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INTRODUCTION Thrombophlebitis
 Thrombo (blood clot) + phleb (veins) + it is
Common Prefixes and Suffixes from Greek and Latin  Definition: Inflammation of the vein
Prefix Meaning Anisocytosis
 a/an (decrease or absent) + iso (equal) + cyt
Cyt Cell
(cells) + osis (abnormal)
Hemo- / hemato- Pertaining to blood
 Definition: Increase in the lack of uniformity
a- / an- Without, absent decrease
of the cells in SIZE.
dys- Abnormal, Difficult, Bad
eryhtro- red
 Definition: Increase in the variation of cells in
Leuk(o)- White
Hypo- ; hyper- ; iso- Under/ decreased;
Above; Equal: same
 Definition: abnormal production in bone
Aniso- Unequal, Dissimilar
marrow contents
Poikilo- Varied; irregular
Macro- ; mega- Large/ long; Giant
 Definition: Decrease in the white blood cells
Micro Small
Poly- Many
 Definition: Decrease in monocytes
Pan- All; overall
Meta- After, Next; change
 Definition: Affinity to increase in white blood
Phleb- Vein
Myel(o)- From BM; spinal chord
Schis- Split
Ferr- Iron BLOOD:
Scler- Hard
-cyte Cell  A nutritive fluid that circulates in the vascular
-emia Blood system.
-penia Decreased, deficiency  Comprises 8% of our body.
-lysis Destruction, dissolving  Major body fluid
-oma Swelling; tumor  Fluids other than blood comprises 92% of the
Opathy Disease body.
-osis Abnormal Increase;  Blood is further divided into two-- the plasma
disease (55%) and the formed elements (45%).
-itis Inflammation
-phil(ic) Attracted to, Affinity for FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD:
-plasia/ -plastic Cell production or repair
1. Transport of:
-poiesis Cell production,
o Gases to facilitate gas exchange (O2 and
formation and
-poietin Stimulates production o Hormones and other endocrine
secretions that regulate ell functions.
o Products of digestion to tissues where
Sample application: they will be metabolized or assimilated
Panmyelosis o Waste products of catabolism to the
 Pan (all) + myel(o) [BM} + osis (abnormal excretory organs
increase)  Transport products of metabolism:
 Definition: Abnormal increase in bone
marrow (cells or bone marrow elements).
o transport products absorb in the Lungs (100mmhg)
intestine and GIT Tissues: 20mmHg
o nutrients from dietary origin
o synthesized product like cholesterol 2. Regulation of the function of another organ
(liver), lipoproteins o Erythropoietin is a hormone that is
transport of products where they are important in regulating red cell
needed as nutrition production
o Hematopoiesis is a byproduct of bone
o Erythropoiesis is regulated by growth
hormone called erythropoietin which is
produced by the kidney
o Kidney: area of production,
o Bone Marrow: site of action
 Respiratory Function: o Erythropoietin reaches its site of
o transport of gasses, mainly oxygen, from destination by blood circulation in the
the lungs to the tissues to cell allowing bone marrow
cell to breathe o Waste products needs to be excreted in
o allows cellular respiration because the body
oxygen is vital for cellular survival o Waste products of metabolism
o Transport is from the lungs where the accumulates in the blood like urea,
partial pressure of oxygen is high. creatinine, and excessive salts
Pulmonary capillaries are rich in oxygen o When the blood circulates in the
having a partial pressure of oxygen kidneys, some of the products of
equivalent to 100 mmHg. metabolism are filtered in the kidney
o High partial pressure of oxygen indicates and excreted in the urine
high affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen. So o Other waste product like carbon dioxide,
when hemoglobin reaches the lungs it carbon monoxide are brought in the
easily binds with the oxygen lungs and eliminated via exhalation.
o Tissues has a low oxygen level having a o Excessive salts and water excreted via
partial pressure of 20 mmHg. Thus, the urination or sweating
affinity of oxygen in hemoglobin is low o Failure of blood circulation will result to
because of the partial pressure and waste toxicity.
acidic environment. Oxygen in the
hemoglobin will be easily released and
once it is released, it will attach to CO2.
o Carbon dioxide will be released via

3. Buffering action/function
o Blood assists in the preservation of an
almost neutral reaction in the tissues
o Helps maintain normal water balance
and fluid distribution.
o It also regulates ionic balance like for healing of skin, muscles and joints)
chloride, sodium, hydrogen, potassium. and antibodies that help destroy foreign
Blood will selectively excrete too many bodies.
ions and retains what the body needs
o It also eliminates excessive acids and
By definition:
retains important alkali
It is a process wherein a cell binds to the item it wants
o HgB itself is a buffering system together
to engulf on the cell surface and draws the item
with enzymes and protein
inward while engulfing around it. It is also used for
o The most important buffer that immunity to destroy foreign substances in blood.
maintains pH is HCO3:H2CO3
(Bicarbonate-Carbonic acid Buffering Recognition and Attachment
system) which are maintained at a ratio Phagocyte receptors recognize and bind to certain
of 20 (HCO3): 1 (H2CO3) foreign molecular patterns and opsonins such as
o To maintain the bicarbonate, it needs to antibodies and complement components.
be conserve in a form of Sodium
Bicarbonate (Na2HCO3) because it can Ingestion
be easily loss via urination. Pseudopodia are extended around the foreign particle
o Renal circulation helps in eliminating and enclose it within a “phagosome” (engulfment).
The phagosome is pulled toward the center of the cell
and retention of alkali and acid
by polymerization of actin and myosin and by
o Blood helps regulate ionic balance, acid-
base balance, and water balance in the
body Killing and Digestion
 Oxygen Dependent
Respiratory burst through the activation of NADPH
oxidase. H2O2 and hypochlorite are produced.

 Oxygen Independent
The pH within the phagosome becomes alkaline and
then neutral, the pH at which digestive enzymes work.
Primary and secondary lysosomes (granules) fuse to
the phagosome and empty hydrolytic enzymes and
Main buffering system is the HCO3: H2CO3 other bactericidal molecules into the phagosome.
maintained by sodium.
 Formation of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
4. Maintenance of constant body temperature Nuclear and organelle membranes dissolve, and
activated cytoplasmic enzymes attach to DNA.
o Circulation of blood minimizes variations
The cytoplasmic membrane ruptures, and DNA with
in local temperature.
attached enzymes is expelled so that the bacteria are
o Blood also functions in regulating body digested in the external environment.
temperature t-cells cytokines
o During high temperature, sweating is B-cells – IgA, IgE, major producer of plasma cells
compensatory action to eliminate Reference: Rodak’s Hematology Clinical principles and Applications
excessive heat in the body. (6th Edition)
o During low temperature, constriction
through shivering increases body
5. Defense Physical Characteristics of Whole Blood
o Phagocytosis
o Blood contains proteolytic enzymes  Color: Normally red as imparted by hemoglobin
(enzymes that help breakdown food, use  Viscosity: 3-5x more viscious than water
 Circulates in liquid state
 Coagulates between 5-10 minutes after removal chemicals in industrial or
from the body environmental setting. It
 pH: 7.35-7.45 is formed by the addition
o Normal pH is maintained by buffers in of a sulfur atom to the
the body primarily the Sodium pyrrole ring of heme and
has a greenish pigment.
Carboxyhemoglobin Cherry Red
o 6.8-7.8: pH compatible for survival.
-combination of CO and
o Gastric juices (very acidic)
heme iron.
o Pancreatic Juice (very alkaline) -CO poisoning
Methemoglobin Chocolate brown
-formed by the reversible
oxidation of heme iron to
the ferric state (Fe3+).
Reference: Rodak’s Hematology Clinical principles and Applications
(6th Edition)

 Sp. Gravity (whole blood): 1.048-1.066
o Serum: 1.026-1.031 Both Oxyhemoglobin and Deoxyhemoglobin are
normal type of hemoglobin.
o RBC: 1.092-1.095
 Volume: 5-6L (7-8% of total body weight) Capillary blood
o Males: 76 ml/kg body wt.  Mixture of both arterial and venous blood
o Females: 68 ml/kg body wt.  Color: Pale or light red because it is a mixture
Note: of arterial and venous blood with some tissues
coming from skin.
 The bigger you are, the more blood volume
you have.
 Females have lower blood volume in relation Note: In vivo, what maintains the blood in the liquid
to their weight. state?
 Blood volume is affected in the volume intake Heparin is the natural anticoagulant which maintains
and volume of the body. the blood in liquid state (in vivo). However, the
amount of heparin is minimal that cannot maintain the
blood in a liquid state outside the body.
Hemoglobin gives color to the blood. The color of the
blood depends on what color or type of the NORMAL COMPOSITION OF BLOOD
hemoglobin present in the blood.

1. Liquid Portion: Plasma or Serum

Note: What is the color of blood that contains of  55% of the total blood volume
oxyhemoglobin? Deoxyhemoglobin? Sulhemoglobin?  91-92% by weight is water
Carboxyhemoglobin? Methemoglobin?  6-7% by weight includes plasma proteins
Oxyhemoglin Bright red or Scarlet red and other substances (2%) like vitamins,
-Arterial circulation carbohydrates, etc.
Deoxyhemoglobin Dark red
-Venous circulation Plasma proteins
-Reduced Hgb containing Albumin: 4% (helps maintain osmotic pressure)
oxygen and CO2
Sulhemoglobin Green  Indicator of nutrition
-formed by an irreversible  Functions in transport of substances that
oxidation of Hgb by drugs includes bilirubin (transport in the liver for
or exposure to sulfur conjugation)
 Helps keep fluid in bloodstream so it doesn’t leak  Precursor of fibrin. The one who
to other tissues, also carries hormones, vitamins converts fibrin clot to prevent
and enzymes. hemorrhage
 Has the ability to serve in osmotic and oncotic as
 Represents small portion of plasma
well as colloidal pressure.
 Very important role in clot formation
because of its ability to convert into
fibrin clot
 Fibrin or coagulation factor 1
 Fibrinogen is the precursor of fibrin
 Fribrinogen will be converted by
thrombin which came from
prothrombin (Factor II)
Prothrombin is important in coagulation.
 Most important in maintaining oncotic pressure
 Oncotic pressure directed against the capillary PLASMA SERUM
wall pushing the fluid in the capillary wall Liquid portion of an Liquid portion of an
 Hydrostatic pressure is the force created by the unclotted blood Clotted blood
circulating fluid in the circulation which is Remains Fibroblast Contains no fibrinogen
responsible in pushing fluid away of the Growth Factor (FGF) factors
circulation. Strong hydrostatic pressure will lead intact
to extravasation but it is counter acted by plasma Contains less platelet Contains more platelet
protein specifically albumin by creating osmotic derivatives derivatives
or oncotic pressure
Slightly turbid or hazy Appears clearer yet
 Decrease in albumin results to decrease in due to the added darker in color because
osmotic pressure. chemical anticoagulant of the non-addition of
Globulin: 2.7% (needed for liver function, blood clotting chemical anticoagulant
and infection)
 Alpha globulin
Fibrinogen group: factors I, IV, VIII, XIII are
o Alpha 1 globulin (Alpha 1 anti-tripsin) consumable in the process of clotting.
Alpha 2 globulins (Alpha 2
o Alpha fetoprotein 2. Solid Portion: 45% of the total blood volume
o Function in the transport of enzymes,
lipids and others  RBC (erythrocytes, erythroplastids,
 Beta globulins o Function mainly in transport
o Allow transport of oxygen from lungs to
o Also responsible for transport
different organs and tissues to allow
o Transferrin is a beta globulin responsible
cellular respiration
in the transport of iron
o Blood is a liquid medium that circulates
in the body through pumping of heart,
 Gamma globulin
and it will enter the artery to the
o production of antibodies such as
capillary then in tissue level exchanging
carbon dioxide. It will then enter the
Fibrinogen: 0.3% (helps in blood clot for normal vein and back to the heart
blood clotting)
o Some part of the circulating blood will
proceed to the lungs to get oxygen and
eliminate carbon dioxide

 WBC (leukocytes; leukoplastids)

o Include neutrophil, lymphocyte,
monocyte, eosinophils, and basophils
(arranged from most abundant to least
o Function in body’s defense
o Defense mechanism involves
o Phagocytosis “engulfment”- the WBCs Note:
will engulf an invading organism Hemoconia (BLOOD DUST): small refractive colorless
o Not all WBCs are active phagocytes, the particles in the blood that are probably granules from
more active phagocytes are the blood cells or minute fat globules and it has no clinical
neutrophil and monocyte
o Most active phagocytes is the
Neutrophil and also the first to reach the Function
area of infection or inflammation RBC Filled with hemoglobin which transports
o Eosinophils are less efficient phagocytes oxygen into the lungs and to the different
o Lymphocytes are not phagocytes. T- organs and carbon dioxide
cells are responsible in producing WBC Cell types dedicated to protect their host
regulatory cytokines like interleukins from infection and injury.
that will regulate the function of other -has 5 population (neutrophils,
cells while B-lymphocytes are leukocytes, monocytes, eosinophils,
responsible of antibody production (IgA, basophils)
Platelet Also known as thrombocytes, which
o B-lymphocytes will be transformed into
maintain blood vessel integrity by
plasma cells which is the major producer
initiating vessel wall repairs.
of antibody -clot formation or hemostasis
-to form platelet plug to prevent bleeding
 Platelets (Thrombocytes; thromboplastids) Reference: Rodak’s Hematology Clinical principles and Applications
o Also known as thrombocytes (6th Edition)
o Cells that are primarily involve in clot
Reference Range
RBC 3.8-4.1 M/µL or 3.8-4.1 x10^12/L
o To maintain hemostasis (refers to the
WBC 4.5-11 x10^9/L or 4,500-11,000/µL
stoppage of bleeding), by forming plug
Platelets 150-450 x 10^9/L or 150,000-450,000/µL
that will cover the injured blood vessels
o Thrombocytes: Cells for clotting RBC > Platelets> WBC
o Blood vessels react by vasoconstriction
limiting blood flow to the injured site
o After platelets will react by adhering in 3. Gaseous Portion:
the injured site forming platelet plug but o Portion where exchange between O2
platelet plug is unstable plug that blood and CO2 for normal respiration occurs.
pressure or flow may easily remove the
platelet plug
o To stabilize the platelet plug, fibrin
(fibrinogen or factor I) is needed.
bone marrow, whereas T cell lymphopoiesis
occurs in the thymus.

-Also called normoblastic -Asynchronous
maturation. maturation will result in
- The nuclear and abnormal cell. Either the
cytoplasmic maturation nuclear or the
of cell should go in the cytoplasmic maturation is
same phase to be called abnormal
synchronous maturation. - Most common type of
Note: - The result of asynchronous maturation
Excessive loss of water in cases of LBM, vomiting and synchronous maturation that occurs is when the
the like, causes dehydration and can affect the plasma is the development of nuclear maturation is
concentration. normal cells called retarded compared to
normocyte. cytoplasmic maturation.
-In the presence of defect
of DNA, nucleus will not
Formed elements is the formed cells called Hemocyte
mature. Nucleus will slow
includes <1% platelets, <1% leukocytes and >99%
down maturation and as
erythrocytes. In centrifugation, hemocytes like
an effect it leads to
platelet and leukocytes settles above the RBC in the
buffy coat layer. maturation.

-Nucleus controls all the activity of the cell (also
Most abundant form element is the RBC that on
known as control center), it also control cell division
centrifugation, the red bottom layer is called packed
called mitosis
RBC (purely RBC).
-Nucleus cannot dictate cell division unless it is mature
-As the cell matures cell size decreases because every
CHAPTER 2: HEMATOPOIESIS time it undergo division, it split until it reaches its
TERMINOLOGIES: maturation phase.
-Since in asynchronous maturation, the nucleus is
 Dyspoiesis unable to mature normally, the cell will either not
- Abnormal formation of blood cells. divide or suffer from prolonged mitotic division.
 Erythropoiesis - Megaloblastic Maturation: prolonged or undivided
- Development of mature red blood cells from cell due to defect in nucleus.
erythropoietic stem cells. -The main reason why nuclear development becomes
retarded is because of the deficiency in DNA
- Production of red blood cell
synthesis which is commonly due to Vitamin B12
 Granulopoiesis
deficiency and folate acid deficiency
- Production of neutrophils, eosinophils, and
 Monocytopoiesis HEMATOPOIEOSIS
- monocyte production
 Myeloid cells
 Refers to the formation and development of
- Granulocytic and monocytic cells
blood cells.
 Lymphopoiesis
 It is a continuous regulated process of blood cell
- Process in which lymphocytes (B cells, T cells
production that includes cell renewal,
and NK cells) develop from progenitor cells.
proliferation, differentiation, and maturation.
B cell lymphopoiesis is completed in the
These processes result in the formation, Death of the Cell: Hematopoiesis include not only the
development and specialization of all of the production of new cell but also the death of the cell.
functional blood cells that are released from the
bone marrow to the circulation.
 During embryonic and fetal development,
 RBC Life Span: 120 days
hematopoiesis occurs in the yolk sac then in the
 1% of RBC reaches their 120 days life span
liver (also in the spleen and thymus). In normal
adults, hematopoiesis occurs mostly in the bone
 Bone Marrow is capable of replacing the 1%
marrow and peripheral lymphatic tissues. RBC destruction
Note:  Approximately 35,000/ µL of platelets
reached their maximum life span of 9-11 days
Proliferation is the cell production (mitosis) when they
but being replaced by bone marrow by
proliferate, they increase in number through mitosis.
producing at least 35,000 platelets daily.
Differentiation is the transformation of a stem cell
(which is a Pluripotent cell) into a specific type of Note:
blood cell or the process of stem cell to become a
Daily Turnover:
WBC, RBC or Platelet.
The number of a cell that is being destroyed daily is
being replaced by the Bone Marrow daily.
Unitarian: all blood cell came from a single parent cell
or stem cell which is the Pluripotential Stem Cell
(PPSC) that has the potential to become many kind of PHASES OF HEMATOPOIESIS
cells like WBC, any of the 5 types of WBC, RBC or
Morphogenesis refers to the study of morphological - Pre natal hematopoiesis
changes as cell undergoes maturation and division.
Example: an immature RBC is nucleated but as it 1. MESOBLASTIC OR MEGALOBLASTIC PHASE
undergo maturation, nucleus disappear and undergo - Chief site: yolk sac
pyknosis. Until such time, the normocyte is non- - Primitive RBC (“megaloblast of Ehrlich)
nucleated. In other words, it is the morphological
first develop within the blood island
changes that occur during blood maturation and
followed by leucopoiesis and
development (e.g. sizes, nuclear changes, etc).
megakaryopoiesis and it is produced
Functional maturation: while cells are immature, they extracellularly
perform a different function. Cell has a more defined - Embryonal hemoglobins are
function in the body as it matures, like B-cell which is synthesized during this phase
considered as an immature cell. B-cell matures into 2. HEPATIC PHASE
plasma cell and once it is transformed into plasma cell, - This phase starts on 3rd month of fetal
it is more active in the production of antibody. T cell life.
from the bone marrow goes to the Thymus to undergo - Chief site: Liver (aside from the liver as
maturation to become a functional mature T-cell the chief site of blood production,
Spleen and Thymus can also help in the
Note: production)
Destruction and production of cells are BALANCED. - Fetal Hemoglobin (HbF): synthesized
Our normal count are maintained by relatively during this phase
constant number of cells unless when we are exposed 3. MYELOID / MEDULLARY PHASE
to condition that will result to excessive or decreased - Chief site: Bone Marrow
production or excessive destruction. In this case, - This starts on the 5th month of fetal life.
number of cells are being imbalanced. It increases during the last trimester and
remains the chief site at birth.
- Production of Adult Hemoglobin (HbA) hematopoiesis on the 5th month until birth that occurs
starts during this phase. in the medullary region of the BM. After birth, the
most dominant hemoglobin is still HbF.
-19-20th day -5 -7th week
-5th month
-Mesoderm → -Peak: 3rd – 4th -Red Marrrow: Specific Cell Production
“blood idlands” month chief site RBC 19th -20th day
-“Hemohistoblast” -Liver: -All fetal Granulopoiesis 2nd month
→→ (Extravascular) skeletal Megakaryopoiesis 2nd month
-Primitive RBC: -Spleen & structure → Lymphopoiesis 4th month
“Megaloblast of Kidney= B-cell birth Monopoiesis 5th month
Ehrlich” -Thymus = T-cell
-WBCs & -Lymph nodes
endothelial cells
-8-12 weeks active
Hb: Embryonal Hb: Fetal HgB Hb: Adult Hgb
HgB (Grower I, II & or HbA

Hemohistioblast is a cell (like stem cell) that gives rise
to blood cells and tissue cells of an embryo.

RBCs are the first to be formed from hemohistioblast.

The hemohistioblast gives rise to the Primitive RBC or
“Megaloblast or Ehrlich”.
- First 3 weeks postpartum, the bone
Primitive RBCs are different from the RBC in adult life.
These are produced extravascularly and mature marrow becomes the only normal site of
through fragmentation. blood cell production.
- Red marrow is present in all fetal
skeletal structures, until the age of 2-3
- 4th year: rate of BM growth exceeds
Note: need for blood cells resulting to the
Thymus is the very first well developed organ in replacement of active marrow space by
human body and is producing T-cell even during fetal
areas of fatty reserves marrow space by
areas of fatty reserves.
Lymph nodes are responsible in producing T&B cells. LOCATIONS OF RED MARRROW
Children Skull, clavicle, ribs,
Once the blood islands become inactive on the 12th or vertebra, pelvis and long
beyond 12th week, the RBC formed in the liver will bones
synthesize a different kind of HgB called Fetal HgB or -occurs in flat and long
HbF. bones.
18 years and older Skull, clavicle, ribs,
Note: vertebra, pelvis & at the
proximal ends of long
On the 4th week, the bone marrow is already involve in
blood production but it is not yet the main site on
hematopoiesis. BM becomes the chief site of
- (Liver and Spleen): occurs normally and Retrogression is the replacement of red marrow by
in certain disease states when the BM is marrow fats that happens in the 4th year of life.
unable to produce sufficient numbers of
hematopoietic cells.
- Normal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
- Hematopoietic cells compared with fat.
refers to the involvement of lymphoid
- Red Marrow: Hematopoietic cells
organs—organs that produce - Yellow Marrow: yellow/white marrow or fat
lymphocytes like B cells / Bursa and T- - 50:50 ratio of hematopoietic cells and fat.
cells or T-lymphocytes produced in
- Thymus: primary lymphoid organs Note:
- Spleen and Lymph Nodes: Secondary Hypercellular /Hyperplastic BM: contains more red
lymphoid organs than fats that is seen in leukemia
- Spleen: when activated is involved in the Hypocellular/ Hypoplastic: ↓red, ↑ fats
Aplastic Anemia: low blood cells characterized by
production of lymphocytes.
hypoplastic BM that is incapable of producing normal
- During abnormal condition: liver retains
blood cells because it is dominated with marrow fats.
its capacity in hematopoiesis. Both the
liver and the spleen have the residual
capacity for hematopoiesis. When the Note: Is the bone marrow fat still capable of the
body needs blood and the bone marrow hematopoiesis? When?
cannot supply, the liver and spleen can Bone marrow fat is not hematopoietically active. It is
help but in short duration. not capable of producing blood cells because it only
contains fat but it can be reactivated to become red
MEDULLARY EXTRAMEDULLARY and help in the production of cells but in small period
Red Marrow: of time.
2-3 yrs old: all skeletal Thymus and Spleen
structure :Retrogression”
Bone marrow Liver and spleen



- States that blood cells from one stem
cell which is totipotent, gives rise to any
Note: series of cell types.
In 2-3 years, the marrow expansion, the child’s growth - Hemocytoblast: gives rise to all blood
is but equal for the need for blood. Since the growth cells.
for bone and the requirement for blood by the child is 2. POLYPHYLETIC THEORY
equal, then the bones remains to be filled with the red - States that there are 2-3 cell origins.
marrow. But starting on the 4th year and older, the There is a separate and distinct stem cell
growth becomes faster than the need for blood. In compartment.
that case, the spaces of the bone marrow becomes
infiltrated with fats called Retrogression.
Sub-theories: o Proginitor cells are commited cells
meaning it is already identified what cell
a. DUALISTIC- Lymphoblast and myeloblast they will become
b. TRIALISTIC- Reticuloendothelial cells give rises to
monocytes. Note:
CFU-GM is a proginitor from CFU-GEMM that will give
3. COMPLETE THEORY- believes that there is a rise to CFU-G and CFU-M later on become neutrophil
separate stem cell for each cell series. and monocyte respectively.

STEM CELLS PEODUCED BY THE BONE MARROW: Neutrophil and monocyte shares the same proginitor
 HEMOHISTOCLAST: one single fixed multipotent cell called CFU-GM
stem cell that gives rise to tissue and to blood
cells. CFU-Eo is the proginitor commited to become
(PPSC): CFU-Baso is the proginitor for Basophil
o CFU means colony forming unit.
o Colony forming unit (Stem) or Colony CFU-MegE is the proginitor commited to become
either Megakaryocte (CFU-Mega) or Erythrocyte (BFU-
Forming Unit (Lymphoid/ Myeloid)
E first then CFU-E then erythrocyte)
o Present in small numbers (constant) in
the BM The megakaryocyte and erythrocyte share the same
o Not morphologically identifiable proginitor
o Has the ability to reproduce and
differentiate any blood cells (repopulate While on the other hand, stem cell CFU-L will give rise
the BM after injury) to two proginitor cells (Pre-T/NK cell and Pre-B cell)
o Colony forming stem cells.
o 1% BM contains this stem cell Pre-T/Nk cells are committed to become T-cell or
o Can later on be the stem cell for Natural Killer cell
lymphoid or myeloid.
o One of the two daughter cell produced Pre-B cell is committed to become a B-lymphocyte
will differentiate but one will remain as
Myeloid Cell Line: Cell line of CFU-GEMM
stem cell
Lymphoid Cell Line: CFU-L cell line
o All myeloid stem cell except lymphocyte
is under Colony forming Unit Monocyte The two classifications of leukemia is the myeloid and
o Colony forming Unit Stem or PPSC is the lymphoid leukemia depending on the cell line which is
main parent of all blood cells can be damage
influence by the growth factor and can
transform into Colony forming myeloid
or CFU-GEMM (Granulocyte,
Erythrocytes, Monocyte,
Megakaryocyte) or Colony Forming Unit
Lymphoid (CFU-L) that gives rise to B-cell
and T-cell
o What will arise from CFU-GEMM and
CFU-L are the proginitor cells
o CFU-GEMM and CFU-L are uncommitted
meaning they can transform to become
any of the blood cells
Unitarian theory is correct that all cell came from one
cell called Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell

Multipotent Stem Cells: these are Pluripotent

Hematopoietic Stem cell, CFU-GEMM and CFU-L. Since
they are multipotent stem cell they are all

Proginitor cells are all committed.

Morphologically recognizable precursor are the ones

that will just mature to become the next stage and
came from bone marrow.

Monocyte will still mature to become macrophage in

the tissue.

B-cell is morphologically mature but functionally

immature. It will mature to become plasma cell.


 Proteins that regulate the production of blood

cells. These include cytokines and hormones.
 Can be in the form of proteins or glyproteins
 They are regulatory factors that regulate the
production and destruction of blood.
 Can be in the form of cytokines
 Interleukin-3 (IL-3): a multipotent which means
it is capable of regulating the growth of more
than one cell line together with GM-CSF (colony
stimulating factor) which is not exclusive in
granulocyte and monocyte. It can also affect the
function of other mature cells.
 Erythropoietin (EPO): main growth factor for
erythropoiesis and Thrombopoietin (TPO) for
thrombopoiesis. Both are produced by kidneys
and liver.
 EPO mainly produced by the kidneys but small
amount produced by the liver.
 TPO mainly produced by the liver.

 Kit Ligand (KL)

- “stem cell factor” or “steel factor”
- Stimulates myeloid, erythroid and
lymphoid progenitors.
 Fit-3 Ligand (FL)
- primitive progenitor cells.
- Tyrosine like ligand because it acts on
the receptor of tyrosine kinase
- Tyrosine kinase are the one that receives
signals from the outside and
- interpret the signals to promote the
growth of progenitor cell
- Leukeimia is a disease caused by a
mutation in tyrosine kinase gene ANTIGEN MARKERS
- IL3 and GM-CSF are both multipotent These are cell surface proteins that used in the
cells recognition of lineage/differentiation

Antigen markers
CD34 Stem cell marker (lymphoid and
myeloid precursor)
CD33 Pan myeloid cells
CD31 Pan myeloid
CD11c, CD114 Monocytes
CD71 Erythroid
CD2,CD3 Lymphoid, pan T cells
CD4 Helper/ inducer T cells
CD8 Suppressor/ cytotoxic T cells
CD10, CD19, CD20 Lymphoid, pan B cells
CD16, CD56 NK cells

Release of blood cells from the bone marrow to the


 Release of RBCs is promoted by erythropoietin,

hypoxia, cell’s stage of maturation (reticulocyte)
and the pressure exerted by the intramarrow
frowth of cells.
 WBCs. Leave the bone marrow through
chemotaxis while platelets are released to the
circulation through platelet shedding.
- Identifiers of the type of cell Cytoplasmic Changes
- They can be in the form of surface
 Basophilia
markers or internal protein
o The more the immature the cell is the
- It is called markers because their
more basophilic the cytoplasm is
presence is unique in that cells
o The cytoplasm is rich in RNA
- The rules of markers are very important
o Acidic or Basic refers to description of
in Immunophenotyping
cellular component
- Marker in the surface or inside the cell
o Acidophilic and Basophilic is the staining
will react to specific antibody
- Marker behaves like an antigen that will
o Principle of staining stated that acidic is
react to corresponding antibody
attracted to basophilic dye.
- Cell of Differentiation is important in cell
o Acidic cellualr component love to take
basophilic dye
o The more the immature the cell is the
more RNA it has in the cytoplasm
o As it matures the amount of RNA
decreases because it is less
metabolically active
o Exception: Plasmacyte (comes from B-
cell which is immature in terms of
function. It needs to be activated by
antigen to transform into plasma cell,
plasma cell is active in antibody
production thus contains more RNA and
remain basophilic in nature)
 Granulation
o Blast cells are aggranular and only
applies to WBC and platelet
o Exception: RBC (RBC are aggranular)
o Aggranular WBC (Monocyte and
Lymphocyte). Not literally aggranular,
CHANGES DURING NORMAL BLOOD CELL granules are so tiny that it can’t be seen
MATURATION: properly under microscope
 Cell size: decrease o Granular WBC (Neutrophil, Eosinophil
 Nuclear/ Cytoplasm (N/C) ratio: decreases and Basophil)
 Cytoplasm:  Nuclear changes
 Basophilia: gradually decreases o Size
 Amount/size: increases  The size of nucleus and
 In some cells, some cytoplasmic cytoplasm is exactly opposite
constituents are produced.  As the nuclear size decreases
 Nucleus: the cytoplasmic amount
 Size: decreases increases
 Nuclear chromatin: becomes more  A more mature cell shows a
course and clumped more abundant cytoplasm
 Number of nucleoli: decreases  A more immature cell shows a
 Staining: from reddish to bluish-purple bigger nucleus
 Mature Red Blood Cells are non-
 In monocytes and granulocytes, RBC Maturation Series ASCP Maturation series
while the cell is immature the (by CAP)
nucleus is round as the cell Pronormoblast Rubriblast
matures the nucleus becomes
indented Basophilic Normoblast Prorubricyte
 Nuclear Chromatin
o Immature cells contains fine and Polychromatophilic Rubricyte
delicate chromatine pattern and the
Orthochromic Metarubricyte
distribution is homogenous, as the cell
Reticulocyte Reticulocyte
matures and in preparation fro mitosis
some of nuclear chromatin aggregate
Erythrocyte Erythrocyte
and they are also more course and
 Number of nucleoli
o It decreases as cell matures
 Staining
o Less basophilic in immature and
becomes more basophilic as it matures
 Cell size
o As the cell matures it becomes smaller
o Exception: Megakaryocyte (source of
platelet), the more the megakaryocyte
the more the platelet present
 Nuclear Cytoplasm Ratio
o Immature has an N/C ratio of 8:1
o Maturation it becomes 6:1
o Further maturation it becomes 4:1
o As the cell matures the N/C ratio
o The decrease in N/C ratio is parallel to
the size of nucleus

- RBC maturation series
- Process of RBC production and maturation
- 3-5 days for complete erythropoiesis to occur
from pronormoblast (1st stage) to reticulocyte
(5th stage) and the mature RBC (6th stage)
- Production in bone marrow is from 1st to 5th
- Reticulocyte is released in the circulation
becoming mature RBC
- RBC starts first as burst forming unit (BFU-E)
before becoming CFU-E


- The main growth factor is erythropoietin
- IL-3

ERYTHROPOIESIS influence in erythropoiesis. Stem cell factor (CSF)

is also very important since its mode of action or
- Main site: Bone Marrow
its target cell is the main stem cell, without it
- Normally takes 3-5 days for the production of
stimulating the stem cell, the stem cell will not
reticulocyte from pronormoblast.
differentiate into progenitors. If CSF is not
- If we are to include the differentiation from the
present, the growth factors are useless because
stem cells to progenitor cells (CFU-E, BFU-E to
they have nothing to stimulate further without
erythrocyte), progenitor production until mature
the differentiation of the main stem cell.
RBCs in circulation, it takes around 18-21 days
- From CFU-E, will arise the first recognizable
that is shorten by the erythropoietin.
stage that will take 6 maturation stages.
- From the stem cell (PPSC), it will differentiate
into common myeloid stem cell (CFU-GEMM)
which will now differentiate into another
 Major growth factor that stimulates
progenitor which this time is more committed to
become wither Megakaryocyte lineage or
erythrocyte lineage. If it will further differentiate
 IL-3
into a more committed for erythrocyte, it
becomes BFU-E before it will become CFU-E. Note: How many maturation are there in
There are 6 stages in erythropoiesis starting from
GROWTH FACTORS Pronormoblast-erythrocyte

- Influence the maturation and differentiation

primarily the erythropoietin and IL-3. Though it Note: In which stage does HgB occur?
is mentioned that also CSF-GM and GM-CSF has As early as pronormoblast, the cell is starting to take
up the nutrients it needs like iron (taken up from the
environment or from the storage in the BM. The Shift cell/ Shift reticulocyte/ stressed cell or
developing Red cell will take the available iron in the reticulocyte: 1 day in BM; 2 days in circulation; has
BM from the ferritin), for it to synthesize heme. It is many remnants of RNA; lesser function but still can
also starting to synthesize its own globin but has not function in oxygen transport but not as efficient as the
completely make up the HgB. Hemoglin, if present, will mature RBC.
take up the acidic dye (eosin stain) that will result to
the pinkish color of the RBC. The immature RBC that is directly released from the
bone marrow will first enter the spleen and the spleen
In the Basophilic Normoblast (prorubricyte), evidence will remove the remaining inclusions inside the cell as
of HgB synthesis is already observed. However, the well as polish the red cell membrane so that when the
amount of HgB is in smaller amount than the other cell is released by the spleen, it will now have a
components of cytoplasm. Since the cell is biconcave shape. In this case, the mature RBC with a
metabolically active but still has a lot of mRNA in its biconcave shape can circulate well in the body.
cytoplasm which will obscure the observation of HgB.
Thus, the appearance og HgB here is not obvious.
However, as it reaches Polychromatophilic
Normoblast/Rubricyte (3rd stage), the HgB is evident
now in the red cell as it gives the murky color of the

HgB synthesis started in Basophilic normoblast

(Prorubricyte) but the amount is not enough to alter
the color because it contains more acidic components
in the cytoplasm. But the stage where HgB is evident
is in the Polychromatophilic Normoblast (Rubricyte).

Note: Do erythrocytes mature in the bone marrow?

No, RBCs doesn’t mature in the bone marrow.
Reticulocyte matures in the BM for 1-2 days. BM will
then releases reticulocytes in the circulation and to
further mature into mature RBC for another at least 1
The 1-2 days span for the cell in the bone marrow can 1. Pronormoblast Proerythroblast (Rubriblast)
be shortened in cases of anemia or when there is a - First of the recognizable stages
severe need of blood in the circulation. EPO will - Chromatin structures: fine and delicate and no
accelerate the release of immature cells in the accumulation of chromatin.
circulation. If it accelerates and will stay in the BM for - Nucleoli: decreases
just 1 day, the immature cell will stay in the circulation - Division: once or more than once
as a reticulocyte for 2 days before it matures into RBC. 2. Basophilic Normoblast (Prorubricyte)
But if the reticulocyte stayed in BM for 0.5 days and - There is a dark staining of the nucleus because of
there is a need for it to be released in the circulation, the heterochromatin or that is the
the retic will stay in the circulation for 2.5 days in order
condenstation of the chromatin.
to mature as RBC. The 3 days span of being a
- Division: once or more than once or twice
reticulocyte should be maintained by staying in the
BM for 1-2 days and in the circulation for 1 day in 3. Polychromatophilic Normoblast (Rubricyte)
normal conditions. For cases where span in the BM as - Has a so called “murky cytoplasm” caused by the
reticulocytes is shortened, further maturation in the appearance of HgB. RBCs are the ones that
circulation is extended. synthesize HgB. If there is no erythropoiesis,
there is no HgB produced because HgB occurs
Normal Retic: 2 days in BM; 1 day in circulation; inside the RBC.
decreased amount of remnant RNA. - It shows many shades of colors
- Division: last to undergo division and last to Erythocyte” was taken by its appearance when
undergo mitosis. As it divides and gives rise to stained with Wright’s Geimsa stain.
the next stage (orthochromic normoblast), the - It stays in the bone marrow as reticulocyte for at
orthochromic is no longer capable of division least 1 day and is released into the circulation to
4. Orthochromic Normoblast/ O. Erythroblast/ mature for another 1 day into a Red Blood Cell.
Metarubricyte - Fully hemoglobinized but still contains remnants
- Ortho: means “true”. of mRNA and many ribosomal RNA.
- Last nucleated stage and is incapable of mitosis. - Last stage where HgB synthesis occurs and is
- Nucleus: Pyknotic (shrunken, dehydrated which completed in this stage.
is why it is darker in color). The nucleus is about - How come that it can still synthesize hgB despite
to be dissolved or removed and it is unfunctional of the absence of nucleus that contains the
and is about to be extruded. Once it is extruded, genetic material? In order for the cell to
the stage will become a reticulocyte synthesize protein like HgB, it needs a genetic
- Pyknosis: nuclear dissolution. material (found in nucleus) that will serve as a
template for protein synthesis. In DNA
5. Reticulocyte/ Polychromatophilic Erythrocyte replication and RNA transcription, DNA is copied
or Normocyte/ Diffusely Basophilic Erythrocyte in the form of mRNA. DNA may not be present
- First non-nucleated stage. but remnants of mRNA (that came from DNA
- Also called “Polychromasia” meaning different when transcribed into mRNA) and ribosomal
shades of color particularly bluish, greyish due to RNA is abundant in the cytoplasm. The genetic
the mixture taken up by HgB and RNA inside the code of Hgb synthesis is still present in mRNA.
cell. Thus, HgB synthesis still continues during this
- Why is it called “Reticulocye”? In the laboratory, stage.
the ideal method to demonstrate reticulocyte is - Wright’s Stain: mostly used in staining blood
supravital staining (“vital” means life) wherein cells. Has two stain composition which is the
the cells are first stained while they are in their Methylene blue (basic dye) and eosin (acidic
living state and fixing is not required in supravital dye). RNA in the cell will take up methylene blue
staining method unlike in usual preparation for and will appear bluish while HgB will take up the
blood smear. eosin which will appear pinkish. Since HgB and
- Supravital stains commonly used the laboratory mRNA were mixed up inside the cell, the blue
are Briliiant cresyl blue (BCB) and New color taken up by the RNA and the pink color
Methylene Blue (NMB). taken up by the hemoglobin from the
- Supravital stain Principle: RNA is precipitated - eosin will be mixed in cytoplasm and bluish color
for it to turn into granules thus separated from tend to be more dominant resulting to a
the HgB and sometimes the granules follow into polychromatic appearance.
a reticulum network pattern thus the name
“Reticulocyte”. 6. Mature Erythocyte
- Reticulocytosis: increase in reticulocytes (in - Absence of nucleus, organelles, mitochondria
supravital stain) and RNA.
- Polychromatophilia: increase in - Biconcave disk shape.
polychromatophilic cells (Wright’s stain).
- Both Reticulocytosis and Polychromatophilia are
the same.
- The name “reticulocyte” was taken up from the
appearance of the cell when stained in supravital
stain because the cell is seen with granules
following a pattern called “reticulum network”.
But for the other name “Polychromatophilic
(um) RATIO
Pronormoblas/ 14-20 -deeply basophilic With fine chromatin Usually 1-2 8:1
Proerythroblast/ cytoplasm
Rubriblast -Non-granular
Basophilic Normoblast/ 12-17 -intensely basophilic With slightly coarse Usually NOT 6:1
B. Erythroblast/ cytoplasm chromatin visible
Polychromatophilic 10-15 -blue-grey to pink- 4:1
Normoblast/ P. grey cytoplasm
Erythroblast/ Rubricyte
Orthochromic 7-12 -Pink cytoplasm Small pyknotic 1:2
Normoblast/ O. -Mitotically inactive nucleus
Reticulocyte/ 7-10 -Pink to slightly Non-nucleated
Polychromatophilic pinkish grey
Erythrocyte/ Diffusely cytoplasm
Basophilic Erythrocyte -Contains fine
basophilic remnants
of RNA
Mature Erythocyte  Non-nucleated
 Normal life span in the circulation: 120 days

megaloblastic cell. Because of the nuclear

abnormality, the DNA of the cell is incomplete since
the nucleus is not mature resulting to its incapability
to dictate a division.

Note: On the other hand, if a cell undergo 6 divisions instead

There are 4-5 cell divisions in one erythopoietic cycle of stopping on the 5th division, it will result to a
where pronormoblast as the first stage can divide microcytosis or an abnormal decrease in size.
once or more than once and produces two daughter
cells that are also pronormoblast and divide again until
it matures to become basophilic erythroblast. If a cell Note: RBC lifespan
lineage undergo a total of 4 divisions, there will be at Mature RBC will stay for 120 days in the circulation
least 16 RBCs produced but if it undergo 5 divisions, performing its function. It can be shortened in
there will be as much as 32 RBCs being produced. In abnormal conditions but it will not exceed beyond 120
divisions, not all cells will be able to mature as days. As it reaches 120 days, the RBC will lose it
erythrocytes because some of them are being function, crenate, its enzymes loses its function
destroyed during the process of maturation resulting making it metabolically inactive, speculated and
to a decreased number of erythrocytes produced. appears as a panic cell. When the old or senescent RBC
As the cell divides, the cell size decreases thus, as the enters the spleen, Spleenic culling will occur wherein
cell matures, the cell size decreases. the spleen involves removal of blood cells that are
abnormal, old, infected and blood cells with attached
Note: Asynchronous Maturation
In asynchronous maturation, nucleus and cytoplasm Splenic Pitting: removal of the red cell inclusion by the
do not mature at the same time. If the problem in the spleen.
asynch maturation is the nuclear maturation, the
intermitotic phase (PMAT) is extended or prolonged
resulting to an increase in size or will turn into a
 Growth factor/ Cytokines
o Erythropoietin
-major growth factor produced by the
peritubular cells of the kidney.
-hypoxia: triggers the kidney to produce
o IL-3
o SCF: most important growth factor
 Estrogen (female hormone): inhibit EPO
 Testosterone: It enhances erythropoiesis. This is
why Hgb and RBC are both higher in males than
in females. Neutrophil Granulopoiesis

 Other hormones: Pituitary & Thyroid Hormones - 14 days: blast stage → release of mature
(T3 & T4) granulocytes in the peripheral blood (PB).
- CFU-GM → CFU-G → Neutrophil
 Vitamins and Minerals
o Folic acid, Vit B12: important in the STAGES OF GRANULOPOIESIS
synthesis of DNA. Deficiency results to 1. Myeloblast
Folate deficiency anemia and Vit B12 - The usual rules in cell maturation applies
Anemia or Megaloblastic Anemia. wherein the more immature the cell is, the larger
o Co, Mn, Zn, Vitamin C, E, B6, Thiamine, its nucleus.
Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid: important - Mitotically active
in HgB Synthesis.
o Iron, Copper: important in HgB 2. Promyelocyte
Synthesis - Azurophilic or Primary Granules starts to appear
 Proteins: globin in HgB is the protein needed in - Mitotically active
RBC production.

- The number of Azurophilic granules starts to
- Includes Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils.
- Share the same maturation but varies in the
- Secondary granules or Specific granules are
morphologic changes that will occur in them.
starting to appear.
- Progenitor Cells are:
- Early and late myelocyte: continuous production
o CFU-G: produces Neutrophils
of secondary granules. Starting in the Late
o CFU-Eo: produces eosinophils
Myelocyte, tertiary granules starts to occur but
o CFU-Baso: produces basophils
will continue to appear in the metamyelocyte
- Mitotically active and this is the stage where it
undergo the last stage of mitosis.
- As the secondary granules starting to appear
from the golgi complex (which appear as an
unstained portion), the secondary granules
appear reddish tinge resulting now as if a sun
coming out called the Dawn of Neutrophilia. It
is in the Myelocyte stage where the Dawn of
Neutrophilia is observed.
- Stage that normally appear in the circulation
4. Metamyelocyte with the amount of at least 0-5%. Since bands
- Also referred to as the Juvenile cell are still an immature cell, if it appears in the
- Nucleus starts to undergo indentation or kidney circulation with an amount of more than 5%, it
bean or peanut shaped nucleus. will now indicate Acute Leukemia
- The first stage which is incapable of mitosis. 6. Mature Granulocyte
Instead, it will undergo maturation with more
production of secondary granules. Mature Otherwise known as
- Small amounts of secondary granules are Neutrophil Polymorphonuclear
present in this stage but there is a further Neutrophil (PMN) or
production of tertiary granules Segmenter or Seg
- Basophil: dark blue to black granules Mature
- Neutrophil: pink to lilac granules Basophil
- Eosinophil: orange-red granules
5. Band/ Stab Cell/ Staff Cell
- Still an immature cell.
- Nucleus undergoes elongation into the shape of
a band
- The width is one half or less than one half of the
diameter of the nucleus
- It often has the S-shaped, C-shaped, U-shaped


(um) RATIO
Myeloblast 15-20 -basophilic & scanty non-granular -round or slightly oval 2-5 4:1
-Fine chromatin
Promyelocyte 15-21 -Basophilic & abundant -oval to round 2-3 3:1 - 2:1
-Primary granules start to appear -slightly coarser
chromatin pattern
Myelocyte 12-18 -moderate amount -oval to round none
-with few specific granules -coarse chromatin
-Secondary granules starts to
Metamyelocyte 10-15 -Moderate to abundant -Indented/ kidney- none
-with specific granules bean shaped
-coarse & clumped
Band 9-15 -specific granules -elongated or band none
-coarse & clumped
Mature Granulocytes
Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil
Myeloblast 0-3% / 1-2%  9-10 days
Promyelocyte 1-5 %/ 2-7%  Approximately 7 hrs. in the blood then proceed
Myelocyte 6-7% in the tissues
Metamyelocyte 3-20% / 15-30% (emigration(diapedesis)/transmigration)
Band 9-32% / 12-18%  Life span in tissues depends on the condition. If
they migrate to the tissue without responding to
STAGES OF GRANULOCYTE MATURATION any chemical they can stay for a few hours but if
it is a response to a certain condition, their life
span lengthen up to 9-10 days because the
 NEUTROPHIL (Polymorphonuclear chemicals produced by the infected cells will
neutrophil/PMN/ Seg/Segmenter) tend to increase the life span and preventing
o Multi-segmented, normally, can be 3-4 apoptosis.
lobes and in an older or more mature  The process of neutrophils leaving the
cells they can be 5 lobes circulation is called Diapedesis (squeezing out)
o Abundance of 2 lobes is an indication of or immigration/transmigration.
abnormality known as hypolobulation.  Immigration: involves redistributing itself by
Greater than 5 is hyperlobulation going near the vascular lining and roll and cling.
o Cytoplasm: tiny giving grainy  Adhesion: is promoted by the adhesion proteins
appearance (pink/rose-pink violet in the endothelial cells like integrins, P selectins.
granules) Inflammation of blood vessels make tissue
o Primary granules: referred to as the spaces wider which enable the cells to leave
Azurophilic. Presence of primary  Neutrophils: capable of random and directional
granules in the promyelocyte stage is motility. After random motility, they can stay in
not accurate for identifying which WBC the tissues or they can migrate to the site of
it contains chemical attractant (directional motility). Source
o Secondary granules: specific granules, of chemoreactant can be the injured tissues
thus it can identify what type of  Neutrophils: first to arrive in the site of infection
granulocyte it is by just identifying its  Migration: irreversible, once they arrive in the
granules. Secondary granules will persist tissue, they can no longer go back to the
until the maturation of the cell circulation
o Eosinophil granules: red-orange in color
 Once the cell performs its function, they die
and larger than that of the neutrophil.
becoming a puss cell. This is called “end-stage
o Basophil: has few and large granules and
has a dark blue color
 Lymphocytes: not end stage cells since they can
o Segmented neutrophils: might be
function again
confused with the band cells but what
 Neutrophils: attracted to chemoreactants
separate the two is the presence of
because they have receptors to it particulary the
filaments in the segmented neutrophils
o Band cells: connected by a broad
connections not filaments NOTES: How does retic released in the circulation?
o Multisegmented: containing 2-5 lobes. - Primary factor involve is the erythropoietin which is
o Lifespan: 9-10 days triggered by the hypoxia
o Lifespan in the tissues depend on their - EPO increases mitosis increasing the number of RBC
environment. production. It accelerate the maturation and the
release to the circulation
- First, the EPO widens the width of the marrow
sinosoids, the connection of blood vessels and
sinosoids will be widen for the entry of retic
- EPO decreases the expression of this adhesive 3. Storage pool (11 days)
receptors by the erythrocytes. o Band , mature granulocytes
- Retic has a receptor to adhesion molecules in the o Readily release of mature granulocytes
blood vessels and bone marrow. EPO decreases the o Not all of them leave the B.M but will be
adhesion of the receptor to the retic for it to be phagocytize
- Next factor that affects the release is the level of CIRCULATION
maturation (cell deformability because it does not
contain nucleus) 1. Marginating pool
- Another factor that has effect on the release in is the o (1/2): Adhere all the endothelial lining
marrow pressure exerted by the intramarrow growth that can be formed into marginating
of cells. The increasing volume of RBC creates a pool.
pressure, pushing cell in the circulation 2. Circulating pool
- Blood vessels going in and out of the bone marrow, o The other half will join the circulating
and through this blood cells ,these cells will enter into pool (1/2)
the circulation. o 4.5-11.5 u/L of RBC count represent only
the circulating pool
NOTES: WHITE BLOOD CELL RELEASE o Once the marginal pool was detached,
WBC count will increase which lead to
- Chemotaxis meaning directional
- They leave the marrow when they are physical or emotional stress. Reason: the
attracted by a chemical in the tissue which are called person suffers hormonal imbalance and
Chemotaxis substance (e.g. cortisol) the detachment of granulocyte.
- Another factor that affect the release is the
number of circulating WBC. Important to note that not
all mature WBC are released to the circulation some  Defense against infections thru phagocytosis
are stored in the storage pool and only released in the and killing
situation where the body needs more WBC.  Destruction of foreign organisms (not Antigen
NOTES: PLATELETS  Do not conform prolonged immunity
- Megakaryocytes are the largest cell in the
bone marrow 1. PHAGOCYTOSIS- have receptors for Fc (IgG) and
- For it to be release in the circulation it needs C3 (complement) have same function in
to be extruded or protruded. recognition of attached RBC.
- Platelet shedding is a mechanism by which
platelet will deform into fragments for it able to be PHAGOCYTOSIS
released in the circulation
- No known chemoreactant triggers platelet



1. Mitotic pool (2-3 days)

o Stem cells, myeloblast, promyeloblast,
o Capable of reproduction and
proliferation Step 1: from the circulation neutrophils move towards
chemical attractants/ first step is RECOGNITION and
2. Maturation pool (5-7 days) moves towards the antigen
o Metamyelocyte, bands
Step 2. Engulfment happens by protruding its cytoplasm /nuclear material and will form into
creating a vacuole called phagosome (contains the thread like filaments or structure that
phagocytized organism). will serve as the trap.
o Some of the strands of neutrophils
Step 3: Muramidase/ Lysozyme
contain contents like myeloperoxidase
Step 4: Killing via: that once the antigen is trapped, they
can still kill or destroy.
 Oxygen Dependent:
o After phagosome enters, it will fuse with 3. CAPABILITY TO SECTRETE
the granules of the neutrophils which is GRANULES:
called phagolysosomes (vacuole),  Primary (Azurophilic) granules:
granules of neutrophil degranulate o P.E.M.C: Peroxidase (MPO), Elastase,
meaning they release their contents. Muramidase, Cathepsin.
Some of their contents are bactericidal o Starts to appear on promyelocyte stage
like muramidase (lysozyme)  Secondary granules:
o Does not chemically react with oxygen o L.L.Col.B: Lysozyme, Lactoferrin,
o respiratory burst H2O2 and Collagenase, (NO peroxidase in the
(NaCIO/bleach) are produced granules but neutrophil itself still have
 Oxygen independent: peroxidase so it still react positive in
o degranulation stains) β2-microglobulin
o Lysosomal degranulation together with
 Tertiary granules:
the presence of oxygen a chemical
o ALP (late myelocyte-metamayelocyte)
reaction takes place, wherein the
 Secretory granules: responsible in secreting
oxygen will cause the release of potent
other protein like the CD markers, adhesion
radicals which are bactericidal.
molecules that will promote the adhesion of
Step 5: After the killing the dead organisms will neutrophil on cell surfaces or vascular tissues
metabolize and become waste and will become
exocytosis by the neutrophils. After fulfilling its function
neutrophils also die
NOTES: - Erythropoietin (hypoxia)
- Job syndrome (normal random, abnormal - Widens the width of marrow sinusoids
directional) - decrease expression of adhesive receptors
- Level maturation of cell (cell deformability)
- Lazy leukocyte syndrome (abnormal both - Pressure exerted by the intramarrow growth
random and directional) of cells.
- Chronic granulocytic disease (abnormal - Move thru chemotaxis (e.g. cortisone)
oxygen dependent) - Diapedesis (squeeze themselves out)
- Number of circulation WBC
o Form traps
o Neutrophils: once they perform their
function, will eventually die. When they
die, their components like the
 The other name for eosinophil is Acidophil
cytoplasmic and nuclear components
 Acidophil and eosinophil are both taken from
will start to disintegrate. As the nuclear the staining property of the cell which takes the
component or neutrophils disintegrates, acidic dye
the nucleoproteins from the nucleus  Methylene Blue: Basic dye
 Eosin: for acidic dye  During eosinophil development in the
 Eosinophil takes acidic dye or eosin thus name promyelocyte stage, eosinophilic promyelocyte
eosinophil has its primary granules
 Reddish: Color of the cytoplasm  Found in the primary granules are the proteins
 Granules of eosin: takes up the eosin giving a that later on formed as Charcot-Leyden crystals.
red-orange color These crystals contain lysophospholipase
 Diameter: 9-15 microns coming from the cytoplasm of the eosinophils
 Bilobed nucleus  During eosinophil disintegration, the
 Distinguished by the red-orange refractile components of the primary granules including
granule of their cytoplasm lysophospholipase will form into crystals called
 Granules of Eosinophil is larger than the granules Charcot-Leyden crystals
of neutrophil  In cases of eosinophilia cause by eosinophilic
 Easiest to identify due to its red-orange refractile hypersensitivity reaction, the eosinophil will
granules, the color also serves as the pH meter disintegrate forming crystals
of the cell during staining  Charcot-Leyden crystals: found in body fluids
 pH of the stains for blood smear (Giemsa stain): and other body specimens like in asthma
ranges from 6.4-6.8 pH. Lower than stated will (sputum sample)
result to pale coloration;  Parasitic infection from helminths causes
 Higher pH: dark color crystallization of eosinophils in feces
 Growth hormones such as IL-3, GM-CSF, IL-5  Joint infection cystalization can be found in the
regulate eosinophil production. The role of IL-5 synovial fluid
is very critical in the maturation as well as when  Charcot-Leyden crystals: an indication that
the cell is about to effect its function. there was an increase in eosinophils
 Kinetics (distribution and migration) is similar  Eosinophils also contains potent oxidant as well
with neutrophil as cationic proteins found in granules and major
 It joins the neutrophil in the storage pool (area basic proteins. These contents have anti-
where the reserved WBC stays and will be helminthic properties, specifically in the larval
triggered in the condition where the body needs stage of the ascaris, ancylostomiasis or
it) hookworm
 Once in the circulation it stays for only 18 hours  Loeffler’s syndrome is a type of sensitivity
then proceed to the tissue for 6 days reaction wherein one of the manifestations is
 More eosinophil will migrate (diapedesis) to the eosinophilia
tissues when there is an increase adrenal  Eosinophil increases because of its anti-
corticoids production. helminthic property
 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH):
stimulate adrenal glands to produce more NOTE:
adrenal corticosteroid  Eosinophil color during staining can determine
 The effect of increase adrenal corticosteroid is to if the pH of the stain is within the range or not
send more blood eosinophils to the tissue  Eosinophil color is a good indicator whether or
 ACTH injection will lead to decrease eosinophil not the stain is within the range
(EOSINOPENIA) in blood because eosinophils  Tissue eosinophil is 100x greater compared to
will migrate to the tissue blood eosinophils
 Hyperadrenalism (increase adrenal function)  Red orange granules in the eosinophils are the
will also lead to eosinopenia secondary granules
 Even when there is no hormone triggering
eosinophil migration it will still migrate to the BASOPHILS (Baso)
tissue once it reaches its half-life (18 hours) in
the circulation. It will migrate specifically in the  Named after its staining property, it takes up
skin, nasal membrane, lungs and GIT. basic dye
 Low number present in the blood because  With few, large, dark purple to blue-black
mostly are found in the tissues granules
 Not normally found in tissues
 Its size is larger than that of the neutrophil and  Immediate precursor of macrophage is
eosinophil. Around 10-16 microns monocyte
 Least of the WBC, 0-1% presence in the
differential count  Mast cells are usually found in the tissue
 Growth factors involved are the IL-3, IL-5, CSF- basophils are not normally found in the tissue
GM but remain in the circulations
 Nucleus: round, indented, band or bilobed. It has
a smudged chromatin
 The appearance of nucleus is barely observed
because of the too large and too dark granules
over lapping within
 Prominent in basophil is the granulation not the
 Some of the granules may disappear during
staining (washing to be specific) because they
are water soluble
 Mast cells and Basophils are different in terms of
origin and production although may appear
similar in terms of morphology and function
 Basophils and Mast Cells are granulated with
large nucleus and often indented or bilobed.
They both have granules which contains heparin
and histamine and involved in hypersensitivity.
However, they are different and do not belong in
the same cell line
 Basophil is a true leukocyte; mast cell is not a
leukocyte though it came from bone marrow it
has a different progenitor cell

 Basophils also mediate inflammatory response  Eosinophil, aside from being involved in the attack
and immediate hypersensitivity reaction of helminth larvae they also inactivate substances
 With IgE receptors so basophil can attach to IgE. produced by basophils and mast cells and prevent
In comparison Neutrophils and monocyte has an basophil and mast cell degranulation (production
fc portion for IgG and C3-protein and secretion of their granules)
 Granules: heparin (natural anti-coagulant),  Eosinophils are able to dampen inflammatory and
serotonin (for vasoconstriction), histamine (for hypersensitivity responses
vasodilation), eosinophil chemotactic factor A  Eosinophil is attracted to chemoattractant like
(ECF-A) Eosinophil Chemotactic factor A (ECF-A)
 Basophils are involved in innate and adoptive  In the presence of ECF-A, eosinophils will be
immunity 2 attracted so eosinophil number will increase
 Basophils are the least studied blood cells  Presence of ECF-A indicates eosinophilia
because it is very few  ECF-A is secreted by basophils thus, basophils can
 While basophils mediate hypersensitivity cause eosinophilia
reaction, eosinophils dampen hypersensitivity  EOSINOPHIL: Hallmark of hypersensitivity reaction
reaction because of the release of ECF-A during
 Basophil and Mast cells contains histamine which degranulation of basophil and mast cells in
is one of the signs and symptoms of allergy while response to allergy
eosinophils contain histaminase that oxidizes
histamine. So eosinophils in some way can
inactivate substances produced by the basophils


 Basophils and Eosinophils are involved in anti-helminthic property. To increase eosinophils in response to
helminths, basophils are needed to degranulate to release ECF-A increasing eosinophils number.
 Basophils and eosinophils can function in phagocytosis but they are less efficient

