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Date: 12/08/2023

Department of Immigration and Passports

Dhaka, BD
Dear Sir/Madam,
Invitation to visit Bangladesh
I write to invite my friend, David Frewer, Date of Birth: 28/09/1996, Nationality: Germany,
Passport number: CF86419KM, Present address: Arbing 10, 84494 Niedertaufkirchen, to
visit me in Bangladesh from 12/08/2023 to 10/09/2023.
The purpose of his visit is to visit me in my hometown.
I work as an …………………………. …………… …………………………………………………, address:
………………………………………………………………………………………………. since …….../…../…………. I have
been living in the Bangladesh for ………..years.
My request is that he would be granted with a visa for this period. He will be resident at
my home and following the expiration of his visa, I will see that the David Frewer will
leave Bangladesh properly.
Kindly find attached all necessary documents required. Thanks in anticipation of your
favorable response.
 Yours faithfully
Full name :



Address :

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