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Training Material for cold calling

Day Topics to be covered

Introduct ion
Theoret ical
Day 1 Break
Theoret ical

Quest ions on Day one

Day 2 Break
Rebut tals

Role plays
Day 3 Break
Role plays
Role plays
Cold Calling

It’s mainly calling someone out of the blue when they are not expecting
your call, to promote a product or a service.
Is it successful?? YES IT IS that’s why we are doing it.

Real estate cold calling that’s what we do and its way easier than
normal cold calling because we are NOT trying to sell anything we are
trying to BUY which makes it way easier for us.

Tips to be a top achiever

Listen Actively:
No one likes repeating himself so make sure you are listening actively to
what they are saying and respond to it..Remember its a human

Stay positive :
Staying positive will get you to enjoy your time while working your
speaking to people with completely different personalities and listening
to their stories and enjoying a conversation with them so maintain your
good mood it will reflect on them too and you will achieve your target.
Embrace the No:
As agreed, we are calling when they are not expecting, so expect that
some will be angry, others will hang up or shout saying they are not
interested...that is normal ...we don’t know if they are eating , sleeping
or working when we call so TAKE IT EASY when you get the no and
move positively to the next call.
Match their pace:
its one of the most successful techniques in getting the other person to
be interested in the conversation instead of wanting to end the call. For
example, if you are speaking to an old person who is speaking slowly it
wont make any sense to speak quickly because he will not feel
comfortable nor keep up with what you are saying so you may loose a
potential lead just for not matching the pace.
Follow your script like an actor, not like a robot:
Cold calling is a performance. You need to be able to get in a zone
just like actors do. Actors use scripts for most of their work. Yet
somehow not all television shows and movies sound like a bunch of
robots beeping at each other. They’re full of real human emotion! So it
must be possible to use a script and talk like an actual person, but you
can’t just read your lines.
Mind set:
You might not believe it but start your shift saying that you will get that
number of leads and if you didn’t you will get very close at least..don’t
judge before trying and you will be surprised. IT WORKS LIKE
How do we operate

Cold callers
We are the front liners: Our job is to gather information and make sure
it’s a qualified lead then we submit it on our lead submission form.

Quality Assurance team

They listen to our calls, ensure that we asked all the correct question
and check the form submitted with all the information gathered, if they
approve it, it will go to the acquisition team otherwise, it will be pushed
back as unqualified lead to your team leader.

Acquisition team
They are responsible for calling the prospect again, discussing numbers
and finalizing the deal.

What is a qualified lead?

1. Twenty percent (20%) above MV or below.

2. Willing to sell within the next 6 months.
3. Genuinely interested in selling.
Motivation To Sell

 Tired Landlord “I’ve been renting the property and want to get rid
of it or It's been a rental property and I am ready to retire”

 Foreclosure “I owe a mortgage on it and I want to just sell it for

what I owe”

 Wants Cash Now

 Divorce “I’m in the middle of a divorce”

 Inherited “My mom or dad left this property for me”

 Owes Taxes “I have taxes owed on it”

 Retirement “I want to retire”

Occupency types:

 Owner Occupied: Seller Lives in the Property.

 Absentee Owner: Seller owns the property but lives in another

property Most of the time this type of seller is renting out the
 Vacant Property: Property is owned by the seller but nobody lives

Types of Properties we work with

 Single Family Homes: Regular Houses that stand by themselves.

 Apartments: Units in buildings.

 Townhouses: homes next to each other that share a wall.

 Vacant Land

Information that we need to gather:

- Condition.
- Price.
- Occupancy.
- Mortgage.
- Timeline.
- Motivation.
Notes to remind us to gather all information needed:

 Seller Name:
 Phone number:
 Address:
 Bedrooms:
 Bathrooms:
 Condition:
 Occupancy:
 Mortgage:
 Price:
 Timeline:
 Callback:
 Reason of Selling:
Introducing yourself and checking initial interest
Hey “Seller”, how are you doing today?
This is “Sam” calling in regards to your property at 123 Main St., and I
was just curious to ask if you had any interest in selling it for the right

Confirming the number of bedrooms and bathrooms

Details available Details unavailable

For us to be able to present the Okay, So I can be able to present
right offer to you, what can you the right offer, how many
possibly tell me about the property, bedrooms and bathrooms does it
Is it still 3 bedrooms and 2 have?

