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Lesson 5 between different departments, and in board

Power and Politics rooms in businesses across the world.

As normal as they are, power struggles are
Power And Politics Within a Business not an effective way to get things done in a
Organizational working environment. They can damage the
climate of the workplace, turning it toxic and
Every environment has their own internal stressful even for those who are not
system that is dictated by aspects such as involved. It wastes time that can be better
power and politics. These things have as used towards productivity and often causes
much control over the functionality of an the situation to unnecessarily
organizational as the individual features of escalate.3 When a power struggle escalates,
organizational behavior. Often, they can it often drags office politics into the mix and
shift how those components develop and forces people to take a side. Attempts to
affect those in the environment as well. avoid taking sides or getting roped in don't
Their impact-and that of those who control always work, and you may still be
them-can shape the entire dynamics of an bombarded with the conflict even if you are
organization more so than any other force. successful in staying out of the situation.
Power and politics within a business or
organization are rather similar to the The ability to stay out of a power struggle is
traditional political structures of government: a skill that can give you a lot of power in
authority is divided throughout the different business, one that is best used to protect
parts of the system that power is exerted yourself. Surviving a power struggle is often
in.1 There are often different sources of the goal regardless of what industry you
power competing for control, which isn't work in. There's still the aftermath to deal
necessarily a bad thing until someone with when the dust settles, and the effects
decides to fight dirty. The internal politics of can hit anyone who happens to be standing
an organization, too, can be polarized as too close. Experts say that if you want to not
everyone will most likely relate to one side get involved with a power struggle, then
of an issue over another no matter how your best bet is to not acknowledge a
neutral they attempt to remain. All in all, the person's position in an argument, but their
organizational power and politics in a feelings.4 Make neutral observations, which
business can be a fascinating and unique can be used supportively should either party
thing that can have a serious impact on confront you about the situation and your
organizational behavior. stance in it; i.e. 'This has got to be so
frustrating. I hope you two are able to work
Power Struggles In Business things out' or something similar that
validates the emotional component of the
Power struggles are a common occurrence situation.
in society, not just business. One person
wants something from someone else, yet Power Types and What They Do
that person isn't willing to budge on the
issue and just hand it over. In response, that Power in a business environment typically
first person may try to exert their own power translates into authority and influence, and
and authority (perceived or actual) to try and can manifest differently. People develop
persuade the other person to concede.2 It's professional power differently, based on
a tactic that can work on occasion, but it can factors like their job, their position within the
make a situation turn combative and toxic company, and the industry that the business
when it isn't successful. It occurs between is in. Typically, there are five types of power
co-workers, employees and their present in business:
supervisors, amongst management,
Legitimate-Based on a person's position in knowledge of a subject can have expert
the structural hierarchy of a business. power over those who know less. Those
Legitimate power can only be given and with expert power tend to have it reflected in
wielded through, well, legitimate means, their reputation and their credibility on
e.g. the person earned their position.5 Those things.
with legitimate power often can only exert
their power on those below them in the The Politics of Business
hierarchy, not above. A CEO, for example, As mentioned before, there is a political side
has legitimate power over a general to business. In a sense, it follows the same
manager in the same company, but the science behind the politics found in
general manager doesn't have legitimate government.8 There is leadership that
power over the CEO. guides the group as a whole and a company
philosophy and ethical code that everyone
Coercive-Coercive power can be rather is expected to adhere to. The set up and
harsh and easily prone to abuse due to the style of the business' leadership determines
abilities associated with it. Those with how power is divided and what role, if any,
coercive power influence others through the employees have in how the business is
punishments, sanctions, and threats. It run. The people in that business tend to
works well to ensure that employee have their own agenda in all of this, shaped
behavior follows policy and can be used to by their behavior and viewpoints, that
deal with violations. Most disciplinary surpasses the agenda of the organization
actions are carried out via coercive power, as a whole-which is the entire premise
including firing or terminating someone from behind organizational or business poltics.
the business.
Politics tend to come up in a business when
Reward-The opposite of coercive power, someone begins to act on their own interest
this type influences other with rewards like without regard to others in the company. It
promotions and bonuses.6 It generates an commonly comes into play during times of
incentive to motivate someone to do conflict and power struggles, as people with
something and acts as a positive conflicting agendas will typically be the ones
reinforcement for behavior. Performance at odds. Most experts and leaders state that
reviews and their administrators tend to how business politics are more harmful than
some level of reward power in a business. good; they're inherently selfish. Business
politics bring down productivity amongst
Referent-Those who are revered or employees through distraction, hurts
admired in a business have referent power. motivation and morale, increases stress
Typically, leaders gain this power when their levels, and warps the environment of the
actions prompt a positive rapport and trust business.
between them and the employees under Business politics do the worst damage
them. Most of the time, it will be evident if a when business leaders act according to
person has referent power by talking to their their personal agendas. Those in positions
employees; positive praise, loyalty, and of power will exert their authority based on
other responses are good indicators. their politics, which can lead to abuse. This
may also encourage conflict between
Expert-Those who have expert status tend opposing political sides. Leaders higher up
to have power over those who do not. It is in the business' hierarchy, like CEOs, can
gained through experience, skill, and stir-up politics in their company regardless
knowledge in regards to certain topics or of if they are political themselves.11 Changes
areas of interest.7 A person doesn't to policies and leadership, as well as
necessarily have to have expert status to changes to the components of
have expert power; those with more organizational behavior, can help reduce

