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Chapter 2 Geometry

Worksheet A answers

1 a 63 b 40 c 140 d 93
2 a AC = DC and BC = EC (given), ACB = DCE (vertically opposite),
 ABC  DEC (SAS)
2 b Corresponding sides in congruent triangles
c DE = 6 cm
3 a BAC = DCA and BCA = DAC (alternate angles in parallel lines),
AC is common,  ABC  CDA (AAS)
b Corresponding angles in congruent triangles
4 a ABCD ||| HGFE b 2 or 1.5 c 18 d 4
5 a ABC = ADE and ACB = AED (corresponding angles in parallel lines),
5 BAC = DAE (common),  ABC ||| ADE (AAA)
b 9 cm

Worksheet B answers

1 a COD = 65 (chord theorem 1)

b OF = 9 cm (chord theorem 2)
2 a x = 240 b x = 20 c x = 38
d a = b = 76, c = 104
3 a 70 b 50
4 a PBA = 65 b BPX = 59
79 33
5 a 4 b 9 c 4 or 8.25

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