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Hauer et al.

Journal of Neuroinflammation (2019) 16:19

RESEARCH Open Access

Cerebrovascular manifestations of herpes

simplex virus infection of the central
nervous system: a systematic review
Larissa Hauer1†, Slaven Pikija2†, Eva C. Schulte3, Laszlo K. Sztriha4, Raffaele Nardone2,5 and Johann Sellner2,6*

Background: Intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke are increasingly recognized complications of central
nervous system (CNS) infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV).
Aim of the study: To analyze clinical, imaging, and laboratory findings and outcomes of cerebrovascular manifestations
of HSV infection.
Methods: Systematic literature review from January 2000 to July 2018.
Results: We identified 38 patients (median age 45 years, range 1–73) comprising 27 cases of intracerebral hemorrhage,
10 of ischemic stroke, and 1 with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Intracerebral hemorrhage was predominantly (89%)
a complication of HSV encephalitis located in the temporal lobe. Hematoma was present on the first brain imaging in
32%, and hematoma evacuation was performed in 30% of these cases. Infarction was frequently multifocal, and at times
preceded by hemorrhage (20%). Both a stroke-like presentation and presence of HSV encephalitis in a typical location
were rare (25% and 10%, respectively). There was evidence of cerebral vasculitis in 63%, which was exclusively located
in large-sized vessels. Overall mortality was 21% for hemorrhage and 0% for infarction. HSV-1 was a major cause
of hemorrhagic complications, whereas HSV-2 was the most prevalent agent in the ischemic manifestations.
Conclusion: We found a distinct pathogenesis, cause, and outcome for HSV-related cerebral hemorrhage and infarction.
Vessel disruption within a temporal lobe lesion caused by HSV-1 is the presumed mechanism for hemorrhage, which may
potentially have a fatal outcome. Brain ischemia is mostly related to multifocal cerebral
large vessel vasculitis associated with HSV-2, where the outcome is more favorable.
Keywords: Cerebrovascular complications, Herpes simplex virus encephalitis, Ischemic stroke intracerebral hemorrhage,
Vasculopathy, Vasculitis, Mortality

Introduction the 1980s have emphasized increased awareness and swift

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the cause of acute viral en- initiation of treatment with acyclovir in encephalitic syn-
cephalitis in 50–70% of cases where a virus can be identi- dromes, lowering the mortality to below 20% [2, 3]. HSE,
fied [1]. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause encephalitis however, continues to result in substantial overall morbid-
(HSE), which is predominantly located in the temporal ity and mortality [4, 5]. Half of the survivors experience
lobes and the limbic system. From a histopathological moderate to severe disability after 1 year [6]. Their quality
viewpoint, HSE is a necrotizing process with perivascular of life is significantly impacted by epilepsy, psychiatric dis-
inflammation and edema. Clinical care guidelines since orders, cognitive problems, dementia, headache, and alco-
hol abuse [5, 7, 8].
* Correspondence: Cerebrovascular disease occurs as a complication of a

Larissa Hauer and Slaven Pikija contributed equally to this work. variety of central nervous system (CNS) infections [9].
Department of Neurology, Christian Doppler Medical Center, Paracelsus
Medical University, Ignaz-Harrer-Str. 79, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Many patients with infectious cerebral vasculopathies
Department of Neurology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität require intensive care with a generally poor prognosis
München, Munich, Germany [10, 11]. A recent analysis of 4871 cases of HSE in the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2019) 16:19 Page 2 of 12