the power of office politics-or bolster them, if get their way through ultimatums and
not done correctly. bullying, and will most likely micromanage
everyone to make sure no one
Warning Signs Of Abuse In Positions Of strays. There's no leeway for anyone
Power (except for them) and even
When politics and power come into play in a the tiniest deviation is enough to warrant
business, there is the chance that someone their wrath. Sometimes this is a tactic that is
will abuse the authority that they have. This used to prevent anyone else from looking
can be anyone who has some degree of professionally better than them and to block
power, no matter where they sit in the any kind of advancement or growth.
business' hierarchy or how long they've held
that position. When a person abuses their Disrespecting Boundaries and Abilities-
power or goes on a power trip, it can have Usually tied in as a kind of discrimination or
damaging consequences for everyone. harassment (depending on how it's being
Depending on how it starts and the person's carried out), disrespecting employees
position, it may not be immediately evident personal boundaries and abilities tends to
that they are abusing their power. Here are generate a very hostile work environment.
some of the warning signs common to It's usually done to get something else from
abuse of power in the workplace: a person-such as in sexual harassment-or
to demean or humiliate them. This can be
Unfair Disciplinary Measures-In some especially problematic because instances
cases, a person will abuse their power can extend outside of the business and drag
in order to but those they have seniority down morale within it.
over. As a result, they may inflict unfair
disciplinary measures on others for Aggression-Everyone has lost their
mistakes. These tend to be punishments temper with another person before but it's
that do not fit the error that was made-if not supposed to be a normal occurrence.
one was actually made, that is. A person Abuse in the workplace isn't always going to
could intentionally be picking on a manifest solely as a byproduct of authority.
specific employee or unleashing their Verbal and physical abuse has occurred in
power on everyone during a power trip. the professional world in varying degrees.
Violence can be an intense way to
Superiority-Superiority develops when intimidate people and it's one of the most
someone is put into a higher position and common causes of injury and death in the
their ego takes over. It's usually done to rub workplace.
the fact that they now have power into the
face of someone who doesn't and boost How To Deal with Workplace Abuse
their ego. They may humiliate those who No one wants abuses of power to happen in
are positioned below them and make people their business. It's harmful to employees,
do things simply because they can make the customers, productivity, and the
them do that.12 One of the worst parts of this business' overall environment. Preventing it
is that they will most likely try to convince doesn't always work, as people cannot be
you that you have no power over them and fully controlled. If there are abuses of power
you can't do nothing. (Spoiler alert: You occurring in your business, here are a few
can.) things that can be done:

"My Way or the Highway" Behavior-If a Confront The Person-Best done carefully
person has an authoritarian streak in their and in private, confronting the person who is
personality, it's quite likely that it will come on a power trip or abusing their power is
out in full force once they get an inkling of one way of getting them to stop.16 Someone
power over someone else. They will try to who has only recently started to become

abusive due to their power may not realize Lesson 6
that what they are doing is hurtful and Organizational Conflict
unprofessional; power can be an
intoxicating force. It should be noted that Organizational Conflict or otherwise
this can backfire and should definitely not known as workplace conflict, is described
be done without assistance in severe cases. as the state of disagreement or
misunderstanding, resulting from the actual
Document It-Keep track of instances of or perceived dissent of needs, beliefs,
abuse by documenting it. Write down notes resources and relationship between the
on what happened, when, and where, and members of the organization. At the
take it home with you; never leave it at work workplace, whenever, two or more persons
where an abusive person may find it and interact, conflict occurs when opinions with
use it as a motive to attack.17 Check what respect to any task or decision are in
laws and policies there are regarding contradiction.
recording someone without their permission.
If there is physical evidence, take photos In simple terms, organizational conflict
and keep them with your notes. All of this alludes to the result of human interaction,
can be presented to the business' human that starts when one member of the
resources department and used against an organization discerns that his/her goals,
abuser. values or attitude are incompatible, with
those of other members of the organization.
Human Resources-Here's that spoiler alert The incompatibility in opinions can come
from earlier. A business' human resources into being, within a member, between two
department is designed to handle any members, or between groups of the
instance of misbehavior amongst the staff at organization.
work. They will have the resources to deal
with the situation and will know what can or Factors Influencing Organizational
cannot be done. Submitting a complaint- Conflict
with copies of what you've documented-can
at least bring abusive behavior to the 1. Unclear Responsibility: If there is lack of
company's attention. In severe cases where clarity, regarding who is responsible for
outside intervention like police or legal which section of a task or project, conflict
action is needed, the HR department will takes place. And, to avoid this situation, the
usually need to get involved in the situation roles and responsibility of the team
on behalf of the business. members should be stated clearly and also
agreed upon by all.
2. Interpersonal Relationship: Every
member of an organization, possesses
different personality, which plays a crucial
role in resolving conflict in an organization.
Conflicts at the workplace, are often caused
by interpersonal issues between the
members of the organization.
3. Scarcity of Resources: One of the main
reason for occurence of conflict in an
organization is the inadequacy of resources
like time, money, materials etc. due to which
members of the organization compete with
each other, leading to conflict between

