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The school bell rang.

My heart leapt with joy as it was

time for dismissal. I slung my heavy schoolbag over my
shoulder and gestured to my best friend, Ben, to head
for the exit. We joined the group of students who were
making a beeline for the school gate. Ben and I were
heading over to my house to watch movie. It was a
sweltering afternoon. Perspiration rained down our
foreheads as we made our way to my house.
Two of us were talking nineteen to the dozen as we
walked down the pedestrian walkway. Out of the blue, I
was distracted by the sound of tinkling bells and a loud
resonant voice. “Delicious curry puffs!” At that
moment, my stomach gave a loud rumble. I was
starving/famished/ravenous. Without delay, I dug into
my pocket and took out my wallet. Ben saw a swarm of
flies hovering around the curry puffs. He also saw some
cockroaches around the stall. He immediately warned
me not to buy them. However, I turned a deaf ear to his
warning and eagerly bought the curry puffs. Ben shook
his head in disbelief.
As we continued our way home, I munched on the
curry puffs hungrily. They were palatable. I even
offered a curry puff to Ben but he instantly rejected it.
When we reached home, I went to take a shower.
Without warning, I felt an excruciating pain 剧烈疼痛
in my stomach. I started vomiting/throwing up and my
face turn pale. I desperately asked for help. My mother
was concerned when I vomited in front of her. She
rapidly took me to the nearest clinic. Ben accompanied
us. He comforted me throughout the journey.
The doctor diagnosed that I had consumed some
contaminated food and prescribed some medicine to
me. I was astonished to see the amount of medicine that
I needed to consume. I felt regretful/remorseful for not
listening to/ heeding Ben’s warning. I apologised to
Ben for being stubborn-headed. I had learnt my lesson
in a painful way.

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