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ADJETIVOS .................................................................................................................................. 3
VERBOS REGULARES .................................................................................................................. 5
VERBOS IRREGULARES ............................................................................................................. 12
PHRASAL VERBS ....................................................................................................................... 15
VERBO GET ............................................................................................................................... 19
VERBOS COM PREPOSIÇÕES ESPECÍFICAS ............................................................................... 20
VERBOS QUE EXIGEM ING APÓS ELES ..................................................................................... 21
EXPRESSÕES AMERICANAS ...................................................................................................... 22
PALAVRAS LINKÁVEIS ............................................................................................................... 29
DIFERENÇAS IMPORTANTES .................................................................................................... 29
PONTUAÇÃO ............................................................................................................................ 31
CADERNO DE EXERCÍCIOS ........................................................................................................ 32




(Verbo + Preposição / Verbo + Advérbio / Verbo + Advérbio + Preposição)

1. GET UP (Levantar de uma cama ou cadeira; ficar de pé)
2. GET OVER (Esquecer alguém; se superar de um medo ou um trauma)
3. GET ACROSS (Fazer-se compreendido)
4. GET ON IT (Resolver algo; desvendar um mistério)
5. GET OFF (Sair de cima de algo / descer do ônibus)
6. GET IN (Entrar em algum lugar)
7. GET ALONG WITH (Se dar bem com alguém)
8. GET BY (Sobreviver com o que se tem; se virar)
9. GET DOWN (Resolver algo; se abaixar)
10. GET DRESSED (Vestir-se; colocar roupa)
11. GET HOME (Chegar em casa)
12.GET THIS (Entender algo; pegar a visão; conseguir fazer algo; deixa
13. GET OUT (Sair de algum lugar; sair de uma situação encrencável;
também usado como “sai pra lá”)
14. GET THROUGH (Conseguir passar por uma situação difícil; conseguir
entender alguém; conseguir falar com alguém ao telefone)
15. GETAWAY (Fugir; se livrar de; não ser culpado por algo errado; tirar de
perto algo ou alguém)
16.GET AHEAD (Progredir; Ser o primeiro a chegar)
17.GET AROUND (Se virar; Saber fazer algo sem a ajuda de terceiros)

1. LOOK UP (Olhar pra cima; procurar informação em um livro ou site)
2. LOOK UP TO (Ter alguém como modelo ou exemplo)
3. LOOK AHEAD (Olhar para o futuro para fazer planos)
4. LOOK THROUGH (Ler algo rápido; escanear com os olhos)
5. LOOK OUT (Cuidado!)
6. LOOK FORWARD TO (Se empolgar por algo que está por acontecer)
7. LOOK BACK AT (Olhar para o passado; Relembrar)
8. LOOK INTO (Investigar sobre um caso; analisar uma situação)
9. LOOK AWAY (Não olhar para algo; olhar pro lado)
10. LOOK FOR (Procurar; procurar algo perdido; procurar algo pra comprar)
11. LOOK AFTER (Cuidar de alguém com os olhos; tomar conta)
12. LOOK AT (Direcionar o olhar para algo ou alguém; observar)
13. LOOK LIKE / LOOK ALIKE (Se parecer com alguém)
1. TAKE AWAY (Tirar de perto; tirar algo de alguém)
2. TAKE UP (Ocupar espaço; começar um novo hobbie ou atividade)
3. TAKE IT (Pegar algo que estão lhe dando; não aguentar algo ou alguém)
4. TAKE IT ALL IN (Aceitar uma notícia ruim que acabaram de lhe dar)
5. TAKE IT OUT ON (Descontar a raiva de algo em algo ou alguém inocente)
6. TAKE ON (Pegar trabalho extra ou um projeto específico; Aceitar uma
7. TAKE DOWN (Anotar algo; Desmontar algo – barraca ou algo)
8. TAKE IT APART (Desmontar algo que está montado – controle remoto)
9. TAKE IT FOR GRANTED (Não ter consideração por alguém)
10. TAKE IT BACK (Retirar o que foi dito; devolver na loja)
11. TAKE OFF (Tirar uma peça de roupa; ir embora; decolar; tirar folga)
12. TAKE AFTER (Puxar o jeito de algum familiar)
13. TAKE SOMEONE THROUGH (Guiar alguém em um tour; dar instrução de
como usar ou fazer algo)
14. TAKE OUT (Pedir comida para levar; levar alguém para sair; tirar algo de
15. TAKE OVER (Tomar controle de uma situação ou estabelecimento;
tomar posse de algo)

1. PUT ASIDE (Salvar algo para depois)
2. PUT UP WITH (Tolerar alguém ou algo que não goste)
3. PUT AWAY (Prender alguém na cadeia; guardar algo)
4. PUT IT DOWN (Colocar algo para baixo ou apoiar em algo)
5. PUT ON / TRY ON (Vestir uma peça de roupa ou acessório)

1. COME IN (Entrar)
2. COME UP WITH (Surgir; dar uma idéia; propor algo; subir)
3. COME DOWN (Descer; Sentir uma enfermidade vindo)
4. COME ACROSS (Achar algo do nada, sem procurar)
5. COME ON (Vamos; desacreditar de algo que lhe foi dito)

1. SAY HELLO/BYE (Dizer oi ou tchau)
2. SAY A PRAYER (Fazer uma oração ou rezar)
3. SAY A FEW WORDS (Discursar ou falar algo em poucas palavras)
4. SAY NO MORE (Não diga mais nada!)

5. SAY GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON… (Dizer bom dia / tarde / noite)
6. SAY SOMETHING/ANYTHING (Dizer algo ou qualquer coisa)
7. SAY FOR SURE (Dizer com certeza)

1. TELL YOUR NAME (Dizer seu nome)
2. TELL THE WAY (Dizer como chegar em algum lugar)
3. TOLD YOU SO (“Eu te disse”)
5. TELL ONE FROM ANOTHER (Dizer quem é quem)
6. TELL THE TRUTH/LIE (Contar a verdade/mentira)
7. TELL THE TIME (Dizer que horas são)
8. TELL A STORY (Contar uma história)
9. TELL A SECRET (Contar um segredo)
10. TELL A JOKE (Contar uma piada)

1. ASK A QUESTION (Fazer uma pergunta)
2. ASK FOR (Pedir algo)
3. ASK THE PRICE (Perguntar o preço)
4. ASK AROUND (Sair por aí perguntando)
5. ASK IF SOMEONE IS READY (Perguntar se alguém está pronto para sair)

1. RUN OUT OF (Ficar sem algo, faltar)
2. RUN AWAY (Correr de alguém ou algo)
3. RUN INTO (Esbarrar com algum conhecido)
4. RUN OVER (Passar por cima de algo ou alguém)
5. RUN FOR (Disputar uma posição / Concorrer)
6. RUN AFTER (Correr atrás de alguém ou algo)

1. THINK OF (Pensar em algo ou alguém)
2. WAKE UP (Acordar)
3. CALL OFF (Cancelar algo)
4. CARRY ON (Continuar)
5. WRITE DOWN (Anotar; tomar nota)
6. FIND OUT (Descobrir)
7. GO ON (Continuar; seguir; “vá”)
8. GO AWAY (Ir embora para outra cidade; “saia daqui”)