USA reported intracranial hemorrhage in 2.7% and is- publications addressing HSE in children and adults; thus,
chemic stroke in 5.6% [12]. However, there has been no neonatal cases were excluded. Details of the evaluation and
systematic study conducted to evaluate clinical presenta- selection process are shown in Fig. 1.
tions, causative agents, pathogenesis, and outcome of We extracted the following data: demographics, time
cerebrovascular complications in HSE. Most knowledge from onset of symptoms to admission, neurological
about HSV-related cerebrovascular disease is provided symptoms at presentation (classification: encephalitis,
by case reports. Therefore, an appraisal of the current meningitis, stroke, other), and presence of imaging sur-
state of understanding in this field is much needed. We rogates of cerebrovascular disease on admission and dur-
systematically studied HSV-related cerebral vasculopa- ing the acute course. Stroke was defined according to
thies reported in the literature. the World Health Organization as “rapidly developing
clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral
Methods function, with symptoms lasting 24 h or longer or lead-
We conducted a systematic review of medical literature ing to death, with no apparent cause other than of vas-
to identify all published cases of cerebrovascular mani- cular origin.” Data on imaging included modality (CT or
festations of HSV using MEDLINE/PubMed, Web of MRI), presence of encephalitis in a typical location
Science, and Google Scholar. The study period was Janu- (frontal or temporal lobe), characteristics of hemorrhage
ary 2000 to July 2018. There were no language restric- or ischemic lesion (unifocal or multifocal), distribution
tions; non-English articles were included and translated within vascular territories (anterior or posterior circula-
using online resources such as Google Translate. Search tion or both), and features suggestive of vasculitis (small
terms used were “HSV,” “herpes,” “herpetic,” “meningo- or large vessels or both). CSF data included cell count
encephalitis,” or “encephalitis” and one of the following and the technique used to confirm CNS HSV infection
terms: “ischemia,” “infarction,” “stroke,” “hemorrhage,” (PCR, antibody, histology). Large vessel disease refers to
“hematoma,” “vasculopathy,” or “vascular complication.” involvement of the internal carotid artery (ICA), the ver-
We reviewed titles, abstracts, and full articles. References tebral artery (VA), the anterior cerebral artery (ACA)
in each identified article were reviewed to identify add- and its main branches, the middle cerebral artery
itional cases. (MCA) and its main branches, the posterior cerebral ar-
The inclusion criteria were (1) radiological evidence of tery (PCA), and the basilar artery (BA) and its main
cerebrovascular manifestations of HSV (infarction, branches [14]. Small vessels included the small penetrat-
hemorrhage, or vasculopathy characterized by features of ing arteries (e.g., the lenticulostriate arteries) that supply
vasculitis, thrombosis, or aneurysm) by computed tomog- the deep structures of the brain. We also studied the use
raphy (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), (2) of steroids, as well as significant comorbidities. Outcome
mandatory confirmation of HSV infection by analysis of was classified according to the modified Rankin scale
cerebrospinal fluid according to the diagnostic criteria pro- (mRS). Good outcome was defined as an mRS score of
posed in a recent consensus paper [13], and (3) exclusion 0–2, and poor outcome as 3–5. Fatality (mRS 6) was cat-
of other causes for stroke. We limited our search to egorized as an additional subgroup.

