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- is a breathing condition where the airways you breathe through tighten when you inhale
an allergen. Like dust, pollens, animals, molds
- In other words, it’s a Bronchial asthma caused by hypersensitivity to an allergen or
- Symptoms are shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, stuffy nose, itchy eyes and a
Idiopathic asthma
- is also called nonallergic asthma.
- Non-allergic asthma is triggered by irritants. It often comes on later than allergic asthma
and may be more severe.
- Some symptoms that trigger idiopathic asthma are stress, exercise, cold weather and
Mixed allergic/idiopathic
- between allergic and non-allergic
- mixed form of asthma develops from allergic asthma
- They do not only react to some allergens, but their asthma is also triggered by other

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