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European Journal of Orthodontics 3 (1981) 279-284 0141-5387/81/00940279/S02.

© 1981 European Orthodontic Society

Dental arch analysis: arch form

A review of the literature
S. J. Rudge
Chester, England.

Summary. The literature of dental arch analysis is reviewed outlining the methods that have
been used to evaluate dental arch form. The theory, practical applications and problems of
these methods are described.

Many orthodontists have sought to find a as being arranged in a semi-ellipse, but Angle

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universal, ideal arch form and although most (IS07) in a detailed discussion of the "line of
studies have used similar material—a collec- occlusion" maintained that this line repre-
tion of untreated ideal> occlusions—there has sented a parabolic curve. He considered
been very little agreement about the natural Hawley's method of arch prediction to be
shape of this ideal arch. useful only as an approximate guide to
A review of the literature shows, how- occlusion. The interpretation of Angle's use
ever, that several assumptions are made:— of the line of occlusion, however, has become
There must be an algebraic or geometric confused; some orthodontists believe that
formula which explains ideal arch form. Angle referred to a line through the contact
All ideal arches are the same shape and points, while others think that the line passed
differ only in size. through the centres of the crowns or across
Every ideal arch is considered to be the middle of the buccal surfaces.
symmetrical. Williams (1917) described the anterior
One of the earliest descriptions was teeth as lying on the arc of a circle with its
provided by Hawley (1905) based on the centre midway between the buccal grooves of
earlier work of Bonwill (1885). Hawley the first molars. In an investigation based on
described the ideal arch as being constructed the skulls of apes and humans, Hellman
upon an equilateral triangle with slight (1919) was unable to find any relation between
modifications. The six anterior teeth were the size of the teeth and the form of the dental
thought to be arranged on the arc of a circle arches and he rejected the theories of arch
whose radius was determined by the com- predetermination based on measurements of
bined width of the incisors and canines, with specific teeth. Hellman criticised Bon will's
the premolars and first permanent molars equilateral triangle and concluded that the
arranged in a straight line and the second mathematical method of establishing dental
and third molars turning in towards the mid- arch form was unsatisfactory. This view was
line. The base of the equilateral triangle was also taken by Stanton (1922) and Izard (1927)
thought to represent the intercondylar width. who found a variance of arch form, repre-
Arch forms provided by supply companies sented by an ellipse in 75%, a parabola in
are generally of the Bonwill-Hawley type. 20% and a 'U' or square shape in 5 %.
Black (1894) described the upper teeth Chuck (1934) suggested that the Bonwill-

Hawley method should be used to construct the same arch may be classified differently by
symmetrical archwires which should then be different workers.
altered to fit the patient. More recent work has used computer
McConnail and Scher (1949) suggested analysis of occlusion and Lu (1964) claimed
that the ideal curve would correspond to a that the dental arch could be satisfactorily
catenary curve—that is one formed when a described by a polynomial equation of the
fine chain is suspended at both ends. Scott 4th degree. Currier (1969) tried to evaluate
(1957) and Musich and Ackerman (1973) the arch shape of satisfactory occlusions in a
claimed that a catenary curve best repre- selected sample by comparing them with
sented a good average fit for arch forms and several geometric curves using mathematical
that any variation from this form was a analyses and electronic data processing equip-
consequence of alveolar-process growth ment. He found that the buccal surfaces of
beyond the normal range. Musich and the maxillary arch conform more closely to
Ackerman (1973) described a hanging chain an ellipse than to a parabola but that neither
catenometer which permitted estimation of ellipse nor parabola exhibited a significant fit
the arch shape and length, the shape of the to the lingual curves of the arches.
curve being related to the length of the chain Sanin (1970) investigated the size and
and the vertical distance from the apex of the shape of ideal arches by measuring two-
curve to the horizontal between the attach- dimensional co-ordinates of the mesial and
ment points of the chain. distal points of teeth on 160 sets of study
Wheeler (1950) maintained that bio- models. He stated that the length and shape