Fig. 1 Flow chart of patient selection

Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2019) 16:19 Page 3 of 12

Statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPad Table 1 Overview of demographics, clinical, and radiological
Prism 7 software (La Jolla, CA). findings in patients with hemorrhagic manifestations of HSV
CNS infection
Results Demographics
Systematic review n 27
Details of the selection process are outlined in Fig. 1. Median age (IQR), years 40 (26–54)
We were unable to include three potentially relevant
< 18 years 23% (4/27)
manuscripts as they were not accessible. These papers
Male sex 55% (15/27)
exclusively reported hemorrhagic manifestations of HSE
[15–17]. We eventually analyzed a total of 36 manu- Days from symptom onset to admission 3.5 (2–7)
(median, IQR), n = 24
scripts comprising 38 patients (Fig. 1). There were 27
cases of intracerebral hemorrhage [18–42], 10 with cere- Clinical presentation
bral infarction [43–52], and 1 patient with venous sinus Encephalitis 93% (25/27)
thrombosis [53]. Stroke-like 4% (1/27)
Unspecific 4% (1/27)
General and comparative analysis Diagnostic testing
The median age of the reported patients was 43 years
HSV-1 (PCR of CSF) 59% (16/27)
(interquartile range (IQR) 27–65), and 19 (50%) were male.
Six patients (15%) were younger than 18 years. There were HSV-2 (PCR of CSF) 7% (2/27)
no statistical differences of age and gender between pa- HSV not distinguished (PCR of CSF) 26% (7/27)
tients with hemorrhagic and ischemic complications. HSV not distinguished (antibody of CSF) 4% (1/27)
Among cases where PCR distinguished between HSV-1 PCR negative for HSV (CSF) 4% (1/27)
and HSV-2, HSV-1 was the predominant virus identified in CSF findings
cases with intracerebral hemorrhage (16/18, 89%). In con-
Pleocytosis (> 4 cells/μl) 88% (21/24)
trast, cases with infarction were dominated by HSV-2 (5/7,
71%). There were patients with PCR-confirmed HSV CNS Median cell count#(cells/μl, IQR, n = 23) 88 (25–387)
infection in whom the methodology did not distinguish be- Neuroimaging
tween the two types (26% in the hemorrhage and 20% in Hemorrhage on first imaging 32% (8/25)
the infarction group). Infectious comorbidities in patients Hemorrhage after admission 68% (17/25)
with hemorrhage included HIV (n = 1) and hepatitis C Days from admission to detection of 10 (9–14)
(n = 1). There was a single case of systemic lupus erythe- hemorrhage (median, IQR)
matosus and immunosuppression in the infarction group. Hemorrhage within HSE predilection sites 89% (24/27)
Demographics, clinical presentation, imaging, and outcome
Bilateral temporal lobe HSE 33% (8/24)
are presented separately for patients with hemorrhage and
Atypical localization of hemorrhage 7% (2/27)
ischemia in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
No encephalitic lesion 4% (1/27)
Intracerebral hemorrhage Evidence for vasculitis 0% (0/9)
The clinical syndrome preceding admission was almost Intervention
exclusively of encephalitis (93%). We found a median Hematoma evacuation 30% (8/27)
time lag of 3.5 days from symptom onset to hospital ad-
mission. The hematoma developed as a complication of
Good outcome (mRS 0–2) 38% (8/24)
HSV encephalitis in a typical location in most of the pa-
tients (89%). The parietal and occipital lobe, as well as Unfavorable outcome (mRS 3–5) 41% (11/24)
deep brain structures, were the remaining locations of Fatality 21% (5/24)
hematoma. The majority of bleedings were classified as #
In patients with pleocytosis. IQR interquarile range
parenchymal hemorrhage (n = 26), and only one case
was petechial. Ventricular and/or subarachnoid blood
was present in four patients. Many patients had cerebral on the first neuroimaging in eight patients (32%). More
edema, occasionally complicated by subsequent midline frequent was the development of hemorrhage after ad-
shift (n = 2), herniation (n = 4), or brainstem compres- mission and the initiation of antiviral therapy (68%), with
sion (n = 2). There was no evidence of a vasculitic path- a time lag of a median of 10 days. Hematoma evacuation
ology in the nine patients with vascular imaging and the was performed in 30%. Outcome was unfavorable in
three with histological examination of brain biopsy. No 62%. The course of individual patients is presented in
aneurysms were seen. Brain hemorrhage was detected Table 3.
Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2019) 16:19 Page 4 of 12