9. GO OUT (Sair para se divertir)
10.GIVE BACK (Devolver algo ao dono; dar algo em retorno)
11.GIVE AWAY (Dar brindes; doar)
12.GIVE UP (Desistir)
13.HOLD ON (Esperar na linha telefônica; Se pendurar)
14.EAT OUT (Sair para comer fora)
15.SEARCH FOR (Pesquisar)
16. MAKE UP (Inventar uma história; fazer as pazes; maquiagem)
17. TURN DOWN (Rejeitar; abaixar o volume da TV ou radio)
18. TURN OVER (Virar para o lado oposto, pastel)
19. TURN ON/OFF (Ligar / Desligar; Dar tesão ou ter nojo de alguém)
20. PICK UP (Buscar alguém; tirar do chão)
21.PICK OUT (Escolher – roupa, morango no pé, etc...)
22. BRING UP (Mencionar um tópico ou pessoa no meio de uma conversa)
23. SET UP (Ajuste técnico; marcar uma reunião; montar uma barraca/base)
24. WATCH OUT (Cuidado; ter cuidado com algo na sua frente)
25. VOMIT, THROW UP ou PUKE (Vomitar)
26. THROW AWAY / THROW OUT (Jogar fora)
27. FIGURE IT OUT (Dar um jeito; encontrar uma solução)
28. LET IT GO / MOVE ON (Deixar para lá; esquecer sobre algo)
29. BREAK DOWN (Parar de funcionar; Desabar em choro)
30.TRY ON (Provar algo em você)
31. PAY BACK / PAYBACK (Pagar de volta um dinheiro; se vingar)
32. PAY UP / PAY OFF (Pagar algo que se deve sob ameaça)
33. PAY UPFRONT (Pagar antes do serviço realizado; deixar a reserva paga)
34.FILL IN (Preencher um espaço; substituir alguém)
35.FILL OUT (Preencher um formulário)
36.FILL UP (Encher)
37.STAND UP (Se levantar)
38.STAND OUT (Ser destacado em um grupo; se sobressair)
39.SHOW UP (Aparecer do nada; aparecer sem convite)
40.SHOW OFF (Querer se mostrar pros outros)
41.SIT UP (Sentar-se com postura)
42.SIT DOWN / HAVE A SEAT (Se sentar; Sente-se)
43.CATCH UP ON ALGO (Colocar algo em dia, como trabalho ou conversa)
44.HANG UP (Desligar o telefone; Desligar na cara)
45.HANG OUT (Fazer algo com amigos, não necessariamente divertido)
46.HANG ON / HOLD ON (Esperar)
47.BUMP INTO (Esbarrar com algum conhecido sem querer)

• Get = Presente
• Gets = Presente para He, She, It
• Getting = Gerúndio
• Got = Passado
• Gotten = Particípio passado


• Obter = I got my passport yesterday.
• Adquirir = I’ll get a driver’s license next year.
• Arranjar = Let me get a tissue for you.
• Comprar = I’m gonna get milk.
• Conseguir = I got a raise last month.
• Ganhar = She’s getting a new car for her birthday.
• Ir buscar = Get it boy!
• Aprender = I got the moves now.
• Compreender = I got it now.
• Ser obrigado a… = I have to get the car washed for my mom.
• Ficar = I’m getting hungry. (PS: Sempre que o get estiver antes de um adjetivo)

• Get up = Levantar/ Subir I’ll get up at 7am. Can you get up there?
• Get in = Entrar Please, get in.
• Get out = Sair You need to get out.
• Get on = Subir You could get on the bus to Chicago.
• Get off = Sair Get off the phone. I need to use it.
• Get over = Vir pra perto / Sair de uma situação / Esquecer alguém Josh, get over
here. We’re gonna get over this. You need to get over Danielle, she doesn’t like you
• Get away = Viajar sem plano / Sair de perto de algo / Fugir / Se afastar Let’s get away
for the weekend. Get away from that! She is getting away, get her. I need to get
away from you.
• Get back = Voltar / Estar de volta / Ir para trás Get back here I said. I’ll get back to
work on Monday. Get back, please.
• Get along = Se dar bem com alguém I love it when you and your brother get along.
• Get lost = Se perder / “Sai daqui” I got lost in Chicago. Get lost man!
• Get by = Se virar sem ajuda I’ll get by just fine, don’t worry.
• Get down = Se abaixar / Descer Get down, said the cops! Are you gonna be able to
get down from the roof?
• Get through = Superar / Conseguir completar uma ligação We’re gonna get through
this, it’s just a phase. Did you get through the call?
• Get me = Pegar alguém / “Isso me faz tão...” You can’t get me, lalalalala! This gets
me so happy.
• Get rid of = Se livrar / Jogar fora You need to get rid of those pants, it’s so old.
• Get ready = Se arrumar Can you please get ready? I’m starving.


• Get it up = Levantar algo Can you get the antenna up there?
• Get it in = Colocar algo pra dentro Get the dog in the house, it’s raining.
• Get it out = Tirar algo de dentro Get this nasty rat out of my kitchen.
• Get it on = Fazer amor Let’s get it on tonight, baby.
• Get it off = Tirar algo de alguém Get your dirty feet off my couch.
• Get it over with = Resolver logo algo Let’s just get it over with this application so we
can buy the house next month.
• Get it back = Pegar algo de volta Can you get that chair back? I don’t want to give it


Ask (for, about, someone, a question) Believe (in, that)
Depend (on) Hope, Wish (for)
Think (of, about + ing) Look (at, for)
Call (someone, a place) Wait (for)
Escape (from + lugar) Hide (from)
Concern (about + algo / alguém) Dream (about)
Tell (someone, something) Capable (of + ing)
Listen, Talk (to) Say (something)
Speak (with) Come (to, from)
Go, Walk, Travel, Drive (to) Dance (with, to)
Adapt (to) Add (to)
Graduate (from + school/college) Retire, Resign (from)
Agree (to, on) Belong (to)
Forget (about) Know (about + assunto)
Apologize (to + alguém / for + algo que fez) React (to)
Happen (to + algo / alguém) Refer (to)
Prohibit (from + ing) Protect, Rescue (from)
Reply (to) Search (for + algo)
Worry (about) Deal (with algo / alguém)
Borrow (from + alguém / lugar) Point (at)
Concentrate (on) Count (on + someone)
Insist (on + ing) Work (on + something)
Argue (about + ing / algo) Care (about + someone)
Help (with) Arrive (in, at)
Involve (in) Succeed (in)







• Long time no see. (Quanto tempo, hein?!)
• It’s been a while. (Faz tempo que não nos vemos.)
• They’re taking off. (Eles estão indo embora.)
• Bye guys, I’m about to head out. (Tchau galera, estou indo embora.)
• I’ve got to hurry up. (Tenho que correr.)
• I’ve gotta go. (Tenho que ir.)
• Bye for now. (Tchau por agora.)
• I’m out the door, kids. (Estou na porta, crianças.)
• I’m home honey. (Estou em casa, querido.)
• Let’s bounce. (Vamos vazar.)
• Not at all. I’m ok. (Não mesmo, eu estou bem)
• The same to you. (O mesmo pra você)
• Make yourself at home. (Sinta-se em casa)
• What’sup? (Que houve? Qual foi?)
• What’s wrong? (O que tem de errado? O que aconteceu?)
• Help yourself! (Sirva-se)
• Go right ahead. (Vai lá)
• Be my guest. (Faz aí, quero ver)
• I’m leaving for good. (Estou indo embora de vez)

• Off the top of my head. (De cabeça…)
• I’m putting it off for now. (Vou deixar isso de lado por agora)
• He has a lot on his plate right now. (É muita coisa pra ele)
• Hold off. (Não faz agora não)
• I’m sorry, carry on your conversation. (Desculpe, retome de onde
• Sit tight, I’ll be right back. (Espera aí, já volto)
• Ok, I need a do over on this. (Vou precisar começar do zero ou refazer
• Can I sleep on it? (Posso pensar e te retornar?)
• I’m gonna have to turn this job down. (Eu vou ter que passar esse
• Let me find out and I’ll get back to you. (Deixa eu checar e te retorno)

• I have a day off on Tuesday. (Estou de folga na terça)
• I have a vaca (vacation) next month. (Tenho férias mês que vem)
• I can’t, I’m on duty. (Não posso, estou trabalhando)
• Was it done? (Foi feito?)
• Get in line, please. (Entre na fila, por favor)
• Shape up or ship out! (Melhore ou será demitido)
• I owe you one. (To te devendo uma)
• I got laid off. (Fui demitido)
• I’m hired. (Fui contratado)
• I apologize! (Me desculpe)
• Remind me please. (Me lembra, por favor)
• I’m so stressed out. (Eu to muito estressada)
• Bring home that bacon. (Trazer pra casa o pão de cada dia)
• This is way over my head. (Isso está demais pra mim)
• For your information (FYI). (Para sua informação)
• Chances are, this will go wrong. (Isso não vai dar certo)
• That’s not a bad idea after all. (Até que isso não é uma má idéia)
• He can pull some strings. (Ele consegue dar um jeitinho)