MAST CELLS/ MASTOCYTE initiate the production of IgE but IgE will attach
to basophils and mast cells
 Different from basophils, though it also  The second time the person has an encounter to
originates from the bone marrow but has a the same allergen which causes the production
different progenitor which the Common Mast of IgE, the person will manifest signs and
Cell Progenitor symptoms
 Progenitor of mast cells will also enter the  The primed (attached) IgE and mast
circulation but does not stay in the circulation cells/basophils will degranulate releasing
unlike basophils chemical contents such as histamine and
 Mast cells will migrate to the tissue and mature cytokines
as a functional mast cell  The release of these chemicals causes the
 While basophils are true leukocytes, mast cells symptoms of the allergy
are connective tissue cells of mesenchymal
 Almost similar morphology with basophils
except it is a bit larger in size - Monocyte maturation
 Basophil and mast cells share common functions - There are only three stages of monopoiesis
like in hypersensitivity and inflammatory namely the monoblast, promonocyte and
reactions monocyte
 Basophils are initiators of hypersensitivity - Monocyte transform into macrophage once it
reaction while mast cells are effectors of reaches the tissues
hypersensitivity Stages
 Granules: more numerous compared to 1. Monoblast
basophils because they are less water soluble - Monoblast came from CFU-GEMMCFU-GM
 Its granules contain proteolytic enzymes, CFU-M
serotonin, histamine and heparin - Large immature cell with deeply basophilic
cytoplasm and non-granular
- Has a 1-2 nuclei (mitotical active cell)
- Myeloblast and monoblast has the same
characteristic with large nucleus, agranular
cytoplasm and basophilic cytoplasm.
Differentiation between the two based on
morphology is unreliable because they look like
the same
- CD-marker through immunologic studies helps
in identification. Alternative used for the
differentiation is through the use of
cytochemical stains
- Myeloperoxidase: stain marker for primitive
myelocytic cells.
- Specific Esterase: Alpha-naphtel chloroesterase
 During the first exposure to allergy the person
- Granules of monocytic cells contain esterase
will not manifest signs and symptoms. What will
enzyme but of different isoenzyme. Isoenzyme
happen is that the B-cells will be activated and
contains are positive in Alpha-naphtel acetate
be transformed into plasma cells (production of
esterase and Alpha-naphtel butyrate esterase
- Substrate for the myeloblast is the chloro
 Plasma cells will then start producing IgE
acetate while in the monoblast is either the
(produced in reaction to allergy) against the
acetate and butyrate
allergen. The production of IgE will not yet
Monocyte (Mononuclear phagocyte) Composition and
Myeloperoxidase Sudan Specific Content
Black B Esterase - Granules of the monocyte appears ground glass
(azurophilic granules) and contains enzymes
Myeloblast + + + such as Acid Phosphatase, B-glucoronidase,
Monoblast -/ faint + -/faint+ + lysozyme(anti-bacterial), lipase, peroxidase
(smaller amount)
- Unlike granulocytes, monocytes don’t have a
2. Promonocyte storage pool in the bone marrow and as they
- Has a blue-grey cytoplasm mature they are released in the circulation
- Nucleus is slightly reduced - Life span has similarity with granulocyte from 12-
- N/C ration: 3:1 to 2:1 70 hours and from the circulation they will
- Actively dividing cell and can divide until 3 more migrate to the tissues
times - Migration toward the tissues is not influenced by
any hormones
3. Monocyte - Monocyte once leave the circulation and migrate
- Relative in size, can be between 14-20 um to the tissues is called macrophage
- Nucleus of monocyte is either round, kidney- - Thus, monocyte is the immediate precursor of
shaped; with light lobulation; folded; with fine macrophage
lacy chromatin; has an indentation Type of macrophages
- Cytoplasm: abundant, slate-grey and ground
- Ground glass appearance is due to the presence
of several azurophilc granules

Monocyte Lymphocyte
largest cell in the smallest of the 5 WBCs
either deeply indented nucleus are often round
giving a horse shoe or or may have a shallow
kidney-bean shaped or indentation
slightly lobulated giving a
brain-like lobulation
has a scanty to abundant
cytoplasm and appears
sky blue but not as
abundant as the
monocyte’s cytoplasm
and colored blue-grey or
- They make-up the Reticulo-Endothelial System
Chromatin pattern: laced-Chromatin pattern: or the Mononuclear Phagocyte System
like coarse chromatin pattern - They have a receptor for the Fc portion of the IgG
or chuncky or black and C3. They use these receptors to identify if
NOTE: The most important criteria in differentiating the cell is coated with IgG and able to destroy
monocyte and lymphocyte are the chromatin pattern this antibody coated organism
- Has the capability to remove damaged and old
red cells using their Fc portion and C3
- Macrophages in the spleen conducts spleening
culling and spitting
- Active phagocytes. Large antigen that beyond
the capacity of neutrophil to ingest or
phagocytize is ingested by the monocytes
- Help regulate Cellular and Humoral Activity in without exposure to antigen the bone marrow
relation to their adoptive immunity function. T continuously produces B-cells, the thymus
cell is the direct effector of the Cellular response continuously produce T-cells
while the B cell for the humoral - Primarily produced in Bone Marrow (B-Cells) and
- Monocyte and the Marcophages exert a Thymus (T-cells)
regulatory effect to both cellular and humoral - All blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
activity by handling and processing the antigen. T-cells are produced in the bone marrow and
First, ingestion or phagocytosis then, kill and only migrate to the Thymus to mature
then handle and process the antigen and present - Both B-cells and T-cells are capable of producing
it to lymphocyte NK cells
- Monocyte has in their surface antigen presenting - B-lymphocytes represent 10-20% of the total
area which they use to present antigen to the population
lymphocyte and lymphocyte will produce - T-lymphocytes are the majority in the population
lymphokines (IL3) and activate macrophages in general representing 60-80%
- Lymphokines(Interleukins) function includes: - Two major population are the B-cells and T-cells
activation of other resting macrophages, minor population is the NK cells
activation of other lymphocytes as well as
amplification of immune respose Secondary Lymphoid Tissues/Peripheral Lymphoid
- Monocytes are not directly involve in cellular nor Tissues
humoral activity but they have a regulatory - Antigen dependent, start of production only
effect. They are the ones sending after antigen stimulation. So, the production is
signal/presenting to lymphocytes to activate not continuous.
other cells - Mixture of T-cells and B-cells as well as NK cells
- Monocyte and macrophages participate in iron - Organ that are involved are the Spleen, lymph
metabolism. They serve as the storage site for nodes (waldeyer’s ring) and MALT (peyers
iron (Ferritin, major stage form of iron) patches)
- Macrophage are surrounded by developing RBC
trying to get iron in the storage cell. The Stages of Lymphocyte Maturation
phenomenon by which RBC surrounds - There are 3 stages of maturation namely;
macrophage/monocyte to get iron from the lymphoblast, prolymphocyte and lymphocytes
storage site is called Suckling - T-cells, B-cells and NK cells are morphologically
phenomenon/nursing phenomenon indistinguishable the only way to distinguish
- Can kill malignant or tumor cells these cells are through their CD markers through
- Can kill virally infective cells because of the immunologic probes or CD marker testing
ability to secret interferon (important protein - Nucleus: deep purple with deeply packed
against virus) chromatin (coarse and clump); round or oval, at
- Transcobalamin II: secreted by the monocyte is times can have a shallow indentation
important in the transport of vitamin B12 - Cytoplasm: sparse to abundant, pale to bright
- Monocytes are also able to produce sky blue
plasminogen, the precursor of plasmin (function - Compared to other WBCs that during maturation
in clot lysis) only undergo morphological changes,
lymphocytes, on the other hand, both undergo
LYMPHOPOIESIS morphologic and gene rearrangement

- Proliferation, differentiation and formation of Phases

lymphocytes - Pre-Thymic
- Lymphocytes are produced in two areas. Primary o Refers to the stage wherein the
lymphoid organs and secondary precursors of T-cells are still in the bone
lymphoid/peripheral lymphoid organs marrow
- Thymic Phase
Primary Lymphoid Organ o Refers to the stage wherein the T-cells
- Not-antigen dependent/antigen independent, precursor already migrate to the thymus
meaning there production is continuous even - Post Thymic
o Stage wherein the T-cells already leave Lymphocytes vs other WBCs
the tissue going to the other secondary - Unlike other WBCs lymphocytes are
lymphoid tissues and the circulation heterogenous include T-lymphocytes (T-helper
and T-suppressor), B-Lymphocytes, NK cells
B-lymphocyte Maturation - Lymphocytes are not an obligate cell, meaning
- Progenitor comes from the bone marrow and they don’t die after performing the function
stays in the bone marrow until it matures into - Migrate into the peripheral blood and back into
lymphocytes the lymphatic tissue, meaning that their
- It undergoes three stages of maturation (Pro-B migration is reversible
cells, Pre-B cells, Immature B cells) before it - There are production of lymphocyte outside the
become mature B-cells Bone marrow or also called extramyeloid
- During the early stages (immature stage), it hematopoiesis involving thymus, spleen and
undergoes gene re-arrangement while still lymph nodes
undergoing morphological changes
- They try to re-arrange their Immunoglobulin Function of B-cells
gene so that each B-cells will have a unique - Main effectors of humoral immunity
antigen receptor - Humoral immunity is related to antibody
- Mature B-cells which are not yet exposed to productions
antigen, leaves the bone marrow and proceed to - Effective once transformed into plasma cells
other secondary lymphoid organs like in the
lymph nodes. They stay as a resident in the Function of T-cells
lymph nodes - Main effector of cell-mediated immunity (can
- It is in the secondary lymphoid tissues that the B- directly attact antigen) including delayed
cells are exposed to the antigen and transform hypersensitivity reaction
to a more functional mature cell (plasma cell) - Graft rejection
- B-cell when activated in the secondary lymphoid - Defense against intracellular organism and
by an antigen will divide into a memory cell (has neoplasm
the ability to code specific antigen that once
exposed the body can easily recognize) and T-cells Subsets
effector cells which are the plasma cells - Helper T cells (CD4)- help activate B cells to
secrete antibodies and macrophages to destroy
T-Lymphocyte Maturation ingested microbes, but they also help activate
- Also passes through three stages (Pro-T cells, cytotoxic T cells to kill infected target cells.
Pre-B cells and immature T cells), before it - Supressor T-cells (CD8)- A type of immune cell
becomes a mature T-cells that blocks the actions of some other types of
- They also undergo gene re-arrangement but lymphocytes, to keep the immune system from
here it re-arrange the antigen receptor gene, so becoming over-active
that each T-cells will also have a unique T-cell - Cytotoxic Cell (CD8)- CD8 effector lymphocytes
receptor are capable of killing target cells by secreting
- While not yet exposed to antigen, it will also granules containing granzyme and perforin or by
migrate to secondary lymphoid tissues where it activating apoptotic pathways in the target cell.
can be exposed into antigen. Upon exposure it These cells are sometimes referred to as
will also differentiate into a memory cell or a cytotoxic T lymphocytes
effector cell - Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Effector cells
- The occurrence of different population (CD4)- a major mechanism of defense against
according to sizes (small 8-10 um, medium 10-12 various intracellular pathogens, including
um, and large 12-16 um) is accounted on their mycobacteria, fungi, and certain parasites, and it
transformation. Resting B-cells and T-cells occurs in transplant rejection and tumor
appear smaller, once stimulated by an antigen immunity.
they enlarge their size
- Life span: Long-lived (4-10 years) account 78- Non-A Non-B population
89% of the population; Short-lived (3-4 days) - NK cells- effector lymphocytes of the innate
account 11-12% of the population immune system that control several types of
tumors and microbial infections by limiting their - This is an exemption to the general rule of the
spread and subsequent tissue damage. cells when it comes to size that when the cell
- Killer Cells- enzymes that can kill tumor cells or mature the cell size decreases
cells infected with a virus - As a result of continues nucleus division it
become multilobulated, has a large cytoplasm
Plasma Cells and a large cell size
- Transformed B-cells - Thrombopoietin and IL-11 influence
- Oval/egg shape megakaryopoiesis
- Cytoplasm: deeply basophilic because of being - LD CFU-Meg will transform to become MK-1
metabolically active having more RNA (Megakaryoblast), then MK2
- Eccentric nucleus; hof (unstained area, (promegakaryocyte), then the MK3 or immature
perinuclear area);clear area or the golgi megakaryocyte (granular megakaryocyte) and
- Chromatin: condense coarse-blocks- “tortoise the mature megakaryocyte is the same as MK4
shell”; radial or wheel-like pattern or metamegakaryocyte
- Due to endomitosis the nucleus of this cell will
MEGAKARYOPOIESIS/ THROMBOPOIESIS appear as divided but the division will not
- Refers to the proliferation, maturation and actually result to separation, they remain
production of megakaryocytes until the connected and so the cell will appear as instead
shedding into the platelets multinucleated, it will appear as multi-lobulated
- May also referred to as thrombopoiesis because - The number of nucleus will increase until such
the end product are the thrombocytes time it will reach the minimum amount of
- Production occurs in the bone marrow and the nucleus which is 4
progenitor cell is the CFU-Meg - Any stage having less than 4 nucleus will not be
- Before it become a CFU-Meg it passes through able to produce platelets
being a BFU-Meg - Platelet is produced via mechanism called
- BFU-Meg is the first progenitor committed to platelet shedding. First is the formation of
become megakaryocyte (note: CFU-MegE is a proplatelet process wherein the megakaryocyte
committed progenitor but will either develop to will protrude it pseudopod that will then be cut
become both megakaryocyte and erythrocyte) into individual platelet thus called platelet
- Important growth factor that promotes the shedding
development of stem cell to become a
progenitor cell is the thrombopoietin which STAGES OF MEGAKARYOPOIESIS
behave in the same manner as the Stages:
- The development of progenitor CFU-MegE to 1. Megakaryoblast
become either megakaryocyte or erythrocyte is - Same as the MK1
dependent to what specific hormone stimulated - Has only 1 nucleus that on division (endomitosis)
the development (either erythropoietin or it become two (promegakaryocyte)
thrombopoietin) - Starting to synthesize and produce its structures.
- The first two progenitor such as BFU-Meg and One important structure in this stage is the
CFU-Meg are capable of cell division or mitosis present of DMS (Demarcating Membrane
- Light Density Colony Forming Unit Meg (LD CFU- System). DMS refers to a demarcation line that
Meg) is no longer capable of mitosis. Instead invaginates the cytoplasm of the cell which later
only its nucleus will divide. It loses its capacity to on divide the platelet and serve as the future
divide but its nucleus is still capable of division membrane structure of the platelets
and this process is called endomitosis. This - Cytoplasmic granules start to produce in this
process is unique to megakaryopoiesis stage but not yet visible but as it matures it
- Endomitosis is a process where there is a nuclear develop more
duplication but no cytoplasmic duplication and - No platelets
cell division
- Nuclear division in this stage increases its 2. Promegakaryocyte
chromosomal number - Has two nuclei
- Few cytoplasmic granules. The granules present - The newly released platelets are larger in size
in this stage is called the alpha-granules (storage compared to those already stayed in the
granules) and the dense granules circulation
- Platelets are not visible yet
- Present DMS Platelets
- MK2 - Products of megakaryopoiesis
- Otherwise called thromboplastins or
3. Immature Megakaryocyte thrombocytes
- MK3 - Technically not a cell because they don’t contain
- Two or more nucleus but should not increase up nucleus rather, they are cytoplasmic fragments
to 4 (they don’t represent a complete cytoplasm)
- DMS is starting to disappear or already disappear - When newly released platelets appear to be
in this stage because the cytoplasm starts to sub- connected with each other it is called platelets
divide ribbons
- Numerous granules - Size: 2-4 um in diameter, tiny around 1/8 the size
- Platelet not yet visible of erythrocytes
4. Metamegakaryocyte - Light blue to purple, very granular (Romanowsky
- Mature megakaryocyte stain)
- 4 or more nucleus - Life span: 8-11 days
- MK-4 - Daily turnover: 35x 10^9/L (+/- 4.3)
- Granules start to aggregate and form into - Distribution in the circulation (60%) and in the
platelets spleen (30-40%)
- When these aggregated granules are separated - Platelet in the spleen is not permanent resident
it becomes the platelets but rather they interchange with those in the
- Platelets are visible systemic circulation and those in the circulation
- The more endomitosis occurs, the more nuclear can also go in the spleen
lobulation happens and the more the platelet
produce NOTE:
Platelet Shedding - When performing the platelet count, only
- First, once the metamegakaryocyte is already counted are the platelets in the circulation
mature, it extends its cytoplasm into a long - In cases of Splenectomy or the removal of
pseudopod that will thin-out at the base until spleen, the platelets that should be in the
they are ready to being fragmented into an spleen will go in the circulation. Removal of
individual platelet. This process or formation is the spleen will therefor cause thrombocytosis
called the proplatelets - In splenomegaly, or enlargement of spleen
- The naked nucleus (with exhausted cytoplasm) instead of storing only 1/3 of the platelets it
will undergo apoptosis will take more platelets and result to
- In summary, the maturation time from the thrombocytopenia
development of progenitor until becoming a
platelet takes about 5 days NOTE:
- Life span: 8-11 days Function of the Platelets
- Megakaryocytes are diploid - Function in hemostasis (blood stoppage)
- The minimum number of platelets capable of cell - Capable of forming hemostatic plugs. They
division is 4 are capable of adhering forming platelet
- Some of the platelets newly produced may aggregates or plug that will seal damage
appear reticulated meaning they are newly vessels
released from the bone marrow and contains - Maintenance of the integrity of the blood
more RNA vessels
- Newly produced platelets from the bone marrow - Form hemostatic plugs to stop the loss
is more efficient in coagulation and hemostatic
function and more active
- As they near to reach their life-span they become
Stage Nucl Cytopla Cytopla Thrombo 1. INFORMED CONSENT
eus smic smic cytes - Implies voluntary permission for medical
Tags Granule Visible procedure, test or medication will be given.
- Activities to be done should be explained to the
MK-I 1 Present Absent No
MK-II 2 Present Few No
MK-III 2 or Usually Numer No
mor absent ous - May be given verbally or in writing
Metamegakar 4 or Absent Aggreg Visible - Does not require a verbal expression of consent
yocyte mor ated nor written consent. Actions can imply consent
e (e.g. the patient holds out an arm after being told
Platelets/ Thrombocytes a blood specimen is to be collected.)
 2-4um in diameter 4. HIV CONSENT
 Light blue to purple and very granular - Specify exactly what type of information must be
 Life span: 8-11 days given to inform the clients properly.
 Daily turnover: 35 x 10^9/L (+/- 4.3) - Has a pre and post counselling.
 Maturation: about 5 days o Pre-counseling: the patient should sign a
 Distribution: in the circulation (60%) and in consent
the spleen (30-40%) o Post Counseling
- Parents or guardian consent is required (health
care professional who do not obtain it are liable
for assault and battery).
- An individual has a constitutional right to refuse
a medical procedure such as venipuncture.


- An area where vein and artery meet
- Blood present is a mixture of venous and arterial
- Referred to someone who draws blood whether blood.
through vein or skin puncture - Surrounding the capillaries are the tissue and
tissue fluids so the presence of tissue fluids in the
specimen can be observed.
 Phlebotomist must have a good interpersonal - Pale in appearance because it is a mixture of
skills arterial and venous blood and tissue fluid.
o Ability to interact with the patient
o Never lie to the patient, tell them that 2. ARTERIES
the procedure might be painful but - Contains the blood pumped by the heart. Thus,
tolerable. the blood is under pressure.
 Maintain a professional attitude - Arteries has a thicker and more rubbery walls as
o Must act and look professional compared to venous vein.
 Ensure patient confidentiality - Bleeding stays longer in the artery compared to
o The profession dealt with different the vein.
people in different social classes. - Described as a bright red in color.
Maintain confidence even though some - Advantage: More uniform and consistent in
of the patients are a bit intimidating. composition.

NOTE: person and patients with mastectomy, venous
 The use of tourniquet is not needed in arterial puncture is limited.
blood collection because veins can be easily
palpitated. NOTE:
 Need not to push the plunger the pressure of Skin puncture is only performed in POCT only.
the blood will allow it to flow in the syringe
and plunger will be automatically be pulled.
 Since there is an increase pressure,
 Sterile Lancets
phlebotomist must assure that the bleeding
already stops before leaving the patient. - Standard length of the blood lancet should be
- >1.7mm: not recommended
3. VEINS  Needles (Clover’s, hagedom0
- Blood obtain is dark-red in color.  Blades (Barb Parker)
- Venous blood contains most of the metabolic  Tenderfoot
products. Thus, the composition will be affected  Temderlett
by the metabolism of the tissue where it drains
MICROSAMPLE - For adult, the third and fourth of non-dominant
- Known as the collection from the capillaries hand. Either the ring or the middle finger.
- Any sample that is less than 1mL. - Puncture should be on the area accessible to the
SKIN PUNCTURE thubk or facing the thumb.
- Puncture area should be “off center” nerve
- Also called Capillary/ Arteriolar/ Peripheral endings usually at the center of the finger so it is
Puncture. more painful to puncture in that area.
- A good skin puncture can yield 0.5mL of blood - Avoid heavily callous area
specimen - Depth of puncture should not be deeper than 3.1
- Can be best substitute for arterial blood gas. Site mm.
should be pre-warmed at 39-40°C for 3-5
minutes to arterialize the site.



- Performing phlebotomy in infants can cause
phlebotomy-induces anemia. Thus, skin
puncture sis preferred.
a. Select the proper site of puncture
b. Disinfect with 70% of isopropyl alcohol
- 1-3 years old. c. Allow it to air dry.
- Skin puncture is performed, if a small amount of d. Puncture across the grain of the skin. Do not
blood needed in the test. prick parallel.
- Normally, venous puncture is performed but in
cases of obesity (difficult to palpate), geriatric
patients (fragile vein and loose skin), patients
who are undergoing chemotherapy as well as
those who are undergoing dialysis, good vein in
these patients should not be used without the
permission of the nurse in charge). Totally burnt
2. HEEL - With good puncture, a phlebotomist can obtain
- For infants less than 1 year old. 0.5mL of blood without milking or squeezing.
- Exact location is the Medical or Lateral plantar - Milking; increases tissue fluid component in the
surface of the heel. sample.
- Puncture should not be deeper than 2.0mm 3. EXCESSIVE CRYING
- Puncture in the heel (center area) is not - Excessive crying increases circulating WBC from
recommended because the flesh is too thin. marginal pool
Thus, bone might be punctured. - False increase WBC count.

 Test cannot be repeated due to small volume of
 Cannot be sent to National Reference


o Central arc area of the heel and finger
o Inflamed and pallor areas (will result to
a false increase of neutrophil).
o Cold and cyanotic areas
o Congested and edematous areas
o Scarred and heavily calloused area
- Flesh portion of the ear NOTE:
- Less painful puncture size Puncture should not be more than 2mm depth
- More vascularized so enough blood sample can because vessels of infants are usually at 1.6mm deep.
be gathered.
- Blood collection is done in this site normally  ADULT:
when testing for abnormal histiocytes. o Thumb, index finger, 5th finger
- Also ideal in Arterialized Blood Samples. Foe ABG o Finger on the sire of mastectomy
test, especially when arteries of the patient is not o Edematous or previous puncture site.
- Advantage for ABG: can be easily pre-warmed ARTERIAL PUNCTURE
just by flicking. - Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (includes pO2, CO2,
pH and electrolytes) is the most common test
NOTE: performed using arterial blood sample.
 Pre-warm the puncture site at 42°C to - Since puncturing arterial sites are bit
arterialize the site. complicated, it is not used for routine analysis,
 Pre-warming can be through the use of pre- blood banking, chemistry and hematology.
warmed towel or hot pack. - Sites:
o Radial: most preferred.
ERRORS IN SKIN PUNCTURE o Femoral: Last resort
- Since it is a mixture of both arterial and venous o Umbilical Artery
sample, the composition is different. - Performed without tourniquet since pressure is
- It has a lower Hgb, Hct, RBC and Platelet count already high. Application of tourniquet will alter
than a venous blood but has a higher WBC for the blood gas composition of the sample.
about 1000/µL.
NOTE: - Minimize specimen contamination and exposure
 Bleeding in this site clots longer that is why to blood
pressure should always be applies. 2. SYRINGE OR OPEN SYSTEM
 Femoral is the last resort because of the - Discouraged by the CLSI due to safety and
tendency of the prolonged bleeding that may specimen quality issue
occur. - May be used in small, fragile or damage vein
- Gauge: 23-25. - Can be used with the evacuated tube system or
- Modified Allen Test should be performed. syringe
- 45-60°: Angle of the needle - Often used to draw blood from infant or children
- Radial site has two arteries: - From hand vein and other difficult draw situation
o Radial Artery: puncture site; cann MATERIAL FOR BLOOD COLLECTION
o Ulnar Artery: serves as the producer of 1. TOURNIQUET
oxygen while radial cannot produce - Release the blood when blood begins to flow
oxygen due to the puncture. To ensure - Increases the venous filling and thus, it will be
that the ulnar artery can produce thinner and easier to puncture
enough oxygen, Modified Allen Test - Applied to obstruct the circulation and increase
should be performed. the venous filling
BRACHIAL ARTERY - Should not be applied longer than 1 minute
- Applied to distend the vein- makes vein larger
- Gauge: between 18-20 and easier to find, and it stretches the wall of the
- Angle: 45-60° vein
- With color coded hub indicating the gauge
 Scalp artery:
- Gauge 21: considered standard for routine
- can be used for children
 Among newborns whose umbilical artery can
still be drained it can still be used for blood - Gauge 21-23: (23 for children; 21,23,25 for
collection. It is the best site for newborns for butterfly winged infusion set)
blood gas analysis - Gauge 25: for collection of blood form the scalp,
 The most appropriate anticoagulant for ABG or other small vein
is the heparin (0.05 mL of heparin per 1 mL of - Gauge 16: for blood donation
 Heparinized blood should be placed in ice
water or coolant after collection to prevent
the consumption of oxygen by the WBC
 The best alternative if the arterial sites are not
available is the Arterialized Capillary Blood.
Acceptable for blood gas such as pH and pCO2
but not for pO2

- Can be done using open system, evacuated tube
system and winged infusion set 9can be done
wither using open or closed system).

- Preferred method - Length: 1 or 1.45 inches (G21-23); ½ to ¾ inch in
o Application of tourniquet is applied if the
vein is not prominent but not in all
instances, in collection of ABG do not
use tourniquet.


o Femoral vein
3. EVACUATED TUBE SYSTEM o Long saphenous vein
- Basic component: multisample needle, tube o Popliteal vein (we are not allowed to
holder, evacuated tube (with premeasured take blood at this site)
vacuum that draws the indicated volume of
blood; Tube stopper are color coded to identify
the type of additives or the absence of additive
or special tube property
- Additives can be in a form of anticoagulant,
procoagulant, antiglycolytic agent and
polyanethol sulfonate


- Routine collection: 70% isopropyl alcohol.
Slowly penetrate the bacteria. More than 70%
will harden the bacterial wall preventing the
penetration to the genome, thus the bacteria  FOR ADULTS:
will not be destroyed - The most common site is the Antecubital
- Test for legal blood alcohol level uses non- - Fossa (bend of the elbow) the antecubital vein is
alcohol-based antiseptic. Use instead the vein found on the fossa. There are three
benzalkonium Chloride or Zephiran major veins on this fossa.
- Blood Culture: Two steps (30-60 seconds scrub o MEDIAN CUBITAL VEIN:
should be followed) with 70% isopropyl alcohol  Cubital is formed between
and then 1-10% povidone-iodine, or tincture of basilica and cephalic.
iodine, or chlorhexidine, or another isopropyl  It is the most prominent and
alcohol preparation. well-anchored vein.
- One step: Chlorhexidine gluconate/isopropyl  It is the first priority vein
alcohol mixture or povidone 70% ethyl alcohol  If not accessible proceed to
mixture cephalic vein.
- Patients like infants or adults with sensitivity to
iodine or alcohol should be given chlorhexidine o CEPHALIC VEIN:
gluconate instead  Located outwards of the body or
SITES FOR BLOOD COLLECTION at the lateral side.
- We are not supposed to extract blood to young  Most prominent vein among
children especially to those new born, only obese individuals.
trained individuals can extract blood to new born
babies. o BASILIC VEIN:
- To those who are trained they get to the  The one near at the body or the
following sites: one located towards the body.
(B for breast; located near the
o Superior longitudinal sinus vein
o External jugular vein
o Temporal vein
 The collection at basilic is  H PATTERN
discouraged, unless it is the only - The veins formed as it letter “H”
site. - The most preferred is the MEDIAN CUBITAL VEIN
 If both arms of the antecubital - If median is not accessible then go to the
are not accessible, proceed to CEPHALIC VEIN
the cephalic of the same arm but - If the cephalic is not accessible then go to the last
if both arms of the cephalic is resort which is the BASILIC VEIN
not accessible then proceed to
the basilic vein.  M PATTERN
 Basilic vein is the last resort of - The veins formed as it letter “M”
the upper extremity. - In M pattern the median vein is still
 The reasons why the collection - The most preferred vein, but it should not
of blood is discourage in this site collected below.
because: - 2nd priority is the cephalic and last is the basilica
1. It is very movable compared vein.
to cephalic, cephalic is relatively
Well achored-Cubital There is a vein that Cephalic and basilic will
Relatively anchored-Cephalic dissects or separate the merge to form a Median
three major veins. vein.
Less anchored- Basilic
Median vein is just like Median vein is from
2. There are other structures
the median cubital vein cephalic & basilic vein.
beneath or beside it.

Cubital: well anchored
If both arms of the antecubital fossa are not
Cephalic: Relatively anchored
accessible, we can try the lower arm which is the
Basilic: Less anchored
superficial veins of the wrist or the dorsal hand.
 Superficial Veins of the Dorsal Hand
Difference between how it feels to palpate:
-We can get at the wrist vein but not in the beneath of
Vein- It is more rubbery in consistency
the wrist, it is connected to the cephalic however it is
Artery- It is also rubbery but it is harder as compared
to the vein and it has a pulse or it pulsate.
- We can also collect at the dorsal parts of the hand,
Nerve- It is not rubbery.
there are also major veins here like the one connected
in the basilic and cephalic.
Beside the Basilic are the following:
- The veins in the dorsal hand is still connected in the
basilic and cephalic vein, so collection at this site is still
 Brachial artery
considered as venipuncture/venous puncture.
- The effect of puncturing the artery is that, the
- We need also to locate and follow the geography of
bleeding might not stop, because the blood pressure
the patient’s vein.
is higher.
 Median nerve
- If you accidentally hit the nerve it will cause an
intense pain to the patient.


- We have to identify first which pattern does the
patients hand organizational of the vessel
- There are two pattern, the H and M pattern.
NOTE: The correct way to anchor the vein is to pull the skin
If all vessels at the upper extremity are not accessible, bellow using your thumb and insert the needle bevel
we can go to the lower extremities, but it should be up and slide on your tube.
the last resort.
 Superficial Veins of The Foot
-The last resort for blood collection is from the foot
veins after the arm veins have been determine
unsuitable. Always check with the hospital policy
before with this type of sampling is carried out.
- There are some patients • In sliding also of your tube make sure that it is your
contraindicated with this site, like those who have thumb pushing it, while your index finger holding on
1. Diabetes Mellitus- one of the signs of DM is pro- the sleeve of the evacuated tube of the holder.
longed unhealing of the wounds, they have abnormal
circulation that is why there is pro-longed unhealing
and the gravity was pushed outwards.

2. Thrombotic disorder
-it refers to clot formation , clot formation is normal
if there is physiologic response but patients suffering • The force should not come only on one side rather
from abnormal thrombosis are those prone to suffers the force will meet at the center.
clots, unneeded clots, & abnormal clots. • When you withdraw the tube, do not just pull the
-If you are to perform venipuncture in this site to those tube with your thumb and index finger because of the
person who suffers thrombosis, the clot will possibility to withdraw the entire needle.
disseminate unlike to those who do not have • You should pull the tube while pushing the
thrombosis where clot is not disseminated or you can evacuated tube holder with your index finger.
perform venipuncture in one site. • When it is already filled make sure to mix/ invert
Vasoaclution- when the blood circulation is block by immediately the Evacuated tube with anticoagulant to
the clot that will lead to failure of circulation. prevent microclot formation.
• Apply gauze not a cotton and discard the needle
3. Hemoglobinopathies- like those suffering from hb S safely.
disease, wherein the sickle cell will obstruct the
VADs-Vascular Access Devices
When performing a venous puncture, the proper way GENERAL RULE:
of handling the syringe/holder is: We are not supposed to extract blood on this site,
• The tip of your thumb with the tips of your fingers. unless this are the only sites available. It should be
• DO NOT grasp the entire assembly, otherwise you done with the person who has special training on this
will not see the tube if it is being filled procedure.
When you attempt to insert the needle, although we
are allowed to hold the skin to anchor the vein, it is
wrong to anchor the vessel using for finger like this:
- Fistula- means connection, it
is connection implanted surgically
to connect the arterial and veins. The
purpose of this shunt is to give access
to dialysis.
- We are not able to collect in this site
• Putting your finger like this can cause accidents, because we are not allowed to apply
because there is the possibility of puncturing yourself the tourniquet on the same arm
once the patient will move. with the fistula, because the shunt will
be damaged.
The two metabolic products formed are the (1) Urea
 ARTERIAL LINE from protein metabolism and (2) Creatine from
- It is a tubing connected to an artery, like in the muscle metabolism. This are importantly measured to
radial artery. Its purpose is in monitoring assess renal dysfunction.
blood pressure and serial blood gas analysis.
- The collection of ABG can be done in this site.
- The indwelling lines are catheters connected to SITUATION ACTION
veins usually in the lower part, is connected into Sclerosed veins, scars, Select another site.
a diagram which has an opening at which drugs burns Skin in scars and burns is
can be infused and collection of blood can also thick and vascularity is
be done. not normal as well as the
- To prevent the clotting of the tubing line, it is blood circulation
connected in a vessel that is usually flushed with Tattooed arm Especially on new or
heparin/ saline. recent tattoos, the ink
- The heparin does have anticoagulant that will alter the results and
adheres on the tubing, so expect that during the the site is prone to
collection, the blood will mix with heparin/saline infection.
in a lock called the hep-lock or heparin lock/ Edema It swollen therefore veins
saline lock. are hard to palpate and is
- When collecting on this site, you need to discard contaminated with fluid.
the first 5 mL, which contained more Hematoma -Hematoma is a swelling
heparin/saline. Then collect the next volume. due to the presence of
blood clot.
 IV LINE; PREVIOUS IV SITE -Not allowed to draw on
- In the previous site, the collection is this site. Instead, draw in
not advisable in 24-48 hours from the removal of another arm or below the
the IV line because the circulation of the same hematoma.
arm still has the fluid infused in it. The fluid is still - Minimize venipuncture.
present and can alter the results. Hold pressure until
bleeding has stopped.
NOTE: What if the IV is ongoing? Streptokinase/ Tissue Minimize venipuncture.
Do not extract from it, but if it’s the only site, the same plasminogen activator Hold pressure until
arm can be used but use a different vein or lower than (tPA) bleeding has stopped.
the IV site. Streptokinase have pro-
- In general, do not extract blood from this site. longed bleeding time and
-When the extraction is done on this site, the blood clots are longer.
tourniquet should not be used due to the other lines They have more plasmin
connected to the vessels. production.
-The application of pressure caused by the tourniquet The clot will be dissolved
may damage the line of the catheter. prematurely.
-blood collection in sites where IV line is connected, Mastectomy Draw from opposite arm.
the IV fluid should be stopped for at least 2 minutes -Lymph nodes were
which is done by the nurse. removed from the breast,
- Discard the first 5 mL therefore the lymphatic
- Since it is mixed with IV fluid, we need to indicate the vessels become
container/tube that it is collected from the IV Line. obstructed leading now
What will increase in the sample? to lymphostasis wherein
It depends on what fluid is infused. the lymphatic fluid
- In NSS, Na and Cl will increase in patient values. accumulates because of
the obstructive lymphatic
- Regardless of what fluid was infused, Urea and flow leading now to
creatine will decrease because of the dilution. edema. This site is more
prone to infection
because of the absence of blood will not
lymph nodes. enter the bevel.
Needle is not If hematoma
completely in the haven’t
SITUATION CAUSES REMEDY vein or has not occurred, push
No blood seen Needle may not Remove the reached the vein the needle until
or too little be placed at the tube and re- which will result you reach the
blood flow into center of the insert the to hematoma. vein and blood
the tube stopper causing correct angle. flow occurs.
blockage Underfilling Premature Reintroduce
Needle bevel Insert the the tubes removal of tube tube for
may be flushed needle bevel collection until
against the wall up, rotate the vacuum is
of the vein needle ¼ completely
causing blockage clockwise just exhausted.
to release the Blood stops -The vein may In close system,
bevel of the flowing have been remove the
needle. halfway during collapsed evacuated tube
Tourniquet Release the blood -Too much to regain same
applied too tight tourniquet collection pressure like lumen of the
or too long application. using a large vessel and
Note: needle against a comes back to
application small vein being dilated.
should not be -too much
more than 2 pushing of
minutes. plunger will
Tube may have Use a new tube. cause excessive
been pressure against
prematurely vein.
punctured or -The pressure of
may have sucking will cause
previously been the vein to
opened resulting collapse/
to lose it vacuum constrict.
because of Needle may have Repeat
venting air. In this been venipuncture at
case, blood repositioned or different site
cannot enter into out of the vein when
the tube. during hematoma
Needle has If hematoma venipuncture occurs. Slightly
transfixed the haven’t withdraw and
vein (going occurred, feel the vein.
through the back slightly If patient Avoid head
wall of the vein). withdraw the collapsed injury
The blood will needle until the If the patient Immediately
move out in blood enters faints stop the
nearby tissues the bevel. procedure.
and it will clot
hematoma. In a) Tube for blood gas analysis
this case, the b) Slides, unless made from specimen in the EDTA
microcollection tube
c) EDTA microcollection tube - Thrombin comes from the protein
d) Other microcollection tubes with anticoagulants called prothrombin (factor 2), which is converted by
e) Serum microcollection. prothrombinase complex (Activated Factor Xa,
Activated Factor Va, phospholipids and calcium)

Second Point of Conversion

- When prothrombinase complex is formed,
prothrombin is able to be converted into thrombin
- Thrombin then convert fibrinogen into fibrin.
- Note: The first mechanism of action of the
anticoagulant is either they inhibit/remove calcium.
Removal of calcium will prevent the prothrombinase
complex to be formed
- Note: Anticoagulants that initiate the removal of
calcium are the EDTA, Sodium Citrate, and oxalate.
EDTA removes calcium by chelation, while Na citrate
combines with calcium and inhibit it. Another is the
oxalate, which acts by combining to calcium.
- Note: Second mechanism is by inhibiting thrombin.
Anticoagulant such as heparin inhibit thrombin.
- In hematology, the following samples are used:
- Note: All anticoagulants inhibit calcium except
1) WHOLE BLOOD heparin (thrombin inhibitor). Heparin acts with
- Most common type of blood used in hematology antithrombin III in inhibiting thrombin.
- Prepared using anticoagulant so that the entire
blood components can be examined
- anticoagulants
- Liquid portion of clotted blood
Red (glass) None Chemistry and
- Serum can be prepared by allow it to clot and
-takes 60 Serology
separate the serum or via defibrination minutes for
- Defibrination: Removal of fibrin component of complete
the sample to get the serum. Done in an clotting
Erlenmeyer flask where whole blood is placed Red (plastic/
Silica Chemistry
and sterile glass beads are added. Afterwards, hemogard) (procoagulant) and
swirl the flask until the beads’ sound are no -This additive serology
longer audible provides more
surface for the
factors to be
-Requires 5
Yellow/gray Thrombin STAT chemistry
orange (common
First Point of Conversion procoagulant)
- Conversion of fibrinogen (factor 1) into fibrin -Clotting time
- What converts fibrinogen to fibrin is the thrombin takes only
(factor 2a). Thrombin 5mins
through enzymatic cleavage, enzymatically converts Red/gray and -Clot activator Chemistry
fibrinogen to fibrin (clot) gold (often silica)
- separator gel Hematocrit (packed cell volume), mean
(complete cell volume (mcv), osmotic fragility test
clotting is 30 (oft)
minutes) o Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (which
undergo rouleaux formation/pile of
NOTE: count appearance, for the first 10
minutes) will be slowed down, decreases
-Procoagulants promote clotting by either providing
more space for the platelet to be activated or shorten and will not undergo in a rouleaux
the coagulation mechanism causing the conversion of formation due to swollen cells. Rouleaux
fibrinogen into fibrin formation allows the cell to settle faster
o Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
-After centrifugation the gel separator can be found in (MCHC) will also decrease. Formula is:
the middle of serum and pack RBC. Gel separator is HgB / Hct
inert material that has a thixotrophic activity. o Prevention: Refrigerate at 4°C, the cell
Thixotrophic meaning has the ability to change from will be valid for 24 hours to use in the
thick to thinner gel test such as Hct, MCV, OFT, ESR, MCHC.
Beyond 24 hours only cell count can be
 Most Commonly Used Anticoagulant is EDTA performed.
(K2, K3, Na) - Hemoglobin remains stable for several days in
- Most commonly used anticoagulant in EDTA even RBC already lysed and shrink
hematology - Platelet satellitism: one disadvantage of EDTA.
- Preferred anticoagulant in hematology for The platelet surrounding the neutrophil. Platelet
complete blood count and platelet counts surrounding the neutrophil can still be
- Advantage in platelet count: EDTA prevents recognized in smear but if automated reading is
platelet from aggregating together and platelet done, the system will not be able to count those
adhesion surrounding the neutrophil thus resulting to
- Disadvantage in platelet count: It often result to falsely decrease platelet count
platelet satellitism - Platelet satellitism occurs only if the patient
- EDTA is also ideal in the preparation of blood develop antibody against EDTA. IgG coated
smear if the preparation is done after 2-3 hours platelets (formed as antibody against EDTA) will
of collection only, although blood smear can be attach to the fc portion of neutrophil forming
prepared using freshly collected blood. Beyond platelet satellites. Remedy is the usage of
2-3 hours morphological changes/distortion can Sodium citrate tube instead of using EDTA tube.
be observed: However, because the ratio of citrate additives
o WBC: vacuolation of cytoplasm; more to blood is 1:9 it is more diluted. So whatever,
homogenous nuclei; irregular or poorly result of platelet count gathered in Sodium
defined cytoplasmic borders and citrate it should be multiplied to the dilution
irregularly shaped nuclei factor which is 1.1
o Platelet: increases in size then - EDTA is not recommended in Coagulation test
disintegrate o EDTA interferes in the interaction
between the thrombin and fibrinogen
NOTE: o It does not preserve well the factor V
The purpose of smear is to examine the WBC for (labile factor) which is important
differential count coagulation factor unlike in Citrate
o Citrate more preferred for coagulation
- Prolonged storage of RBC in EDTA will result to: testing because it preserves labile
o First, they will crenate, after 6 hours RBC factors such as factor V and VIII
will start to swell thus, the volume is also - Ratio: 1.5mg of EDTA: dL of blood
increased resulting to increase
- The minimum amount of blood that should be - Coagulation test where Sodium Citrate is used
placed in the EDTA tube is atleast haft-full. Less include prothrombin time (pt) and Activated
than required will result to excessive Partial Prothrombin time (APTT), particularly the
anticoagulation. Excessive anticoagulation will 3.2% sodium citrate.
result to:
o EDTA is hypertonic anticoagulant if the  Heparin Anticoagulant
blood volume is not balanced - Also called the Mucoitin polysulfuric acid
o RBC shrinkage, will decreases - Best anticoagulant, because it exist in the body
hematocrit (measure of volume), MCV, as a natural anticoagulant and best in preventing
ESR (whether swollen RBC or shrinkage hemolysis
it will still prevent the rouleaux of the - Does not cause much distortion thus best in
erythrocyte) preventing hemolysis
o Increases MCHC (because of decrease - Can be used in vivo, actually used in intravenous
hematocrit) anticoagulant therapy
o WBC: degenerative changes - Only anticoagulant that does not act on calcium
o Platelets: swell and break, thus will but rather it inhibits the thrombin. Thus, it
result as falsely increase. functions as antithrombin
- Commercial name includes the versine (Na) and - Ratio: 0.1-0.2 mg/ mL of Whole blood
sequestrene (K2 and K3) - In hematology heparin is used in the following
- K2 and K3 are more commonly used that the Na procedures:
because it is more soluble when added to the o Osmotic fragility test (OFT): Determines
blood the ability of the RBC to absorb
- K2 is found in powdered formed while the K3 is hypotonic solution without lyse.
added in the tube in liquid form Increase osmotic fragility will result to
- Lavander stopper (for hematology) is the most hemolysis, thus the positive result is
commonly used EDTA stopper hemolysis. Therefore, it is required that
- Pink stopper, has a spray-dried EDTA and the sample used for this test is hemolyze
commonly used in blood banking free sample. Defibrinated blood can also
- White stopper, has EDTA and gel separator be used in OFT test. Best sample to be
additives for molecular diagnostic used is heparinized blood and then the
- Tan (plastic) stopper, contains k2 EDTA for lead defibrinated blood. Best anticoagulant
testing for OFT is the heparin
o Methemoglobin assay
 Sodium Citrate Anticoagulant - Heparin cannot be used in the following
- Second most used anticoagulant hematology procedures.
- It works as anticoagulant by inhibiting calcium o It cannot be used in coagulation studies
- Two formulations of Sodium Citrate: 0.105 M because it inhibits thrombin. Citrate on
(glass tube)/ 0. 109 M (pastic tube), same as the the otherhand, which inhibit calcium can
3.2% concentration and other 0.129 M or the still be used in the coagulation study
3.9% because the complex (XaVa-platelet
- Light blue stopper contains the 3.2%, use in phospholipidcalcium) that will convert
coagulation testing because it preserves well the prothrombin into thrombin can still be
labile coagulation factors (Factor 5 and 8) reversed. Meaning upon addition of
- In 3.2% the ration of anticoagulant to blood is calcium reagent calcium coagulation will
1(sodium citrate) :9 (blood) still occur. Heparin inhibition to
- Black stopper contains 3.9% of the sodium thrombin is irreversible
citrate and use for ESR particularly in original o It cannot be used for smear:
Westergren procedure. The ratio is 1 (sodium  EDTA for smear preparation is
citrate) : 4 (blood sample) recommended
 Heparin shows bluish fermentation will not be prevented, then it will
background upon application of result to increase ethanol
Romanowsky stain. The pH of - Fluoride disadvantage in chemistry: Can only be
heparin is not compatible with used for glucose. It should not be used in
the Romanowsky stain potassium measurement neither for urea
 Heparin also causes the WBC measurement because this anticoagulant
and platelets to clump resulting inhibits urease
to falsely decrease WBC - Test for both Blood glucose and Blood urea
- Light green and green/black contain lithium nitrogen examination should be in Lithium
heparin and gel separator and used for chemistry iodoacetate stopper
- Green contains either Sodium or Lithium Heparin  YELLOW STOPER
also used in chemistry - Contains sodiumpolyanethol sulfonate to allow
- Tan (glass) stopper contains heparin and used for the culture of bacteria because SPS inhibits the
lead testing antibiotics if present in the blood circulation. It
- Royal Blue stopper contains Sodium and also inhibits antibody, and complement protein
Na2EDTA, used in trace element and toxicology from destroying the bacteria
testing - Used for culture test
- Function to increase the bacteria yield in the
- Contains either oxalate or antiglycolytic agent,
they are not anticoagulant. Additives include
- Contains acid citrate, dextrose.
Sodium fluoride (enolase) or Lithium
- Good anticoagulant for RBC. It also acts a
iodoacetate and is used for serum glucose,
support medium
ethanol determination. Glucose if not preserved
- Since it contains acid citrate then it is an
will decrease 10% every hour.
anticoagulant and since it contains dextrose it is
- Gray stopper containing Sodium fluoride still
a nutrient for RBC
produces serum as its liquid component because
- Blood Bag in blood donation contains ACD
sodium fluoride is not anticoagulant
- Primarily used in transfusion, HLA (human
- Plasma Preparation in fluoride containing tubes
leukocyte antigen) typing
should be through the addition of oxalate to
sodium fluoride.
- Sodium fluoride combines with magnesium
- Anticoagulant that is less commonly used in
forming magnesium fluoride, thus inhibiting
magnesium. Enzyme enolase which is needed in
- Potassium Oxalate (K2C2O4) or Paul-Hellers
glycolysis is magnesium dependent thereby
oxalate has the disadvantage of causing red cells
inhibiting enolase in the glycolytic reaction will
to shrink
result to preservation of glucose. Glucose in
- Ammonium Oxalate (NH4C2O4 has the
fluoride can be preserved up to 3 days
disadvantage of causing swelling
- Lithium Iodoacetate preserve glucose by
- Double Oxalate or the mixture of both potassium
inhibiting glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P).
and ammonium oxalate are used to neutralize
G3P is an intermediate product in glycolysis,
the shrinkage and swelling effect. Ratio is 2 parts
inhibiting it will discontinue the process of
of Potassium oxalate for every 3 parts of
glycolysis. It can preserve glucose only for 24
Ammonium oxalate
- Oxalate is not ideal for blood smear preparation
- Fluorides and Acetates are also used in ethanol
because of the possibility of cell distortion
testing. Ethanol is a product of carbohydrate
fermentation, if glycolysis is not inhibited
- Used in hematology, particularly in coagulation
- Used in the measurement of Fibrin degradation
products (FDP)

- Order of draw is needed to prevent
contamination and carry-over of additives and
- By following the order of draw though the carry
over will not be prevented, but the effect will be
- Separate order for both closed and open system
1. Blood Culture Tubes (yellow stopper)
1. Culture tubes
o Minimizes bacterial contamination
2. Plain/Non-Additive Tubes
2. Sodium Citrate Tube (usually the Light blue)
3. Citrate
3. Serum Tubes (either the red, red with black, yellow,
4. Heparin
yellow with gray)
o To prevent the content of blood culture and
sodium citrate to interfere in heparin and EDTA 6. Oxalates/Fluoride
tube serum tube should be drawn first
4. Heparin Tubes, with or without gel (light green and
1. Culture Tubes
2. Citrate
o Causes the least interference amongst the
remaining tube 3. EDTA
5. EDTA (purple) 4. Heparin
o Causes more interference 5. Fluoride
6. Antiglycolytic tubes (gray) 6. Plain

 Immediate Local Complication
Pneumonic: Stop, Light Red, Stay Put,
Green Light, Go o Ecchymosis
S- Sterile o Localized Hemoconcentration or venous stasis
o Circulatory failure
L- Light Blue o Syncope or Fainting
R- Red
S- Serum separator tube  Late Local Complication
P- Plasma separator tube or PST o Thrombosis
G- Green o Thrombophlebitis
L- Lavander o Allergies (aptients can be allergic to
G- gray
antiseptics, adhesive glue in bandages,
and latex. Use alternate antiseptic if
required; paper tape placed over folded
gauze or self-adhesive bandage material
can be used in place of adhesive

 Delayed General Complication (transmission of

blood-borne infections)



- Also called hemocytometry, because it entails have to dilute to disperse the blood cell. Diluting
the use of hemocytometer as guiding for cell pipets are used in preparation of dilution.


- Simple as observation.  TRENNER
- The more cell there are, the more turbid the - Is an automatic pipet because it can be filled
sample is. with blood via capillary action.
 MICROSCOPIC - It is similar with the usual RBC pipet. However,
- Manual method, wherein we prepare the the RBC pipet is attached with a sucking tube to
sample we dilute it and count them under the allow the entry of blood into it.
microscope. - It also has a red bulb with a single graduation
 AUTOMATED on top of the bulb which it 101.
- Most routine cell-counting procedures in the
laboratory in the hematology laboratory today.
However, performance of manual method is
still necessary when counts exceed the linearity
of an instrument or when an instrument is non-
functional and there is no backup instrument,
or in an extreme situation when testing is done  UNOPETTE
in the field. - A plastic disposable pipet that already contains
HEMOCYTOMETRY into it the diluent inside the reservoir of the
- Numerical evaluation of formed elements of - There is a unopette for RBC counting, WBC
blood cells in a known volume of blood. counting as well as for platelet counting.
- Estimation of the number of blood cells in a
known volume of blood.

RBC: several millions in µL
WBC: several thousands in µL
Platelet: several hundred thousand in µL.

If we simply focus the blood sample in a microscope,

it’s very impossible to count them because they are
too much overlapping one another therefore we
White Color of bead Red
Smaller Size Larger
NOTE: UNOPETTE Larger Bore smaller
Components: 10 / 11 Volume 100 / 101
 Plastic reservoir: Inside it is the diluting fluid. .5, 1.0, 11 Calibrations .5, 1.0, 11
 Diluent: 1:10-1:100 Dilutions 1:100-1:1000
o RBC: NSS diluent
o WBC: Acetic acid diluent
o Platelet: Ammonium oxalate diluent 𝐕𝐨𝐥. 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐛 𝐓𝐕−𝟏
DF= 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 or DF= 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
 Thin plastic at the bottom that seals the fluid
in it.
 Has a pipet to contain the blood that is filled
via capillary action WBC PIPET VOL. IN THE RBC PIPET
 Pipet shield: to protect the pipet from 100 .1 1000
breaking 20 .5 200
10 1 100
- Fill the pipet with blood and puncture the
diaphragm using the tip of the pipet shield. SOLUTIONS:
Transfer the blood into the reservoir WHITE BLOOD CELLS
containing the diluent, mix and attach the DF=
𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
overflow chamber into the diaphragm.
DF= 20
𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝

DF= 100
𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝

𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
- Commonly used in the manual procedure DF=
- It is a non-automatic pipet due to the need to DF= 200
suck the blood and the diluting fluid. 𝐓𝐕−𝟏
𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝

DF= 1000
𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
 RBC pipet can also be used for WBC, Platelet
𝟏𝟎𝟏−𝟏 count, Sperm cell count, CSF, etc.
𝟏  Use of pipets depend on the dilution to be
DF= 100 used.


Blood will first suck unto the calibration of 0.5. Then When do we prepare 1:10, 1:20, 1:100, and 1:200
the next we suck into the pipet is the diluent. As we dilution?
suck in the diluent, blood including the diluting fluid - In the usual procedure, in WBC we use the
flows into the bulb. As we fill the volume up to the 1:20 dilution and in RBC we usually use the
last calibration, the stem of the Thoma pipet will now 1:200 dilution. However, if the cell count is
only contain the diluting fluid. There is no blood too high or too low, we have to adjust the
present in the stem because it is already displaced by dilution. If the patient is high in WBC (like in
the diluting fluid. Dilution occurs only in the bulb. No Leukemia cases), even if we follow the usual
dilution will take place in the stem. procedure of 1:20, the blood cells are still
difficult to count due to its increase amount
When computing the diluting factor, we are only of cells. In this case, we need to increase the
after the volume in the bulb. We don’t consider the dilution. Same is true to patients who has low
volume of 1 that remains in the stem. This is the in blood cell count (Anemic). The less cell
reason why we subtract 1 from the total volume. counted, the less precise the count is. If we
When using Thoma pipet (WBC/RBC), the dilution follow the usual 1:20 solution, the cells are
factor should be TV-1 divided by the volume of blood. too few to count therefore we have to
Represented in a formula of: increase the amount of blood to decrease the
DF= 𝐕𝐨𝐥.𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 dilution.

1:20 dilution: usual dilution in WBC pipet BOARD QUESTION: If the anticipated count is
1:200 dilution: usual dilution in RBC pipet 32,000/µL or 𝟑𝟐. 𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎𝟗 /L, what dilution are we
0.5: usual blood volume going to follow or prepare?
ANSWER: 1:100 dilution and 1:200 dilution
Dilution Range: highest and lowest dilution that a
pipet can contain.
 Rule in dilution: The more blood you use, the DILUTING FLUIDS
less diluted it is. While, the less blood you  Cheap & economical
add, the more diluted it is.
- Example: NSS
 0.1: the least volume of blood that we can
 Easy to secure and prepare and stable
add which has the highest dilution.
- If the diluting fluid evaporates, it becomes
 1: the maximum amount of blood that we
can add which has the lowest dilution concentrated causing red cells to crenate. It
should be stable.
 With preservative action
Anticipated Recommended Pipet to be - It should not distort the blood cells (prevent
WBC count Dilution used swelling).
(___ x 𝟏𝟎𝟗 / L)  With high specific gravity
0.1-3.0 1:10 WBC - To let cells settle faster and prevent them from
3.1- 30.0 1:20 WBC moving for easier counting.
> 30.0 1:100 RBC - Too high can cause crenation.
≥100.0 1:200 RBC
 With buffer action
- Capable of maintaining the shape of the cells
 Non-allergic and non-corrosive
- reagent should be hypotonic fluid  Described as similar to improved Neubauer but
- Intact blood cells will have difficulty in counting. it has a depth of 0.2 mm
RBCs can obscure WBC count. HYPOTONIC  Has two ruled areas
SOLUTION will hemolyze RBCs but it will not  Measurement of 4x4 mm
cause any changes in WBCs leaving them  Divided into 16 equal parts
present in the counting chamber and will be
easier to count. NOTE:


- reagent should be isotonic fluid
- RBCs are the most fragile cells that is why there
is a need to maintain its morphology to be able
to count them.
- It will be easier to count because they are more
plenty than WBCs.

Area= 4 x 4
- Will guide us in counting. Area= 16 mm2
- Improved Neubauer: Most commonly used
- Thick slide with ruled platforms where the Volume (1 square)= L x W x D
counting is done. Volume (1 square)= 4 x 4 x .2
- Has a special cover slip. Volume (1 square)= 3.2mm3
- DEPTH: Space between the cover slip and ruled
TV= volume x no. of squares
TV= 3.2 mm3 x 2
- Depth: 0.1 or 0.2 depending on the device used.
TV= 6.4 mm3

 Depth: 0.2 mm
 Ruled area/ counting area: 4
 Volume (1 square): 2.0 mm3
 Total volume: 8 mm3
 Has 10 equal squares arranged in 2
 Has 4 ruled areas
 Dimension: 5x2
 Used in counting fewer number of cells
(Eosinophil & Basophil)



 Depth: 0.2mm
 Ruled area: 2 squares
 Volume (1 square): 3.2 mm3 Vol= L x W x D
 Total volume: 6.4 mm3 Vol= 5 x 2 x 0.2
Vol= 2 mm3 Vol= 1 x 1 x .1 = 0.1 mm3
Total vol. of 4 WBC square: 0.1 x 4 = 0.4 mm3
TV= volume x no. of squares RBC count
TV= 2 mm3 x 4 - use the central squares
TV= 8mm3 - each RBC squares has 25 intermediate
NOTE: ADVANTAGE OF FUCHS-ROSENTHAL AND squares and divided into 16.
 Used in counting fewer number of blood RBC squares
cells - only use the 5 squares (4 small corner
 Absolute Eosinophil count squares and the central square).
 Absolute Basophil count

 Depth: 0.1 mm
 Rules squares/ counting area: 2
 Volume/sq: 0.9 m mm3
 Total Vol= 1.8 mm3
 Dimension: 3 x 3 mm2
 Area: 9 equal squares  0.004: volume of 1 small RBC square
 Divided into 9 equal squares Solution:
 Not all squares are used in counting Vol= L x W x D
 Mostly used in routine manual cell Vol= 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.1
Vol= 0.004 mm3
 Similar to Fuchs-Rosenthal but differ in
Total Volume= Vol x No. of squares
depth and square Total Volume= 0.004 x 5
 Contains less than the other two Total Volume= 0.02 mm3

Fuchs- 0.2mm 2 ruled V= 3.2
Rosenthal areas: 4x4 mm3
mm TV=
Vol (1 square)= L x W x D
-each ruled
Vol (1 square)= 3 x 3 x .1
area is
Vol (1 square)= 0.9 mm3
divided into
16 large
TV= volume x no. of squares
TV= 0.9 mm3 x 2
-each large
TV= 1.8 mm3
square is
NOTE: further
WBC count divided into
- only use the 4 large corner squares 16 small
- each WBC squares is divided into 16 squares
intermediate squares Speirs- 0.2mm 4 ruled V= 2.0
Levy areas: mm3
WBC squares: 2x5mm TV= 8 mm3
Vol= L x W x D
After diluting discard the first 2 to 3 drops of blood.
-each ruled
area is
divided into
10 equal
arranged in
2 rows
Neubauer 0.1mm 2 ruled V= 0.9
areas: mm3
3x5mm TV= 1.8
mm3 When loading the chamber, do not touch the cover
-each side is slip in order to prevent the smudging of the sample.
divided into Settle for 2-10 mins.
9 equal WBC – Low Power Objective
squares RBC – High power objective
Platelets – High power objective
When counting, start at the first square on the top
most and the left most.
- Most ideal diluting fluid of RBC
- Formalin; 3% Sodium citrate
 Preserves the cell.