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logical forms could not be reproduced with of the curve could be determined by mathe-
exactitude and Sicher (1952) supported this matical functions such'as exponential, logar-
view having found considerable variation in ithmic, elliptical, parabolic, hyperbolic or
the shape of the dental arch, the upper arch polynomial. Computer analysis of point
being elliptical and the lower parabolic. co-ordinates obtained, showed that the fit of
Baz (1958) determined normal arch size a curve through the points was best described
by a "geometric construction" based on through a mathematical function and that
measurements taken directly on the patient's the 4th degree polynomial was among the
face. This was a development of Hawley's easiest curves to fit while still adequately
method of arch predetermination. describing the dental arch, thus confirming
Remsden (1964) studied various methods the earlier views of Lu. Sanin also found that
of predetermination by comparing them with by using two easily obtained linear measure-
arches of a sample of "normal" occlusions. ments in a simple formula, an estimate of
He found inaccuracies in all methods but arch length could be calculated that was close
concluded that a parabola best represents to the estimate obtained by fitting a 4th
the anterior curvature of the dental arch, degree polynominal curve.
although an arch that fitted a precise pattern The regression equation derived was:—
was to be regarded as an exception rather Arch length =Arch width x 0.504+
than a rule. arch length x 1.525+14.856 mms.
Kato (1964) examined the relative where arch width was the distance between
positions of teeth and average arch form by the buccal cusps of the first deciduous molars
establishing landmarks on the teeth on study or premolars; arch length was the minimum
models. The landmarks were projected onto a distance from a point midway between the
glass plane and plotted on a co-ordinate mesio-incisal angle of the central incisors and
system. Kato examined upper and lower a line connecting the distal landmarks of the
dental arches of both sexes and concluded deciduous second molars or second
that there was no great disparity between the premolars.
arches. He also pointed out that description The standard error of the estimate was
of arch shape is largely subjective and that 1.532 mms.

Brader (1972) stated that dental arch and distal aspects of the crowns of the teeth
form represents an equilibrium between the directly, on study models or on photographs.
forces of the tongue and the circumoral The real contact points are connected by
musculature, and thought that the geometry straight lines to produce the open polygon.
of the arch was best approximated by a Herren and his colleagues believe that the
closed curve with the curvilinear properties production of a polygon by interpolation of
inherent in the trifocal ellipse (generated small straight lines gives a better expression of
from 3 internal foci, and comprising a closed, arch shape as it follows the normal dental arch
compound elliptical curve) with the teeth and determines the length and shape of the den-
occupying only a portion of the total curve tal arch more accurately than does the ellipse.
at its constricted end. As the tissue forces in Several authors have described the use of
the resting state were considered to be the an X-Y digitizer and computer programme
primary determinants of arch form morph- to analyse 1 : 1 photographs of study models
ology, the geometry of the curve was related (Pepe, 1975; Marcotte, 1976; Burstone, 1979).
to the resting forces of the tongue so that Pepe analysed a sample of only 7 models of
PR=C where P=pressure per unit area; normal occlusion by digitization of a full-size
R=radius of curvature at a point along the occlusal photograph to cartesian co-ordinates
compound curve corresponding exactly with which were then compared with mathe-
the pressure site and C is a constant, exhibit- matically derived curves by computer. Of
ing a variation in magnitude between all the curve generating equations studied in

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individuals and variation in the same indi- this manner, the catenary was found to be
vidual at different physiological ages. The the least descriptive of the arch forms. In
arch form becomes stabilized and dental more than 75% of the arches studied the
equilibrium attained where C =T (the tension catenary curve was found to be inferior even
of the circumoral tissues). That is to say, to the quadratic curve fit. However, the
there is an inverse relation between the polynomial curve was still not a good fit and
magnitude of the pressure and the radius of Pepe concluded that although this curve may
curvature at each side. be used to describe arch form it is not
Further work by Proffit (1978) has shown sufficiently accurate to use for archwire
that this is not the case in all patients and that construction.
tongue morphology is important but that the Computer derived arch forms, now in
pressure exerted on the dentition varies. common use in practice, are produced from
Trifocal elliptical arch forms are used in measurements of intermolar width, inter-
archwire fabrication (Brader, 1972; White, canine width and arch depth from the labial
1977) where the selection of the arch is based surface of the central incisor to the last
on the arch width at the buccolingual standing molar. The computer is pro-
surfaces of the second premolars. Brader grammed with the cartesian X-Y co-ordinates
arch forms are adapted to the labial surfaces necessary for a two-dimensional computer-
of the teeth and are of the same shape, derived formula. From clinical data, Schulof
differing only in premolar arch width. The (1975) designed a biparameter catenary curve
maxillary arch selected is one size larger than from the lower arch to estimate individual
the mandibular arch so that arch co-ordina- arch form, based on anterior tooth size, arch
tion is greatly simplified but often leads to a width at the molars, denture position and
severe reduction in intercanine width (White, individual facial angle.
1978). White (1978) attempted to analyse arch
A geometric approach to arch analysis is shape in 24 ideal occlusions in terms of the
provided by the arcogramme technique usual descriptions of arches—ellipse, para-
(Herren et al., 1973). The arcogramme is an bola, trifocal ellipse and catenary. Overlays of
open polygon drawn, using a binocular arch shapes were constructed from tracings
microscope, to join landmarks of the mesial of the teeth and were then superimposed.

