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Unit 3 Cities

Lesson A: Future with Will

Nelson Daniel Valderrama Urrea

A. Rewrite the sentences as future statements. Use will.

1. The airport is crowded. the airport will crowded
2. They play soccer in the afternoon. they will play soccer in the afternoon
3. I am a student. i'll am a student
4. We work in an office. we will work in an office
5. You have a lot of homework. you will have a lot of homework

B. Complete the sentences using the future with will and the verbs in parentheses.
1. The students will take (take) a test on Friday.
2. I will send (send) her an email.
3. You will be (be) in New York next week.
4. My friends and I will go (go) to the concert together.
5. She wil learn (learn) the vocabulary.

C. Complete the sentences using the future with will and the verbs in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.
1. In the future, people will not use (not use) cash. All payments be (be) electronic.
2. There will not be (not be) as much pollution and waste in cities.
3. People will not work (not work) long days.
4. Students will not pay (not pay) for school. Education will be (be) free.
5. The teacher will not write (not write) on the board. She wil use (use) a computer in

D. Complete the questions and answers using the future with will.
1. A: will they go on vacation this summer? B: Yes, they will go on vacation this summer .
2. A: will you call me later? B: Yes, you will call me later.
3. A: will he meet us at the game? B: Yes, he will meet us at the game .

E. Complete the conversations using the future with will. Use contractions.
1. A: How will people read books in the future?
B: They will read them on e-readers or computers.
2. A: Where will people buy books?
B: They will buy them online.
3. A: What will people write on?
B: They will write on tablets or laptops.

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