- GI. Hac; 1% Aq. Gentian violet
- Adv: it will make the nucleus of the WBC’s more


- Most ideal diluting fluid of WBC Inverted “L” rule: all cell touching the L-shape will be
counted. The right most and the left most will not be

NOTE: Eshridge:
For 2 lines: consider the inner line as boundary line .
If the outside is touched, it will not be considered.
For 3 lines: consider the middle line as boundary line.
If the last line is touched do not apply the rule.
𝟎.𝟎𝟐 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎
VCF= 50 𝒎𝒎𝟑
Cell count/ cumm= cells counted x DFx VCF Cell count/ cumm= cells counted x DFx VCF
Cell count/ cumm =480 x 200 x 50
DF = Cell count/ cumm= 4,800,000/mm3

𝟏 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎 “For every 1 RBC that we count accurately or

VCF= inaccurately, it will be multiplied by the factor which
𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆
is 10,000”
1 cumm/ 1 𝒎𝒎𝟑 is constant.
 The only acceptable RBC count is the
WBC SQUARES automated RBC count.
WBC squares VOL= L x W x D = 1 x 1 x .1 = 0.1  Manual RBC count is considered as
WBC squares VOL= 0.1 x 4 unreliable, because RBC are too small to
WBC square TV= 0.4 all 4 squares count, and they are too plenty.
 Most precise manually perform is the
𝟏 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎 hematocrit count.
VCF = 2.5 all 4 squares
𝟎.𝟒 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎

𝒏𝒐.𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝒙 𝑫𝑭 𝒙 𝟏 𝒄𝒎𝒎
RBC SQUARES  Cell/cumm3=
𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆
RBC squares VOL = L x W x D = 0.2 x 0.2 x .1 = .004
RBC squares TV= 0.004 x 5 = 0.02 𝒏𝒐.𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝒙 𝑫𝑭
𝟏 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎  Cell/cumm3=
VCF= = 50 all 5 squares 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆
𝟎.𝟎𝟐 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎
𝒏𝒐.𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝒙 𝑫𝑭
 Cell/cumm3=
𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂(𝒎𝒎)𝒙 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒉 (𝟎.𝟏𝒎𝒎)

WBC EXAMPLE: 𝒏𝒐.𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒔 𝒙 𝑫𝑭 𝒙 𝟏𝟎

# of cells counted = 107  (Rodak’s) Cell/cumm3=

DF = = 𝟐𝟎 Accuracy is the nearest of the value to the true value.
.𝟓 The less squares you count, the less precise it is.
𝟏 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎
𝟎.𝟒 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎
5 or more NRBC/100 WBC
Cell count/ cumm= cells counted x DFx VCF 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝐵𝐶 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡
Cell count/ cumm =107 x 20 x 2.5 Corrected WBC count= 𝑁𝑅𝐵𝐶 𝑥 100
100+# 𝑜𝑓 𝑊𝐵𝐶𝑠
Cell count/ cumm= 5350/cumm 100

“For every 1 WBC erroneous counted it will cause an The effect of hypotonic solution to RBC is to
equivalent of 50 cells error.” hemolyze it so that the WBC will still remain.
RBC EXAMPLE: However only the mature and non-nucleated RBC are
# of cells counted = 480 fragile to hypotonic soln.
DF = = 𝟐𝟎𝟎 The 5 nucleated RBC will be found in stained blood
5 or more NRBC need to recompute because it will
lead to false increase.

Steninger: more than 5 will not be included

Rodak’s & Turgeon: 5 or more

𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎 = 𝟒𝟗𝟎𝟖/uL

Correct the value by subtracting the 4,905 to 5,350. REPORTING

5,350 – 4,905= 445

The 445 is caused by nucleated RBC Old Cells/cumm New / SI unit _ x 10x/L
WBC X 103/mm3 WBC X 109/L
NOTE: Where do we count platelet in counting
RBC X 106/mm3 RBC X 1012/L
We count it in 5 RBC squares or in 10 RBC squares. Plt X 103/mm3 Plt X 109/L


LPO- it is able to view the whole big square EXAMPLES: Old cell/ cumm
HPO- it is only able to view the small 1 square WBC: 5,350/mm3 = 5.35 x 103/mm3
(we moved the decimal into 3 decimal places)
You will know that you are in the WBC squares if you
RBC: 4,100,000 = 4.1 x 106/mm3
will see either diagonal lines or vertical lines.

EXAMPLES: New/ SI unit _ x 10x/L

WBC: 5,350/mm3 = 5.35 x 109/L

For the decimal point: move the decimal point to the
left 3 times.
For the exponent: there are 6 zeros in 1M uL,
therefore, add 3+6=9
You will know that you are in the RBC squares if what
RBC: 4,100,000 = 4.1 X 1012/L
lies around it are all squares then the upper part are
Plt: 245,000/uL = 245 x 109/L
vertical lines.

If you are in the first square of the RBC, what lies on REFERENCE RANGES:
its left side are all horizontal lines and the upper part RBC count: (male) 4.5-5.9 x 1012/L
are all vertical lines. (female) 4.1-5.1 x 1012/L
WBC count: 4.4-11.3 x 109/L
NOTE: Platelet count: 150-450 x 109/L
The identification of NRBC is not in hemocytometer
counting. Instead, NRBCs can be seen in stained
blood smear (diff count).
ENUMERATION OF BLOOD CELLS  The difference of two chamber should not be
Units used >2 SD, if it exceeds in 2 then recharge.

 Relative count: % (in relation to) = or <2 SD = compute for average count
o It is only expressed in relation to how  Example:
many cells we counted off. Square 1: 120
Square 2: 116
EXAMPLE: 120-116= 4, is within 2 SD, therefore, get the
Reticulocyte= 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎 = 𝟓% out of 1000 RBC average.
there are 5% reticulocytes.
 According to Rodak’s, the difference of two
platforms should be <10%.
 Absolute Count: _/vol
o It gives us the exact number of cells per
unit volume of blood. HEMOGLOBIN
o Vol can be /L, /uL,/cumm - Main component of RBCs that carries oxygen
from the lungs to the body tissues and return
EXAMPLE: carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the
5,500/uL = 5.5 x 109/L lungs. Measurements of the hemoglobin from
the venous or capillary blood aids in the
detection of a variety of conditions that alter the
normal hemoglobin concentration of the blood
 Technical/Human Errors
(e.g. anemia or polycythemia).
- Errors was introduced by the Medical
- Human error is preventable 1. GASOMETRIC METHOD (VAN SLYKE OXYGEN
 Equipment/Standard Errors - Based on the oxygen carrying capacity of the
- Errors was introduced by the equipment hemoglobin.
like microscope - Indirect method
- preventable
- Chemical method is based on the presence of
 NBS-certified pipets & hemocytometers
 WBC pipet = (+ / - 3 %) ACCEPTABLE
- Fe2+: component of the hgb.
 RBC pipet = (+ / - 5 %) ACCEPTABLE
- Indirect method
 Inherent/Field Error
o Poisson’s law of distribution – cells are
- Specific gravity of blood is affected by the hgb.
settled at random
The major composition of blood which is
- It is an error of what you are looking into
responsible in giving its weight is hemoglobin.
- Theoretical: 10 mins
- Indirect method
- Practice: once the cells stop to move then
start to count.
- Check also the distribution of cells
- Based on hemoglobin itself.
WBC: no >15 between the highest and the lowest
numbers of WBCs.
RBC: no >20 difference for the RBC count

>2 SD= Recharge

General Basis of
Methods measurement
Following the Gravimetric Method
Gasometric Oxygen Indirect
Method Method Oxyhemoglobin Normal Can be
Chemical Iron (Fe2+) Deoxyhemoglobin Normal (can measured
Method still bind (only the O2)
Gravimetric Specific gravity with O2)
Method Carboxyhemoglobin Abnormal Not
Colorimetric Hemoglobin Direct Sulfhemoglobin (cannot bind measured
Method with O2) because it
cannot bind
with O2
1. GASOMETRIC METHOD (VAN SLYKE OXYGEN Expected that the values are
CAPACITY) LOWER because it only
 VAN SLYKE APPARATUS measured the active and
 Only the oxygen is being measured normal hemoglobin.
o A given sample of blood can be
 Iron is liberated by H2SO4 and
equilibrated with O2 under standard
potassium persulfate.
conditions of temperature and pressure.
 Hemoglobin: contains heme &
o It measures directly the amount of
oxygen present in a blood sample. After
 Heme: contains FeH
measuring the oxygen, the O2
 Globin: protein
concentration can be converted into
 Separation of heme by globin by
treating the sample with sulfuric
 EQUATION: 1 g Hgb = 1.34 ml O2
acid & potassium persulfate,
o HUFNER FACTOR: every gram of hgb can
the globin will precipitate by
actually bind to 1.39 ml of oxygen. Once
tungstic acid.
the oxygen is already known, we can
 PROTEINS: precipitated by tungstic acid
convert it in hemoglobin.
 Iron → Ferric thiocyanate
 LIMITATION: It cannot measure hemoglobin that
 Ferric thiocyanate is the end
cannot bind with oxygen. Measures active
product and it will be measured
hemoglobin only.
 Beer’s law: The intensity of the
color of a solution. The end
 Oxyhemoglobin: Normal hemoglobin with
product is directly proportional
to the solution of the substance.
 Deoxyhemoglobin: hemoglobin with less
oxygen  Iron is being measured
 Carboxyhemoglobin: hemoglobin with  Equation: 1 gm hb = 3.47 mg
carbon dioxide content. iron
 Methemoglobin: hemoglobin with Fe  Fe →Hgb
 Sulfhemoglobin: hemoglobin containing A. ASSENDELFT METHOD
Carboxyhemoglobin, Sulfhemoglobin, and  Based on specific gravity
Methemoglobin are considered abnormal  Uses a standard CuSO4 solution (in 40 tubes)
hemoglobin and are not capable of binding with with specific gravity of 1.035 to 1.075 at interval
oxygen. As a result, these types of hemoglobin are not of .001
capable for oxygen transport. Thus, it cannot be  A drop of patient’s blood is placed into each
measured in Gasometric method. tube. The drop of blood becomes coated with
copper proteinate and for about 12 seconds, the  Consists of different colors and it is
blood drop may either: arranged in rotating disc.
o Sink (if heavier/denser): the blood sp.  Each color has corresponding
Gravity is greater than the solution concentration.
present in the tube.  Inaccurate: gives as much as 30%
o Float (if lighter/less dense), the blood error.
has the sp. Gravity lighter than the  The automated version is
solution. acceptable.
o Remain (if it has same density and the
CuSO4 solution) in the suspension.


FEMALE 1.053 = 12.5 g/dL hb
MALE 1.055 = 13.5 g/dL hb

 Gravimetric is no longer performed in 3. ACID HEMATIN
routine clinical laboratory, but it remains to
be the acceptable method in the mass blood
 Only one reagent having a specific gravity of
1.053 is needed in mass blood donation.


 Patient’s undiluted blood is  PRINCIPLE: hemoglobin is converted
absorbed unto an absorbent pad into alkali hematin upon addition of
and the color is compared with a an alkali. Abnormal hb are converted
lithographed color scale to alkali hematin and are thus
representing values from 10-100%. measured.
 Inaccurate: gives as much as 50%  Hb+acid →Acid hematin
error.  The reagent (acid) is 0.1N HCl
 Hb+alkaline → alkali hematin
 The intensity of the brown color
depends on the amount of
o More Hgb: darker the color
of brown.
o Less Hgb: lighter the color of
 The end product which is the brown
color which will be diluted with
 Blood is drawn by capillary action
distilled H2O until the brown color
between 2 glass plates and the color
matches the color of the comparator
of blood is matched with a rotating
black. (g/L,g/uL)
disc of red tinted glass with varying
thickness and color.
 DISADVANTAGE: does not measure into an oxygenated form. To do that
inactive forms procedure, we mix:
o 0.02 mL whole blood is
reacted with 5 mL of 0.07N
NH4OH / 0.1% Na2CO3 then
mixed for proper
o Oxyhemoglobin→Absorba
nce is read at 540 nm
against reagent blank.
NOTE: o Does not measure other
derivatives: methgb,
carboxyhgb, sulfhgb.
o The relevance of this is in
diagnosis of acute
o Methods:
Allow the solution to stand
for 3-5 mins.  Harboe – 415 nm
Methods: Sahli-Hellige; Sahli-adams; Sahli-hayden (Soret band: 400-
hayden-hauusser; Newcomer; Osgood-haskin. 430 nm)
 Naumann-hb
4. ALKALI HEMATIN catalyzes the rapid
 PRINCIPLE: hemoglobin is converted oxidation of
into alkali hematin upon addition of benzidine by H2O2;
an alkali. Abnormal hb are converted More sensitive but
to alkali hematin and are thus less accurate
measured. o Cyanmethemoglobin
 Produces a more stable pigment but method: Most accurate
is not ideal for infants and children
 Wherein the major hgb of infants &  Reagent: Drabkin’s Composition
children is HgbF, one major
characteristic of fetal hgb is, it is NOTE: DRABKIN’S REAGENT (N.P.P.S.D)
resistant to acid & alkali.
Non-ionized - Detergent reagent: enhances
 METHODS: Wu; Klegg & King detergent lysis
 Will .1 N sodium hydroxide (sterox - When blood is mixed with a
[Harleco] or solution of potassium cyanide
B. PHOTOELECTRIC COLORIMETRIC Triton) and potassium ferricyanide,
the erythrocytes are lysed
1. OXYHEMOGLOBIN METHOD thereby producing
 Oxyhgb- oxygen containing Hgb hemoglobin.
 What is measured in this method is - The hgb is needed to be
hemolyzed for it to react to
the entire hemoglobin with the
another reagent.
Potassium - HbFe+2 → HbFe+3
 There is instances that instead of Ferricyanide Methemoglobin
oxygen, carbon dioxide is attached (K3Fe[CN]6) - Potassium ferricyanide
in hemoglobin. The best thing to do oxidizes hgb into
in that case is to allow the methemoglobin that
hemoglobin to oxygenate first, so combines with potassium
that all the Hgb will be converted cyanide
- Methemoglobinemia: NOTE: HEMOGLOBIN (gm/dL)
abnormal increase hgb 𝑨𝒖
𝑩𝒆𝒆𝒓′ 𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒘 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒂: 𝑪𝒖 𝒙 𝑪𝒔
Potassium - In combination of potassium 𝑨𝒔
𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕
Cyanide ferricyanide and potassium 𝒙 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄.
𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅
(KCN) cyanide it will produce 𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕
𝒙 𝟏𝟓𝒈𝒎/𝒅𝒍
hemiglobincyanide 𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅
(cyanmethemoglobin) whose
absorbance is measured at Example:
540 nm against the reagent Au = 0.575
blank. As = 0.524
Sodium - Gives off cyanide to combine Hgb = 16.5 g/dL
Bicarbonate with:
 Methemoglobin to
make the end product PRINCIPLE OF ABSORBANCE: The darker the color of the
Cyanmethemoglobin end product, the more light will be absorbed. Any light
 Hemiglobin (Hi) to that is not absorbed by the solution will be transmuted.
make the end product
Hemiglobincyanide CHEMICAL REACTION:
(HiCN) - The more hgb that reacts with the reagent, the
Dihydrogen - Uses sodium carbonate as the
more amount of the product is produced. The
Potassium buffered solution
more end product, the darker the color.
Phosphate - Incubation time is 10 mins
- The darker the color, more hemoglobin.
KH2PO4 - In modified Drabkin’s reagent,
(NaCO3- the sodium carbonate has - Color = conc. Of the unknown
ORIG been replaced by KH2. The PROCEDURE:
Drabkin’s) effect of KH2 will accelerate
the reaction, shortening now a. 1:251 blood-reagent
the incubation from 10 mins b. 20 µl of blood + Drabkin’s reagent
to 3 mins. c. 3 minutes at room temperature
- Advantage: All type of d. Absorbance at 540 nm against reagent blank
hemoglobin is transformed to e. Determine concentration
cyanmethmoglobin (except f. Standard curve
g. Calculate (Beer’s Law)


a. Will use standard reagent of hgb 15 g / dl
b. Prepare dilutions to achieve certain conc.
c. Read abs/ at room temperature of each dilutions
@ 540 nm
d. Plot absorbance at room temperature against its
- Physiologic error is in the blood.
 Turbidity
- Will cause more light to be absorbed.
o Lipemic blood: high lipids, milky,
chylous. Fats cannot be separated
through centrifugation
 Remedy: Use patient blank
o High leuokocyte count: High WBC count
50,000/uL will cause turbidity of the
sample. This can be separated through
 Remedy: Centrifuge and use
Male 140-175 g/dL
Female 123-153 g/dL
o Abnormal hemoglobin: Hgb S and Hgb C
At birth 150-200 g/dL
will become resistant to lysis, it will not
release the hgb and it cannot react with
potassium ferricyanide and the other
10 dL in 1L:
To convert g/L to g/dL: divide by 10
 Remedy: dilute sample 1:1
distilled water (Hypotonic)
NOTE: Why is there a higher amount of hemoglobin at
o Easily precipitated proteins:
 0.1 gm of K2CO3/L orig.
At birth, both flat and long bones are active in
hematopoiesis. Whenever there is an RBC production,
hemoglobin production also occurs.  Multiple myeloma
 Produces bence jones protein
and large amount of IgM and it
SOURCES OF ERRORS: CYANMETHEMOGLOBIN will affect the plasma cells when
- Considered as reference procedure for both mix in drabkins reagent, the
manual & automated. solution will become turbid.
- Most accurate method because it is stable.  Waldenstrom
- It measures all hemoglobin except macroglobulinemia
- Sulfhemoglobin is an abnormal hemoglobin QUALITY CONTROL OF DRABKIN REAGENT
formed when a sulfide radical reacts with hgb,  Use fresh reagent
the addition is irreversible.  Reagent: pale yellow with a pH of 7.0 – 7.4
- Once the color of the reagent changed into dark
TECHNICAL/ HUMAN ERRORS or pale yellow, it is an indication that the reagent
 Inaccuracy of the pipet is deteriorated.
- Dilution is inaccurate on pipets with cracks on its  Abs= 0 @ 540 nm
tip.  Storage: amber bottle at room temperature
 Pipetting error - Exposure to light can oxidize the reagent, and
 Use of unmatched cuvette some analytes in the blood.
- Should be clean & free from any finger prints.  Standard: 15 g/dL
 Deteriorated reagent  Stable in a polyethylene bottle at 2 – 8°C.
- Cyanmethemoglobin uses 2 reagents (Drabkins
and standard reagent)
- The standard reagent is not added to the sample.
 Oxidation of the reagent
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE production which will increase now the
INCREASED HEMOGLOBIN: hemoglobin level.
- Decreased in oxygen is compensated in
 Polycythemia increase in RBC by the increase of
- Hgb increases in blood cells due to abnormal hemoglobin.
increase of blood production.
 Dehydration (burns, diarrhea)
- Burns & diarrhea has massive loose bowel, which
- Adults have 2% HgbF. Higher than 2% is
contains more water and also plasma water.
- Loose of plasma water will result to cell considered abnormal.
concentration and will lead to
hemoconcentration. NOTE: Why are we going to measure the
percentage of HgbF in total Hgb?
DECREASED HEMOGLOBIN: To separate the hgbF from adult Hgb.

 All types of Anemia

- Anemia is a group of condition, and all are A. ALKALI DENATURATION
characterized in decreased hemoglobin.  PRINCIPLE: When added in alkali, all
 Leukemia hemoglobin except HbF will suffer from
- Disease of the bone marrow, wherein there is an denaturation of alkali reagent.
excessive production of leukemic cells and the  The methods of measuring or
normal cell production will decrease. quantitating hgbF are all based on
- Decrease RBC count leads to a decreased characteristics of hgbF being resistant to
hemoglobin. both acid and alkali treatment.
- Because of the excess production of leukemic  Using the alkali the A1 and A2 will
cells, the patient develops anemia, this is one of denature then the F will still remain.
the reasons why the hgb will decrease. a. BETKE METHOD
 The purpose of this method is to
 Slightly decreases after 50 years of age
determine the percentage of F
 Hemoglobin is lower if lying down
in the blood.
- The interstitial fluid will shift inside the
 (+) control: drop of blood from
circulation resulting now in hemodilution, the
blood cells will be diluted in more plasma fetal umbilical blood.
fluid.  PROCEDURE:
 Higher in the morning and lower in the  RBC hemolysate +
evening Drabkin’s NaOH +
- Circadian effect, there are some tests that (NH4)2SO4→ ppt
affect the time of collection. denatured HbA will be
 Increased in smokers removed by filtration.
- It is increased especially in chronic smokers;  Filtrate(HbF)-measured
they have a higher value of abnormal hgb spectrophotometrically
(carboxyhemoglobin).  __ % HbF
- 10% of the hemoglobin of the chronic smokers
is the carboxy hgb. REFERENCE VALUE:
 Increased among males  Mod by Betke: 0.2% - 1.0%
 Increased in high altitude - (Less than 1 %)
- The higher the altitude, the atmospheric  National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
oxygen is lower resulting now to hypoxia. Standards (NCCLS): HbF quantitation (2-40%)
Hypoxia triggers the erythropoietin. As a  RID: <2% (most preferred method)
result, there is an increase in the RBC  Column Chromatography: >40%
 High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- most acceptable method but not a routine  CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE:
test in clinical laboratory  Hereditary Persistence of Fetal
 Elevated HbF: some hemoglobinopathies Hemoglobin (HPFS)
 B-thalassemias: Hereditary Persistence of -even distribution of hbF among
Fetal Hemoglobin. red cells
 Thalassemia and
Test: patient sample + KOH Hemoglobinopathy
-heterogenous distribution of
B. ACID ELUTION METHOD (Modification of the HbF among cells.
Kleihauer-Betke by Shepard)
 To assess whether the distribution of
HbF in all red cell is the same. (homo or
hetero distribution)
 Method of separating substances or
 For detection of fetal red cells in
molecules on the basis of their net
maternal circulation
 EXAMPLE: Bloody Amniotic fluid- fetal
 Movement of molecules on the
red ceels appears red. And if those red
electromagnetic field
cells are A then its maternal red cell.
 LIMITATION: cannot be easily identified.
 Useful in diagnosis of Hemolytic Disease
of Fetus & the New born.
 Prepare blood smear
 Air-dried blood film
 Elution: citric acid-phosphate
buffer (pH 3.3)
 Stain-Ehrlich acid Hematoxylin
 Counterstain-Erytrosin:
Standard test for quantitating  Anion: negatively charge (-)
fetomaternal hemorrhage  Cation: positively charge (+)
 INTERPRETATION:  Electrode:
 Maternal red cells: appears as  Cathode: negatively charged (-)
ghost cells  Anode: positively charged (+)
 Fetal red cells: appears as rose
pink in color

 Proteins are bipolar, it means they have

both cathode and anode electron
 Therefore, Hgb is neutral
 But if the protein is placed in a medium
In adults: almost all red cells
(cellulose acetate), it will have an altered
appear ghost cells
electrical charge. It will have net
negative charge.
The importance of cellulose acetate is in separation of  Place the specimen exactly at
four major and significant hemoglobin. Which are the center.
hgbA, hgbF, hgbS (ABNORMAL,most common hgb  Once the current is applied
variant. Related in sickling RBC), HgbC (third most some goes to cathode and some
common Hgb variant. are going to the anode
Both of the abnormal hgb is associated in
crystallization of the hemoglobin.
Since the movement is towards the anode, the
mixture of hemoglobin need to place in an area nearer
the cathode to observe how far do they go and how
fast do they go.

 We cannot compare the

mobility of one another because
they have a different pattern of
 RELEVANCE: S and C migrates alone

Cellulose acetate electrophoresis
Slowest to fastest arrangement
Crawl Slow Fast Accelerate
 The more negatively charged ions, the faster
Citrate Agar electrophoresis
it is to migrate to the anode.
Cathode: F A Anode: S C
 The movement of the hemoglobin is
Anode: CS Cathode: AF
dependent on net negative charge.
 The Amino acid component of globin gives the
negative charge of the hemoglobin.
NOTE: How do we know if the specific hemoglobin is  Resistant to alkali denaturation and
S or F? acid elution
 Slower on electrophoresis than HbA
We placed them in control, which will help us to
 Has high affinity with O2
 Has a decreased affinity with 2,3 DPG
or Diphosphoglycerate
B. CITRATE AGAR ELECTROPHORESIS (pH 6.0-6.2) -- 2,3 DPG is a molecule that
 Separates hgb that migrate together on affects affinity of hgb to oxygen.
cellulose acetate.
a) interactions among Hb variants, HEMATOCRIT (HCT)
b) Interaction of agar and citrate
buffer ions; - Otherwise known as the Packed Cell Volume
c) Altered electrical charge of the (PCV). In some, they define it separately that Hct
various HgbS at acid pH is the methodology of doing it and Packed Cell
- They are not all positive or Volume is the test that we are to report. But this
negative charge, their charge is time, we can interchange. We may be referring
to the method or to the test itself. Either Hct or REFERENCE VALUES:
PCV is used. Male 0.42-0.50 / 41.5-50%
- Ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to that of the Female 0.36-0.45 / 35.9-44.8%
whole volume.
- Refers to the proportion of whole blood that
consists of red blood cells.
Buffy coat contains WBCs and platelets. We can also
- Expressed as a percentage (%) of the total blood
make use of the buffy coat layer to estimate for the
WBC of a patient. For every buffy coat layer, there are
- Hct provides clinicians with an estimate of the approximately 5,000 -10,000 WBC.
body’s red cell volume and thus, the blood’s
oxygen-carrying capacity.
- Hct determination is useful in screening for NOTE:
diagnosing, or monitoring a number of If we are to prepare purely buffy coat to see mainly
conditions and diseases that affects the the WBCs and platelets, then do not use whole blood
proportion of blood (e.g. Anemia). in preparing the blood smear. Rather, use the buffy
- Unit/ Reported: coat only and we can make use of the capillary tube to
o Percentage (%) collect the buffy coat to be smeared.
o Decimal fraction (L/L)


𝐏𝐂𝐕 𝐏𝐂𝐕 - One of the automated principles.
HCT= or HCT= 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝐓𝐕 𝐓𝐕 - Automated Hct can be measured through
- The Hematology Analyzer/ Hemoanalyzer will
TV= the total volume of the blood
not centrifuge the blood sample. It will only
PCV= volume of the RBC
𝐏𝐂𝐕 - Derived from the values of RBC count and Mean
𝐓𝐕 Cell Volume (MCV). Depending on the Hct value,
𝟒𝟖 you can divide it by 10.
𝐌𝐂𝐕 × 𝐑𝐁𝐂 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭
HCT= 0.48 or 48% HCT=
There is no need to indicate
the L/L unit for decimal
- Requires centrifugation
- Hematocrit Centrifuge/ Hemofuge: a special
centrifuge used in this method.
- Can be performed using:
OTHER USES OF HCT o Micro Method: small volume of blood
o Macro Method: e.g. method by
 Used in the calculation of absolute indices/
constants or Red Cell Indices (MCV, MCHC)
 In Rough Quality Control calculations
o 1 Hct point= 0.34 gm Hb/ 100mL
- Macro method
o 1 Hct point= 107,000 RBC/cumm of
- Makes use of the Wintrobe’s tube which has two
whole blood
graduation (1 in left, 1 in right) wherein we read
o Buffy coat= WBC count
the Hct using the right side graduation.
 The buffy coat portion can be used in the
preparation of buffy coat smears.
- Double Oxalate: anticoagulant of choice when SUMMARY:
 HADEN’S METHOD: 1.1% Na Oxalate Microhematocrit Tube Wintrobe Tube
 VAN ALLEN: 1.6% Na Oxalate  Lenth: 70 or  Length: 11cm or
 SANFORD MAGATH METHOD: 1.3% Na Oxalate 75mm 110 mm
 BRAY’S METHODS: Heparin  Bore: 1mm  Diameter: 3mm
 Blood column: at  Blood column:
 ADAMS MICROMETHOD: makes use of the
least 5cm 100mm or 10cm
hematocrit centrifuge.
 Plus/Seal: clay  Graduations:
and paraffin Left: 0-10; ESR
 Centrifugation Right:10-0; Hct
(RCF): 10,000-  Centrifugation
15,000 g for 5 (RCF): 3,000 rpm
minutes for 30 minutes


RBCs: the densest or has the highest
Sp. Gravity of all the cells that is why
they settle at the most bottom upon 5. MICROHEMATOCRIT CENTRIFUGE/ HEMOFUGE
centrifugation. 6. CAPILLARY TUBES
- Internal diameter: 1mm
Buffy Coat: second layer; consists of - Length: 70 or 75 mm / 70cm or 7.5 cm
WBCs and platelets. WBCs lies at the - Types:
bottom of the buffy coat due to o Heparinized: red band; used when
higher sp. Gravity (denser) while directly collecting blood from skin
platelets lie right above the WBCs. puncture.
o Non-heparinized: blue band; used when
Plasma: liquid portion that is the blood is already in an EDTA tube or
separated mixed in an EDTA coagulant in order to
prevent shrinkage of the RBCs and
Note: If we are to arrange these cells, mature/non-
decreased volume of Hct and MCV
nucleated RBCs lie at the most bottom part. If there
are immature RBCs, they lie just above the mature NOTE: PROCEDURE (MICROHCT)
RBCs. The more nucleated the cell is, the less dense it a) Tubes are filled with blood on the opposite
is. side of the band. Fill the capillary tube with
blood in ¾ full. When it is in ¾ full already, the
NOTE: WAYS OF REPORTING tube approximately contains 0.5mL or 50µL.
Cell count= cells/ cumm
= no. of cells/ µL
= no. of cell x 𝟏𝟎𝟗 /L (WBC)
= no. of cells x𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐 /L (RBC)

Hgb= gm % ; gm/L ; gm/dL

Hct= % or L/L b) When using heparinize, invert it upside down
in order for the blood and the heparin to be
c) Let the blood move downward until the edge
of the tube to start sealing. Do not seal if blood
is placed on the other side of the band to
prevent spillage or displacement of the blood.
Start sealing with clay first which is the one in
direct contact with the blood because it is
denser and will totally seal or prevent the f) Measure total volume, height of packed cell
blood from leaking. volume excluding the buffy coat. Inclusion of
d) To hold the clay in place, follow it up with the buffy coat will result to an erroneously
paraffin so that the clay will not be washed out increased Hct reading.
because during centrifugation, the force will
be going outwards. The clay will be washed off HCT= or HCT= 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
if it is too soft. The length of the seal
(clay+paraffin) should be at least 4-6mm.
 Foot rule: can be used to measure the PCV
 Microhematocrit Reader: made up of two
rotating plates

e) After sealing, balance the centrifuge and

centrifuge the capillary tube at 10,000-15,000
g for 5 minutes.

How to use:
Note: To prevent the blood from spilling yet allows the a. Set capillary tube into the groove of the sliding
red cells to settle, the sealed area should be pointing curve
outwards. Once the machine rotates, the centrifugal b. Set bottom of blood cell in tubes into 0% line.
force is to push the blood outwards. c. Move cursor and set upper end of blood
plasma in tubes onto 100% line
d. Move scale and set red line onto upper end of
blood layer and read the measure value.


 Length: 11cm or 110 mm

 Blood column: 100mm or 10cm
 Graduations:
Note: Appearance after centrifugation. o Left: 0-10; ESR
o Right: 10-0; Hct
 Diameter: 3mm
 Centrifugation (RCF): 3,000 rpm for 30 minutes
FORMULA: plasma fluid will move outside resulting now to
Vol % Hct=
𝑯𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑷𝑪𝑽
× 𝟏𝟎𝟎 hemoconcentration.
𝑯𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅

Change in patient’s position from supine to upright or

sitting position can cause hemoconcentration. The
REFERENCE RANGES: plasma volume of the patient will move outside the
Male 0.42-0.50 / 41.5- 50.4 % interstitial space resulting to hemoconcentration.
Female 0.36-0.45 / 35.9- 44.6 %
At birth 0.45-0.60 In this situation, the effect on PCV is not great. Around
8% will be the erroneous effect in the PCV.

NOTE: Macrohematocrit
 Unlike for the micro method wherein the NOTE: HCT are expected to DECREASE in the
centrifugation is only for 5 minutes, in macro following conditions:
method, the more blood you use, the longer ANEMIA
is the centrifugation time yet lower centrifugal - Group of conditions characterized by
force. decreased in RBC count, Hgb, and Hct.
 Manual calculation is done in Macro method Decrease in RBC is the one that leads to the
unlike in micromethod where hematocrit decrease in the Hgb concentration and Hct.
reader is used for measuring. - Total volume is not changed. However, the
 It is more accurate to read in millimeters (mm) PCV has decreased because of the decrease in
because of the small graduations. production.
- Hydration will lead to diluted PCV resulting to
NOTE: HCT are expected to be ELEVATED in the a deceased Hct.
following conditions: - The effect of hydration is hemodilution. By
POLYCYTHEMIA VERA increasing the fluid inside the circulation (Shift
- One condition wherein Hgb is elevated of extravascular fluid) will cause dilution of the
because in this condition, the RBC count is suspended RBCs resulting now to a decrease
high due to an increase production or too in the measured PCV.
much production of RBC. In fact, all blood cells - When a patient is given an IV fluid, this too can
(WBCs, platelets, RBCS) are increased in this result to hemodilution.
condition. - Other cause is the change in patient position
- The measure of this RBC volume is the Hct. that if a patient is in a lying position, the fluid
Therefore, Hct is also elevated. The higher outside the blood vessel will move inside the
RBC, the higher PCV. blood vessel resulting to hemodilution.

- Increase in Hct is not due to an increase in cell INTERPRETATION:
prodution but rather the decrease of plasma
concentration resulting to
hemoconcentration which can also be due to

From left to right:

NOTE 1st tube: decreased plasma volume due of
Hematocrit (PCV) is one of the values or tests that is dehydration.
greatly affected when blood specimen collection is
wrong particularly the prolonged application or tight 2nd tube: increased in RBC and decreased in plasma
application of tourniquet. Because of this, the fluid volume because of the abnormal production of RBC;
inside the plasma will be pushed outwards but the cell “Polycythemia Vera”
will remain in the circulation. However, some of the
3rd tube: normal - In prolonged standing, the red cells will lie at the
bottom of the tube. The upper portion of a
4th tube: Normal; despite the total reduction in blood prolonged standing blood will result to
volume, the reduction is proportional. This type of decreased Hct. But if you will aspirate blood at
condition is somewhat an unreliable condition or is the bottom, it will then result to an elevated Hct.
unreliable to evaluate and interpret the Hct of this
condition. This happened during acute blood loss. In
 Improper sealing of tube
acute blood loss, there is an increased loss of blood
- Some of the components will be lost.
but in proportion resulting now to normal Hct.
Compensatory: blood cell undergo vasoconstriction - Improper sealing will cause the RBCs to escape
so that at least the amount of blood being lost is from the tube during centrifugation.
limited. But the effect of this is the decrease in
circulation because the blood is somewhat obstructed  Inadequate centrifugation/ allowing the tubes
resulting to a decrease in oxygenation. To expand the to stand too long after centrifugation
blood vessel, the blood volume should also expand - 5 minutes: required time for microhematocrit
and the blood volume will come from the bone centrifuge
marrow but it is too long for the bone marrow to - 30 minutes: required time for macrohematocrit
compensate blood loss. To immediately compensate - Inadequate centrifugation will cause the cells to
blood loss is the shift of fluid from the interstitial disperse resulting to an increase of height
tissues but the effects would be hemodilation.
formed. Allowing the cells to stand after
centrifugation for too long will lead to
Note: taking the Hct of a patient immediately after an
acute blood loss is one of the sources of errors. erroneously increased.
- Protocol of the laboratory:
5th tube: decreased RBC, increased plasma volume o >55% Hct value:
because of the hemoconcentration. -will cause polycythemia vera condition.
To prevent misdiagnosis, before
6th tube: normal vol of RBC, but increased in plasma reporting very high Hct, we have to
volume, because of the hydration. make sure that we followed the
procedure correctly.
-Protocol: centrifuge it again.
o If in 2nd centrifugation is still be greater
than 55%, the result is ready to be
 Excess anticoagulant reported.
- Will cause the RBC to shrink and shrinkage will o Re-centrifugation is required if the tube
lead to decrease in Hct. is not read 10 mins after initial
centrifugation because letting it stand
 Prolonged-standing of blood sample prior to for 10 mins will cause the RBC to
test disperse again. Thus, erroneously
- Will cause RBCs to crenate and swell. When a cell elevated
is swollen especially at the 6th hour of letting the
sample to stand, it will result to an elevated Hct.  Reading errors (Parallax)
- EDTA: most common anticoagulant used but it is - Parallax Error: error in reading volumes due to
most preferred to use immediately within the the different position of the eyes or the volume
first 2-3hrs from collection. being read.
- Remedy: gently invert the sample 60x to ensure - It is more accurate to read the volume in eye
adequate distribution of the blood cells. level.

 Insufficient mixing of blood
- Will cause either a decrease or increase in Hct  Trapped plasma (poikiolocytes & anisocytes)
depending on which blood component collected.
- It refers to the volume of plasma, trapped in EXAMPLE:
between red blood cells. Hb (g/dL)= RBC × 3
- Spun hematocrit: higher compared to Hb (g/dL)= 4.7 × 3
automated hematocrit. It is higher for about 1- Hb (g/dL)= 14.1 g/dL
3%, but it will be greater than 3% in the presence  Range: +/- 1.5
of poikilocytes and anisocytes. Thus, it will lead  Range: 12.6 – 15.6 g/dL
to higher hematocrit reading.
- In the presence of abnormal size or shape of Hct (%)= Hb × 3
cells, the more spaces would be left in between Hct (%)= 14.7 × 3
Hct (%)= 44.1 g/dL
that will be filled with plasma, that will trap
 Range: +/- 3
 Range: 41.1 – 47.1 g/dL
 Values taken immediately after acute blood
- It will show a proportional decrease in PCV and
the plasma. It will result to normal hematocrit
count, but after few minutes shift of fluid from
the extravascular into intravascular occurs then
that is the true hematocrit of the patient. The
values taken immediately are not reliable,
because there is no change in the result.
- True reflection of acute blood loss will be
observed after 48 hours. - If the values coincide, and the results obtained from
the blood smear evaluation appears to exhibit normal
 Dehydration RBCs or appears to be normocytic and normochromic,
- The hematocrit will appear elevated not because the results obtained are ready to be reported. The
of true abnormal increase in production, but results should not be reported if the acquired values
only because of an alteration of the body fluid of match with each other yet the blood smear shows
the patient. abnormal RBCs. Possible causes of a falsely low
hemoglobin concentration or a falsely high hematocrit
 Stasis should also be looked into.
- If the values do not coincide and the RBC appears to
- Slowing down/stoppage
be abnormal, the results obtained are ready to be
- Example: Prolonged application of tourniquet,
reported. On the other hand, the values acquired are
the circulation was slow down in the arm
not reliable when the readings do not agree with each
because of the prolonged application of the other yet tend to have normal cells visible in the blood
tourniquet. film.
If the values do not correlate, more research should be
done to find the source of the problem. When a
- To check the accuracy of the RBC, Hgb, and Hct
discrepancy is found, a control specimen should be
values generated by an automated analyzer or examined. In this case, random error may have
by manual methods. happened if appropriate results for control are
- The rule of three applies only to RBCs that are achieved. When inexplicable inconsistencies are
NORMAL in size and in hemoglobin content. discovered, the specimens tested before and after the
specimen in question should be analyzed to see if their
FORMULA: results are consistent with the rule.
Hb (g/dL)= RBC × 3
 Range: +/- 1.5
 Range +/- 3 - Used to define the size and hemoglobin content
of the red blood cell.
o The normal appearance of RBC is salmon - For the estimation of the average SIZE of
pink, the central pale area does not the RBC
contain hgb. - Size and volume are directly proportional.
o Normal RBC with normal Hgb: the size Since it is directly proportional, the value of
of the central palor should be 1/3 the the MCV is also used to estimate the
diameter of the RBC average size of RBC.
o Hypochromic: If the central palor is - Not dependable when RBC vary markedly in
greater than 1/3, it means that the rbc size. The relationship of value and size
lacks hgb. becomes unreliable and undepandable.
o We can describe the shape and the hgb  Dimorphism: dual morphology
content of the rbc through the - Ex. Mixture of normal and macrocytic cells
examination of smear, but not always  Reticulocytosis
accurate. - Is a condition where reticulocyte volume is
 MEAN CORPUSCULAR VOLUME (MCV) higher, are immature cells and they are
- Used in classifying types of Anemia. larger than the normal cells and we can see
- With the computation of MCV alone, we can again the dimorphism.
already morphologically classify anemia as to
whether the anemia is Normocytic, Microcytic, FORMULA:
or Macrocytic. 𝑯𝒄𝒕(𝑳/𝑳 ) 𝑯𝒄𝒕(%)
- The single best index aid in morphologic MCV= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝒐𝒓 × 𝟏𝟎
𝑹𝑩𝑪 (𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/𝑳) 𝑹𝑩𝑪 (𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/𝑳)
classification of anemia.

- It is not very well important. 80-100 fL (1fL=10-15L)-normocytic
<80 fL – Microcytic
>100 fL- Macrocytic
- To make the classification more complete
together with the hgb concentration EXAMPLE:
 RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH (RDW) 1. Hct= 0.44 L/L ; RBC ct= 3.8 x 1012/L
- The use of MCV & MCHC in the morphologic 𝑯𝒄𝒕 (𝑳/𝒍)𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎
classification of anemia applies only when 𝑹𝑩𝑪(𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/ 𝑳)
𝟎. 𝟒𝟒 𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎
the red cells are normal in size or when they = = 𝟏𝟏𝟓. 𝟕𝟗 𝒇𝑳 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒚𝒕𝒊𝒄
𝟑. 𝟖
belong only in one population.
- If the cells are diverse or varied in size, the 2. Hct= 41% ; RBC ct= 4.6 x 1012/L
MCV is not reliable. What is more reliable is 𝑯𝒄𝒕(%)𝒙𝟏𝟎
the RDW or index of anisocytosis.
𝑹𝑩𝑪(𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/ 𝑳)
= 𝟖𝟗. 𝟏𝟑 𝒇𝑳 𝑵𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒄𝒚𝒕𝒊𝒄
 Color index (CI) 𝟒. 𝟔
 Volume index (VI) 3. Hct=0.37 L/L ; RBC ct= 5.1x 𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/ 𝑳
𝑯𝒄𝒕 (𝑳/𝒍)𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎
 Saturation index (SI)
𝑹𝑩𝑪(𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/ 𝑳)
 Mean corpuscular Diameter 𝟎. 𝟑𝟕𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎
 Mean 𝟓. 𝟏
= 𝟕𝟐. 𝟓𝟓𝒇𝑳 𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒚𝒕𝒊𝒄


- Refers to the average VOLUME of the MEAN CORPUSCULAR HEMOGLOBIN (MCH)
individual red cells in a given blood sample - The average weight of Hgb per RBC
- Hematocrit packed cell volume test - Always correlates with the MCV and MCHC
- Directly proportional to the size of the RBC &
the concentration of hgb in the cell. 3. Hb= 137 g/L ; Hct= 0.47
- Does not always give us an accurate 𝟏𝟑𝟕𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
= 291.48 g/dL Hypochromic
information, because it always follows the 𝟒𝟕
value of the MCV.
- Whenever the value of MCV and MCHC is
low then the value of MCH is also low. MCV & MCHC
- We do not interpret the MCH. There are 3 general classifications of anemia according
to morphology:
𝑯𝒈𝒃 (𝒈/𝒅𝑳) 𝑯𝒈𝒃 (𝒈/𝒅𝑳) 1. Normocytic & Normochromic RBC Anemia
MCH= 𝒐𝒓 x 10
𝑹𝑩𝑪 (𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/ 𝑳) 𝑹𝑩𝑪 (𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐/ 𝑳) - Normal size and hemoglobin
- Main Cause: lack of production
- Example: Aplastic Anemia
REFERENCE RANGE: 2. Microcytic & Hypochromic anemia
27-33 pg (1pg= 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟐 ) - Example: Iron Deficiency Anemia
- A patient with IDA does not always show
<27 pg (microcytic) microcytic hypochromic red blood cells.
>33 pg (macrocytic) There is a transition wherein when we
develop anemia, we don’t immediately
have the IDA. Rather, we start to develop it.
As the IDA develops further, the cells
“Normocytic but Hypochromic”
change from normocytic, normochromic
It is possible that we can see an abnormal cell with a
into microcytic hypochromic
normal size but it lacks hgb.
3. Macrocytic & Normochromic Anemias
- Example: B12 deficiency anemia & folate
MEAN CORPUSCULAR HEMOGLOBIN deficiency anemia, it describes as
CONCENTRATION (MCHC) megaloblastic.
- Refers to average Hgb concentration of red
cells in a given volume of blood. NOTE:
Some books, there are 4 general classification
FORMULA: wherein the 4th one is, the cells are normocytic but
𝑯𝒈𝒃 (𝒈/𝒅𝑳) 𝑯𝒈𝒃 (𝒈/𝒅𝑳)
MCHC= 𝒐𝒓 x 100
𝑯𝒄𝒕 (𝑳/𝑳) 𝑯𝒄𝒕 (%)
- Represents the ratio of the standard
REFERENCE RANGE: deviation to the MCV (taken with the width
32-36 g/dL or 320-360 g/L of the histogram)
 32-36 g/dL- Normochromic - Use RDW: If there is variation in sizes and
 <32 g/dL – Hypochromic shape.
 >36 g/dL- Spherocytic - MCV and MCHC: not applicable when there
is a variation in shapes and sizes.
- We don’t compute it manually; the machine
will derive it from the printed histogram or
1. Hb= 13.6 g/dL ; Hct= 0.42
𝟏𝟑.𝟔 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
generated histogram.
=32.38 g/dL Normocytic - Index of relative ANISOCYTOSIS (variation in
2. Hb= 14.2 g/dL ; Hct= 38% - →POIKILOCYTOSIS (variation in shape)
𝟏𝟒.𝟐𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
=37.37 g/dL Spherocytic
11.6 – 14.6% % 𝑯𝒈𝒃 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑯𝒈𝒃𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
C.I. = %Hb=
 Values within – in uniform, same population % 𝑹𝑩𝑪 𝑺𝒕𝒅.𝒉𝒈𝒃 (𝟏𝟔)
 Values below – are not significant
 Values above- cells are significant 𝑹𝑩𝑪 𝒄𝒕.𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝑺𝒕𝒅.𝑹𝑩𝑪 𝒄𝒕.(𝟓.𝟎)

- Graphical representation on how cell
distributed, or if the cells are well

Higher than the normal range will lead to Pernicious
Anemia (macrocytic/megaloblastic anemia B12
 Hgb= 14.0 g/dL ; RBC ct = 4.8x1012/L


Y-axis: depicts cells distribution/frequencies
X-axis: depicts the cell volume. Average size of a red cells as compared with the
- If cells belong to the same volume, the average size of a normal red blood cell.
histogram will show a peak that is too high FORMULA:
which is the normal curve “bell-shaped % 𝑯𝒄𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑯𝒄𝒕𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
curve” a.) V.I.= %Hct=
% 𝑹𝑩𝑪 𝑺𝒕𝒅.𝒉𝒄𝒕(𝟒𝟕)
- when the peak is high, the width becomes
narrow and the measurement of the width
is the RDW
Increased in infants
Decreased in older children
 Hct = 44% ; RBC ct= 4.8x109/L


Average amount of Hgb per unit volume of RBC in

relation to normal.

- if the cells are varried FORMULA:

𝑪.𝑰. % 𝑯𝒈𝒃
- if the peak is low the cells will be broad and S.I.= OR
𝑽.𝑰. % 𝑯𝒄𝒕
broad width will show a high RDW.


- Average amount of hgb in each RBC 0.80-1.20
compared with the average amount in a
normal RBC.
- Has a similarity with MCH
- The average diameter of RBC in microns. - Involves both Quantitative and qualitative
- Price Jones method (Direct micrometry) study of the types of WBCs
- Normal Range: 6-9 microns - It represents the percentage distribution of
- Normal diameter 7-8 um normocyte the different WBCs.

Review on WBC morphology

- The thinner the smear the larger the cell

will appear.
- Not accurate MORPHOLOGY
NEUTROPHIL 9-15 um, has 3-4 lobes
MEAN CORPUSCULAR THICKNESS (MCAT) with granules pink/lilac.
LYMPHOCYTE smallest of the WBC’S,
has round nucleus &
shallow indentation,
scanty or few amount of
cytoplasm and color sky
MONOCYTE largest cell, deeply
indented nucleus “brain
like”, has abundant
FORMULA: amount of cytoplasm
𝑴𝑪𝑽 contains tinny reddish
MCAT = 𝑷𝒊 (𝑴𝑪𝑫)𝟐 granules giving now the
𝟐 ground glass
appearance, and the
color in contrast to the
color of lymphocytes
REFERENCE VALUE: cytoplasm is slate-gray
1.7-3.5 microns or bluish gray.
EOSINOPHIL Has red orange
granules, bilobed
nucleus sometimes
BASOPHIL has also spherical &
bilobed nucleus but the
appearance of the
cytoplasm is not very
clear because the
nucleus is covered often
by the large and very
dark granules
sometimes appear blue-
If we see an immature cell like band or
metamyelocyte, it should be count differently or


- Place 1 drop of blood near one end of a glass
It also includes quantitative and qualitative study of slide. Place coverslip.
thrombocytes as well as age and morphologic - As soon as the blood spreads, push forward
abnormalities of erythrocytes. the coverslip along the surface of the slide.
- This method is uncommonly performed.

1. Preparation of blood smear

2. Staining of the smear
3. Counting of the cells
4. Reporting


- BM preparations SMEAR)
- NOT for routine Peripheral Blood Smear - Most convenient and most commonly used.
- ADV: superior leukocyte distribution - One of the glass slides serves as the spreader
- DISADV: It is more technically difficult and the other one is the stationary slides
where the smear will be imprinted.

a. Prepare 2 clean glass slides

b. On the surface of the glass slide place 1 drop of
blood at the center of coverslip held between
thumb & forefinger
c. Invert another coverslip rotated 45o
d. As soon as the blood spreads, pull apart the 2
coverslips in a firm and steady motion. PROCEDURE:
e. Never touch the coverslip with fingers
a. Prepare a smear, place a drop of blood not too
large & not too small to one end of the slides.
b. The size of the blood is 2-4 mm
c. The distance from the end of the slides to
another end should be atleast 1 cm (not less than
1 cm)
d. Because if we draw the blood backwards with - If the smear is as white as the slide that will
less than 1 cm it will drawing until at the very end occupy entirely the width of the slides then
of the slide. it will not be able to focus the two sides’ part.
e. When we positoned it we maintained an angle - Spreading edge: clean, smooth, polished &
between 30-45° (Henry), 25-40° (Steninger) thin
f. The more viscous the blood sample is, the lower o Presence of dirt or clotted blood
should be the angle. While the less viscous like may result to gritty appearance.
sample from anemic patient the higher should - With beveled edge.
be the angle.
g. The blood should not be in front of the spreader
slide, do not push the sample, and pull it behind
the spreader slide.
h. And wait the blood drop to spread evenly at the
i. Push or pull the slides depending on the position
of your hand, with the rapid and smooth motion
no hesitation and no stopping.

- Differential count PBS & Hct are often

performed manually to verified those results
generated to automated machine.
- Utilize the wedge procedure
- A precision blood spreader prepares dual
smears simultaneously at a constant angle
and speed.
- But the spreader here is not another slide, it
DISADVANTAGE: is already part of the device.
- It is semi-automated only.
 Tendency of larger cells to settle at the slide - ADV: it allows us to prepare two slides
edges & feathered ends simultaneously at a constant single speed.
 ADV: easier to find anbonrmal cells
 Poor distribution of nucleated cells
 Greater trauma to cells, we might see broken cell
or smudged cells. Sumdged cells or also called
squash cells they are actually lymphocytes that
are fragile, commonly seen in chronic
lymphocytic leukemia. HEMASPINNER:

SPREADER SLIDE: - Glass slides are placed on a platform inside

the instrument
- Must be narrower than the stationary slide,
- It is more automated
the use of another slide will prevent the
- Instrument spins causing the slide to be
production or preparation of the smear that
covered with a monolayer of cells beam of
is narrower.
sensor light to detect blood distribution.
- The immature and larger cells are often
- Uses beam of sensor light to detect the
located at the two sides of the slides, while
the smaller cells are at the center.
- The type of smear that we produced here is
called spun smear.
 Even distribution  Longer
- On a glass slide, place a large drop of blood
 Consistency of preparation
together with NSS to emulsify and cover it
preparation  Smears cannot be
with coverslip. Examine it just like hanging
 Large done outside the
examination area lab drop preparation.
 Fewer broken  No specific - It is used to observe the motility of the
cells location for parasite.
 We can do the abnormal cells
examination in  Centrifugal force
any part of the may cause - It is prepare in diagnosis of Trypanosmomes
smear. distortions. together with thin smear. “thick & thin
 Can examine the smear”
entire area - The thick & thin smear can prepare on the
same slide or on separate slide.
- For thick smear, place a large drop of blood
at the center of the slide and spread it into
the size of 25 centavo coin and let it dry.
After drying immerse it in water or add drop
of distilled water. (Need to remove Hgb)
then stain it with wright or giemsa stain.
Purpose: screening of parasitic infection or
Whole blood is used in coverslip smear, wedge smear
blood parasites.
and Spun smear.
- The thin smear is prepare with the same
manner it is prepare with the wedge smear.
BUFFY COAT SMEAR But after drying we should not immerse it
- It is used in wedge method water instead we immediately fix in
- For finding reactive /immature or abnormal methanol. After fixing dry it and stain.
cells that are present in small numbers - Purpose: specie identification
- Nucleate RBC is located just beneath of the - Methanol: the best fixative in smear.
buffy coat.
o Megaloblastic nucleated RBC or
hypersegmented neutrophils
- For easier location of bacteria & parasites
- Buffy coat smear is considered a concentrate
smear for WBCs, thus it recommended when
the WBC count is <1x109/L
- Only around 3-5 WBC may be seen in
emmersion field, but in buffy coat smear we
 Length: must occupy at least ½ to 2/3 of the slide
- Uses whole blood
- For blood parasites examination  Should be free of waves, holes, and ridges
o Malaria; CA; Plasmodium  Should have smooth and even appearance
o Filaria  Should be narrower than the stationary slide
o Trypanosomes  Must have a gradual transition from thick to thin
o Spirochetes  Thin enough to allow proper fixation
- We may prepare the thick smear as wet  Should terminate in a feathery tail (the end
thick smear. should be like tongue or finger shape)
 Should contain at least 10 LPF in which 50% of
the RBCs do not overlap each other; the
remainder may overlap in doubles or triples and
the central pallor should be clear.


 Too large drop of blood
- Greater than to 2-3mm will result to thick
 Too fast spread
- The spreading should be rapid and smooth,
but not too rapid.
 Too high angle
- Required angel is 25-45° greater than this
will cause thick smear.
 High hematocrit
- High viscosity is difficult to spread.
A- Doesn’t have uneven distribution - Remedy: add NSS to the blood sample
B- Has waves ridges, due to some hesitation prior to smearing to lessen the viscosity.
C- Bullet shape & short - Lower the angle.
D- Short - The lower the angle, the thinner the smear.
E- Failure to wait the blood sample to spread NOTE: EFFECTS OF THICK SMEAR
evenly.  Excess plasma causes nucleated cells to shrink
F- Presence of holes is caused by net over  RBCs form rouleaux
foils, gritty appearance.
G- Uneven spreading, blood sample is not
place at the center. CAUSES OF THIN SMEAR
H- There is a good smear at the sides, but the  Too small drop of blood
center appears to be dry because of the - Less than 2mm is inadequate
delay smearing.  Too slow spread
- The slower we spread, the more pressure we
apply on the spreader.
 Too low angle
- Lower than 25o is inadequate will cause the
blood smear very long & very thin.
 Low hematocrit
- Have lower PCV with higher plasma volume
and lesser viscosity.

 Increased number of smudged cells
 RBCs become artificially spheroid with
distorted shape
 More nucleated cell on the edges.
- Accumulation of nucleated cells (large  Air drying (fan)
number of leukocytes; use of heparin)  Use of low flame
o Heparin causes the blood to clump,  Use of oven
causes a dark background.  Do NOT blow on the slide
- Too slow spreading/delay in spreading - When blowing air unto the blood smear, we
o Too slow in spreading will cause the also introducing moisture from our breath,
blood to dry. moisture will cause an artifact “echinocytic”
- Using only a part of the drop of blood
- Rough edge or dirty spreader slide.
ROMANOWSKY STAINS:Dmitri Leonidovich

- Produce multiple colors



- Tetramethyl thionine; trimethyl thionine
Blood Sample That Can Be Used in Smear Preparation

1. Fresh capillary blood sample

2. EDTA anticoagulated blood sample, it has more
volume therefore we can prepare more smear,
we may also delay the preparation (the delay
should not be longer than 2-3 hours).

1. Monocyte vacuolation
- Ionization; no ionization, no staining will
2. Reactive lymphocytes→ vacuolated cytoplasm
(“swiss cheese”) w/ convoluted nuclei
- In examination of malarial blood smears
3. RBC speculation
ideal pH 7.2
- Become echinocytic, the borders are no
longer smooth as it has already spicules.  FIXATIVE: Methanol
4. Dohle bodies may disappear - wash water must be neutral, tap water is
5. Basophilic granules highly discourage because it has some
- Clinical sig. of basophilic granules it indicates contaminants
abnormal RNA metabolism. But in artifact it
is just an artifact without clinical significance
at all it is because of the delay in preparation EXAMPLE OF ROMANOWSKY STAINS:
of blood smear.  Wright- the most commonly use
6. Drying artifacts:  Giemsa- For examination of malaria parasites,
 Humid environment the most commonly use is the giemsa stain or
 Severe anemia not na leishman stain.
 Water contamination of fixative  Modified Wright-Giemsa
- Red cell artifacts  Leishman
 RBC= “moth-eaten” appearance  May-Grunwald
- Hairy appearance of lymphocytes  Jenner
- Shrinkage of normal lymphocytes.
 MacNeal - In automated method, same dipping will
occur. The slides here are suspended but it is
done by the machines. The machines has the
- Wright’s powder 1g carrousel to rotate the suspended smears, it
- Acetone-free Methanol 500 mL also has an arm it moves up & down to
- 1 Week at 37°C then RT/Ref temp. immerse the smears as well as to agitate the
o (+) 1 gm Giemsa powder/ 500 stain smears.
shortens the incubation.
- It takes up the basic dye, the nature of this
- Wright powder 9g component is Acidic in nature.
- Giemsa powder 1g - Contains more acid like DNA, because it
- Acetone-free methanol 2,910 ml takes up more of the basic stain. (MB)
- Age for 30 days
o We have to ripen for oxidation/ 2. ACIDOPHILIC/ EOSINOPHILIC
polychroming/ripening/aging. - Takes up the acidic dye, it has higher affinity
o Without ripening there is no effect to acidic stain (Eosin). Example of this
on the blood cells. component is the Hgb, it is more basic as to
- Fix then apply stains as well as the buffer, its nature does it will take up the acidic dye.
and we wash off the excessive stains we dry (pinkish/reddish)
then prepare for examination.


