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Principles of

adhesive retention and

adhesive restorative materials

M ichael G. B uonocore,* D .M .S ., R ochester, N .Y .

Dental applications for adhesives include the sealing of pits and fissures for caries
prevention, the prevention of marginal leakage in restorations and cavity lining. An
ideal dental adhesive should provide a lasting bond with both enam el and dentin;
polym erize rapidly near body tem perature, with little or no shrinkage; be sufficiently
cross linked to minimize expansion on water absorption; have sufficient strength to
resist masticatory fo rces; have the same coefficient of thermal expansion as tooth
structure; have mechanical properties close to those of tooth structure; be innocuous
to the pulp and oral tissues, and resist degradation in the oral environm ent.

T h e term “ adaptation” is defined for den­ NATURE OF ADHESION

tistry in Dorland’s Illustrated M ed ical
D ictionary1 as “ T he proxim ity o f a filling Adhesion is defined as the m olecular at­
material to a cavity wall.” T h e adaptation traction exerted between the surfaces of
o f restorative materials to cavity walls has
been the subject of numerous investiga­ J
tions. T h e fact that the adaptation o f
existing materials is not sufficient to pre­
vent leakage o f dyes between the restora­ m Steel
tive material and cavity wall has been
dem onstrated;2' 10 m oreover, it has been \
shown by Nelsen and co-workers11 that
the size o f this leakage space varies as the
result o f thermal changes. These authors
stated, “ it would not be unreasonable to
assume that a channel 10 m icrons in d i­
ameter could develop at the junction o f
the resin filling and the tooth.” This space
is many times larger than most m icro­
organisms and would allow a virtual
pouring in o f enzymes and acid molecules. Fig . I • N ature of co n tact between surfaces
T h e elimination o f this leakage space under pressure, a : Polished steel su rfaces. Rough­
ness prevents com plete co n tact, with bonds
could be achieved by a restorative m ate­
form ed at tips of asp erities which are under high
rial or liner capable o f form ing a strong ela stic stress. O n rem oving pressure, release of
adhesive bond with tooth structure that ela stic stresses may break junctions, b : Lead on
steel under pressure. So fter lead flows and con­
would survive under oral conditions. In form s to irre g u larities of steel su rface. Because
view o f the potential im portance o f ad­ of flow, elastic stress does not build up ap p re ­
hesion in dentistry, a discussion o f some c ia b ly, and adhesion m ay not be broken on re­
moval of pressure, c : Lead on steel. W h en moved
o f the principles involved should be d e­ over steel, lead surface is sheared at points of
sirable. co n tact, leaving p iece of lead adhering to steel

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76

BUONOCORE . . . VOLUME 67, SEPTEMBER 1963 • 73/383

bodies in contact or the attraction be­ Contact Angle = 0

tween molecules at an interface. Im plied Clean Surface
in this definition are a variety o f therm o­
Contact Angle =8°
dynam ic considerations which have been I liiliiiiiM T ffl
Slightly Contaminated Surface
defined by com plex mathematics. T h e
m ore interested reader is referred to a
num ber o f g ood references on the sub­ Contact Angle = 80°
je c t ;12'20 however, an attempt will be Mono Layer of Fatty Acid
m ade to present in simple form pertinent
aspects o f the theory o f adhesive action,
obtained from the aforem entioned ther­ Contact Angle = 105°
m odynam ic considerations. Teflon or Polyethylene

T h e m olecular attractive forces in ­ F ig . 2 • W e tta b ility o f different types o f sur­

