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Extra Listening Practice 3

Food, Glorious Food!

1 Ellen: Jill, the desserts are amazing here! You should try
their speciality – Death by Chocolate. That’s what 5 Girl: Hi, Jen. I’m sitting here in my maths lesson, trying
I always get. to do a ridiculously hard algebra problem. All I can
think about is food, food, food! I woke up late
Jill: I think I’ll just skip dessert. I’m trying to stick to my
today and went dashing out of the door without
any breakfast, and now I’m starving! It’s 11.15 …
Ellen: Why are you on a diet? You look great! that means it’s 35 minutes until lunchtime. As
Jill: Thanks, Ellen, but the truth is I’ve put on weight soon as the lesson is over, I’m going to look in my
this year and my clothes are getting tight. I really backpack for some extra change. Maybe I’ll get a
don’t want to have to buy new clothes just so they bag of crisps from the vending machine to go with
fit. my lunch. I’m soooo hungry!
Ellen: Well, I can understand that. Hmm … I think they
have fruit salad here. You could get that. 6 Woman: It’s getting kind of late. We should start thinking
about dinner.
Jill: I’ll pass. I’m actually full from lunch.
Man: How about that new French restaurant in
2 Girl: How was your trip to Cambodia? town?
Boy: Incredible! It’s a beautiful country and the people Woman: I’ve seen that place – it looks interesting. Why
are so friendly. I had an amazing time. don’t we go there?
Girl: How did you manage with the food? I hear that Teen boy: I’d rather get a burger and fries. It would be
they eat lots of strange foods there, including cheaper, too. We’re always trying to save
insects. money, right Mum?
Boy: Everyone there eats fried spiders, so I did too. Woman: You know, on second thoughts, we probably
shouldn’t go out at all. I just remembered that
Girl: You ate spiders? Seriously?
we’ve got leftovers in the fridge.
Boy: Yeah, it’s a popular snack in Cambodia. Women
go around on the street with trays of enormous 7 Boy: Dad, this shopping trip is taking way too long! Why
fried tarantulas. do you have to read the packages so carefully?
Girl: What did they taste like? Dad: My doctor said that I may be allergic to gluten,
Boy: They were OK, kind of crunchy. so I have to make sure to get only gluten-free
3 Man: Now I’ll show you a very easy bean dish. First, you Boy: Gluten? What’s that?
chop an onion and cook it in a third of a cup of
Dad: It’s a protein that’s in wheat and some other
water. While the onion is cooking, open up a can
of black beans, rinse them and then mash them.
Then, add a can of tomato sauce. Next, put in a Boy: So you can’t eat bread any more?
quarter of a cup of quick-cooking oatmeal, a Dad: No, I can’t eat ordinary wheat bread, but I could
tablespoon of soya sauce, and a half-tablespoon make bread from soya flour and rice flour. In
of mustard. When the onions are cooked, put the fact, I’m going to get some today and try it.
bean mixture in the pot and heat it for five
minutes. That’s it! Serve it with rice or on a bun. 8 Boy: Do you want some cake? I made it myself.
Girl: Thanks … it’s delicious! Wow, I’m impressed
4 Man: Did you just put ketchup on your banana? you baked it. I find baking so hard. Everything
Woman: Yeah, it’s really good. Want to try some? I’ve baked has been a total failure.
Man: Out of curiosity I’m going to … Hey, it’s not so bad! Boy: Well, this recipe isn’t hard. You just mix the
Woman: I know. I like trying different food combinations. ingredients in the pan and stick it in the oven.
Sometimes I eat hot popcorn with milk for Girl: How can you tell when the cake is done?
breakfast. It’s like eating a warm and crunchy Boy: You put a toothpick in the centre. If it
cereal. I’ve also made sandwiches with dark
comes out clean, the cake is done.
chocolate and parmesan cheese, and I always put
salt in my coffee to bring out the flavour.
Man: Well, the popcorn cereal sounds the best to me.
Maybe I’ll try that tomorrow for breakfast.

Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. a

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