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About Start-Up Bootcamp is an initiative of Incubation World of CELVZ YOUTH CENTER. The Start-Up Bootcamp is an intensive entrepreneurship training course for businesses that are in the early stage (ideation and existence) of business development. It is targeted toward helping businesses develop a scalable business model, seamless operation, an in-depth understanding of their industry and its market, lever- aging on existing technologies, and a strategic direction toward sustainable growth and disruptive innovation. At the end of the boot camp, the participants should be able to pos- sess business skills that will help posi- tion their businesses for growth, and innovation, attract investors, and lead an effective business team. The Start-Up Bootcamp is going to be a six weeks hybrid course, starting from September 23rd to November 3rd. The participants will learn online during the week and have an in-per- son class on Saturdays. The course outline focuses on 16 fundamental as- pects of the business idea incubation process, which are: Start-Up Bootcamp 1. Introduction to Design thinking and business idea Validation 2. Developing Revenue and Monetization Options 3. Introduction to lean startup and Business Model 4, Value Proposition Canvas 5. Running Experiments (Prototype & MVP-Minimum Viable Product) 6. Designing A Professional UX 7. Competitors Analysis, Industry Mapping, Market sizing 8. Digital Marketing Strategies and Campaigns 9. Business and Legal Structure, and Co-Founders 10. Building a Successful Team ll. Metrics and Progress Measurements (KPIs) 12. Financial Projection and Startup Valuation 18. Startup Funding and Investment 14. Art of Pitching and Storytelling 15. Entrepreneurial Mindset and ideation 16. Success by the Spirit (God Factor) INCUBATION WORLD _— Our facilitators are industry professionals and business people who have created value in their industry. Our target is to train about 100 entrepreneurs in the first phase of the start-up boot camp. Our Objectives 1. To nurture entrepreneurs who will passionately partner with the ministry of our man of God and leverage their socio-economic influence to advance the King- dom’'s Agenda swiftly. 2. Employing it as a channel for outreach to connect with and disciple entrepreneurs who are not yet part of a church commu- nity, and nurturing them in align- ment with the ministry's vision. Our Approach to Training and Valued Collaborations. We embrace the Self-Deter- mined Learning (SDL) methodol- ogy for our training. Through SDL, participants receive essential re- sources and guidance to embark on a journey of learning tailored to their individual pace, all within the designated timeframe. Our course content is meticulously designed to be pragmatic, con- necting theoretical concepts to everyday practices, thus fa tating a practical understanding of building viable businesses. To ensure active participation, par- ticipants are encouraged to engage with the weekly course content, undertake the course quiz and project, as well as con- tribute to the weekly topic dis- cussion. Meeting these require- ments is crucial, as it reflects a commitment to the learning pro- cess. In-person sessions, occurring each Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, are a pivotal part of our approach. These sessions pro- vide an opportunity for industry experts to interact with partici pants, addressing real-life case studies and fielding questions. Moreover, these gatherings foster camaraderie and allow the Participants to align with the LoveWorld Economy vision. Our Envisioned Collaborators As we chart this course, we envision collaborations with esteemed platforms: 1. Refuge Micro-finance Bank and Parallex Bank: We foresee a partnership that goes beyond fi- nancial support, extending to the provision of banking services for our burgeoning businesses. 2. Udemy and SeedStar: These platforms will enrich us with cu- rated course content for online learning. enhancing the training experience. 3. Pastor Chris Digital Library: To enrich the spiritual lives of our participants, we plan to incorpo- rate teachings from the Pastor Chris Digital Library. 4. Legal Firm: We intend to col- laborate with a reputable legal firm, facilitating business regis- tration and offering guidance in corporate governance. While we are yet to finalize this partner- ship, we are keen to ensure legal compliance and structure for our participants’ ventures. 5. Loveworld Publishing Minis- try: To nourish minds and spirits, we anticipate providing partici- pants with transformative books like "Power of Your Mind" and “Recreating Your World.” Our commitment to a dy- namic training approach and these strategic partner- ships underscores our de- termination to empower participants with holistic knowledge, skills, and sup- port to thrive in the world of business. Your engagement in this journey is pivotal, and we are excited to join hands in this pursuit. —— About Entrepreneurship Conference (Success by The Spirit) Success by the Spirit is an Entrepreneurship conference that will hold on the 4th of November 2023 as a climax of the start-up boot camp. The conference is designed to unveil to entrepre- neurs the kingdom principles of entrepreneurship and how to win in the marketplace through the Spirit, and also to bring them to the awareness of the kingdom agenda towards global resource control. The conference will be a time of birthing innovative and disrup- tive ideas through prayer, worship, praise, meditation, and proph- esies. Our target is to have 2000 entrepreneurs participate onsite and 10,000 online. The conference will be an opportunity to have about 12,000 entrepreneurs from all over the world gather to pray, worship and praise the living God Jesus Christ, after which we un- leash them to the marketplace by the Spirit. Our Request s We respectfully present our requests for your consideration: 1. Confirmation of Startup confirmation will enable us Boot Camp Date: We kindly —_ to proceed with the meticu- seek your approval regard- _ lous execution of our plan. ing the finalized date for the Startup Boot Camp. Your —_ 2. Confirmation of Entre- preneurs Conference Date: We also request your approval for the scheduled date of the Entrepreneurs Conference. Your endorse- ment is pivotal in solidifying our plans and ensuring a successful program. 3. Provision of Venue for In-Person Classes and Studio: We humbly request the allocation of a suitable venue for our in-person classes, business training, and streaming studio. We propose utilizing the former Youth Church at Sanya-Olu Street for these purposes, as it aligns well with our re- quirements. 4. Opportunity to High- light Startup Boot Camp: We kindly ask for the oppor- tunity to showcase the Startup Boot Camp during the upcoming Super Sunday — Service. Sharing this initia- tive with our congregation will not only generate aware- ness but also potentially identify enthusiastic partici- pants. 5. Permission for Publicity Banners: We seek your per- mission to place our publici- ty banners for the Startup Boot Camp at prominent lo- cations such as LCA and Corner Stone Environments. This strategic branding will help maximize visibility and engagement. 6. Business Registration and Board Members’ Ap- proval: For the forthcoming business registration with the Corporate Affairs Com- mission (CAC), we propose the name "INCUBATION WORLD LTD." to be regis- tered as a limited liability entity. Furthermore, we aspire to subsequently es- tablish"INCUBATION ACADEMY" as a non-governmental organization (NGO). In addition, we humbly present the following esteemed individuals to be considered as board members for the business registration: OnownhHne=a 7. Your endorsement of these appointments and our chosen business names would be greatly appreciat- ed. As we take steps towards establishing a thriving ven- ture that seeks to empower and nurture aspiring entre- preneurs, your guidance and approval are pivotal to our Executive Director (Chairman of the Board) Pastor Tosin Oyegusen: Non-Executive Member Pastor Wealth Olaitan: Non-Executive Member Pastor Favour Ajunnu: Non-Executive Member Pastor Israel Oyakhilome: Non-Executive Member . Bro Blossom Chukwujekwu: Non-Executive Member Bro Chinonso Obasi: Executive Member . Sis Wura Aina: Executive Secretary success. We remain com- mitted to your esteemed leadership and eagerly an- ticipate your response. Thank you for your time and consideration Your support and approval in these matters are pivotal to the success of our endeavors. We are eager to contribute positively to our community and empower individuals to excel in their en- trepreneurial pursuits. Your guidance and endorsement would greatly enhance the impact of our initiatives. Thank you for con- sidering our requests. A a detailed document containing the schedule and activities flow of the startup bootcamp will be sent later in the weekend.

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