volved in adhesion may be divided into fa c e s. a : Z e ro con tact angle on clean su rface,
b : Sm all co n tact angle on slig htly contam inated
two classes, physical and chemical. su rface, c : Larg er co n tact angle on layer of
Physical forcés, including V an der W aal’ s fa tty acid contam inating su rface, d : Large con­
forces, are related to the existence o f ta c t angle, in d icative of poor w etting o f p o ly(tet-
rafluoroethylene) or polyethylene surface
dipoles, induced dipoles and the nonpolar
dispersion effect which results from inter­
action between the random motions o f m ore than 1 or 2 ten thousandths o f a
internal electrons o f molecules, atoms or m icron ( angstrom u n its). Little or no
ions. A m on g the physical forces m ay also adhesion can be realized with separations
be included hydrogen bonding, which greater than these values. This implies
may be considered a special kind o f a that surfaces which are flat at an atom ic
dipole-dipole interaction. Chem ical forces level, if brought into contact, will adhere
are those resulting from the form ation o f spontaneously to each other with a strong
covalent, ionic and metallic bonds and so bon d without the need o f an intermediate
forth and are considerably stronger than layer o f adhesive. An example o f the ad­
physical bonds. Chem ical bonds are dis­ hesive forces uniting atomically smooth
tinguished from physical bonds in that, in surfaces is demonstrated by the bond be­
the form er, there may be a sharing o f tween m ica sheets. T h e strength o f this
electrons such as that which occurs be­ adhesion is about 14,000 lb. per square
tween two atoms o f hydrogen to form a inch, as strong as the m ica itself.18 A dh e­
m olecule, or there may be actual transfer sion can be weakened or destroyed by
o f electrons from one atom to another as water penetrating between adhering sur­
in the reaction o f sodium with chlorine faces. It has been calculated that a layer
in which sodium, by giving an electron o f water molecules penetrating between
to the chlorine, becomes a positive sodium two unit layers o f clay exerts a force o f
ion and chlorine, by receiving the elec­ 2,000 atmospheres in separating the lay­
tron, becom es a negative chloride ion. O f ers.21 This figure gives an idea o f the
special interest is the chemical bond tremendous forces with which the inter­
form ed when a glass surface is made faces o f the clay can attract water to
hydrophobic by reaction with dimethyl- bring about their separation. W ith adap­
dichlorosilane. T h e organic methyl groups tation o f a restorative material to a cavity
o f the silane are bonded to the glass sur­ wall o f the order o f no more than 1 or 2
face through a covalent silicon-oxygen- angstrom units o f separation, other fa c­
silicon attachment. tors being conducive, strong adhesion
Adhesion, depending essentially on the w ould also exist. T h e key to lasting ad­
forces o f m olecular attraction between hesion, however, lies not only in getting
surfaces, exists only at short distances of surfaces in molecular nearness, but also
separation; these are o f the order o f no in maintaining this proximity.

