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BETH = Set a purpose fo ted. HOW connec! ind? heart affect the ™ Informational Text Social Studies ‘And how can the Your heart keeps you alive! This powerful muscle, which is only about the size of a fist, beats 60-100 times each minute to deliver oxygen and nutrient- rich blood to every cell in your body. The health of your heart affects your overall well-being. Some people believe it even contributes to your intelligence and intuition. But that can work both ways. How you think and feel can impact this vital organ, too. The Expansive Heart The idea that the heart and the mind are connected is not a new one. Many ancient civilizations including the Mesopotamians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, and the Chinese believed that the heart played a bigger role in human life than simply pumping blood. They thought of the heart as the source of love, wisdom, emotion, and insight. The Egyptians even believed that peoples’ goodness could be evaluated by the weight of their heart and are said to have weighed the hearts of people after they died to measure the good and evil they contained. According to 4th century B.C.e., Greek philosopher Aristotle, the heart was the most important organ in the body. He believed it was the center of intui something is true based on feelings rather than facts insight, the ability to understand something clearly heart and brain “ n, the ability to understand or know d this article 10 ve cbthe eading Rem can the i mind affect the heart rr we feel affection and love for others, weg. pis jose to our heart. say they are cl human vitality, in charge of motion, intelligence, and sensation. He also believed that the sole function of both the brain and the lungs was to keep the heart from overheating. Across the ages, poets, philosophers, psychologists, authors, and songwriters have contemplated the connection between the heart and the mind. Here are but a few of their thoughts on the heart's expansive role in our lives: “The heart wants what it wants.” Emily Dickinson, poet (1830-1886) “. your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.” Carl Jung, psychologist (1875-1961) “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Sai h int-Exupery, The Little Prince (1943) ae ty life and energ expansive, including a lot of infarmation Escaneado con CamScanner Crea CIty what is your heart's desire? W. neart aches. jhave had a change of heart. inyour heart of hearts, you know it. search your heart for the reason. WCET Teh The heart wants, (emotions) The heart hurts. (emotions) The heart learns. (intelligence) The heart decides. (intelligence) The heart knows. (intuition) The heart reveals. (intuition) ‘A Incasual speech, we often refer to the heart. Consider these common expressions and their meanings. what Does Science Say? Many other poets, writers, and thinkers have cited the heart, and they are not alone: The heart is part of everyday speech. The chart lists common expressions. What do they imply about the importance of the heart? Of course, philosophers, poets, and ancient civilizations were not completely correct. The weight of our hearts cannot reveal our goodness as the Egyptians thought; and contrary to Aristotle’s theory, the brain—not the heart—is the organ Where most of our thinking happens. Over time, scientists have made 'mportant discoveries about the actual 'ink between the heart and the mind. ~~ 'mply, to suggest something is true without Saying it directly The heart, of course, contributes to the function of the brain. Keeping your heart healthy reduces the risk of serious conditions that affect the brain, such as dementia and stroke. However, the reverse can also be true. Recent studies have shown that individuals who practice mindfulness tend to keep their hearts healthy and strong. Peo kcken mindfulness, a state of awareness that involves being present in the moment 1. What did ancient civilizations believe about the heart? 2. What did Aristotle believe about the heart? © On Your Own Which theory about the heart do you find most interesting? Why? Escaneado con CamScanner we Mindfulness at Work ‘What is mindfulness exactly? It’s a heightened state of awareness. When you're mindful, you're focused on what's happening in the present moment. This focus can help you pay close attention to your body, including your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. There are different ways to tap into this state, such as Practicing mediation or doing yoga. How does mindfulness affect your heart? Picture this: You're reading a book while having lunch. You're not paying attention to your food or how your body feels in the moment. So, it’s easy to eat too much. But if you’re mindful, you'll stop when your body feels full. People who practice mindfulness are more likely to exercise and eat right. They’re also less likely to engage in harmful behavior. All of this can help your heart. Y In what ways does technology make it harder for people to be mindful? In what ways can technology help people be mindful? i Heart Sensations The connection between the heart and the mind not only relates to how w, behave in the moment, but also how