it here)
The first in an upcoming Classical Conversations trilogy narrating the formation of
Western civilization through enthralling stories, Kings of Rome was intentionally
One of the greatest, edited to be read aloud with the family. This storybook includes one thirty-minute
story for each week in the Foundations Cycle 1 year, though students of all ages can
most satisfying phrases enjoy this mesmerizing text. As your family unpacks the origins of Ancient Rome
parents hear from their through the easy-to-read narratives and beautiful illustrations, you’ll lay the
foundations for understanding Western civilization, augment your family’s Latin
children is, ‘Please, read
vocabulary, and be prompted toward discussions around morality, bravery,
another chapter!’ If leadership, and God’s hand throughout history.
parents can teach their
children to speak and to READ ALOUD REWARD #5

walk, which are two of Reading aloud with your child extends their attention span. Whether reading
for fifteen minutes or an hour, children often become transfixed when read to,
the most difficult things which encourages them to practice sitting still and attending to the details of
humans learn to do, the narrative.

I know they can

be their child’s best Are you ready to cultivate a family culture of reading aloud? Although these books
reading teacher.” are some Classical Conversations family favorites, there are many other great read-
alouds out there. Chances are, you probably have several fantastic stories on your
LEIGH BORTINS shelf already. Open one up, snuggle next to the kiddos, and enjoy the adventures and
conversations together.

1. Anderson, Richard C., Elfrieda H. Hiebert, Judith A. Scott, and Ian A. G. Wilkinson, Becoming a
Nation of Readers: The Report of the Commission on Reading, (Champaign-Urbana, IL: Center for
the Study of Reading, 1985), 23.
Eleven keys to make

Pray and trust Control your
that God will Tailor your
curriculum to schedule;
guide and don’t let it
provide. suit your
family’s control you. TEN
SEVEN needs. Learn at a
pace that is
Spend time
TWO homeschooling
Remember outside of the
your “why” for home.
Become your
SIX child’s best
THREE Train your teacher—
student how to because you
Seek support learn and how are!
from other to think.
homeschooling FIVE
parents. FOUR
Enjoy learning
Encourage alongside your
your student to student.
pursue personal
For more information, visit
Homeschooling myths are all around us.
Have you ever fallen prey to some of these misconceptions?
THE TEACHER MYTH: Parents are not qualified to THE SPORTS/ACTIVITIES MYTH: Homeschool
teach their children. students can’t participate in extracurricular activities.
REALITY: Actually, parents are their children’s first REALITY: Homeschool students can be very involved in
teachers, from teaching them how to tie shoes to how to extracurriculars. In fact, sometimes being homeschooled
ride a bike. Parents know their children better than any gives students an advantage to accept opportunities
other teacher ever could. This means only they can tailor traditionally schooled children can’t, like participating in
the child’s education to align with his or her personal needs, daytime community events, engaging in morning private
interests, and learning styles. With the right tools, like a lessons, etc. Homeschool students can play sports in a
comprehensive curriculum, an easy-to-follow roadmap, and homeschool league, on a club team, and, in some states,
support from other homeschooling families, any parent can on their district’s school team. For community service,
homeschool! You’re their first teacher. Be their best teacher. students can volunteer at a donation center or serve at
their local church. There are also local clubs and groups to
THE SOCIALIZATION MYTH: Homeschool families consider, from scouting organizations to book clubs. With
stay home all day and lack socialization. the flexibility to create your own schedule during the week,
REALITY: Flexibility in learning locations is a common the possibilities are endless!
reason families choose to homeschool. And many families
leverage that flexibility to help their children experience THE UNDEREDUCATION MYTH: Homeschooling
more, not less! Whether it’s studying natural science at families hardly spend time learning.
a local park, practicing math at the grocery store, or com- REALITY: Actually, homeschool families never stop
pleting lessons between swim practices, the whole world learning! In addition to their structured curriculum, they
is the homeschool family’s classroom. Families also often often pursue opportunities to learn through activities,
partner together outside the home through enrichment experiments, hikes, literature, and more. Still, different
co-ops, field trip groups, and our unique Classical families have different learning styles, so it is difficult to
Conversations® communities. Remember, not all place homeschool families in just one box. Some prefer to
homeschooling is schooling at home! organize their day much like traditional schools, with an
hour-long block per subject. Others prefer a more relaxed
approach, with each day different from the last.
THE HOMEWORK MYTH: Homeschool students don’t THE SUCCESS MYTH: Homeschool students won’t be
complete actual homework. able to get into college or succeed in life.
REALITY: A more accurate statement might be that ho- REALITY: This is a common anxiety for many parents
meschool students have only homework. Ba-dum-tss! Jokes considering home education for their children. But the
aside, most homeschool students spend time working from evidence proves otherwise! According to Brian Ray from
a structured curriculum, and that includes completing the National Home Education Research Institute, studies
assignments on their own, just like students in a traditional show that homeschoolers, when compared to their
school. For example, our Classical Conversations Chal- traditionally-schooled peers:
lenge programs intentionally provide exercises, papers, and • Have increased “social, emotional, and psychological
other assignments for students to complete independently, development”1
so they learn how to motivate themselves and manage their
• Attain more relative success as adults1
time well.
• “Go to and succeed at college at an equal or higher rate
than the general population”2

Looking for more? Read more facts and statistics from the
National Home Education Research Institute’s comprehensive report here.

1. Brian D. Ray, “A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects of homeschooling as a school choice,” Journal of School
Choice, November 27, 2017,

2. “Research Facts on Homeschooling,” National Home Education Research Institute, September 9, 2021,

If homeschooling sounds like a great fit for your child, we are here to help!
Learn more about how you can be supported in a Classical Conversations community near you.


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