1. RACK METHOD - Cellular component that react to both & give
- Makes use of a staining rack, we place the both characteristics of acidic & basic color
blood smears with fixatives then we drain- they are referred to as Neutrophilic which
off the fixatives, flood the blood smears with has neutral reaction.
stains like the eosin & methylene blue and - Example: Neutrophil
then the buffer. Once the buffer is applied
we can observe a greenish metallic sheen on CRITERIA FOR A GOOD STAINS SMEAR
the surface of the stain. Which indicates the MACROSCOPIC: the blood smear should be pink to
mixing of the buffer to the stain. reddish-brown.
- After staining, we will discard or drain off the

 Erythrocytes: appear salmon pink

 Platelets: purple-blue to lilac cytoplasm with
- It is more practical, we are going to prepare
red-purple granules
pulping jars or vessels we fill this with the
 PMN: Nuclei = purple-blue; cytoplasm= pinkish
staining reagent with (1) fixative; (2) Eosin
tan; granules= pink to lilac
and (3) methylene blue. Deep now the slides
on the solutions.  Lymphocytes: light blue cytoplasm
 Monocytes: faint blue-gray cytoplasm with tiny
3. AUTOMATED MATHODS red-purple granules
- Follows the principle of dip method, it’s just  Eosinophils: red-orange granules
that it is performed by the machine. NOTE:
- In manual method, we manually handle the The color of these granules serves as the pH
slides, manually dip the slides unto the meter of the stain/buffer.
staining reagents.
 Basophils: dark purple granules
CAUSES OF RED STAIN - Examination are done in the body of the blood
 Too acidic buffer or stain smear where the cell are not too much
- Lower than 6.4-6.8 will lead to reddish stain overlapping and we move it from side to side.
 Excess buffer - Similar to the cross-sectional method but certain
 Insufficient staining time; excessive washing patterns are being followed in battlement
- Will result to under stained smear. method where we start on the side edge of the
 Very thin smear smear and move the field three times towards
- Fewer cells are deposited on the blood the center. As we move the field, we count the
smear. WBCs consecutively while classifying them
 Contaminants in wash water according to type. After moving towards the
 Exposure of buffer or stain to avid fumes center, move two fields vertically and back to the
 Old stain side edge two times.
- Purpose and advantage: to compensate on the
 Mounting the coverslip before drying.
inconsistency distribution of cells since most of
CAUSES OF BLUE STAIN the large cells as well as nucleated cells are
 Too alkaline buffer or stain or was water located at the edge while the smaller cells (e.g.
- pH >6.8 lymphocytes) are located at the body or at the
 Too little buffer; excessive staining time center of the smear. Smears are examined in
- Too short application of buffer, excessive such a way that we have the chance to observe
staining will result to over staining of blood the edges and the center of the smear.
 Short drying period; inadequate washing
 Thick smear; old smear
- The thicker the smear, the darker it will
- Old smear related to proteins, in an old
smear the plasma proteins will start to dry
causing now the dark appearance
 Protein abnormality; low Hct
- Cells are again count consecutively as we move
- Related to proteins
the fields from end to end and go back from the
 Heparinized blood sample
same end to the other end until we are able to
- Disadv: WBC= gritty appearance
complete the differential count of 100 WBCs.
- Disadv: pH of this anticoagulant is
- Longitudinal Strip Method is ideal only when the
incompatible to the stain. Thus, in
smear is too thin enough. With the wedge smear,
Romanowksy stain, it gives dark blue or dark
longitudinal method is not possible because in
wedge smear, it is impossible to perform a
 Very high leukocyte count with many blasts
differential count on the thickest part (head)
- More blast cells (immature cells)
because the cells are too much overlapping and
MANUAL DIFFERENTIAL COUNT are distorted. Examination cannot also be done
- WBCs are count in consecutive fields as we move in the feathery tail. Examination are only limited
the slide. The methods we will mention are to the body of the smear. Thus, we cannot do
based on how we move the slide. this method but it can be done if the smear is a
spun smear.
BATTLEMENT METHOD - SPUN SMEAR: prepared with the use of a
- Also described as “Serpentine” because it moves hemaspinner wherein the entire slide is
like a serpent starting from one end and moves deposited with a single layer (monolayer) of
towards the other end of the slide. blood cells. Examination can be done on which
- Most commonly used method.
ever part of the smear due to the consistency in more WBCs in edges compared to the
the preparation. center of the smear. Especially the
larger ones like neutrophils and
monocytes. While lymphocytes are
located in the body or center of the
o Edges should contain <2-3 times more
WBCs than in the body of the film.
o Verify the acceptable number of
o Verify stain quality (If the RBCs appear
salmon pink, if platelets appear purple
or bluish, if other cells are well stained)
STEP METHOD o Examine RBC distribution patterns and
- Fields are moved in a patterned movement shapes
following a step pattern. We always have to
pass from the edge or the side and then the 4. Shift to HPO and perform an HPO scan to
center to compensate the distribution of cells. determine examination area. Body of the smear
is where the examination is done. We will select
which part of the body the examination should
will be done. Criteria are:
o At least 50% of the RBCs should not be
overlapping and at the same time their
central pale area (central palor) should
also be prominent.
5. Oil Immersion Examination
o Perform WBC differential count
PROCEDURE o Estimate Platelets (8-20 platelets/ oif)
1. Check slide identification o Estimate WBC
2. Perform patient specimen orientation. o PUPROSE OF
- As medtechs perform differential count, must ESTIMATION (manual
orient themselves with the patient’s results to or automated): Though
know what to expect on the blood smear. (E.g. estimated platelets
When the patient’s CBC results shows ↓Hgb, and WBCs are not
expect for the RBCs to appear to have a large being reported, we
central pale area.) only estimate or use
- Used to detect inconsistencies the estimated values
3. LPO- scan to review blood film. to validate the results
- LPO>HPO>OIO or correlate with the
o Check feather edge for fibrin (possible directly performed
if the blood is not properly mixed with palatelet and WBC
the anticoagulant which will negate the count.
examination). Fibrin formation can
result to a decreased cell count because NOTE:
some cells will be trapped in the fibrin In routine differential count, we count a total of 100
clot. As a result, examination becomes WBCs as we classify them according to their types.
But there are conditions that will excuse us from
counting 100, we can count less than 100 (E.g. 50) or
o Check film edges for excessive
there are conditions that will require us to count
leukocytes. It is but normal to find
more than 100.
NOTE: How do we verify the acceptable number of aggregates of platelets, then the estimates will not be
WBCs? valid. Considering the number of platelets
We correlate it with the WBC count of the patient. If aggregated, it will exceed 8-20 platelets / oif and
the WBC count is too low, counting 100 WBCs will be clumped platelets cannot be counted. We count the
very time consuming. In this case, we can count for a total number of platelets in 10 fields and getting its
less than 100 WBCs (E.g. 50). On the other hand, if average by dividing it into 10 (representing the 10
the WBC count is very high, we can count a total of fields) then multiply it by a factor or 20,000
200 WBCs. The more cells there are, the WBCs should
also be counted. 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒔
𝑷𝒍𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕/µ𝑳 =
× 𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎
 50 cells: WBC count is < 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎𝟗 /L or >1000
 200 cells: WBC count is > 𝟒𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎𝟗 /L or 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬
>40,000 /µL 𝐏𝐥𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭/µ𝐋 = × 𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎
 More WBC should be counted: >100,000 /µL 𝟏𝟖𝟎
𝐏𝐥𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭/µ𝐋 = × 𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎
In either case, whether we count 50 or 200 cells, the 𝟏𝟎
basis of reporting should still be of a 100 total. Platelet count/ µL= 360,000/ µL
NOTE: How to estimate WBCs?
If the count is less than 100, we multiply the count by Get the average of the number of WBCs observed in
a factor to make it a total of 100. 10 fields. We will now multiply it by the usual factor
Example: of 2,500 or 2,000 (if HPO) or 3,000 (if LPO).
WBC count= 50 Note: estimated counts are not being reported.
Neutrophils= 25
𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝑾𝑩𝑪𝒔
25 x 2 = 50% 𝑬𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑾𝑩𝑪/µ𝑳 = × 𝟐, 𝟓𝟎𝟎
Leukocytes= 20
20 x 2 = 40%
Monocytes= 5
Total converted cells= 100

If we counted more than 100, we have to report it

based on 200 totality. In this case, we divide the cells
in a factor to convert it to a total of 100.
WBC count= 200
Neutrophils= 140
140 ÷ 2 = 70%
Leukocytes= 40
40 ÷ 2 = 20%
Monocytes= 10
20 ÷ 2 = 10%
Total converted cells= 100

NOTE: What is the purpose of counting 200 cells yet

reporting only 100 cells? MORPHOLOGY
To improve precision or the reproducibility of the test
NEUTROPHIL  3-4 lobes of nucleus (can be
or result.
more than 4)
NOTE: How to estimate platelets?
 Rose pink or pink to lilac
After locating a good area of the smear, observe first
the number of platelets per field. For the estimate to
BANDS  Less mature cells but
be valid, There has to be at least 8-20 platelets/ oil
normally appear in the
immersion field (oif) wherein each of this oif, there
are approximately 200 RBCs. Therefore, if we see
 Appears with an elongated - Keep counting and registering by pressing
nucleus with C, U or S- buttons until the total of 100 is reached.
shape. - Record the register counts and set back to zero
 Not separated by filaments before using it again to another count.
 Dark nucleus and scanty
cytoplasm but some may
also show abundant
 Round nucleus, but some
will also show a slight
indentation on its nucleus.
 Cytoplasm: pale blue or sky
MONOCYTES  Largest of the WBCs
 Nucleus: lighter color with
deep indentation giving a
kidney bean-shape
 Cytoplasm: greyish-blue;
abundant amount
EOSINOPHILS  Granules: orange-red color
 Most of them are bilobed
or three lobulation
BASOPILS  Granules: blue-black or dark
blue large granules

- Cannot be used in differential counter because
it will not show the types of WBCs.
- Used for total cell counting or total a. After identifying the correct area, move the
enumeration. slide either using the battlement method or
- It only counts the number of WBCs regardless longitudinal strip. As we move the field, we also
of its type. count the WBCs we encounter consecutively.
b. Register the number of cells on the differential
counter according to its type.
c. Keep moving the slide until we are able to
complete the required number of cells which is

 50 cells: WBC count is < 1 × 109 /L or >1000 /µL
 200 cells: WBC count is > 40 × 109 /L or >40,000
- Counts and identify the cells separately  We count a total of 100 cells at first but when
- We also count if we see immature cells and the following listed below are observed, then
count them separately because they have there is a need for us to add more 100 cells.
different clinical significance from that of the Additional 100 cells are counted when:
mature cells. o >10% Eosinophils
o >2% Basophils
o 11% Monocytes o Left: 1-4; younger forms
o Lymphocytes > Neutrophils because o Right: mature forms; mature
normally, Neutrophils have greater eosinophils, lymphocytes, basophils and
number than the lymphocytes. monocytes.
NOTE: Exception to the rule - Left Shift: If more cells are registered on the left
o It is valid if the lymphocytic observation side, it indicates an increase in the younger
(increase number of lymphocytes) is forms.
observed on the blood samples of - Right Shift: If more cells are registered on the
children because children will normally right side, it indicates an increase in the mature
show more lymphocytes than cells.
neutrophils. - Normal blood sample: shows a Right Shift
because in a normal blood sample, the most
abundant are the mature neutrophils followed
by the mature lymphocytes.
- Classification based on age and the age is
dependent on the number of lobes or
- It separates the young ones from the more
mature ones based on their lobulation.
- The less lobes there are, the more immature NOTE: SCHILLING’S HEMOGRAM
the cell is. The more segments or lobes present, SHIFT TO THE LEFT/ LEFT SHIFT
the more mature the cell is. - Increase in younger forms
- Neutrophils with no indentation or lobulation  Regenerative:
but only a round nucleus o ↑Young forms with accompanying ↑
WBC count
CLASS NO. OF LOBES % o Infection, appendicitis and acute
I No indentation; 1 round or 5% (blast  Degenerative:
indented nucleus cells) o ↑ young forms with Normal or
II 2 nuclear lobes/ divisions 35% ↓WBC count
III 3 nuclear divisions 41% o Typhoid Fever and TB
IV 4 nuclear divisions 17% SHIFT TO THE RIGHT/ RIGHT SHIFT
V 5 or more 2% - Increase in mature forms
Note:  Pernicious anemia or megaloblastic anemia
Class I and II are immature. -Both RBCs and Neutrophils will appear
Class III represents the mature forms and is the most abnormal. Neutrophils appears large and are
abundant. hypersegmented which indicates the mature
Class IV and V are still mature but represents the or older neutrophils.
older forms. The older the neutrophil is, the more
segments are formed.
- Based on the presence of filaments that
2. SCHILLING’S CLASSIFICATION connects the lobes or the segments of the
- It still separates the neutrophils according to nucleus.
age but the age this time will depend on the o Filamentous: mature form; nuclear
cytoplasmic granulation. lobes are separated with filaments
- The less granules there are, the less immature
the cells is. The more granules there are, the
more mature the cell is.
- Makes use of the Schilling’s Hemogram to tally
the cells.
o Non-filamentous: an immature form; if
the lobes are not separated by
filaments but only by thinned out
portions of the nucleus; Band cells. Reference Values from Brown

- Percent or relative distribution of cell Reference values by Rodak’s and Henry
- To be reported as percentage or decimal
- Total WBC count is never a relative count

- Actual number of cell per unit volume of blood
- Differential can be reported either as an
absolute or relative count
- Can be done through direct count NOTE: SAMPLE COMPUTATION:
- To get the absolute count: Relative count x total Result in patient A shows a relative monocytosis.
WBC count

WBC count: 10.0 × 𝟏𝟎𝟗 /L
Diff Count: Relative Absolute
Count (%) count
Neutrophil 62% 6,2000/ µL
Lymphocyte 26% 2,600/ µL
Monocyte 8% 800/ µL
Eosinophil 4% 400/ µL

Patient B shows leukocytosis with absolute

Relative Absolute neutrophilia, absolute monocytosis and absolute
Count Count eosinophilia
PMN 35-71% 1500-7400/uL
Lymphocyte 24-44% 1000-4400/uL
Monocyte 1-10% 100-1000/uL
Band/Stab 0-6% 0-700/uL
Eosinophil 0-4% 0-400/uL
Basophil 0-2% 0-200/uL
PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIATION - megaloblastic anemia (severe folic & Vit. B 12
- Circulating cells are volatile deficiency decreasing the production),
o Easily leave the circulation like for myelodysplasia, marrow failure, marrow
instances where neutrophil respond to replacement
chemotaxin cause by infection - Infectious - any overwhelming infection
- Corticosteroid hormones cause lymphocyte and (Infectious diseases- tularemia, typhoid,
eosinophil to disappear from the circulation brucellosis, hepatitis, influenza, measles,
within 4-8 hours mumps, rubella, IM, malaria)
o increase adrenal production producing - Drugs – cancer chemotherapy, chloramphenicol,
corticosteroid which will signal sulfas/other antibiotics,
lymphocyte and eosinophils to migrate phenothiazines,benzodiazepine, antithyroids,
to tissues thus there will be anticonvulsants, quinine, quinidine,
lymphocytopenia and eosinophilia indomethacin, procainamide, thiazides
o Cushing syndrome will result to
lymphocytosis and eosinophilia INCREASE NEUTROPHIL DESTRUCTION
- Epinephrine (produced during stress) cause - Liver disease, storage diseases, LE
granulocytosis within minutes - Infectious - any overwhelming infection
o Marginating WBC will detach and will be (Infectious diseases- tularemia, typhoid,
in the circulation brucellosis, hepatitis, influenza, measles,
- Neutrophilia mumps, rubella, IM, malaria)
o Physiologic NOTE:
 Increase during stress if bacterial infection involves destruction, neutrophil
 Response to the therapy decreases
 Response to physical and Note: when neutrophils had performed their function,
emotional stress they are destroyed since they are an end stage cell
o Pathologic
 Infections Others:
 Inflammatory response to tissue - Toxins - alcohol, benzene compounds
injury - Immune-mediated - collagen vascular disorders,
 Malignancy (neoplastic growth) RA, AIDS
 Metabolic disorder - thurst - starvation, hypersplenism
 Drugs, chemicals, venoms
- Neutropenia - Basophils releases Histamine and ECF-A which
o Inherited causes: will stimulate eosinophil to release histaminase
 Stem cell disorders (decreased to modulate allergic reaction thus increasing
CFU-GM) eosinophil
 Genetic disorder of the immune
 Disorders of cellular - Eosinophils granules have cationic protein and
development major basic protein to destroy the larval stages
 Intrinsic defects - Fanconi’s, of helminths thus eosinophil is increased in
Kostmann’s, cyclic neutropenia, parasitism (helminths – round worms)
Chédiak-Higashi - Loefflers is a kind of allergic reaction of the lungs
wherein eosinophil is increase in the lungs
o Acquired causes: - Eosinophilia
 BM/stem cell destruction- o Allergic reaction - asthma, hay fever,
Radiation, cytotoxic drugs drug reaction, allergic vasculitis, serum
(chemotheraphy), benzene sickness
(destroys bone marrow) o Parasitism - Nematodes, Trematodes,
 Severe folic & Vit. B 12 Cestodes (trichinosis, filariasis,
deficiency decreasing the schistosomiasis)
production o Hypoadrenalism – addison’s disease
 Decrease corticosteroid thus o Systemic mast cell disease, chronic
decrease eosinophil and hypersensitivity states in the absence of
lymphocytes in the tissues the specific allergen
 Neoplastic diseases - Hodgkin o Hypothyroidism
lymphoma, CML, collagen o Ulcerative colitis
vascular disease, ulcerative o Estrogen therapy;
colitis, Ltryptophan eosinophilic o Long-term foreign antigen stimulation
myalgia, T cell lymphomas o Myeloproliferative disorders
- Inherited, malignant or reactive Others:
- Inflammatory - eosinophilic fasciitis - Allergy - food, drugs, foreign proteins
- Nonparasitic infections - systemic fungal, Scarlet - Chronic hemolytic anemia - especially post
fever, chlamydial pneumoniaof infancy, splenectomy
occasionally gonnorrhea and hansen’s disease - Infections - variola, varicella; Ulcerative colitis
- Associated with recovery phase of most - Inflammatory diseases - collagen vascular
infections during drug specific parasite disease, ulcerative colitis
- Skin disorder - psoriasis, eczema, pemphigus, BASOPENIA
dermatitis, herpetiformis, erythema multiforme, o During acute infections
exfoliative dermatitis ; eosinophils are >200 in o Stress; Hyperthyroidism;
the skin & appear in the linings of the skin o Increased levels of glucocorticoids
- Respiratory - pulmonary eosinophilic syndromes o Reactive (Immune hypersensitivity
(Löffler’s, tropical pulmonaryeosinophilia), reaction)
ChurgStrauss syndrome
- Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndromes - LYMPHOCYTOSIS
affecting heart, liver, spleen,CNS, other organs o Infections - many viral, pertussis,
- Others - certain drugs, hematologic and visceral tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, rickettsial,
malignancies, GI inflammatory diseases, Whooping cough, brucellosis, sometime
sarcoidosis, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome tuberculosis, secondary syphilis, Viral
hepatitis, IM, mumps cytomegalovirus,
EOSINOPENIA Chronic inflammations - ulcerative
o Hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex colitis, Crohn’s
(hyperadrenalism) as in cushing’s o Hypoadrenalism and sometime
syndrome hyperthyroidism
o Note: when corticosteroid is increased in o Ulcerative colitis and immune diseases
the blood it will caused the eosinophil (serum sickness, idiopathic
and lymphocytes it will proceeds thrombocytopenia purpura)
towards the tissues thus decreasing
eosinophil and lymphocyte count thus Others:
decrease in corticosteroid & blood - Immune mediated - drug sensitivity, vasculitis,
eosinophil & lymphocytes graft rejection, Graves’, Sjögren’s
o ACTH administration – Thorn test ; - Hematologic - ALL, CLL, lymphoma
stimulates adrenal to increase - Stress - acute, transient
production resulting to decreased
eosinophils in circulation LYMPHOCYTOPENIA
o Severe infectious granulocytosis o Immune deficiency syndromes
o Labor eclampsia o Adrenal gland hypersensitivity, adrenal
o After electric shock treatment corticosteroid exposure, congestive
o Glucocorticoids, prostaglandins and heart failure
epinephrine administration o Destructive - radiation, chemotherapy,
BASOPHILIA o Aids destroys T lymphocytes
o Debilitative - starvation, aplastic anemia, AUTOMATION IN HEMATOLOGY
terminal cancer, collagen vascular  WALLACE COULTER
disease, renal failure, far-advanced - First person to introduce automation in
tuberculosis hematology
o Defects of lymphatic circulation such as - 1949: Coulter Counter by Wallace Coulter
intestinal lymphagiectasia, disorders of - Mode of Action: Hgb, RBC, WBC,
intestinal mucosa, thoracic duct Differential count, Platelet, Blood Indices
drainage - Coulter Principle: electrical
- Infections - viral hepatitis, influenza, typhoid  CLINICAL CHEMISTRY
fever, TB - is the first fully automated in the
- AIDS associated - HIV cytopathic effect, laboratory & hematology is semiautomated
nutritional imbalance, drug effect
- Congenital immunodeficiency - Wiskott-Aldrich USES OF HEMATOLOGY ANALYZERS:
syndrome a. Fully automated – utilizes a bar scanner for patient
- Abnormal lymphatic circulation - intestinal specimen identification
lymphangiectasia, obstruction, thoracic duct
drainage/rupture,CHF b. Semi-automated
Process: technologist feeds the blood into the
- MONOCYTOSIS machine which has a needle/probe which will
o TB, SBE, Rickettsial diseases, syphilis, aspirate the blood for testing. Manual input of
hepatitis patients’ data is also employed.
o LE, RA, ulcerative colitis
o Many cancers, lymphomas and c. Complete automated (ex.: walk away machine)
myeloproliferative disorders Process: feeding of blood is made done by the
machine, moves sample from one area to another
& prepares blood smear & stain
Others: Result: well prepared smear & CBC results
- Infections - tuberculosis, subacute bacterial
endocarditis, syphilis, protozoan, rickettsial
Principle Used by Various Multichannel Instruments
- Recovery from neutropenia
in the Clinical Laboratory
- Hematologic - leukemias, myeloproliferative
Method Impeda Conducti Light Cytochemi
disorders, lymphomas, multiple myeloma
(Instrum nce vity Scatt stry
- Inflammatory diseases - collagen vascular
ent) er
disease, chronic ulcerative colitis, sprue,
Abbott X X X
myositis, polyarteritis, temporal arteritis
Others ABX X X X
- solid tumor, immune thrombocytopenic Siemens X X
purpura, sarcoidosis Coulter X X X
Sysmex X X X
o Monocytopenia is uncommon as an  AUTOMATION
isolated finding. - the use of laboratory instruments and
o Following administration of processing equipment to perform clinical
glucocorticoids (During therapy with laboratory assays with only minimal
prednisone, monocytes fall during the involvement of the medical technologist
first few hours after the first dose but
return to above original levels by 12  CBC- contains different parameters that will
hours) measure the different cells
o Hairy cell leukemia (HCL)
o During overwhelming infections that  HEMOCYTOMETER PRINCIPLE: used in Cell
also cause neutropenia count in manual method
I - CELL COUNTING: 2 CLASSIC AUTOMATED The larger the cell, the more it will occupy the entire
METHODS FOR COUNTING CELLS: aperture, thus it will cause greater impedance, thus,
the higher the height of the voltage or height of
a. Electric/Electronic Impedance/Resistance/Gating aperture. The smaller the cell, the less electricity it
- Principle employed by Coulter Counter will impede, thus, the lower voltage pulse created.
Model S & S+ RULE:
The height of the pulse is directly proportional to the
b. Optical Detection/Light Scattering size of the cell which is directly proportional to the
- Technicon Autoanalyzer H1, Ortho volume. Therefore, the height of the voltage pulse is
Diagnostic, Fisher Auto-cytometer directly related to cell size & volume
The number of voltage pulses is equal to the no. of
THE BASIC COMPONENTS COMMON TO MOST cells that pass through.
a. HYDRAULICS In short: Blood is diluted in an isotonic solution and
- Includes the aspirating unit, dispensers, drawn through an aperture. Since cells are non-
dilutors, mixing chambers, aperture baths, conductive, the passage of cell through the aperture
and/or flow cells, and hemoglobinometer increases the resistance (impedance) of the electrical
b. PNEUMATICS path between 2 electrodes that are located on each
- Vacuum and pressures for operating values side of the aperture.
and moving the sample through the system
c. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS  Changes in electrical resistance are counted as
- Electronic analyzers and computing voltage pulses.
circuitry for processing data  Number of Voltage pulses is directly proportional to
the number of cells/cell count.
1. ELECTRIC IMPEDANCE  Amplitude/height/size of the pulse is directly
- Involvement of resisted electricity proportional to the volume of the cell
- Basis: Size  Determines both cell volume & count.


1. Blood is diluted in an isotonic solution (NSS – not a - Source of Light: LASER
very good conductor of electricity) - a diluted blood specimen passes through a
2. Diluted blood is place in the bath containing 2 steady stream (located at both sides of the
compartments ((-) inner & (+) opposing electrode) blood which do not mix w/ blood sample
which is connected by a small opening the aperture but it causes blood cells to pass through in a
(diameter: 100 µm) single pile in a narrow dynamic –
hydrodynamic focusing). As each cell passes
through the sensing zone, a beam of LASER
RULE: light is focused. Depending on the
The 2-electrode located on each side of compartment characteristic cell in size & internal
must be opposing to allow current conduction complexity (granulated or lobulated) it
scatters light in different directions which is
3. Cells are allowed to pass through the aperture & measured via photodetectors & scattered
the passage of blood cell will cause an light is converted into an electrical pulse
impedance/resistance of electricity.
4. Each time the cells passes, it causes an impedance KINDS OF SCATTERED LIGHT:
which is converted into a voltage pulse a. Side scatter/high angle scatter/ 90 degrees
RULE: angle light scatter
The number of cells that will pass through is b. Low angle/forward scatter
equivalent to the no. of pulses that will be generated.
In short, the number of voltage pulses is directly Basis of Scattered Light:
proportional to the cell count. a. Reflection – when light goes up
RULE: b. Diffraction & refraction – bending of light
Analysis of cells basis: size, shape & complexity Dilutions: (Manual)
Purpose: disperse the blood cells in cell counting
LASER – light amplified dissimulated emission of Thoma Pipette Dilution:
radiation 1:20 WBC 1:200 RBC
Photodetectors – measures the amount of intensity of
the light transmitted Dilutions: (automated)
a. WBC & Hb = 1:500 (usual dilution, but may vary
NOTE: among manufacturers – 1:250 or 1:750)
In hematology what is counted is the number of cells, b. RBC & Plt = 1:50,000
not the type of antigen or antibody involved Reason: 1.) RBC are in millions (3.8/µL); 2.) Make
NOTE: presence of WBC negligible
 Number of pulses is directly proportional to
cell count NOTE:
 Patterns of scatter are measured at various  WBC is hypotonic thus causing lysis for RBC
angles to obtain information on the cell leaving WBC only & releasing Hb thus the
structure. machine measures both WBC & Hb. RBC is
isotonic, WBC are intact with plt thus all will
 Forward Low Angle Scatter: be measured but some of WBC w/ same RBC
- cell size/volume size will be counted as RBC & if dilution is
- If cells are large, the higher the light high WBC will be negligible except when WBC
scattered & vice versa. The lesser the cells, is very high (>50,000/uL) this will cause a
the smaller the cells generated & vice versa significant error
RULE:  Light impedance & scattering are all for RBC,
No. of cells generated, is equivalent to no. of cells & WBC & Plt count
the height & amplitude of voltage pulse is equivalent
to voltage size & volume. II-DIFFERENTIAL COUNT
 Manual – smear & microscopic examination
 Right/High Angle Scatter:  Automated – histogram & cytogram
- internal structures (ex.: cytoplasmic  Cytogram – Gives 5-part differential count
- In Internal Structure: Cytoplasmic
Granularity & Nuclear Lobularity are HISTOGRAMS
measured at a high angle scatter & the  Gives a 3 parameter Differential count w/ both
location of photodetector is at high angle. relative & absolute count
When cells are granulated, the greater the  Line graph, graphic representation of 1 cell, the
amount of light is reflected thus the higher size/volume (x-axis) versus cell frequency (y-axis)
is the voltage pulse & vice versa. Left shift: increase small cells on the left
 Differential Scatter Right Shift: increase large cells on the right
 Combination of forward & high angle  produced in RBC, WBC & platelet measurements
 Used in analysis of: RBC (Machine will  Classify WBC into 3 only
compare the RBC volume in relation to  Derived from the histogram are blood Indices as
Hb) & WBC (vol. vs nuclear lobularity) well as WBC differential.


Sample: EDTA - RBC histogram: 36 – 360 fL
Note: check for presence of clots &
 It is where MCV & RDW (width of histogram) are
agglutinations. If there are presence of micro-
clots this will clog the machine & probes/needle
 Histogram appears SYMMETRICAL/Gaussian shape
of machine
when cell population is homogenous’ WIDER or
Remedy: immediately mix the blood w/
FLATTENED shape if there is more variation in the
size of the cell
NOTE: Y-axis: size X-axis: internal complexity
 Normal population: Bell shape curve w/ high (granularity)
peak & is narrow indicates  Population of cells are presented in dots
 The wider the width, the flatter is the  a visual display of 2-cell characteristics such as
histogram internal cell complexity and relative size
 It is used in the 5-part automated differential
PLATELET HISTOGRAMS  Atypical cells are pushed through the upper portion
- Platelet histogram: 2 - 20 fL of histogram while smaller cells are in the lower
- Where Mean Platelet Volume (6.5 – 12 fL) portion & the more granulated cells are push
& Platelet Distribution Width are derived towards the right of x-axis while the less granulated
are placed towards the left
NOTE:  WBCs are differentiated into 5 traditional categories
When values are >20 fL, it will be counted as RBC.
 Purpose of RBC & Platelet Distribution: REAGENTS:
mean volume & distribution width  Cytochemical stains – stains specific chemical
 Purpose of WBC Histogram: differential component of the cell (ex.: enzyme in the cell);
count cytogram channels
 WBC Histogram Distribution: Granulocytes  Peroxidase dye: PMN & other cells
(eosinophil, basophil & neutrophil),  Alcian blue/Toluidine blue dye: basophil
Monocytes (also contains blast) &  Lipase/Esterase dye: monocytes
lymphocyte.  Fluorescent dyes: for specific cell population (NRBC)


 WBC Histogram: (used in the 3-parameter CYANMETHEMOGLOBIN PRINCIPLE
Differential count)  Golden standard, most accurate and
 Purpose: separates WBC according to their measures all types of hemoglobin except
population base on size & volume for sulfhemoglobin
 Wavelength: automated: 525 nm
WBC Populations on the histogram manual: 540 nm
 35 - 90 fL: Lymphocytes  basis: automated: spectrophotometric
 90 - 160 fL: Mononuclears/Mid cells/Mono -  chemical reaction basis:
(Monocytes, Promyelocytes, Myelocytes, Blasts) cyanmethemoglobin principle
 160 - 450 fL: Granulocytes - (Mature WBC, Blasts,
Metamyelocyte, Bands) IV – HEMATOCRIT
 spun hematocrit which requires spinning or
 Limitation: whenever there is a high value of
mid or granulocytes, manual method must be
 common to have the trap plasma which
increases PCV
 Automation has a lysing & shrinking effect
 used to calibrate the automated because it is
due to histomatolysin thus causing partial
the most precise & accurate on RBC
monocytes shrinkage & partial granulocyte
 When Mid Cells are increase, identification
of which is increase is necessary & the same
- being calculated
goes with granulocyte.
- Formula derived from:
MCV = Hct/RBC, thus Hct = MCV x RBC
SCATTERGRAM / CYTOGRAM / DOT PLOTS:  Machine directly measures MCV from RBC
- Rule: the more dots present, the more cells histogram & directly count the RBC thus only Hb
are present in the population is unknown.
- Basis: Size & Complexity
Automated hematocrit will always be 1-3% (some in RBC is erroneous Hct is
2-3%) lower: erroneous causing RBC
 In manual, Hct is directly measured & direct indices to be erroneous
counting of RBC thus deriving MCV but in except for RDW
automated procedure, Hct is indirectly NRBC -  Increase WBC Corrected
derived & RBC count is measured resist WBC if >5
 When manual Hct lower than spun Hct, it is lysis in  Hypotonic solution, causes NRBC
unacceptable because in spun Hct, trapped hypotoni RBC to lyse
plasma is common. c
solution Formula for uncorrected WBC:
IV- INDICES thus it uncorrected x 100 / NRBC+100
 MCH & MCHC are calculated from measure & will be
derived values counted
as WBC
Cold  Agglutination of RBC at cold T Pre-warm
agglutin’ causing decrease RBC count EDTA by
s – Ab & will be counted as 1 w/ simply
Errors in RBC & MCV count, Hct becomes erroneous
reacting high volume, increasing MCV holding
and since automated machine computes MCHC using
at cold the
MCHC = Hb/Hct, causing erroneous Hct, MCHC will
temperat  On prolonged standing sample to
also be erroneous
ure (0-10 of EDTA, it will cause disperse
C) morphological distortion thus the RBC as
refrigerate for 24 hours to
retard changes
ON ON  Increase MCV d
WBC  False increase in RBC count Dilute  Inaccurate Hct
over 50, Reason: Isotonic diluting fluid sample & Dirt Increase cell count which
000/uL of RBC preserves the RBC, WBC rerun depends on cell size. Increase is
& Plt. Some WBC are counted due to increase impedance &
as RBC because the dilution is affecting light scattering
increased at 1:50,000 thus
 Giant  Decrease Plt 1. Examine
making WBC negligible but blood
when WBC is too high, presence film &
t Platelets – volumes between 2-
of WBC will cause false increase observe
20 fL
of WBC
 platele for
t presenc
 False increase Hb e of
Reason: Hb measurement is
 Increase RBC platelet
based on spectrophotometric satellitis
procedure wherein the amount m & if
Platelet clumps – recognize as
of light absorb is directly present
larger structure which can be
proportional to the amount of
 satelliti counted as RBC recollect
light measured thus increase Perform
sm in
WBC causes sample to be spun
turbid hematocri
 Decrease Plt citrate
Rule: The more turbid, the t
higher the absorbance & (accuracy
Satellitism – platelets adhere blood
concentration measured is based
on a neutrophil or monocyte & becomes
on skills)
occurs on EDTA especially more
 Hematocrit diluted
when individual develops Ab on
Reason: calculated using the (1:9 or
IgG which will attach on Fc
formula: RBC x MCV & when 1.1) thus
portion of neutrophil or
monocytes thus machine it must optical interference causing
counts it as 1 cell resulting to be increase of amount of light
decrease Plt multiplie absorb thus causing
d to 1.1 increasing Hb & other
to indices
return Hemolysi  False Decrease RBC & Hct In vitro:
the 10% s  Increase MCHC & MCH recollect
loss due In vivo:
to  Hemolysis together with no
sodium lipemia & icterisia will remedy
dilution cause optical interference but
because they will alter the performed
2. Manual color or appearance of Hb
counts sample manually
or film  Hemolysis will also alter & use a
estimate RBC patient
s to  Hemolysis causes blank
correlat erroneous Hb because if in
e the vitro hemolysis occur the
values in plasma will contain Hb
automat Old  Increase MCV due to swollen Recollect
ed plt specime RBC
(average n  Decrease Plt count due to plt
plt x swelling & disintegration
20,000)  Automated differential count
& if it because WBC morphology
correlat becomes altered
es,  Schisto  Decrease RBC  Manual
report cytes  Inaccurate HCT & indices counts
Lipemia  Increase Hb, MCH  Follow  Spun Hct
(Hb/RBC), MCHC (Hb/Hct) manufac Schistocytes – a generic term  Recalcul
turer’s indicating red cell fragments ate
Icteric – yellow or orange instructi  Microc (triangle, helmet, bite, indices
sample caused by carotene, ons ytes microspherocytes) due to
bilirubin or Vitamin A ; possible (<80 fL) hemolysis thus it will no longer
cause is indirect  Recalcul be counted as RBC because
hyperbilirubinemia ; from the ate they become smaller
word icterus or bilirubin indices Resistant  Increase WBC  Manual
Hyperbilirubinemia – yellow RBCs (Hb  Inaccurate Hb & decrease Hb,
pigment sample ; water S or C) – Hb due to RBC did not lyse adding
insoluble will be water
Chylous – turbid counted (hypoto
Lipemic – increase lipid ; also as WBC nic) to
called chylous due to increase & Hb is lyse RBC
chylomicron which are the not  Manual
lightest proteins that causes release WBC for
turbidity & even when & will affected
centrifuge it will not settle not react WBC
Lipoproteins: HDL, VLDL, w/ count
Chylomicrons Drabkins  Recalcul
 Lipemic (turbid) & Icteric
samples (yellowish) causes
Fragile  Decrease WBC Manual
WBCs  May increase Plt counts INDICATIONS OF PBS REVIEW
(e.g.  Abnormal cells
chemoth  In chemotherapy the  Abnormal RBC morphology
erapy) chemical infused in patients  Pancytopenia – overall decrease of blood cells
is not selective thus  Increase Mid cells & Granulocytes
destroying normal cells,  Presence of microorganism
targeting WBC nuclei  RBC/WBC/Platelet inclusions
resulting to fragile WBC &
this WBCs will not lyse thus it
is now counted as Plt

a. CAUSES OF POSITIVE ERRORS: Erroneous Increase
 Aperture plugs – plasma containing high
amount of protein will coat the aperture & will
precipitate causing plug formation
 Extraneous electrical pulses (improperly
grounded or shielded equipment)
 Bubbles in the sample causing reflection or
scattered light due to vigorous mixing
 Improper setting of aperture current or
 Agglutinated red cells or platelets thus altering

b. CAUSES OF NEGATIVE ERRORS: Erroneous decrease

 Excessive lysing of RBCs thus no RBC will be
 Improper setting of aperture current or
 Agglutination of RBCs, WBCs or platelets


 XB
- a quality control check in which the
averages of the MCV, MCH, MCHC are
tracked for batches of 20 patients
- Also known as the moving average

- Patients test results are compared to his
previous results (WBC, Plt, MCV & Hgb)
- utilize for all clinical laboratory
- 2 Reasons of comparison: determine the
physiologic change or human error

- suggest cells types/abnormalities or
performance error
- Remedy: indicate investigation before final


- A respiratory pigment that allows cellular - Blood vessels in the lumen increases in diameter
respiration or dilate causing more blood volume to enter
- Red color: accounted to iron component thus the more O2 is delivered. Contrary, when it
- A conjugate protein (heme + globin) synthesized constricts, NO causes vessels to lower blood
in the RBC volume & O2 delivered.
- Represents more than 1% of the total body
weight & it occupies 28% of the RBC mass.
- NO, once released into the plasma by
- Main protein component: globin
- Non-protein component: heme endothelial cells, if NO remains free in the
plasma, it will be short lived. But when bound to
- Main Function: Transport oxygen from the lungs
hemoglobin, it will be stable & be transported
where the oxygen tension is high, to the tissues,
to different areas of the body (hypoxia tissues).
where the oxygen tension is low which allows
In tissues w/ decrease O2 (hypoxic tissue), the
cells & tissues to expire.
body will compensate by delivering more O2
- Often describes as the “Respiratory pigment”
thus the vessels have to vasodilate allowing
because it gives the red color of RBCs and allows
more entry of blood & hemoglobin transports
respiration or allows oxygen to cells.
NO to hypoxic tissue in order for NO to cause
- Function: Transport oxygen & CO2 thus allowing
exchange of O2 & CO2 in the alveolar capillaries vasodilation allowing more blood & O2 supply to
tissues thus correcting the condition. In contrast,
& tissues; transports nitrous oxide (NO)
if tissues have increased O2, hemoglobin will
inactivate NO to restrict further vasodilation &
causing vasoconstriction limiting O2 delivery.
Thromboxane A2 (TX2) & serotonin from the
platelets also causes vasoconstriction.

 Hemoglobin when fully saturated: 1 g = 1.34
mL O2, approximately 600 g of 5 – 7 L is
hemoglobin which is able to carry 800 mL of
O2 coming from the lungs brought into the
- Substance produce by endothelial cells which  Transport of O2 is influence by affinity of
forms the endothelial line hemoglobin to O2 which is regulated
- Function: cause vasodilation; relax the smooth depending on action: to carry or release O2.
muscles surrounding the blood vessels especially
the small blood vessels, thus increasing the FACTORS THAT AFFECTS AFFINITY OF HEMOGLOBIN
blood flow. TO O2
- Enhanced by: Hemoglobin 1. pO2
NOTE: - RULE: increased partial pressure to the lungs
Vasoconstriction: thickened walls and small lumen thus the affinity is high allowing Hb to be fully
Vasodilation: wider lumen, thus, more blood volume saturated but if its pressure is low in the tissue,
will enter and transported. the affinity is also low causing Hb to release O2
- In the lungs, the pO2 is high at 100 mmHg or 95
– 98% pO2 thus allowing increased affinity &
causing Hb to be fully saturated. Oxygenated Hb
will proceed towards the tissues. In the tissues,
pO2 is low approximately 20 mmHg or <30% NOTE: 4 WAYS HOR CO2 IS TRANSPORTED:
thus decreases the affinity & Hb will readily 1. Plasma – HCO3 ; HCO3 which leaves RBC &
release the O2 to the tissues in exchanged for becomes the major form of CO2 which is 70%
the CO2 carried to the lungs to be excreted. 2. RBC – 20% HCO3
3. 5% Carbamino Hb – some CO2 which did not
CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN CO2 & O2 EXCHANGE: participate in chemical reaction & thus
remained as CO2 & combined w/ Hb known as
carbamino Hb.
- There is increased CO2 conc. as a product of
4. 5% CO2
metabolism (glycolysis)
1. CO2 will diffuse into RBC
2. CO2 will react w/ H2O forming Carbonic Acid 2. pH
which is catalyze by an intracellular enzyme: - RULE: the lower the pH the lower the affinity
carbonic anhydrase - Also binds to other substances such as hydrogen
3. Carbonic acid will dissociate into H & HCO3 ions (which determine pH of the blood), CO2 &
4. H will easily replace O2 thus releasing O2 & 2, 3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3 – DPG). These
Hb binds w/ H substances do not bind to hemoglobin at the
5. O2 released will proceed to the tissues oxygen – binding sites, however, binding of
6. Binded Hb & H will form hemoglobinic acid these substances to hemoglobin affects the
7. HCO3 will stay in the RBC however some affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen. Conversely,
leaves the RBC in exchange of Cl (chloride binding of oxygen to hemoglobin causes changes
shift) which will maintain electroneutrality in the structure of the hemoglobin molecule thus
8. RBC w/ reduced O2 will proceed towards the affecting its ability to bind other gases or
lungs substances.

As CO2 enters the blood, it combines with H2O to form
1. Due to high pO2, O2 will readily enter RBC
carbonic acid (H2CO3), a relatively weak acid, which
thus replacing H binded w/ Hb
dissociates into H+ and HCO3-. Blood acidity is
2. H will bind w/ HCO3 forming carbonic acid minimally affected by the released H+ ions because
which will dissociates in the presence of blood proteins, especially hemoglobin, are effective
carbonic anhydrase into H & CO2 buffering agents. The conversion of CO2 to H2CO3 is
3. CO2 will leave the RBC entering now the catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase, an enzyme presents
pulmonary capillaries to be exhaled by the inside the RBCs. Because the enzyme is present only in
lungs the RBCs, HCO3– accumulates to a much greater
extent within the red cells than in the plasma. The
IN SHORT: capacity of blood to carry CO2 as HCO3 – is enhanced
CO2 which is greater in tissues diffuses the RBC w/ by an ion transport system inside the RBC membrane
H2O forming H2CO3 which will dissociate into H & that simultaneously moves a HCO3- out of the cell and
HCO3. Some HCO3 will diffuse out to prevent in exchange for a chloride ion. The simultaneous
excessive accumulation in exchange w/ Cl (chloride exchange of these 2 ions, known as the chloride shift,
shift) while H will combine w/ Hb making it more permits the plasma to be used as a storage site for
acidic. Wherein at acidic pH this will decrease the bicarbonate without changing the electrical charge of
affinity thus O2 will be easily released & will be either the plasma or the red blood cell.
replaced by H. The released O2 will proceed to the
tissues thus Hb will oxygenate the tissues & what will
remain is the Hb w/ H which will proceed to the lungs.
H will be replaced by O2 & Hb will become oxygenated
& H will combine w/ HCO3 forming H2CO3 which will
diffuse into H & CO2. CO2 will be exhaled.
transported more as HCO3
HEMOGLOBIN COMPOSITION  Arrangement of all amino acids of globin
1. 1 GLOBIN chains are precise & exact no. of genes is also
- a globular protein necessary.
and is a tetramer  2 genes from the mother & father each are
which is made up of inherited thus forming 4 alpha chains.
4 polypeptide  Alpha & Beta are the genes affected by
chains which Thalassemia because of the deficiency in the
genes which will result in the synthesis of the
contains individual
chains thus deficiency in the synthesis of the
heme inserted to
entire Hb.
each thus giving a
ratio of 1 globin : 4 heme
- among each polypeptide chain, 2 are different GREEK SYMBOL NO. OF GENES
making up the tetramer of globin which is the NAME AMINO
globular protein component ACIDS
- Composed of 2 a & b (Hb A1) or 2 a & g (Hb F) ALPHA (for α 141 4
Hb A)
 Composed of 2 sets (dimer) of 2 different DELTA δ 146 2
polypeptide chains GAMMA λ 146 2
 Synthesize on specific ribosome which depends (for Hb F)
on the genetic make-up dictated by DNA which EPSILON Ԑ 146 2
will determine the type of Hb (for
 Difference in the polypeptide chain relates both to embryonic
the sequence & to the number of amino acids in Hb)
the chain ZETA (for ζ 146 2
 The spatial arrangement of each alpha-beta pair is embryonic (Steineinger)
symmetrical Hb)
 Contacts between the subunits are by means of H- 141
bonds (Rodak’s)
 Depending on the polypeptide chain component,
this will now give rise to the different types of Counterpart
proteins of A


 Differences in amino acid composition, amino
acid number and amino acid sequence which
depends on the gene. NOTE:
 RULE: whatever the gene has, it will dictate Thalassemia – caused by deficiency in the genes =
the type of protein or polypeptide chain which deficiency in chains = deficiency in Hb = anemia
will be synthesize by the ribosome Short arm of Chromosome 11 – Epsilon, Delta,
Gamma, Beta & Zeta
Short arm of Chromosome 16- Alpha
 All types of Hb have the same heme but the
globin portion of each varies. Hb TYPE POLYPEPTIDE (GLOBIN) CHAINS
 In embryonic life, Zeta is the counter part of a GOWER-1 2ζ 2Ԑ
which is responsible for Gower 1 & 2, Portland GOWER-2 2α 2Ԑ
& Hb F together with Epsilon. PORTLAND 2ζ 2λ
 Counter part of Epsilon: Beta, Delta & Gamma Hb A 2α 2β
Hb A2 2α 2δ
HB F 2α 2λ
GLOBIN CHAIN SYNTHESIS: completed and this will be released as a
polypeptide chain
a. Due to the dependency on the genetic
composition, synthesis starts in the nucleus B chain = 146 Arrangement: 1. Valine 2.
b. It is w/in the nucleus that the DNA which carries Histidine
genetic information is located
c. Since DNA do not leave the nucleus, it will be b. Chains of amino acid will undergo twisting
copied in the form of mRNA. forming coil or helixes. B chain has 6 helixes from
d. Each gene is stored in the form of segment and A to H. It is between the E and F helix that the
will be transcribed in the form of mRNA. heme is inserted particularly in the histidine. It is
e. mRNA will leave the nucleus and will be scanned in the heme that the oxygen is bound to.
by ribosomes (main globin synthesis) which will RULE: for every 1 polypeptide chain there is, 1
decode the mRNA which serves as a template. heme is inserted which contains the ion
f. For every set of 3 nucleotide will be interpreted
as 1 amino acid. 2. 4 HEME
g. tRNA carries specific type of amino acids which - Inorganic iron groups that assist in binding O2
will be connected to the template connected by (each iron atom can bind and then release an
polypeptide bonds. oxygen molecule)
- Synthesis in the mitochondrion of RBC
FACTORS AFFECTING HEMOGLOBIN AFFINITY FOR - Where O2 binds thus carrying 4 mol of O2
OXYGEN - Has a volume of 1.34 mL O2
- Main function: Transport O2 in exchange for
INCREASED DECREASED - Common to all types of Hb:
BLOOD o 4 Protoporphyrin IX: nitrogenous
TEMPERATURE substance formed in the mitochondrion;
where the iron will be attached.
BLOOD pH increase pH Decrease pH o 4 Iron: maintained in Fe2 or else it
(BOHR EFFECT) increase affinity decrease cannot transport O2.
of Hb to O2 in affinity of Hb to
the lungs O2 in the

RBC 2,3 DPG Increased in the Decreased in

tissues thus the lungs thus
decreasing increasing
affinity of Hb to affinity of Hb to
O2 O2


EFFECT)  Mature RBC cannot synthesize Hb because it
Hb F has no nucleus and no mitochondrion.
 Not all heme synthesis occurs in the
ABNORMAL Hbs mitochondrion. What only occur in the
mitochondrion is the first and final reaction
while the intermediate reaction occurs in the
cytoplasm or cytosol

a. mRNA scans every coding triplet carried by tRNA

until a total of 146 B and 141 A chains is
HEME SYNTHESIS: b. Iron will be transported in ferric state/Fe3
1st Reaction: Condensation between Succinyl CoA c. RBC membrane have receptor for transferrin
from tricarboxylic cycle & glycine in the mitochondrion which will be recognized and transferrin
1st Product: 5-aminolevulinic acid/D-ALA which will enters w/ iron bound to it
leave the mitochondrion goes into the cytoplasm and d. Iron will enter the cytoplasm and reduced into
undergoes several changes until it becomes the ferrous.
coproporphyrinogen 3 which goes back into the e. Ferrous form will combine w/ protoporphyrin
mitochondrion to form in the heme. 9 forming now the heme.
 Ferrocheletase/heme synthase enzyme –
EXPOUNDING HEME SYNTHESIS: Enzyme catalyzing the combination of iron to
a. Reaction between Succinyl CoA from protoporphyrin 9
tricarboxylic cycle & glycine in the  FERROPROTOPORPHYRIN: synonym of
mitochondrion is catalyzed by aminolevulinic combined heme
acid synthase w/ the cofactor B6/pyridoxal
phosphate forming now the 5-aminolevulinic
b. 5-DLA will leave the mitochondrion - Sometime/transient resident
proceeding to cytoplasm where it undergoes - Molecule that regulates Hb affinity to O2 & how
several changes where it becomes Hb releases O2 to tissues thus w/out it Hb will
porphobilinogen – hydroxymethylbilane – not release O2 & the affinity of Hb to O2 will be
uroporpophyrinogen 3 – very high & thus its function is to decrease the
coproporphyrinogen 3 wherein all of these
affinity causing release of O2
are enzymatically catalyzed
- a salt produced in the Rapoport-Luebering shunt
c. coproporphyrinogen 3 will enter the
mitochondrion where it is converted to in the RBCs
protoporphyrinogen IX which is oxidized to RAPOPORT-LEUBERING SHUNT
protoporphyrin 9 (immediate precursor of
heme) - part of glycolytic pathway/embden-Meyerhof
d. Iron from plasma will combine to form the which is unique in RBC
e. Heme will leave the mitochondrion and goes EMBDEN-MEYERHOF PATHWAY
into the plasma where it combines with - occurs anaerobically
polypeptide chains wherein it binds with
- 2 SHUNTS: Hexose Monophosphate & Rapoport-
some A & non-alpha such as B chain. These 2
will form dimers and combined to form
tetramers thus completing heme synthesis - IMPORTANCE: necessary for the formation of
RULE: globin chains combine due to their 2,3-DPG which is an intermediate to 1,3-
charges thus forming a combination diphosphoglycerate & 3 phosphoglycerate.


 Beta has high affinity thus it will bind to more a. Oxyhemoglobin/Relaxed form - Hb saturated
A thus causing more A1 w/ O2 w/ 4 moles of O2
 Delta second to the highest will bind to A
b. Deoxyhemoglobin/Tense form
forming the A2 = 3.5% of total Hb
 Gamma contains few & will bind to A forming OXYGEN RELEASE INFLUENCED BY 2,3 DPG & TAKE UP
Hb F = 1-2%
- During release of O2, O2 will not be released
simultaneously but respectively.
IRON SYNTHESIS: - Take up of O2 in the lungs will be respectively
a. Iron is bound to its transport protein called too.
- The entry of 1 O2 into Hb molecule will increase  Old RBC will be recognized by the macrophages
the affinity causing the entry of 3 O2 & same of the spleen (splenic culling)
goes with the release of O2 however affected by  Spleen – filter of blood which removes abnormal
insertion of 2,3 DPG illusion, cells & old RBC
a. When the 1st O2 is released, B chains will be  Senescent RBC – old RBC
pull apart thus allowing entry of 2,3 DPG  Macrophages of RBC: will cull or lyse the old RBC
b. 2,3 DPG maintains its attachment w/ the B which will cause the release of Hb (extravascular
chain forming a salt bridge which lowers the hemolysis)
affinity of Hb to O2. The remaining O2 will
eventually be released into the tissues 2 WAYS OF DESTRUCTION OF RBC:
c. Hb assumes a tense form or deoxygenated 1. Extravascular – occurs outside the blood vessel,
form in tissues which will circulate back into in the macrophages of the spleen
the lungs & will gain O2 2. Intravascular – lysis inside blood vessel even
d. The deoxyhemoglobin containing the 2,3 when 120 is not reached
DPG in the lungs w/ increase pO2, the entry
of 1 O2 into Hb will affect & make alpha and  Once Hb is released, it will be broken to following
beta chains slightly move by 15 degrees thus components:
breaking the salt bridge EXTRAVASCULAR
e. Once salt bridge is broken, 2,3 DPG will be 1. HEME AND GLOBIN SEPARATES
released causing increase affinity of Hb to O2 a. Globin will be recycled as amino acids
thus allowing entry of O2 resulting to relaxed wherein the amino acids will separate and
form or oxyhemoglobin will proceed to the cytoplasm or plasma
forming the amino acid pool making it as a
reservoir for protein synthesis.
b. Heme will release Fe & Protoporphyrin.
c. The iron bound to the B1 globulin attached
to transport protein will split off & be
removed to its attachment to B1 globulin.
Iron will be released & may be reused in Hb
synthesis or other protein synthesis or be
stored in the form of ferritin or hemosiderin
Ferritin – major form of storage form of iron
GLOBIN: consists of amino acids (141 or 146) go back to
in the spleen or bone marrow
the amino acid pool
d. Protoporphyrin ring will break off at the
HEME: Fe & Protoporphyrin 9 alpha methane bridge by heme oxygenase
resulting to biliverdin (green pigment) & CO
IRON: (toxic gas from endogenous source)
- split off & removed by its attachment to a B-1- o During degradation of Hb, we release CO
globulin thus the more lysis inside the body, the
- reused more CO is generated
- stored (ferritin or hemosiderin) o In extravascular hemolysis, the amount
of CO released is normal & be easily lost
 Breakdown of Hb occurred when RBC are through exhalation
destroyed in the 120th day BREAKDOWN OF BILIVERDIN
 Red cells upon production will survive for 120 BILIVERDIN
days in circulation & once it gets old, it cannot
maintain its shape & metabolic activity will be - precursor of bilirubin
decrease. - Comes from protoporphyrin 9
- Formed w/in the macrophages & reduced into - epsilon chain = counterpart of the gamma, beta
bilirubin and delta chains


1. Conjugated - DIFFERENCE: Composition of globin structure

2. Unconjugated a. Hb Gower I (2 zeta & 2 epsilon)
- What comes out of bilirubin b. Hb Gower II (2 alpha & 2 epsilon)
- Non-polar water insoluble & when numerous in c. Hb Portland (2 zeta & 2 gamma)
plasma it causes jaundice 2. Hb F (2 alpha & 2 gamma)
- Major Hb of the fetus and the newborn
a. Unconjugated bilirubin will be released in the - Has high affinity to O2 thus it will not easily
plasma & for it to be normally excreted it will be release the O2
brought by albumin (transport protein) into the - Resistant to both acid elution and alkali
liver for conjugation denaturation
b. In the liver w/ UDP-glucorynyl transferase which - After birth, smaller amounts of HbF are
will catalyze the addition of 2 glucoronic acids to produced
bilirubin forming now the conjugated - Diseases associated: HPFH & B. Thalassemia
bilirubin/bilirubin diglucuronide which is water - Increased would lead to hypoxia
soluble - In fetus, anaerobic respiration occurs, for it to
c. Bilirubin diglucuronide will be stored in the bile. conserve its O2, it contains Hb F, but for new
COMPOSITION OF BILE: bile salts, bile acids, bile born, aerobic respiration, Hb F is still increased
pigments (conjugated bilirubin) thus decreased O2, this decrease is
FUNCTION OF BILE: digestion of fats compensated by the increased Hb F
d. During digestion, bile is released into the small
intestines (duodenum) via the common bile
e. Bilirubin will be acted by bacterial intestinal o 6 months = <8%
enzymes converting it into urobilinogen. ½ of o After age 2 years = <2%
urobilinogen will be reabsorb to the liver for o Adults = < 1-2%
reprocessing while some will be filtered by the
kidneys and be excreted into the urine GLOBIN SYNTHESIS:
f. Urine urobilinogen will give off the dark yellow - Hb F, Gower 1 & 2 & Portland are Hb that are
color of urine (normal) synthesized separately & produced separately
- Primitive RBC are the very first blood cell
g. The other half will be excreted into the feces
produced during the mesoblastic stage which
giving a color of light yellow, light brown to dark
will oxygenate the embryo’s tissue. This
brown due to urobilin and stercobilin coming primitive RBC contains the embryonic Hb
from urobilinogen
a. Zeta & Epsilon are synthesized in the
mesoblastic stage forming the Gower 1
- Same w/ extravascular but w/out the
Note: synthesis of zeta & epsilon is high at the
macrophages. start but declines thereafter, thus decreasing
- Lysis occurs in the circulation embryonic Hb.
NORMAL HUMAN HEMOGLOBINS: b. After few days, alpha chains are synthesized
wherein a small amount of it combines w/
1. EMBRYONIC HEMOGLOBIN epsilon forming the Gower 2
- Produced in the mesoblastic stage c. A small amount of Gamma is synthesized &
- First 3 months after conception combines w/ zeta forming the Portland
- zeta chain = analogue of a-chain d. No synthesis of Epsilon and Zeta would lead to
dissolution of embryonic hb wherein it only
persists for at least 3 months. As a  Methemoglobin is not a compound but only
counterpart, the A & Gamma increases. an Hb containing an oxidized Fe (Ferric)
e. Combination of these 2 forms the Hb F during  Sulfhemoglobin is a Hb w/ sulfide radical
the hepatic stage  Oxy & DeoxyHb are normal Hb formed during
f. Synthesis of A chain persist until after birth the normal transport of gases. These are
while gamma starts to decrease after birth & normal both in presence & function.
as a counterpart B chain gradually increases.  Carboxy, Met & SulfHb are abnormal in
g. Combination of A & B chain forms the Hb A1. function but normal in presence. These are
h. Delta chain, does not peak & combination of present in small amount in circulation.
this to A chain will form the Hb A2  Affinity of carboxyhemoglobin to Hb is >200x
thus instead that O2 binds,
carboxyhemoglobin binds w/ Hb thus it has an
abnormal function & is present in very minute
3. Hb A1 (2A & 2B): Major normal adult hemoglobin
 Everyday 3.5% of Hb is converted into
4. Hb A2 (2A & 2D): methemoglobin but since RBC have reducing
o Accounts for 1.5 % - 3.5 % of normal capacity, it is reduced back into a normal Hb.
adult Hb Deficiency in reducing capacity of RBC, RBC
o Increased in some – B Thalassemia’s, can no longer reverse the reaction thus
hyperthyroidism and in some cases of increase in methemoglobin causing
megaloblastic anemia methemoglobinemia.
 Affinity of Hb to O2 is dependent in the state
STRUCTURE  Oxidation reduction is reversible, meaning it is
oxidized but it is also reduced.
 Sulfhemoglobins presence & function is both
Gower 2 2A&2E EMBRYONIC abnormal thus it must not be present in
circulation. It is the only Hb that is not
Portland 2Z&2G EMBRYONIC measured by cyanmethemoglobin procedure.
 Conversion of Hb to Sulf is irreversible.
Fetal (F) 2A&G FETAL


- Circulates in the arterial circulation
HEMOGLOBIN COMPOUNDS - Formed when the Hb passes through the
OXYHEMOGLOBIN O2 + Hb Hb F, A1 & pulmonary capillaries of the lungs
- The O2 is loosely bound and unstable for easier
release into the tissues
DEOXYHEMOGLOBIN CO2 + Hb Hb F, A1 & - Gives a scarlet red/bright red color
CARBOCYHEMOGLOBIN CO + Hb Hb A2 Basilic is not appropriate for blood collection due to
possibility that brachial artery might be hit


- Reduced form however increased CO2
- Hemoglobin with CO2 (carbaminohemoglobin)
NOTE: wherein CO2 binds to the free amino group of
the Hb to form carbaminohemoglobin
- Gives a dark red color due to presence in venous NOTE: RAPID TESTS FOR HbCO
circulation a. NaOH test
- Formed when Hb passes through the tissues - Composition: 40% NaOh + EDTA – blood
- Process: warm gently
ABNORMAL - Result: HbCO: red color HbO2: Black-Brown
b. Dilution test (addition of water)
- Hemoglobin with CO (affinity of CO to Hb is 200-
- Compostion: 1 mL blood + 50 mL water
210x greater than the affinity of O2 thus it binds
- Result:
more in Hb) o HbCO: cherry red – pink or bluish red
- Normally present in body due to endogenous CO
source (<1%) but have an abnormal function o HbO2: Yellowish Red
because it cannot bind with O2
- From the breakdown of protoporphyrin into c. Tannic Acid test
biliverdin & CO which is the endogenous source - Composition: 1% Tannic acid which will tend
which is only minimal (<1%). At the same time, to acid digest the blood resulting to black-
for people who are exposed to normal brown color
atmospheric O2, the half-life of CO is only 4 - Result:
hours & 50% is lost by exhalation & this is not o HbCO: red precipitate
enough to cause CO poisoning o HbO2: Black-brown discoloration
- Chief Sources of CO (exogenous): automobile
- Iron (Fe++) is oxidized into its Fe+++ form
exhaust, industrial wastes, tobacco smoking
- Not a compound but an oxidized Hb
(10% of Hb of people expose to exogenous
- Absorption wavelength: 630 – 635 nm
- Screening tests:
- Imparts a cherry red in color in blood & skin
o Aeration: blood retains its color
- Absorption wavelength: 576 nm
o Addition of 1% MB: blood turns red
CRITICAL VALUE: - Have an abnormal function but normally present
5g /100 ml which may cause irreversible tissue in blood w/ conc. of 1.5% because every day
changes since COHb cannot bind w/ O2, thus it cannot almost 0.5 – 3% Hb is converted to hemoglobin
transport O2 thus it cannot oxygenate the tissues & that does not accumulate even if it is oxidized it
lungs. There are body tissues that are very dependent is reduced back to normal Hb as oxidation
on O2 (brain cells). When brain cells are depleted w/ reduction is reversible. But if amount of
O2 this will result to cell damage & brain cell damage oxidation is >1.5-3.5% g/dL (10%) it will cause
is irreversible. If values are >50 – 70% this may lead to
cellular damage causing cyanosis wherein the
asphyxiation which is experienced by a person being
patient will suffer from bluish discoloration of
strangled, it is a condition wherein the patient is
depleted w/ O2 thus the patient will lose the skin as well as difficulty of breathing due to
consciousness & may lead to death, however depletion of O2.
treatment may be employed w/ hyperbaric O2 - If present in blood at high conc. >1.5-3.5% g/dL
(10%) this will result to a chocolate brown color
Treatment: administration of hyperbaric O2 – involves
high amount of conc. O2 w/ pressure in a pressurize
room in a pressurize tube. Although the affinity of - With strong affinity w/ cyanide forming
COHb is greater than O2, w/ higher amount of hemoglobincyanide (HiCN) which may take
pressurize O2, the O2 exposure can displace CO from place inside the body. It is important in the
attachment to Hb thus bringing the CO to its normal treatment of cyanide poisoning. Free cyanide
Hb range in the circulation is very toxic.
- NO2 is given which will cause the oxidation.
NO2 will convert Hb into hemiglobin causing
oxidation of the patients Hb thus once
hemiglobin is formed, it can bind to the OTHER REDUCING AGENTS:
produced cyanide forming into HiCN. The free a. METHYLENE BLUE
poisonous cyanide is converted into less - Often given to patients suffering from
poisonous cyanide. methemoglobinemia
- It will cause the reaction of glucose 6-P to be
faster wherein the H of NADH will be
 Maintenance of Hemoglobin in the Normal transferred to the Hb thus reducing Hb
Reduced state (Fe++): Reducing properties of however the transfer of H is slow wherein
RBC methylene blue will enhance this reaction
b. ASCORBIC ACID: a potent reducing agent &
also an anti-oxidant
 Reduced Diphosphopyridine dinucleotide
(DPNH) in the presence of methemoglobin
reductase (diaphorase)
- Reaction in Embden-Meyerhof Pathway that - increase in the methemoglobin conc. in blood
Generates NADH:
o NAD is reduced into NADH which has a
reducing potential thus deficiency of it a. Inherited (enzyme deficiency): commonly
will not make it to reduce the ferric into attributed to NADH-Methemoglobin reductase
ferrous. deficiency/Diaphorase deficiency which is
important in reducing ferric to ferrous
 Reduced Triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPNH) b. Inherited M (methemoglobin)
in the presence of Glucose-6-PO4 - results of various amino acid substitutions in the
dehydrogenase globin chain that directly affect the heme group
- produced in Embden-Meyerhof Pathway in the - due to increase methemoglobin, RBC cannot
Hexose Monophosphate shunt keep up thus it cannot reduced back to
- Process: from phosphorylation of glucose to hemoglobin
glucose 6 phosphate it enters the hexose
monophosphate shunt & converted into 6-P
gluconate catalyze by G-6-PD with a coenzyme - Different structural abnormality but are not
NADP wherein in this reaction it is reduced which protected from being oxidized meaning they are
is similar to TPNH. With the reduced NADP it can easily oxidized
caused the production or reduction of more 1. M-saskatoon
glutathione which is also a reducing potential. 2. M-boston
The major reducing capacity of RBC is found in 3. M-iwate
the hexose monophosphate shunt because in 4. M-hydePark
this shunt, it can be able to produce 1.) NADPH 5. M-milwaekee
& 2.) GSH
c. Acquired:
 Glutathione and its associated enzymes - effects of chemical or therapeutic agents (aniline
o Glutathione is the major anti-oxidant dyes in food, nitrate & nitrite-rich water and
since it has a reducing property w/ foodstuffs ; anti-malarial drugs & sulfonamides)
NADPH - Therapy: Ascorbic acid & Methylthionimium Cl
o Reduced glutathione is important in
protecting the Hb from being oxidized NOTE:
 Methylene blue is not a reducing agent but
NOTE: only accelerates the reaction.
Reduced NAD can bring back methemoglobin into  Carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin are
normal Hb, ferric to ferrous present in small quantities in the serum
however its function is abnormal.
SCREENING TEST FOR METHEMOGLOBIN 123 – 153  Higher in the morning & lower in
Composition: 1% Methylene Blue g/L the evening
Result: red or pink color of blood
AT BIRTH:  Lower if lying down

3. SULFHEMOGLOBIN (SHb) 150 – 200  Increased in smokers

- Formed when organic sulfides combine with Hb g/L
 Increased in high altitude
- Observed in patients taking in oxidant drugs
because the atmosphere is very
(phenacetin & acetanilid, sulfonamides)
thin thus O2 is thin
- Once Hb is converted into sulfhemoglobin it
remains as it is thus it is Irreversible for 120 days  Estrogen tends to inhibit
however it can combine w/ CO forming erythropoietin while androgen
carboxysulfhemoglobin will tend to stimulate more
- It is the irreversible formation which prevents it
to be measured by drabkins reagent thus it
cannot be converted in cyanmethemoglobin OTHER FORMS OF HEMOGLOBIN
- NOT normally present in the blood thus its a. CYANMETHEMOGLOBIN
presence at 0.5 g/100 mL is a critical level - Feriicyanide + Fe++ of Hb
causing damage to tissues - An in vitro test that may also occur inside the
- Imparts a greenish color body (in vivo)
- Unstable Hb that can easily precipitate into a - Its presence can also be induced in vivo (inside
Heinz bodies, an inclusion bodies, which when the body) especially during cyanide poisoning.
present to RBC, they tend to attach themselves - The most stable among the Hb pigments thus
on RBC membrane making RBC membrane rigid when performing cyanmethemoglobin
thus cells w/ Heinz bodies are prone to hemolysis procedure the Hb result can be delayed because
leading to hemolytic anemia. Even normal Hb the color produced does not fade
can form few Heinz bodies when denatured - Absorption wavelength: 540 nm
- Absorption wavelength: 600 - 620 nm


VALUES - Also called “Glycated Hemoglobin” or simple
FOR  Polycythemi  All “Glycohemoglobin”.
HEMOGLO a - increase anemia - Described as “fast hemoglobins” because they
BIN RBC migrate fast in electrophoresis.
 Leukemi
production - Irreversibly glycosylated at 1 or both N-terminal
valines (or lysine) of the β-chains
 Dehydration
 Oligochr - Refers to the addition of a glucose molecule to
– due to
omia the hemoglobin molecule. Such addition is non-
enzymatically catalyzed. The only basis of when
tration w/
the glucose binds in hemoglobin is the level of
plasma glucose that when the levels of plasma
glucose is elevated (like in hyperglycemia, DM
volume due
Type I and II), the excessive glucose in the plasma
to burns &
can bind with the hemoglobin called glycation or
glycosylation which is irreversible wherein once
MALE: PHYSIOLOGIC VARIATIONS the glucose is added to the Hgb molecule, this
Hgb will remain to be glycated so that the RBC,
140 – 175  After 50 years of age – slight once its Hgb is glycosylated, it will remain
g/L decrease glycolyated during the entire life span of the
FEMALE: RBC. This will now lead to the formation of:
o Hb A1a
o Hb A1b days. It is important index in diabetes control,
o Hb A1c: the FBS & RBS are more accurate as an index of
 Major fraction which serves as metabolic control for the past 2-4 months,
an index of the metabolic meaning the glycosylated Hb is the same for the
control over that last 2-4 next 4 months.
months. This is more preferred
in monitoring glycemic control.
 Elevated 2-3 folds in patients
dissociation curve
with Diabetes Mellitus (DM).
(ODC), is a curve that
 Preferred than FBS and RBS.
plots the proportion of
NOTE: HBA1c hemoglobin in its
saturated form on the
 Patients with DM are being monitored
Y axis against the
for their glycemic control and if their
prevailing oxygen
medications can control the increase
tension on the X axis. It
of their glucose. The monitoring
is slightly S shape.
should be a form of review on their
Left shift indicates increase O2 saturation
conditions for the past 2-4 months.
Right shift indicates that O2 is released in the tissues.
 The present HbA1c levels of the
This relates oxygen saturation and partial pressure of
patient reflects on his/her HbA1c
O2 in the blood (PO2), and is determined by
levels for the past 2-4 months.
hemoglobin affinity for oxygen wherein the higher the
 HbA1c is just for monitoring and not
affinity, the curved shift towards the left & vice versa.
for diagnosis for DM.
Affinity is the main factor that influences the shifting.