4. Conflict of Interest: When there is a respond properly, conflict sparks in the
disorientation between the personal goals of organization.
the individual and the goals of the ▪ Misunderstanding: Misunderstanding of
organization, conflict of interest arises, as information, can also alleviate dispute in
the individual may fight for his personal organization, in the sense that if one
goals, which hinders the overall success of person misinterpret some information, it
the project. can lead to series of conflicts.
Conflicts alleviate at the workplace due to ▪ Lack of accounhtability: If in a project,
individual and inter-individual factors. responsibilities are not clear and some
Individual related causes entails attitudes, mistake has arisen, of which no member
beliefs, personality orientation and human- of the team wants to take responsibility
frailties. Inter-individual conflicts arises can also become a cause of conflict in
when a manager breaches norms of the the organization.
The causes of organizational conflict are to
Types of Organizational Conflict be known, to resolve them as early as
possible, because it hinders the efficiency,
▪ Relationship Conflict: The conflict effectiveness and productivity of the
arising out of interpersonal tension employees and the organization as well,
among employees, which is concerned which ultimately hampers its success.
with the relationship intrinsically, not the
project at hand. Ways to Manage Conflicts in
▪ Task Conflict: When there is a discord, Organization
among members regarding nature of
work to be performed is task conflict 1. Handle the conflict positively.
▪ Process Conflict: Clashes among the 2. Formation of official grievance procedure for
team members due to the difference in all members.
opinions, on how work should be 3. Concentrate on the causes rather than their
completed, is called process conflict. effect, to assess conflicts.
4. Parties to conflicts should be given an equal
Organizational conflict can also be voice, irrespective of their position, term or
personal conflict (one that exist between political influence.
two people because of mutual dislike), 5. Active participation of all the parties to
intragroup conflict (one arising out of lack of conflict can also help to counter it.
liberty, resource, etc. in a group) and In an organization, conflict is inevitable and
intergroup conflict (one that exist between so various means are to be discovered to
two groups). resolve them or use them in a way that can
help the organization to increase its
Causes of Organizational Conflict productivity.
▪ Managerial Expectations: Every
employee is expected to meet the Lesson 7
targets, imposed by his/her superior and Organizational Communication
when these expectations are
misunderstood or not fulfilled within the Organizational communication as the
stipulated time, conflicts arises. sending and receiving of messages among
▪ Communication Disruption: One of the interrelated individuals within a particular
major cause of conflict at the workplace environment or setting to achieve individual
is disruption in the communication, i.e. if and common goals.
one employee requires certain
information from another, who does not Organizational communication is highly
contextual and culturally dependent.

Individuals in organizations transmit unproblematic messages and acting on that
messages through face-to face, written, and information. Other times things are a bit
mediated channels. more complex, such as when you need to
resolve conflict with a close friend or family
Organizational communication helps us member. There is much more going on in
to these situations then merely exchanging
information. You are actually engaging in a
1) accomplish tasks relating to specific roles complex process of meaning and
and responsibilities of sales, services, and negotiating rules created by the people
production; involved.
2) acclimate to changes through individual
and organizational creativity and adaptation; For organizations to be successful, they
3) complete tasks through the maintenance must have competent communicators.
of policy, procedures, or regulations that Organizational communication study shows
support daily and continuous operations; that organizations rely on effective
4) develop relationships where “human communication and efficient communication
messages are directed at people within the skills from their members. A number of
organization-their attitudes, morale, surveys (Davis & Miller; Holter & Kopka;
satisfaction, and fulfillment” (Goldhaber 20); Perrigo & Gaut) identify effective oral and
and written communication as the most sought
5) coordinate, plan, and control the after skills by those who run organizations.
operations of the organization through The U.S. Department of Labor reported
management (Katz & Kahn; Redding; communication competency as the most
Thayer). Organizational communication is vital skill necessary for the 21st century
how organizations represent, present, and workforce to achieve organizational success
constitute their organizational climate and (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving
culture—the attitudes, values and goals that Necessary Skills). The Public Forum
characterize the organization and its Institute maintained that employees need to
members. be skilled in public presentation, listening,
and interpersonal communication to flourish
Organizational communication largely in an organization.
focuses on building relationships and
interacting with with internal organizational Organizations seek people who can follow
members and interested external publics. and give instructions, accurately listen,
As Mark Koschmann explains in his provide useful feedback, get along with
animated YouTube video, we have two coworkers and customers, network, provide
ways of looking at organizational serviceable information, work well in teams,
communication. The conventional approach and creatively and critically solve problems
focuses on communication within and present ideas in an understandable
organizations. manner. Developing organizational
communication awareness and
effectiveness is more than just having know-
The second approach is communication how or knowledge. Efficient organizational
as organization — meaning organizations communication involves knowing how to
are a result of the communication of those create and exchange information, work with
within them. Communication is not just diverse groups or individuals, communicate
about transmitting messages between in complicated and changing circumstances,
senders and receivers. Communication as well as having the aptitude or motivation
literally constitutes, or makes up, our social to communicate in appropriate manners.
world. Much of our communication involves
sending and receiving relatively

