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The professionalization of guidance and counseling was realized through Republic Act 58, otherwise known as the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004. Guidance and counseling defined by the law as “the profession that involves the use of an integrated approach to the velopment of a well-functioning individual primarily by helping him/her to utilize his/her tentials to the fullest and plan his/her present and future in accordance with his/her abilities, lerests, and needs.” For a professional counselor, counseling is regarded as the heart of the idance services, accomplished through a therapeutic relationship between the counselor and > counselee. Thus, counseling is a dynamic process where both agents relate with each other try and see the whole picture of the situation, arrive at a similar understanding, and start on a the counseling goals and how these will be achieved. In the duration of your stayin choo}, you may have had or wil have the opportunity tp visitthe Guidance Counselor's Office. This experience may be pleasant, moe especialy if you have a therapeutic relationship with your guidance counselors. You may even have memories of leaving the Guidance Office with a feeling of relief, as if heavy load has been removed, However, there are common misconceptions about mental health services that have negative connotation tothe idea of meeting with counseling profesional or practitioner, especially ix the Philippines. These misconceptions include the following: 1. A person seeing a counselor, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or any mental heath practe tioner has mental illness. Ths isthe stigma associated with visiting a mental health clinig ot institution. A person can freely consult any mental health practitioner and share his or her concems so that he or she can deal with them effectively. For instance, symptoms such as frequent feelings of anxiety with excessive worry may not worsen and develop inlo panic attacks. This is possible if contributing reasons or factors are processed before an individual's condition has worsened. Counseling means giving advice. A professional counselor is trained to avoid giving ad- vice. When a counselor gives an advice, the client is kept from gaining a better postion to understand, analyze, and solve his or her own problem. Instead of giving advice, the primary goal ofthe counselor isto assist the client to identify and address the factors in his or her problem. Hence, in the course of counseling, the client is moved toward gaining the willingness and strength to resolve his or her predicament. In this way, the client develops Volition and determination to respond correctly to his or her circumstances as he or she ‘owns full responsibility of his or her decisions and actions Counseling is part ofthe Discipline Board. Students who have violated the school’s code ‘of discipline ae referred to the counselor. However, this does not mean that the counselor's role is to reprimand and discipline. In ths situation, the counselor provides the following assistance to the student concerned: (1) facilitation toward an understanding of the factors that caused him or her to disobey schoo! rules and regulations, (2) reorientation of the school policies, (3) referrals to ot recommendation for seminars or workshops aimed to impart the characterization ofthe school’s values, and (4) psychological support should the student's action merited dismissal from the school. A counselor isa problem-solver. Counselors do not dispense an easy solution to fx prob- lems. In fact, counseling works best through collaboration with the client. A counselor is 8 facilitator who guides you toward the possible solutions to resolve your dilemma. How- ever, only when the counselor knows and understands the entire situation could he or she best help the client. Hence, through an honest, transparent, and goal-oriented discussion between the counselor and the client, the counselor is able to facilitate realizations ofthe advantages and disadvantages of identified solutions to a dilemma, It is important that 8 client understands that itis necessary to consider and weigh identified options to achieve a ‘well-evaluated process of decision-making and smart problem-solving. The Goals of Counseling According to Kotler and Shepard (2007), the goals that are common to counselors and that are essentially indicative of their professional identity include assisting clients in the following: 1. plan and work in a constructive manner in attaining life success; 2. eam, anticipate, and react positively to issues brought about by developmental changes; 3. express their uniqueness in diverse circumstances through socially accepted integration of their thoughts, feelings, and actions; 4. respond with resilience to stress and be able to buffer themselves from its negative impact on their functioning; 5. develop effective skills in relating with others in order to enhance abilities in establishing harmonious relationships; increase awareness of the self by identifying their strengths and weaknesses; 7. become mindful of the realities of life and be able to apply effective principles of coping and adjusting to the different experiences they encounter in life: 8. leam to seek for more options or choices to be well-informed before making a de and 9. achieve autonomy from counseling as they have learned life skills, One of the important goals of the counseling process is to move the client toward proper and empowered self-management. If you seek counseling so that you can get immediate solutions to your problems, you might feel disappointed in your guidance visit, Professional counselors are trained not to give you direct advice or act as your problem solvers. Rather, they listen to you, guide you to see the whole picture of your situation, present options to you, and facilitate your informed and wise decisions. The counselor introduces tools, such as time management skills, stress management skills, and social skills, that you can use to manage and solve your Para eee Stage IV: Intervention and problem-solving ~The counselor guides