we feel. Our hearts send emotional signals all day long. Imagine being on a roller coaster ride as it’s making a steep, slow Climb up the track. Finally, it reaches ig highest point and pauses at the top— about to make the big drop. How does ur heart feel in that moment? No doubt it’s beating fast, communicating fear or icipation. ae veal you have tried out for the starring role in your school play and, after a couple of days, a cast list is posted on a bulletin board. Your heart beats wildly with excitement as you walk over to the list because you are pretty sure you are about to bea star. You scan the list, and your name is not there at the top, which means you did not get the starring role. In fact, as you look further, you realize you did not get any role at all. Your heart feels like itis sinking from your chest down into your belly as disappointment floods your body. emotional, relating to feelings and how they are controlled Escaneado con CamScanner vy actice Listening your Wise Heart eheart and mind do not always work er, however. Sometimes, they battle 109 other. But which one should we P a? ost attention to? : ‘yeare used to listening to our logical wit Have you ever had a decision that difficult to make? For example, imagine iend invites you to go out with a group eople you don’t know well, but you ‘enot SUre ifyou should 90. Your logical ait tells you to weigh the pros and cons, so, you write them down, and the pros sutweigh the cons. The answer is clear, and ye you don’t feel like you want to go. that feeling is probably your intuition talking to you. We may not always pay tention, but our intuitions often know what's right for us. Think of it as another way to be mindful. Your intuition may suggest the exact opposite of what your logical mind tells you to do. But sometimes, itmay be better to “listen to your heart,” as the saying goes. pr {0 ai Should | go to the party? Pros Cons Iwill see my friend. | won't know We will have fun. anyone else but my friend. eming reasonable and sensible The Heart Knows People often relate the heart to other kinds of signals, which have to do with intuition. Intuition involves picking up Subtle clues that may not immediately register in your conscious mind but do tap into your emotions. Think about this example. At the library, Pilar saw her friend Lucas, whom she hadn't seen ina while. “How’s everything?” she asked. Lucas smiled broadly, stretching his mouth wide. “Oh, everything's fine!” he answered a bit loudly. Although Lucas had said everything was fine, Pilar could feel that something was wrong. But Pilar felt silly saying anything because she didn’t trust the feeling. After all, Lucas was smiling. So, Pilar ignored her intuition and told him about the book she was about to check out from the library. The next day, Pilar learned that Lucas’s family home had caught fire. “I knew something was wrong!” Pilar thought, and she wondered where that knowledge had come from. Y Have you ever felt, deep in your heart, that something is troubling a friend? = BeforeYouGoOn § 1. What are some reasons someone's heart might start to beat faster? 2. What Is the difference between logic and intuition? © on your own . Do you usually pay more attention to what your logical mind says or your intuition? Explain, Escaneado con CamScanner wers : Asking Your Heart for Anst try this practice when you are To listen to your heart and tap into your intuition struggling with a question or decision. v Sit somewhere quiet. v Place one hand on your heart. Feel it beating. ¥ Slow down your breathing. ¥ Close your eyes, then ask yourself a question. ¥ Be still and quiet. Does an answer come to you? v If an answer doesn’t come, don’t be discouraged. Keep Practicing and an answer may come in time. Y Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can benefit both the heart and the mind, Escaneado con CamScanner Nourishing your Heart and Your Brain Guacamole femember that being mindful also means taking care of your body and eating right, avocados can help you get on the right track to better health. This funny-looking, green fruit contains a wealth of soitis no surprise that its a great choice for both brain and heart health! Among other benefits, eating avocados can improve the blood supply to the brain, protect the brain's network of connections, promote blood and keep your heart clear of anterye dogging n addition, avocados taste great! Try this recipe for guacamole. This recipe makes about 2 cups. Ingredients: 2 large avocados 1/4 red onion, chopped % tomato, chopped (optional) 1/8 tsp salt (or to taste) Before You Go On |-2 tsp fresh-squeezed lemon (optional, to taste) 1 tsp chopped jalapeno pepper (optional)* 1, What other foods have you heard of that are especially good for your brain? - How is eating avocados good for you? © on your own Have you ever tried listening to your heart to | (Carefully cut the avocado in half, scoop out the flesh, and mash xn Add the remaining ingredients and mix together. Serve with multi-grain chips or spread on acorn tortilla ste: Jalapeno peppers are spicy! make a decision? Was it helpful? Reading 3 @ Escaneado con CamScanner

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