Gathering all information needed when it comes to the condition

Have you done any major repairs within the past 5 years?

Getting the asking price if any

Okay, so a little bit about us, we buy properties for cash in all types of
conditions and we can close in two weeks or at or at a date of your
choice. So, do you have a price in mind you want to sell this property

Prospect provided an AP: (Below Without price

20% above MV)
Okay! When would you like to get Okay, so if we are able to present
this done? you with an offer that you are
satisfied with, when would you like
to get this done?

If the price is above MV, mention our advantages to get the buttom
line to make sure its a qualified lead
Currently our acquisitions team wont be able to meet you at this price.
Putting into consideration that we pay in cash and we cover all closing
costs, would you be open to hear offers below your asking? What would
be your buttom line
Is the property currently vacant or occupied?
Occupied: if may ask, is it occupied by yourself or you do have tenants
over there?
Tenants: monthly or annual lease
Does the property have any mortgage on it?
Yes: May I ask how much? Of course its totally fine if you don’t want to
disclose that.
Is the property currently listed with a realtor?
Yes: Would it be okay to proceed knowing that we do not cover realtor
fees but on the other hand we do cover all the closing costs.
Reason for selling
If I may ask, are there any other reasons for selling other than receiving
the cash offer?

Callback time

Okay, so when is a good time to Okay, let me get back to my

call you back to discuss that partners and do some more
further? research when is it a good time to
call you back with an offer?

Do you have an email address we can reach you on if we cant reach you
on this number?

Any more leads ?

Thank you so much for your time…Oh, just before I let you go do you
have any other properties or land that you would consider selling or do
you know someone who does?


Thank you so much and looking forward to speaking with you soon.
Land script

Size of the Lot

How many acres or Sq. Ft. is it?

Access to public utilities

Does it have access to public utilities? (Water, electricity,……)

If yes: So I assume its buildable.


Is it residential or commercial?

Getting the asking price if any

Do you have an asking price or a price range in mind?


Does it have any mortgage on it?

Yes: May I ask how much? Of course its totally fine if you don’t want to
disclose that.

Reason for selling

Apart from receiving the right price, do you have any other reasons to

Prospect provided an AP: (Below Without price

20% above MV)
Okay! When would you like to get Okay, so if we are able to present
this done? you with an offer that you are
satisfied with, when would you like
to get this done?

Parcel number

Can you provide me with the parcel number for this lot?
As a rule whenever the owner asks you a question, answer it and hit back
straight away with a question of yours to retain the control over the call
Wrong number

Oh, I was trying to reach “Seller name” the owner at “Address”, do you know by any
chance how can I get hold of them?

If no

No worries, do you happen to have any properties yourself that you would consider
selling for the right price?

Death: “He/she passed away”

My condolences , my name is (Insert Caller) who may I possibly speak to about this

How did you get my number?

Well, this number was associated with the property in the public records. When we’re
interested in a property we go through there to see who is the current owner so we can
express our interest.

Which public records?

The Tax Assessment office at the courthouse.

Take me off your list

Well there isn’t any list. I was just calling to express my interest.

I am on the DNC, why are you calling me?

The DNC call list applies to people who are offering services, or telemarketers that want
to sell you something. I am just calling on behalf of myself and my group to express our
interest in the property.
I had terrible offers from other investors, I lost interest.

Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I am not affiliated with the people that called you before. I'm
calling on behalf of myself and my group. We’d love to present to you the best offer. So
how much were you looking to sell for?

What company are you with?

ALWAYS say the city or state you are calling followed by Homebuyers E.G Florida

What’s your offer? / Why are you calling if you don’t have an offer, What’s your
number you called me !?

I was calling to see if there is an interest, Now, that I know you would be interested I
just need to know more about the condition of the property so that we can run our
proper numbers so have you done any major repairs to the property within the past 5


And, if we can meet you at this price, how soon can you close?

You are not going to give me what I want for it.

And, if I may ask how much do you want for it ?

You are looking for discounted properties

We buy all types of properties and the price range differs on each property and its
condition so let me ask you have you done any major repairs to the property within the
past 5 years?

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