Table 2 Overview of demographics, clinical, and radiological Ischemic stroke

findings in patients with ischemic manifestations of HSV CNS The initial clinical presentations of patients in the infarc-
infection tion group included encephalitis (50%), meningitis
Demographics (20%), and stroke (30%). No relevant comorbidities were
n 10 reported; one patient was 2 months postpartum. Forty
Median age (IQR), years 47 (26–69) percent of the patients were admitted within 2 days from
< 18 years 20% (2/10)
symptom onset, but this information was missing for
three patients. Initial brain imaging was performed with
Male gender 30% (3/10)
CT in five, with MRI in four, and using both in one case.
Days from symptom onset to n = 3 on day 1, n = 1 Brain infarction was detected on the first brain imaging
admission on day 2
in 50%, and an encephalitic lesion in a typical location
Clinical presentation
was present in one patient (10%). Hemorrhage preceded
Encephalitis 50% (5/10) infarction in two patients (20%), who were assigned to
Stroke-like 30% (3/10) the group with ischemic manifestation due to the over-
Meningitis 20% (2/10) lap of radiological features and pathogenesis. Multiple is-
Diagnostic testing chemic lesions were found in 90%, located most
commonly in both anterior and posterior circulations.
HSV-1 (PCR of CSF) 20% (2/10)
CSF pleocytosis was abundant in all patients. Vascular
HSV-2 (PCR of CSF) 50% (5/10)
imaging was performed in eight patients, with evidence
HSV not distinguished (PCR of CSF) 20% (2/10) for cerebral vasculitis found in 63%. This exclusively in-
PCR negative for HSV-1 (CSF) but 10% (1/10) volved the large arteries. Forty percent of patients with
antibody rise infarction were treated with steroids. Outcome was un-
CSF findings favorable in 40 %, but no one died. The course of indi-
Pleocytosis (> 4 cells/μl) 100% (10/10) vidual patients is presented in Table 4.
Median cell count# (cells/μl, IQR, 42 (15–199)
n = 10) Venous sinus thrombosis
Neuroimaging There was a single case of a 31-year-old man who had
Ischemia on first brain imaging 50% (5/10) been suffering from fever, photophobia, and headache
for 3 days. He was treated with acyclovir for suspected
Hemorrhage on first imaging, 20% (2/10)
ischemia later HSE (predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis, HSV con-
Presence of loco-typico HSV lesion 10% (1/10)
firmed in CSF). Six days after admission, he developed
bilateral upper limb weakness, ataxia, and bilateral head-
Evidence for vasculitis 63% (5/8)
ache. A brain MRI revealed features of encephalitis in
Affected vessels the left temporal lobe and a superior sagittal sinus
Small-sized 0% thrombosis. He was started on heparin and changed to
Large-sized 100% (5/5) warfarin for 1 year and was asymptomatic at follow-up.
Affected areas of circulation
Anterior 30% (3/10)
On the basis of this systematic review of published cases,
Posterior 20% (2/10)
we propose that intracerebral hemorrhage and brain in-
Anterior and posterior 50% (5/10) farction are two pathogenetically distinct manifestations
Distribution of lesions of CNS HSV infection. Intracerebral hemorrhage almost
Single 10% (1/10) exclusively occurred within the temporal lobe, was re-
Multiple 90% (9/10) lated to HSV-1, and caused life-threatening complica-
tions. Intracerebral hemorrhage is most likely a
complication secondary to disintegration of vessels in
Steroid treatment 40% (4/10)
the context of a necrotic encephalitic process. In con-
Outcome trast, brain infarction is associated with HSV-2, patho-
Good outcome (mRS 0–2) 56% (5/9) mechanistically related to large-vessel vasculitis leading
Unfavorable outcome (mRS 3–5) 44% (4/9) to multifocal ischemia, but with a less detrimental prog-
Fatality 0% nosis. Our study also revealed that the occurrence of
In patients with pleocytosis. IQR interquartile range, PCR polymerase chain
cerebrovascular complications of CNS HSV infection is
reaction, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, HSV herpes simplex virus independent of age and gender and is not associated
with comorbidities or immunosuppression.
Table 3 Characteristics of patients with hemorrhagic manifestations of HSV CNS infection
No. (year), Age, HSV type, Initial clinical Localization of Localization of bleeding, Time from symptom Presence of vasculitis Outcome (mRS)
reference sex diagnostic presentation, encephalitis other characteristics onset to admission, (affected vessel),
test, CSF other findings time from admission treatment
cells count to detection of
1 (2001), 36, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Left temporal, frontal, and Left temporoparietal, Day 6, day 10 n.e., dexamethasone Mild aphasia and
Plantinga E [18] m 33 cells/μl consciousness, insular areas hematoma, edema, short-term memory
disorientation) midline shift disturbances (3)
2 (2001), 15, HSV*, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Both temporal and frontal Left temporal and Day 4, on first n.e. Weakness upper
Lee JW [19] m 15 cells/μl aphasia, confusion) lobes frontal lobe, petechial imaging extremity (2)
3 (2001), 6, m HSV*, PCR, Encephalitis Left medial temporal lobe Left temporal and Day 17, on first n.e. Severe bulbar
Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation

Lee JW [19] 5 cells/μl (fever, vomiting, frontal lobe, hematoma imaging dysfunction (4–5)
altered consciousness)
4 (2002), Erdem 1, f HSV*, PCR, Encephalitis (seizures, Both temporal, frontal, and Right temporal lobe, Day 6, on first No Quadriparesis (4–5)
G [20] 33 cells/μl lethargy, fever) parietal lobes hematoma, edema imaging
5 (2004), Biswas 38, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (headache, Right inferior frontal and Right frontal and Not specified, not No Complete recovery
(2019) 16:19

