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Driving Offences Codes and Respective Penalty Points - SIXTH SCHEDULE - S.L. 65.


Code Offences Penalty

Accident Offences
AC-1 Failing to stop after an accident 5-10
Construction and Use of Vehicle
CU-1 Using a vehicle with defective brakes 3
CU-2 Using a vehicle with defective tyre(s) 3
CU-3 Using a vehicle with defective steering 3
CU-4 Causing or likely to cause a danger by reason of load or passengers 3
Reckless/Dangerous Driving
RD-1 Reckless, negligent or dangerous driving 3-11
RD-2 Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle 3-11
RD-3 Causing death by dangerous driving 3-11
Drink or Drugs
DD-1 Driving or attempting to drive or be in charge of a motor vehicle 3-11
with alcohol level above the limit
DD-2 Driving or attempting to drive then failing to provide a specimen for 3-11
DD-3 Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs 3-11
Insurance Offences
IN-1 Using vehicle uninsured against third party risks 6-8
Licence Offences
LC-1 Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence 3-6
LC-2 Driving while disqualified by order of court 6
LC-3 Non-renewal of vehicle road licence 3-6
LC-4 Non-renewal of driving licence 3-6
Miscellaneous Offences
MS-1 Emission of loud electronic sound from vehicle 3-6
MS-2 Use of mobile phone while driving 3-6
MS-3 Driving without seat belt on 3-6
MS-4 Wearing or using headphones or any other similar device while driving 3-6
Public Highway Offences
PH-1 Exceeding speed limits signs or regulations for classification of road and 3-6
type of vehicle
PH-2 Contravention of pedestrian 3-5
Traffic Direction and Signs
TS-1 Failure to comply with traffic light signals 3-5
TS-2 Failure to comply with double white lines 3-5
TS-3 Failure to comply with a traffic prohibitory direction sign 3-5
TS-4 Failure to comply with a sign which prohibits entry of vehicle into a road 3
or pedestrian zone
TS-5 Failure to comply with a sign prohibiting vehicle overtaking 3-5
TS-6 Failure to comply with a ‘Stop’ sign 3-5
TS-7 Failure to comply with a traffic mandatory direction sign 3
TS-8 Failure to comply with direction of a constable or warden 3

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