How the Field of Organizational and Cheney stated that the specialization of
Communication Began “organizational communication grew out of
three main speech communication
As you now know, communication study is traditions: public address, persuasion, and
deeply entrenched in the oral rhetorical social science research on interpersonal,
traditions of ancient Rome and Greece. small group, and mass communication”
Similar to the many of the early concepts (131). Along with public-speaking training
that shaped the discipline, some of the for corporate executives as early as the
founding principles of organizational 1920’s (Putnam & Cheney), early works like
communication originated in the East. As Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and
early as the fourth century, Chinese Influence People in 1936 focused on
scholars concentrated on the “problems of necessary oral presentation and written
communicating within the vast government communication skills for managers to
bureaucracy as well as between the succeed in organizations.
government and the people” (Murphy, Redding and Thompkins identify three
Hildebrandt & Thomas 4). Ancient eastern periods in the development of organizational
scholars focused on information flow, communication. During the Era of
message fidelity, and quality of information Preparation (1900 to 1940) much of the
within their governmental bureaucracy groundwork was laid for the discipline that
(Krone, Garrett & Chen; Paraboteeah). we know today. Scholars emphasized the
These still remain areas of focus for importance of communication in
organizational communication that you will organizations. The primary focus during this
learn in your classes today. time was on public address, business
Like most of our field’s specializations, writing, managerial communication, and
organizational communication began in the persuasion. The Era of Identification and
mid 20th century with the work of P. E. Lull Consolidation (1940-1970) saw the
and W. Charles Redding at the University of beginnings of business and industrial
Purdue (Putnam & Cheney). During the communication, with certain group and
industrial age, the focus of organizational organizational relationships being
communication was on worker productivity, recognized as important. During the Era of
organizational structure, and overall Maturity and Innovation (1970-
organizational effectiveness. Through this present), empirical research increased,
work people were interested in higher profits “accompanied by innovative efforts to
and managerial efficiency. Follett is often develop concepts, theoretical premises, and
referred to as the first management philosophical critiques” (Redding &
consultant in the United States (Stohl). She Thompkins 7).
focused specifically on message complexity, As with other specializations over the last
appropriate channel choice, and worker century, organizational communication has
participation in organizations. Bernard evolved dramatically as dialogue between
placed communication at the heart of every business and academic contexts. Redding
organizational process, arguing that people and Thompkins conclude that “by 1967 or
must be able to interact with each other for 1968, organizational communication had
an organization to succeed. finally achieved at least a moderate degree
of success in two respects: breaking from its
As a specialization in our field, ‘business and industrial’ shackles, and
organizational communication can arguably gaining a reasonable measure of
be traced back to Alexander R. Heron’s recognition as an entity worthy of serious
1942 book, Sharing Information With academic study” (18).
Employees that looked at manager-
employee communication (Redding & Organizational Communication Today
Tompkins; Meyers & Sadaghiani). Putnam

As communication evolves, research
continues to develop, and organizational Critical approaches view organizations as
communication continues to redefine itself. “sites of domination” (Miller 116) where
In the early stages, this area focused on certain individuals are marginalized or
leaders giving public presentations. More disadvantaged by oppressive groups or
recently emphasis has focused on all levels structures. Most often the focus of this line
of interaction in organizations. Because of research involves gender or ethnic
interpersonal relationships are a large part identity as they manifest themselves in
of organizational communication, a great organizations. The critical researcher uses
deal of research focuses on how interpretative research techniques similar to
interpersonal relationships are conducted cultural studies. When looking at something
within the framework of organizational such as a company pamphlet or the
hierarchies. organization’s employee handbook, a
critical researcher will expose political
Modern organizational communication messages that may disadvantage particular
research has been summarized into groups of people.
eight major traditions: 1) Communication
channels, 2) Communication climate, 3)
Network analysis, 4) Superior-subordinate Lesson 8
communication, 5) the information- Organizational Culture
processing perspective, 6) the rhetorical
perspective, 7) the cultural perspective, and The key to a successful organization is to
8) the political perspective (Putnam and have a culture based on a strongly held and
Cheney; Kim) Since the 1980s, this widely shared set of beliefs that are
specialization has expanded to include work supported by strategy and structure. When
on organizational culture, power and conflict an organization has a strong culture, three
management, and organizational rhetoric. If things happen: Employees know how top
you were to take an organizational management wants them to respond to any
communication course at your campus, situation, employees believe that the
much of the time would be spent focusing expected response is the proper one, and
on developing your skills in organizational employees know that they will be rewarded
socialization, interviewing, giving individual for demonstrating the organization's values.
and group presentations, creating positive HR has a vital role in perpetuating a strong
work relationships, performance evaluation, culture, starting with recruiting and selecting
conflict resolution, stress management, applicants who will share the organization's
decision making, and communicating with beliefs and thrive in that culture. HR also
external publics. develops orientation, training and
performance management programs that
Studying Organizational Communication outline and reinforce the organization's core
Looking back to Chapter Six, we looked at values and ensures that appropriate
three primary ways Communication rewards and recognition go to employees
scholars conduct research. When we study who truly embody the values.
organizational communication we can look
to quantitative methods to predict behaviors, This article covers the following topics:
or qualitative methods to understand
behaviors. We can use qualitative methods • The importance of having a strong
to study communication in the natural organizational culture.
environment of organizations in order to • HR's role in fostering a high-
understand organizational cultures and how performance culture.
they function (Putnam & Cheney; • Definitions of organizational culture.
Pacanowsky & O’Donnell-Trujillo; Kim).