- Necessary for diabetic individual

- Fast Hb
- Hb w/ attached glucose which occurs when FACTOR FACTOR
plasma glucose is high. Glycation is not INCREASE DECREASE
enzymatically catalyzed. When glucose attached
to Hb, the only factor which will promote this is pH Left shift due to Right shift due
the increased in plasma glucose or increase affinity to decrease pH –
hyperglycemia. – alkalosis acidosis

NOTE: 2,3 DPH/BPG Right shift due do Left shift due to

 To which part of the Hgb will the glucose decrease affinity increase affinity
attach? due to increase due to decrease
o Glucose attaches at 1 or both N- DPG DPG
terminal valines (or lysine) or the β-
CO2 (haldane Right shift due to Right shift due
effect), H+ & increase of these to decrease of
 Only HbA1 are glycosylated Hgb because the
glycosylation occurs in the β-chain. Therefore, Cl- - all factors thus salt these factors
only Hgb has the β-chain. maintains the bridge is thus salt bridge
salt bridge stabilized thus is not stabilized
decreasing the thus increasing
2 REACTIONS ARE INVOLVED: affinity the affinity
1. REVERSIBLE Blood (Body) Right shift due to Left shift due to
2. AMADORI: irreversible meaning the glucose Temperature increase decreased
attached to the terminal valine or lysine can no Temperature temperature
longer be detached. & once the Hb is Rule: the
glycosylated it will remain glycosylated until 120 higher the
metabolism 1. THALASSEMIA
- Synthesis defect
Hb F Left shift due to Right shift due - Decreased or non-existent production of one or
increase Hb F to decreased Hb more globin chain type
-Has innate
thus it will not F thus it will - For both α & β, there is a deletion in the gene
easily release O2 easily release resulting to incomplete synthesis of A & B chain.
affinity which
O2 - Diverse group of genetic disorders characterized
is needed by
fetus in an by a primary, quantitative reduction in globin
anaerobic chain synthesis for hemoglobin.
in the uterus
increased in - Indication of Deletion:
adults, this 1. Silent carrier - (_A/AA) (AA/_A) = ¼ thus no
may lead to signs & symptoms of anemia
deoxygenatio 2. Thalassemia trait/A-Thal minor – (_ _/AA)
n. (_A/A_) = 2/4 w/ mild signs & symptoms
3. Hb H disease – (_ _ /A _) = ¾ thus the
Abnormal Hbs production of Alpha chain becomes too
(depends on insufficient & B chain will be used in excess
characteristic resulting to Hb having all B chains (4 B)
of 4. Bart’s Hydrops fetalis – (_ _/ _ _) = 4/4 thus
abnormality) no synthesis of A chain, as early as fetal life,
Hb F which consist of 2 A & 2 G, there would
be no Hb F synthesis & what will be
SEVERAL ABNORMALITIES OF HEMOGLOBIN synthesize is the G chain (4 G).
- Iron is deficient thus affecting Hb synthesis B. BETA THALASSEMIA
leading to IDA - Indication of Deletion: 0 superscript
- Deficient Protoporphyrin IX because of enzyme 1. Beta Thalassemia Major/Cooley’s anemia –
defect along the synthesis leading to excess iron B0/B
& iron will not be utilized in the absence of 2. Beta Thalassemia Intermedia – B+/B+,
protoporphyrin 9. Unused iron will precipitate present but cannot effect the synthesis of B
into siderotic granules leading to sideroblastic chain because of partial suppression.
anemia 3. Beta Thalassemia Minor/Cooley’s trait -
B0/B0, the patient is devoid of Hb A1
because the patient cannot synthesize B
Sideroblastic Anemia – problem in the utilization of
chain & what is elevated is Hb F.
iron due to deficiency in protoporphyrin 9

2. GLOBIN IS ABNORMAL - Disorder in structure
- Ex.: Hb A1 – 2 A w/ 4 genes & 141 amino acids & - Results from the alteration of the DNA genetic
2 B chains w/ 2 genes & 146 amino acids code for the chains
- 2 FACTORS: - Conditions characterized by qualitative
o Alpha Thalassemia structural abnormalities of the globin
o B Thalassemia polypeptide chains that result from alteration of
the DNA genetic code for those chains. Structural Hb S (SICKING HB)
abnormalities may involve amino acid. - The most well-known hb variant characterized
by substitution of glutamic acid by tRNA to valine
on the 6th amino acid position of the β-chain.
Glutamic: CAG Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu → val
Valine: GUG
- Ex.: Hb Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu → val
- Common to black population
- The effect of alteration from glutamic acid to
valine is a negative charge wherein glutamic is
- some amino acid is deleted
highly negatively charge compared to valine thus
- reason of thalassemia
leading to loss of negative charges & Hb
Ex.: Hb Gun Hill: (β91 to β 95) → 0 becomes less negative
- In electrophoresis in cellulose acetate, S
3. FUSION migrates slowly than A & F due to substitution of
- Hb Lepore-Baltimore: (G(1-50) B(86-146)) – caused by amino acid 6
cross over during mitosis resulting to fusion - Inheritance:
o Homozygous (SS) – sickle cell anemia
4. ELONGATION/ ADDITION o Heterozygous (AS) – sickle cell trait
REASON FOR DELETION & ELONGATION: mutation in  Blacks who are suffering from this are
genetic code protected from being infected from
developing severe falciparum malaria
REASON OF HEMOGLOBINOPATHIES: mutation of gene (Resistance). Hb C, E, B-Thalassemia & G-6PD
NOMENCLATURE deficiency also confer protection in terms of
resistance but not immunity meaning these
patients may still be infected but may not
a. Morphology- sickling Hb (HbS)
proceed to chronic stage.
b. Place where they were discovered- (Hb
o Falciparum are intracellular species &
Boston) when present in RBC & when RBC is
2. SCIENTIFIC NAME sickle the parasite inside also dies
- Gives structural defect of Hb does no complication arise
- Example: Hb Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu → val o Falciparum metabolizes Hb, when Hb
B: affected polypeptide chain crystalizes it forms into a crystal &
6: sequential amino acid number(s) affected falciparum may no longer metabolize
(primary structure) the Hb
A3: Helix number involved (secondary structure: o RBC w/ falciparum will be
A-H); not necessary as long as primary structure phagocytosis before it causes severity
is indicated
Glu: nature of the abnormality (substitution, HOMOZYGOUS (SS) SICKLE CELL ANEMIA
deletion, addition or globin chain fusion) - Severe anemia because the patient does not
PRIMARY STRUCTURE synthesize the normal Hb A

- sequence or arrangement of amino acid NOTE:

On electrophoresis:
NOTE: o Hb S – 80 -90%
Hemoglobinopathies commonly affects the B chain. o Hb F – 10 -20 %
o Hb A2 – Normal

- Increased RDW
- Retarded growth & sexual maturation & patient NOTE:
suffers sickle cell crises OTHER SICKLING HBS:
- Main cause of Sickle Cell Crises: sickling o Abnormality: Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu → val + unique B-
- Normally when Hb S is fully oxygenated, Hb S is substitution
fully soluble o Hb C-Harlem, C-Ziguinchor, S-Travis
- But when Hb S is w/ reduced O2, Hb S becomes
insoluble wherein it polymerizes (change in HEMOGLOBIN C
molecular arrangement) & forms into tactoid -
Composition: B 6 (A3) Glu → Lys
crystals/fluid crystals (elongated & thin, pointed - A beta structural defect, where glutamic acid is
at both ends) leading to sickling & rigid cell substituted w/ lysine
membrane thus it is no longer adjustable leading
to vassoocclusion thus it cannot easily pass HOMOZYGOUS: Hb C DISEASE (CC)
through the small circulations - N/N in size & shape anemia with numerous
- Sickling is reversible but repeated sickling leads target cells (bull’s eye)
to permanent sickling due to permanent damage - Hb CC crystals formed when deoxygenated &
to RBC membrane dehydrated & the crystals are hexagonal or rod-
- Causes vasso-obstruction shaped crystals or bar of gold shape & blunt ends
- Vasoocclusive crises occurs commonly on small & does not deform the cell meaning it retains its
circulations like in the fingers & toes thus hand- shape but becomes rigid
foot syndrome / dactylitis (inflamed or swollen,
cyanotic due to absence of circulation) occurs
- RBCs – slightly hypochromic
- Vassoocclusion also occurs in bone & joint
- Less abnormalities
causing pain
- Splenic circulation is also minute, since spleen HEMOGLOBIN SC DISEASE
also serves as a filter of blood thus its circulation - Signs & symptoms are milder than SS but more
is too small, that only deformable red cell may severe than sickle cell
pass through. Due to increase activity of spleen - Electrophoresis: C = S = 50 – 50%
& vassoocclusion, spleen also enlarges - Cytoplasm appears folded like a pocketbook cells
(splenomegaly) causing sequestration of more (RBC w/ cytoplasm folded)
blood leading to hypovolemic shock. When - Hb SC easily crystalize forming a fingerlike
spleen is enlarged & bone marrow is affected projection w/ more than 1 protrusions where
thus both are abnormal in function leading to one is long & protrude away. It also in the form
decrease blood production to the marrow of hand in gloves crystals or pointing – finger or
(aplastic crises) thus the immune system is Washington monument crystal
defective & the patient becomes prone to
infection (infectious crises) as a result of all of OTHER ABNORMAL HEMOGLOBINS
this organ damage occur (marrow lungs) a. Hb METHEMOGLOBIN
- The no. 1 cause of death is infection & in children - M-Saskatoon, Boston, Iwate, HydePark,
the most common is S. pneumoniae. Milwaukee = all have different amino acid
substitution but the effect is the same & not
NOTE: protected from oxidation
SICKLE CELL TRAIT (AS) - Methemoglobinemia w/ congenital cyanosis due
• Predominant Hb is A, only 30-45% is Hb S to overwhelming oxidation even at baby stage &
• Patient usually have no symptoms & sickling is the blood appears chocolate brown
uncommon to occur unless in cases of extreme tissue - Easily precipitate & forms into Heinz bodies
hypoxia because S is minimal in concentration
Hb S – Thalassemia:
1. Hb w/ Increase Affinity
o Hb S-A
o Hb S-B – more severe - Example: Hb Chesapeake (a 93 Arg → Leu) – affects
affinity of Hb to O2 & O2 will shift to left
o >1/3: RBC is hypochromic
2. Hb with Decrease Affinity  Size: similar to small lymphocyte
- Example: Hb Kansas (B 120 Asp → Thr) – shift to the o Rule: Slight variation in size & shape is
right acceptable but increase in variation will
be abnormal
 Cytoplasm: uniformly pink without inclusions
Abnormal Hb are connected by weak bonds thus they
 Average lifespan: 120 days
easily precipitate & flocculate
o <120 days: RBC undergoes pre-mature
TEST FOR UNSTABLE HB  Chromium 51 (Cr51): used to measure the
1. ISOPROPANOL PRECIPITATION TEST effective survival of RBCs in vitro
- When heated, 17% Isopropanol at 37 C normal o Half survival time range: 25-32 days
Hb do not precipitate but few will do & unstable o <25 days: RBC undergoes hemolysis
Hb will easily precipitate. o Process: Collect blood from the patient.
- Purpose of Isopropanol: weaken the bonds Radioactive Cr is added on the blood.
Chromated RBC are infuse back
2. HEAT DENATURATION/INSTABILITY TEST intravenously. The disappearance of
- At 50 C for 3 hours, normal Hb will not flocculate chromated RBC will be measured by
but unstable Hb will performing blood cell count in a gamma
ray for every 1 – 2 days for 10 – 14 days.
3. HEINZ BODY STAINING Cr is eluted from circulation 1% a day, its
- If ppt & flocculation happens in vivo forming disappearance is shorter
Heinz bodies which are not easily seen in normal o Purpose: label RBC in order to be
wrights blood smear differentiated from unlabeled RBC
- Supravital staining is employed (brilliant cresyl
blue & crystal violet)
RED BLOOD CELLS  Half – life: no. of days wherein at least 50% of
CHARACTERISTIC OF A NORMAL RBC: radioactivity of Cr or gamma ray disappear
from circulation
 Shape: Biconcave disk  Eliptocytes are usually utilize for thinner &
o Purpose: deformed cells due to acquired condition
 Promotes gas exchange while ovalocytes are egg shape & not thin,
between CO2 & O2 which are often seen in hereditary type.
 For RBC to be flexible &
deformable in order to squeeze
through the microcirculations or RBC MEMBRANE
else it will be prone to lysis. - underlie the lipid layer & regulate shape &
 Diameter: 7 – 8 um deformability because if the membrane is rigid,
o <7: microcyte the cells cannot reshape itself & not flexible
- surrounds the cellular cytoplasm or internal
o >8: macrocyte
 Thickness (MCAT): 1.5 – 2.5 um
- selective transport membrane: separates the
 Average volume (MCV): 90 fL
internal environment to external
 Average Surface Area: 160 um2
o does not easily allow diffusion of
 Shape & Deformity: Flexible & deformable
o Responsibility of: shape, integrity of cell
o It selectively allows the entry of water &
membrane & biconcavity.
electrolytes, inlet & exit
 Mature: anucleated w/ a dense outer rim
- consist of a phospholipid bilayer
 Central pallor: 1/3 of its diameter, it is pale due
to lack of Hb
RBC MEMBRANE COMPOSITION: liquid environment with hydrocarbon tail which
1. 50% PROTEINS is hydrophobic meaning it does not interact with
watery environment. The polar heads are
a. INTEGRAL PROTEINS exposed to the watery environment while the
- crosses phospholipid bilayer hydrocarbon tail is facing inwards because if
- high amount of sialic acid for imparting negative outwards it does not interact with watery
charge to maintain zeta potential environment.

Zeta potential 1. EXTERNAL SURFACE: phosphatidyl choline,
- RBC repel each other due to negative cloud glycolipids & sphingomyelin
surrounding them caused by sialic acid. When 2. INTERNAL SURFACE: Cephalin,
zeta potential becomes altered this result to phosphatidylinositol & phosphatidylserine
rouleau formation.
- Component: Glycophorin A & component a
(band 3) b. CHOLESTEROL
- Function: serves as membrane protein - Amount depends upon the concentration of
mechanism in order to allow passage of plasma cholesterol, bile acids & activity of the
molecules either inward or outward enzyme LCAT
- Maintains regulation of membrane fluidity &
permeability to electrolytes. It also maintains the
surface area volume of RBC
- Component (cytoskeleton): Spectrin & Actin - Water content of RBC depends mainly on its
- found facing the inner or cytoplasmic ionic gradient wherein the greater the ionic
environment or facing outwards found on the gradient, RBC becomes hypertonic thus water
outer or inner surface enters RBC & too much entry of water causes
- adds up to the adherence of lipids swelling of RBC & eventually burst & decrease
- Form the Active Transport System 1. PLASMA CHOLESTEROL: if plasma cholesterol
is high, patient has hypercholesterolemia
a. Na/K ATPase (liver diseases) macrocytes & target cells are
- Regulates entry of Na & K in & out of the cell in present, because of loading of some
cholesterol into the cell membrane causing
order to maintain Na as a major extracellular
the cell to widen
cation while K is the major intracellular cation
2. BILE ACIDS – for solubilization
thus when it is impaired there would be 3. Activity of the enzyme LCAT
excessive inlet & outlet of cations. If excessive
cation entered, this will result to hypotonicity of
RBC causing now the entry of water, swelling & 3. 10% CARBOHYDRATES
lysis of RBC - Some serve as red cell antigens (e.g. ABH antigen
on surface of RBC)
b. Ca/Mg ATPase - Often in combination w/ lipids (glycolipid) or
protein (glycoprotein)
2. 40% LIPIDS - Ex.: Glycophorin A, B , C/D
a. PHOSPOLIPIDS ABH – blood antigen ABO – blood
- Serves as a liquid sealer, because it is liquid group Ab
stabilized by proteins where they are connected
- Arrangement serves as liquid sealer wherein
 A-spectrin, Ankyrin, Band 3, B-Spectrin,
there is 2 phospholipid layers containing a
Protein 4.2 & 4.1 & Glycoprotein are
phosphate head which is polar thus it reacts with
important in maintaining the shape & size of - Main function: generates NADPH and reduced
RBC & abnormality of these will lead to glutathione (GSH) in the presence of Glucose 6-
deformation of cells. PO4 dehydrogenase (G6PD). GSH protects the
 Defective A-spectrin, cell will be spherocytes hemoglobin from oxidation by peroxides.
or pyropoikilocytes - Process: If G6P converts into 6-
phosphogluconate, it produces NADPH & the
METABOLIC ACTIVITIES IN THE RBCS enzyme used is G6PD & the substrate is NADP
- RBC is metabolically active when it is maturing which is reduced into NADPH which may
because when it becomes mature it does not become H donor wherein it transfers the H to
have nucleus & mitochodria ferric iron & ferric becomes ferrous. It also
maintains the glutathione in the reduced form
RULE: which also serves as a reducing agent wherein it
The more immature the RBC, the more metabolically detoxifies the toxic radicals (H2O2 – strong
active it is which is related to the amount of the RNA oxidizing agent causing oxidation of lipids & Hb
which indicates the cellular immaturity & metabolic & this is detoxify into H2O & O2). Glutathione
activity. also brings back the ferric form of iron into
- Since RBC are already devoid of mitochondria, - Generates 2,3-DPG /2,3-BPG which regulates
glycolytic pathway goes anaerobic. the affinity of Hb to O2 by lowering the affinity
- Main Function of Anaerobic Glycolysis: promoting release of O2 causing a shift to the
production of the cells energy which is ATP right
- Process: for every glucose metabolize, it will
produce 2 ATPs for the glyceraldehyde-3- 4. METHEMOGLOBIN REDUCTASE PATHWAY
phosphate & for 2 ATPs for Dihydroxyacetone - Reduction of methemoglobin by NADPH is more
Phosphate thus a total of 4 but the net energy efficient in the presence of methemoglobin
utilized is a net of 2 reductase (cytochrome b5 reductase) which
- Major source of red cell’s ATP (90-95%) serves as an intermediate electron carrier. It also
prevents oxidation of heme by reducing ferric to
ferrous with the use of NAD.


& goes as anaerobic glycolytic pathway, mainly
for the production of 90-95% of RBC ATPs. The
for the production of NADPH & GSH for the
maintenance of Hb iron in the reduced form
because it can reverse the ferric into ferrous.
GSH can also detoxify H2O2 converting it into
necessary for production of 2,3 DPG which
2. HEXOSE MONOPHOSPHATE SHUNT/PENTOSE maintains affinity of Hb to O2.
- Arises from Embden Meyerhof Pathway but it produces NADH which serves as reducing
undergoes oxidative glycolysis providing 5 – property & may also donate its hydrogen to
10% ATP cause reduction of ferric into ferrous.
- Contains the major anti-oxidant of cells
BREAKDOWN OF RBCs - Process: Hemoglobin is released into the plasma
- As RBC ages, there is a decrease in its enzymes and can be filtered by the kidneys. Plasma
causing slow reaction, thus causing a decrease in haptoglobin and hemopexin salvage the
ATP production & metabolic activity decreases & released hemoglobin so that its iron is not lost in
everything also decreases causing now the urine
distortion thus if more ions enter the RBC, more - Ex.: when RBC is not deformable they undergo
water will enter causing now swelling and size intravascular hemolysis (spherocytes)
also decrease and an increase in density.
- This natural deterioration leads to its
phagocytosis. When cells are deformed it will be
recognized by splenic macrophages as a damage
- synthesize by the liver & released into the
or senescent RBC wherein spleen filters blood to
removed old & damage cells (splenicullin), this
- Function: combine w/ hemoglobin preventing
process happens extravascularly. Approximately
Hb from being filtered by the kidneys &
1% of RBC leave the circulation each day & are
hemoglobin-haptoglobin will be brought into the
broken down by mononuclear phagocytic
liver for metabolism. Hb will undergo breakdown
by separating heme & globin. Globin will be
recycled as amino acids, & goes back to amino
acid pool. Heme is recycled as iron is
immediately utilized or stored as ferritin but
- destruction of senescent red cells by splenic
haptoglobin cannot repeat the function, it will
carry Hb to the liver but it cannot repeat its
- release of Hb occurs inside the macrophages &
function, it cannot go back. Thus, in increase
unconjugated Hb is released in the circulation
hemolysis haptoglobin is also depleted.
- Process: Hemoglobin undergoes degradation
- In short: haptoglobin binds w/ free Hb thus
within the macrophage where iron is stored as
forming hemoglobin-haptoglobin & delivered to
ferritin, amino acids of globin are returned to
the liver
the metabolic amino acid pool and
protoporphyrin is converted to bilirubin which
is released into the plasma and excreted by the
- Process: Hb in plasma becomes oxidized into
liver in bile.
methemoglobin which combines with albumin
forming methemealbumin, this will be brought
into the liver for processing.
- In short: albumin bind to methemoglobin
- may be caused by the turbulent environment in
forming methemealbumin, & increases in
the circulation
hemolysis due to increase formation
- lysis occurs in the circulation thus release of Hb
is directly in the plasma & increase in
intravascular hemolysis can cause the RBC to
appear pink. Hb is a low molecular weight
protein that can be easily filtered by the kidneys
& be excreted into the urine causing
hemoglobinuria making urine red or pink &
when Hb stayed in room temp. for prolonged
time it will be oxidized into methemoglobin.
When Hb is excreted, it will lose the components
(60% Fe, Protoporphyrin 9, globin & amino acids)
but the body has a compensatory mechanism to
conserve the Hb.
 RBC count
 Hemoglobin
 Hematocrit
 RBC Indices
 Peripheral Blood Examination
o Blood Smear for differential counting &
morphology examination of RBC (PBS)
 Reticulocyte measurement
 Osmotic Fragility test
 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate


 Size (7-8 um)
 Variation in size (80-100 fL)
 Area of Central Pallor (1/3 & clear)
 Cytoplasm (clear w/out inclusion)
- Process: Hemopexin combines w/ heme. When
heme is separated from methemoglobin it can
be still conserve by binding of hemopexin to
heme forming the hemopexin complex & will be
brought to the liver
- In short: heme bind with hemopexin forming
heme-hemopexin complex

Whether intravascular or extravascular, iron is

 increase in variation in size thus increasing RDW a measure of variation in size
 Refers to variation in color after staining which is related to the hemoglobin content of the cell, since it is the
hemoglobin that takes up the stain wherein the appearance of the cell after staining is directly proportional to
the hemoglobin content
NORMOCYTE Biconcave disc  Normal
 Not all cells are normal there is a classification
known as normocytic anemia which are normal
in size (MCV: 80-100) but there is anemia which
is related to the decrease in production
MICROCYTE  Smaller RBCs  Main cause: Any defect in heme or globin that
 Diameter: <7 µm results in IMPAIRED HB SYNTHESIS thus cells
 MCV= <80 fL undergo extra division & the cells hardly
reached its optimum MCHC
Note: It is efficient to use MCV  Develops from:
because diameter depends on the o ineffective iron utilization, absorption,
smear prepared. or release
o decreased or defective globin synthesis
 Diseases caused:
precipitate due to protoporphyrin 9
deficiency leading to siderotic granules
& its occurrence in RBC appears as
o THALASSEMIA (globin)
inflammation activates macrophages &
T lymphocytes causing increased
production of cytokines that will inhibit
normal iron metabolism thus affecting
heme synthesis
o LEAD POISONING – lead inhibits
enzymes (heme synthase) in heme
MACROCYTE  Larger than 10 µm CAUSES:
diameter due to failure of a. ACCELERATED ERYTHROPOIESIS – fast RBC
mitosis prod. Until faster release of reticulocyte in
 Diameter: >9 µm circulation as a compensation to blood loss or
 MCV= >100 fL lysis. If patient suffers from blood loss or lysis,
blood cell count decreases causing hypoxia &
the kidneys will produce increase
erythropoietin causing acceleration of
erythropoiesis thus the bone marrow will
release even immature reticulocytes
(stress/shift reticulocytes) thus it is larger in
b. DEFECTIVE DNA SYNTHESIS – affects nuclear
maturation resulting to nuclear arrest which is
prolonged mitosis due to immaturity of nucleus
which is the central control of the cell due to
deficiency in DNA synthesis thus it undergoes
slow maturation & mitosis leading to large
cells; failure of division
INCREASED – cell membrane is loaded w/
cholesterol thus increasing cell membrane &
the cell due to hypercholesterolemia this is due
to disturbance in the lipid conc. of plasma &
may be seen in obstructive liver disease
wherein liver is the main organ that
metabolizes fats and where VLDL came from.
Obstructive liver disease leads to incomplete
metabolism of fats thus patients suffer from


bone marrow compensates for the blood loss
or lysis by producing immature RBC thus high
reticulocyte count
impaired DNA synthesis because cells fail to
divide or suffer from long mitosis resulting to
oval macrocytes
 CHEMOTHERAPY – the chemical infused to
destroy the malignant cells often target the
DNA of cell thus affecting DNA
 LIVER DISEASE - increase cholesterol lipids
causing loading to phospholipid bilayer
 HYPOTHYROIDISM – thyroid is necessary for
metabolism, T3 & T4, for regulating other
 POST-SPLENECTOMY – not only macrocytes
persist in circulation but also all cell
abnormalities. The spleen filters 5 – 10% of
blood allowing inclusions & abnormal cells to
be removed thus removing the spleen will lead
to no filtration of blood causing abnormality in
DINMORPHIC RBCs  Presence of 2 distinct populations of red cells that may differ in size, shape or
hemoglobin content thus it may be a mixture of hypochromic cell & normochromic
cell or a microcytic cell or macro
o ANEMIA AFTER TRANSFUSION – after transfusion, on the examination of
patient’s blood smear, there is 2 population of cell, the patient RBC &
transfused RBC, the cells are pale (hypochromic) & microcytic, mixed w/ the
transfused blood (normocytic & normochromic)
o IRON DEFICIENCY DURING THERAPY – cells are microcytic & hypochromic
o IRON DEFICIENCY & VIT. B12 – Iron stored in bone marrow, but storage of
iron is not proportional where the other parts are proportional while the
others are not, thus the developing cells near w/ iron develops as normocytes
while cells w/ developing iron develops as microcytes thus it is a mixture of
microcytic & normochromic cells
o COMBINED VIT. B12 /FOLATE – macrocytosis, 2 most common causes of
microcytosis, normocytic cell ; a group of anemias that show different


GRADING variation)
Percentage of RBC differ in size or shape from normal RBCs.
Normal 5% 1+ (slight) 25%
Slight 5-10%
1+ 10-25% 2+ to 3+ (moderate) 25-50%
2+ 25=50%
3+ 50-75% 4+ (marked) >50%
4+ >75%
Used if cells vary in size and shape
 variation in the hemoglobin concentration
 absence of uniformity of color
 directly relates to Hb
 Color of cells when stained depends on the Hb
NORMOCHROMIC Homogenous with central Normal
pallor (1/3)
Measure: MCHC
pallor (exceeds 1/3 of  decrease in heme synthesis
the diameter of the red  defect in globin chain synthesis
cell)  Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)
 Thalassemia
ANULOCYTE/ GHOST  Thin & poorly
CELLS hemoglobinized cells RULE: Not all hypochromic cells are microcytic but all
- very hypochromic (anulocyte) microcytic cell are hypochromic
SPHEROCYTIC Cells that lack central pallor  Defects in the cytoskeletal proteins
and with reduced diameter  Hereditary and acquired spherocytosis
TARGET CELLS  Central pale area is
filled with hemoglobin
resulting to bulls eye &
further surrounded by
thin rim of Hb
 On side view, there is
protrusion on the
POLYCHROMASIA PROBLEM: difference in RNA & Hb among RNA & Hb
 Refers to the display of different shades of color which is Diffused bluish-gray tint of
RBCs & is not directly related to Hb content
 Already fully hemoglobinized but the display of different colors is caused by the
differences in the affinity of the cellular component (Hb & rRNA) wherein Hb takes
up the acidic dye & the rRNA takes up the basic dye
 Exemplified by the fifth stage of erythropoiesis: reticulocytes which is the first non-
nucleated stage but it has remnants of RNA & is fully hemoglobinized

RULE: The more immature, the more RNA it has thus the more chromatophilic it is.
 Not directly related to Hb content but on the RNA content
 The reddish or orange color caused by eosin of Hb & the bluish color stained by
methylene blue of rRNA will be mixed in the cell & the colors produced is mixed
resulting to diffuse coloration of cells
 Increase polychromatic cells indicates immature cell (reticulocyte) which is
synonymous to reticulocyte

APPEARANCE: diffuse coloration, no central pale area

 Supravital stains (new methylene blue & brilliant cresyl blue) – appropriate staining
of living reticulocyte & the cells will appear as larger cells w/ granules (RNA).
 Supravital stains precipitate the RNA thus they appear as dark blue precipitate
against pale blue cytoplasm. The granules appear in a network or reticulum thus
called reticulocytes


1+ Area of central pallor is ½ of cell diameter Slight 1%
2+ Area of pallor id 2/3 of cell diameter 1+ 3%
3+ Are of pallor is three-quarters 2+ 5%
4+ Thin rim of hgb 3+ 10%
4+ >11%

1+ (slight) Central pallor: 1/3 ro 2/3 of cell’s diameter 1+ 1-3 polychromatophilic cells/ field
2+ to 3+ More than 2/3 2+ 3-5 PcC/f
4+ (marked) Thin rim on the periphery 3+ >5 PcC/f


POIKILOCYTOSIS- increase variation in shape ; named after their shape
PROTEINS – maintain shape & size of the cell, preventing it from collapsing
LIPIDS – main fluid barrier

 Abnormality in proteins, lipids & carbohydrates affects the shape of the cell
(ELLIPTOCYTES) shape, slightly oval ELLIPTOCYTOSIS: (25-  Myelodysplastic syndrome
to sausage, rod, or 90%)  Thalassemic syndrome
pencil forms  decrease in  Megaloblastic syndrome –
 Despite of their skeletal megaloblastic
shape they function membrane ELLIPTOCTE:
normally depending CHON band 4.1  Hereditary elliptocytosis
on their hemoglobin  increase heat  Idiopathic myelofibrosis
content, flexibility & sensitivity of  Small numbers may be
deformability spectrin acquired in:
 Some appear o iron deficiency,
normochromic or ACQUIRED: 10% o megaloblastic
hypochromic  No problem or anemia,
meaning they are deficiency o myelophthisic
abnormal in shape affecting the anemia,
but normal Hb protein o thalassemias &
content thus membrane but sickle cell anemia
function normally the cell
 Some are became
normocytic but distorted
elongated sized but because of
the MCV is the different
same. Some are oval condition
& macrocytic
which is a significant
observation related
to megaloblastic
 Hb appears to be
concentrated at the
two ends of the cell,
leaving a normal
central pallor area.

NOTE: Membrane
abnormality for both is the
Peripheral proteins can be found on the surface or inner surface underlying the phospholipid layer, these proteins are
connected to the transmembrane proteins & phospholipid bilayer which adds on the integrity thus deficiency in
spectrins, protein 4.1, 4.2 will alter the membrane thus deformed.
SPHEROCYTE  sphere & not  indicates a TWO MOST COMMON CAUSES:
biconcave hemolytic  HEREDITARY
 Smaller in diameter process SPHEROCYTOSIS/INTRINSI
than normal RBC & (hemolysis C MEMBRANE DEFECT –
w/ smaller volume results from a protein or spectrin
because it is fully membrane abnormality, deficiency in
distended due to abnormality) ankyrin or protein band 3.
increase hb thus it cannot Spectrin dimer is
 On side view it has a enter onto the connected to the integral
small biconcavity microcirculatio protein, ankyrin underlies
but very small not n & as they the phospholipid bilayer,
enough to make enter they these add to the integrity
them flexible or immediately of phospholipid bilayer
deformable burst or lyse thus a deficiency in these
 With concentrated protein will make the
hb content phospholipid bilayer,
 No visible or weaker, & some of portion
decrease central of phospholipid will be
pallor easily detached into the
form of microvesicles.
A deficiency in spectrin, ankyrin &
protein band 3 leads uncoupling of
phospholipid layer & some of lipids
will be easily detached into the
form of microvesicles. Repeated
detachment leads to a smaller cell
having no central pallor,

Weak membrane causing weak
dissociation of deficiency in
cytoskeletal protein

to the red cell will
attached to the red cell w/
their FC portion exposed
which will be recognized
by macrophages that have
Fc receptors on their
receptors & they pit off.
Macrophages pull off Ab
attached on RBC but as it
pulls off, it removes
portion of RBC. The
remaining fragment of RBC
will reseal to form a
smaller cell w/ a filled
volume. Repeated pitting
may occur resulting to

SPLENIC CULLING – removal of old

& damage red cell
PITTING – process of removing
inclusions & Ab attached to RBC


lose enzymatic properties
& will lack ATP caused by
decreased in enzymatic
activity of enzymes involve
in Embden Meyerhof
pathway resulting to lack
of ability to maintain their
shape & size. Na/K ATPase
needs ATP for activity thus
when cell lacks ATP, this
can no longer be
maintained & transport of
Na/K is compromised & as
an effect the cell can be
crenate or distorted.
– after transfusion of
stored blood, patient
blood smear shows lots of
spherocytes but no
abnormality in the
membrane but the cells
undergo change in their
shape due to storage
lesion. During the storage
of blood in blood bag, it
will be consumed, the cell
will lack glucose to
produce ATP & the main
source is glycolysis, but as
the cell lack glucose this
will lead to lack of ATP
Since phospholipid is a fat,
it is easily dissolve by heat
thus will fragment &
vesicle out of phospholipid
bilayer resulting to
spherocyte & repeated
fragmentation leads to
BURR CELL  Microscopically burr  Depletion of BURR CELL
& echinocyte ATP 1. Occur in situations that
appear similar.  Exposure to cause a change in tonicity
ECHINOCYTE hypertonic (hypertonic) of the
 Sea urchin solution intravascular fluid plasma
 Crenation occurs in seen in dehydration &
vitro azotemia related to uremia
 An artefact &
insignificant which 2. ASSOCIATED W/ RENAL
may be seen on INSUFFICIENCY - wherein
thinner part of the kidneys important in
cell removing metabolic waste
 With evenly in the blood, it also filters
distributed, blood but do not remove
uniformly sized 10- abnormally shaped cells &
30 blunt spicules or inclusions. It functions to
bumps remove metabolic
products, dissolve
RULE: Both reactions are chemicals & substances
reversible (salts, acids, & excessive
water). In renal
BURR CELL insufficiency the kidneys
 Very clinically cannot function, resulting
significant which to non-removal of
indicates changed in metabolic products such as
the plasma tonicity the non-protein
 Microscopically the nitrogenous substances,
appearance of the blood urea nitrogen &
spicules is the same creatinine, these
w/ echinocytes thus substances builds up in the
relate in conditions. blood altering the tonicity
 Crenation occurs in thus cells will crenate
vivo while still in the
 Reversible in intravascular fluid.
formation, when
patient underwent RULE: The no. of burr cell indicates
dialysis thus NPN is the severity of renal damage.
cleared out from the
plasma maintaining ECHONOCYTES
the normal tonicity 1. Several hours old
of plasma anticoagulant blood stored
 With irregularly at room temperature
sized & unevenly causing an artefactual
spaced 10-30 blunt effect due to prolonged
spicules storage at prolonged
2. Stored blood causes
crenation of cell due to
depletion of ATP &
biochemical activities

RULE: Both reactions are reversible

ACANTHOCYTES  Irreversible  May be caused  ASSOCIATED W/ END
formation by changes in STAGE LIVER DISEASE –
 No longer a disc the ratio of liver is main organ which
shaped, with few (3- plasma lipids. metabolizes & stores fats
12) irregularly Since cell such as cholesterol &
spaced, pointed membrane is lipoproteins but when it is
spicules/thornlike made up of 2 diseased it will not be able
projections of layers of to metabolize the different
various lengths and phospholipids phospholipids &
widths + cholesterol cholesterol resulting to
 Indicates that maintain abnormal ratio in plasma.
permanent the When there is
membrane damage, permeability of hypercholesterolemia due
some are long & membrane to to liver disease this may
short thus it the passage of lead to abnormal ratio of
indicates that the ions. plasma lipids leading to
cell can no longer  Changes in distortion of RBC into
regain its normal cholesterol, acanthocyte.
shape lecithin &
 sphingomyelin NOTE: The conc. of cholesterol
depends on the conc. of plasma
cholesterol, activity of LCAT & bile

affects liver leading to
hepatic cirrhosis, the
alcohol has a direct effect
on RBC
 PK DEFICIENCY – pyruvate
kinase is involved in EMP,
it catalyzes the conversion
of phosphoenolpyruvate
to pyruvate wherein ATP is
produced thus deficiency
in PK leads to deficiency in
ATP which is important in
maintaining cell
– absence of
betalipoprotein which is
related to the inability of
the liver to metabolize it.
LDL is necessary but must
not be in excess thus the
absence of betalipoprotein
leads to red cell distortion
Vit. E is needed for
preventing peroxidase
oxidation of the cell
spleen, all abnormalities will be
seen in the circulation
STOMATOCYTES  Normal sized cell Membrane defect that COMMON CAUSES: HEREDITARY
(MOUTH CELLS) with an elongated results in high cellular  HEREDITARY
HYDROCYTE or a slit like mouth sodium and low STOMATOCYTOSIS – main
or stoma of central potassium content problem in the transport
pallor of Na/K. Due to defect in
 cup-shaped on SEM the transport of Na/K,
 fully hydrated cell there is high cellular Na
due to defect in the thus water enters into the
transport of Na/K cell & the cell becomes
ATPase hydrated & low K
 swollen cell due to  RH NULL DISEASE – second
increase water major blood group (rhesus
content blood group), the Ag in this
blood group are the capital
D indication of positive or
negative & also C & E. Rh
null means no D, C & E Rh
Ag located on the cell
membrane. Rh Ag are
integral part of cell
membrane for the
transport of molecules
thus absence affects the
maintenance of RBC thus
transport of Na/K is
altered leading to


 Obstructive liver disease
 Alcohol excess or
 myelodysplastic
 hydroxyurea therapy –
therapy for leukemia
 Hereditary stomatocytosis
TARGET CELLS  Has a bulls eye, w/ a  Increase in HB DEFICIENCY:
(CODOCYTES)/ button or cholesterol &  Hemoglobinopathies
PLATYCTES/LEPTOCYT concentrate Hb thus phospholipids  Thalassemia
E a dark center  Excess surface  Hemoglobin C Disease or
followed by clear Hb area to volume Trait
area & followed by ratio  Iron deficiency anemia
thin rim of Hb  Any hemoglobin
 May have or have abnormality
not clinical
significance (Hb OTHERS:
deficiency)  Liver diseases – affects
 Large cell w/ small level of plasma cholesterol
Hb as compared to  LCAT deficiency –
its volume or size hypercholesterolemia,
causing the some of cholesterol will
redistribution of Hb load causing the cell to be
into a button of Hb larger in size & Hb content
at the center (Iron  Post-splenectomy
deficiency anemia,
 With a central area
or hb surrounded by
a colorless ring and
a peripheral ring of
 bell-shaped (codon)
or tall hat shaped on
 resembles a tall
Mexican hat cell on
 non-specific finding,
seen on several
findings & are
artIfactual in nature:

1. Drying Artefact –
slow drying due to
humid environment
causing Hb to
crystallize at the
center & dissolve
forming a
concentrated Hb at
the center resulting
to a target cell
2. Decrease Hb

PLATICYTES - On front view,

it appears as a flat cell
LEPTOCYTE – remains
connected w/ the peripheral
Hb but clinical significance is
the same
ACANTHOCYTE: abetalipoproteinemia TEARDROP CELL: myelofibrosis
BURR CELL: renal disorder TARGET CELL: non-specific


1. Presence of fibrin strands causing physical trauma to the red cells passing through leading to fragmentation
2. Blood vessels that are abnormally too small for RBC to circulate


a. Alteration of normal fluid circulation (DIC, TTP, MAHA)
b. Intrinsic defects of the red cell (spherocytes, antibody altered red cells, inclusions
SCHISTOCYTES  Very significant FRAGMENTATION DUE TO: Hall mark of Hemolytic
(SCHIZOCYTES) finding indicating a 1. Exposure of cells to anemias
hemolytic anemia abnormal conditions like
heat (affects RBC in CAUSES:
General term for fragments circulation) or mechanical PROSTHETIC HEART
of RBCs varying in shapes: trauma VALVE – damaged on
 Helmet cells 2. Contact with fibrin artificial heart valve will
 Triangular cells strands or damaged exposed artificial
 Keratocytes/Horn endothelium – fibrin components such as
cell deposits & fibrin strands rubber, causing damage
present slicing of RBC to RBC & RBC suffer from
during their passage. If physical trauma leading
the current of blood flow to hemolysis
is strong this will push the
cell to the fibrin strand MICROANGIOPATHIC
causing now HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA &
fragmentation seen in DISSEMINATED
microangiopatic anemia & INTRAVASCULAR
disseminated COAGULATION
intravascular coagulation SIMILARITIES:
3. Intrinsic defects of RBCs – coagulation mechanism
RBC has the problem is activated causing now
 Spherocytes (no more the formation of blood
adjustment in shape clots due to fibrin
& volume), Ab altered threads deposited on the
red cells (recognized circulation causing now
by macrophages & obstruction & limit the
hemolyze them), Red normal circulation
cells containing leading to physical
inclusions (pitting of trauma. If clots are
cell causing formation bigger the more
of bite cell), etc. obstruction which will be
difficult for RBC to pass

MAHA – abnormal
formation & deposition
of blood clots occurs in
blood vessels
DIC – affects all vessels
since it is disseminated

produced damages RBC
& activate coagulation to
cause abnormal clot

aggregates causes
obstruction of circulation
due to abnormal
activation of platelets
wherein when platelets
are aggregated they form
together to form a
KERATOCYTES (HORN KERATOCYTE – pair of BITE CELL: Results from Hemolytic anemias
CELL), BITE CELLS, spicule surrounded by a removal of a Heinz body from G6PD deficiency
DEGMACYTES gap a cell by splenic macrophages
BITE CELL – bite (splenic pitting) or when an
appearance erythrocyte is caught on a
 Erythrocytes with a fibrin strand or during pitting.
pair of spicules or  When a cell has an
horns surrounding inclusion it will pit off
a gap in the cell or pull off by
outline macrophages thus
removing a part of
RBC & the cells will
assume a bite cell

1. Heinz inclusion on a cell

will pass through a limited
basement membrane
2. Rigid portion will be left &
if able to pass through it
will become a teardrop
cell but if removed RBC
will reseal & adjust the
volume & shape
SEMILUNAR BODIES  Half-moon / crescent  Frequently observed Overt Hemolysis
cells in malaria which is a
 Large pale pink hemolytic disorder &
staining ghost of the in other conditions
RBC causing overt
 Complete round w/ a hemolysis.
visible crescent shape  As RBC is hemolyze it
of Hb or complete will release its Hb
crescent content & only a small
portion will be left
that is remain
attached on the
membrane indicating
an overt hemolysis
TEARDROP CELLS  Pear-shaped or  Caused by excessive MOST COMMON:
(DACROCYTES) teardrop-shaped squeezing & results to
w/ a single fragmentation during MYELOFIBROSIS W/
elongated point splenic passage MYELOID METAPLASIA –
 One end is  Vessels constricted bone marrow is
rounded the other causing RBC to infiltrated by fibrous
end is pointed squeeze itself which materials, thus there is
resulting to a pear, causes too much overgrowth of fibrous
drop or rocket squeezing resulting to cells thus if bone marrow
shape permanent damage & is unable to produce
 Hall mark of may no longer revert blood cells resulting to
myelofibrosis to its shape thus metaplasia & spleen is
loosing capacity to involve in the production
regain normal shape of RBC which may suffer
also of fibrosis causing a
limitation of its
circulation. Blood vessels
in the spleen are
normally small or minute
but in myelofibrosis the
more they become
limited thus increase
microcirculation causing
teardrop cell which is the
hall mark of

spleen enlarge causing
circulation to be limited

BODIES – makes RBC
rigid like Heinz bodies
which commonly
attached on the
membrane of RBC
making the membrane
rigid & when it passes
through the splenic
circulation which is too
limited, it has to squeeze
itself leading to its:
1. Detached & cell
becomes a bite cell
2. Pulled & be pointed
because it is the last to
exceed the membrane
causing a tear drop shape

ANEMIA – bone marrow
is infiltrated w/ abnormal
cell like in leukemia thus
circulation becomes

Pernicious anemia
B thalassemia
MICROSPHEROCYTES &  Are red cell Results from repeated MICROSPHEROCYTE:
PYROPOIKILOCYTE fragments fragmentation of RBC & from Severe burns – thermal
 MCV 60 fL thermal damage to cell injury on RBC membrane
 Smaller than membrane wherein fats are easily
spherocytes damage causing the
 Also lack central membrane to vesicle, if
detachment is mild it will
result to spherocyte but
if there is continuous
fragmentation, it will
become the largest
fragment, the

pyropoikilocytosis –
there is a membrane
damage of red cell due to
sensitivity to heat. A
normal RBC fragments at
49 C but cells with HPP
will fragment at low T
pinched bottle having or irregularly contracted
BLISTER CELL – with thinned portion due to cell caught constriction on one of its part red cells, seen in
on fibrin strands wherein it might have encountered indicating that it might blister hemolytic anemia
along the circulation such the portion of the membrane or bud off wherein the bud
is pull apart. may detached & become
defragment. The remaining
fragment, the larger one may
become a spherocyte or the
smaller being
microspherocyte, seen in
hemolytic anemia normally in
infants but w/ lesser number


DREPANOCYTES/SICKLE  Most insoluble of  Polymerization of Sickle cell anemia
CELLS the Hb variants hemoglobin Indicates Sickling Hb
 Fully soluble Hb  Sickling is
when exposed to reversible when
normal O2 but exposed to normal
when O2 but repeated
deoxygenated it sickling causes
becomes insoluble permanent
& crystallizes at damage on the
low O2 tension. membrane &
The crystals are assumes
thin & elongated
with pointed ends
altering the shape
of the cell having a
curved, straight L,
V, & S shape

 With one or more  Hexagonal
fingerlike, blunt-pointed  Both ends are blunt &
projections that protrude rectangular
from the cell membrane  Parallel sides
leaving a pale area at the  Formed within the membrane (RBC) but does not
opposite end deform RBC causing a normal shape but it makes
 Has more than one protrusion & the longest one RBC rigid thus the RBC is not deformable &
protrude away flexible thus prone to hemolysis
 Washington monument, Pointing finger, Hand  Bar of gold
glove  Crystalizes when Hb is O2 or dehydrated
1. Precipitation of abnormal component in the cell
2. Disturbance or abnormality in the developmental or maturation of RBC (developmental organelles)
HEINZ BODIES  Large (1 to 3 Results from  G-6-PDH DEFICIENCY
um), single or precipitation of ANEMIA – most common
multiple small, hemoglobin that has disorder associated w/ Heinz
round, oval or been denatured body. G-6-PDH is an involve
serrated, in hexose monophosphate
purplish shunt. When G6P is
inclusions on RBC converted into 6PG catalyze
periphery by G6PD & the cofactor is
(distorts the NADP which becomes
membrane) NADPH a reducing property
depending on of RBC which in turn
the oxidation maintains GSH into reduced
form, which serves as the
STAINS (SUPRAVITAL major antioxidant property
STAINS): Crystal violet & of RBC which can breakdown
Brilliant Cresyl Blue H2O2 into H2O & O2
preventing oxidation of Hb.
The NADPH formed will
reduced the ferric back to
ferrous thus protecting RBC
to oxidation. Deficiency will
result to deficiency in NADPH
(sulfonamides) – causes
accumulation of oxidized Hb
abnormal Hb prone to
precipitation & oxidation,
unstable Hb
HB H INCLUSIONS  Small greenish- Precipitate of Hb H, an Seen in Hb H disease
blue inclusion abnormal Hb which has 4 Alpha Thalassemia
bodies polypeptide chains as B
 Seen in occurs when A chain is
unstained cells not completely
 May also be seen synthesize
w/ supravital
 Golf ball w/ pits
when numerous
in RBC
HOWELL-JOLLY BODY  Small, coarse  Nuclear CAUSES:
round granules remnants  SPLENECTOMY
 deep blue or red-  with Feulgen &  FUNCTIONAL
purple, appears Methyl Green HYPOSPLENIA - spleen
singly & is off the Pyronin stains w/ decreased function
center but not at (stains for DNA) thus unable to remove
the periphery  seen when there inclusion
 DNA containing is increase
inclusion karyorrhexis DISORDERS ASSOCIATED W/
meaning it is a (fragmentation KARYORHEXIS:
nuclear fragment of nucleus) •ACCELERATED OR ABNORMAL
inclusion w/ <1  hemolytic anemias – too
um much RBC are
hemolyzed thus bone
marrow compensate by
accelerating RBC
production thus nuclear
dissolution is also fast &
more nuclear fragments
will be seen
 megaloblastic anemia –
caused by abnormal
nuclear dissolution (Vit.
B12 & Folate deficiency)
PAPPENHEIMER BODIES  small (2-3 um)  Unused Iron  SIDEROBLASTIC
SIDEROTIC GRANULES faint blue deposits ANEMIA – red cell
coccoid bodies precipitate & cannot make use of the
that aggregate in become siderotic iron due to deficiency in
small clusters at granules protoporphyrin 9 thus
the periphery of  Sometimes may iron precipitate &
the cell. appear as Ringed becomes siderotic
 Smaller than H-J sideroblast granules
bodies, deep  THALASSEMIA – affects
blue & are more globin
multiple - affects globin
 Iron containing  ALCOHOLISM – affects
granules positive enzymes in heme
when stained w/ synthesis
blue & named as  CONDITIONS LEADING
siderotic TO
granules & if HEMOCHROMATOSIS or
positive when HEMOSIDEROSIS (iron)
stained w/ – both increase iron or
wrights/giemsa it iron overload
is named as
granules, and mitochondrial HEME SYNTHESIS
multiple, uniform remnants thus acidic in  Lead or other heavy
and evenly component because they metal poisoning –
distributed as took up the basic dye affects hb synthesis
fine dots or large due to rRNA  Thalassemia - globin
granules  Hemoglobinopathies -
 Often confused globin
w/  Megaloblastic anemia -
pappenheimer rarely
bodies (+
but basophilic DEFICIENCY
stippling do not Explanation:
stain w/ Prussian When RNA degrades, they
blue thus it is not release their purine &
seen due to lack pyrimidine bases. For the
of iron but if complete degredation of
present in wright pyramidine bases, it needs
& Prussian then Pyramidine-5-nucleotidase thus
it is siderotic deficiency of Pyramidine-5-
granules nucleotidase, RNA degradation
will also be defective or
APPEARANCE: incomplete
COARSE: granules are
much more outlined and
easily distinguished &
PUNCTATE: coalescing
into smaller forms
DIFFUSE: Granules are
fine blue dusting
CABOT RINGS Reddish-violet thread- Remnants of Dyserythropoiesis
like that assumes a loop, microtubules of mitotic megaloblastic anemias
or an incomplete ring or spindle & can reshape Homozygous
a figure of 8 into a loop or a fragment Thalassemias
of the nuclear  Lead poisoning
membrane  Other severe anemia
 Post splenectomy
1. Granules of reticulocyte 1. Polychromatophilic cell
2. Siderotic granules 2. Pappenheimer bodies
3. Heinz bodies
AGGLUTINATION Clumping of RBCs Presence of antibodies on  Cold agglutinin
Indication of Ag-Ab the RBC surface produced  Autoimmune
reaction by patient (autoAb) or from Hemolytic Anemia
different person (isoAb)

ROULEAUX  Linear alignment of Increased concentration of  HYPERPROTEINEMIA’S

RBCs appearing as globulin – plasma protein
stack of coins component is altered
 RBC due to resulting to alteration of
destruction of zeta the negative charges
potential surrounding the RBC
 Side by side flat which is seen in
surfaces Multiple myeloma &
 biconcave surfaces Waldenstrom’s
in apposition macroglobulinemia
appearing as a which are plasma cell
stack of coins or discrasias which are
flat plates leukemias affecting
plasma cell causing
increase proliferation of
plasma cells

most of the affected
plasma cell will
produce excessive IgM


 RBC is normal but infected by hematozoic parasite
• Seen in different stages of smear mostly ringed forms

• Obligate intraerythrocytic parasites
• w/ hepatic stage (liver) where they rapture the liver & proceed to
rupture the RBC & metabolize the Hb but not completely & leave behind a
pigment (hematin or hemozoin pigment)


a. P. vivax - Schuffners dots
b. P. falcifarum – Maurer’s dots
c. P. malariae – ziemann’s dots
d. P. ovale – james dots

• Parasite of cattle’s causing red fever on cattle’s
• Discovered by babes & may also affect men
• w/ ring forms in RBC
• When fixative is contaminated w/ water which EFFECTS:
must be water free methanol 1. Red cell bud off into vesicles which might be reported
EFFECTS: microspherocytes
1. Refractile rings in red cells 2. WBC disintegrate
2. Mouth eaten cells – caused by blowing leading to 3. Proteins coagulate producing small weak basophilic
spicules particles which are similar to platelets


a. Granulocytes (neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil) & Non-granulocytes (lymphocytes & monocytes)
 Non-granulocytes have granules however too small to be seen
 Cytoplasm of monocytes appear like a ground glass due to the tiny granules present

b. Polymorphonuclears (those w/ segmented or lobulated nuclei – neutrophil, eosinophil & basophil) &
Mononuclears (unsegmented nucleus – monocytes & lymphocytes)
c. Phagocytes (non -specific function – neutrophil (most active phagocyte), monocyte & macrophages,
eosinophil & basophil (both are less efficient phagocytes) & Immunocytes (involve in production of Ab – B

Formation: Bone marrow & lymphoid tissues (thymus (T-cells), spleen & lymph nodes)
General Function: Defense
TOXIC  Large purple to Altered primary  SEVERE INFECTION – a reaction of the
GRANULATION black azurophilic granules infection
granules especially EXPLANATION: during infection since
in the neutrophils  Neutrophils have neutrophil is involve in this mechanism, it
which contains primary granules undergoes several changes:
primary granules. but when it is 1. EXEMPLIFY & ENHANCE ENZYME
 Larger than 2- altered, it PRODUCTION as they need to
degree granules & appears as a toxic destroy the invading organism by
stain dark blue-black granulation which phagocytosis. The phagocytized
are larger than material must be destroyed thus the
the usual primary cell produces lots of enzymes to
granules perform respiratory burst & must
also alter its granulation by
increasing the function of its
granules. Enzymes such as the
myeloperoxidase is contained in the
primary granules. As the cell
increase its function w/ the
granules, the granules also function
to increase their content resulting to
alteration & toxic granulation.
2. SHIFT TO THE LEFT – even immature
WBC will be released as a
compensation for the severe
– in infection, the neutrophils have
to phagocytized the invading
organism & the phagocytized cell
will be contained inside the vacuoles
& it will appear as many toxic
vacuolation & granulations. The
cytoplasm also appears as Dohle
bodies as larger inclusion.

