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// SankeyMATIC diagram inputs - Saved: 8/29/2023, 2:42:38 AM


// === Nodes and Flows ===

// Enter Flows between Nodes, like this:

// Source [AMOUNT] Target

Dataset [2203723] BENIGN

Dataset [477374] Attack

Attack[231073] Dos Hulk

Attack [158930] Port Scan
Attack [41835] DDoS
Attack [10293] DoS Golden Eye
Attack[7938] FTP-Patator
Attack [5897] SSH-Patator
Attack [5796] DoS Slowloris
Attack [5499] DoS Slowhttptest
Attack[1966] Bot
Attack [36] Infiltration
Attack [11] Heartbleed

// You can set a Node's color, like this:

:Budget #708090
// ...or a color for a single Flow:
Budget [160] Other Necessities #0F0

// Use the controls below to customize

// your diagram's appearance...

// === Settings ===

size w 600
h 600
margin l 12
r 12
t 18
b 20
bg color #ffffff
transparent N
node w 9
h 50
spacing 85
border 0
theme a
color #888888
opacity 1
flow curvature 0.5
inheritfrom outside-in
color #999999
opacity 0.45
layout order automatic
justifyorigins N
justifyends N
reversegraph N
attachincompletesto nearest
labels color #000000
highlight 0.55
fontface sans-serif
labelname appears Y
size 16
weight 400
labelvalue appears Y
fullprecision Y
labelposition first before
breakpoint 4
value format ',.'
prefix ''
suffix ''
themeoffset a 9
b 0
c 0
d 0
meta mentionsankeymatic Y
listimbalances Y

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