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Activity 1

Dated: 06 Sep 2023

Activity No.1
Name: Pelingon Carlo F.
Course/ Section: BSMT 3 Bravo
Deadline : 07 2300H Sep 2023
Date Submitted: 06 Sep 2023

1. What are the 2 Modes of Steering and Define each. (Local and Remote)

LOCAL- generates a torsional force at a certain scale which is then is transmitted to the rudder
stock that turns the rudder. equipment provided on ships to change the direction of the ship
during sailing or maneuvering .It works only when the ship is in motion & it does not work when
the ship is in stationary.

REMOTE- The equipment through which orders are transmitted from the navigation bridge to
the steering gear power units. To control the navigation direction of a vessel and change the
navigation direction through manual steering or automatically controlled steering. There are 3
modes in remote steering system (Manual, Autopilot and NFU or Non-Follow Up).

2. What are the types of Local Steering (Steering Gear System ) And define each with picture of
each type and define each with picture

Hydraulic Steering Gear

Fully hydraulic type, the manual hydraulic pump is moved clockwise or counterclockwise. This
movement pumps the oil to a solenoid directional valve which moves the ram that is attached to the
steering control. The ram movement that Is parallel to the rudder, left or right turns the rudder blade
on a certain angle port and starboard. This type of hydraulic linkage is purely mechanical in nature
and does not require electricity to be operated. They are widely used during earlier times but are still
fitted in present times as auxiliary steering gear arrangements on small boats.
Electro-hydraulic Steering Gear

Electro-hydraulic type is the type of steering gear arrangement that is vastly used by merchant
marine ships nowadays. The same principle applies only to this arrangement uses electric motors to
drive the hydraulic fluid to the cylinder and allow movement of the rudder blades. They are
commonly operated by a tiller joystick that is fitted on the wheelhouse. The joystick gives an
electrical signal to the control unit to open and close hydraulic valves to move the rudder at the
desired direction and angle.The auxiliary arrangement of such types is connected to an emergency
power source usually emergency alternators to power up the system and provide ship steering
means even at times of power failure.

3. What are the 3 modes of remote Steering system? (Manual (Hand), Autopilot, Non-Follow

Manual(Hand)-Manual steering is normally carried out when the vessel is manoeuvring, although it
can be used in the event of autopilot failure. If any of the steering controls are moved without being
selected, a warning is sounded. In manual mode, the ship is steered by the hand steering wheel
located on the steering control console. The hand steering control works in follow-up mode, a
gyrocompass repeater is fitted to the steering control stand to facilitate manual steering.

Autopilot-Autopilot is the use of an automatic system to control the rudder on the vessel. Use of
autopilot can reduce the fuel consumption by smoothing out the large angle rudder movements
used to hold a steady course.

Non follow up- this mode of steering is not done with a steering wheel but with a NFU Lever. The
NFU lever does not have markings. As long as it is kept pressed, the rudder will continue turning and
stop the moment the lever is released. This mode is used when the ship’s telemotor system fails. In
that case, the NFU Lever sends rudder setting directly to the control unit. To return the rudder to
the midship, the NFU Lever will have to be pressed to the opposite side of the initial
movement and kept pressed till the rudder is amidship.
4. What are the purpose of having 2 Steering Motors?

The purpose of having 2 steering motors is to prepare in emergency situation like mechanical
malfunction or error. having a backup is necessary to prevent accident and insure the safety of

5. Enumerate Steering Commands and Define how it is being executed (Ex: Port Ten,
Midship, Stbd Ten, Easy to five, Midship).

Midship cadet Starboard, steer zero-eight-two, ayy sir Starboard- steer zero-eight-two now, sir.

Midship Finish with the wheel , sir Finish with the wheel. Finish with the wheel, thank you sir

6. What is EOT otherwise known as Engine Order Telegraph and what are the EOT Commands
being given during Ship maneuvering and define how each commands are being executed?
Ex: (Dead Slow Ahead, Slow Ahead, Half Ahead, Full Ahead, Navigational Full Ahead, Stop
Engine. Slow astern and So on in the same manner. Note there is Jo ommad as Navigational
Full astern. There is only until Full Astern.

An engine order telegraph or E.O.T., also referred to as a Chadburn is a communications device used
on a ship for the pilot on the bridge to order engineers in the engine room to power the vessel at a
certain desired speed. The Engine Order Telegraph (EOT) is a fascinating communication device used
on ships to transmit orders from the bridge to the engine room. Its history dates back to the mid-19 th
century when steam-powered vessels were on the rise. Originally, these telegraphs were simple
mechanical devices operated manually, but later advancements in electrical and telegraph
technologies revolutionized ship communication, making operations safer and more efficient. Today,
the EOT remains a vital tool in maritime operations, ensuring smooth coordination between the
bridge and the engine room for the safe navigation of ships on the open seas.

The Initial movement of telegraph is always from the navigation bridge and is done by moving the
lever in the required direction, which rings the telegraph bell of both the locations (Engine room and
Bridge). After hearing the bell, the engineer officer acknowledges the telegraph of the engine room
to the same position as that of the bridge which stops the ringing of the bell. This ensures that the
correct movement is acknowledged and the engine speed and direction is controlled accordingly.

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