A [21] m 0 cells/μl disturbed sleep) medial temporal region temporal lobe, specified (0)
hematoma, edema
6 (2005), 3, m HSV*, antibody, Encephalitis (fever, Right temporal lobe Left parietal lobe, Day 10, on first n.e. Hemiparesis (3)
Kabakus N [22] 450 cells/μl headache hemiparesis) hematoma, edema imaging
7 (2005), 27, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Right mesial temporal lobe Right temporal lobe, Day 2, day 9 n.e., craniotomy and No focal
Jabbour PM [23] m 189 cells/μl seizure) hematoma, uncal evacuation of neurological signs
herniation, and hematoma (0)
ventricular blood
8 (2006), 22, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (seizure, Left termporal lobe Left parietal lobe, Day 3, day 11 n.e. Complete recovery
Argyriou AA [24] m 425 cells/μl fever, altered hematoma (0)
9 (2007), Shelley 26, HSV*, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Bilateral medial temporal Left temporal lobe, Day 1, day 18 no Complete recovery
BP [25] m 130 cells/μl confusion, seizure) lobe (left > right) hematoma (0)
10 (2008), 46, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (headache, No lesion Left parietal lobe, Day 7, on first n.e. Returned to
Gkrania-Klotsas E m 0 cells/μl fever, depersonalization) hematoma imaging premorbid mental
[26] condition (0–1)
11 (2009), Li JZ 56, HSV-1, PCR, encephalitis (fever, Left medial temporal lobe Left temporal lobe Day 1, day 6 (no n.e., craniotomy and Mild neuropsychological
[27] m 30 cells/μl seizure), HIV positive and basal ganglia, hemorrhage on CT on evacuation of deficits (2)
hematoma, edema, day 1) hematoma
12 (2010), 30, f HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (headache, Bilateral (left > right) medial Left amygdaloid Day 2, day 5 n.e. GCS 14, responds to
Tonomura Y [28] 321 cells/μl fever, neuropsychological temporal and frontal lobes body, hematoma, simple orders (5)
deficits, altered mental subarachnoid, and
state) ventricular blood
13 (2011), 54, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Right temporal lobe Temporal lobe, Day 2, day 10 n.e. Hemiparesis, memory
Takeuchi S [29] m 86 cells/μl walking difficulty, hematoma disturbances (3)
confusion, seizure)
Page 5 of 12
Table 3 Characteristics of patients with hemorrhagic manifestations of HSV CNS infection (Continued)
No. (year), Age, HSV type, Initial clinical Localization of Localization of bleeding, Time from symptom Presence of vasculitis Outcome (mRS)
reference sex diagnostic presentation, encephalitis other characteristics onset to admission, (affected vessel),
test, CSF other findings time from admission treatment
cells count to detection of
14 (2013), 38, f HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (headache, Diffuse cerebral edema on Left temporal lobe, Day 3, day 9 n.e., craniotomy and Died 20 days from
Battaglia F [30] pleocytosis fever, hallucinations, CT hematoma, edema evacuation of symptom onset (6)
speech disturbances) with brainstem hematoma
15 (2013), 45, f HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (headache, Left medial temporal lobe Left temporal lobe, Day 2, day 9 (no n.e., craniotomy and Residual aphasia and
Rodriguez-Sainz 383 cells/μl fever, incoherent speech), hematoma, edema, lesion and no evacuation of right-sided hemiparesis
A [31] hepatitis C infection brainstem compression hemorrhage on CT hematoma (3–4)
Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation

on day 1)
16 (2013), 53, f HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Bilateral temporal lobes and Left temporal lobe, Day 6, day 8 n.e. Mild neuropsychological
Rodriguez-Sainz 516 cells/μl memory problems, insula hematoma, blood in deficits (3)
A [31] headache) subarachnoid space
and midline shift
17 (2014), Yu W 64, f HSV*, PCR Encephalitis (headache, Bilateral temporal and Right temporal lobe, No details, on first No, craniotomy and Died on hospital day 25
(2019) 16:19