 Toxic granulation is a normal reaction in

these conditions
DOHLE  Blue, round, or Aggregates of free INFECTION – due to increase activity of the
BODIES/AMATO mostly elongated ribosomes cell
 Not permanently RESPONSE IN:
seen in cytoplasm  Severe infections, burns,
except for may- Chemotherapy, surgery
hegglin anomaly  If these conditions disappear,
 Single or multiple Amato bodies will also
arranged in parallel disappear
MAY-HEGGLIN ANOMALY – an inherited
condition, thus appearance of amato is

 Basophilic stippling: If RNA

precipitates & seen as granules in
 Amato bodies: if RNA precipitates &
seen as granules seen inside of WBC
 RNA is important in metabolism, as
the cell increases its production of
enzyme, this will increase metabolic
activity thus increased RNA function.
VACUOLATION indicate phagocytosis of phagocytosis STATES
particularly the end
stage  During phagocytosis the phagocytize
 Presence of many material will be contained in a vacuole
toxic vacuoles thus increasing the vacuole inside the
containing the neutrophil. Once in the vacuole the
phagocytized phagosome will fused w/ lysosome
material w/ the forming the phagolysosome. Once
contents of lysosome destroyed the debris will be contained in
or debris of the a vacuole
 Large empty areas
within the cell
ATYPICAL/  Cells show foamy & Seen in INFECTIOUS
LYMPHOCYTE/  ≥40% associated w/ caused by Epstein barr virus
DOWNEY CELLS infectious

ALDER-REILLY  Large, coarse blue – black granules Associated w/
 Abnormal polysaccharide granules ARGOYLISM – abnormalities in
which are not completely mucopolysaccharide
metabolize due to an enzyme metabolism
deficiency (congenital disorder) which leads to non-  Hurler’s
metabolism of mucopolysaccharide & prevents the  Hunters
formation of secondary granules

MAY-HEGGLIN  Resembles Dohle bodies but are permanently LEUCOPENIA, VARIABLE

 Presence of gray – blue spindle shaped inclusions in PLATELETS
the cytoplasm of Neutrophils and Monocytes

1. DIAPEDESIS – squeezing out through the circulation via the endothelial lining & proceeds via:
Random motility – no particular direction
Direct motility/Chemotaxis – w/ particular direction
2. PHAGOCYTOSIS – killing of phagocytized agent
JOB’S SYNDROME  Impaired directional motility
 Random movement of phagocytes is normal thus neutrophil may still move
elsewhere but directional motility is impaired because cells respond slowly to
chemotactic agents thus do not directly proceed to the chemical attractant.
EFFECT: it gives more time for the bacteria to proliferate or cross the infection. If bacteria
are dislodged in the tissue, & immediately phagocytized thus it will not be able to cause
infection but due to slow movement of cells, the bacteria will be able to lodge in the site of
infection causing infection.
LAZY LEUKOCYTE  Both random and directional movement of the cells are defective thus neutrophil
SYNDROME will only stay but the organism will approach the neutrophil thus phagocytosing it
 Cells fail to respond to inflammatory stimuli but have normal phagocytic and
bactericidal activity.


Characterized by large, blue to grayish round granules or inclusions in Neutrophils
ANOMALY that vary in size and color
 Stain positive with peroxidase, Sudan black B (SBB) and Acid phosphatase (ACP)
 Represents the fused primary granules. Primary granules contain the usual
composition such as peroxidase, sudan black b & ACP but these are abnormally
package, meaning they are normal in contents but abnormally package, thus
appears as chediak-higashi anomaly.
IN SHORT: granules are normal in content but abnormally packaged thus it cannot perform
its normal function
CHRONIC  Phagocytes ingest all but cannot kill catalase (+) organism because of lack of
GRANULOMATOUS appropriate respiratory burst
DISEASE  Neutrophils have normal direct & random motility & phagocytosis

RESPIRATORY BURST – reaction inside the neutrophil needed for the killing of organism.

In respiratory burst the neutrophil is able to produce potent oxygen radicals like H2O2 &
O2 for killing organisms. In chronic respiratory disease, the respiratory burst function of
neutrophil is decreased or inappropriate thus inadequate production of H2O2 & O2 which
are important bactericidal agent.

Catalase + Organisms: Staph aureus – produce enzyme catalase which will breakdown
H2O2 into H2O & O2

TART CELL  A monocyte (phagocyte) that engulf a lymphocyte (engulf material)
 Formation is no known significance

FERRATA CELL  a stimulated or atypical lymphocyte with denser and more opaque cytoplasm
 associated with SBE
REIDER CELL  a lymphocyte with notched, lobulated, segmented, clover – leaf like nucleus
 associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
L.E. CELL (LUPUS  Neutrophil engulf the lysed nucleus of another neutrophil containing a large purple
ERYTHEMATOSUS) homogenous round inclusion (phagocytized cell) with nucleus wrapped around the
phagocytized material which occupies the entire cytoplasm of neutrophil thus
neutrophils nucleus is pushed around the side appearing as a wrapping itself into the
phagocytized cell
 For it to occur there has to be a neutrophil, ANA or L.E. factor & nucleus of another
 Seen in SLE & other autoimmune disorders because it is related to the presence of
anti-nuclear Ab (ANA)
HAIRY CELL  A lymphocyte affected by hairy cell leukemia
 with abundant hair-like cytoplasmic projections

SEZARY CELL  Round lymph cell with nucleus that is grooved or convoluted
 Seen in Sezary syndrome which is an advanced case of mycosis fungoides. Both are T
cell disorder but they represent different stage of the disorder:
Mycosis fungoides – only skin is affected by T cells ; initial stage
Sezary Syndrome – when affected T cell migrate deeper into the dermal layer, lymph
nodes & visceral organs
 Mononuclear cell w/ a brain-like nucleus or cerebriform nucleus & a narrow rim of
FLAME CELL  plasma cell with red to pink cytoplasm that appears like a flickering candle
 Associated with increase in IgA associated w/ multiple myeloma which is a malignancy
of plasma cell which is responsible for the production of Ig.

GRAPE CELL/ MOTT  plasma cell that contains small colorless (or blue or pink) vacuoles or globules
CELL/ MORULA CELL  large protein globules giving the appearance of grapes
 blue or pink protein that are excessively produced in multiple myeloma

RUSSEL BODIES  accumulation of IgG found in the cytoplasm & also seen in plasma cell

DUTCHER BODIES  intracellular crystalline structures of abnormal IgG

 inclusions of nucleus

Neutrophils have single or Decreased segmentation PELGER-HUET ANOMALY:
bilobed nuclei TRUE – inherited
 The 2 lobes appear as a PSEUDO – acquired
peanut or dumbbell shape or
a pince-nez spectacles (pair of
eye glasses)
HYPERSEGMENTATION  Neutrophils show more than 4 Abnormal DNA synthesis Megaloblastic anemia
lobes  Cells are abnormally
 Abnormal in size & lobulation large
& large as a macropolycyte
Normal size of neutrophil: 9-15 a. B 12 deficiency
um anemia
b. Folate deficiency
PYKNOTIC CELL  shrunken and dehydrated nucleus of cells that are about to die

PYKNOSIS – cell dissolution

SMUDGE CELL  Nuclear remnant of lymphocyte, seen after smear preparation

 Thumbprint appearance
 Associated w/ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia wherein cells are fragile thus they are easily

BASKET CELL  Nuclear remnants of granulocytic cell

 Seen in Chronic Granulocytic Anemia
 Basket appearance

BARR BODY  Drumstick like body protrudes away from some of segments of neutrophils & attached on
one of the lobes of neutrophil nucleus
 Indicate an extra X chromosome & seen in females

AUER RODS  Pink or red rod-shaped structures

 Fused primary granules seen in immature neutrophils
 If seen in bundles this are called faggot cells
 Seen in Acute Myeloid Leukemia


Monocytes & macrophages are also involved in phagocytosis & also dispose of. They help in metabolism of lipids &
carbohydrates where they need enzymes & deficiency of these enzymes leads incomplete metabolism thus
incomplete disposal. Non-metabolized substances are contained in the cytoplasm causing macrophage overload.
MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSES  Deficiencies of specific enzymes involved I Hurler’s (most common)
/GARGOYLISM in the degradation of IV Morquio – Ullrich
mucopolysaccharides II Hunter’s
 Non-metabolized mucopolysaccharide will V Scheie
be contained in the cytoplasm of the cell III Sanfilippo
as granules VI Maroteaux – Lamy
 Alder-Reilly granules represents the non-
metabolized mucopolysaccharide. It is
associated w/ the enzyme deficiencies.
LIPIDOSES (abnormal lipid metabolism)
GAUCHER’S DISEASE (MOST  lack of  - glucosidase resulting inability to metabolized glucocerebroside
COMMON) which will accumulate of in the spleen, liver and bone marrow

Gaucher cell – cytoplasm is distended with many glucocerebroside; sponge-like

appearance, crinkled or crumpled tissue paper
NIEMANN – PICK DISEASE  deficiency of sphingomyelinase resulting to accumulation of sphingomyelin
and cholesterol in the macrophages
 Foamy appearance
SEA –BLUE HISTROCYTES  w/ non-metabolized lipid-rich granules that stain blue green with polychrome
 accumulation in the spleen and BM of histocytes giving an appearance of a
blue sea
 s/s: hepatomegaly, thrombocytopenia

FABRY’S DISEASE  lack of a-galactosidase resulting to accumulated glycolipid trihexosyl ceramide

but will not give an unusual appearance of macrophage
WOLMAN DISEASE  deficiency of acid esterase resulting to accumulation of TG and cholesterol
TANGIER’S DISEASE  Patient is unable to produce HDL (good cholesterol) which responsible for the
metabolism of the cholesterol by bringing it into the liver to prevent
hypercholesterolemia, as a result, cholesterol esters accumulate


NTR (NITROBLUE  screening test for neutrophil function (ability of neutrophils to attack bacteria)
TETRAZOLIUM  test for the ability of normal neutrophil to reduce normal yellow water-soluble dye
REDUCTION) TEST into an insoluble blue formazan
 abnormal neutrophils are unable to reduce the yellow water-soluble dye into blue
CHEMILUMINESCENCE  Based on the ability of the cell for emission of low-level light pulses by
stimulated cells.
 Normal neutrophils when not stimulated or in resting state do not emit light
but when stimulated they emit a low level of light.
 Abnormal neutrophils w/ impaired respiratory burst cannot emit light whether
stimulated or resting
BOYDEN MICROPORE  Utilizes a micropore filter where neutrophils are counted. This is placed on an
FILTER abrasion to determine the ability of neutrophils to migrate
 Tests migration of neutrophil (fastest to migrate) in response to a chemotactic
REBUCK SKIN WINDOW  Requires performance of superficial abrasion on the skin to evaluate the
speed, type and number of phagocytes that respond to a skin abrasion.
 On top of the abrasion is the slide. After, perform a count on the slide &
PLATELET released form BM which may be increased in
 Cytoplasmic fragments of megakaryocyte number in cases of hemolytic anemia &
 Small packages of cytoplasm that are nipped off from hemorrhagic anemia
the cytoplasm of megakaryocyte
 Are complex and metabolically active. They function PLATELET STRUCTURE: FUNCTIONAL PLATELET
in hemostasis by interacting with their environment ZONES
to initiate and control hemostasis
A. PERIPHERAL ZONE: outermost zone
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THROMBOCYTES  Glycocalyx bears the different glycoproteins (Gp
Composition: 60% proteins, 30% lipids, 8% CHO, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 5) which are not present
minerals, water, nucleotide, glycogen & glucose (main in other cell membrane. These glycoproteins
ATP source) serves as surface for the adherence of other
Shape & Origin: Thin disc cytoplasmic fragment coagulation factor (CF 1, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13)
Diameter: 2-4 um Ex.: fibrinogen converted into fibrin on the
Volume: 5 – 7 fL surface of platelets
Reference Platelet Count: 150,000 – 450, 000/ uL Platelet can only aggregate to another
Daily Turnover: 35 x 109/L (+/- 4.3) & then destroyed by platelet if it has the important glycoprotein
the spleen & produced by the bone marrow for aggregation
2 pools: 1/3 spleen & 2/3 circulation NOTE:
Lifespan: 8-11 days in vivo SUB-MEMBRANOUS AREA: Underlies the plasma
Function: Hemostasis or stoppage of bleeding by membrane, this contains the communication w/ the
forming into plugs for the maintenance of vascular external environment of cell via receives message
integrity & continuity & blood coagulation from the outside


During vessel injury the blood contained in the  Consists of a stable gel that regulates
vasculature may leave the circulation (extravasation). arrangement of internal organelles.
The blood vessels will constrict to limit the entry of  Contains communication of organelles &
blood into the vessel causing limited blood loss. The maintains location of the different organelles
constriction of vessels is aided by thromboxane A2 &  Where important protein serving as
serotonin from the platelets. Platelets immediately cytoskeleton of the cell is located
form into plugs to prevent further bleeding. The plug is MICROTUBULES (tubulin) & MICROFILAMENTS
an initial plug, w/ the current of flowing plug, the plug (actin & myosin) – provide the cytoskeleton thus
may be removed or dislodge thus bleeding continues. maintaining the discoid shape of platelets
When secondary hemostatic mechanism is activated  When actin & myosin interacts, they form
when fibrin is form of fibrinogen, the fibrin thread will into actomyosin where they form into
be measured around the platelet plug, stabilizing now thrombosthenin
the platelet plug thus further enhancing the hemostatic
effect of platelets. NOTE:
THROMBOSTHENIN – important contractile acting
NOTE: force, provides contractile force after activation of
In the 4 stages of megakaryopoiesis, only the platelets.
metamegakaryocyte (MK 4) with a 4 nucleus or more,
will be able to shed off as platelet. C. ORGANELLE ZONE:
 THROMBOPOIETIN – growth factor for  Where the different organelles, alpha granules
megakaryopoiesis produced mainly by the (most abundant), dense bodies, mitochondria,
liver & some in kidneys lysosomes and peroxisomes are located.
 ENDOMITOSIS – division of nuclear  Alpha & dense granules are for storage of
components but no cellular division thus as important contents while mitochondria for
cell mature it increases in size ATP production, lysosomes containing
 PLATELET BITS/STRING/RIBBON – hydrolytic enzymes
interconnected platelets indicating newly
a. High molecular weight kininogen – cofactor in HEMOSTASIS
coagulation system Promote High Molecular Alpha granules
b. Factor 5 – cofactor for coagulation system coagulation Weight
c. Fibrinogen – same as coagulation factor 1, when Kininogen
acted by thrombin it is converted into fibrin thus it Fibrinogen;
is the precursor of fibrin Factor V von
d. Von Willebrand Factor – for platelet adhesion Willebrand
e. Thrombospondin – platelet function Factor
f. Platelet Factor 4 – platelet function Promote ADP; Calcium Dense bodies
g. Beta thromboglobulin – blood vessel repair aggregation Platelet factor 4 Alpha granules
h. Platelet Derived Growth Factor – blood vessel repair Thrombospondin Alpha granules
 When a vessel is injured, it will undergo healing Promote Serotonin Dense bodies
where smooth muscles & fibrous tissues must vasoconstriction Thromboxane A2 Membrane
regenerate. Beta thromboglobulin & PDGF both precursors phospholipids
stimulate smooth muscle repair & chemotactic Promote Platelet derived Alpha granules
to fibroblast vascular repair growth factor
i. Plasminogen – when acted on by its activator, Beta
converts into plasmin ; important for fibrinolysis thromboglobulin
Fibrinolysis – dissolution of the clot by plasminogen Other system Plasminogen Alpha granules
affected Alpha 2-
j. A-2 antiplasmin – Inhibits plasminogen to prevent antiplasmin C1
excessive clot dissolution esterase
k. C1 esterase inhibitor – found in complement system inhibitor


a. ADP – for platelet aggregation & adhesion
b. ATP – for platelet aggregation & adhesion
c. Calcium – for platelet aggregation & adhesion
d. Magnesium – for platelet aggregation & adhesion
e. Serotonin – for vasoconstriction


 light & phase contrast microscopy
a. PF 3 – platelet phospholipids found on surface of
b. PF 4 – inhibitor of heparin thus anti-heparin factor
IMPORTANCE: for correlation for performed platelet
FORMULA: (total no. of platelets per field) / 10 x 20, 000
 2 membrane systems REPORTING: qualitative/descriptive reporting
a. OPEN CANALICULAR SYSTEM – delivery routes thus Ex.: (70 / 10) x 20,000 = 140, 000 ; slight decreased
it is where nutrients enter & waste products leave  Correlate w/ the chart
the cell
b. DENSE TUBULAR SYSTEM – remnant of endoplasmic
reticulum ; site of arachidonic acid synthesis and
functions as a calcium sequestering pump
 because it prevents platelets from adhering &
aggregating together thus appear separated
under the microscope but if examined via fresh
blood, platelet appears clump or aggregated
patients who develop Ab against EDTA ADHESION DEFECTS:
DIRECT PLATELET COUNT REPORTING: 150 – 450 x 109/L  Characterized by large platelets,
thrombocytopenioa, prolonged and Bleeding
1. ADHESION: platelet to non-platelet  Platelets show normal aggregation with
 Adherence to injured blood vessel epinephrine, ADP and collagen but not with
 Ability of platelets to attach/stick to non- ristocetin.
platelet surface. This allows platelets to adhere
to damaged endothelium. 2. VON WILLEBRAND’S DISEASE
 requires plasma von willebrand factor and gp Aggregation test: same with Bernard-Soulier
NOTE: MODE OF ACTION  Platelets + agonist (aggregating agents) =
When activated or discoid, they change their stimulate aggregation
morphology where their cytoplasm will have RESULT: BOTH AGGREGATES TO: ADP, collagen &
expansions for adherence. When an injury occurs, epinephrine
some of the connective tissue & smooth muscles BOTH DO NOT AGGREGATES TO: Ristocetin
components enters the circulation & be exposed to
the circulation such as the collagen. Collagen is AGGREGATION DEFECTS
outside the blood vessel which maintains the integrity
of blood vessels, but during injury, some of the 1. GLANZMANN’S THROMBASTHENIA:
collagen are exposed to the plasma & platelets. The DEFICIENCY/DEFECT IN GP IIB-IIIA
platelets adhere on the exposed collagen via the GP  Platelets show normal aggregation with
1B9 complex but GP 1B9 complex will not adhere ristocetin but not with epinephrine, ADP nor
directly to the collagen but needs a receptor the, von collagen.
willebrand factor thus allowing adhesion to occur. 2. AFIBRINOGENEMIA (severe/absent),
 Alpha & dense granules release substances that
will contribute to platelet aggregation and RELEASE DISORDER/GRANULE DEFECTS/STORAGE
activation of the coagulation system GRANULE DEFECT
Ex.: Serotonin for vasoconstriction – when
vessels are injured vessels constrict 1. Gray platelet syndrome – deficiency in Alpha
Thromboxane A2 form the cytoplasm of the granules where platelets appear large pale or gray
membrane phospholipids or pale blue wherein platelet must be blue or purple
ADP from the dense granules promotes 2. Wiskott-aldrich syndrome – deficiency in dense
aggregation for efficient plug strength granules that appears as smallest platelets
3. Chediak-higashi – deficiency in dense granules
3. PLATELET AGGREGATION: platelet to platelet 4. Hermansky-pudlak syndrome – deficiency in dense
 Platelets stick to one another platelet to form granules
an initial platelet plug.
 Induced by stimuli such as ADP, thrombin, TxA2, QUANTITATIVE PLATELET DISORDERS
collagen & epinephrine.
 Requires Gp IIb-IIIa and plasma THROMBOCYTOPENIA: (<150, 000)
fibrinogen/FACTOR 1. 1. Decreased production – BM is ineffective in
 FACTOR 1 serves as the adhesive glycan or producing platelets due to:
glue of the 2 platelets together a. Megakaryocyte Hypoproliferation
b. Ineffective thrombopoiesis
c. Marrow replacement/myelopthesis – BM space a. Uremia – increase in NPN thus damaging cells
is replaced by abnormal cells (cancer, leukemic b. Paraproteinemias - increase in abnormal
or myeloma cells) protein
2. Dilutional – related to massive blood transfusion
which is the transfusion of >1.5 L blood per 24 hr. 1. Primary Thrombocytosis – excessive production is
The available circulating platelet of the patient will the main defect
be diluted by transfused blood. If transfused blood  Myeloproliferative diseases – disorder of the
is not fresh do not have viable platelets. bone marrow that results to excessive
 Outside the body platelets lifespan is only 3 production of blood cells such as in cases of
days polycythemia vera which is excessive
production of all blood cells ; uncontrolled
3. Increased destruction (in vivo) production caused by the permanent damage of
a. Immune – presence of Ab mostly IgG such as in bone marrow
immune thrombocytopenic purpura  Essential Thrombocytosis – excessive
ITP – caused by autoimmune Ab destroying the production of abnormal platelet
2. Secondary/Reactive thrombocytosis – reaction to
b. non-immune – no Ab implicated such as in another condition ; irreversible
abnormal activation of platelets (thrombotic  hemolytic anemias
thrombocytopenic purpura)  hemorrhagic blood loss anemia
TTP – platelets are consumed as they are
converted into platelet aggregates or thrombus BOTH: body will compensate for the loss of
leading to decreased in platelet count blood by causing splenic mobilization wherein
the 1/3 in the spleen will move into the
4. Splenic sequestration – in cases of splenomegaly, circulation as a compensation thus transiently
platelets will be sequestered more in spleen than in increasing platelets but returns to normal after
circulation thus decreased platelet count a few hours
 splenectomy
5. Acquired
SPECIAL HEMATOLOGY PROCEDURES for 2 hours until 3rd hour. Perform interval
TEST FOR SICKLING HEMOGLOBINS microscopic examination.
 POSITIVE RESULT: 1. Sickle RBC (Hb S) but does
 SICKLE CELLS are distorted cells appearing as determine if heterozygous AS or homozygous SS
thin, dense and elongated cells with both ends
 REPORTING: positive or negative
pointed. SICKLING is caused by the
(commonly hemoglobin S) which DISTORTS the  Degree of sickling depends on the
RED BLOOD CELLS into a SICKLE or CRESCENT concentration of the Hb S in the RBC
SHAPE. HEMOGLOBIN S is fully soluble when  Readings are made at an hourly interval for 2-
oxygenated but becomes insoluble when the 3 hours
oxygen level is decreased. It first POLYMERIZES  POSITIVE RESULT is diagnostic but does not
then forms into CRYSTALS which cause the red distinguish hb s trait & hb s anemia
cell to become RIGID.


 PRINCIPLE: HbS forms an insoluble tactoid  REAGENT: 2% Sodium metabisulfide or sodium
crystals when oxygen supply to the red cell is bisulfate which are reducing agent which bind &
decreased. When Hb S is deoxygenized outside remove O2 from the blood
the cell into the plasma it will cause the solution  PRINCIPLE: a drop of blood is mixed w/ a drop
to be TURBID. of 2% sodium metabisulfite (a reducing agent)
 Positive result: on a slide, & the mixture is sealed under a
o Sickle RBC coverslip. The hemoglobin inside the RBCs
o Turbidity becomes deoxygenated causing polymerization
 Degree of sicking or turbidity depends on the & the resultant sickle cell formation
concentrstion of HbS in the red cell is decreased.  PROCESS: add a drops of blood & the reagent
HB S in the RBC into the center of the slide. Cover the slide w/
coverslip & seal the sides. Observe
WAUGH)  POSITIVE RESULT: sickled RBC deoxygenated by
 PRINCIPLE: RBC take on a SICKLE-LIKE SHAPE reducing agent
when oxygen supply to the red cell is decreased.
exposed to LOW OXYGEN TENSION.  REAGENT: sodium hydrosulfite (dithionite)
 PROCESS: Perform IN VIVO. Using a RUBBER removes O2
BAND, the rubber band is TIED at the BASE of the  SPECIMEN: whole blood w/ EDTA heparin or
FINGER or at the BALL of the finger intended to sodium citrate in order to prevent clotting
be prick & maintain it for at least 5-10 minutes  PRINCIPLE: Red cells are lysed by saponin
to cause obstruction in order to obstruct the allowing Hb to escape. Sodium dithionine binds
circulation thus decreasing the oxygen & Hb S & removes oxygen from the test environment.
will form into crystals. Prick the deoxygenated Hb S polymerizes in the deoxygenated state &
finger & drop into the center of the slide & cover forms a precipitate in a high-molarity
w/ cover slip. Seal the sides w/ petroleum jelly or phosphate buffer solution. The tactoid refract
paraffin to prevent entry of atmospheric O2 or deflect light & make the solution turbid.
which contains abundant O2 which may cause  PROCESS: anticoagulated whole blood + sodium
the sickled cell to revert to normal shape. dithionite. Saponin lyses the RBC releasing now
Incubate for 1 hour at room temperature & Hb. Hb binds w/ sodium dithionite which
examine microscopically if still none, incubate removes O2 from solution causing Hb to
crystalizes but polymerization happens outside
the RBC thus it will not cause sickling but RETICULOCYTE COUNT AND ITS ASSOCIATED
turbidity of solution & is determined by CORRECTIONS
refraction & deflection of the solution in the RETICULOCYTES
presence of light. Observe specimen for
 Are young erythrocytes that are in a discrete,
turbidity by holding the tube 2.5 cm in front of a
penultimate phase of maturation where the
newsprint or a card reader w/ thin black line
nucleus has been removed, however, some of
 RULE: if the solution is observed in the solution
the extranuclear RNA remains in the cytoplasm.
then the solution is not turbid thus negative
 The term “reticulocyte” is derived from the fact
result but if lines are no longer visible then it is
that the cell contains a small network of
positive for tactoid crystals & sickling.
basophilic materials called reticulum which is
 POSITIVE RESULT: turbidity
demonstrable only by supravital stain.
NOTE: Reticulocytes is the 5th stage of erythropoiesis
 Turbidity indicates presence of sickling Hb having no nucleus as well as contains remnants
regardless of any genotype of RNA. The presence of RNA is used to
 Screening method of choice determine presence of reticulocyte which is
stained w/ supravital stain which will precipitate
the RNA into granulofilamentous particles.
 In the peripheral blood using Romanowsky stain,
 PRINCIPLE: Hb A & S contains monoclonal Ab
they are called as polychromatophilic
(IgG), which specifically bind to the amino acids
erythrocytes. Reticulocyte count and its
at or near the 6th position of the B-chain of the
associated corrections can be used to assess
Hb S & A
bone marrow erythrophoietic activity. Wherein
NOTE: BM is the main organ that produces
 Hb S monoclonal Ab will react w/ the B-chain erythrocytes.
of Hb S but not w/ the Hb A  PRINCIPLE: The ribosomal RNA is stained
 Hb A monoclonal Ab will react w/ the B-chain supravitally. Any non-nucleated RBC that
of the Hb A but not w/ Hb S contains 2 or more blue-stained
 Abs are adsorbed to suspended metal sol particles/granulofilamentous materials, is
particles giving the reagent raspberry-like counted as reticulocyte.
 PROCEDURE: In a test tube, add an equal
number of blood with supravital stain (new
NOTE: methylene blue or brilliant cresyl blue or janus
 After electrophoresis, densitometry is green for granulofilamentous staining). Incubate
performed to determine the density of the for 10-20 minutes inside of an incubator to
bands created by the migrating proteins enhance the staining because staining of living
converted into concentration. cell is longer because they resist staining due to
 In cellulose Acetate, at an alkaline pH, Hbs are their intact membrane. After incubation, remix
negatively charge thus they migrate towards the sample because the reticulocyte has a low
the anode. Hb S together w/ D & G upon specific gravity thus they tend to float in the
migration appears as a band of protein thus
solution. After, transfer a drop into a slide &
densitometry is performed to determine the
prepare smear.
concentration of Hb S.
 On Citrate Agar, at an acidic pH, Hb S migrates  METHODS OF STAINING: Wet method and Dry
towards the anode thus citrate agar is more Method (schilling’s method)
confirmatory. METHOD OF COUNTING:


 Reticulocytes are enumerated among 1000
RBCs in areas where RBCs are close but not
overlapping and reticulocytes appear to be well out of focus appear as refractile, while
stained. granulofilamentous particles will disappear.
 Formula:
RETIC % = (No. of Retics / 1000 RBCs observed) x 100 ABSOLUTE RETICULOCYTE COUNT

B. MILLER DISC METHOD  Actual no. of reticulocytes in 1 L of whole blood

 Miller Disc is a small disc, connected to one of o ARC = Retic% / 100 x RBC count =
the ocular (_x1012/L) x 1000
 The calibrated Miller disc appears in the field o EXAMPLE: (1.5% / 100) x 4 000 000 = 60,
with 2 squares: a large square and a small square 000
inside the large square which is 1 /9 the size of o REFERENCE VALUE: 25, 000 – 75, 000
the larger square which can be located anywhere
 Reticulocytes are counted in the large square
while RBCs are counted in the small square in  This corrects the reticulocyte count to a normal
successive fields on the film until a total of 500 Hct to allow correction for the degree of patient
RBCs have been counted anemia. The percentage of reticulocytes may
 RULE: include in the count the reticulocyte appear increased because of early release into
present in small squares the circulation or because of a decrease in the
no. of mature RBC in the circulation
𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒐. 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒆 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒆
o CRC: Retic % x (Hct (L/L) / 0.45 L/L)
Retic (%)= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 0.45 L/L = normal mean Hct
𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒐.𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝑩𝑪𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒆 ×𝟗
ADULTS: 0.5 - 1.5 % degree of anemia)
NEWBORN: 2.5 - 6.5 %
 More appropriate test for determining efficiency
 Counterstain (wrights or giemsa) is not
advisable because it may destroy the image of BM compensation for anemia
 Reticulocyte have lower specific gravity  General indicator of the rate of erythrocyte
 Increased glucose inhibits staining thus production increase above normal in anemias
granules may not be seen when observed. meaning the previous production rate increases
for compensation for blood loss
 Index calculated to correct for the presence of
shift reticulocytes that otherwise may falsely
 Pappenheimer bodies – iron containing elevate the visual reticulocyte count.
granules ; stain w/ Romanowsky or Prussian
 Done if shift cells/stress reticulocyte are present
blue stain (siderotic granules)
& computing it
 Howell-Jolly bodies – appears singly ; stain
 RULE: the more severe the anemia, the higher
smear w/ Romanowsky to differentiate
the production must be to normalize the
 Heinz bodies – appears pitted golf ball ; stain condition
w/ supravital stain o RPI = Corrected Reticulocyte count /
 Hb H – appears at the periphery attached to Maturation time (days)
the membrane of RBC ; stain w/ supravital Maturation Time: depends on the
stain patient’s hct
 Artifact – if stained smear is stored longer it o REFERENCE VALUE: 1 maturation time if
may create into precipitate which may hct is 0.45
deposit in the surface of RBC & be mistaken
as the granules thus filter the stain & move
the fine adjustment. Artefacts when you are
RETICULOCYTE MATURATION spherocytic cell and functional state of the cell
HCT TIME (DAYS) membrane.
40-45% 1.0  SPECIMEN: Heparinized blood or defibrinated
35-39% 1.5 blood because other anticoagulants alter the pH
25-34% 2.0 of the blood
15-24% 2.5 o Blood sample should be obtained with
<15% 3.0 minimum trauma and stasis thus upon
NOTE: collection of the blood there must be no
 Reticulocyte mature in circulation after 1 day hemolysis
but in the presence of anemia the bone o Ensure uniform size of blood drops
marrow has to release even the immature
reticulocyte. Immature reticulocyte stay NORMAL RESULT:
longer in the circulation a. Incomplete hemolysis: 0.45 % saline, solution
 RULE: the shorter the immature reticulocyte w/ pinkish tinge & an intact button of RBC at
spent in the bone marrow, the longer they are the bottom upon centrifugation
in the circulation b. Complete hemolysis: 0.35 % saline, red
 RULE: the lower the Hct, the longer the solution w/out an intact button at the bottom
maturation time because of the severity of
anemia Note: Spherocytes show hemolysis as early as 0.60%
saline indicating prone to lysis or fragility
 Increased in hemolytic & hemorrhagic anemias
 Whole blood is pipetted to each of a series of
 OFT measures the ability of the RBCs to take in
hypotonic saline solutions of graduated
fluid without lysing. As the cells take in water
(hypotonic solution), they become bloated or
 Visual observation
swollen. If the cell is normal or biconcave disk, it
 (+) result: Hemolysis
can take in more water w/out lysis because the
biconcavity can be distended w/out lysing but
the cell is already a spherocyte, its volume is
 Uses hypotonic saline buffered with PO4 at ph
occupied thus as it takes more water, it will
7.4 Hemolysis is determined
immediately hemolyzed. It Reflects RBC shape
spectrophotometrically at 540 nm
and size (surface area to-volume ratio). This is
 If the degree of spherocytosis is mild the degree
used to detect spherocytosis, because
of hemolysis is not detected at first thus incubate
spherocytes rupture in saline concentrations
for hours to determine presence of hemolysis
near the normal level. It may also detect target
 (+) result: Hemolysis
cells, which, owing to their reduced hemoglobin
content, are able to withstand osmotic stress NOTE:
and rupture only at very dilute saline  INCUBATED OFT: sterile incubation at 37C for
concentrations. 18 – 24 hrs to detect mild forms of hereditary
 IMPORTANCE: Diagnosis of Hereditary spherocytosis.
Spherocytosis (HS) and other hemolytic anemias
associated with spherocytes.
BY: shape & size of the RBC, which in turns a. INCREASED OFT (cells are fragile): Hereditary
depends on the volume, surface area wherein a spherocytosis; red cells with abnormal
hypochromic cell has a wider area than membrane; severe G-6-PDH deficiency;
Pyruvate kinase deficiency; hemolytic anemias
characterized by abnormal membrane or 3. FINAL SETTLING/PACKING
enzyme deficiency  occurs during the last 10 minutes settling slower
b. DECREASED OFT (cells are resistant to lysis due at the bottom of the tube
to enough surface area to volume ratio thus
these are hypochromic cells & target cell): Sickle
cell anemia, severe Iron deficiency anemia, 1. ERYTHROCYTE FACTORS
thalassemia  RBC SIZE OR MASS: directly proportional to ESR
o Sickling is reversible, if a sickle cell or rate of settling
intakes water it reverses back to its  RULE: the larger, the faster is the settling & the
normal shape, thus ability of sickle cell smaller RBC is, the slower they settle
to react in a hypotonic solution will  NUMBER OF RBC: inversely proportional
depend on the degree of sickling o In anemia where there are only few
ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE cells present thus more space to settle.
In anemia, lesser cells, faster settling. In
 Measures the degree or rate of settling of
polycythemia vera, cells are crowded
erythrocytes at the bottom of the tube in
thus settling is slower.
plasma in an anticoagulated whole-blood during
a specified period of time (1 hour)  PRESENCE OF ANISOCYTES & POIKILOCYTES:
slower settling due to no rouleaux formation
IMPORTANCE: wherein these cells are abnormal in shape &
1. Non-specific measure of inflammation
o The main factor affecting the rate of
settling is the presence of varied plasma
 PLASMA VISCOSITY: inversely proportional to
protein such as acute phase proteins
ESR meaning the more viscous the plasma is, the
produced during inflammation
slower is the rate of settling
2. It is a good index for the presence of a hidden but
o The most important factor which affects
active disease like in the case of inflammation &
the rate of settling is the plasma
3. A hematology test to indicate inflammatory
response to tissue injury however it does not  PLASMA COMPOSITION: increase fibrinogen, α-
determine the severity of inflammation 1 globulin, α-2 globulin: increase ESR thus
4. Follow the progress of certain disease but not altering the zeta potential of cells causing
identify the severity of the condition formation rouleaux
5. It measures the suspension ability of the RBCs o increase albumin & lecitihin: decreases
6. It measures the abnormal concentration of ESR due to rouleaux formation inhibition
fibrinogen and globulin
STAGES OF ESR:  POSITION OF THE TUBE: should be exactly
straight vertical because a slight tilting of the
tube 3 degree causes 30% error thus faster
 occurs during the first 10 minutes & the settling
is slower but after the first 10 minutes where
they form in rouleau, RBC sediment faster
from any movement or vibration at room
 ROULEAU – cells in apposition to one another w/
temperature however fluctuation caused
their flat surface
vibration causes a significant error because
vibration causes more cells settle at the bottom
 INCUBATION TEMPERATURE: should be at room
 occurs within 40 minutes.
longer & wider the tube, the faster is the ESR due
to increase pressure & wider space for cells to ESR: WESTERGREN METHOD
 ANTICOAGULANT: should not be over- <50 y/o 0-15 mm/hr 0-20 mm/hr
anticoagulated (EDTA or citrate) of causes slower >50 y/0 0-20 mm/hr 0-30 mm/hr
ESR because cells are shrunken which may not >85 y/o 0-30 mm/hr 0-42 mm/hr
form into rouleau Children: 0-10 mm/hr
from collection because beyond that cells will a. INCREASED ESR IN DUE TO INFLAMMATION OF
swell thus no rouleaux formation THE TISSUES
 Inflammations; acute & chronic infections,
ESR METHODS tuberculosis, multiple myeloma
1. WINTROBE & LANDSBERG METHOD  Rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis,
(WINTROBE TUBE) myocardial infarction, nephrosis
 WINTROBE TUBE: glass tube w/ thick walls  SBE, Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia,
where one end is open & the other is close & hepatitis, menstruation, pregnancy
feeding of blood is done manually, w/ 2
graduation 10 on top & 0 at the bottom (left) b. DECREASED OR NORMAL ESR IN
for microhematocrit reading while for ESR it is 0  Polycythemia due to many blood cells,
on top & 10 on the bottom (right). Internal spherocytosis, conditions associated with Hb S
diameter is 3 mm & total height is 11 cm but & Hb C disease
column of blood is 10 cm  TO DETERMINE DECREASED ESR: if cells do not
 MATERIAL: wintrobe tube, Pasteur pipet w/ settle at all
thin needle pipet
Oxalate or wintrobe mixture or double oxalate 1. GRAPHIC-CUTLER METHOD: uses 3.8% sodium
citrate and Cutler tube
 WESTERGREN TUBE: plastic or glass tube, both citrate and Linzenmeier tube
ends are open. Length is 200 while the blood 3. MICRO-LANDAU METHOD: uses 5 % sodium
column is 200 mm. The internal diameter is 2.65 citrate
(+- .15) 4. SMITH MICRO METHOD: uses 5 % sodium citrate
 MATERIALS: Westergren tube w/ stopper, 5. CRISTA OR HELLIGE-VOLLMER METHOD
commercial tube w/ anticoagulant, Westergren 6. ROARKE-ERNSTENE METHOD: uses heparin
rack 7. BRAY’S METHOD: 1.3% sodium oxalate
 ANTICOGULANT: Original Westergren = 3.8% NEW ESR METHOD
sodium citrate 1. Automated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
 Modified Method = 2 ml of EDTA- a. Ves-Matic system – based on optoelectronic
anticoagulated blood with 0.5 ml NSS or 3.8% sensor wherein it measures the change in
sodium citra as diluents in order to adjust hct opacity of a column of blood as
 REFERENCE: adjust hct 0.35 sedimentation occurs
 PROCESS: Westergren tube is pushed into a b. Sedimat 15 – based on infrared
bottle of blood, the blood will move up via measurement wherein tubes are slightly
capillary action making sure that the blood is inclined thus the normal values are also
properly mixed via inversion & incubate for 1 adjusted
hour in ESR rack by letting it stand on a c. ESR STAT PLUS system - based on how fast
Westergren rack cells settle upon centrifugation for pediatric
 REPORTING: mm/hr or mm patients because it requires smaller samples
o More accurate if hct is adjusted to 0.35
to limit effect of anemia on RBC
- Uses zetafuge which applies controlled ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHIL COUNT:
centrifugation of blood, producing alternating  FORMULA: Absolute count x WBC count
compaction and dispersion of erythrocytes to WBC COUNT: 9000/ uL
measure how closely the erythrocytes approach DIFFERENTIAL COUNT:
one another under a specific standardized  NETROPHIL: 0.60
gravitational force  LEUKOCYTE: 0.30
- Also uses small amount of blood due to a special  MONOCYTE: 0.08
capillary tube, 75 mm in length with an internal
diameter of 2 mm
 There are some cells that needs to be counted
- After centrifugation, Zetacrit% is determined at
directly such as the eosinophil & basophil
the “knee” of curve to determine zeta  We rarely see eosinophil & very rare for
sedimentation ratio basophil thus performing count directly &
manually is necessary
𝒉𝒄𝒕 %
ZSR (%) = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝒁𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕 %
THORN TEST (Test for adrenocortical functions)
(ZSR): 41 – 54% - Does not determine bone marrow function but
adrenal cortical function
- Perform direct absolute eosinophil count w/
ZETA SEDIMENTATION RATIO fasting sample w/ ACTH injection. After,
51-54% Borderline normal introduce ACTH in order to stimulate the adrenal
55-59% Mildly elevated gland to produce corticosteroid hormones which
60-64% Moderately elevated will cause the circulation to leave the circulation
>65% Markedly elevated & proceed towards the tissues. After 4 hrs., draw
second specimen for absolute eosinophil count.
ADVANTAGES OF ZSR After 4-8 hours ACTH injection, when the adrenal
gland reacts it will produce corticosteroid
 It requires a smaller amount of blood hormones causing now eosinophil to proceed to
 It is not affected by anemia and is faster than the tissues thus giving a lower count. If the
other methods adrenal gland function is normal it will be able to
 Reference range is the same for both sexes cause increase production of adrenal hormones.
 Has only 1 reference value - NORMAL: 2nd count should at least be 50%
 Faster due to involvement of centrifugation lower than initial count
o If 1st & 2nd count is the same meaning
adrenal gland is not functioning causing
to increase observation because the higher the
dilution the fewer the cells seen ABSOLUTE BASOPHIL COUNT
- uses Cooper and Cruickshank stain (neutral red)
o Phloxine – stains eosinophil red
- COUNTING CHAMBER: Speirs – Levy or Fuchs-
o Propylene glycol – lyses RBC
o Heparin – inhibits leukocyte clumping
- DILUTION: 1:10
o Na Carbonate – enhances eosinophil
granule staining & hemolyze other WBC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (L.E.) CELL PREPARATION
o ALTERNATIVE STAINS: Pilot’s solution & - An LE cell is a neutrophil or macrophage that has
Randolph’s stain phagocytized (engulfed) the denatured nuclear
material of another cell that has been lysed by
anti-nuclear Ab. Its formation is characterized by
the production of a number of autoantibodies. - serological test
The most important of these are the antinuclear - Uses fluorescein-conjugated antihuman IgG
antibodies which occur in the serum of patients
with some autoimmune disorders including
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Demonstration of LE cells therefore suggests the  ADULTS: posterior iliac crest (posterior
presence of these antinuclear antibodies also preferred or anterior) – more common because
termed as the LE factor the tissue is more thinner at the hips & sternum

 The LE factor or antinuclear antibodies causes PROCESS: the aspirating needle must be able to reach
nuclear lysis (lysed nucleus becomes a the medulla
homogenous amorphous mass) and this material  Examination of BM requires examination of
is then phagocytized by a neutrophil. blood film which must be collected first because
 Extruded nuclei is acted by antinuclear bone marrow collection requires boring
antibodies because the outer layer of bone is calcified thus
 The phagocytic neutrophil which has it is very painful & stressful for the patient
phagocytized the lysed nucleus is now called an which causes falsely increase WBC
L.E. cell. (seen on a buffy coat smear)
 Rosette formation a flower like formation which 1. TREPHINE BIOPSY/CORE
has an extruded nucleus surrounded by smaller - Utilizes the jamshidi needle for obtaining the
neutrophils is NOT considered positive core to get a rounded portion of the BM tissue
thus it will not disturb the nearby tissue
- This is taken before aspiration biopsy to avoid
a. Collect blood w/out an anticoagulant, 10-15 mL any disruption of marrow architecture.
WB & allowed to completely clot for 1 hr at 37 C - Requires small sample of BM
or 2 hr at RT - Imprint biopsy is prepared by touching the
b. Discard the serum to demonstrate the LE cell by specimen on a slide.
obtaining the buffy coat layer - FIXATIVE: 5% Zenker fluid
c. Get the blood clot & macerate to extrude some
of nucleus thus if antinuclear antibodies is 2. ASPIRATION
present it will act on the extruded nucleus thus - This follows immediately trephine biopsy
lysing the nucleus - Disturb the architectural pattern of cell
d. Macerated blood will be transferred into 3-4 - 1-3 mL of marrow in a 30-35 mL syringe w/ EDTa
wintrobe tube & centrifuge at 2550 rpm for 30 to prevent cellular distortion & processed within
mins. 1hr.
e. After centrifugation, there is a higher volume of - NEEDLE: university of Illinois sternal needle
buffy coat
f. Remove serum to obtain buffy coat & perform
buffy coat smear 1. WEDGE OR COVERSLIP METHOD – 2 coverslip
g. Stain w/ wirghts & giemsa & observed for LE cell method giving excellent distribution of blood
which is a neutrophil that has engulf a large mass cells
h. Phagocytic neutrophil appears to wrap into the 2. PARTICLE SMEAR/SQUASH METHOD – on slide
lysed nucleus place the core collected & cover w/ another slide
& squash
a. FLUORESCENT TEST (has replaced the LE test)
in a wintrobe tube & prepare buffy coat smear
- more accurate because it identify what kind of
same w/ wedge smear & centrifuged for 8-10
nuclear Ab is produced by patient
mins. at 2800 rpm this will compensates for
hypocellular marrow and allows for examination o HYPOCELLULAR/HYPOPLASIA:
of large numbers of nucleated cells without incomplete development in one or more
interference from fat or RBCs. lines thus it contains more fats thus less
4. HISTOLOGIC SECTION (CELL BLOCK) blood production like in aplastic anemia
o FIXATIVE: 10% formalin, Zenker glacial
acetic acid, or
- include all nucleated hematopoietic cells EXCEPT
o B5 FIXATIVE STAINS: Romanowsky; iron
megakaryocytes & macrophages
stain; H and E
- at least 500 cells are counted preferably 1000
NORMAL MARROW CELLS cells, 500/slide (2 slides)

 Hematopoietic cells – stain w/ romanowsky Guidelines for adult bone marrow differential in
stain concentrated smears, 1000 cell counts
 Lymphoblasts CELL TYPE RANGE (%)
 Monocytic cells Eryhroblast 18-24
 Myelocytic cell Myeloblasts, Type I 0-1
 Erythrocytic precursors Myeloblasts, Type II 0-2
Promyelocytes 1-4
 Macrophages/ Histiocyte or osteoclast
Neutrophils & Precursors 53-63
o with storage iron – stain w/ iron stain
Monocytes 0-2
(Prussian blue stain)
Eosinophi;s & Precursors 1-3
o with lipids (Gaucher cells)– monocyte or
Basophils & Precursors 0-1
macrophage w/ cytoplasm appearing a
Lymphocytes 8-12
crinkled tissue paper because of Plasma Cells 0-2
 Mast Cells / Tissue Basophil
 Osteoblasts – immature bone cells, waterbug or MYELOID ERYTHROID RATIO
comet appearance - ratio between the granulocytic precursors &
 Osteoclasts/macrophages – for bone marrow erythroid precursors but only the nucleated
resorption precursors
- on smear, count all myeloid cells & erythroid
precursor which has 3 pronormoblast &
basophilic normoblast & 4 orthochromic
normoblast & for granulocyte only the
neutrophil, eosinophil & basophil
o M:E RATIO = 2 granulocyte:1 RBC – 4:1
o AVERAGE: 3:1


- EDTA-anticoagulated blood or fresh capillary
- Percentage of marrow space occupied by
blood collected before the initiation of
hematopoietic cells compared w/ fat (yellow or
red marrow)
- At least two thick and two thin peripheral blood
 MARROW FAT: hematopoietic cell = 1 : 2 (adults)
films should be made.
 MYELOID: Erythroid (M:E) ratio = 2 : 1 - 4 : 1
o HYPERCELLULAR/HYPERPLASIA: - For morphologic examination and species
increased in one or more cell lines w/ identification and determination of Percent
few fats thus increase marrow arasitemia
production like in polycythemia vera - PREPARATION: same as wedge method
o A drop of blood w/ 2-3 mm & 1 cm away increase predominance of blast cells or
from the end & smear via wedge method immature cells
o First fixed in methanol then add distilled o The decrease of blast cells and increase
water to let RBC to hemolyze to of mature cells is called chronic
removed Hb then stained w/ pH of 7.2 leukemia
pH due to hemozoin pH & examine o Predominance of myeloblast is
o Cells are still intact & not overlapping associated with Acute Myeloid
thus observing morphology Leukemia
o Predominance of mature myelocyte is
b. THICK BLOOD SMEAR associated with Chronic Myeloid
- For screening purposes because cells are Leukemia
distorted - Blast cells are not easily identified because of
- PREPARATION: place 3 small drops or large drop their common characteristics (larger in size, large
of blood close together near one end of the slide. nucleus, smaller and deeply basophilic
Spread in a 25 centavo coin & dry. With one cytoplasm), cytochemical stains are used to
corner of a clean slide, stir the blood for about differentiate in the absence of CD marker
30 seconds to mix the three drops over an area - Acute Myeloid Leukemia can be further classified
approximately 1 to 2 cm in diameter knowing it is a stem cell
o First dehemoglobinized; air-dried then - French American British System classified
stained leukemia based on the morphology of the cells
after staining with Romanowski stain and their
c. STAINS FOR MALARIAL BLOOD SMEAR reaction to cytochemical stain
- Wright’s; Giemsa - FAB further classified ALL as ALL1, ALL2, ALL3.
While AML is classified into seven categories
- Defined as the microscopic study and o AML1-AML3 predominance cell is
identification of chemical constituents within Myeloblast, promyeolocyte myelocyte
individual cells. It is useful in the identification of (granulocytic series)
malignant cell types on the basis of cytoplasmic o AML4 and AML5 uses alpha naphthyl
or nuclear chemistry; cellular constituents that Chloroacetate esterase
are present in abnormal form or amount; lack of o AML4 stain positive in both Specific and
cellular constituent; and cells exhibiting non- specific esterase because it
functional abnormalities contains both granulocytic and
monocytic cells
LEUKEMIA o AML5- is the acute monocytic leukemia
- refers to group of disorders o AML6 is called Erythroid Leukemia,
- In the category of cell line, leukemia can be leukemic cells are precursors of
differentiated to either Myeloid or Lymphoid erythrocyte. Positive in Periodic acid
Leukemia Schiff
- In the basis of Blast cell o AML7 leukemia of megakaryocytes
o Pre-dominance of lymphoblast is called called acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia - One example for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
o Pre-dominance of mature with few is the Hairy Cell Leukemia which affects B-cells.
lymphoblast is called Chronic Hairy cells contain ACP.
Lymphocytic Leukemia o ACP isoenzyme is present in all blood
o Acute leukemia refers to a type of cells and can be inhibited by tartaric
leukemia with poorer prognosis with an acid except the isoenzyme number 5
which is the one present in hairy cell
- In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia the predominant
cells are the mature myeloid cells especially the
granulocytes. CML is also called Chronic
Granulocytic Cells. Granulocytes can range from
- Having a very high WBC count can also be
observed in Leukemoid Reaction which is due to
underlying condition
- Both leukemoid reaction and chronic myeloid
leukemia are characterized by a very high WBC
count. However, Leukemoid Reaction is
reversible that when the underlying condition is
resolved the WBC will return to normal count.
CLM is a permanent condition. To differentiate
Leukemoid reaction from CML, alkaline
phosphatase is used.

Peroxidase/Myeloperoxi - The stain itself does not contain the peroxidase enzyme. The peroxidase enzyme
dase (MPO) is inside the cell, the composition of the stain is the substrate for peroxidase
- Myeloperoxidase is a normal constituent of the primary granules of the
myelocytic cells which is observe as early as promyeolocyte
- Stain marker for primary granules & auer rods (fused primary granules)
- Stain positive in AML but negative in ALL
- Differentiates AML from ALL
- Stain marker for immature myeloid cells
- Stain positive in granulocyte but not in lymphocytes
- Positive Activity: reddish-brown deposits (in cytoplasm of granulocytes and
- Note: Myeloperoxidase enzyme deteriorates; Stain should be done only on fresh
Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate - Use to detect the granulocyte of monocytic origin
Esterase & Alpha- - Non specific because it can be seen in other cells
Naphthyl Butyrate - The stain does not contain esterase but rather substrate for the enzyme
Esterase (Non-Specific - If the cell contains the enzyme it will catalyze the hydrolysis of the butyrate or
Esterases/NSE) acetate in the stain
- Unfixed sample can be used so long in the dark for as long as 2 weeks
- Marker for cells of Monocytic origin
- Other cells (+) : Megakaryocytes, Platelets, Histiocytes, Plasmacytes, some T-
- Positive Activity: red-brown/dark red
Leukocyte/Neutrophil - Stains NEUTROPHILS (the only leukocytes that contain this activity)
Alkaline Phosphatase - Neutrophils contain various amount of ALP
(LAP/NAP) - Principle: Differential count involving neutrophils
- Differentiates Leukemoid reaction (LR) from Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
- Reference Value: 30 –185 LAP score
- Increase LAP score is observed in the following:
o during the last trimester of pregnancy - Hodgkin disease
o Polycythemia vera - Multiple myeloma
o Aplastic anemia - Obstructive jaundice
- KAPLOW’s Scoring (Count 100 cells and grade them as follows)
o 0 = no staining
o 1+ = faint & diffuse staining
o 2+ = pale moderate amount of blue staining
o 3+ = strong blue precipitate
o 4+ = deep blue or brilliant
- To compute multiply the counted neutrophils by their grade
- Normal to High indicates Leukemoid reaction
- Below than normal value to zero indicates CML
Tartaric Acid Resistant - For the diagnosis of Hairy cell leukemia (HCL)
Acid Phosphatase (TRAP) - General Principle: ACP is Detected in almost all blood cells but when treated with
tartaric acid it is inhibited except isoenzyme number 5
- Labile if unpreserved
- Sample should first be fixed and be stored at -20 C and can be used atleast 2
- Other Tartrate Resistant cells: Sezary cells; Histiocyte; T-cell of acute lymphocytic
- Activity is indicated by purple to dark red granules in cytoplasm
Cyanide-Resistant - For identification of Eosinophilic components
Peroxidase - Positive Activity: brown

Naphthol ASD - Marker for mature & immature Neutrophil and mast cells
Chloroacetate Esterase - Substrate is the chloroacetate
(Specific Esterase) - Use to identify immature or primitive granulocyte ALM1-ALM3
- Positive Activity: bright red granules in cytoplasm
- This enzyme is stable and may last for months
Terminal - Stains DNA polymerase immunoperoxidase
Deoxyribonucleotidyl - Marker for immature Lymphoid cell
Transferase (TdT) - Positive in almost 90% cases of ALL
- Also useful in the detection of the “lymphoblastic transformation” of chronic
myeloid leukemia (CML)
- Detects blastic transformation of CML
o CML can transform into an acute leukemia
o Acute leukemia more than or equal to 30% blast cells
o CML can transform either AML or ALL. If the blast cells presence stain
positive in MPO stain and SBB it is AML while if it stain positive in TdT it
means the it transforms into ALL
Acid Phosphatase - Present in all hematopoietic cells and found in lysosomes
- Activity is indicated by purple to red granules
- Unstable, cannot be stored

Prussian Blue stain - Stains siderotic granules (for the diagnosis of sideroblastic anemia)
- Used to detect hemosiderin in urine
- Use to identify iron in the ferric state (Fe+3)
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) - Stain reacts w/ aldehyde groups in glycogen, mucoprotein, glycoproteins, and
high molecular weight carbohydrates
- Does not detect stains instead it combines with the aldehyde group of glycogen
- Positive to all blood cells except normal erythroblast or pronormoblast
- Positive erythroblast indicates that it is affected by AML6
- Positive in erythroblasts in Di Guglielmo disease / Erythroleukemia
- L1 and L2 also stain positive in PAS
- The positivity of L1 to Pas is described to be chunky or block-like positivity
- L2 is not that large as L1
- Negative Activity: bright fuchsia pink (Pattern of staining varies with each cell
- Also differentiates Acute Lymphoblastic leukemias
- Peroxidase of eosinophil is resistance to cyanide.
- Cyanide resistance peroxidase is used to identify peroxidase of eosinophils
Sudan Black B (SBB) - Marker for phospholipids and lipids
- Has the same staining reaction as myeloperoxidase
- Gives the same information as Peroxidase in the interpretation
- Positive in AML
- Advantage over myeloperoxidase is that it is more stable, because
myeloperoxidase detects enzyme which is somewhat labile and may disappear in
prolong storage. Sample stained in SBB can give reliable result for months
- Differentiates AML from ALL
- (+) Result: Dark purple-black granules
- Notes:
 Can be done on stored specimens.
 More sensitive than chloroacetate in the demonstration of mature &
immature neutrophils and mast cells
Toluidine Blue O - A metachromatic stain
- Binds with mucopolysaccharides in blood cells
- For the recognition of basophils and mast cells
- (+) Result: Reddish-Violet

- smallest blood vessels w/ the thinnest lining or
- Stoppage of bleeding walls thus easily ruptured which may be caused
- To maintain normal fluidity of blood in vivo. by increase in blood pressure/hypertension
There must be a balance in hemostasis. If not leading to discoloration of the skin depending on
needed, the clot should not be formed, but when the amount of blood that deposited on the skin
needed, the clot should be formed.
- Imbalance in hemostasis system will lead to
Discoloration of the skin depends on the volume of
excessive bleeding/hemorrhage or excessive
the blood.
clotting or abnormal thrombosis.
- Bleeding can be external or internal, severe or
mild which is indicated by red purple or blue COLOR TRANSITION
black which occur in the vessels particularly in
- bluish black if blood volume is greater or bluish
the capillaries thus blood deposit on the skin and
reddish/purplish to greenish to dark brown or
causes discoloration of the skin
greenish brown to yellow
- purplish red, pinpoint hemorrhagic spots in the  Changes in the color of skin is associated with
skin caused by loss of capillary ability to the degradation of Hb wherein Hb is degraded
withstand normal blood pressure and trauma into globin & heme wherein heme is further
- diameter of <3mm broken down into iron & protoporphyrin &
protoporphyrin is oxidized into biliverdin
PURPURA (green) & further converted into bilirubin
- produced by hemorrhage of blood into small
 Petechiae, purpura & ecchymosis are
areas of skin, mucous membranes, and other indication of primary hemostasis
- Red-purple-brownish yellow
- diameter of >3 mm but <1 cm POSSIBLE CAUSES OF RUPTURE OF CAPILLARIES:
- larger than petechiae or a combination of
1. Increase in blood pressure or hydrostatic
- simultaneous rupture of capillaries
2. Pressure exerted outside
- a form of purpura in which blood escapes into
1. Platelet abnormalities
large areas of skin or mucous membranes, but
2. Blood vessel wall abnormalities
not into deep tissue
- Black/blue – greenish brown or yellow NOTE:
- diameter of >3 cm  Even during normal situations, there are gaps
- due increase rupture of capillaries but not on the formed in between the endothelial lining
visceral organs but directly on the skin which is made up of connected endothelial
NOTE:  Whenever gaps formed, platelet functions to
All of these are caused by the breaks of small vessels aggregate to plug the gaps in order to
particularly the capillaries. maintain continuity of blood vessel thus
limiting blood loss. Upon aggregation,
platelets are consumed leading to increase
appearance of petechiae or platelet may not

properly perform its function due to platelet causing deep vein thrombosis wherein both
abnormalities causes obstruction.
 Petechiae and Purpura may occur without
platelet & blood vessel wall abnormalities DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS

- vaso-obstruction causing the amount of blood

EPITAXIS- nosebleed flow to be limited & the tissue will suffer from
ischemia due to decrease O2
- leakage of blood into a joint cavity
- bleeding in the joints resulting to clot formation - some parts of the clot detach & there is increase
causing obstruction in the movement causing in thrombus causing increase in pressure causing
damage to the affected joint leading to crippling the lumen to be smaller & the heart
which occur in severe hemocoagulation compensates causing increase blood output &
deficiencies such as hemophilia pressure leading to rupture & detachment of clot
& the detach clot may obstruct smaller vessel
THROMBOSIS- formation, presence of a clot in a blood
- vomiting of blood vessel
- content of esophagus or stomach which is acidic
(HCl)  2 TYPES:
- brown color blood due to reaction of blood to o PHYSIOLOGIC – if activation of
HCl coagulation system to form a thrombus
- pH of <7.35 is normal
o PATHOLOGIC – inadvertent formation of
HEMOPTYSIS blood clot
- expectoration of blood secondary to NOTE:
hemorrhage in the larynx, trachea, bronchi, or CAUSES OF PATHOLOGIC THROMBOSIS:
lungs  TTP
- coughs out blood  Cholesterol Plaque formation seen in DM
- red color w/ pH of 7.35 – 7.45 which thickens causing the vessel to be
sclerotic resulting to less capacity of the vessel
SPUTUM- product of the goblet cells of the lungs to dilate & constrict thus tissue reaction occur
HEMATOMA causing obstruction leading to slower
circulation & this increases platelet activation
- a swelling or tumor in the tissues or a body cavity & will form into thrombus
that contains clotted blood  Varicose veins / superficial thrombosis
- clotted blood with swelling  Deep veins thrombosis
 Arterial thrombosis
TRANSFIXATION- through & through of needle causing
- presence of intact red cells in the urine or simply
- In vivo blood clot causing vascular occlusion and blood in urine
tissue ischemia - red with intact RBC thus presence of turbidity or
- composed of mostly platelets occurring in the smoky red
arteries causing arterial thrombosis or fibrin & a
small amount of platelet occurring in vein HEMOGLOBINURIA- presence of hb in the urine with
clear red color.


oxidized Hb in urine due to storage at room temperature
a. Primary – consist of vasoconstriction & plug
giving a color of chocolate brown urine
MENORRHAGIA – excessive menstrual bleeding  Components: blood vessels (endothelial lining),
b. Secondary – consist of fibrin clot formation
- Stool containing dark red or black blood due to  Component: Coagulation factors
oxidized Hb. (Fibrinogen/CF1 converted by thrombin from
- Bleeding in the upper GIT such as in stomach or prothrombin wherein the conversion of
upper part of small intestine. prothrombin to thrombin is caused by CF10a, 5a,
Ca & PL to fibrin), Inhibitors (deactivates further
action) & Fibrinolytic proteins
- The passage of blood in feces.
PLASMIN/FIBRONOLYSIN – dissolves/lysis clot
- Red color bleeding in lower GIT such as in rectum
or colon. FIBRINOLYSIS – process of dissolution of clot


 Tomato, red beets, dragon fruit, diet  Components: clotting factor for fibrin,
 NOTE: phospholipids, platelets for plug formation
o the passage of blood in feces
ANTICOAGULANTS- Prevents excessive formation of
o red color bleeding in lower GIT such as in
platelet plug
rectum or colon
 Components: Natural inhibitors (ATIII, proteins-
C & S), Fibrinolysis
1. Retains the blood within the vascular system
during periods of injury.
- vessels constrict/ vasoconstriction/vasospasm a. Thrombosis – increase procoagulant, decrease
thus limiting blood passage leading to limited anticoagulant
blood loss b. Hemorrhage – decrease procoagulant, increase
2. Localizes the reaction involved to the site of
- Platelet plug formation by first adhering of - This test measures the ability of small capillaries
platelet & will release their content & will to retain blood when subjected to increased
aggregate causing plug formation thus stoppage hydrostatic pressure and anoxia.
of bleeding initially. - It is a non-specific evaluation to measure
capillary weakness and deficiencies in platelet
3. Repairs and re-establishes blood flow through number and function meaning when there is
the injured vessels abnormal platelet number, there is abnormal
- Fibrin clot formation by converting fibrinogen CFT this is due to thrombocytopenia or when
into fibrin causing fibrin clot formation which will there is abnormal plt count but normal plt
stabilized the plug formation by forming a function thus abnormal CFT
meshwork. - Decreased capillary resistance causes the
- Promoted by thrombospondin & platelet derived capillaries to rupture which leads to bleeding
factor for smooth muscle & connected tissue and formation of petechiae.
muscle repair thus dissolving fibrin.

