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How To Order Something In The Shoppe Aplication

Hi maam, good morning

I’m .............. from twelve science three. I will tel how to order something in the shoppe aplication. First i
will tell you what the shoppe aplication is.
Shoppe is one of the online buying and selling applications in Indonesia with the lowest prices throughout
the year. Shoppe also provides the lowest price guarantee, cashback, free shipping, and flash sale.
Now i will explain how to order something in the shoppe aplication

 Fisrt, make sure the shoppe application is installed on the hanphone

 Second, open the shoppe application an login
 Third, after successfully logging in, please find the product you want to buy
 Then after getting the prouct you want, put in the basket or you can chec it out directly
 Then fill in the delivery address, select the payment method and shipping sercive
 Then click “ make an order “
Then the desired item has been ordered.
So, i think that’s the steps for ordering someting at shoppe, iit’ss easy isn’t it ? please try and happy

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