Subjective assessment of the close fit was Discussion

made. 8% of Bonwill-Hawley designs were
found to be good and 52% poor while 12.5 % The use of computers in diagnosis and
of Brader arch forms and 27% of catenary clinical management has increased con-
curves were found to be good. The Rocky siderably in recent years and will doubtless
Mountain Data System arch forms showed continue to do so with the progressive
none of poor fit, two of good fit and 95% reduction in the cost of computer equipment
moderately good, but analysis was only made but a review of the literature illustrates many
of mandibular arches. Rocky Mountain have divergent views on arch shape and analysis.
now altered the computer programme to Two opposing views have been stated on
recognise asymmetry and use different mathe- the development of dental arch and jaw
matical curves for each side, which may well shape; on one hand that the position is
be important because of the 48 arches tested solely determined by the pressure of lips and
by White only 6% were found to be sym- tongue (Tomes, 1873) and on the other
metrical. White concludes, as have others, that arch form is determined prior to
that no generalized universal arch form muscular development and is independent of
seems to be applicable to the individual and functional activity of the oral musculature
that algebraic and geometric formulae provide (Scott, 1967).
symmetry which does not account for It is now generally believed, however,
individual variations. that occlusion and arch shape are determined
Faber et al. (1978) pointed to the use of by an interplay between genetic factors and

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computerized cephalometric study model many varied external environmental factors.
analysis, stating that predermination of arch Proffit (1978) and Moss (1980) thought
form permits the teeth to be arranged along that the primary factors involved in the
the curve, and arch length or available space determination of final tooth position are
to be calculated. The drawback of this type resting pressures of the lips, cheeks and
of simulation is that the mathematical curve tongue, and the force produced by metabolic
shape fitted to X-Y co-ordinates is usually activity within the periodontal membrane.
either parabolic or a trifocal ellipse and no These in turn are influenced by secondary
major study has yet shown that ideal arch factors such as postural position of the head,
form actually approaches these mathe- the jaw and the tongue, alterations in the
matically derived curves. eruptive mechanism and the morphology of
Burstone (1979) described a procedure the crowns of the teeth.
for case analysis by digitizing points on a 1 : 1 Clinicians should therefore be cautious
occlusal photograph of study models to give when treating individuals to a mathematically
measurements and tooth position on a visual derived ideal and when making archwires to
display unit. Ideal arch forms are then specific "ideal" shapes since studies have not
constructed by the' computer, taking account yet determined conclusively what that shape
of the orthodontist's instructions on incisor might be or, indeed, whether the very many
inclination, extractions etc., to give a para- varying soft tissue factors affecting tooth
bolic curve which Burstone believes, by using position are such that any specific arch form
enough control points in arch form, can be can be applied to the individual.
individualized for each patient. The computer
stores midline position and calculates space
Address for correspondence
inadequacy.. Different visual displays are
provided for differing treatment plans pro- S. J. Rudge,
vided by the orthodontist and the computer Orthodontic Department,
co-ordinates upper and lower arches with a Chester Royal Infirmary,
given overbite and overjet together with St Martins Way,
estimates of anchorage loss. Chester CHI 2AZ, England.

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