Frases Populares
• You know what they say. (Você sabe o que eles dizem…)
• That’s the way the cookie crumbles. (É assim que a vida é.)
• You can’t translate it by the book. (Não dá pra traduzir ao pé da letra)
• There’s no use crying over spilled milk. (Não adianta chorar pelo leite
• It’s a win-win situation. (Ou você ganha ou você ganha)
• You have a 50-50 chance on this. (Você tem 50% de chance nisso)
• You have to think outside the box. (Você tem que pensar fora da
• This is a piece of cake. (Isso é muito fácil)
• Go and break a leg. (Vai lá e arrebenta)
• Don’t go cold turkey. (Não pare de uma vez) – De fumar, por exemplo
• Does that ring a bell? (Isso te lembra algo?)
• Oh my God (OMG). (Ai meu Deus!)
• Jesus Christ! (Jesus Cristo!)
• By the way (BTW). (Falando nisso…)
• You’ve got to be kidding me or You’re kidding! (Você tá de sacanagem
comigo ou Você tá brincando!)
• I’d never have guessed. (Eu nunca teria advinhado)
• Let your guards down. (Abaixe suas armas)
• It’s raining cats and dogs. (Está chovendo o mundo)
• Better safe than sorry. (Melhor prevenir do que remediar)
• All good things must come to an end. (Tudo que é bom dura pouco)
• It was too good to be true. (Tava muito bom pra ser verdade)
• Better late than never. (Antes tarde do que nunca)
• Curiosity killed the cat. (A curiosidade matou o gato)
• Bless you. (Saúde!) Quando alguém espirra.
• It is what it is. (É o que é / Assim é a vida)
• I can’t keep a secret. I’ll spill the beans. (Não consigo guardar segredo,
vou contar tudo)
• Weird, I smell a rat! (Tem algo estranho por aqui)
• Money doesn’t fall from the trees. (Dinheiro não cai das árvores)

Falando sobre pessoas

• To go bananas or to go ape shit or to go nuts. (Surtar)
• You’re the apple of my eye. (Você é o brilho dos meus olhos)
• I hate to see her leave, but I love to watch her go. (Detesto vê-la partir,
mas adoro assisti-la indo embora)
• She is a people person. (Ela é uma pessoa do povo)
• He stabbed him in the back. (Ele furou o olho dele)
• They got pulled over by the cop. (Eles foram parados pela polícia)
• You’re going from bad to worse. (Você está indo de mal a pior)
• They get along pretty well. (Eles se dão muito bem)
• She is falling apart. (Ela está um caco)
• She is out of my league. (É muita areia pro meu caminhãozinho)
• I’m head over heels for him. (To caidinha por ele)
• She is named after her grandma. (Ela tem o nome da avó)
• He is such a douche bag! (Ele é um imbecil)
• These kids have such good manners. (Que crianças educadas)
• She came dressed to kill. (Ela veio vestida para matar)
• I’m walking on eggshells with him. (Eu estou pisando em ovos com ele)
• I can’t stand her. (Não aguento ela)
• I feel sorry for her. (Tenho pena dela)
• You’re such a lucky bastard. (Você é muito sortudo)
• You’re a brainiac. (Você é CDF/nerd/inteligente demais)
• She is such a workaholic. (Ela é viciada em trabalho)
• Be sweet, Jay! (Seja doce, Jay)

• Just be yourself and you’ll be fine. (Seja você mesmo que vai dar certo)
• You’re so high maintenance. (Você é muito metida)
• She is clueless. (Ela é muito ingênua)
• They look alike. (Eles se parecem)
• They are living it up. (Eles estão vivendo ao máximo)
• She is acting like there is no tomorrow. (Ela está agindo como se não
houvesse amanhã)
• He passed away. (Ele faleceu)
• I’m so grateful for her. (Sou muito grato por ela)
• She is a nervous wreck. (Ela está uma pilha de nervos)
• He is a scaredy cat. (Ele é muito medroso)
• You’re gonna go bald. (Você vai ficar careca)
• She is sick as a dog. (Ela está doente pra caramba)
• He is such a stalker. (Ele vive me seguindo)
• Hey, you’ve got swag! (Você tem estilo)
• She is dumb as a rock! (Ela é burra como uma porta)
• This chick is badass. (Essa garota é sinistra)
• He is hot as hell! (Ele é muito gostoso)
• She is a couch potato. (Ela só fica no sofá o dia todo)
• He made my eyes water. (Ele encheu meus olhos d’agua)
• Are you made of sugar? (Você é feita de açucar?)
• She is so down to earth. (Ela é muito descolada)
• He is the big shot! (Ele é o bambambam)
• She is a heartbreaker. (Ela quebra corações)
• Boys will always be boys. (Meninos serão sempre meninos)
• She is a daddy’s little girl. (Ela é a garotinha do papai)
• He’s a mamma’s boy. (Ele é filhinho de mamãe)
• Cheer up girl, it’s just a game. (Se anime, é apenas um jogo)
• Wow, look at you. (Nossa, olha vocêee)
• Just let him be. (Deixa ele)
• Who do you like best? (De quem você gosta mais?)

Conversa casual
• Cool! (Legal)
• Awesome! (Maneiro)
• I could use a ……… (Eu usaria facilmente ou Eu tomaria / Comeria
facilmente um…)
• I’m dying for an icy cold coke. (Eu morreria por uma coca gelada)
• Try it on, let’s see how it looks. (Prova, vamos ver como fica em você)
• Oh no, keep it away from me. (Ah não, tira isso de perto de mim)
• I’m going to pass out if he proposes. (Eu desmaio se ele me pedir em
• Beat it (Rala) / Get lost (Vaza) / Get going, dude. (Mete o pé, cara)
• Do you guys want to pitch in? (Vocês querem ajudar na vaquinha?)
• Class just got called off. (Cancelaram a aula de hoje)
• It’s pouring out. (Está chovendo muito)
• I know it by heart, wait. (Ta na ponta da língua, espera)
• Wait a sec. (Espera um segundo)
• So, cutting a long story short. (Resumindo a história…)
• Let’s go, keep it up! (Vamos, força)
• Get to the point already. (Vai logo ao ponto)
• Don’t get too excited about this. (Não se anima muito não)
• Don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t like it. (Não me leve a mal, mas eu não
gostei disso)
• I didn’t get it. (Não entendi)
• You’re getting carried away again. (Você está indo longe demais
• I mean no harm. (Eu não vou te fazer mal)
• What do you mean? (O que você quer dizer?)
• What’s the riot about? (Que barulheira é essa?)
• Come again? (Fala de novo)
• I ran out of mascara. (Meu rímel acabou)
• Don’t mention it, please. (Não mencione isso, por favor)
• Keep quiet! (Fique calado)
• I’m starving! (Estou morrendo de fome)
• I feel like having a drink. (Estou afim de beber)
• Drink it up! (Bebe tudo)
• Oh no, I can see it coming. (Oh oh, já estou até vendo)
• I’m grounded! (Estou de castigo)
• This sucks! (Isso é muito chato)
• I’m hung over or I have a hangover. (Estou de ressaca)
• Oh, that’s why. (Ah, por isso)
• Happy b-day! (Feliz aniversário)
• Idle. (Idem)
• I’m looking forward to our weekend together. (Estou ansiosa por nosso
fim de semana juntos)
• Speed up man, we need to hurry! Step on it! (Pisa cara, estou com
pressa ou Aceleeeera)
• Hold on. (Segura aí)
• You’ve made my day. (Você fez o meu dia)
• That’s so kind of you. (Muito delicado da sua parte)
• How thoughtful. (Que gentil da sua parte)
• I beg your pardon? (Perdão?)
• I’m sure. (Tenho certeza)
• That’s right. (Está certo)
• Hey, not my fault. (Ei, a culpa não é minha)
• That’s not funny at all. (Isso não tem nenhuma graça)
• Calm down! (Se acalme)
• We’re gonna get through this. (Vamos superar isso)
• You just watch! (Espera pra ver)
• Is this fun or what? (Isso é legal ou o quê?)
• Was it good? (Foi bom?)
• I’ve had enough of this place. (Cansei desse lugar)
• Of course you can. (Claro que pode)
• It’s up to you. Do you want to go? (É com você, quer ir?)
• That’s fine with me. (Tá bom pra mim)
• Well done. (Muito bem)
• This is fabulous! (Fabuloso)
• C’mon buddy. (Bora amigo)
• How far up is it? (Quão longe fica isso?)
• Can you not be late this time? (Você pode não se atrasar dessa vez?)
• Okedoke. (Ok)
• I’m down today. (Estou pra baixo hoje)
• I’m down with it. (Tô dentro)
• You can kiss it goodbye. (Pode dizer adeus pra isso)
• You’ll hop off on Main Street. (Você vai descer na Main Street)
• Too noisy! (Muito barulhento)
• It’s my way or the highway. (É do meu jeito ou rua)
• You’ve got a problem with that? (Você tem algum problema com isso?)
• You’re gonna have to wait until then. (Você vai ter que esperar até lá)
• Get to know the place first. (Conheça o lugar primeiro)
• It’s out of order. (Não está funcionando)
• Come to your senses already. (Se liga)
• Brush off your shoulder. (Sacode a poeira)
• High five to that! (Bate aqui)
• I’m always right. (Estou sempre certo)
• I’m pigging out! (Estou comendo igual porco)
• She’s been craving this. (Ela está desejando isso)
• You eat like a horse. (Você come igual à um cavalo)
• Please, please, pretty please! (Por favorzinho)
• Fine, I don’t care. (Tá, não to nem aí)
• Do it, for all I care. (Faz, não to nem aí)
• I’m so sleepy. (To morrendo de sono)
• Somethings up! (Alguma coisa está estranha)
• My time is up. (Meu tempo expirou)
• I like bald headed man. (Eu gosto dos carecas)
• We always get together. (Nós sempre nos encontramos)
• I’ll hit the gym hard this week. (Vou malhar pesado essa semana)
• I need some peace and quiet. (Preciso de paz e silêncio)
• It’s freezing. (Está congelante)
• Dude, what the heck? (Cara, que droga é essa?)
• Can I get a ride? (Me dá uma carona?)
• Go on and kick some ass. (Vai lá e arrebenta)
• This is off the chain! (Isso é muito maneiro)
• I just got jacked/stolen. (Fui roubado)
• Keep it real! (Seja verdadeiro)
• Oops, my bad! (Desculpa, minha culpa)
• I’ve gotta do my homework. (Tenho que fazer meu dever)
• I have errands to run all day. (Tenho compromissos o dia inteiro)
• Wanna do brunch on Sunday? (Quer tomar um café mais tarde no
• I made it. (Eu consegui)
• I’m so into it. (Eu tô dentro)
• I heard a few good things about that place. (Eu só ouvi coisas boas desse
• I’m in charge. (Eu que mando aqui)
• That dress just caught my eye. (Esse vestido me chamou a atenção)
• From now on, yes. (De hoje em diante, sim)
• I’ve had better days. (Já tive dias melhores)
• Thumbs up or thumbs down. (Jóia ou ruim)
• You have to draw the line. (Você tem que separar as coisas)
• Hold it! (Espera)
• My dreams came true. (Meus sonhos se tornaram realidade)
• Don’t get it mixed up. (Não se confunda ou Não misture as coisas)