• Factors that shape an organization's that have worked well may develop into a
culture. dysfunctional culture after a merger.
• Considerations in creating and Research has shown that two out of three
managing organizational culture. mergers fail because of cultural problems.
• HR practices to ensure the continuity Blending and redefining the cultures, and
and success of an organization's reconciling the differences between them,
culture. build a common platform for the future. In
• Communications, metrics, legal, recent years, the fast pace of mergers and
technology and global issues acquisitions has changed the way
pertaining to organizational culture. businesses now meld. The focus in mergers
has shifted away from blending cultures and
Background has moved toward meeting specific
business objectives. Some experts believe
An organization's culture defines the proper that if the right business plan and agenda
way to behave within the organization. This are in place during a merger, a strong
culture consists of shared beliefs and values corporate culture will develop
established by leaders and then naturally. See Managing Organizational
communicated and reinforced through Change and Managing Human Resources
various methods, ultimately shaping in Mergers and Acquisitions.
employee perceptions, behaviors and
understanding. Organizational culture sets Business Case
the context for everything an enterprise
does. Because industries and situations If an organization's culture is going to
vary significantly, there is not a one-size- improve the organization's overall
fits-all culture template that meets the needs performance, the culture must provide a
of all organizations. strategic competitive advantage, and beliefs
and values must be widely shared and
A strong culture is a common denominator firmly upheld. A strong culture can bring
among the most successful companies. All benefits such as enhanced trust and
have consensus at the top regarding cooperation, fewer disagreements and
cultural priorities, and those values focus more-efficient decision-making. Culture also
not on individuals but on the organization provides an informal control mechanism, a
and its goals. Leaders in successful strong sense of identification with the
companies live their cultures every day and organization and shared understanding
go out of their way to communicate their among employees about what is important.
cultural identities to employees as well as Employees whose organizations have
prospective new hires. They are clear about strongly defined cultures can also justify
their values and how those values define their behaviors at work because those
their organizations and determine how the behaviors fit the culture. See Toxic
organizations run. See What does it mean Workplace Cultures Hurt Workers and
to be a values-based organization? Company Profits.

Conversely, an ineffective culture can bring Company leaders play an instrumental role
down the organization and its leadership. in shaping and sustaining organizational
Disengaged employees, high turnover, poor culture. If the executives themselves do not
customer relations and lower profits are fit into an organization's culture, they often
examples of how the wrong culture can fail in their jobs or quit due to poor fit.
negatively impact the bottom line. Consequently, when organizations hire C-
suite executives, these individuals should
Mergers and acquisitions are fraught with have both the requisite skills and the ability
culture issues. Even organizational cultures

to fit into the company culture. See HR
Can't Change Company Culture by Itself. For HR professionals to have any impact on
culture, they must first have a thorough
HR's Role understanding of what culture is in a general
sense and what their organization's specific
Culture plays a vital role in an organization's culture is. At the deepest level, an
success. Therefore, HR leaders and other organization's culture is based on values
members of the HR team should foster a derived from basic assumptions about the
high-performance organizational culture. following:

HR leaders are responsible for ensuring that • Human nature. Are people inherently
culture management is a core focus of their good or bad, mutable or immutable,
organization's competitive efforts. For HR proactive or reactive? These basic
leaders to influence culture, they need to assumptions lead to beliefs about
work with senior management to identify how employees, customers and
what the organizational culture should look suppliers should interact and how
like. Strategic thinking and planning must they should be managed.
extend beyond merely meeting business
goals and focus more intently on an • The organization's relationship to its
organization's most valuable asset—its environment. How does the
people. organization define its business and
its constituencies?
HR has been described as the "caretaker"
of organizational culture. In carrying out this • Appropriate emotions. Which
essential role, all members of the HR team emotions should people be
should help build and manage a strong encouraged to express, and which
culture by: ones should be suppressed?