[32] and brain leg pain, seizure 5 days frontal lobe hematoma, raised imaging evacuation of (6)
biopsy, not later) intracranial pressure hematoma
18 (2015), 28, f HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (anterograde Right temporal lobe Supra-tentorial blood No details, no No Not reported
Zabroug S [33] 2/μl amnesia, insomnia), details
4 month postpartum
19 (2015), 23, HSV*, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, seizures, Bilateral temporal and Left temporal lobe, Day 4, day 15 n.e. Behavioral abnormality
Bhagchandania m 20/μl altered sensorium) parietal lobe hematoma (3–4)
D [34]
20 (2016), Gaye 53, f HSV-2, PCR, Encephalitis (recurrent Left mesial temporal lobe Left temporal lobe, Day 2, day 18 n.e. Persistent severe
NM [35] 88 cells/μl seizures, fever on day 1) hematoma, ventricular neuropsychological
blood deficits (5)
21 (2017), 71, f HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Right anterior medial Right temporal lobe Day 8, day 14 No Near complete recovery
Harada Y [36] 170 cells/μl headache, altered mental temporal lobe and insular and right basal frontal (1)
status) cortex lobe, hematoma,
intraventricular blood
22 (2016), 71, HSV*, Encephalitis (fever, No loco-typico lesions Left parieto-occipital Day 5, on first n.e. Mild improvement of
Mahale RR [37] m PCR, headache, altered mental and right occipital imaging cortical blindness (4)
5 cells/μl status) region, hematoma
23 (2016), Fisahn 69, f HSV*, brain Stroke-like (acute onset No loco-typico lesions Left parietal lobe, Day 1, on first n.e. Died (6)
C [38] biopsy, not of headache and right hematoma, imaging
reported hemiparesis) subarachnoid
24 (2017), 40, f HSV-2, PCR, Unspecific (headache, CT on first day normal Right temporal lobe, Day 7, day 14 No, hemicraniectomy Survived, no further
Mueller K [39] 558 cells/μl fever, nausea, vomiting) hemorrhage, midline and temporal details reported
shift lobectomy
Page 6 of 12
Table 3 Characteristics of patients with hemorrhagic manifestations of HSV CNS infection (Continued)
No. (year), Age, HSV type, Initial clinical Localization of Localization of bleeding, Time from symptom Presence of vasculitis Outcome (mRS)
reference sex diagnostic presentation, encephalitis other characteristics onset to admission, (affected vessel),
test, CSF other findings time from admission treatment
cells count to detection of
25 (2017), El 49, PCR negative, Encephalitis (fever, Right temporal lobe and Right medial temporal Day 2, day 14 No Returned to baseline
Shimy G [40] m 45 cells/μl headache, altered insula lobe, hematoma neurological status (0)
mental status)
26 (2013), Lo 46, HSV-1, PCR, Encephalitis (fever, Left temporal lobe Left temporal lobe, Day 7, day 10 Craniotomy on day 6, Gradual improvement,
WB [41] m 390 cells/μl headache, confusion) hematoma, edema, removal of anterior no further details
uncal herniation temporal lobe and reported
evacuation of
Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation

27 (2018), 71, f HSV-1, IHC, Encephalitis (decreased Both temporal and parietal Right temporal lobe, Day 1, day 8 No, craniotomy for Died on day 17 after
Sivasankar C [42] n.e. responsiveness, lobes hematoma, edema, (postoperative) evacuation of hospital admission (6)
hemiparesis, seizure) uncal herniation hematoma on day 8
*PCR methodology did not distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2. m male, f female, + yes, − no, n.a. not available, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, MCA middle cerebral artery, MP methylprednisone, n.e. not evaluated, MRI
magnetic resonance imaging, CT computed tomography, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, IHC immunohistochemistry
(2019) 16:19
Page 7 of 12
Table 4 Characteristics of patients with ischemic manifestations of HSV CNS infection
No. (year), Age, sex HSV type, diagnostic test, Clinical presentation, special Presence of Time from symptom Presence of vasculitis Steroids, dosage Outcome (mRS)
reference CSF cell count features loco-typico onset to admission, (affected vessel), affected (duration)
HSV- ischemia on first imaging brain region
1 (2004), 31, m HSV-1, PCR, 46 cells/μl Encephalitis (fever, hallucinations, Yes Not reported, no (CT) No, multifocal (anterior − Hemianopsia (2)
Alexandri NM [43] headache) and posterior)
Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation

2 (2009), Sas AM 3, f HSV-1, PCR, 38 cells/μl Encephalitis (fever, impaired No Day 5, yes (CT and MRI) No, multifocal (posterior) − Blindness (3)
[44] vision, nausea, vomiting)
3 (2012), Zepper P 72, m HSV-2, PCR, 588 cells/μl Stroke-like (aphasia, No Unclear, no (hemorrhage Yes (various vessels), − Moderate
[45] hemiparesis) on CT) multifocal (anterior and cognitive deficits
posterior) and hemiparesis
(2019) 16:19