An + som de vogal = an apartment “enapártment”
Of + som de vogal = of you, of us “óviú”/ “óvãs”
At + som de vogal = at us, at all, at it “érãs / éróu / érê”
Verbo + it = do it, sing it, play with it “duê / singuê / plei uithê”
With + pronome = with you, with them “uidíu / uidem”
Get it + prep com vogal = get it in, on, up “gérirín / geriron / gerirãp”
Fill + prep com vogal = fill up, out, in “fiulãp / fiuláut / fiulin”
W + do you = what do you, how do you, where do you “uóruiú / rráruiú / uéruiú”
Is there a…? = Is there a bed in the room? “isdéra…”
That I am… = I said that I am happy. “deráimm”

Good at verbo (ing) I'm good at singing. I'm great at dancing.

Bad at verbo (ing) I’m bad at cooking. I'm horrible at playing guitar.
guré / béré

Go out X Get out (Sair para / Sair de)
I’ll go out for some coffee.
I just got out of work.

Stop X Quit (Stop para uma ação / Quit precisa de commitment)

Can you stop with that noise, please?
I need to quit eating chocolate.

Rob x Steal (Lugar ou a pessoa é o foco / Objeto é o foco)

The thieves robbed Starbucks and stole their coffee machine.

Begin X Start (Start é mais formal ou usado para máquinas e business)

When did you begin English lessons?
The machine won’t start.
She started a new restaurant last month.

Finish X End X Over

Finish (verbo) é o término de qualquer tarefa que você iniciou (Completou)
End (verbo e substantivo) é o fim definitivo. (Terminou)
Over (adjectivo), usado com o verbo to be. (Não há mais progresso)

Just X Ony (Only tem sentido de único)

I’m the only one in the house.

I just have $20. / I only have $20.

I only use Skype for English lessons. (Se usar o just significa que Estou aberta para opções)
*Ambos tem o mesmo significado*

Job X Work (Atividade, ocupação, trabalho / Atividades feitas para cumprir uma meta)
Do you have a full-time job?
I work from 8 am to 5 pm.

Fast X Quick: (Tem a ver com velocidade / Tem a ver com tempo)
I drive very fast.
Let’s have a quick meeting around 5 pm.

Reject X Refuse: (Rejeitar algo / Rejeitar um pedido ou acontecimento)

I’ve been rejected 3x last month. / She rejected my offer.
I refuse to listen to this nonsense. / She refused to give me an autograph.

Problem and Issue X Trouble: (Algo negativo que será resolvido / Enrrascado, sentimento
I have a problem with my documents so I have to go downtown today.
I have an issue at work. I can’t go to lunch with you guys.
I’m in trouble with the law. I drove without a license and got caught.

Anyway / Any way / Anyways:

Anyway = qualquer forma / maneira
Any way = qualquer caminho
Anyways = enfim

Throw out X Throw away: (O ato de jogar algo fora fisicamente / A idéia de jogar algo fora)
I already threw the garbage out last night.
Stop throwing away your youth by working too much.

Little X Small: (Quantidade X Tamanho)

This bag is little. (Não cabe muito dentro)
This bag is small. (O tamanho por um todo é pequeno)

Mount X Assemble: (Montar pra cima / Montar juntando as partes)

They worked harder as the debts mounted.
This bookcase is easy to assemble.

Par X Ímpar:
Even = (Par / Estar kit com alguém / Even if é ainda que, mesmo que / Even though é
embora, entretanto / Nivelado, igual)

Odd = (Ímpar / Estranho / Weird / Diferente / Odd ball é a bola preta da sinuca)
Black sheep / Odd ball of the family = ovelha negra da família

Destro X Canhoto:
Right handed = Destro
Left handed = Canhoto (Também serve como desastrado ou desajeitado)

Cara X Coroa:
Heads or Tails = Cara ou coroa

! Exclamation point ou mark / ? Question mark / , Comma / : Colon / ; Semi-colon / … Dot
dot dot / Etc… Et cetera / @ At / - Hyphen (Usado com os prefixos EX-husband, SELF-
confident, ALL-inclusive) / _ Underscore / * Asterisk ou Star / # Hashtag ou Pound sign /
Forward slash \ Back slash

Starting point = Ponto de partida
Point of view = Ponto de vista
Straight to the point = Direto ao ponto
Point of interest = Ponto de interesse (mapa)
Landmark = ponto turístico
Bullet points = Pontos do word pra fazer listagem
Compass point = Pontos do compasso (North, South, East and West)
25.5% = Ponto decimal (português é virgula)
$5.67 = Ponto decimal (and)

Ponto (frase, sem ser final) = dot
Email e Website =
Sign on the dotted line. / Cut on the dotted line. / Follow the dotted lines. / Connect the
dots. = Linhas pontilhadas

Ponto final (frase ou de uma conversa / discussão)
Fase da vida = period / phase / cycle

Área designada (Stay in your spot. / Go to the green spot.)
Mancha (There’s a red spot in your shirt)
Dálmata é um spotted dog.