the counselee in aligning the intervention with the identified counseling goals, Counseling interventions are usedo assist the client in gaining insight about his or her situation and, eventually, take the appropriate actions tat will facilitate change and improve the quality of his or her life. According to Corey and Corey (2007), insights are helpful; ye, the client's actions or behavior are more important. For instance, many counselees ‘would share their intelligent insights about their situation and enumerate better ways to cope with their difficulties during the counseling session. However, when they are on their own, they forget about these ideas and insights. Asa result, they disregard all plans and resolutions made to change their circumstances for the better. Itis important that a professional counselor reflects. He or she should reflect not only on the information gathered but reflect in these with an integration of research and studies in psychology relevant to his or her present counseling case. This is because choosing the best ‘counseling interventions needs proof of effectiveness, which is provided by these published research and studies. Furthermore, to do so ensures ethical counseling practice (ACA, 2005). Stage V: Evaluation During this stage, implemented intervention and its outcomes are evaluated in terms of accomplishments of agreed goals. One form of evaluation is formative evaluation, whichis consistently conducted throughout the counseling process. This monitors the effectiveness of the implemented intervention. Another method of evaluating the counseling process is summative evaluation. This type of evaluation assesses counseling outcomes. This involves, interviewing and observing the client to evaluate outcomes of the counseling sessions, validate the emotions felt in relation with change that was made to happen, and demonstrate the ability to make wise decisions on his or her own, Stage VI: Termination “The counseling process is terminated after the outcomes are evaluated and the counselor and the counselee have mutually agreed that goals have been achieved. It provides a sense of closure forthe both the counselee and the counselor. Preparations for termination include promoting the clients" independence and responsibilty, assisting them to identify their problems, teaching them to plan for future situations, and helping them set up long-term goals, Possible relapse or the recurrence of same problems is discussed during termination so that signs and symptoms are identified and thus avoided lor. Duan and Hill (1996) explained that empathy is like walking in the saivjges,Itrequites an understanding the client's circumstances, feelings, and personal ctens shes Sduneling envionment shouldbe comfortable, be without distractions, and Ct “The most important preparation is the mindset of both the counselor and counselee upon centering into the counseling relationship. The counselee, on his or her part, can help in Sctablishing rapport by collaborating with the counselor, participating in the identification of feasons for concer, and working with the counselor in the determination of the best possible olution to a concern, The counseling process is deemed successful when the counselee hot too dependent on the counselor and takes full responsibility of the counseling process as feflected by the client's consistent attendance on the sessions, or compliance to do homework The counselee must be made to understand that desired change only takes place through process and to trust the counseling process ‘when a technique does not work. client and the counsé _Last_ assessment should be done i9 } grt assessment fs done to accurtly cxd&f9 accurately pinpoint the real cause | sipcint cquses of cents problems. of problems. Assessment includes data- gathering methods such as_ interviews, behavioral observations, psychological tests, mental health status, and other empirically validated instruments. such as psychological tests. All the gathered information will be integrated and used to formulate a case summary. Assessment is listening to, being observant with, and being akin to the complexity of the situation. It refiects the counselor’s ability to integrate the information he or she has gathered to gain a deeper understanding of the client (Reid, 1997). Furthermore, the counselor needs to assess the client’s level of maturity and sense of responsibility to determine most appropriate intervention strategies, ‘Stage IIT; Treatment planning or formulation of counseling goals ‘Treatment planning should be a product of collaboration between the counselor and client. This requires the client's active participation in generating the goals of the sessions or what scalled therapeutic goals. Treatment plan is tailored to respond to the client’s specific needs, ‘where the counselor presents options and the client chooses according to his or her deemed Primary concerns. The therapeutic goals must be optimistic, realistic, and achievable. The plan be be attainable so that the client will not be frustrated when he or she works out to I these. Also, the plan should also be measurable to allow objective evaluation of goals accomplished At the same time, the plan should be flexible to accommodate adjustment and ‘modification when the need arises OO Counseling Processes The dynamics of the counseling process is influenced by therapeutic factors or the active ingredients or core elements in every therapeutic approach (Frank and Frank, 1993). Regardless of the approaches used, a therapeutic relationship with the client has to be achieved. This will facilitate the client’s exploration of the self and will assist him or her in achieving one’s full well-being (Sangganjanavanich and Reynolds, 2014). According to Lambert and Barley (2001), 30% of the success of counseling is dependent on the therapeutic factors. Counseling has no model strictly followed because it involves various approaches and techniques. Below is one of the most common model of a counseling process: The six-stage counseling process (Sangganjanavanich and Reynolds, 2014). Stage I: Establishing rapport with the client Relationship is central