- Requires exposure to increase hydrostatic HEMOSTASIS

pressure & anoxia by applying a positive VASCULAR SPASM
pressure via BP apparatus or Tourniquet using
- very first reaction to injury
Rumpel-Leede Tourniquet Test or Negative
- function of blood vessels
pressure from the outside using suction cup
- Measures fragility or stability of capillaries as NOTE:
well as a non-specific evaluation of platelet  Vascular spasm & platelet plug formation are
number & function under the primary hemostasis while the clot
RESULT: petechiae formation is under the secondary hemostasis
 The primary hemostatic response towards
RUMPEL-LEEDE TOURNIQUET TEST injury is immediate but since the platelet plug
1. Examine the forearm, hand, and fingers to make is unstable the effect is short term
certain that no petechiae are present.  Secondary hemostatic response is more
complex but the response is quite delayed but
2. With a blood pressure cuff, apply 100 mmHg
once the clot is formed & is stabilized it will be
pressure to upper arm. To those who do not
efficient in effect which is long term
have a blood pressure cuff, use a tourniquet or
 In primary hemostasis, the platelets clump
rubber/cloth strip instead. Apply the tourniquet together & in secondary hemostasis, fibrin
not too tight, not too loose to employ just monomers are formed & connected together
enough pressure. or polymerized thus forming a meshwork
3. Maintain pressure for 5 minutes. around the platelet aggregate thus stabilizing
4. Release cuff and wait for 5 – 10 minutes before the platelet aggregate
making a final reading.  In the presence of meshwork, some of the
5. Examine the forearm, hands and fingers for blood cell in the circulation (RBC) are trapped
petechiae. in the fibrin meshwork & add up to the bulk &
the larger the size of the clot, the more
NOTE: efficient it is as a plug
Disregard any petechiae within ½ inch of the
blood pressure cuff (tourniquet) because this
may be due to pinching of the skin by the cuff. THREE HEMOSTATIC COMPONENTS

EXTRAVASCULAR - Play a part in hemostasis by

6. Count the number of petechiae and roughly
COMPONENTS providing back pressure on the
interpret as follows: injured vessel causing some to
1+ A few petechial on the anterior part of the flow outside & the tissues will
forearm absorbed & the blood causing
2+ Many petechial on the anterior part of the swelling which will exert a back
forearm pressure preventing the further
release or extravasation of the
3+ Multiple petechial over the whole arm and back
of the hand
4+ Confluent petechial on the arm and back of the
a) BULK or amount of surrounding
b) TYPE of tissue (skeletal muscles
will be absorbed more as
compared to lose connective
c) TONE of the surrounding tissue
(tissues that lack tonicity will not

absorbed that much such as PRIMARY HEMOSTASIS SECONDARY

tissues of elderly) HEMOSTASIS
VASCULAR - Involves the blood vessels INVOLVES: INVOLVES: activation of a
COMPONENTS Vasoconstriction, Platelet series of plasma proteins
DEPENDS ON: plug, Platelet adhesion, in the coagulation system
a) SIZE of the blood vessels release reaction & until fibrin clot formation
b) AMOUNT of smooth muscle aggregation (final product)
within their wall ACTIVATED BY: ACTIVATED BY: large
c) INTEGRITY of the endothelial desquamation and small injuries to blood vessels
cell lining injuries to blood vessels and surrounding tissues
Procoagulant substances Tissue factor exposed on
ENDOTHELIAL LINING are exposed or released cell membranes or
- composed of endothelial cells by damage or activated circulation
INTRAVASCULAR - Includes cells, plasma proteins & endothelial cells in order
COMPONENTS fibrinolytic agents such as the to activate the secondary Ex.:
plasminogen, plasmin & tissues hemostasis 1. Collagen exposed to
plasminogen activator and the surrounding tissue,
inhibitor causes platelets to
Platelets and biochemical in the aggregate & adhere &
plasma. activate CF 12. COLLAGEN
is the chief component of
 Clots are actually the the connective tissues.
plasma not the RBC 2. Tissue Factor
 There are inhibitors for introduced to the
coagulation and circulation because of
fibrinolysis large injury to the tissues,
 PECAM & ICAM contains it will activate factor 7
adhesion molecules causing the in vivo
 Platelets are also coagulation
involved in 2nd COMPONENTS: vascular COMPONENTS: platelet
hemostasis by exposing intima & platelets & coagulation system
their surface for the Rapid, short-lived Delayed, long term
clotting factors to be response response
activated & react Ends with platelet plug Naturally occurring
formation inhibitors in blood will
Primary Hemostatic block activated
ARTERIES VEINS CAPILLARY Disorders: Blood vessel & coagulation factors so
SIZE Large Smallest; platelet disorder that widespread
easily coagulation does not
rupture occur.
LININGS 3 layers of 3 layers of Endothelium FIBRINOLYSIS – slow breakdown & removal of fibrin
endothelial endothelial (inner) and clot as healing of the injured vessel occurs
lining, lining, Epithelial
smooth smooth cells
connective connective
tissues tissues
WALL Thicker Thinnest a. Vasodilation
o Prostacyclin – induces
vasodilation ; produce by
endothelial cell

b. Vasoconstriction  PROCOAGULANT: during vascular damage

- 2 Substances that Promotes o Serotonin & thromboxane A2 –
Vasoconstriction: vasoconstriction
o Serotonin/5 hydroxytriptamine o Von Willebrand Factor – from alpha
– from dense granules granules which is involve in platelet
o Thromboxane A2 adhesion & in the endothelial cell they
are stored in the weibel palate
o ADAMTS-13 – cleaves ultra large von
Both serotonin & thromboxane A2 activates the
Willebrand factor which may adhere
surrounding tissues for it to constrict causing now
limited amount of blood to enter even in the absence of damage which
may lead to TTP
o P-selectin – produce by other WBC &
2. SYNTHESIS produce by endothelial cell ; enhances
- Aids in anticoagulation & procoagulation adhesion to damage
o Collagen & Tissue Factor exposed –
 ANTICOAGULANT: during intact skin ; by smooth enters the circulation during damage &
surface allowing blood cells to circulate be exposed wherein collagen will cause
smoothly platelets to adhere & aggregate &
o Prostacyclin & nitrous oxide – secreted activate coagulation factors such as
by intact endothelial cell; induces Factor 7 & 7a causing clotting factors to
vasodilation & inhibit platelet occur for tissue factor
aggregation o Fibrinolysis – produces tissue
o Heparan sulfate – Increases the activity plasminogen activator which converts
of antithrombin 3 (major inhibitor of plasminogen into plasmin however
thrombin excessive TPA causes excessive plasmin
o Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor – major causing excessive fibrinolysis thus
inhibitor of tissue factor/extrinsic PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR is
pathway which is initiated by factor 12 activated to inhibit activation of
o Anti-thrombin 3 – from the liver; major plasminogen in order to decrease the
inhibitor of the entire coagulation synthesis of plasmin & THROMBIN
o Thrombomodulin – Inhibitor of Factor inactivates fibrinolysis
2a; binds w/ thrombin thus inhibiting
thrombin & cause deactivation of
protein C which is the cofactor of protein
S. Protein C comes from the liver
produced as an inactive protein which is
inactivated by thrombin &
thrombomodulin. Protein C becomes an
inhibitor. Protein C, thrombomodulin &
thrombin combines to form a
trimolecular complex & with endothelial
cell as a receptor, Protein C becomes

PRIMARY HEMOSTASIS: Components, Functions, ADHESION •P-selectin; Procoagulant

Disorders MOLECULES Intracellular
BLOOD VESSELS (Vascular Intima) Adhesion
•Help cells
PROSTACYCLIN •Inhibits Anticoagulan stick to each
(PGI2) platelet t and to their
activation surroundings
HEPARAN SULFATE Coats the Anticoagulan NOTE:
endothelial t  Vascular disorders affect hemostasis
cell surface  Bleeding occurs if the connection of the
and weakly endothelial lining is loose.
enhances  Connective tissues are disseminated in every
activity of part of the body. Thus, all tissues of the body
antithrombin with defective connective tissue will also be
-3 affected.
THROMBOMODULI •Endothelial Anticoagulan
N (ENDOTHELIAL surface t
•Enhances - Sex-linked ; caused by a defect in the gene
anticoagulant responsible for peptidase enzyme production
and which converts procollagen to collagen (chief
fibrinolytic component of the connective tissues of blood
action of vessels)
protein C - Characterized by: Hyper-extensive joints and
TISSUE FACTOR Controls Anticoagulan hyperplastic skin
PATHWAY Activation of t - LABORATORY FINDINGS: Normal Coagulation
INHIBITOR the extrinsic Test & Platelet function studies
TISSUE Converts Fibrinolytic
PLASMINOGEN plasminogen
- Defect in fibrillin
ACTIVATOR to plasmin
ADENOSINE Stimulates Reduces - Characterized by: Elongated upper & lower
vasodilation blood flow digits.
FACTOR (VWF) platelet - Autosomal recessive ; defect in elastic tissue
WEIBEL-PALADE adhesion to - Characterized by: calcified & formed into
BODIES site of injury plaques thus affecting the ability of the vessel to

constrict & dilate and structurally abnormal 2. CONGENITAL HEMAGIOMATA (KASABACH-

Elastic fibers MERRITT SYNDROME)
- Yellowish plaque, observed on skin where the - Disorder associated with tumors composed of
skin is abnormally loose (neck) many large vessels ; benign & can be surgically
- Formation of fibrin clots, platelets consumption
1. VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY (SCURVY/SCORBUTUS) and red cell destruction secondary to vascular
- Vitamin C deficiency common among children obstruction occur at the site of tumor in the
thus prone to petechial formation mucous membrane
- IMPORTANCE OF VITAMIN C: for the formation
of the intact structure of the vascular basement
membrane & in synthesis of collagen for 1. DIABETES MELLITUS
hydroxylation of Vitamin C’s proline & lysine - Deposition of glycosylated proteins leading to
- Characterized by: gingival bleeding; hemorrhage thickening of capillary basement membrane
into subcutaneous tissues and muscles; large plaques affecting often the capillaries of the
hemorrhagic areas may develop just below the renal glomeruli and retina
eyes; splinter-like hemorrhage may also appear
in the fingernail beds 2. AMYLOIDOSIS
- LABORATORY FINDINGS: CFT = usually positive - Excessive amyloid or cholesterol deposit in
small vessels thus forming plaques causing now
2. SENILE PURPURA inflammatory process leading to cellular
- Related with normal aging process; inflammation and activation of cellular
discoloration of the skin which may not inflammatory process leading to injury & the
disappear & will remain as age spot because normal vessel flow will contain thrombus
even the function of the macrophages which formation
supposed to remove it has also declined - Causes vasoobstruction thus less oxygenation &
- LABORATORY FINDINGS: CFT = positive ; may also lead to rupture resulting to stroke &
Bleeding time = normal or only slightly prolonged other condition
- Problem with antibodies
- Common among Scandinavian population ;
discoloration of the skin where the skin is thin ;
- Common drugs that induce purpura:
blood vessels are abnormally thin thus they
sulfonamides & iodides quinine, procaine,
dilate & will be seen as spots
penicillin, aspirin, sedatives, coumarin
- Autosomal dominant trait characterized by thin-
- Endothelial cell might no longer be recognized as
walled, focally disorganized and dilated blood
self-cells & the immune system will induce Ab
vessels with a discontinuous endothelium
against the endothelial cell & iodide or
appearing as red pinpoint lesions most
commonly on the face, lips, tongue, mucous
- May be due to development of antibodies to
membranes of the mouth and nose, ears,
vessel walls components, development of
conjunctiva, palms and soles
immune complexes and change in vessel wall
- LABORATORY FINDINGS: bleeding time, platelet
function tests, capillary fragility test and
coagulation test are all normal


PURPURA  Only metamegakaryocyte has the ability to
- Associated with certain food and drugs, cold produce platelets
temperature, insect bites and vaccinations  The more nuclear lobes, the more platelets it
- HENOCHS PURPURA – associated with will produce
abdominal pain secondary to GIT hemorrhaging
- SCHONLEINS PURPURA – associated with joint,
especially in the knees, ankles and wrist


- Associated with bacterial ; viral, rickettsial & - Contains glycocalyx which contains
protozoal infections or substance it produces glycoproteins (4, 6, 9)
- Contains glycoprotein 1b/9 for platelet adhesion
PLATELETS & GP 2b/3a for platelet aggregation

- Cytoplasmic fragments from megakaryocytes b. ZOL GEL ZONE

- Contains gel components that maintains
Diameter 2-4 um & 1/8 the diameter of different organelles at their position & allows
RBC them to communicate with one another
Site of production Bone marrow - Contains the cytoskeleton of the cell which
2 Pools 1/3 in spleen maintains the size & shape of platelet for it to not
2/3 in circulation
collapse which is made up of microtubules and
Growth Factor Thrombopoietin
microfilaments, the actin & myosin forms the
Manner of Division Endomitosis – increase
contractile protein, thrombosthenin.
nuclear component while
cytoplasmic component is
Rule As it matures, the cell size - Contains the dense granules, alpha granules
increases (most abundant), mitochondria & lysosomes
Mean Platelet 8-10 fL
Reference Platelet 150,000-450,000/ uL o Open Canalicular System – Membrane
count that allows communication to the
Daily Turnover 35 X 109/L (+/- 4.3) outside environment & route of entry &
Average production 2,000 – 4,000/megakaryocyte exit of substances
Lifespan 8-11 days o Dense Tubular System – for calcium
Function Maintenance of vascular pump & arachidonic acid production
integrity and blood


- Demarcation lines in cytoplasm ; where platelet

fragmentation occurs
- Appears as early as megakaryoblast & prominent
in promegakaryocyte & absent in megakaryocyte
& metamegakaryocyte.


PF1 Plasma coagulation factor V

PF2 A globulin that inhibits antithrombin III;
increases platelet aggregation and
accelerates interaction of thrombin and
fibrinogen (fibrinoplastic platelet factor)
PF3 A lipoprotein (platelet phospholipid) found
in platelet granules & membrane and
required in 2 steps of the coagulation
process ; functions for coagulation factors to
assemble in order to cause fibrin formation
; component of prothrombinase together
w/ CF10, 5a, Ca for conversion of
prothrombin into thrombin for secondary
hemostasis ; assembly molecule
PF4 A glycoprotein stored in the alpha granules
and is extruded during the platelet release
reaction; aids in ADP-induced platelet
aggregation and inhibits effect of heparin

 In heparin therapy, patients might
develop autoantibodies against PF4
in Heparin Induce
Thrombocytopenia disease
 Heparin Induce Thrombocytopenia
– Acquired condition caused by
autoimmune disorder caused by
heparin therapy
PF5 Platelet fibrinogen
PF6 A plasma inhibitor associated with platelets
PF7 Cothromboplastin
PF8 Antithromboplastin factor
PF9 Accelator globulin stabilizing factor
PF10 Serotonin found in the dense granules


Promote HMWK (high molecular Alpha Granules  Contact Activation of intrinsic coagulation
coagulation weight kininogen) pathway
 Cofactor of 12a in converting prokalycrine into
Fibrinogen  Converted to fibrin for clot formation
Factor V  Cofactor to Factor 10 to convert prothrombin
into thrombin in fibrin clot formation
Von Willebrand Factor  Assists platelet adhesion to subendothelium
to provide coagulation surface
Promote ADP (strong) Dense bodies
Aggregation Calcium  Promote platelet aggregation
Platelet factor 4 Alpha granules  Calcium is involved in coagulation
Thrombospondin  Thrombospondin & platelet factor 4 is for
platelet function
Promote Serotonin Dense bodies
Vasoconstriction Thromboaxane A2 Membrane  Promotes vasoconstriction at injury site
precursors (inhibited phospholipids  Thromboxane A2 is a very strong aggregator
by aspirin therapy) of platelet
Promote Platelet derived Alpha granules  Promotes smooth muscle growth
vascular repair growth factor  For vessel repair
Beta-thromboglobulin  Chemotactic for fibroblasts
 For vessel repair
Other systems Plasminogen (from Alpha granules  Precursor to plasmin, which induces clot lysis
affected liver converted into
plasmin by TPA &
inhibited by A2-
A2 – antiplasmin  Plasmin inhibitor, inhibits clot lysis
C1 esterase inhibitor  Complement system inhibitor

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND FUNCTION OF - Von Willebrand Factor is necessary for areas
PLATELETS where circulation is with high shear (arteries &
1. ADHESION (platelet-to-injury) arterioles) such that if the platelets will simply
- Platelets during injury first cling & roll on the adhere, It will be easily dislodge but in veins &
damage endothelium & adhere on damage capillaries, since the pressure is not that strong,
endothelium the platelets can directly adhere on the exposed
- Sticking of platelets to a non-platelet structure; surface such as GP 6
platelets adhere only on detached or injured - Reversible.
- Requires the GP Ib/IX in complex with V for 2. PLATELET RELEASE REACTION
adhesion which serves as a receptor for Von - Platelet undergoes shape or morphological
Willebrand Factor which is readily available in change. Alpha & dense granules release
plasma substances that will contribute to platelet
- Plasma Von Willebrand Factor is used for aggregation and activation of the coagulation
platelet attachment to the exposed system.
subendothelial matrix such as the collagen

- Releases ADP from dense for aggregation, 2. VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE

serotonin from dense for vasoconstriction & - Most common coagulopathy
thromboxane A2 from membrane phospholipid - Autosomal inheritance & function at
for vasoconstriction & aggregation chromosome 12 synthesized by the endothelial
- Irreversible cell & platelets; stable.
- Autosomal inheritance in Chromosome 12;
3. PLATELET AGGREGATION (platelet-to-platelet) deficiency in plasma VIIIc: VWF.
- Requires Gp IIb-IIIa as a receptor for fibrinogen - Characterized by prolonged bleeding time &
and plasma fibrinogen/Factor 1 which serves as same aggregation test result with Bernard-
glue or adhesive for platelet to platelet adhesion Soulier; prolonged APTT due to deficiency or
- Viscous metamorphosis decrease in CF 8c
- SECONDARY AGGREGATION: irreversible cofactor in the intrinsic pathway
Collagen, Thromboxane A2, Epinephrine, test for intrinsic pathway
Arachidonic Acid, Ristocetin, Thrombospondin, - Multimeric molecule w/ a receptor for GP
Reptilase (from reptile) Ib/IX/V complex & collagen which is used to
bind w/ platelets causing platelet adhesion
- Contains Ag epitope & has a receptor for & a
4. VASOCONSTRICTION protein carrier for FACTOR
- Enhanced by serotonin released from platelets & 8C/ANTIHAEMOPHILIC 8C which is a sex-linked
thromboxane A2 from membrane phospholipids inheritance in the X chromosome synthesized by
- Reaction in primary hemostasis the liver & is labile thus it is prone to proteolysis
thus causing secondary deficiency causing
5. CLOT FORMATION prolongation of APTT but becomes relatively
- Platelet factor 3 or the assembly molecule is stable w/ Von Willebrand Factor.
needed for the formation of active plasma
- Reaction in secondary reaction  A – Factor VIII (2 components: 8:VWF for
adhesion & 8C for coagulation intrinsic pathway)
QUALITATIVE PLATELETS (Platelet-vessel wall
 B – Factor IX


- Features:
o Deficiency in Gp 1b/IX thus an intrinsic COMMON SIGN: mucocutaneous bleeding
defect BLEEDING TIME (severe) & APTT TEST (prolonged) –
o Platelets are abnormally low & abnormal screening test
o Abnormally large platelet/giant platelet DIAGNOSIS: STANDARD VMD TEST PANEL TESTS:
w/ thrombocytopenia & prolonged
1. Quantitative VWF test (VWF Ag assay) – to
bleeding time
determine if VWF is quantitative or qualitative.
2. VWF activity test/ VWF RCo assay – qualitative
 Abnormal: Ristocetin
test to determine ability of vWF to bind to
 Normal: ADP, collagen &

3. Factor VIII activity assay – to determine the

extent of VWF disease which may lead to
secondary deficiency of Factor 8
TREATMENT: - hypothyroidism, autoimmune,
lymphoproliperative & myeloproliferative,
 Cryoprecipitate – contains the complete disorders; benign monoclonal gammopathies;
component of factor VIII & VWF wherein this Wilms tumor ; intestinal angiodysplasoa;
control bleeding by supplying the deficient congenital heart disease ; pesticide exposure;
Factor VIII & VWF but it is no longer & hemolytic uremic syndrome
recommended because it does not undergo viral
inactivation wherein the specimen source is the
B. AGGREGATION DEFECTS (Platelet-platelet
blood donor.
 Desmopressin acetate (1-desamino-8-D
arginine vasopressin/ DDAVP) – standard
treatment which cause release of VWF & Factor
- Features:
8 from endogenous sources in order to prevent
o Deficiency/ Gp IIb-IIIa; Inherited as an
autosomal recessive trait
 A plasma-derived factor VIII/VWF concentrate
o Bleeding time is prolonged, platelets are
CLASSIFICATIONS OF VON WILLEBRAND DISEASE morphologically normal but isolated w/
one another
1  Partial quantitative deficiency of von aggregate normally with Ristocetin but
Willebrand factor (vWF) not with Epinephrine, ADP, Collagen
 Most common to occur about 75 -80% ;
a quantitative disorder
2  Qualitative (Function) deficiency of vWF
 Level of vWF is normal but function is
o AFIBRINOGENEMIA: Acquired/Inherited
total absence or severe deficiency in
2A  Decreased platelet-dependent vWF
function with selective deficiency of high-
molecular-weight multimers (the vWF is o HYPOFIBRINOGENEMIA:
more susceptible to proteolysis by Acquired/Inherited slight decrease in
ADAMTS-13 which is secreted by fibrinogen.
endothelial cells which destroys low o DYSFIBRINOGENEMIA: Inherited lack of
molecular weight vWF) fibrinogenemia
2B  Increased affinity for platelet
2M  Decreased platelet receptor binding
(glycoprotein lb/IX/V)
2N  (Normandy Variant) Impaired factor VIII
binding site leading to deficiency to APTT 1. GRAY PLATELET SYNDROME
thus APTT is prolonged - Deficiency of alpha granules
 Autosomal Hemophilia (royal disease) - Platelets aggregate abnormally & are abnormally
3  VWF is absent or nearly absent from large
plasma - Characterized by larger platelets colored gray to
 Rarest vWF & severe or complete blue-gray, and thrombocytopenia
- LABORATORY: Prolonged Bleeding time;
 Autosomal Recessive
decreased aggregation with all agents.


- Autosomal dominant disorder characterized by ACTIVITIES
abnormal proteolysis (destruction of proteins) & - In resting platelets, phosphatidylserine (PS) &
deficiency of alpha granules Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) are located
- Abnormal increase in urokinase-type predominantly on the inner leaflet while
Plasminogen Activator phosphatidylcholine has the opposite
- Platelet count is normal or decrease distribution & this arrangement is maintained
- Characterized by delayed bleeding when by Aminophospholipid Translocase Enzyme.
exposed to trauma (12-24 hrs from the time of During platelet activation, it undergoes a
exposure) from mucocutaneous bleeding. morphological change such that its cytoplasm
will be extruded with extensions & the
DENSE GRANULES DEFICIENCIES distribution of phospholipids will be scrambled
1. WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME wherein phosphatidyl serine &
- (Sex-linked) deficiency of dense granules, with a phosphatidylethanolamine will be exposed &
defect in cytoskeletal assembly. acted by the enzyme, phosphatidyl
- Characterized by predominance of small scramblase/PF 3 & coagulation factors will be
platelets activated & be assembled
- TRIAD OF SYMPTOMS: thrombocytopenia,
recurrent infection & eczema 1. SCOTT SYNDROME
- Surface expression of phosphatidylserine is
(AUTOSOMAL) - Disorder of calcium-induced membrane
- TRIAD OF SYMPTOM: oculocutaneous albinism, phospholipid scrambling that when a platelet is
accumulation of ceroid-like pigment in activated it can assume a resting phase of
macrophages & bleeding tendencies platelet & may also be activated wherein the
exposure of phosphatidyl serine is deficient thus
3. CHEDIAK-HIGASHI (AUTOSOMAL) scrambling occurs & affects the secondary
- TRIAD OF SYMPTOM: albinism (no pigment), hemostasis
recurrent infection (immune deficiency) & giant
- Platelets are always in an activated state without
SYNDROME (TAR) - Defect in aminophospholipid translocase
- Reduced radial bone or totally absent ; - Phosphatidyl choline is always on the outside
appearing like a t-rex syndrome causing abnormal platelet activation
- Structural defect in beta granules with
corresponding abnormal aggregation responses
 Phosphatidyl Choline – major component of
and thrombocytopenia the outer layer
- Characterized by severe neonatal  Phosphatidyl serine &
thrombocytopenia and congenital absence or Phosphatidylethanolamine – internal later
extreme hypoplasia of the radial bones (most
pronounced skeletal abnormality), cardiac and
other skeletal abnormalities
- Abnormal aggregation
- Observed as early as birth


1. DRUG-RELATED  < 100,000/ uL – ABNORMALLY LOW; significant
 ASPIRIN – permanent cyclooxygenase inhibition decrease ; bleeding is not apparent
which is needed in the synthesis of thromboxane  30,000 – 50,000/ uL – BLEEDING IS POSSIBLE
A2 thus affecting platelet aggregation especially when exposed to trauma or bleeding
- Phospholipid A2 will convert the membrane secondary to surgical procedures
phospholipid of platelets into cyclooxygenase  <30,000 – SPONTANEOUS BLEEDING, meaning
- Prevents conversion of arachidonic acid into even without trauma or surgical procedure,
prostaglandin by cyclooxygenase leading to bleeding may occur in the internal organs
deficiency in thromboxane A2  <5,000/ uL – SEVERE SPONTANEOUS BLEEDING,
 NSAIDs and other COX-2 inhibitors (naproxen may cause intracranial bleeding and bleeding in
and ibuprofen) visceral organ due to inability of platelets to
 Other Antiplatelet agents: TICLOPIDINE AND maintain the continuity of blood vessels ;
CLOPIDROGEL – blood thinning drugs making considered as a life-threatening condition
blood viscous ; affects fibrinogen & Gp2b/3a
 Dextran – coating of platelets thus platelet
cannot adhere & aggregate
2. PARAPROTEINEMIAS ((MULTIPLE MYELOMA - Bone marrow defect, where platelet production
- Dysproteneimias – Excessive plasma proteins to  MEGAKARYOCYTE HYPO-PROLIFERATION in:
lead to hyper-viscosity syndrome making the o APLASTIC ANEMIA – affects the bone
circulation slow leading to thrombosis & the marrow; bone marrow is infiltrated with
pressure is increase fats which are haematopoietically
- Disorder of the bone marrow thus production of inactive; all blood cells are decrease.
intrinsically abnormal platelets o MAY-HEGGLIN – inherited condition;
- Increase in bens jones protein & abnormally large megakaryocyte but are
immunoglobulins wherein for MM it is increase decrease in number; WBC w/ dohle
IgG while for WM it is increase IgM bodies.
o TOXIC CONDITIONS – when the toxic
3. RENAL DISEASE agents destroy megakaryocyte
- Uremia: increase in non-protein nitrogenous
substances ; leads to decreased thromboxane  INFECTIVE THROMBOPOIESIS – Infective
synthesis causing platelet destruction ; thrombopoiesis due to decrease in
Decrease: adhesion, platelet release, and thrombopoietin which is mainly produced by the
aggregation ; Increase: non-protein nitrogenous liver and a few in kidneys ; associated among
substances chronic alcoholics among ethanol abused thus
damaging platelet production
- Platelets function is normal but platelets are  NEONATAL THROMBOCYTOPENIA – among
few or increased in number newborns who are exposed to infection inside
the uterus ; associated with infections with
SIGNIFICANT PLATELET LEVELS (platelet count and toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and
clinical manifestation): herpes and HIV (TORCH); and in-utero exposure
to certain drugs (particularly chlorothiazide
 150 – 450 x 109/L – REFERENCE PLATELET
diuretics and the oral hypoglycemic
o <150, 000: thrombocytopenia


replacement of entire bone marrow with COAGULATION (DIC) – patient produces a
abnormal cells such as cancerous cells substance that will activate both coagulation
and fibrinolysis leading to imbalance in
2. BLOOD TRANSFUSION coagulation as clotting occurs there is a
- Transfused platelets will add on the patients corresponding fibrinolysis, when clot occurs
platelets improving now the patients platelet some coagulation factors are consumed
count such as the CF 1, 5,8 and 13 and platelets ;
- Occurs after transfusion of platelet-containing occurs elsewhere the body ; involves the
blood products (recipient’s plasma is found to activation of both coagulation and
contain alloantibodies to antigens on the fibrinolysis due to liberation of
platelets of the transfused blood product) thromboplastic substance by damaged or
- Normal lifespan of platelets in blood banks is abnormal cells
only 5 days
 DILUTIONAL LOSS – blood product transfused 3. HEMOLYTIC URENIC SYNDROME (HUS) –
does not contain enough viable platelets thus it’s associated with diarrheal or non-diarrheal
effect is to dilute only the patients’ blood and a. DIARRHEAL among children after
improve the blood volume ; Massive transfusion children has been infected with GIT
where patient receives 4 or more units of blood problem with any organism that can
for 24 hours may also lead to dilution of patient’s produce a shiga-like organism the
platelets ; transfusion of intravenous fluids and verotoxin (E. coli H7:0157, Strep.
pure plasma Pneumoniae, shigella) where it will it
 POST TRANSFUSION PURPURA – occurs a week bind to glomerular capillaries on the
after ; related to antibody if the patient is already endothelial cells causing them to be
been sensitized or received blood component activated and become thrombotic
before causing now antibody production against promoting thrombosis; often occurs in
the platelets ; severe type of thrombocytopenia the kidneys ; It is hemolytic when
platelets become thrombus they cause
3. INCREASES DESTRUCTION OR CONSUMPTION lysis ; urine appears as pinkish ;
a. NON-IMMUNE Associated with mild febrile illnesses,
- premature activation of platelets in secondary certain immunizations, and
aggregation causing platelets to be consumed gastrointestinal disturbances (E.coli
- associated with activation and consumption O157:H7 or other Shiga/Vero toxin-
producing bacteria)
PURPURA (TTP): caused by a deficiency of a associated with vaccination
ADAMTS-13 ; common in young adults ; 4. PLATELET LOSS ON ARTIFICIAL SURFACE – in
persistence of ultra large VWF which may cases of artificial heart valve, though it is
bind prematurely to platelets causing match, when platelets are in contact to
platelets to aggregate which is irreversible & them, platelets are destroyed
the clot may detach & may cause 5. INFECTIONS (eg. Dengue) – leads to platelet
vasooclussion; platelets are consumed when consumption, because dengue infects some
formed into thrombus ; deficiency in of the macrophages and monocytes which
disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a produces cytokines & the effect make the
thrombospondin type 1 motif, member 13 endothelial lining hyper permeable and
(ADAMTS-13) platelets will plug the area until platelet
count is consumed


- Associated with antibody (IgG) - due to underlying condition ; Seen in splenic
1. IDIOPATHIC/IMMUNE mobilization and in hemolytic anemias
cause is unknown for ITP; common among hemorrhagic conditions ; due to acute
young children ; due to presence of anti- hemorrhage, platelets moves into systemic
platelet antibodies of the IgG type circulation causing transient increase in the
associated with previous infection; most platelet circulation ; response to stress such
common in young females <15 y/o ; if occurs as in acute blood loss anemias ; platelets
in children, the prognosis improves but in formed and mature from the spleen
adults it is life threatening b. RAPID REGENERATION – involves the bone
2. DRUG-INDUCED: HEPARIN-INDUCED marrow but production is normal ; during
THROMBOCYTOPENIA (HIT)- patient hemolytic anemia where there is a need to
develops IgG antibody specific for heparin- loss of blood cells thus the bone marrow will
platelet factor 4 complexes; A. common side immediately try to compensate and increase
effect of unfractionated heparin production of blood cells ; platelets newly
administration released from the bone marrow indicated by
reticulated platelets in circulation in order to
4. SPLENIC SEQUESTRATION respond to underlying condition
- Seen in hypersplenism and splenomegaly where
there is enlargement of spleen thus sequestering
>1/3 of platelets & keeping 50-90% of platelets,
- Evaluates platelet and blood vessels.
leaving 10% of platelets in the circulation thus
leading to thrombocytopenia.
- Can be performed directly or indirectly and can
also be done manually or with the use of
- Increase of NPN in the blood due to inability of
automated machines.
the kidney to remove these substances due to
- Manual Procedures for platelet count can be
renal insufficiency; also causes platelet damage.
done with the use of Light Microscopy Principle
THROMBOCYTOSIS/ THROMBOCYTHEMIA or the Phase-Contrast Microscopy Principle.
- Increases platelet count (>450,000/uL) - EDTA: Anticoagulant of choice whether
automated or manual procedure. It prevents
1. PRIMARY THROMBOCYTOSIS platelets from adhering and as well as
- main defect ; abnormal production ; seen in aggregating together.
myeloproliferative disorders where there is - When aggregation and adhesion occurs, this will
abnormal proliferation of blood result to a false decrease in platelet count.
a. POLYCYTHEMIA VERA – chronic However, even if the blood is EDTA
myeloproliferative disorder ; all blood cells anticoagulated, platelet count should be
are increase performed as early as possible. Preferable within
b. ESSENTIAL THROMBOCYTOSIS – increase the first 3-5 hours from collection.
platelets >1, 000, 000/uL w/ abnormal o 5 Hours: if blood is left in a room
function temperature (20°C). Otherwise, on
c. CHRONIC GRANULOCYTIC LEUKEMIA – prolonged standing, platelets will start
leads to abnormal marrow cell production to swell and break into smaller
fragment resulting to a false increase in
platelet count.

o 24 hours at 4°C: cell count (Platelet, RBC to provide moisture and prevent evaporation for
count, WBC count) are still valid if 15 minutes to allow the cells to settle
performed within the first 24 hours. d. After 15 minutes, place on the microscope &
start counting on the 5 small square or 25 central
square or 10 small squares
- Counted within the volume range of 2-20 fL. All e. Compute:
cellular factors that falls within this value are
considered by the machine as platelets. 𝑇𝑉−1
𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒
a. Electric impedance – platelets are counted in
1 𝑚𝑚3
triplicate (3x) VCF=
𝑛𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 ×𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠
b. Light scattering

DILUENT: Plt. Count= no. of platelet counted × 𝑉𝐶𝐹 × DF


- Manual counting and requires additional stain 1. PLATELET CLUMPS – occurs if blood is not
- Principle: Hemocytometry immediately mix w/ anticoagulant during
- Counting chamber: improved Neubauer collection causing false decrease platelet count.
 Rees & Ecker Diluent: contains formalin as a 2. PLATELET SATELLITISM
fixative which preserves platelets and RBCs. It - Surrounding of platelets in a neutrophil.
also contains Sodium Citrate as an additional - Common among individuals who have develop
anticoagulant and a supravital stain which is the Ab (IgG) against EDTA.
Brillian Cresyl Blue (BCB). - Platelets attaches on WBC, band cells &
monocytes due to cell receptors on their cell
- Identify cells based on their index of refraction. - Causes false decrease platelet count.
- Reference method for manual platelet counting. - Remedy: collect using Na citrate & perform
- Platelets are counted in 5R squares & appear as manual platelet count. However, platelet must
refractile or glistening bodies be multiplied by 1.1 to correct the dillutional
- Counting Chamber: Spencer-Bright line (S-B) effect of Na citrate to blood.
1475 3. EXCESS EDTA (1/2 full)
 Brecker Cronkite Method - Platelets will swell & fragmentize causing false
o 1% NH4 Oxalate diluent: no fixative and increase in platelet count.
stains. It removes RBCs from the - Fill EDTA half full (2.5 mL)
background wherein RBCs are 4. 3 HOURS AT RT – platelet will swell &
hemolyzed and platelets will remain in disintegrate causing false decrease platelet
the field. count thus, refrigeration of the sample at 4°C for
24 hours.
a. First dispense 2-3 drops of the mixture before
loading the counting chamber 1. Decreased at birth
b. Dispense the mixture on both side of the 2. Increased after the 1st week of birth until adult
counting chamber normal values.
c. Place the loaded counting chamber on the wet 3. Decreased during menstruation.
house counting chamber which contains a
moistened cotton/filter paper w/ distilled water

B. INDIRECT METHOD release cuff & wait for 5-10 minutes before
1. FONO’S METHOD - The forearm, hands, and fingers are then
- DILUENT: 14% of MgSO4 – prevents platelets examined for petechiae 5 inches away from
from adhering & aggregating. blood pressure cuff.
- If there is a need to re-perform, perform on the
other arm. It can only be repeated on the same
- The average number of platelets observed in 10 arm after a week.
fields & divided by 10 & multiplied by 20,000 in - NORMAL: 0 to occasional petechiae.
a blood smear anticoagulated with EDTA thus - INTERPRETATION: +, ++, +++, ++++
appearing clear & separated at the neck region
counted via cross sectional (side by side) or b. HESS/SUCTION TEST (Negative pressure)
battlefield method (serpentine) - A suction cup (2cm diameter) is placed in close
- In capillary puncture platelet appears as clump. contact with the skin at midpoint of upper arm
Thus, resulting to a false decrease of platelet for 1 min (pressure of 200-250 torr). An area
count. within a circle of 1 cm diameter is observed for
- Platelet shows 8-20 platelets per oil immersion petechiae 5 minutes after removal of suction
field of 200 RBC & 2-3 platelet clumps only and cup.
reported as follows: - CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Positive in
thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, and in
0-49,000 Marked decreased vascular purpura.
50,000- 99,000 Moderate decreased
100,000-149,000 Slight decreased TESTS FOR PLATELET FUNCTION & VASCULAR
150,000-199,000 Low normal FUNCTION
200,000-400,000 Normal 1. BLEEDING TIME
401,000-599,000 Slight increase - Measures the ability of the small blood vessels
600,000-800,000 Moderate increase to control bleeding after injury.
Above 800,000 Marked increased - Time it takes for a standard wound to stop
bleeding at a standard pressure (40mmHg)
- Standardized both incision & pressure applied
a. Number of platelets and the ability of
- Tests the ability of small capillaries to retain
platelets to form plugs.
blood when subjected to increased hydrostatic
b. Thickness and vascularity of the skin.
pressure and anoxia.
c. Ability of the blood vessels to constrict.
- Affected by capillary integrity & platelet function
d. Severe coagulation factor deficiency causing
and number.
prolonged bleeding time.
- Becomes normal in presence of
thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia &
o When platelet count is lower than 30-
vascular purpura
50,000/uL, or when platelets are
- Requires application of pressure which is applied
dysfunctional in VWD.
as a positive or negative pressure.
o After ingestion of aspirin/aspirin-
containing compounds, anti-
a. RUMPLE-LEEDE METHOD (positive pressure)
inflammatory, anticoagulants, and
- PRINCIPLE: an inflated blood pressure cuff on
some antibiotics.
the upper arm is used to apply pressure (100
mmHg) to the capillaries for 5 minutes. After,


- Reference Values: 26-60% CLOT RETRACTION TIME

- PRINCIPLE: When blood coagulation is complete,

clot normally undergoes retraction where clot
- Collect 2 whole blood samples, 1 using EDTA and
becomes denser and serum is expressed.
the other using glass bead collecting system.
Normally, clot retraction begins within 30
Perform platelet counts separately. (higher in
minutes after the blood has clotted &
completed within 24 hours.
- Normal clot retraction requires normal number
of functioning platelets. Ca, ATP, fibrinogen,
𝑝𝑙𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠−𝑝𝑙𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑔𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 normal interaction of the platelets with
%= × 100
𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠
b. BORSHGERVINCT METHOD (in vivo test) - Thrombosthenin; ratio of the plasma volume
- Perform separate platelet count on venous and red cell mass; activity of a retraction-
blood and capillary blood samples promoting principle in serum & nature of the
- Formula: surface on which CRT is being measured.
𝑝𝑙𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑−𝑝𝑙𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE:
%= × 100
𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑
- CRT is poor when platelet count is less than
3. PLATELET AGGREGATION TEST - in dysfibrinogenemia or hypofibrinogenemia,
- Aggregating agents; thrombin, arachidonic acid, paraprotinemias
ADP, collagen, epinephrine and ristocetin.
- Currently, this test is considered the gold a. HIRSCHBOECK METHOD (Castor oil method)
standard for evaluation of aspirin resistance. - Qualitative: test for the presence or absence of
- PRINCIPLE: Aggregating agents added to a retraction
stirred suspension of PRP induce a shape change - Formation of dimpling/droplet like serum on the
and aggregation of platelets. As a result, the PRP surface of blood drop.
changes from a turbid suspension to tone that - Normal values equals to 15-45 minutes.
transmits more light (clear) as the aggregates
are formed. The aggregometer records changes b. STEFANINI METHOD (test tube)
in optical density in the form of a graph. - Normal: clot retraction begins within 1 hour,
complete within 18 to 24 hours.


- Provides quantitative estimate of the degree of
transmittance aggregometer
- Normal values equals to 44 - 67%.
electrical impedance
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚
3. OPTICAL LUMI-AGGREGOMETER: for - %CRT= 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 × 100
simultaneous measurement of platelet
aggregation and the secretion of ATP.


PATHWAYS, TESTS; DISORDERS  Composition of Prothrombinase: Xa-Va-Ca++-
 Composition of the intrinsic tenase: IXa-VIIIa-
- involves coagulation factor deficiency Ca++-PL
(hemophilia A/B/C)  Factors present in fresh plasma: all are
- Depends on availability and functionality of present: no deterioration
different plasma coagulation factors.  Factors present in aged serum: II, VII, IX, X
(prothrombin); XI, XII, HMWK, PK (contact)
PLASMA FACTORS  Clotting → fresh serum: (-) I, II, V, VIII, XIII
- These are soluble plasma coagulation proteins  Storage: plasma: (-) V and VIII (labile factors)
that have crucial functions in the formation of a  Adsorption → absent in plasma(-): II, VII, IX,
clot. These proteins circulate as inactive
 Present in adsorbed plasma: I, V, VIII, XIII
zymogens (proenzymes) that become activated
(fibrinogen): XI, XII, HMWK, PK (contact
during the process of coagulation and, in turn,
react with other factors in the system to  Most abundant: fibrinogen and prothrombin
ultimately generate thrombin which converts → less likely to be deficient.
fibrinogen to a localized fibrin clot.  Factor II → 80% convert to thrombin and only
20% remain in circulation
 Factors in the Common Pathway: I, II, V, X
 Substrate: are the substance upon which  Factors tested by both PT and APTT: I, V, II, X
enzymes act.  Fibrinogen Factors: I, V, VIII, XIII
 Coagulation factor deficiencies not related to
 Cofactors: accelerate the activities of the
bleeding: XII, PK, HMWK.
enzymes that are involved in the cascade. (TF,V,
 Enzymes: serine proteases and transaminase GENERAL RULE:
All coagulation factors are produced by the LIVER.

- Except for Prekallikrein (PK) and HMWK which EXCEPT factors: VWF, III, and IV
are referred to by their name only, each factor
was assigned a Roman numeral number in order VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR (VWF)
of its discovery. The use of “a” that follows as
Roman numeral denotes the activated form. A - Produced by endothelial cells or endothelial
“f” refers to fragmented factor (e.g. XIIf) lining (Weibel palate bodies), platelets and
megakaryocytes (alpha granules).
 All are synthesized by the Liver except factors
VWF, III, and IV - Abundant: produced by all tissues in the body
 Deficiency in any factor may produce abnormal except blood cells.
hemostats; except of factors XII, PK and HMWK - When abnormally produced can trigger DIC
 Labile factors: V and VIII (short shelf life) patients release thromboplastin-like substance
 Factors prematurely activated by refrigerator that will activate both coagulation and
temperature. fibrinolysis.
- Crude extract from the tissue
- Component: tissue factor and phospholipid
- COMPLETE: Tissue factor and phospholipid

- PARTIAL/INCOMPLETE: phospholipid stabilization (cross-linkages) → fibrin as

component only insoluble clot
- PTT: reagent used is complete thromboplastin - Fibrin polymer: first clot formed (soluble and
- APTT: reagent used is phospholipid from partial unstable) unless factor XIII acted on it to stabilize
thromboplastin it.
o The one stabilizes the unstable and
soluble clot by forming covalent linkages
- Abundant in the plasma in ionized form. or cross-linking the fibrin monomers
- Can interact in coagulation mechanism. together.
- Sources: diet, bone, reabsorbed in the filtrate
ZYMOGENS: II, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, AND PK EXCEPT: Co-factors: V, VIII (need to be activated); III,
HMWK (need not to be activated)
 Zymogens – proenzymes: inactive enzymes; no Co-factors: increase activity of another coagulation
enzymatic function unless activated. factor
 II (Prothrombin): inactivated → IIa (thrombin) → Activated by thrombin: V → Va and VIII → VIIIa →
fibrinogen → fibrin; and activate other factors. function as cofactor.
 VII (stable factor: no fxn) → VIIa → activate Va cofactor of Xa → Prothrombinase (Xa-Va-Ca++- PL)
factor X and IX Xa → directly converts prothrombin to thrombin;
need Va to increase its function
 PK → kallikrein → enzymatic ability: serine
VIIIa cofactor of IXa → Intrinsic tenase (IXa-VIIIa-Ca++-
PL) needed to activate factor X to Xa
SERINE PROTEASES VIIIa: increases the activity of IXa in activating X
Factor III (Tissue factor) – cofactor of VIII- when
- When zymogen is activated and functions as combined to factor III, will be able to generate X and
serine proteases → which when activated, Xa
functions to activate the next enzyme or factor Extrinsic tenase: TF-VIIa → activate Factor X
in the pathway. HMWK: cofactor of XIIa; enhances XIIa activity
- e.g. XIIa → activate XI → XIa → IX → IXa → X → Function of XIIa: 1.) XIIa → PK → Kal; 2) activate XI
Xa → prothrombin → thrombin → XIa
NOTE: XII, PK, and HMWK deficiency – NO HEMOSTATIC
- Factor I (fibrinogen): never activated (Note: never
write it as Ia) → write it as fibrin or fibrin monomer IN VITRO: Prolonged APTT
e.g. thrombin once formed will activate fibrinogen to In some, PK and XII deficiency  thrombosis
become fibrin (wrong) → use the word cleaves (abnormal clot formation)
- Last to occur/be activated: cleavage of fibrinogen to
FIBRINOGEN: ultimate substrate in the coagulation NOTE:
mechanism (acted by thrombin). FACTOR I (FIBRINOGEN)
Cofactors: V, VIII, III, HMWK - First to be discovered and most abundant
- Fibrinogen deficiency is unlikely to occur.
- PLASMA PROTEIN (absent in serum due to
FACTOR XIII: FIBRIN STABILIZING FACTOR/LAKI- consumption → fibrin) → NOT a serum
- (activated by thrombin) → transaminase or LABILE FACTORS: V and VIII (AHF-A)
transglutaminase enzyme → create covalent - Immediately disappear in stored plasma at
bonds between and among fibrin monomers → room or ref temperature (in vitro).

- Factor V (labile factor/proaccelerin) – most

- Factor VIII: labile in vitro and in vivo if it is not
being complexed with VWF.
- APTT (intrinsic pathway test): prolonged in
factor VIII deficiency and liver diseases.


- IN VITRO: most stable → present in plasma
even if it is stored for several hours.
- IN VIVO: has shortest circulating life (3 hours)
and it is the first to disappear in the
- In liver disease: first to be deficient
- FXN: in extrinsic pathway, it is the only
coagulation factor involved in extrinsic
- Prothrombin Time Test (extrinsic): prolonged
in VII deficiency and liver diseases.
- Prothrombin time: test that is more sensitive
in evaluating liver diseases, vitamin K
deficiency or antagonist.


- 12 coagulation factors assigned with Roman

numeral number (RNN) and named according to
order of their discovery.
- Two assigned with RNN but often referred by
their name: Factor III (Tissue factor or Tissue
thromboplastin) and IV (Ionized calcium).
- Factor VI: assigned to a discovered coagulation
factor (removed)  same as activated factor V
(Va): did not move/rearranged assignment of
coagulation number.



1. HMWK (Kinin system)

2. PK (Kallikrein system)
- Belong and functions to other system.
- Also have a role in coagulation (minor).
3. Platelet factor 3: Platelet phospholipids →
exposed when platelets are activated:
phosphatidyl serine (major) and phosphatidyl
ethanolamine → assembly molecule →
formation of enzyme complex.


I Fibrinogen Thrombin 2-4 days 200-400 mg/dl
II Prothrombin Serine protease 3-4 days 10 mg/dl
 Prethrombin
III Tissue Factor Cofactor Lipoprotein found in None
 Tissue Thromboplastin most of the body
tissues; insoluble
IV Calcium Mineral Ionized state 8-10 mg/dl
V Proaccelerin Cofactor 36 hrs 1 mg/dl
 Labile factor Most unstable &
 Accelerator globulin deteriorates
(AcG) Rapidly at RT
VII Proconvertin Serine protease 3-6 hrs; disappears 0.05 mg/dl
 Stable factor rapidly from the
 Serum Prothrombin blood when
Conversion Accelerator production is halted
 Autoprothrombin I (e.g. coumarin)
VIII:C Antihemophilic factor (AHF) Cofactor 10-14 hrs 0.01 mg/dl
 Antihemophilic globulin Bound to vWF
(AHG) (Factor VIII complex)
 Antihemophilic factor A
 Platelet cofactor I
IX Plasma thromboplastin Serine protease 18-24 hrs 0.3 mg/dl
component (PTC)
 Christmas factor
 Antihemophilic factor B
 Platelet cofactor 2
X Stuart-Prower factor Serine protease 40-60 hrs 1 mg/dl
 Stuart factor May be stored up to
 Prower factor 2 mons at 40C
 Autoprothrombin III
XI Plasma thromboplastin Serine protease 40-70 hrs 0.5 mg/dl
antecedent (PTA) Circulates in
 Antihemophilic factor X complex with
XII Hageman factor Serine protease 50-70 hrs 3 mg/dl
 Glass factor Heat stable; can be
 Contact factor stored at 40C for 3
XIII Fibrin stabilizing factor (FSF) Function? 11-14 days 2 mg/dl
 Laki-Lorand factor
 Fibrinase; Fibrinoligase
 Plasma
Prekallikrein (PK) Serine Protease 35 hrs 35-50 mcg/ml

 Fletcher Factor
High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK/HK) cofactor 9-10 hrs 5 mg/dl
 Fitzgerald factor; Contact activation
 William factor; Flaujeac factor
Other Procoagulants:
VWF von Willebrand factor Factor VIII carrier; 24 hrs 1 mg/dl
Functions in platelet
Platelet factor 3 Phospholipids- Assembly molecule Released by
primarily the platelets


INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THROMBOSIS AND Portion of molecule responsible for
HEMOSTASIS binding to endothelium and supporting
- In circulation, FACTOR VIII circulates in complex normal platelet adhesion and function.
with vWF. Tested by bleeding time
VIIIC: Ag Test: Immunologic monoclonal Ab
Antigenic property of procoagulant
2 MAJOR COMPOSITIONS portion as measured by immunologic
monoclonal antibody techniques
a. High Molecular Weight VWF (autosomal/
vWF: Ag Formerly known: VIIIR: Ag
chromosome 12)
Test: Laurell rocket or
- stable and serve as protein carrier for VIII and immunoradiometric factor assay
low molecular weight VIII:C (sex-linked in X Factor VIII-related antigen, which is a
chromosome) property of the large vWF portion of the
- labile if not carried by vWF  in plasma circulate molecules and measured by immunologic
in complex techniques of Laurell rocket or
b. Low Molecular Weight VIIIC (sex-linked in X immunoradiometric assay
chromosome) The antigen portion of the protein
- labile if not carried by vWF)  in plasma portion of vWF; now vWF:Ag
circulate in complex VIIIR:RCo Ristocetin cofactor activity
Allows platelets to interact or aggregate
VIII/vWF VIII:C and VWF with ristocetin
The molecule as it circulates in the plasma Ristocetin cofactor activity, which is
Composed of VIII:C and VIII:vWF portions factor VIII-related activity required for
non-covalently bound aggregation of human platelets with
VIII:C Function as a cofactor in intrinsic ristocetin in in vitro aggregation studies.
pathway coagulation (antibiotic no longer used
Test: Activated Partial Thromboplastin therapeutically)
Time (APTT/ PTT)
Portion of molecule acting in intrinsic
system as cofactor to IXa (with calcium) in NOTE:
the conversion of factor X to Xa. Tested by FACTOR DEFICIENCY- Leads to bleeding
partial thromboplastin time XII, PK & HMWK Deficiency- No bleeding abnormality
The pro-coagulant portion
VIII: vWF Function in primary hemostasis:
adhesion (platelet function)


- Based on their common characteristics or

- Factors: I, V, VIII, XIII
- They are large molecules
- Act as Substrate for Plasmin
- Consumed during the process of coagulation
- They are susceptible to denaturation (most
- Increase in concentration during an
inflammatory response.
- Increased in women using contraceptive pills
and in pregnancy


- Factors II,VII,IX,X
- They are dependent on vitamin K for their
synthesis in the liver
- Oral anticoagulants: cause a functional decrease
in these factors by producing abnormal proteins
that cannot bind calcium
- They are not consumed during coagulation
- They are stable compounds that are well
preserved in stored plasma.
- They require calcium as a cofactor for binding to
phospholipids surfaces.
- Are readily adsorbed from the plasma by BaSO4,
or Al(OH)3.
- They are decreased in patients with problems in
gastrointestinal absorption

- Factors: XI,XII, Prekallikrein, HMWK
- They are fairly stable and not consumed during
- They require contact with negatively charged
surface for activation.
- They are closely related to fibrinolytic, kinin, and
complement systems.


Coagulation/ Exception: Factor II-
clotting partially consumed

Factors in serum ABSENT in Serum PRESENT PRESENT

PRESENT in Plasma
BaSO4/ Al(OH)3


BaSO4 adsorbed
(For functional ability of the
factors)  binding on surface
of platelet or any phospholipid
Require Ca++ for NOT REQUIRES NOT
binding to PL Needs to be carboxylated in
surface order to interact with Ca++ in
the presence of vit. K
HIGHEST Molecular Weight
(V and VIII) Vitamin ADEK fat soluble
Absent in stored plasma: V vitamins  should be
and VIII properly digested bile for
Substrate to plasmin (main fat solubilisation PRESENT IN ALL SAMPLES
CHON for fibrinolysis) If there’s an obstructive
jaundice  bile can’t be
Thrombin cleaves factor I, V, drained in duodenum
VIII, XIII Undigested fats and vit K.
Found in platelets: will not be reabsorbed Closely related to fibrinolytic,
I and V: alpha granules kinin and complement systems
XIII – general cytoplasm of Decrease GIT absorption
the platelets (not stored in problems: (e.g. Obstructive 1. XII  XIIa = coagulation
granules) jaundice, excessive bacterial 2. XIIa  PK Kal  Kininogen
EXCEPT: VIII:C  plasma overgrowth) = Kinins
bound to VWF (protein 3. XIIa-Kal: plasminogen
carrier) Affected by oral activator  plasmin =
Increase in inflammation anticoagulants: immediate fibrinolysis
(APP) and pregnancy; in action: coumarin, 4. Plasmin  complement
women using contraceptive coumadin, warfarin - inhibit activation
(V and VIII) synthesis of vit. K; vit. K


ADSORPTION: process of removal of different
coagulation factor; adherence of smaller molecule to 1. MORAWITZ/CLASSICAL THEORY (1905)
larger molecule or surface. - Believes that there are 2 stages coagulation:
BaSO4/ Al(OH)3: large molecule unto which small a. Thrombin formation: by the combination of
molecules adhere prothrombin plus calcium ions plus tissue
Prothrombin Group: needs Vit. K for them to interact thrombokinase.
with Ca++ → bind with platelet PL
Excessive fibrinolysis: plasmin destroys intact factor V
and VIII

b. Fibrin formation: the formed thrombin acts

on the fibrinogen in the plasma.