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76


FACTORS IN OBTAINING AND are not broken on release o f contact pres­

MAINTAINING ADHESION sure, slight sliding motions ( shear forces)
may break the contact, with rupture most
Surface C ontact • In the examples cited, likely not at the contact points but within
I referred to solid substances having the materials themselves (Fig. 1, c ) . This
atom ically smooth surfaces between which indicates that the bond is stronger than
strong adhesive forces exist. Although the metal.
considerable adhesive forces are obtained, In all the examples o f surfaces in co n ­
the examples are only o f theoretical and tact in Figure 1, there are voids which
laboratory interest. T h e best surfaces that represent absence o f complete contact be­
scientists have been able to produce are tween the surfaces and failure to obtain
smooth to only a millionth o f an inch, m axim um adhesion. In the presence o f
which is about 250 times less smooth than fluids, such voids could serve as seepage
is required for m olecular attraction. In channels if they were interconnecting.
actual practice, it is often necessary to For m axim um adhesion, these should be
bond surfaces which may be as m uch as eliminated, and an important way o f d o ­
a million times less smooth. Dental cutting ing this is to use liquid adhesives in jo in ­
instruments leave surface im perfections ing surfaces. Because atomically smooth
o f this oi'der. surfaces cannot be obtained at a practical
Although surfaces may appear smooth, level, the problem is circum vented by
they are rough on an atom ic scale. W hen using fluid adhesives which will flow into
brought together under pressure, contact the irregularities o f the surfaces.
occurs only around the tips o f the asperi­
ties; however, the adhesive forces pro­ W etting and C ontact Angles • In order
duced at these contact points may be to establish adhesion, a liquid adhesive
appreciable. W ith hard metals, these con ­ must “ wet” (give molecular nearness to)
tact points are under considerable stress the surface o f the material. W etting is a
and, when the contact pressure is re­ manifestation o f the attractive forces b e ­
m oved, the release o f the stress because tween molecules o f adhesive and ad-
o f the elastic recovery o f the material at herend. W hen the attractive forces be­
these junctions m ay be sufficient to break tween the molecules o f the adhesive and
them. W ith softer metals such as lead or those o f the adherend are strong, wetting
indium, flow occurs under contact pres­ will occur. T h e phenom enon o f wetting
sure (Fig. 1, b ) , and stress is m inim ized; is associated with the existence o f a small
hence, on release o f pressure, the ju n c­ or zero contact angle as shown in Figure
tions may not be broken. W hen junctions 2, a. T h e stronger the attraction, the
smaller will be the wetting angle.
A zero contact angle w ould indicate
a Fig . 3 • Effe ct of shape of that the molecules o f the adhesive are
asp e rity on adhesive pene­
tra tio n . a : Ink bottle typ e attracted to the solid adherend molecules
o f p it shows lim ited pen­ as m uch as, or more than, they are to
etration o f adhesive, b : themselves. W ith mercury, as with certain
Flow er pot ty p e o f pit
shows b e tter penetration of other liquids, the mutual attraction o f its
' M z m adhesive ow n molecules is so strong that it does
not even wet such polar substances as
glass and tooth structure.
M ercury is described as having high
surface tension. Bonds form ed involving
zero contact angles are extremely strong;
fo r example, it has been calculated that,
fo r a nonpolar liquid having a relatively
low surface tension o f 30 ergs per centi-

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BUONOCORE . . .VO LUM E 67, SEPTEMBER 1963 • 75/385

meter squared and attached solely by a

physical forces to a solid with w hich it
form s a zero contact angle, it w ould re­
quire theoretically a force o f 24,000 lb.
per square inch to remove the liquid and
w ould leave the surface covered with a
layer o f absorbed material.22 T his calcu­
lation is based on the premise that a vapor
film o f the liquid will remain on the sur­
face o f the solid; therefore, rupture in the
liquid has been produced, and the force
o f 24,000 lb. per square inch is essentially Fig . 4 • a : Discontinuity o f ad hesive la ye r caused
by co n tact between projections on both surfaces
a measure o f cohesive forces holding
results in weak jo in t. Regions o f d iscon tinu ity may
molecules o f the liquid together. T h e a c t as initiation points fo r propag ation o f fr a c ­
force necessary to remove com pletely the ture under stress, b : Stron g er adhesive jo in t with
continuous, th icker la yer o f adhesive
liquid from the surface may be as m uch
as tw ice this value. In practice, however,
strengths o f these orders are never o b ­
o f entrapped air. W ith fluid adhesives,
tained. Fracture o f the adhesive or the
filling o f pits is a m ore rapid process than
adherend usually occurs at m uch lower
with viscous adhesives. Unless sufficient
forces. Figure 2, b, c and d show, re­
time is allowed fo r flow into the voids,
spectively, contact angles achieved by sur­
not only will the area o f contact be re­
faces o f decreasing ability to be wet by a
duced, but potential and actual areas o f
given liquid. C ontact angles as shown in
stress concentrations may develop, both
Figure 2, d are obtained on surfaces such
o f which will contribute to early failure
as poly(tetrafluoroethylene), which has a
under load. In addition, rough surfaces
low level o f surface energy. T his accounts
require a thicker adhesive layer between
for the fact that few materials will w et
them to form a continuous film than
this substance suitably. Again from prac­
smooth ones. This is diagrammatically
tical experience, the form ation o f droplets
illustrated in Figure 4, a, b. Breaks in ad­
o f water on a newly waxed autom obile
hesive continuity that result from contact­
h ood is because o f a large contact angle
ing surface projections, seen in Figure
which indicates that the w ax coating is
4, a, produce a weak joint. These breaks
wetted poorly by water.
or cracks may be considered initiation
points from which larger, disastrous frac­
Physical Characteristics o f A dherend Sur­ tures through the adhesive may be propa­
fa ce • T h e smaller the contact angle gated under relatively light loads as a
(g ood w ettin g), the better an adhesive result o f stress concentration. Figure 4, b,
is able to fill in irregularities in the sur­ shows a stronger joint with a continuous
face o f a solid. T h e extent to w hich voids adhesive layer.
or depressions in a surface are filled also
depends on their shape and viscosity o f
Thickness of Adhesive L ayer and Strength
the adhesive. In Figure 3, a and b, the
o f Adhesion • Before relating these prin­
effect o f the shape o f pits on penetration ciples o f adhesive action to the dental
is shown. Figure 3, a shows an ink bottle situation, the problem o f thick versus thin
type, wherein the increasing distance be­ layers o f adhesive should be considered.
tween the lateral walls contributes to Generally, the adhesive industry recog­
making the situation unfavorable fo r pen­ nizes that thick adhesive layers give
etration. In the flower pot type o f pit, weaker joints than thin ones. A number
penetration is facilitated and will cease o f reasons have been postulated fo r this,
only when the pressures driving the liquid one o f w hich is the probability o f a
are counterbalanced by the compression greater num ber o f im perfections, such as