Ponto de ônibus = bus station / bus stop
Ponto final (ônibus) = destination / final stop
Ponto final (história) = the end of the story
Ponto de cirurgia = stitch ou stitches (plural)
Pinta no corpo = birthmark

Lesson 1

1) Match the columns according to the list below:

a. Where is the bank? 1. July 23rd.
b. What time is it? 2. It’s the red Toyota.
c. When is your birthday? 3. I’m 25.
d. Which one is your car? 4. That’s Claudia.
e. Why are you here? 5. It’s 5 pm.
f. How old are you? 6. I came for the meeting.
g. Who is she? 7. It’s on that street.

2) __________ is it from Dubai to Japan?

a. How old
b. How come
c. How far
d. How many

3) __________ is your brother?

a. How often
b. What time
c. How old
d. What old

4) __________ you didn’t do the dishes? You know I work a lot.

a. How about
b. What time
c. How come

5) __________ shirt do you want? I have a pink and a red one.

a. What
b. How
c. Which

6) I donated many dresses. I gave away the party ______ and kept my favorite ______.
a. one / -
b. one / ones
c. ones / one
d. - / -

7) I don’t feel so __________ today. I ate something spoiled last night.

a. well
b. bad
c. good

8) __________ happy in Chicago?
a. You are
b. Is you
c. Are you
d. Do you are

9) When I __________ a child, I went to Disney World.

a. am
b. went
c. was
d. would

10) Were you __________ this morning?

a. cook
b. cooking
c. be cook
d. to cooked

11) __________ the cell phone here yesterday?

a. Were
b. Will
c. Being
d. Was

12) How __________ your sister?

a. is
b. am
c. be
d. are

13) He didn’t see me because he __________ his glasses.

a. wasn’t wearing
b. wasn’t wear
c. didn’t wear

14) What __________ they playing with?

a. is
b. were
c. be
d. am

15) When I got home, my parents __________ sitting on the couch.

a. was
b. were
c. did were

Lesson 2
1) Are they ___________ people? They want to rent my apartment. Should I rent it?
a. optimistic
b. responsible

2) Dave is very __________. Last weekend he climbed Mount Everest.

a. brave
b. boring
c. adventurous

3) Her parents__________ a small business in São Paulo.

a. do
b. have
c. has

4) Complete with THIS, THESE, THAT or THOSE:

a. _____ are my children. Come say “hi”.
b. Can you give me _____ box, please? I can’t reach it.
c. Here, _____ is my dog. You can touch it.
d. _____ are your dolls. You need to go pick them up from the floor.

5) Choose the correct adjective for each sentence:

a. I sing and dance very (good/well). I’m a very good performer.
b. The students must be (quietly/quiet) during the test.
c. Anne and I are very (closed/close) to each other. We are best friends.
d. I want to speak English (fluently/fluent).
e. My father looked at me (angry/angrily) when I told him I crashed his car.

6) She is __________ lasagna for dinner.

a. made
b. make
c. making
d. will make

7) Complete with the adjectives ending in ING or ED.

a. I’m _______________! How do you spell this? (Confusing / Confused)
b. It’s _______________ when somebody you love dies. (Depressing / Depressed)
c. Are you _______________ with the grade on your test? (Satisfying / Satisfied)
d. I’m _______________ by this painter’s work. He is great! (Fascinating / Fascinated)
e. He is very _______________ in Jessica. (Interesting / Interested)
f. Water with lemon is so _______________. (Refreshing / Refreshed)
g. Can we go home? This museum is too _______________. (Boring / Bored)
h. This bath was the most _______________ thing I’ve had all week. (Relaxing / Relaxed)

8) __________ he angry at me, because he is not talking to me?
a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Was

9) Complete the sentences below with the appropriate article:

a. I live in _____ apartment. (a – an)
b. Nick’s dad is _____ main actor in this movie. (an – the)
c. I have _____ good picture of you. (the – a)
d. Look! _____ dogs are fighting. (A – The)

10) Are __________ drinking by the pool?

a. person
b. I
c. he
d. people

11) Complete with the best option:

a. The book _______________ for English students. A. Were cleaned
b. The rooms _______________ by the housekeeper. B. Is recommended
c. The windows _______________ because of the storm. C. Was written
d. This book _______________ by a famous person. D. Were broken

12) __________ she telling you the truth?

a. Is
b. Are
c. Could
d. Have

13) Choose the correct command based on the list below:


a. Joe just left. If you hurry, you can catch him. _______________
b. _______________ I want to show you all the stuff I bought on my trip.
c. _______________ That couple is fighting. I heard him saying he wants to break up.
d. I still have a lot of things to discuss with you. _______________. Don’t leave yet.
e. _______________ It’s the first snow of the year. Isn’t it beautiful?
f. _______________ I can’t work with you guys running around the house.

14) What are you __________ right now? I need your help here.
a. playing
b. dancing
c. telling
d. doing

Lesson 3
1) Complete with WITH or WITHOUT:
a. She is __________ her daughter today so we can’t go to the movies.
b. They are going to the party __________ a present. That’s not nice.
c. He left _________ the keys. He’ll be back to get them.
d. Can you sit __________ me for a few minutes?

2) Complete with SO or THEN.

a. I’ll see you after the party __________.
b. __________, how was the meeting?
c. He is __________ handsome.
d. I went to the bank __________ I went home.
e. I like potatoes __________ I made french-fries.
f. I cooked dinner __________ I cleaned the house after.

3) Fill in the blanks with IN, ON or AT.

a. I go to the movies _____ the weekends.
b. You always watch TV _____ the mornings.
c. My birthday is _____ February 2nd.
d. Jessica lives ______ Main Street.
e. _____ the summer, we can go to Miami.
f. The play will start _____ 9 pm.
g. The meeting is _____ room B.
h. Jeff is not home. He’s still _____ school.
i. This is a very quiet city, specially _____ night.

4) Could you please sign __________ of the contract?

a. in the end
b. at the end
c. the end

5) Complete the dialogs using TOO, AS WELL, ALSO and EITHER:

a. I __________ like this car. It’s beautiful!
b. I hate violent movies. I hate them __________.
c. I don’t buy presents for people. I don’t buy presents __________.
d. There is a bird on that tree. Can you __________ see it?
e. My father doesn’t watch the car race. My father doesn’t watch it __________.

6) I saw her _______________ last weekend.

a. on the bus station
b. on the car
c. at the bus station

7) We went to the movies __________ we decided to eat something.
a. so
b. always
c. then

8) They had a great time __________ the day was beautiful.

a. because
b. but
c. so

9) __________, did you go to the party or not?

a. In the end
b. At the end
c. Where

10) I met __________ at the bus station last night.

a. he
b. he’s
c. his
d. him

11) Are ___________ happy when she’s with ___________?

a. he / you
b. you / us
c. I / I
d. we / they

12) I came __________ Brazil, the land __________ Petroleum.

a. from / from
b. from / of
c. of / from
d. of / of

13) This just came __________ Brazil __________ you. Do you want me to open it?
a. for / from
b. to / for
c. from / for
d. from / to

14) I am so sick __________ her. She doesn’t stop talking.

a. from
b. of
c. to
d. for

Lesson 4
1) Use the frequency below in COMPLETE SENTENCES to answer the questions.

• Never • Occasionally • Often or Sometimes

• Usually • Always

a. How often do you wake up at 6 am?

b. How often do you do the dishes?

c. How often does your mom clean your room?

d. How often do you go to the movies?

e. How often does your dad sing for you?

f. How often do you dance in the rain?

2) Fill in the blanks with TO or FOR.

a. Josh went _____ Jamaica last year.
b. I’m going _____ buy some fruit.
c. The meeting is scheduled _____ 9pm on Saturday.
d. The doctor told me _____ rest for a few days.
e. This is _____ you. I bought it yesterday.
f. I want _____ play at the park, mom.
g. Could you give this pen ____ her, please?

3) This is something __________ do later.

a. for me
b. for to me
c. for me to
d. to me

4) Complete the sentences below with the verb that fits best.
• look • drive • play • like • leave • wear

a. What does he _______________ to eat when he comes to Rio?

b. She doesn’t usually _______________ jewelry, only her wedding ring.
c. Did you _______________ at his face when you saw him at the bank yesterday?
d. Let’s _______________to your parents house because I need your dad’s help.
e. Go! Ask the DJ to _______________ the song you like. He’s nice!
f. What time do we need to _______________ tomorrow? I have work to do at home.