• Being a role model for the • Effectiveness. What metrics show

organization's beliefs. whether the organization and its
• Reinforcing organizational values. individual components are doing
• Ensuring that organizational ethics well? An organization will be
are defined, understood and effective only when the culture is
practiced. supported by an appropriate
• Enabling two-way communications business strategy and a structure
and feedback channels. that is appropriate for both the
• Defining roles, responsibilities and business and the desired culture.
• Providing continuous learning and Culture is a nebulous concept and is often
training. an undefined aspect of an organization.
• Sustaining reward and recognition Although extensive academic literature
systems. exists relating to the topic of organizational
• Encouraging empowerment and culture, there is no generally accepted
teams. definition of culture. Instead, the literature
• Promoting a customer-supplier work expresses many different views as to what
environment. organizational culture is.
• Recognizing and solving individual Organizational culture can manifest itself in
and organizational problems and a variety of ways, including leadership
issues. behaviors, communication styles, internally
distributed messages and corporate
What Is Organizational Culture? celebrations. Given that culture comprises

so many elements, it is not surprising that • People orientation. Insisting on
terms for describing specific cultures vary fairness, tolerance and respect for
widely. Some commonly used terms for the individual.
describing cultures include aggressive, • Team orientation. Emphasizing and
customer-focused, innovative, fun, ethical, rewarding collaboration.
research-driven, technology-driven, • Attention to detail. Valuing precision
process-oriented, hierarchical, family- and approaching situations and
friendly and risk-taking. problems analytically.
Because culture is difficult to define, • Stability. Providing security and
organizations may have trouble maintaining following a predictable course.
consistency in their messages about • Innovation. Encouraging
culture. Employees may also find it difficult experimentation and risk-taking.
to identify and communicate about • Aggressiveness. Stimulating a
perceived cultural fiercely competitive spirit.
inconsistencies. See Defining
Organizational Culture and Culture DEGREE OF HIERARCHY
Conversation Starters. The degree of hierarchy is the extent to
Factors That Shape an Organization's which the organization values traditional
Culture channels of authority. The three distinct
Organizational leaders often speak about levels of hierarchy are "high"—having a
the unusual natures of their company well-defined organizational structure and an
cultures, seeing their domains as special expectation that people will work through
places to work. But organizations such as official channels; "moderate"—having a
Disney and Nordstrom, which are well- defined structure but an acceptance that
known for their unique cultures, are people often work outside formal channels;
rare. See Viewpoint: 3 Steps to Cultivating a and "low" —having loosely defined job
Customized Culture. descriptions and accepting that people
Most company cultures are not that different challenge authority.
from one another. Even organizations in An organization with a high level of
disparate industries such as manufacturing hierarchy tends to be more formal and
and health care tend to share a common moves more slowly than an organization
core of cultural values. For example, most with a low level of hierarchy.
private-sector companies want to grow and
increase revenues. Most strive to be team- DEGREE OF URGENCY
oriented and to demonstrate concern for The degree of urgency defines how quickly
others. Most are driven, rather than relaxed, the organization wants or needs to drive
because they are competing for dollars and decision-making and innovation. Some
market share. Some of the cultural organizations choose their degree of
characteristics that distinguish most urgency, but others have it thrust on them
organizations include the following. by the marketplace.
A culture with high levels of urgency has a
VALUES need to push projects through quickly and a
At the heart of organizations' cultures are high need to respond to a changing
commonly shared values. None is right or marketplace. A moderate level of urgency
wrong, but organizations need to decide moves projects at a reasonable pace. A low
which values they will emphasize. These level of urgency means people work slowly
common values include: and consistently, valuing quality over
• Outcome orientation. Emphasizing efficiency. An organization with high
achievements and results. urgency tends to be fast-paced and
supports a decisive management style. An
organization with low urgency tends to be

more methodical and supports a more underscore the organization's core values.
considered management style. Subcultures can also cause serious
PEOPLE ORIENTATION OR TASK For example, regional cultures often differ
ORIENTATION from the overall culture that top leadership
Organizations usually have a dominant way tries to instill. Perhaps aggressiveness that
of valuing people and tasks. An organization is common in one area may not mesh with a
with a strong people orientation tends to put culture emphasizing team building. Or an
people first when making decisions and organization with a culture built around
believes that people drive the organization's equality may have trouble if the national
performance and productivity. An culture emphasizes hierarchy and expects
organization with a strong task orientation people to bow to authority. Managers and
tends to put tasks and processes first when HR professionals must recognize those
making decisions and believes that differences and address them directly.
efficiency and quality drive organization Creating and Managing Organizational
performance and productivity. Culture
Some organizations may get to choose their An organizational culture tends to emerge
people and task orientations. But others over time, shaped by the organization's
may have to fit their orientation to the nature leadership and by actions and values
of their industry, historical issues or perceived to have contributed to earlier
operational processes. successes. A company culture can be
managed through the cultural awareness of
FUNCTIONAL ORIENTATION organizational leaders and HR
Every organization puts an emphasis on professionals. Managing a culture takes
certain functional areas. Examples of focused efforts to sustain elements of the
functional orientations may include culture that support organizational
marketing, operations, research and effectiveness. See Addressing the Six
development, engineering or service. For Sources of Workplace Cultural Conflicts.
example, an innovative organization known
for its research and development may have
at its core a functional orientation toward
R&D. A hospitality company may focus on
operations or service, depending on its HOW CULTURE DEVELOPS
historical choices and its definition in the An organization's customs, traditions,
marketplace. rituals, behavioral norms, symbols and
Employees from different functions in the general way of doing things are the visible
company may think that their functional manifestation of its culture; they are what
areas are the ones that drive the one sees when walking into the
organization. Organizational leaders must organization. The current organizational
understand what most employees perceive culture is usually due to factors that have
to be the company's functional worked well for the organization in the
orientation. See Building a Customer- past. See How to Create a Culture of
Centric Culture: Five Lessons Learned. Civility.
Founders typically have a significant impact
ORGANIZATIONAL SUBCULTURES on an organization's early culture. Over
Any organization can have a mix of time, behavioral norms develop that are
subcultures in addition to the dominant consistent with the organization's values.
culture. Subcultures exist among groups or For example, in some organizations,
individuals who may have their own rituals resolution of conflicts is hashed out openly
and traditions that, although not shared by and noisily to create widespread consensus,
the rest of the organization, can deepen and whereas in other places disputes are settled