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76


Another reason postulated fo r prefer­

ring thin adhesive layers is important
from the dental aspect and has to d o with
shrinkage. M ost adhesives undergo shrink­
age on hardening or polymerization
w hich induces internal stresses in the
material, acting tangentially to the ad-
hesive-adherend interface. I f one consid­
ers a thick layer as m ade up o f many thin
layers, the sum o f stresses caused by
shrinkage, acting at the adherend-adhe-
Fig . 5 • a : C y lin d rica l rod of d uctile m aterial in sive interface, will increase with the thick­
tension, with shear type of break a t point o f re ­
ness o f the adhesive layer. These shrink­
d uced d iam e te r, b : Same c y lin d e r cross-sectioned
with one segm ent placed under same tension as age forces tend to pull the adhesive from
in a ; g re a te r resistance to rupture can be a t­ the adherend and, consequently, to en­
trib u ted to a b ility of thin la ye r to resist late ral
deform ation b etter than th ick one does
danger adhesion. I f adhesion is not actu­
ally disrupted during shrinkage, it may
becom e so weakened that only a small
voids and cracks, in thicker layers. These additional external force will break it.
may cause stress concentrations under Swelling o f the adhesive because o f ab­
load, with the likelihood o f early failure sorption o f fluids can endanger adhesion
related to the num ber and size o f these also. In addition, excessive shrinkage and
imperfections. Another reason postulated swelling m ay cause spontaneous fractures
for the weakness o f thick adhesive layers in the body o f the adhesive. W ith adhe­
is that they are more likely to becom e de­ sives having a high elastic modulus, in­
form ed than thin ones and thus will frac­ ternal stresses at the adhesive interface,
ture sooner; for example, w hen a cylin­ caused by polymerization shrinkage and
drical rod o f ductile material is drawn other factors, are likely to be greater than
out under tension (Fig. 5, a ) , failure o c ­ with adhesives having a low elastic m odu­
curs in the area o f reduced diameter. O n lus. Polymerization shrinkage during the
the other hand, a thin layer, which may viscous state is o f little consequence when
be considered as a thin cross section of com pared with that occurring after the
a cylinder, is constrained from deform ing adhesive has hardened. A material o f low
laterally. W hen rupture occurs, it will elastic m odulus and high yield value, al­
take place in a cross section almost equal though not suitable fo r bulk use, could
to the original. O nce good adhesion is be used as a thin layer.
achieved, the adhesive bon d is not likely
to break; instead, the adhesive o r ad- ADHESION IN DENTISTRY
herend will rupture. T h e resistance o f
the adhesive or adherend is the limiting T h e problems associated with obtaining
factor in bond strength. T h e practical adhesion to tooth structure are com plex,
loads under which materials will break in centering largely around the fact that one
tension are far below calculated theoreti­ must deal with an aqueous environment.
cal values, w hich are o f the order o f m il­ M ost adhesive chemists agree that the
lions o f pounds per square inch. In prac­ presence o f water is detrimental before
tice, the strengths o f polym eric materials and after bonding. F or dental applica­
are far from theoretical values because tions, however, there is no alternative; a
they are not oriented or crystallized ide­ dental adhesive must be capable o f b on d ­
ally and contain imperfections. U nder ing to tooth surfaces which may not toler­
load, the m echanical stresses are not dis­ ate adequate drying and, m ore important,
tributed evenly, which results in stress the adhesive must maintain its adhesion
concentrations that initiate early failure. in continuous contact with water.

