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22/04/2023 Sanjay Roopnarine 4.

Social Studies SBA

1: How do you view your school environment?
 Safe
 Unsafe
 Disregarded
 Other (Your Comment)
 _____________________________________________________________
2: How often does “Peer Pressure” occur at your school?
 Often
 Very Often
 Not at all
3: How often do you think students at your school use drugs|?
 1-3 times /week
 4-5 times /week
 Not at all
4: What percentage of students at your school do you think use illegal
 0-25%
 26-50%
 51-75%
 76-100%
5: How many fights have you seen/heard of in the last 3 months?
 1-3
 4-7
 8-12
 12+

6: What do you think is the main cause of these fights?

 Stress
 Abuse
 Parents not giving their children enough love/attention at home
 Conflict at home
 Poverty
 Other
 _____________________________________________________________

7: When do these fights usually occur?

 Class time
 Recess time
 Lunch time
 After school

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