4 (2013), 36, f HSV*, PCR, 13 cells/μl Encephalitis (headache, No Day 2, yes (MRI) Yes (basilar artery), single MP 3 days, P 7 Internuclear
Guerrero WR [46] diplopia with skew deviation), lesion (posterior) days, dosages not ophthalmoplegia
2 months postpartum reported (3)
5 (2014), 10, f HSV-1, IgG antibodies Stroke-like (headache and No Day 1, no (CT) Yes (distal ICA and MCA), − Complete
Terlizzi V [47] appeared in CSF, 20 cells/μl hemiparesis) multifocal (anterior) recovery (0)
6 (2014), 57, f HSV-2, PCR, 1260 cells/μl Meningitis (headache, nausea, No Unclear, no (hemorrhage Yes (various vessels), Yes, dosage not Minimal deficits
Snider SB [52] vomiting, photophobia) on CT) multifocal (anterior and reported, 21 days (1–2), resolution
posterior) of stenoses
7 (2016), Zis P 45, m HSV-2, PCR, 64 cells/μl Encephalitis (fever, confusion) No Day 1, no (CT) Not studied, multifocal − Mild cognitive
[48] (anterior) deficits (2)
8 (2016), Joshi P 48, f HSV-2, PCR, 16 cells/μl Meningitis (fever, headache, No Day 120, yes (MRI) Yes (various vessels), MP and P dosage/ Relapsing course,
[49] neck stiffness), later multifocal (anterior and duration not outcome not
encephalitis posterior) reported reported
9 (2017), 73, f HSV*, PCR (6000 copies/ Stroke-like (hemiparesis) No Day 1, yes (MRI) Not studied, multifocal Yes, MP 500 mg, Modified Rankin
Tsuboguchi S [50] ml), 8 cells/μl (anterior and posterior) 3 days scale 5
10 (2017), 68, f HSV-2, PCR, 649 cells/μl Encephalitis (headache, No Day 21, yes (MRI) No, multifocal (anterior) − Complete
Zhang F [51] numbness, hallucinations), recovery (0)
systemic lupus, and
*PCR methodology did not distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2. m male, f female, + yes, − no, n.a. not available, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, MCA middle cerebral artery, MP methylprednisone
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All three alphaviruses (HSV-1, HSV-2, and varicella- by extravasation and parenchymal entry of T cells, particu-
zoster virus (VZV)) are dormant in trigeminal and upper larly cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. On a molecular level, matrix
cervical ganglia that innervate the cerebral arteries, dural metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), a major regulator of colla-
sinuses, and other brain structures [54, 55]. Upon reacti- gen type IV and the main component of the neurovascular
vation, these viruses can then travel transaxonally via an matrix, has been recognized as a key factor in this process.
immunoprivileged route to infect the brain and arteries. In a mouse model of HSE, MMP-9 activity increased dur-
HSE is a necrotizing inflammatory process typically af- ing the early phase with peak levels in fully developed
fecting the cortex and underlying white matter of the HSE, resulting in compromise of the neurovascular unit
temporal lobe [3]. The insula, cingulate gyrus, and pos- [67]. This phenomenon is also known from hemorrhagi-
terior orbital frontal lobe are involved less frequently. cally transformed ischemic stroke in humans, where an
Extra-temporal involvement is well described in HSE, to upregulation of MMP-9 has also been linked to disruption
occur in more than half of the cases, sometimes even of the neurovascular unit. [68] A few studies proposed a
without any temporal abnormalities [56]. CNS pathology beneficial role of adjuvant steroids in HSE, which may re-
in HSE can be attributed to a combination of cytolytic strict detrimental immune responses by mechanisms such
viral replication and immune-mediated mechanisms as inducing apoptosis of immune cells in peripheral blood
leading to axonal and glial damage [57]. Histologic and within the CNS, or neutralization of MMP-9 activity
examination in acute HSE often shows cytotoxic and by raising tissue inhibitor of MMP-1 (TIMP-1) in vascular
vasogenic edema as well as necrosis with petechial hem- endothelial cells [69, 70].
orrhages [58, 59]. Accordingly, limited hemorrhage is an Our study also revealed that HSE is an important differ-
integral part of the disease process, but in a subgroup of ential diagnosis of lobar hemorrhage as 32% had a
patients, a proper intracerebral hematoma develops. This hemorrhage detected on initial neuroimaging. This em-
complication is likely to result from weakening of the phasizes the need for sufficient medical history, as the pa-
neurovascular unit caused by the necrotizing process via tients almost exclusively presented with an encephalitic
increased permeability due to cytokine, chemokine, and syndrome. Moreover, it should be noted that hemorrhage
protease action [60–62]. Modi et al. reported a 2.7% rate in the temporal lobe needs to be investigated with appro-
of intracerebral hemorrhage in a large cohort of HSE pa- priate vascular imaging in order to rule out vascular mal-