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76

BUONOCORE . . . VOLUME 67, SEPTEMBER 1963 • 77/387

Bonding to tooth structure involves a fissure areas have failed consistently. A l­

consideration o f two separate tissues: en­ though good initial adhesion to enamel
amel and dentin. Enamel is essentially may be obtained with various acrylic
inorganic but contains a relatively small resins, it is lost after a short time in the
inert organic com ponent which may be mouth. From laboratory tests, it has been
im portant in securing adhesion. Dentin is found that this loss results from the effect
com posed o f about 75 per cent inorganic o f moisture. Strong adhesion o f methyl-
material that is em bedded in or sur­ methacrylate resins to teeth occurs when
rounded by a protein matrix. Obviously, teeth have been air dried fo r a long time.
the surfaces presented fo r adhesion by As long as these teeth are kept dry, the
these tissues are different. Enamel, be­ acrylic resin adheres firmly, but adhesion
cause o f its external location on the tooth, is lost rapidly when teeth are placed in
can be subjected to m ore drying than water.
dentin and, in this respect, provides a p o ­ This parallels the experience o f den­
tentially more desirable adherend surface; tists w ho have seen how well acrylic resin
however, dentin, which cannot be dried adheres to dappen dishes and glass mixing
rigorously without endangering the pulp, slabs. Although this bon d is so strong
may be less suitable in this respect. N ever­ when dry that attempts to dislodge the
theless, its larger amount o f organic m at­ resin often result in tearing out pieces o f
ter may offer a greater potential fo r bon d­ the glass, the bond can be broken readily
ing through chem ical reaction with the by immersion o f the slab o r dappen dish
adhesive. T h at these tissues do not behave in water. In fact, after a short immersion
similarly to the same adhesive is shown time, the acrylic resin virtually floats off
by the rather strong adhesion o f methyl- the glass. Loss o f adhesion occurs because
methacrylate filling resin obtained by water has greater affinity fo r the enamel
Buonocore and others23 on acid etched or glass surface than the adhesive, and it
enamel surfaces and the complete absence displaces the adhesive from the surface.
o f adhesion to similarly treated dentin T he failure o f adhesion in the mouth also
surfaces. Another demonstration o f the can be attributed to the developm ent o f
divergent behavior o f these tissues is af­ internal stress from the substantial poly­
forded by the finding that a polym er­ merization shrinkage and the irregular
izable, phosphate-containing material will contour o f the fissure in w hich the resin
bond to dentin but not to enamel.24 is placed. Conceivably, the total stresses
so induced could weaken the adhesion
A D H E S IV E S FO R CARIES P R E V E N T IO N so that, on subsequent contact with oral
fluids, expansion forces caused by water
Adhesives in Fissure Sealing • A n im por­ absorption by the resin, the enamel or
tant application for adhesives in dentistry both set up sufficient additional stresses
is the sealing o f pits and fissures for caries at the adhesive boundary to destroy what­
prevention. T h e fissures are the most vul­ ever residual adhesion existed. Failure o f
nerable spots and usually decay" rapidly unmodified Eastman 910 m onom er to
soon after eruption in advance o f inter- adhere to enamel fissures fo r appreciable
proxim al decay. Sealing the fissure areas times may be related to these facts. U nder
o f molars and bicuspids soon after tooth polarized light, one can see the evidence
eruption could result in the saving o f o f stresses in this adhesive as alternating
large numbers o f teeth while providing light regions and dark bands in the body
a pleasant introductory experience for o f the material (Fig. 6 ) ; a void is present
young patients. also.
This possibility has been under investi­ T h e addition o f fillers has been sug­
gation at the Eastman Dental Dispensary. gested as a means o f reducing stresses
Attempts to obtain lasting adhesion o f caused by contraction o f an adhesive in
existing restorative materials to uncut bulk. Supposedly, the filler acts by m e­

