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Patient Name: Mariusz

Age: 33
Date of Admission: 5th January2023

Chief Complaint: Sweating, dyspnea, and chest pain without radiation

History of Present Illness:

Mariusz is a 33-year-old male who was admitted with complaints of
sweating, dyspnea, and chest pain without radiation. These symptoms
have been bothering Mariusz for the past 2-3 years and have been
progressively worsening. He has been experiencing difficulty climbing
stairs and has also reported fatigue. Mariusz does not have a history of
similar episodes in the past. Additionally, Mariusz experiences leg pain
when he does sports and the pain usually subsides after 15 minutes of

Past Medical History:

Mariusz had valvular surgery 10 years ago and is not aware of the type
of valve and surgery he underwent. He also had aortic surgery 4 years
ago. Mariusz was diagnosed with Marphan syndrome at the age of 12.
Mariusz is a former smoker and has quit smoking for the past year. He
has no known drug allergies.

Mariusz is currently on multiple medications including nabilet, kaliphos
furosemide and potassium and magnesium , following his previous
surgeries and hypertension . He has reported that he is unaware of the
dosage of drugs

Family History:
Mariusz's family history is not significant for any cardiac diseases,
or diabetes.

Mariusz's mother had hypertension which was controlled. His father also
had hypertension and died due to glioblastoma.
Mariusz has three brothers and one sister, all are healthy.

Social History:
Mariusz used to smoke 1 pack per day until 7year ago but has quit
since then. He consumed alcohol occasionally. After being admitted to
the hospital, Mariusz quit drinking. Mariusz currently lives with his
mother and works for an IT company.

Review of Systems:
In addition to the chief complaint, Mariusz reported fatigue ,headach.
But denies any other systemic symptoms, including fever, cough, weight
loss, or constipation ,diarrhea,edemas.

Physical Examination:
Mariusz's vital signs were within normal limits. On physical examination,
Mariusz appeared uncomfortable, with mild chest discomfort on
palpation. crackles and wheezing are heard over the lungs, and scars
are noted in the middle of the chest due to previous surgery.
Cardiovascular, and abdominal examination were within normal limits
lymph nodes were not palpable
He had elongated arms, arachnodactyly
Head and neck examination were normal

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