tients, also associated with an increased mortality [12]. formations or other causes of atypical hemorrhage.
Here, we expand the understanding of this complication It has been recognized since the early 1970s that HSE
by reporting a frequent association of hemorrhage with can occasionally present with a cerebral infarction [71].
severe edema, midline shift, herniation, and brain stem An epidemiological study of HSE from the USA reported
compression. Indeed, Jouan et al. reported high rates of ischemic complications occurring twice as frequently
ICU admission (32%) and mechanical ventilation (17%) (5.6%) as hemorrhage. Both cases with hemorrhage as
in patients with HSE and a two-fold increase in mortal- the presenting imaging feature and brain infarction later
ity in those requiring ICU care [6]. However, the afore- during the course were related to HSV-2 with evidence
mentioned study could not find any predictive features of vasculitis. HSV-1 was the causative agent in the only
for brain herniation on the first neuroimaging. In our patient with classical temporal lobe encephalitis who de-
analysis, hemorrhage occurred in most patients after ad- veloped infarction. There was only one case of brain
mission (68%) at a median of 10 days. This indicates that stem infarction caused by HSV-2, which is another en-
the processes leading to vessel disruption requires some cephalitic predilection site of HSV-2. Imaging findings of
time. Additional factors potentially increasing suscepti- vasculitis include stenosis, vessel wall thickening, and
bility for the development of a hematoma could include enhancement [72]. If knowledge from VZV vasculopathy
the vicinity of the encephalitic process to penetrating can be translated, the lack of CSF pleocytosis or of
vessels, an impaired coagulation state, and the extent of angiographic abnormalities should not preclude the
the inflammatory response. A direct link between antiviral diagnosis of vasculopathy. Indeed, in VZV vasculopathy,
therapy and intracerebral hemorrhage cannot be ruled out up to 33% of cases may have normal CSF and 30% may
as there are cases of acyclovir-induced thrombocytopenia have negative vascular imaging [73]. Thus, confirmation
[63, 64]. The presence of thrombocytopenia carried a of vasculitis on neuroimaging should not be the decisive
six-fold increased risk of mortality in a cohort of encephal- factor for considering adjunctive steroid treatment. Little
itis of any type [65]. Thus, both monitoring of coagulation is known about the exact mechanisms of action leading
and cautious use of anticoagulants may be advisable in se- to HSV vasculitis. In case of VZV disease, cerebral ves-
vere encephalitis. sels demonstrate fibrinoid necrosis, intimal proliferation,
From the immunological viewpoint, an innate immune loss of elastic lamina, and a lymphocytic or monocytic
response driven by monocytes and natural killer cells inflammatory infiltrate with surrounding multinucleated
dominates the early phase [66]. This response is followed giant cells [74]. Additional mechanism of action may
Hauer et al. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2019) 16:19 Page 10 of 12

include an immune-mediated process leading to vaso- Publisher’s Note

spasm and thrombosis and hypercoagulable state in Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published
maps and institutional affiliations.
combination with endothelial dysfunction resulting
from activation of inflammatory and pro-coagulant cas- Author details
cades [9]. Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Christian
Doppler Medical Center, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria.
We acknowledge several limitations to our study. A 2
Department of Neurology, Christian Doppler Medical Center, Paracelsus
publishing bias for more severe and atypical cases must Medical University, Ignaz-Harrer-Str. 79, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. 3Department
be anticipated. This might also explain higher rates of of Neurology, Friedrich-Baur Institute, University Hospital of the
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany. 4Department of
hemorrhage than infarction. In addition, imaging tech- Neurology, King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, UK. 5Division of
niques and time points of investigations differed within Neurology, Franz Tappeiner Hospital, Merano, Italy. 6Department of
our cohort. Furthermore, vasculitic change in small ves- Neurology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, Munich,
sels may not be picked up by non-invasive angiography.
Future studies should ideally employ MRI with standard- Received: 16 October 2018 Accepted: 17 January 2019
ized vascular imaging and a PCR methodology which
differentiates between HSV-1 and HSV-2. There was
only a single case of venous sinus thrombosis, for which References
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