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76


chanical means to equalize the distribu­ duce a clean enamel surface, the presence
tion o f stress and to prevent the form ation o f absorbed water still poses a problem
o f cracks. In our ow n laboratories, we and will affect wetting characteristics o f
have been able to produ ce long-lasting, the adhesive.
water-resistant adhesion to enamel sur­ In view o f the energy with which water
faces by the incorporation o f fillers in is attached to hydroxyapatite, which
Eastman 910 m onom er. Clinical trials makes up m ore than 95 per cent o f the
also indicate that adhesion o f this co m ­ enamel, the usual clinical drying proce­
position to enamel fissures survives under dures fo r enamel are wholly ineffective.
oral conditions. A t the National Bureau o f Standards,
R . L . Bowen has been investigating sub­
Enam el Surface in Adhesion • T h e ad­ stances that will displace water from
hesive is only half o f the possible cause; tooth surfaces with the idea that they
the other half rests in the enamel itself. m ight be used as pretreatments fo r the
O n e o f the first considerations in securing enamel or dentin or be incorporated into
adhesion is the cleanliness o f the tooth the adhesive.25 A lon g similar lines, I have
surface. Ordinarily, cut tooth surfaces are tried to im prove the adhesion o f acrylic
covered with loosely attached enamel and resins to enamel by surface treatments
dentin dust from the cutting procedure. before application o f the resins. As a re­
T h e usual washing does a p oor jo b of sult, it was fou n d that etching enamel
rem oving this debris but, unless it is re­ surfaces with phosphoric acid increases
m oved, it is apparent that adhesion fail­ the duration o f adhesion under water.
ure m ay exist even before the adhesive A lthough the increased adhesion may be
is put to oral use. A protein or fatty layer primarily the result o f m echanical reten­
on the surface could be responsible for tion from an increase in surface rough­
p oor adhesion by preventing contact o f ness, the possibility must be considered
the adhesive with enamel. A n adhesive that the treatment changed the surface
might adhere to such an extraneous layer, chemically, m aking it m ore reactive to
and the degree o f adhesion w ould be de­ the adhesive. T his chem ical change may
termined by the strength o f the attach­ have involved placing groups on the sur­
ment o f the layer to enamel. Even if such face which attract the adhesive more
interposing layers can be rem oved to pro- strongly than water so that when in con ­
tact with oral fluids, the resin will not be
displaced by water. Zettlem oyer26 has in­
dicated that this m ight be accomplished
by nitro groups, w hich can com pete with


Preventing M arginal Leakage • Another

application fo r adhesives is in the prob­
lem o f marginal leakage. T h e importance
o f this leakage in recurrent caries and
pulp irritation has never been assessed
adequately, but it is reasonable that it cre­
ates a potentially dangerous situation.
Obtaining adhesion to cavity walls, pref­
Fig . 6 • Eastm an 910 m onomer polym erized in erably through chem ical reaction with
uncut enam el fissure. S : Strain reg ion. V : V oid .
F : Base of fissure is unfilled because monomer did tooth structure, w ou ld eliminate gross
not penetrate leakage through the interface. Presently