5) Complete with SINCE or FOR:
a. She has been dancing ballet __________ 5 years.
b. I have been working __________ I was sixteen years old.
c. I haven’t seen him __________ years.
d. I haven’t seen my father __________ last Sunday.
e. They have been traveling around the world __________ months.
f. I haven’t talked to her __________ yesterday.

6) He designed this dress just __________ you. It’s going to look amazing!
a. for
b. to
c. from
d. of

7) Complete with THERE IS or THERE ARE:

a. __________ beautiful cities to visit in Brazil?
b. __________ a bug on your shirt. Let me take it off.
c. __________ dogs and cats up for adoption at the mall.
d. __________ a bridge in San Francisco?

8) Complete with THERE WAS or THERE WERE:

a. __________ a lot of oranges on that tree.
b. __________ a place to park when you arrived?
c. __________ teachers working on Saturday?
d. __________ a lost cat on my roof yesterday.

9) Complete the pronouns missing, following the example below.

Example: Peter is Marta’s husband. He is HER husband. (Dela)
a. Jane and Michael are brother and sister. Jane is __________ sister. (Dele)
b. This pen is __________ but you can use it. (Minha)
c. This is __________ house. Do you like it? (Nossa)
d. Those books are ___________. They’ll come back to get them. (Deles)

10) Circle the possessive pronoun that fits best:

a. Whose car is that? It’s her/hers.
b. This isn’t your/yours bag.
c. These seats are their/theirs but you can sit there for now.
d. No, that’s not her/hers boyfriend. He’s Jessica’s boyfriend.
e. Isn’t our/ours dog so cute? We love him so much.
f. London is famous for their/theirs parks.

11) Match the columns according to the weather:

a. We went to Jamaica ( ) It is so humid in Rio.
b. They slept in the car. ( ) It was very sunny at the beach.
c. My hair is so frizzy. ( ) No, it’s still damp. Let’s leave it.
d. Can you please get the clothes? ( ) It was all foggy when they woke up.

Lesson 5
1) Using the apostrophe, translate the sentences below:

a. O café do Starbucks é o meu favorito.


b. O aniversário da Jessica foi muito divertido.


c. Ela brincou com o cachorro do Lucas ontem.

d. O café da manhã da Paula é bem servido.


2) Marina, have you brushed your __________ yet?

a. women
b. teeth
c. tooth

3) Complete the sentences with the irregular past:

a. I __________ only four hours last night. (Sleep)
b. My mother __________ a delicious cake for my birthday. (Make)
c. He __________ the bill at the bank last week. (Pay)
d. My brother __________ me how to drive when I was 18. (Teach)
e. Rafael __________ me home after the movies on Saturday. (Bring)
f. We __________ to the club after school last Thursday. (Go)
g. She __________ it in the newspaper this morning. (Read)
h. They __________ I said “hi”, but I didn’t see them. (Think)

4) This dress is __________ wear at the wedding.

a. for she
b. for her
c. for her to
d. to her to

5) I have 2 ___________. One is a Beta and one is a Neon.

a. fish
b. fishis
c. fishes
d. shark

6) Put the sentences below in the past tense. Follow the example:
a. They (study) for the test. Yesterday they studied for the test.

b. My father (be) sick but he is better now.

Last weekend…

c. She (not eat) anything because she was fasting.

Yesterday morning…

d. My brother (watch) TV in my room.

Last night…

e. He (buy) her a beautiful gift but she didn’t like it.

On Christmas…

7) Fill in the blanks with the plural words below:

• women • people • feet • men • mice • teeth

a. I always brush my __________ well.

b. The world has too many __________.
c. There were 4 __________ at the restaurant. That’s nasty!
d. Humans have two __________. Some animals have four paws.
e. My twin sisters are beautiful __________.
f. She can’t decide between the two __________ in her life. This won’t end up well.

8) Jessica always __________ her finger on this knife.

a. cut
b. have cut
c. cuts
d. cutting

9) John still __________ to pay his bills.

a. have
b. has
c. haves
d. to has

10) Write the plural form of the words below:

Pencil __________ Box __________ Kitchen __________

Diary __________ Fish __________ Glass __________
Potato __________ Bag __________ Piano __________

Lesson 6
1) Complete the speech below:
- “You can’t go out, Mary. You have to stay home to finish your homework.”

Mary told her friend: “My mother __________ (say) I __________ (can not) go out because
I __________ (have) to stay home to finish my homework.”

2) __________ Josh come tonight?

a. Will
b. Does
c. Is
d. Are

3) Gabriel, I __________ call your dad if you don’t stop!

a. would
b. am
c. will
d. was

4) They __________ go to the beach but there are sharks in the water.
a. would
b. am
c. will
d. was

5) They __________ come to the party if you invited them.

a. will
b. are
c. did
d. would

6) Answer the questions below with complete answers:

a. Do you live in the same city you were born in?


b. Why do you want to learn English?

7) I need __________ a decision about this by tomorrow.

a. to doing
b. to do
c. to make
d. make

8) __________ she go to work every morning at 8 am or 9 am?
a. Did
b. Does
c. Will
d. Do

9) Jessica didn’t go to her piano lesson, __________ she?

a. did
b. does
c. do

10) __________ you tell my brother I’ll be back in twenty minutes?

a. Is
b. Are
c. Could
d. Have

11) The Japanese tourist asked: __________ you take a picture of us?
( ) Should ( ) Could ( ) Are

12) I __________ call my grandma. She has terminal cancer.

( ) want ( ) must ( ) perhaps

13) Choose the option that fits best:

a. _________ have any brothers or sisters?
Have you Does you Do you

b. Where _________ last night?

you went did you go you go

c. My brother _________ like to play soccer.

doesn’t didn’t don’t

d. I _________ listen to Brazilian funk. I prefer rock music.

doesn’t don’t didn’t

e. We _________ to Malta last summer and we loved it.

went did go do go

f. I watched this movie last week but I _________ like it.

not didn’t don’t

14) I __________ finish this report, otherwise I’ll be fired.

a. may
b. have
c. must

Lesson 7
1) Match the columns:
a. I have a stomachache. ( ) You should start working out.
b. I’m very tired. ( ) You should put some lotion on.
c. I want to lose weight. ( ) You should rest a little.
d. My skin is dry. ( ) You should buy some medicine.

2) Paula __________ she __________ lunch with her partner, then she __________ here.
a. say / will have / comes
b. said / ‘d have / ‘d come
c. says / ‘d have / comes

3) If you __________ I __________ the TV.

a. doesn’t mind / ‘ll turn off
b. don’t mind / am turn off
c. don’t mind / ‘ll turn off

4) Put the verbs in parentheses in the past to complete the story below:
Two summers ago, we __________ (rent) a car and __________ (drive) to Scotland for the
holidays. We __________ (stop) at many different cities on the way there. It was so
amazing that we __________ (decide) to do it again this year. We also __________ (have)
dinner at this great restaurant but we __________ (could not) find it this time so we
__________ (come) to the conclusion that they __________ (close) for business. Too sad!
On that trip, we also __________ (find) a castle in the middle of nowhere and we
__________ (be) so amazed by it! We truly hope to come back here next year because we
absolutely __________ (love) this place 2 years ago and we still love it!

5) Write the numbers below in words:

a. $173.87

a. $3,987.54

a. $72,500.50

a. $690,888.00

6) In complete sentences, describe the activities you did from Monday to Sunday of last
week in a separate sheet of paper so you can read it to me.
Example: On Monday, I went to the mall to buy a new shirt but the mall was closed.

3 days Yesterday Tomorrow In 3 days
Before Today After
yesterday tomorrow

7) Translate the sentences below to English and write the numbers in words.
a. Eu moro no quarto andar.

b. Eu tirei vigésimo lugar na prova do ENEM ontem.


c. O aniversário de 50 anos da minha mãe foi incrível.

8) Answer the questions below:

a. What color are your eyes? ______________________________
b. What type of hair do you have? ______________________________
c. What is your race? ______________________________
e. What’s your gender? ______________________________
f. How much do you weigh and how tall are you? ______________________________

9) Choose the option that fits best:

a. Can you come to my house __________, please?
While Now Almost

b. You shouldn’t talk on the phone __________ driving.

Just Later While

c. Can you come to my house __________ work?

Forever After Soon

d. She is __________ ready.

