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Ignite 2020

Ignite was conducted on the 12th February 2020 prelusive to the hallmark symposium of the
Centre for Biotechnology, BIOTECHCELLENCE. The theme for this year’s Ignite was
“METAMORPHOSIZING LIVES”. Hosted to serve as a platform to inculcate a passion for
excellence among the next generation through various events that appeal to their inquisitive
sense, the initiative aims to engage young minds in activities that are both interesting as well
as practically educative. A workshop to expose students of standard 8,11 and 12 to hands-
on experiments in the Departments of Industrial Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Technology,
and Food Technology was conducted. The experiments included Isolation of DNA from E.
coli, Synthesis of Aspirin, Preparation of toothpaste and calamine lotion and detection of
adulteration in milk, enzymatic browning of apples, gluten separation, blanching of beans.
Besides, informal events were conducted for students like Quiz, Puzzles, etc., to unwind and
add fun which was refreshing for the youngsters

Ignite’22 was organized on the 23rd of April as a prelude to the trademark symposium of the
Centre for Biotechnology (CBT), Biotechcellence, conducted annually by the students of
CBT. Ignite serves as a platform to inculcate a passion for biotechnology among the next
generation through engaging activities and workshops which appeal to their inquisitive
nature. Workshops were conducted for the students of classes 8,9 and 10 to get a hands-on
experience of everything that can be achieved using the latest tools and techniques in the
fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical technology and food technology. These included
experiments on isolation of genomic DNA, saponification reactions and the adulteration of
food. The youngsters also participated enthusiastically in informal events like quiz which
allowed them to test the extent of their knowledge. Certificates were distributed as a
measure of encouragement and active participation was rewarded.

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