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76

BUONOCORE . . . VOLUME 67, SEPTEMBER 1963 • 79/389

available materials d o not bond to tooth

structure, and it has been shown that
penetration o f dyes, bacteria and acids
occurs th rou gh , the space between the
restoration and cavity wall. Further, one
has to consider that two different kinds
o f surfaces are involved in a cavity. An
adhesive may bond to one and not the
other. Theoretically, if it would bond only
to the enamel margins, it would be suffi­
cient to seal the cavity. T here m ay be
some doubt whether present cavity design
offers sufficient contact surface to m ain­
tain the adhesive seal under occlusal Fig . 7 • a : M odification o f enam el ca v ity w all to
forces. Cavity preparation, however, in crease co n tact area fo r adhesive bo nd ing, b :
could readily be modified by substantial Leakag e (arro w ) through enam el-adhesive in te r­
fa c e in absence of adhesion. Adhesion between
flaring o f enamel walls, to increase the adhesive and dentin prevents leakage along d en ­
contact area. W ith strong adhesives, this tin in te rface but does not prevent it from passing
along dentoenam el junction into dentin
might be sufficient to maintain the ad­
hesive seal. Such a preparation is shown
in Figure 7, a and represents only one as­
in a viscous state, it m ight n ot contact
pect o f cavity design m odification.
the entire cavity surface and thus w ould
Adhesion to dentin alone w ould be less
leave voids about which stress could origi­
desirable than just to the enamel, since
nate (Fig. 8, a ) . Because o f shrinkage,
it w ould n ot eliminate the leakage space
during and after hardening, em bedded
between the enamel margin and the res­
surface projections, which are exagger­
toration. O u r studies show that enamel
ated in Figure 8, b, may be sheared from
margin leakage passes along the dento-
the cavity wall, or pieces o f the resin
enamel junction and penetrates the den­
may be broken; this is simply a question
tin beyond the boundary o f the cavity.
o f w hich material is the weaker. T herm al
W e fou n d that, although experimental
expansion and contraction and expansion
dentin adhesives virtually eliminated leak­
because o f water absorption could con ­
age between dentin and adhesive, they
tribute to this. Also, occlusal forces caus­
did not eliminate entirely leakage via the
ing elastic deform ation o f the adhesive
dentoenamel junction through the dentin
m ay result in the shearing o f surface p ro­
to the pulp (Fig. 7, b ) .
jections, which would contribute to the
form ation o f channels between the resin
Shrinkage of A dhesive Restorations • and cavity wall. By use o f the resin ad­
T h e problems associated with obtaining hesive in a m ore fluid form , one might
and maintaining adhesion to enamel fis­ minimize voids, although this w ould not
sures also apply to filling materials. In eliminate the detrimental effects o f the
fact, because there would be a larger other factors.
bulk o f adhesive, the problems arising
from polymerization shrinkage are m agni­
fied because greater total stress m ay be
involved. Figure 8 shows diagrammati- T o circum vent some o f the difficulties
cally w hat m ight occu r when a resin ad­ associated with bulk adhesives, one can
hesive is allowed to polymerize in a cavity, take advantage o f the fact that adhesives
the walls o f w hich can be expected to be seem to give optimal strength when used
rough.27’ 28 Arrows indicate polymeriza­ in thin layers. This leads logically to use
tion shrinkage forces in the adhesive. o f an adhesive cavity liner. W ith cavity
Since the resin adhesive usually is applied liners, a certain amount o f shrinkage on