Almost Before During

e. This was about 5 years __________.

Until Just Ago

Lesson 8
1) Answer the questions using the words in the parentheses:
a. Where is the bookstore? (behind – drugstore)


b. Where is your mother’s house? (near – square)


c. Where is the nearest bank from my hotel? (between –the theater e the church)


2) Complete with: Someone, Anyone or No one.

a. Carla didn’t tell __________ about her intentions.
b. I have __________ in my life. I’m all alone.
c. Can __________ call the police, please? I was robbed.

3) Complete with: Something, Anything or Nothing.

a. __________ is right in my life. I’ll have to try harder if I want to succeed.
b. I have __________ for you. It’s from my mother.
c. Don’t you have __________ to do right now?

4) Complete with: Somewhere, Anywhere or Nowhere.

a. We could go __________ in the summer. I got 10 days off from work.
b. Our house was flooded. We have __________ to go.
c. Can they go __________ without a car?

5) I got __________ last night and I wanted to give it __________ you.

a. something / for
b. something / to

6) Choose the right sentence for each episode:

a. ( ) I worked for eight hours last night.
b. ( ) I was working for eight hours last night.

c. ( ) I will walk three blocks before I finally found the hotel.

d. ( ) I walked three blocks before I finally found the hotel.

e. ( ) I thought about you when you called me.

f. ( ) I was thinking about you when you called me.

7) Complete with A FEW or A LITTLE.
a. We need __________ minutes to finish the test.
b. I speak English just __________.
c. I’ll spend __________ days in my cabin next week.
d. Could you stay just __________ longer?
e. I left Brazil __________ days ago. I’m in Spain now.

8) Complete with MUCH or MANY.

a. How __________ does this cost?
b. There are too __________ mosquitoes in the office today.
c. I can’t work here. There is too __________ noise.
d. They don’t have __________ time between lunch and dinner to visit her.
e. How __________ money do you have in your wallet?
f. I ate too __________ pieces of cake and now my stomach hurts.
g. How __________ milk do you drink in the morning?

9) Choose the right answer and fill in the blanks.

a. ( ) _____ you study hard _____ you won’t pass the exam. (1) None
b. ( ) _____ of you will play today because you have to study. (2) Every
c. ( ) When I’m studying I like to take a break _____ hour. (3) Each
d. ( ) _____ person has their own unique personality. (4) Either – Or
e. ( ) _____ my mother _____ my sister have been out of Brazil. (5) Both – And
f. ( ) I like _____ my friends the same. (6) Neither – Nor
g. ( ) I’m _____ tall _____ short. I’m average height. (7) All

10) Not __________ her friends believe in __________ word she says.
a. every – each
b. each – all
c. all – every
d. every – all

11) Some students keep in silence. __________ can’t stop talking.

a. Other
b. Another
c. Others

12) Complete with OTHER or ANOTHER.

a. I want to eat __________ piece of cake. It’s delicious!
b. You’re not the only person I like. I like ___________ people too.
c. They can’t go out yet. They have to study for ___________ test.
d. I don’t like that dress. You should buy the __________ one.

Lesson 9
1) Complete with TOO MUCH, TOO MANY or ENOUGH.
a. I’m not very fit. I don’t do __________ exercise.
b. There are __________ cars on the road today. Traffic is horrible!
c. I spend __________ time on the computer and it gives me headaches.
d. I don’t sleep __________, only a few hours per night.
e. There were __________ people at the party last night and it was impossible to dance.
f. I always have __________ work to do and not __________ free time.

2) Match the columns with the best option:

a. You’d feel much better… ( ) if you did some exercises.
b. I’d enjoy the weekend more… ( ) would you come visit me?
c. If it’s sunny tomorrow… ( ) if I bought it for you?
d. If we learned Portuguese… ( ) we could go to the beach.
e. I wouldn’t work… ( ) if I didn’t have to work on Saturday.
f. If I went to live in London… ( ) we could go and work in Brazil.
g. Would you wear it... ( ) if I didn’t need the money.

3) Answer the questions below using USED TO or WOULD:

*Give as much information as you can remember

a. Where did you use to play when you were little and with what kind of toys?


b. As a teenager, where did you use to go with your friends and what did you used to do?


c. What did you use to look like when younger? (Hair, body, glasses, clothes, etc…)


d. What type of food did you use to eat that you no longer eat?


e. What were some things you used to do on Christmas that you no longer do?


4) The certificate will be given to those __________ have an attendance record of 80%.
a. whose
b. who
c. whom

5) Complete with BORROW or LEND:
a. They said it was ok for me to __________ their car.
b. Every year I __________ my mother’s pan so I can cook Thanksgiving dinner.
c. I’ll __________ you my glasses if you give me back when you’re done.
d. Did you __________ this book from the library?

6) Match the columns with the best option:

a. Let’s buy a lottery ticket… ( ) you might fall.
b. Call the restaurant… ( ) it may not be your size.
c. Don’t stand on the wall… ( ) we might get lost if we don’t.
d. Let’s get a map… ( ) it might be really sunny.
e. Try this shirt on… ( ) we may not have enough money.
f. Don’t wait for me… ( ) You might cut yourself.
g. Be careful with that knife! ( ) it may be closed on Sundays.
h. Ask how much it costs… ( ) we might win.
i. Get some sunscreen… ( ) I might be late.

7) Complete with SO DO I or NEITHER DO I:

a. I don’t like kiwi. ____________________
b. I live near the supermarket. ____________________
c. I always drink coffee in the mornings. ____________________
d. I don’t go to bed late at night. ____________________

8) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• thought • tough • through • although • brought

a. Last night I _______________ you a cake but you weren’t home.

b. _______________ I love you, we have to get a divorce.
c. He _______________ a lot about you during his trip.
d. They are _______________ kids. Don’t worry about them.
e. We could see _______________ your shirt at the meeting.

9) Complete with WHO, WHICH, WHERE:

a. A mailman is a person _______________ brings you letters.
b. A fitting room is a room _______________ people try on clothes.
c. An octopus is an animal _______________ lives in the sea and has eight legs.
d. Garlic is a kind of food _______________ keeps vampires away.
e. A garage is a place _______________ people park cars.
f. A vacuum cleaner is a machine _______________ cleans the house.

10) Match the columns with the best option:

a. She’ll ask you to ( ) to give us a ride to the terminal.
b. Do we need ( ) show your passport at check in.
c. In some countries it’s important ( ) to dress according to their religion.
d. I know you’re tired but try ( ) to buy some dollars for the trip?
e. We were late so Lucas offered ( ) not to fall asleep during the movie.

Lesson 10
1) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• want • driving • meet • learn • shopping

a. Hi, I’m Renée. Nice to _______________ you!

b. What do you _______________ to do tonight?
c. I need to go _______________ for a new shirt.
d. Be careful _______________! It’s snowing outside.
e. I’d really like to _______________ how to drive.

2) Complete with ALREADY, STILL or YET:

a. She hasn’t decided what to say __________.
b. They have __________ studied for the test.
c. I haven’t talked to my teacher __________. She should be there tomorrow.
d. He __________ hasn’t arrived. I’m not waiting for him.
e. Are you ready __________? They’re waiting in the car.
f. You’re too late. She __________ went home and will only come back tomorrow morning.
g. Are you __________ at your mom’s house? I need your help with something.

3) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• in • about • To
• at • with • For
• on • from • of

a. I arrived __________ Paris on Friday night.

b. I was very tired when I got home __________ work.
c. I hate waiting __________ people who are late.
d. What are you going to do __________ the weekend?
e. I’m sorry, but I don’t agree __________ you on this matter.
f. I asked __________ a chicken sandwich and you brought me a burger.
g. Let’s invite Debbie and Tim __________ the party.
h. He wanted to talk __________ you __________ Jessica.
i. Who’s going __________ pay __________ the broken TV?
j. I need to speak __________ Martin __________ the meeting.
k. I don’t spend all my money __________ food, like you said.
l. Don’t worry __________ the exam. You’re gonna do just fine.
m. She fell __________ love with Jack the moment he looked __________ her.
n. What do you think __________ Shakira dying her hair red?