hierarchically and quietly behind closed management by initially gaining an
doors. understanding of the common traits found in
Though culture emerges naturally in most all businesses. Then, they should take the
organizations, strong cultures often begin following steps to manage their
with a process called "values blueprinting," organization's culture:
which involves a candid conversation with • Identify common artifacts or traits,
leaders from across the organization. Once including those from the standpoint
the culture is framed, an organization may of an organization's social, material
establish a values committee that has a and ideological culture.
direct link to leadership. This group makes • Convene groups of employees—
sure the desired culture is alive and well. representatives from all levels,
For values blueprinting to work, functions and locations of the
organizations must first hire people who live organization—to assess the validity,
the values and have the competency significance and currency of key
needed to perform the job. artifacts.
• Subject those traits to a rigorous
SUSTAINING A CULTURE assessment of their underlying
The management of organizational culture shared assumptions, values and
starts with identifying a company's beliefs.
organizational culture traits or "artifacts." • Summarize findings and share them
Artifacts are the core business activities, with all participants to solicit
processes and philosophies that additional insights.
characterize how an organization does • Create a culture management action
business day-to-day. plan. The plan should enhance traits
Identifying these traits—and assessing their that support corporate growth or
importance in light of current business organizational effectiveness and
objectives—is a way to start managing correct traits that might hinder a
culture. Three broad concepts help identify company's advancement.
the traits specific to a culture:
Typically, shared assumptions and beliefs
• Social culture. This refers to group originate with an organization's founders
members' roles and responsibilities. and leaders. Because those beliefs proved
It is the study of class distinctions successful (otherwise the company would
and the distribution of power that not exist and the leaders would not be in
exists in any group. their positions), often they go unchallenged;
• Material culture. This involves however, those assumptions and beliefs
examining everything that people in might be outdated and may hinder future
a group make or achieve and the success. .
ways people work with and support
one another in exchanging required HR Practices to Develop Culture
goods and services. HR has a special role in ensuring that an
• Ideological culture. This is tied to a organization's culture will continue and
group's values, beliefs and ideals— thrive. When an organization does a good
the things people view as job assessing its culture, it can then go on
fundamental. It includes the to establish HR policies, programs and
emotional and intellectual guidelines strategies that support and strengthen its
that govern people's daily existence core purpose and values. In aligned
and interactions. organizations, the same core characteristics
or beliefs motivate and unite everyone,
Leaders and HR professionals within an cascading down from the C-suite to
organization should approach culture individual contributors.

HR professionals have many tools for If a candidate's description of the
developing and sustaining a high- worst place he or she ever worked
performance organizational culture, sounds just like the organization
including hiring practices, onboarding where he or she is interviewing, the
efforts, recognition programs and candidate probably will not be
performance management programs. HR's successful.
biggest challenge is deciding how to use • Leaving discussion of company
these tools and how to allocate resources culture for later. Do not tell
appropriately. candidates about culture up
front. First, listen to what they have
HIRING PRACTICES to say about their experiences and
The central role that HR plays in helping an beliefs. This tactic will reveal more
organization capitalize on its culture is in candid responses to help determine
hiring. HR has the opportunity to select whether they are a fit for the
people who fit the way the organization organization.
operates. Traditionally, hiring focuses • Making sure at least three people
primarily on an applicant's skills, but when a are involved in the hiring
hire's personality also fits with the process. Different people will see
organization's culture, the employee will be and hear different things. These
more likely to deliver superior varied perspectives give a clearer
performance. See Finance Sector Needs understanding of the person being
New Focus on Culture to Attract considered for hire.
Talent and Candidates Choose Jobs
Because of Company Culture. Searching for employees who will fit in
On the other hand, ill-fitting hires and seamlessly can have drawbacks. The
subsequent rapid departures cost biggest mistake an organization can make
approximately 50 percent to 150 percent of is to paint an inaccurate picture of itself as it
the position's annual salary. Unfortunately, tries to attract candidates. If new hires
nearly one in three newly hired employees' discover they have been sold a bill of
leaves voluntarily or involuntarily within a goods, they will not be happy; they will
year of hiring, and this number has been probably not stick around, and, while they
increasing steadily in recent years. See 5 are around, morale will decline.
Unique Interview Questions Every Recruiter Another possible drawback is that people
Should Ask. are more reluctant to take negative actions
against people like themselves. As a result,
Some hiring practices to ensure cultural fit mediocre workers are more likely to stay
include these: employed if they share the cultural values.
• Looking at each piece of the Similarly, although an organization's comfort
organization's vision, mission and level is palpable when the culture is aligned,
values statements. Interview experts say, too much comfort can result in
questions should hone in on groupthink and complacency.
behaviors that complement these
areas. For example, if the ONBOARDING PROGRAMS
organization works with a lot of HR plays a primary role in socializing new
intensity, then job applicants should employees by designing and overseeing the
display that natural intensity to be onboarding process. Onboarding teaches
considered for hire. newcomers the employer's value system,
• Conducting a cultural fit norms and desired organizational
interview. Ask questions that elicit behaviors. HR professionals must help
comments about organizational newcomers become part of social networks
values such as honesty or integrity. in the organization and make sure that they