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76


quick dissipation o f heat from high exo­

thermic materials, and potential heat
damage to the tooth w ould be minimized.
Fig . 8 • There are Also, this would broaden the scope o f
void spaces ( A ) be­ materials that could be em ployed as ad­
tween ca v ity wall and
resin adhesive because
adhesive did not pen­
etrate asp e ritie s. Shrink­
age, expansion on w ater TOXICITY
a b s o r p t io n , o c c lu s a l
stress or all three cause W hatever type o f adhesive material is
movem ent of restoration
which results in sheared used, the question o f primary concern is
dentin frag m ents (B ) their toxicity to the pulp and oral tissues.
em bedded in body of
M ost o f the catalysts used to polymerize
resins probably would be toxic to the
pu lp ; it is fortunate that most d o not re­
main after they are m ixed with resin
monomers. T h e problem then is a matter
o f the potency o f the catalyst and the
polymerization or hardening cou ld be amount and time necessary to produce
tolerated better, since the stresses acting harm. T h e use o f thin layers w ould mini­
at the bond interface w ould be consider­ mize the amount o f toxic material in­
ably less than in bulk; m oreover, a liner volved. M igration or leaching o f unre­
w ould have to bond only to the cavity acted toxic agents from the adhesive to
wall and not necessarily to the restoration. the pulp and oral tissues is potentially
H ence, induced stresses, both from poly­ harmful, as is the use o f chem ical pre­
merization and differences in coefficients treatments o f tooth structure. W ith en­
o f thermal expansion, would be smaller amel, the potential harm is slight, but
when the adhesive was attached to only with dentin, the danger is greater and
one material rather than when it bridged means the reagents used to effect better
a fixed gap between two. A thin layer adhesion must be considered carefully.
o f adhesive containing fewer voids and T h e evaluation o f adhesives should stress
im perfections than bulk material w ould long-term studies, since pulpal effects may
be easier to obtain. In addition, thin lin­ not be evident over short periods.
ers could serve the conventional purpose
o f protecting the teeth from harm ful in­ REQUIREMENTS FOR ADHESIVE
gredients o f restorative materials. It DENTAL MATERIAL
should be pointed out that most materials
usable in bulk could be adapted fo r use A num ber o f properties would contribute
as liners, but the reverse w ould not be to making an ideal dental adhesive mate­
true. For example, lining materials could rial. T h e adhesive should produ ce a last­
be deposited from solution, with the thin ing bond with both enamel and dentin;
layers permitting rapid evaporation o f polymerize rapidly near b od y tempera­
solvent, the retention o f which, occurring ture, with little or no shrinkage; be suffi­
in bulk, might impair the properties o f ciently cross linked to minimize expansion
the liner. Liner materials could be elas­ on water absorption; have sufficient
tomers yet serve adequately, although this strength to resist masticatory forces; have
property w ould not be desirable in resto­ the same coefficient o f thermal expansion
rations. Because a thin film between two as tooth structure; have m echanical prop­
surfaces is, in effect, a load absorbing and erties close to those o f tooth structure; be
distributing medium , an elastomer might innocuous to the pulp and oral tissues,
be m ore desirable than a brittle, friable and be resistant to degradation in the oral
substance; moreover, thin layers allow the environment.

Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76

BUONOCORE . . . VOLUME 67, SEPTEMBER 1963 • 81/391

P R O S P E C T S F O R D E N T A L A D H E S IO N the m echanical properties o f strong m ate­

rials such as enamel and dentin. T h e
Although one can be optimistic about the polar groups not only provide for inter­
possibility o f eventually obtaining a satis­ nal bonding am ong polym er chains (p ro ­
factory dental adhesive, there are difficul­ ducing a strong material) but also
ties to overcom e. A t the present level o f contribute to better adhesion to polar
knowledge o f adhesives and synthetic res­ adherends; however, the pressure o f polar
ins, the attainment o f optim al strength groups, although beneficial in these re­
and water resistance generally requires spects, may be detrimental since water
either considerable setting time or the ap­ absorption is favored and would result in
plication o f heat above that w hich would swelling, softening and weakening o f the
be practical for oral use. Although such adhesion. Although the question o f
resins as the furans and the epoxy have degradation by oral bacteria must be
little or n o polymerization shrinkage, they considered, the bacterial resistance o f
require relatively long periods fo r curing available resins is good.
at room temperature and do n ot develop Finally, it should be emphasized that
m axim um desirable properties until fully the search fo r a dental adhesive is a p i­
cured. T h e problem o f m atching thermal oneer effort. T h e properties o f a successful
coefficients o f expansion o f the filling m a­ adhesive may be novel and different from
terial and the tooth is a m ajor obstacle. materials presently used; therefore, we
T h e im portance o f this problem depends may need to espouse not only new con ­
on the magnitude o f the difference in cepts in cavity design and a réévaluation
coefficients and on the nature o f the ad­ o f requirements relating to physical p rop ­
hesive. Perhaps adhesives derived from erties o f materials but also a reorientation
polar substances are best suited to match o f approach to dental treatment.

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Pedro Augusto Senem - - CPF: 115.478.529-76

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