4) Complete with the adjectives in the comparative form:

a. The children spoke __________________ than the teacher. (Loud)
b. Math is __________________ than History. (Difficult)
c. Washing my dog was __________________ than washing Janet’s dog. (Easy)
d. The food we ate last night was __________________ than the one we had today. (Good)

5) Complete with the adjectives in the superlative form:
a. São Paulo is the __________________ city in Brazil. (Large)
b. This is the __________________ present I’ve ever gotten. (Nice)
c. Josh is the __________________ student Suzy has. (Good)
d. We bought the __________________ shirt we found. (Cheap)

6) Now his situation is ___________.

a. badder
b. worst
c. baddest
d. worse

7) Complete with the correct reflexive pronoun:

a. We ____________________
b. Josh ____________________
c. They ____________________
d. Ms. Susan ____________________
e. You ____________________
f. I ____________________
g. The cat ____________________

8) John blamed ___________ for years about the accident he caused.

a. his
b. herself
c. he
d. himself

9) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• be • get • stay • go • cook

a. We are going to _______________ until Friday at this hotel.

b. What are you gonna _______________ for us tonight?
c. You are going to _______________ in class 102 next year.
d. I’m not gonna _______________ to his house anymore.
e. He’s gonna _______________ sick if he doesn’t get out of the rain.

10) Marcia is __________ cancel her piano lessons. She doesn’t like it.
a. going
b. going to

11) Complete with PREFER or RATHER:

a. I could eat a big meal but I’d __________ have a soup.
b. We __________ the old teacher but we also like the new one.
c. I could study in an hour but I would __________ study in two.
d. Would you __________ have one or two children?
e. I __________ to eat pizza but I’ll order lasagna today.

Lesson 11
1) Instead __________ at home, I __________ go to the party.
a. of staying / decided to
b. of stay / decided
c. of staying / decided

2) Complete with the adjectives in the comparative form:

a. NY is __________________ than Miami. (Expensive)
b. My sister is __________________ than me. (Tall)
c. You should try __________________ than you’re trying now. (Hard)
d. When we have a baby, we’ll need a __________________ house. (Big)

3) Complete with the adjectives in the superlative form:

a. This is the __________________ time to drive in the city. Traffic is horrible! (Bad)
b. Jess is the __________________ girl in the school. (Friendly)
c. This is the __________________ part of the exam. Pay attention! (Important)
d. That’s definitely the __________________ movie I’ve ever watched. (Funny)

4) They were the ___________ couple at the party last night.

a. hot
b. as hot as
c. hottest
d. hotest

5) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• fought • thorough • taught • though • bought

a. Jack _______________ me how to drive about 2 years ago.

b. She _______________ so hard to be alive during her cancer treatment, you had to see it.
c. He _______________ a diamond ring for his wife and she threw it out in the woods.
d. I don’t want to go out with them, but they are cool people _______________.
e. It needs to be _______________ otherwise the boss will cancel the approval.

6) If he keeps working hard like that, he’ll become the ___________ person in Brazil.
a. easiest
b. richest
c. famous
d. furthest

7) By next December I __________ here for 10 years.

a. ‘ll have lived
b. ‘ll live
c. ‘ve lived

8) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• had left • have lived • has been • has • have/met

a. They _______________ in Rome for several years. Now they are returning to Brazil.
b. _______________ you ever _______________ a person like that?
c. Leo _______________ France before his sister was born.
d. Janet _______________ working for this company for the past 9 months.
e. She _______________ been dating him, but he hasn’t proposed yet.

9) We _______________ the computer the whole afternoon, but it’s still out of order.
a. are trying to fix
b. have try to fix
c. have been trying to fix
d. have been tried to fix

10) Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences:

a. Have you ever __________ (break) a promise to a close friend?
b. I’ve __________ (do) many good things in my life.
c. I have never __________ (eat) Japanese food. Once I __________ (try) Chinese food.
d. I have strong feelings for her but I’ve never __________ (say) “I love you”.
e. I’ve __________ (know) Tess for a long time. She was my first teacher.
f. I usually drink socially but last night I __________ (drink) like there was no tomorrow.

11) Circle the word in the parentheses that fits best:

a. She (is / has been) single since last summer.
b. He (left / has left) school two years ago to open his own business.
c. They (had been / have been) married for ten years but now they’re divorced.

12) Next month Jessica _______________ in London for five years.

a. will lived
b. will been lived
c. will have been living

13) I __________ the newspaper when she came to talk to me.

a. was reading
b. read
c. have been reading
d. was been reading

14) Could you please _______________ this document? I don’t need it right now.
a. drop out
b. put away
c. show up
d. take in

Lesson 12
1) Choose the option that fits best:
a. __________ the mail is sent.
Try out Take after Make sure

b. If you want to make it, you have to __________ trying.

Go over Keep on Try on

c. Can you please __________ my report before I send it out to the boss?
Go over Fill out Look up

d. She is __________ her bottle.

Bringing up Looking up Filling up

2) Don’t _______________ from me. Come back here.

a. walk away
b. look up
c. take off

3) Is there a bookstore nearby?

- I don’t know. You should _______________.
a. go away
b. tell a story
c. ask around

4) I feel sick, I might _______________.

a. throw up
b. throw away
c. tell a joke

5) Can you _______________ an animal with the letter C?

a. ask a favor
b. think of
c. get up

6) Oh, no! He has a gun. _______________!

a. get up
b. look at
c. get down

7) They’re teenagers with a baby… Do you think they’ll ______________?

a. get by
b. get off
c. get out

8) Choose the verb that fits best in the sentence and apply the ING form on it.
a. I like __________ to the radio in the morning. (Listen / Hear)
b. __________ Pilates is very good for your health. (Make / Practice)
c. We won’t drive the car there. __________ is impossible! (Stop / Park)
d. I’m not very good at __________. (Dance / Do)
e. Has it stopped __________? (Work / Rain)
f. I don’t mind __________ but I don’t like doing the dishes. (Cook / Wash)
g. I hate __________ early on Sundays. (Kiss / Wake up)
h. You can borrow my car if you promise __________ it slowly. (Drive / Read)
i. I’m very bad at __________ maps. Can you please help me? (Drive / Read)

9) Sir, please stop the bus. I need to _______________ here.

a. get on
b. get off
c. get in

10) Jessica, _______________ right now. We need to leave in 10 minutes.

a. get sad
b. get off
c. get dressed

11) Circle the word that fits best in the sentence:

a. When you go __________ the mall, you’ll see the supermarket on your right. (on / past)
b. The dog ran __________ me but then it stopped and I got scared. (towards / in)
c. Turn __________ your phone while in the library, please. (off / on)
d. The race cars went __________ the track 12 times. (under / around)
e. A little boy was crying at the park __________ his missing cat. (of / about)
f. We rode our bikes around town and went __________ the park 2 times. (into / onto)
g. The airplane flew __________ the Eifel Tower and it landed right after. (under / over)

12) They’ll _______________ this situation. It’s just a bad phase.

a. get through
b. get in
c. get home

13) He’s not going to the party because he doesn’t _______________ with Carmen.
a. get in
b. get along
c. get away

14) I’ve been having headaches every time I read.

- You should _______________ an eye doctor. It could be a vision problem.
a. look at
b. look after
c. look for

Lesson 13
1) Using the words below, fill in the blanks with the best option:
• remembering • exercising • swimming • working • texting

a. One thing that always makes me happy is _______________ in the ocean.

b. My sister spends hours on the phone _______________ her friends.
c. My mom is very bad at _______________ names.
d. Janet has been _______________ for this company for the past 9 months.
e. I really enjoy _______________. It makes me feel great!

2) She had twins but both of them _______________ their father.

a. look like
b. look after
c. look away

3) _______________! You’re not supposed to touch that.

a. Say hello
b. Come in
c. Put it down

4) That guy is naked! Quick, _______________!

a. look into
b. look away
c. look up to

5) Choose the option that fits best:

a. __________! I’ve heard enough.
Say hello Say no more Say good morning

b. Oh, __________! You always complain. Could you stop it for once?
Come on Come up with Come in

c. Go on, Josh. __________ about last night. The detective is on the phone.
Tell your name Tell the truth Tell a joke

d. I can’t __________ all his requests. He’s a horrible boss.

Put aside Put it down Put up with

e. Jess, __________ that lady for a glass of water. I’m not feeling so well.
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