in counselin; Both the counselor and counselee have responsibilities in order to contribute to rapport building that leads to therapeutic alliance. As a counselor, you have to bear | Therapeutic relationship with the client is, in mind that clients need to feel respected, | important in counseling to effectively facilitate accepted, and listened to, The counselor the clients exploration of oneself to achieve should present an inviting therapeutic | One's full well-being environment, which can only be created by demonstrating acceptance and empathy, characterized by warmth. This therapeutic environment allows catharsis, or the expression or release of emotions caused by painful experiences, and disclosure of their struggles and suffering without the feelings or fears of being judged. ‘The counselor must also see through the client’s eyes. This means that the counselor must demonstrate empathy, an important ingredient in creating relationship and alliance between the strange behavior and speech, signs of excessive alcohol or drug, suicide ideation, and suicide attempt. Research and evaluation Research and evaluation are systematic processes of collecting, analyzing, a and using the gatfiered data to determine the impact and effectiveness of the guidance program. This service is provided fo strengthen the quality of programs and services given to clients. Data are usually collected through a survey questionnaire or through guidance forms, such as the cumulative record accomplished by the students. The guidance counselor utilizes the gathered data and presents it through tables and write ups to make it more meaningful. Research findings are useful in helping the school administrators and other stakeholders to better understand the students’ needs and how the guidance programs and services could better address such needs. disseminate helpful information to the public. In other settings like government and mental health institutions, the orientation and information service are disseminated through posters and multimedia announcements (i.e, through television, radio, or social media). Psychological testing services _. Professional counselors also administer psychological testing. This_includes the administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized tests. This is usually provided to ‘assess the client's cognitive aspect, interest, socio-emotional being, or behavioral tendencies. For example, the 16 Personality Factors (16PF) is a personality test which aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the individual and how certain factors are affecting his or her performance. Test results are used in providing a more appropriate counseling service and in improving these services. Follow: ‘When a client has availed-of counseling service, « follow-up counseling is provided, This is to determine if counseling goals were achieved, It also aims to determine whether appropriate ‘behaviors and decisions were accomplished. Follow-up service is also given to special groups of students such as honor students, those with academic difficulties, the behaviorally challenging students, and those who are considered shifiers or transferees in the college level Career development and Professional counselors provide career assistance to help clients in job-related issues_or concerns. In the school setting, career guidance service is provided to those who are having difficulty in choosing an academic program or course in college. At times, counselors invite successful alumni of the school to discuss different career possibilities related to his or her professional field. Individual inventory services This service is primarily given to obtain pertinent information from the client, which is helpful to the counselor when the client seeks for counseling. The cumulative record is the form utilized to obtain pertinent information about the students and it is usually given prior to the counseling session. It may include records such as home and family background, medical, dental and psychiatric history, scholastic performance, entrance test record, awards and honors received, curricular involvement, anecdotal, and counseling record. To maintain confidentiality hese records are stored in a secured filing cabinet. jacement services ‘eferral services The professional counselor provides referral service. This is the process of supporting th Jients to find the professional expert who may provide specific yroblem or concern. In both school and non-school settings, the counselor may consider ‘this lervice if he or she believes that the client’s problems go beyond his or her expertise. In the school setting, the guidance counselor may also give a referral when the students’ |roblems and behaviors significantly interfere with the latter’s academic performance. Also Terral is usually done when there is an abrupt behavioral change such as lack of interes iden withdrawal from activities, isolation, prolonged depression, violent outburst, bizar® 0 Re yunseling, qo promote and support the clients’ holistic growth and development, = ne serves are provided to individuals from different settings: stool Paap Ra Se Wvernment. Professional counselors provide various services cial ¢ hd porchological eoncems oftheir clients. These services include the following: Counseling. Counseling is the heart of guidance services. This means that it is the core activity provided by counselors, “which makes the other services meaningful (Gibson | cresiors provide diferent services to and Mitchell, 1995). Counseling is focused. | .ggeee snecrnc needs of cont, onthe individual's adjustment, growth, and development. of problem-solving and decision-making skills (Gibson and Mitchell, 1995). Counseling is a client-centered process and initiated when the therapeutic relationship is formed between the client and the counselor. This therapeutic relationship progresses when certain conditions such as genuine concern, respect forthe client, and empathic understanding are expressed during the counseling session. Counseling may be given to an individual or a group. Individual counseling is helpful in

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