have early job experiences that reinforce have differing perceptions of the company's
the culture. See Managing the Employee culture. HR professionals must therefore
Onboarding and Assimilation Process. ensure that the organization clearly and
consistently communicates its culture to all
REWARD AND RECOGNITION employees. See HR's Role in Creating a
PROGRAMS Culture of High Trust: Q&A with Richard
These programs are key mechanisms HR Fagerlin.
can use to motivate employees to act in Metrics
accordance with the organization's culture
and values. For example, if teamwork is a Assessing organizational culture is a crucial
core value, bonuses should value teamwork step in developing sound HR strategies that
and not be based on individual support enterprise objectives and goals. But
performance. HR should also put the how do you measure something as
spotlight on those who personify the potentially tough to describe as culture?
company's values. See Who's at the After identifying the key dimensions of
CENTRE of your recognition culture such as values, degree of hierarchy,
program? and Employee Recognition Tech and people and task orientations,
Must Align with Company Culture. performing these next steps will help
organizations assess culture:
PROGRAMS • Develop a cultural assessment
Employees who share values and instrument. This instrument should
aspirations tend to outperform those in enable members of the organization
environments that lack cohesiveness and to rate the organization on the key
common purposes. Performance cultural dimensions, as well as on
management programs can greatly affect aspects of the organization not
corporate culture by clearly outlining what is covered on the assessment.
expected from employees as well as by • Administer the assessment. Survey
providing a feedback tool that informs respondents should include
employees about proper individuals at all levels, functions,
behavior. See Performance Management divisions and geographical units of
That Makes a Difference: An Evidence- the organization.
Based Approach. • Analyze and communicate about
assessment results. Leaders and
Communications HR executives should discuss areas
Conflicting messages regarding corporate of agreement and disagreement
culture may create distrust and cynicism, about the organization's culture.
which can prompt, or help employees • Conduct employee focus
justify, actions as deleterious as groups. Just because top
embezzlement. Experts say that cultural management leaders agree on
inconsistencies may also cause workers to organizational culture does not
grow discouraged, to believe management mean that all employees see things
is disingenuous, to doubt statements from that way.
higher-ups and to be less inclined to give • Discuss culture until consensus
their best effort. forms around key issues. Focus on
"Who are we?" and "What makes us
Organizations may be investing significant who we are?" Organizations that
time and money in creating a culture but decide that where they are now is
may not be reaping the commensurate not where they want to be may need
rewards—especially if executives, to look at moving the organization to
supervisors and rank-and-file employees embrace a different culture.

organizational culture management
Cultural assessments, and other activities initiatives in global businesses.
such as cultural audits and 360-degree
feedback, may also help uncover cultural Managers must be able to respond to
inconsistencies. Then leaders and HR nuances in communication styles, as well as
professionals can eliminate the deal with different expectations that
inconsistencies. For example, if customer employees have of their leaders across
service is a focus of the company's culture, national cultures. Not meeting those
evaluate how much time employees spend expectations may doom the global
visiting customer sites, how much organization's chance for success in
interaction they have with customers, what particular countries.
customer service training they receive and
other indicators of a customer service These issues become even more complex
focus. See The New Analytics of Workplace in global business mergers. Success in
Culture international mergers depends on the
merged organization's willingness to enable
Legal Issues people with different cultural perspectives to
Employers that emphasize cultural fit in their engage in meaningful and valuable
recruitment and selection process can be discussions about the new business.
vulnerable to discrimination claims if they
are not careful. HR professionals should
ensure that hiring practices and selection
decisions based on a cultural fit rationale do
not result in discriminating against any
applicants who may not be "just like" the
Employers should also be aware that
certain types of organizational cultures (for
example, cultures that are highly
paternalistic or male-dominated) may tend
to perpetuate disparities in promotions,
compensation and other terms of
employment. Those disparities may violate
anti-discrimination laws. See In Focus:
Latest Lawsuits Shine Light on Racist,
Sexist Workplace Cultures and Address the
Small Infractions to Create an Inclusive
Global Issues

Research suggests that national culture has

a greater effect on employees than the
culture of their organization. Organizational
leaders and HR professionals should
understand the national cultural values in
the countries in which the organization
operates to ensure that management and
HR practices are appropriate and will be
effective in operations in those countries.
National cultural differences should be
considered when implementing


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