- This theory believed that there are 5
coagulation factors involved: (Fibrinogen,
FACTORS II, VII, IX, X: Terminal AA (Glutamic acid): Calcium, Prothrombin, Anti-prothrombin,
requires additional –COOH (carboxyl radicals)  Thromboplastin)
gamma carboxylation (addition of another –COOH)
 to make it an anion (net negative charge)
interact with cation (Ca++) adhere or assembly on
the surface of platelet phospholipid (negatively
Gamma carboxylation: Vitamin K is required as a
cofactor for Factor IX to gain a negative charge for it
to attach with calcium.

Sequence of reactions:
1. Clotting (Serum): (-) I, V. VIII, XIII a. Prothrombin is inactivated by anti-
2. Adsorption: (-) II, VII, IX, X prothrombin/ heparin
3. Storage Age: (-) V and VIII b. When prothrombin needs to be activated
(vessel injury) → Thromboplastin neutralizes
anti-prothrombin and releases prothrombin
COAGUALATION MECHANISM c. Prothrombin → (Ca++ and thromboplastin) 
- Coagulation is a complex series of cascading Thrombin
reactions involving development of enzymes d. Thrombin + Fibrinogen → Fibrin
from their precursor. As one enzyme formed, it
converts the next zymogen to its activated 3. MODERN THEORIES: “WATERFALL” &
enzyme. This process continues until a fibrin “CASCADE” (1964)
meshwork clot has formed. Fibrin forms a - By Breckenridge and Ratnoff
meshwork in and around the primary hemostatic - 3 distinct phases:
platelet plug-like spider web, producing a stable
physical barrier.

 Activation of factor X via the intrinsic or extrinsic

pathway (start of COMMON PATHWAY).
 Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
 Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
 Advocated the phases of coagulation

PHASES OF COAGULATION: Coagulation is divided

into four phases
1. Contact Activation Phase (XII – IX)
- Starts with the activation XII (comes in contact
with negative surface), then activation of
prekallikrein to kallikrein; and factor XI.
2. Activation of Factor X (via intrinsic Pathway or IN VITRO COAGULATION
via Extrinsic Pathway)
- Formation of Thrombin: Conversion of 1. INTRINSIC SYSTEM
Prothrombin to Thrombin - All necessary factors are IN the blood
3. Formation of Fibrin (circulation) VIII, IX, XI, XII, HMWK, PK
- All components are found in the circulating
COAGULATION CASCADE blood. To be activated, the blood must have
direct contact with a foreign object such as a
damaged blood vessel or glass. This results to
absorption of XII of the negatively-charged
collagen exposed by vessel wall damage.

Sequence of reactions:

a. Factor XII is activated by the foreign material

into XIIa;
b. XIIa reacts weakly with XI, prekallikrein (also by
XIIf), and plasminogen, thus converting them
into their forms

- Formed kallikrein feeds back to XII and causes  EXTRINSIC TENASE: TF + VIIa = TF/VIIa 
enzymatic cleavage producing more XIIa. activates X in common pathway
c. XIa in the presence of Ca activates IX  Tissue factor is necessary for the
activation of this system. All cells with
Note: IX can also be activated by VIIa-Ca-TF complex:
the possible exception of those in the
(Current concept of Coagualation)
blood, contain tissue factor. When
d. IXa in the presence of Ca, platelet phospholipids, injury occurs, the tissue factor is
and VIIIa activates X. released and acts as a cofactor in
NOTE: initiating coagulation. The released
APTT: deficiency in any factors  PROLONGED APTT tissue factor bind to VII and activates it
Activators: Exposed collagen (major component of to VIIa. Then, VIIa, together with
connective tissue that surrounds and support BV) calcium, activates X to Xa of the
and chemical  XII (contact factor)  XIIa  common pathway.
perform several functions:  VII  prothrombin time: deficiency of
XII (glass factor/contact factor)  XIIa
VII  prolonged PT
1. Coagulation cascade: 1. (CONTACT ACTIVATION
PHASE: Activate XI  IXa); (IXa-VIIIa –Ca++-PL:
Intrinsic tenase); convert PK to Kal 3. COMMON PATHWAY
2. Initiate fibrinolysis: XIIa  plasminogen to - Where both intrinsic and extrinsic pathway
plasmin usually meet or merge. The application is in in-
e.g. Which of the pathway occurs when the blood is vitro coagulation. Superseded by the current
placed on a tube or glass slide and allowed to clot? concept of the coagulation  REVISED
INTRINSIC PATHWAY  coagulation XII (glass factor) COAGULATION MECHANISM (In vitro:
 XIIa laboratory tests)


- All factors needed are in the tissue NOT in the
circulation. Produce by all tissues but not by
blood cells. ONLY FACTOR VII is involved.
- Does not occur outside the body unless you add
a reagent
- Tissue Factor/Tissue thromboplastin
introduced in the circulation when there’s
vessel/tissue injury. - Begins with activation of factor X via the
- In classical concept: TF activates VII  VIIa and Intrinsic Pathway (IXa-VIIIa-Ca-PL) or via the
combines with VIIa Extrinsic Pathway (VIIa-III/TF) to form
- In current concept: VIIa (inert material) is Prothrombinase/Xa-Va-Ca-PL. This
already available in the circulation in small prothombinase complex converts prothrombin
amount (1-2%)  combine with TF/Factor III to thrombin which enzymatically cleaves
(cofactor) fibrinogen into fibrin.
- Thrombin activates XIII  XIIIa
- 4 FACTORS INVOLVED: X, V, II, I  tested by

In performing a laboratory test on coagulation, follow
and interpret the test using the CLASSICAL CONCEPT

Routine Screening Test for coagulation factor

deficiency: COAGULATION TESTS: measure how long
does the plasma take to form a clot; end result 
clot formation
Intrinsic: APTT
Extrinsic: PTT (Prothrombin Time)
PT: prolonged; APTT: Normal  Extrinsic factor
 alpha, beta and gamma chains terminates in D-
deficiency (VII)
PT: Normal APTT: prolonged  Intrinsic factor domain and meet at the center coil E-domain
deficiency (XII, XI, IX, VIII, HMWK, PK)  exposing alpha and beta fibrinopeptides 
Both prolonged  Coagulation factor deficiency of thrombin (proteolytic enzyme) cleaves
the common pathway (X, V, II, I) fibrinopeptides A and B  removed  fibrin
In APTT/PTT (in vitro testing): XIII is not included  monomer (insoluble)  several formed 
not detected
polymerization: end to end and side to side
XIII not needed for the formation of clot  stabilize
the clot connection  fibrin polymer (clot) soluble and
unstable clot  fibrin cross-linking by factor
XIII  covalent linkages in D-terminal 
NOTE: stabilized fibrin
1. Thrombin cleaves the alpha and beta chains
only (releasing fibrinopeptides A and B) 
FIBRINOGEN STRUCTURE: soluble fibrin monomer/unstable gel.
2. Fibrin monomers aggregate spontaneously end
- D-terminal domains and a central-E domain to end, side to side to form soluble fibrin
- 3 types of polypeptide chain (pairs): polymers thus vulnerable to enzyme plasmin
o + Fibrinopeptides (2A) (also soluble in 5M urea).
o Alpha (2B) beta 3. Factor XIII: XIIIa + Ca crosslinks adjacent fibrin
o Gamma (no fibrinopeptide) monomers by forming covalent bonds to form
- Fibrinopeptide: removed by thrombin stabilized fibrin.
- Fibrinogen: soluble protein; not seen in plasma,
but once fibrinopeptide A and B is removed  OTHER RELATED SYSTEMS:
insoluble (clot is seen). 1. Kinin System: this system is involved in
chemotaxis, pain sensation, and mediate
inflammatory responses, increased vascular
permeability, and vasoconstriction and induce
smooth muscle contraction.
2. Fibrinolytic system: The Kallikrein, XIIa, &
HMWK act as plasminogen activator.
3. Complement System: this mediate immune and
allergic responses.

CLASSICAL (IN VITRO) FACTOR XII: In vivo coagulation; their role is not
necessary; can be by passed; XI can be activated by
- Does not explain how physiologic hemostasis thrombin; deficiency will not cause bleeding
occur in vivo. conditions.
- Interdependent pathways


- Current Concept of the Coagulation Cascade (In
vivo coagulation)
Key initiating step: cause to start the reaction:
- INITIATING step: exposure of TF and its reaction
activation of XII and VII (more important to occur);
with VII. VIIa/TF  series of reaction
2 FACTORS ACTIVATED BY TF/VIIa: X and XI  Xa and IIa (positive feedback activity: once formed go
production of thrombin back to their initial reaction and proceed to cause
more activation)
a. INITIATION: Extrinsic tenase  3%- 5% lIa  Xa  VII  VIIa (2 chain) more effective in
- Small effect of activation of IX and X + Tissue function
Factor Pathway Inhibitor (naturally occurring  VIIa (single chain) produce by other factors or in
inhibitor) inhibits VIIa and Xa  less thrombin plasma; less efficient.
production.  Thrombin: once formed, it can cause increase in
b. PROPAGATION (platelets)  95% production.
- Self-perpetuating /autocatalytic.
- When complexes are increased in phospholipids,
the more thrombin production.
NOTE: 1. Autocatalytic or self-perpetuating: many more
thrombin from small amount present
2. LOW level of thrombin activates V and VIII
3. Activates XIII  XIIIa; calcium dependent
4. Induces platelet aggregation; agonist
5. Also activates factor XI; current concept
6. Procoagulant: Activates TAFI (thrombin
activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor) – inhibits
fibrinolysis; produced by endothelial cell
The key initiating step is the exposure of TF to the
circulation and reaction of TF with factor VII. The TF- INHIBITOR TO COAGULATION
factor/VIIa complex can enzymatically activate 1. Increased thrombin: destroys Va and VIIIa  prevents
factors X and IX. The initial activation of factor X to Xa clotting/continuous clotting Disseminated coagulation
may be important in getting the coagulation cascade 2. Activate Protein C (w/ Ca++ and thrombomodulin) 
started, however, tissue factor pathway inhibitor inhibitor of coagulation (CHON S)  plasmin generation
(TFPI) rapidly inactivates the TF-VIIa-Xa complex. The  inactivation of Va Vi and VIIIa  VIIIi
major action of the TF-VIIa complex in vivo is the 3. Promote plasmin generation (fibrinolysis)
activation of factor IX to IXa, which then activates  Controls excessive coagulation
factor X to Xa. Consequently, prothrombin is  Increase concentration of thrombin (HIGH level);
converted to thrombin, then fibrinogen is converted destroys V and VII; activated protein C
to fibrin. Factors Xa and IIa have positive feedback  Protein C and S increase plasminogen activation
activity on earlier steps of the cascade.

- Plasmin: not normally present in plasma and it is

derived from plasminogen, which is produced by
the liver.
- Plasminogen: normally present in plasma;
precursor synthesized by liver; it will convert into
plasmin by plasminogen activators (3 activation


- May lead to disorders: inability to clot/excessive



1. What may activate II: PROTHROMBINASE: II  (Xa- - It inhibits the activators of plasminogen to
Va-Ca-PL)  IIa prevent excessive production of plasmin.
2. What may activate XII: in vivo: collagen or any
other negative surface or chemicals; in vitro: glass
- Inhibit plasmin; prevent excessive function of
3. What may activate X: X  (IXa-VIIIa-Ca-PL)  Xa plasmin
(thrombin)  Va ; VIII  (thrombin)  VIIIa SPLIT PRODUCTS (FSP)
5. What may activate XI: XI  (XIIa, IIa)  XIa for
propagation - released after the fibrin clot is broken down
6. What may activate IX: Extrinsic tenase and XIa: IX
7. What activation reactions can be by-passed: XII  WAYS OR PHASES: PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATORS
XIIa (even without, coagulation can still occur)
- by XIIa-Kallikrein-HMWK
- Contact factors are closely related to the
FIBRINOLYSIS fibrinolytic system: → XIIa-Kal → plasminogen
- Last phase of Coagulation  plasmin
- Re-establishment of blood flow → lysis of clot.
- It is defined as the dissolution of clot or lysis of
clot by plasmin or fibrinolysin.

2. EXTRINSIC ACTIVATION: TPA (tissue type) 2. Fragment X will be acted on by plasmin

- Tissue Plasminogen Activator(TPA): produced by asymmetrically (one side) to separate one of
endothelial cells the D’s  Fragment Y (E-D combination)

3. EXOGENOUS ACTIVATION 3. Plasmin will act on Fragment Y and separate E

- introduced into patient: Urokinase and from the D.
Streptokinase Therapeutic and fibrinolytic agent:
prevent occurrence of abnormal clot FIBRINOGEN DEGRADATION PRODUCTS (FDP)
o Urokinase: present in the urine
 X and Y: early degradation products
o Streptokinase: exogenous; comes from
strep organisms  D and E: late degradation products

 Plasminogen: Histidine-rich glycoprotein Fibrinogen Degradation Product = XYDE
 Activators (TPA): Thrombin Activatable
Fibrinolysis Inhibitor(TAFI) & Plasminogen
Activator Inhibitor (PAI)
 Plasmin: plasmin inhibitor (alpha-2-antiplasmin;
alpha-2-macroglobulin) - Fibrin monomers (connect end-to-end (D-D
connection) and side-by-side (D-E-D connection)
 fibrin polymerization XIIa (stabilizes clot;
crosslinks by forming covalent linkages between
- Made up of three polypeptide chains: alpha, D-D).
beta, and gamma.
ALPHA CHAIN - Acted on by Plasmin

- first site that plasmin will be acted on: D-DIMER/ D-D PRODUCT
1. Plasmin will cleave alpha chains  Fragment X
(D-E-D) - indication (specific) of fibrin lysis (clot formed)
- Fragment X: first fragment to be formed; - main difference between the products



DIMER: clot Fibrinolysis is activated within 24-48 hours.


Coagulation and Fibrinolysis should have balance
Excessive coagulation → thrombosis
Excessive fibrinolysis → bleeding

 Fibrin Degradation Product: X Y D (D=D; D-
dimer) E
 In normal coagulation/hemostasis/fibrinolysis
→ X, Y, D (D-D Dimer), E will be cleared by the
liver but not in excessive fibrinolysis and liver
diseases; or if increase production of FDP → NATURALLY OCCURRING INHIBITORS OF
SERPIN FAMILY (Serine Protease Inhibitors)


COAGULATION - Those when activated there function is to
 X and Y: with anticoagulant effects activate another enzyme in the cascade.
 Y and D: inhibit fibrin polymerization - e.g. VII → VIIa → IXa
 Fragment E: inhibits thrombin
NOTE: Tissue factor pathway With Xa, binds TF:VIIa
Primary Hemostasis: rapid in response; platelet plug: inhbitor
short lived and unstable Thrombomodulin Endothelial cell surface
Secondary Hemostasis: slower response; fibrin clot: receptor from thrombin
long live and stable Protein C Serine protease
Protein S Cofactor
1. Vessel injury Heparin Cofactor II Serpin
2. Vasospasm (TxA2; serotonin) Z-dependent protease Serpin
3. Platelet plug → PRIMARY HEMOSTASIS inhibitor
4. Insoluble fibrin clot
Alpha 1 -protease Serpin
5. Clot retraction
inhibitor (alpha1 –
6. Clot dissolution or fibrinolysis
Alpha2-macroglobulin Serpin
Clot formation (in vivo)= 6 minutes
Clot formation (in vitro) = Red tube (15-20 minutes →
1 hour completely clotted)


Component(s) Component(s)
inhibited inhibited
Antithrombin III Thrombin, VIIa, IXa, Plasmin  First inhibitor discovered and tested
Xa, XIa and XIIa and  Main inhibitor of the entire coagulation
Kallikrein mechanism; major inhibitor of thrombin
 Enhanced by a co-factor Heparin
 It is a serpin.

1. Induces platelet aggregation
2. Activates factors XIII, V, VIII, XI
HEPARIN: does not remove Ca++

ROLE of HEPARIN: Cofactor of AT-III  inhibit

thrombin; serves as a bridge. Heparin when
bound to AT-III causes a morphological change to
be more specific to the size of thrombin.
Thrombomodulin Thrombin  It binds to thrombin and inhibits
thrombin (functions to activate protein
 Produced by endothelial lining and it is a
membrane bound.
 Thrombin when bound to
thrombomodulin can’t activate factor VIII
and V instead it will activate protein C to
become Activated Protein C (APC).
 Trimolecular complex: Thrombomodulin
+ thrombin + Protein C + (receptor:
Thrombin INHIBIT

Activator Inhibitor
Tissue Factor Xa & TF:VIIa  Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor
Pathway Inhibitor complex that has a double inhibitory effect
(TFPI)  Major inhibitor of extrinsic pathway
3 Kunitz type:
Lipoprotein Kunitz 1: binds with VIIa; inactivating therefore
Associated VIIa-TF complex
Coagulation Kunitz 2: binds with Xa; inactivating Xa
Inhibitor (LACI) Kunitz 3: unknown fxn

Extrinsic Pathway X (intrinsic tenase: IXa-VIIIa-Ca-PL) or (extrinsic

Inhibitor (EPI) tenase: TF-VIIa) Inhibited by TFPI  Xa Inhibited


(prothrombinase)  IIa

Alpha-2 Thrombin & Plasmin  Inhibits plasmin when alpha-2

macroglobulin Kallikrein antiplasmin is depleted.
C’1 inactivator/ XIIa, XIa,& Plasmin  Inhibitor in the complement pathway
C’1 esterase Kallikrein
Protein C and S Va and VIIIa Enhances plasmin  Cofactor: Protein S
system formation   Vit. K dependent inhibitor
ENHANCES  Inactivates inhibitors of plasminogen
 Produce as zymogen by the liver
 Activated by thrombin
 APC will inactivate VIIIa and Va  VIIIi
and Vi
Protein S: exists in 2 forms in plasma
Bound to C4bBP(complement pathway;
inflammation): 60%
Free Protein S: 40%  can ONLY serve as
In inflammation (excessive coagulation): 85-90%
bound and 10-15% is free: can’t inactivate VIII
and V.
Alpha-1- XIa Plasmin  Inhibits plasmin only when a-2
antitryspin/ A-1 antiplasmin and a-2 macroglobulin are
protease inhibitor depleted.
Alpha-2- Plasmin  Major inhibitor of plasmin
antiplasmin  First to inhibit plasmin
Z-dependent Xa, XIa  Enhanced by its co-factor protein Z
protease inhibitor (CHON –Z) additional protein that is vit. K
(ZPI) – dependent like II, VII, IX, X
 Serpin – inhibits serine protease

Protein C inhibitor Thrombin, APC, TPA, urokinase  Anticoagulant

thrombin-  Pro-coagulant
thrombomodulin  Fibrinolytic inhibitor

1. Factors in the intrinsic pathway: VII, IX, XI, XII, HK, PK (deficiency in any prolongs APTT)
2. What are the cofactors: TF-VIIa; Va-Xa; VIIIa-IXa; HK-XIIa
3. The only transaminase/transglutaminase among the coagulation factor: XIII
4. What stabilizes fibrin: XIIIa
5. Vitamin K-dependent: II, VII, IX, X, C, S, Z
V- (labile factor) Pro-accelarin / acceleratorgobulin
VII- (stable factor) Pro-convertin / plasma conversion
IX- Plasma thromboplastin component = anti hemolytic factor B
XI- Plasma thromboplastin antecedent = anti hemolytic factor C

Coagulation Group Pathway Test - One reagent in APTT/PT is calcium, therefore the
factor involved prolonged excessive citrate in blood sample will bind with
If factor is the reagent calcium  prolonged test result;
deficient calcium is inactivated by excessive citrate.
BOTH) 2. Clots in specimen
Fletcher Contact Intrinsic APTT - Clotting happens due to consumption
factor (PK) group
coagulation factors (I, V, VII, XIII).
Accelerator Fibrinogen Common Both
- REJECT SAMPLE even the clots are micro clots
Globulin (V) group
- In coagulation studies, presence of even micro
Antihemophili Fibrinogen Intrinsic APTT
c factor A clots would cause the rejection of sample.
Proconvertin Prothrom Extrinsic PTT 3. Hemolysis and Traumatic phlebotomy
(VII) bin - Tissue Factor introduction
Plasma Contact Intrinsic APTT - Hemolyzed RBC: exerts thromboplastin-like
thromboplasti activity
n antecedent - Excessive probing  damage tissue 
(XI) thromboplastin: TF:VIIa  coagulation
Plasma Prothrom Intrinsic APTT mechanism.
thromboplasti bin
n component; 4. Icterus; Lipemia
Christmas - Affects spectrophotometry: more light
factor (IX)
absorbed  concentrated.
Stuart-Prower Prothrom Common BOTH
 Adult (<25ml): G20 - 21; 1- 1.25 in.
FIBRINOLYSIS  Adult (>25 mL): G19; 1 or 1.25 in.
- All coagulation testing critically depends on the  G23: Child or adult with friable, or hardened
quality of the specimen. Minimum tissue veins.
trauma and the avoidance of hemolysis are  G20, 21, or 23: Syringe with winged-needle set
essential. It is therefore important to adhere to o The smaller the bore, the slower the
principles of proper specimen collection, blood will flow into the needle
handling and preparation. o The larger the bore, the easier will blood
will flow  prevent HEMOLYSIS.
GENERAL INSTRUCTION FOR COAGULATION TESTS o For G23(smaller): Avoid hemolysis by
- Time is important: Coagulation test like in XIII gently pulling of the plunger/ gentle
assay; any factors that may affect time should be aspiration
avoided. 2. SYRINGE
- Plastic syringe or silicone-coated
1. Blood volume is inadequate causing excess test tube, pipettes and syringes
anticoagulant - Glass will activate XII (glass factor)
- Recommended ratio: 1:9 using Na citrate
- In routine hematology: half full is accepted 3. ANTICOAGULANT
- 3.2% sodium citrate
- In coagulation studies: tubes should be at least
90% full.

- If patient’s Hct is more than or equal to 55%,  Aspirate always using plastic
adjust the volume of citrate since excess citrate pipette.
will bind with reagent calcium.  Platelets are found in the buffy
o C= (0.00185) (V)(100-H)
o Where:
Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP) preparation (<10,000/uL)
 V = blood volume in mL
 Centrifugation: 2000 xg for 10 minutes;
 H = patient’s Hct
Rodak’s: 1500 g for 15 minutes
 C= volume (mL) of anticoagulant
needed.  Collect only the upper 3⁄4 of the plasma
4. TEMPERATURE  Test immediately because exposure to air
- Most of the tests are performed at 37°C changes the pH due to loss of carbon dioxide
- Perform: STAT (↑pH).
- But if there is delay  Freeze the PPP only; DO  Store plasma at 4°C but not to exceed 2
NOT FREEZE WHOLE BLOOD/ BLOOD WITH RBC. hours or rapid freezing to -20°C.
- Storage:
o PT (extrinsic pathway: VII (stable Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Preparation (200,000 –
factor)): uncentrifuge (with Na citrate) 300,000/uL)
and well capped at room temperature  Centrifugation: 60 – 100 xg for 10 minutes at
for 24 hours RT; Rodak’s 50 g for 30 mins
o Never refrigerate samples for PT: cold  Separate upper portion of the sample
temp  cold activation: VII and XI
o APTT/PTT (intrinsic pathway factors:
VIII, IX, XI, XII, HK, PK): uncentrifuge for NOTE:
4 hours at 4°C. Coagulation factors are in plasma.
o Factor VIII (labile at room and ref. temp.) 2 concentration of sodium citrate:
note also V (labile factor; common 3.2% SODIUM CITRATE (recommended by NCLSI)
pathway).  V and VII (preserve well)
o Never leave at RT: VIII will deteriorate  Less affected by polycythemia vera
o Test to monitor unfractionated heparin  Normal Ratio: 1 (citrate): 9 (blood)
therapy is APTT: heparin+antiheparin In px with high hct: adjust volume of citrate to prevent
factor (PF4) excessive citrate which will bind to reagent calcium.
o Unfractionated heparin (PTT) 
separate/centrifuge in 1 hour  Platelet 3.8% SODIUM CITRATE
 easily affected by high hct samples or polycytemia
poor plasma (PPP) to prevent the action
of PF4 against the heparin.
o PPP: at 20°C for 2 weeks; at -70°C for 6 DO NOT use EDTA (labile factors are not well preserve,
inhibit thrombin-fibrinogen interaction, affects calcium)
and HEPARIN (inhibits thrombin).

- Sample Used:
o Whole Blood
o Plasma
 Anticoagulant used: 3.2%
Sodium Citrate




TISSUE FACTOR: where activation starts in vivo.


- All of the components needed for clotting are
present in the blood.
- When blood is placed in a glass test tube or glass
slide, the blood will be activated.
NOTE: - Factor XII is activated first by contact with glass
ROUTINE SCREENING TEST (PT/APPT): Light blue first slide (PK to Kalikrein; XIIa activate XI to XIa; Xia
SPECIFIC FACTOR ASSAY (like VIII, VII assay): use a activates IX to IXa).
prime/dummy tube, red top, light blue - Activation starts with contact activation phase
FOR OPEN SYSTEM: Two-syringe method: after - Measures the time required for whole blood to
collecting blood using the first syringe, detach clot after it has been removed from the body
syringe without withdrawing the needle and replace - Affected by amount of blood used.
with another syringe. The blood in the first syringe
will be discarded and the blood in second syringe is
the one be used.
 REFERENCE VALUE: 2-4 minutes
 REQUIREMENT: glass slide method
1st: DISCARD B. CAPILLARY METHOD (Date and Laidlaws
2nd: USE Method)
 REFERENCE VALUE: 2-4 minutes
 REQUIREMENT: Non-heparinized
NOTE: capillary tube (blue ring) or else no
What factors will deteriorate at room temperature? V clotting will occur.
and VIII
Refrigerator temperature affects what factors? VII PROCEDURE FOR BOTH (SLIDE AND CAPILLARY
PT plasma samples capped, are stable for 24 hours at
what temperature? Room temperature a. Fill the non-anticoagulated capillary tube & let it
APTT samples are stable for 4 hours if stored at 4°C. stand for 2 minutes
- NOTE: do not wipe off the first drop of blood but
include it.
COAGULATION TESTS b. Start time as soon as blood starts to appear from
- All based on the time it takes for the blood
the site of puncture
samples to form into a clot whether plasma or
c. For the slide method place 2-3 drops of blood in
whole blood.
a slide while for capillary tube, fill it with whole
- Accuracy in measuring time is necessary because
little excess may be reported as falsely
d. Wait for 2 minutes initial time before checking
prolonged instead of normal.
for fibrin clot formation
o SLIDE METHOD: check by using the same
lancet from collection by pricking into
the blood sample and raising the blood

sample until a thin fibrin thread is l. After 30 secs. Check for clotting for tube 2 and
observed as thin as the hair & record the same procedure will be employed as with tube
time when the thin fibrin thread is 1
observed as the clotting time m. Once clotting is complete in tube 2, wait for
o CAPILLARY METHOD: Break the glass another 30 secs. Before reading tube 3
tube on one side without pulling them n. Once 30 secs is reach, check for clotting with
apart and slowly pull them apart and tube employing the same procedure with tube
observed for a thin fibrin thread and report the clotting time
connection, connecting both fragments.
f. If no fibrin thread is observed wait for another
30 seconds and check again and if it is not yet
REPORTING: from time the blood starts to appear until
visible again continue waiting for another 30
complete clotting time in tube 3.
seconds and check again. REFERENCE VALUE: 7- 15 MINUTES
AFFECTED BY: amount of blood used - PRINCIPLE: Whole blood contains all the
Micromethod requires fewer blood sample while for
components necessary to produce a clot when
macromethod, the longer is the clotting time.
put into a glass tube. By adding an activator (e.g.
Diatomite) and keeping blood at constant 37°C.
C. LEE AND WHITE METHOD (Macromethod) - The test becomes more reliable and rapid.
o REFERENCE VALUE: 7-15 minutes - REFERENCE VALUE: 75-120 seconds
o DISADVANTAGE: Longer clotting - ACTIVATOR: Diatomite – shortens clotting time
time due to usage of larger blood and enhances the coagulation factors


a. Place 1 mL of each into 3 tubes with equal size
and dimension (12 x 75) - Coagulation factors are in the plasma
b. Label the tube as 1, 2 and 3 - Plasma is the one which clots
c. Extract 4 mL of whole blood - Plasma clotting is translucent
d. Start time as soon as blood appears at the
puncture site.
e. Place 1 mL of blood in each tube starting from
the 3rd tube up to the first
f. Discard the last remaining 1 mL
g. Stoppered the three tubes and incubate at 37°C 1. No clot
in a water bath for 5 minutes undisturbed 2. Clotted
h. After 5 minutes, check for clot formation by 3. Clotted
tilting the tubes at 45° angle 4. Clotted
i. observed first the tube 1 up to tube 3
j. If blood flows to the tube, it is not yet fully 3. PLASMA RECALCIFICATION TIME
clotted thus incubate further for 30 sec. - Plasma was prepared using Na Citrate thus Ca is
k. After 30 secs, check tube 1 again and when removed.
tube 1 does not spill its content upon total - Plasma is calcium free thus add calcium (reagent)
inversion, clotting time is complete and record - Upon addition of calcium take the time it takes
- NOTE: do not report clotting time in tube 1 for plasma to clot

- Reference value depends on the plasma used - PRINCIPLE: Expect for Ca and Platelet
(platelet-rich plasma or platelet poor plasma) phospholipid (PPL), PPP contains all the
- No longer performed coagulation factors needed for the generation
- PRINCIPLE: except for Ca, normal PRP/PPP of intrinsic prothrombinase. When Ca is added
contains all the components necessary for with “incomplete” thromboplastin (serves as
generating fibrin. platelet substitute), intrinsic prothrombinase is
- REFERENCE VALUE: generated.
o PRP: 100-150 seconds - Difference:
o PPP: 130-240 seconds o APTT: w/ activator
o PTT: w/out activator
- Routine screening test
A. Any factor deficiency (Intrinsic (VIII, IX, XI, XII,
- Thromboplastin/Tissue Factor is involved in the
HMWK, PK) and common pathway (I, II, V, X))
extrinsic pathway which activates VII to VIIa B. Presence of inhibitor – Factors VIII-I and FIX-I
and binds to it C. Heparin (immediately process the sample and
- Test for Heparin therapy prepare the plasma within 1 hour to prevent PF4 from
- REAGENT: partial thromboplastin: cephalin inhibiting the heparin)
(phospholipid only) & 0.025 M Ca (reaction D. <60 mg/dL fibrinogen – Factor 1 belongs to
initiation common pathway.
- SAMPLE: Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP) (Hct <55%) E. Presence of increased Fibrin Split Products (FSP) –
to avoid inappropriate with citrate and plasma all clot-based test will be prolonged in the presence of
volume. FSP.
- ACTIVATORS: Kaolin, Celite, Ellagic acid NORMAL VALUE: 25 – 35 SECONDS
- PURPOSE: for determination of deficient in
intrinsic pathway
- PROCEDURE: Starts with the activation of FXII
upon contact with a negative surface. In vivo, it
 All of clot-based test cannot measure Factor
may be collagen while for in vitro it is the glass XIII deficiency & FXIII will be normal because it
test tube. Coagulation cascade will not proceed is not needed for formation of clot.
if intrinsic tenase and prothrombinase will not  When thrombin acts on XIII, it will now
be formed thus no fibrin formation. Both stabilize the clot.
intrinsic tenase and prothrombinase requires  XIII is involved in common pathway.
Ca & phospholipid. The source of phospholipid
source is the platelets but since the sample is
platelet poor plasma, there would be no source TEST FOR EXTRINSIC AND COMMON PATHWAYS
of phospholipid. While, Ca is removed by EXTRINSIC: VII
citrate. Thus, cephalin and Ca is added in order COMMON PATHWAY: I, II, V, X
to observe clotting. Upon addition of cephalin
and Ca, observed the time it takes to form fibrin 1. PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) / QUICK’S TEST
clot - Starts with the action of VII.
- Most useful procedure for routine screening of - Dominant pathway that occurs in vivo, once
coagulation disorders in the intrinsic system, for thromboplastin is introduced in the circulation,
detecting the presence of circulating anti- it immediately combines with VIIa already
coagulant and for monitoring heparin therapy. present in circulation in vivo but in vitro, VII
Also measures factors present in the common must be activated by thromboplastin. In vitro,
pathway, except for platelet and factor XIII. there is no source of thromboplastin when

placed in a test tube. The reagent  Oral anticoagulants (warfarin, coumarin,

thromboplastin will provide the thromboplastin coumadin).
which comes from tissues. Complete
thromboplastin is needed because it has to SOURCES OF ERRORS:
supply the other missing factors such as  Prolonged in the presence of heparin
phospholipid and thromboplastin. The contamination; can be shortened in traumatic
composition of complete thromboplastin is venipuncture.
tissue factor and phospholipid. The tissue factor
 INR to monitor effect of therapy and dose of
in the reagent will activate VII and the
oral anticoagulant
phospholipid in the reagent will supply the
missing phospholipid. Since citrate is utilized, Ca
 Prolonged PT causes VII to disappear
is also removed thus 0.025 M CaCl2 is utilized immediately since it has a shortest lifespan in
as a substitute. Upon addition of vivo.
Thromboplastin and CaCl2, record the time it
takes for plasma to form into clots
- Useful screening procedure for the extrinsic INTERNATIONAL NORMALIZED RATIO (INR)
coagulation mechanism including the common - A standardized way of reporting PT in
pathway, also monitors oral anticoagulant monitoring oral anticoagulant therapy,
therapy with coumadin. calculated as a ratio of the patient’s PT to a
NOTE: PT control PT standardized for the potency of the
 PRINCIPLE: when tissue extract or thromboplastin reagent developed by the
thromboplastin is added to PPP along with Ca, World Health Organization (WHO).
it reacts with factor VII leading to subsequent - Reference Values for INR:
activation of factor X. o 2.0-3.0
 NORMAL VALUE: 10 – 12 SECONDS  In prevention and treatment of
 THROMBOPLASTIN SOURCE: rabbit brain venous thrombosis
extract or similar  Treatment of pulmonary
 SPECIMEN: Citrated PPP to prevent excessive embolism
citrate in plasma  Prevention of stroke in MI
 REAGENTS: Complete Thromboplastin (TF &  Peripheral arterial disease
phospholipid) and 0.025 M CaCL2  Prevention of systemic
 PURPOSE: in monitoring extrinsic and embolism in atrial fibrillation
common pathway deficiency, more sensitive
 Cardiac value replacement
for monitoring oral anticoagulant therapy,
(tissue valves).
vitamin K deficiency and liver diseases

o 2.5-3.5
NOTE:  In prevention of recurrent MI
PROLONGED PT IS SEEN IN:  Reduction of mortality in MI
 Any factor deficiency under the extrinsic (VII,  Mechanical prosthetic heart
I, II, V, X) and common pathway. valve (high risk).
 Fibrinogen concentration <100mg/dl
 Dysfibrinogenemia – abnormal fibrin FORMULA:
𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑇
structure affecting PT. INR= [ ]𝐼𝑆𝐼
𝑃𝑇 (𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛)
 Vitamin K deficiency (II, VII, IX, X) and certain
liver disease (affecting all factors except, VWF,
Ca & TF synthesis) thus prolong PT and APTT

SURFACE ACTIVATION – initiates intrinsic pathway Perform

when factor XII is in contact with any surface; mixing
monitored by APTT. studies

- for extrinsic and monitored by PT - Uses a venom (from (Viperarusselli/Daboia
INTRINSIC PATHWAY – PTT russelli) with a “thromboplastin like” action
- Principle: Addition of the venom bypasses the
VII – PT activation of VII and directly activates factor X
INTRINSIC PATHWAY AND FACTOR VII – common - Reagent: Russel Viper Venom 
pathway; APTT & PT Thromboplastin-like (“VIIa”): VIIa like activity 
immediately activate X.
- Activation of VII is bypassed in the reaction
because reagent have VIIa-like activity
- Initial utilization: Differentiate X and VII
o X deficiency: ST: Prolonged
o VII deficiency: ST: Normal
- Clinical utility now: for identification or detect
the presence of Lupus anticoagulant (LA) or
Anti-phospholipid Antibody (APA) – antibody
against phospholipid; inhibits PF3 and
phospholipid (interferes normal coagulation)
prolonged test.
- Screening test performed using diluted plasma:
Dilute Russel Viper Venom Test (DRVVT) or
Dilute Stypven Time (DST) for Lupus
Anticoagulant: factor activity INCREASES with
increasing dilutions of patient plasma used in the
assay (Corresponding dilutions of LA/APA).
- Performed in combination with APTT: ST and
APTT  identify LA/APA.
PT- None Prolonged None o CF deficiency (dilution) : more
prolonged Factor VII prolonged
APTT- deficiency o LA-causing (diluted): improved in the
normal test/ shorten
APTT- Prolonged None None  Rationale: while the plasma is
prolonged VIII, IX, XI, being diluted, the LA is also
PT- Normal XII, HMWK, diluted  increase CF activity
PK - Circulating anticoagulant: abnormal
anticoagulants that inhibit certain coagulation
testing - Specific inhibitor: inhibitor/anticoagulant that
BOTH PT & None None Prolonged inhibits specific coagulation protein like factor

- Non-specific inhibitor/ non-specific circulating o Normally prolonged in the newborn and

anticoagulant: inhibitor/anticoagulant that in multiple myeloma.
inhibits no specific coagulation protein like LA.


- Modification of Thrombin Clotting Time (TCT) by

- Principle: Addition of thrombin bypasses all
coagulation pathways except the polymerization
of Fibrinogen.
- Specimen: citrated PPP APTT: intravenous anticoagulant
- Reagent: standardized thrombin solution and
calcium. PT: oral anticoagulant  INR
o Fibrinogen --- Standard Thrombin + Ca++ TT: fibrinogen deficiency and heparin therapy
 Fibrin
- Will not detect deficiency in the CF VII, V, X, VIII, TT together with APTT: Heparin therapy
IX, XI, XII, HK, PK  reactions bypassed
DST together with APTT: LA
- Cannot determine deficiency or availability of
- DETECT FIBRINOGEN DEFICIENCY ONLY - Uses the reagent reptilase enzyme (collected
- Reactions involved conversion of fibrinogen to from Bothropsatrox) which has a thrombin-like
fibrin. effect.
- Measures the availability of adequate and - Functionality same as thrombin time: IDENTIFY
- Used to monitor heparin therapy and is sensitive OF FIBRINOGEN.
to presence of increased levels of FSP. - REAGENT: Reptilase (“IIa” – like): toxic and
- Presence of FSP: XYDE; inhibits fibrin potent: very unsafe to handle (should not be in
polymerization and inhibits conversion of contact in open skin  blood will clot)
fibrinogen to fibrin by thrombin  inhibits - Fibrinogen --- Reptilase  Fibrin ; immediate
clotting/prevent clot formation  increased/ clotting will occur
prolonged TCT (more sensitive). - PRINCIPLE: Reptilase bypasses all coagulation
- Monitors Heparin Therapy pathways except the polymerization of
o Heparin: anti-thrombin; only fibrinogen.
anticoagulant (in vivo and in vitro) that - FIBRINOGEN: 3 polypeptide chains (alpha, beta
does not remove Ca++; functions to and gamma) ends with D-terminals and a central
inhibit thrombin by increasing the E domain where alpha, beta and gamma
activity of AT-III. polypeptide chains meet and coil extended at E
o APTT and TT: monitors heparin therapy central domain is fibrinopeptides A and B.
- Reference value: 17-25 secs. (may depend on - If thrombin cleaves fibrinogen: thrombin
the thrombin concentration) cleaves both fibrinopeptides A and B.
- Prolonged Thrombin time: - If reptilase cleaves fibrinogen: reptilase cleaves
o Fibrinogen level is below 75-100 mg/dL; only fibrinopeptides A.
functional disorder of fibrinogen - Effect are similar: Fibrinogen  fibrin monomer
o Presence of Heparin, fibrin degradation  polymerization
products (FDP) and thrombolytic agents

- Reptilase cleaves I  monomers polymerize F XIII Deficiency (soluble Dissolved Not

(end-to-end)  formation of clot clot) dissolved
o Thrombin: end to end and side to side Excessive fibrinolysis Dissolved Dissolved
connection (excessive plasmin)
o Reptilase: end to end only
- Prolonged reptilase time is observed in OTHER TEST:
Fibrinogen deficiency and other functional
disorder of fibrinogen; presence of FSP/FDP 1. BETHESDA ASSAY: determine and measure the
- REFERENCE TIME: 18-20 secs titer of specific factor inhibitor of VIII.
- More sensitive to fibrinogen deficiency 2. ECARIN CLOTTING TIME


 All coagulation assay is affected by the Basis of coagulation tests
 BOTH (Fibrinogen Assay) are used to identify
- Deficiency in factors V, VIII, IX, X, XII or platelets
availability and functionality of fibrinogen and
will slow the rate of prothrombin conversion
both sensitive to fibrinogen deficiency or
dysfunctional  prolonged test leaving significant amount of prothrombin in the
- Prothrombin Time (PT) is performed on SERUM
THROMBIN REPTILASE - Deficiency in some factors will SLOW the rate of
TIME (standard TIME prothrombin conversion leaving significant
thrombin Rgt) (thrombin-like amount (60%) of prothrombin in serum
rgt.) o Slow pathway: Prothrombin (60%) 
Heparin – both Prolonged Normal or
Thrombin (40%)
APTT and TT Slightly
- Can’t identify which coagulation factor is
deficient  needs mixing studies.
(+) FSP – all Prolonged Prolonged - GENERAL RULE: Only consumable factor are
clotting test FIBRINOGEN GROUP (I, V, VIII and XIII) and
Decreased Prolonged Prolonged factor II.
Fibrinogen - During clotting (serum): II (20%; residual
prothrombin)  IIa (Thrombin: 80%)
- SERUM: product of clotting of blood

- Test for Factor XIII

- PRINCIPLE: clot formed in normal plasma is
insoluble in 5M urea during a 24-hr incubation.
- If factor XIII is deficient in the patient’s plasma,
the clot is dissolved in less than 24 hours by the

1% monochloroacetic acid Incubate for 24 hours

at RT
Clot + 5M Clot+
Urea NaCl
(NSS) - By Biggs & Douglas
Normal (insoluble clot) Not Not - Uses BaSO4/Al(OH)3- adsorbed plasma or fresh
dissolved dissolved serum

- Basis of mixing studies AUTOMATED INSTRUMENTS:

- No longer performed
 Ortho Koagulab 16S and 40A
- Mixing agent + Patient’s plasma  clotting
- Mixing agents: BaSO4/Al (OH)3 – Adsorbed  Coag-A-Mate X2 and XCm
plasma; Fresh serum; stored serum.  MLA Electra 700 and 800


- Performed when PTT & PT are prolonged to
- Modification of Thromboplastin Generation determine whether it is caused by a nonspecific
Time (TGT) and requires re-calcification of inhibitor, specific factor inhibitor, or coagulation
diluted plasma. factor deficiency, and to determine the deficient
coagulation factor.
- Procedure: Mix equal parts of patient’s plasma
- Detects formation of FIBRIN
plus Fresh normal plasma then repeat the
FIBRINOMETER prolonged test.

- A semi-automated mechanical instrument that RESULT AND INTERPRETATION:

detects fibrin strand formation using a wire loop
 Presence of a pathological circulating
or hook.
anticoagulant: if test is not corrected (remains
- Only machine in hematology that uses electro-
prolonged) when mixed with mixing normal
mechanical (manual) principle.
- Fibrinometer has wells where samples are
placed, and has a wire loop or needle which dips  Factor deficiency: if repeated test is corrected
in the blood sample in the wells and keeps when mixed with normal plasma. The next thing
dipping in 0.5 seconds interval (up and down) to do is to identify the deficient factor by
until fibrin thread or clot formation is observed. performing additional mixing study or factor
When fibrin threads from the sample connects assay.
with the wire loop, stop the time and record the  Identification of deficient factor: mix equal parts
clotting time of patient’s plasma plus an appropriate mixing
- Semi-automated. sample.
- Identify fibrin formation FACTOR ASSAYS:
PHOTO-OPTICAL 1. Fibrinogen assay: Clauss modification of
- Depends on the increase in light scattering Thrombin time.
associated with the conversion of soluble  SINGLE FACTOR ASSAY:
fibrinogen molecules to the insoluble o Quantification of remaining deficient
polymerized fibrin clot. factor; determine the factor level in
- Machines measures: increase in light scattering relation to
- Identify fibrin formation from fibrinogen o Applicable only in A and B: sex linked
- In plasma, fibrinogen is dissolved thus it is not o Not for: C (autosomal)
able to scatter the light into different direction o Do dilution: 1:10; 1:20; 1:40; 1:80  CT
- Fibrinogen  Fibrin (insoluble) fibrin particles interval (Reference Curve).
will block and scatter the light in different Hemophilia: Factor Level vs. Severity
direction. Severity Factor Level Manifestation
bleeding; bleeding
 Electra 750 and 750A, Fibrin timer series; and FP with minor surgery or
910 coagulation analyzer trauma

Moderate 1-5% Spontaneous bleeding Factor Deficiency Mixed Reagent Result

uncommon; may (Patient’s
bleed with surgery or sample)
trauma. VII Factor-VII No correction
Mild 5-20% No spontaneous Deficient Plasma
bleeding; may bleed
with major trauma or
surgery 4. Factor XIII assay: Chromogenic assay
Example: - Transglutaminase/Fibrinase/Transaminase
APTT: prolonged PT: Normal reaction  Release of ammonia
APTT: not corrected by Factor XI- deficient plasma but is - Directly proportional: More ammonia release:
corrected by Factor IX-deficient plasma more XIII deficiency; Less ammonia release: less
 What type of hemophilia? XIII deficiency
o Hemophilia C - (Glu DH Rxn): NADPH consumption is measured
by decrease of A at 340 nm
2. Single factor assays using PTT - Absorbance is inversely proportional to factor
- For factors VIII (A-most common), IX (B- second XIII activity.
common), and XI (C-rarest) deficiencies - Inversely proportional: High absorbance:
(hemophilias). Increase XIII deficiency; Lower absorbance:
- Uses a factor-depleted platelet-poor plasma (like Normal or Increase
factor VIII-depleted PPP which provides normal - Factor XIII: Assay cannot be detected by PT and
activity of all procoagulant except factor VIII). APTT
- Normal plasma  normal result
e.g. Px plasma + factor deficient plasma NOTE:
Prolonged Test (PT, APTT/Both coagulation test) 
APTT reagent
PT reagent
coagulation factor deficiency or abnormal component
FACTOR MIXED REAGENT RESULT (inhibitor/circulating anticoagulant) that keeps
DEFICIENCY inhibiting the factors  perform mixing study
(Patient’s Reagent: 1:1 mixture
- Equal parts: Patient’s plasma + correction
reagent or mixing reagent
VIII Factor-VIII Deficient No correction
Plasma - If patient is deficient and we add a mixing
Factor-IX Deficient Corrected reagent that contains all necessary
Plasma components  corrected: factor deficiency.
IX Factor-VIII Deficient Corrected - If patient is deficient and we add a mixing
Plasma reagent that contains all necessary
Factor-IX Deficient No correction components but still not corrected: presence
Plasma of abnormal component.

e.g. repeat prolonged test but: (1:1) Px plasma+

3. Single factor assays using PT normal fresh plasma(contains all coagulation factor)
- For factors II, V, VII, and X deficiencies

Factor Deficiency Normal: Corrected test
Inhibitor; C Remains Prolonged: not
anticoagulant corrected test

After Coagulation test (prolonged)  perform mixing
study with Fresh Normal Plasma (FNP): identify
whether it is coagulation deficiency or presence of
abnormal component  then identify which factor is
deficient or abnormal component
PROLONGED TEST: Deficiency  continue mixing
PT and APTT: I, II, V, X

FACTOR DEFICIENT PLASMA Deficient of particular CF; removed through immunoadsorption
Commercially available plasma (named)
e.g. Factor VIII deficient plasma  deficient of VIII


PROBLEM 1: PT: Prolonged & APTT: Prolonged
1. Clotting/Coagulation: Consumable factors (I, V,
XIII) and partially II. 1. Establish whether it is coagulation deficiency or
2. Adsorption: Adsorbable factors presence of abnormal component
3. Storage/Aging: Labile factors (V and VIII) Perform test with FNP  if corrected: CF
- Aged Serum: residual prothrombin deficiency

2. Identify which pathway is affected: Common  Elimination:

pathway. Adsorbed plasma (VIII and XI present) (IX absent)
3. Coagulation Factor Deficiency (CFD) (I, II, V, X)  Fresh serum (IX and XI present) (VIII absent)
Mixing study.
ANSWER: Factor VIII deficiency
4. CFD: Pxt Plasma + Mixing Rgt.  Repeat PT and


 Coagulation Factor Deficiency: I, II, V, X  Both are corrected by fresh serum but not with
1. Pxt Plasma + Mixing Rgt: Fresh Serum (I, V stored serum. Identify factor/s deficient.
absent; II, X present)  Repeat PT and Aptt.  Common pathway deficiency: I, II,V, X  factor II
Deficient: deficiency
I = not corrected
II = corrected A. VIII B. I C. V D. II E. X
V = not corrected  Elimination:
X = corrected o Fresh serum (II and X present) (I, V
2. Pxt Plasma + Mixing Rgt: Aged Plasma (V absent)
absent; I, II, X present)  Repeat PT and APTT o Stored serum (X present) (I, V, II absent)
I = corrected NOTE:
V = not corrected: prolonged  ELIMINATION
X = corrected  WRITING
PROBLEM 3: PT and APTT are prolonged and corrected
by addition adsorbed plasma. Which coagulation is/are
deficient? PROBLEM 4: PT and APTT – prolonged

 Pxt Plasma + Mixing Rgt: Adsorbed Plasma ( II  Both are corrected with fresh serum but not with
and X absent; I and V present)  Repeat PT and adsorbed plasma.
APTT o Fresh serum: II, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, HK, PK
 Deficient: (present)
I = corrected o Adsorbed plasma: II, VII, IX, X (absent)
II = not corrected  What may be mixed to identify the factor
V = corrected deficient?
X = not corrected o Stored serum: II and X

ANSWER: Factor I and V deficiency PROBLEM 5: PT and APTT – prolonged

PROBLEM 4: PT: Normal APTT: Prolonged  COMMON PATHWAY: I, II, V, X

 Both are NOT corrected with fresh serum but
 Corrected (it contains the CF) by adsorbed corrected with adsorbed plasma.
plasma but NOT(absent) by fresh serum Factor o Fresh serum: I, V,VIII,XIII (absent)
VIII deficiency o Adsorbed plasma: I,V, VIII, XIII (present)
 Factor deficiency in INTRINSIC PATHWAY: VIII, IX,  What may be mixed to identify the factor
XI (common deficiencies to occur); (XII, PK, HK – deficient?
deficiency will not cause bleeding disorder but o Aged Plasma: I
may cause prolongation of the test and are very
rare to occur)

PROBLEM 6: PT and APTT – prolonged


 Both are NOT corrected with fresh serum but
corrected with adsorbed plasma and aged


I PT and APTT  Adsorbed plasma  Fresh Serum
 Aged Plasma  Aged Serum
 Adsorbed Serum
II PT and APTT  Aged plasma  Adsorbed plasma
 Fresh serum  Aged serum
 Adsorbed serum
V PT and APTT Adsorbed plasma  Aged plasma
 Fresh serum
 Aged serum
 Adsorbed serum
VII PT  Aged plasma  Adsorbed plasma
 Fresh serum  Adsorbed serum
 Aged serum
VIII APTT Adsorbed plasma  Aged plasma
 Fresh serum
 Aged serum
 Adsorbed serum
IX APTT  Aged plasma  Adsorbed plasma
 Fresh serum  Adsorbed serum
 Aged serum
X PT and APTT  Aged plasma  Adsorbed plasma
Stypven Time  Fresh serum  Adsorbed serum
 Aged serum
Presence: APTT and Stypven Time NONE ALL
NOTE: Factor XIII Assay cannot be detected by PT and APTT

MIDTERMS - The effect of coagulation is consumption of

DISORDERS OF FIBRINOLYSIS coagulation factors (I, V, VIII and XIII) and
PLASMIN platelets. The effects of activation of fibrinolysis
is production of FSP. Main result: continuous
- Main protein involved that dissolves the clot
and may cause excessive fibrinolysis.
- Regulatory proteins: alpha 2 antiplasmin: main
- Comes from plasminogen in the presence of
inhibitor of plasmin; and other inhibitors are
plasminogen activators like tissue plasminogen
consumed because of too much production of
activator and activated factor XII (XIIa) when
plasminogen activators.
produced can dissolve fibrin and if excess
- Principle: Plasma euglobulins are precipitated
 Plasmin  fibrinogen  Fragment X, Y and
with 1% HAC. Precipitates are redissolved and
Fragment D, E
clotted with thrombin. The clot is incubated, and
 Cross-linked fibrin  X-oligomers and D-dimer
the time for complete lysis at 37°C is measured.
NOTE: - Procedure: Precipitation of plasma euglobin
In both degradation and split products of fibrin or with 1% Acetic acid  re-dissolved ppt  add
fibrinogen are produced. thrombin: fibrinogen immediately converted
into fibrin  plasminogen present in fraction
now present in fibrin will be slowly converted
into plasmin by activators of plasminogen 
- This is due to the release of excessive activators
fibrin clot with plasmin  check the
of plasminogen resulting to the conversion of
ability/activity of plasmin to dissolve the clot 
plasminogen to plasmin in the absence of fibrin
- Fibrinolytic system: activated in the absence of
- Detects excess production of plasmin
clot formation.
- Separation through PRECIPITATION: inhibitors
- Main problem: Increase activators of
left in the supernatant
plasminogen that leads to increase production of
- Plasma Euglobulin Fraction contains
Plasminogen, Activators of plasminogen and
- Since the function of plasmin is not specific to
the clot, it also destroys intact fibrinogen
- Normal clot lysis time: within 2-4 hours.
together with factors V and VIII.
- Clot lysis in less than 2 hours is indicative of
- Effect of plasmin on plasminogen: will cause the
abnormal fibrinolytic activity
release of FSP which interferes in normal
- Increase fibrinolysis is seen in: circulatory
clotting; unable to clot  BLEEDING.
collapse; adrenalin injections; sudden death;
- To inhibit the role of plasmin: treatment
pulmonary surgery; pyrogen reaction; obstetric
involves introduction of anti-fibrinolytic
2. SECONDARY FIBRINOLYSIS (FIBRIN LYSIS) - Detects fibrin monomers
- This clot dissolution results to increase FSP/FDP
that interfere with coagulation and platelet
- In DIC where there is a simultaneous occurrence - Principle: 50% ethanol (and Protamine sulfate)
of both coagulation and fibrinolysis. will cause the soluble fibrin monomers

complexes to dissociate resulting in the product came from primary or secondary

polymerization of the monomers and fibrinolysis.
subsequent gel like clot formation or - POSITIVE: presence of FSP  agglutination.
paracoagulum (paracoagulation)
- Both tests are designed to detect the presence
of fibrin monomers in the plasma. A screening
Platelet Normal Decreased
procedure utilized as an aid in the diagnosis of
count  Platelet  Platelets
DIC does not are
- Normally, there is NO gel formation. Because undergo consumed
there should be no fibrin monomers. aggregati during clot
- Presence of paracoagulation: indicates on thus is formation
presence of fibrin monomers and secondary not
fibrinolysis. consume
- Differentiate Primary and Secondary Fibrinolysis: d
o Negative: Primary fibrinolysis RBC Normal RBC
o Positive: Secondary fibrinolysis morpholog  No clot fragmentation:
y formatio Schistocytes
D-DIMER TEST/ D-D ASSAY n thus  Caused by
there is trauma
- Specific to SECONDARY FIBRINOLYSIS only no
- Measures fibrin formation (presence of D-dimer trauma
indicates: fibrin clot and fibrin lysis) caused in
- D-D fragment arises from the degradation of RBCs in
cross-linked fibrin. Its presence is specific of the
fibrin formation. circulatio
- The test uses latex beads with monoclonal Ab n
that will react only with D-dimer (Turbidimetry PT and Prolonged Prolonged
or Nephelometry) APTT  Excessive  Consumpti
- Normal: <200ng (D-dimer)/ (blood) mL : action of on of I,V,
<200ng/mL. plasmin VIII and XIII
on I, V during clot
- Increased results may be seen in DIC,
and VIII formation
thrombosis, phlebitis or other condition

characterized by fibrin clot formation. excessive
- PROCEDURE: Whole blood + thrombin (for FDP’s or POSITIVE POSITIVE
complete clotting of whole blood)  serum + FSP’s
soya bean enzyme (as inhibitors)  diluted D-dimer NEGATIVE POSITIVE
serum + latex particles (coated with anti-FSP)  Euglobin POSITIVE NEGATIVE
presence of FSP  agglutination Clot Lysis
- Whole blood is added to thrombin to ensure Protamine NEGATIVE POSITIVE
complete clotting and soya bean enzyme Sulfate(SO
4) Test
inhibitor after incubation, the patient’s serum is
diluted and mixed with latex particles that have
been coated with anti-fibrin split products.
- Determines presence of split or degradation
products but will not identify whether this split

THROMBOSIS: platelet or fibrin clots

PHYSIOLOGIC THROMBOSIS: normal response due to



- Abnormal that may lead to obstruction of

- Can be acquired or inherited.
- Risk factors:
o Acquired conditions are related with life
events such as age, smoking and other
o Inherited conditions are related with
congenital deficiencies in the regulatory
proteins (inhibitors) and defective


- Composed of many platelets with small amounts
of fibrin, RE and white cells – “white clot”.
- CAUSES: Hypertension, Hyperviscosity,
qualitative platelet abnormalities and

- Few platelets and blood cells, and MANY FIBRIN
- Composed of large amounts of fibrin and red
- CAUSES: Abnormalities: associated with slow
blood flow (hyper viscosity of blood), activation
of coagulation system, platelet dysfunction,
leukocyte activation: produces a lot of adhesive
molecules, anatomical abnormalities of blood
vessel wall, impairment of the fibrinolytic
system, and deficiency of physiologic inhibitors
- RISK FACTORS: Life events: age, smoking, DM,


Anti-thrombin (AT) Deficiency Recurrent venous thrombosis DIC, liver disease, nephrotic
AT-III: main inhibitor of thrombin syndrome, oral contraceptives and
(continuous activation of V, VIII, XI, pregnancy
Heparin Cofactor II Deficiency Not associated with thrombosis
Regulatory Proteins important in inactivation of V and VIII
Protein C Deficiency Thrombopoietin Vitamin K deficiency, liver disease,
malnutrition, DIC and warfarin
Protein S Deficiency Vitamin K deficiency, liver disease
and DIC
Activated Protein C Resistance Factor V Leiden is not inactivated  excessive clot formation
(Factor V Leiden) Mutated factor V  Resistant to inactivation of activated Protein C  Va remains
to be activated
Prothrombin Mutations Increase in the concentration of plasma prothrombin
Other Inherited Thrombotic Disorders:
 Elevated activity levels of Factor VIII are associated with venous thrombosis embolism
 Factor XII deficiency: XIIa serves as plasminogen activator  deficiency: decrease production of plasmin and
persistence of clot in the circulation
 Dysfribrinogenemia
 Hyperhomocysteinemia
 Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Deficiency: TFPI main inhibitor of tissue factor pathway
 Deficiency of ADAMTS-13 (metalloproteinase enzyme important for the cleavage of ultra large vWF)
 activation of platelets  platelet plug  obstruction


 Associated with diarrhea
 Caused by verotoxin or shigatoxin producing bacteria: E.coli 0157:H7 or Shigella strain
 This toxin will cause damage to glomerular capillaries and activation of platelets  hemolytic anemia;
fragmentation of RBC
COMMON SIGNS: TTP and HUS are fever, petechiae, neurologic signs (more often occur in TTP) and renal diseases
(more often occur in HUS); this happens when platelet aggregates is present in small circulations.

ACQUIRED THROMBOTIC DISORDERS - It inhibits coagulation by combining with

1. LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT / ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID antithrombin-III in inhibiting thrombin and Xa.
- Lupus anticoagulant does not inhibit in vivo 2. ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS: COUMADIN,
coagulation but may cause prolonged in vitro WARFARIN, DICUMAROL
tests. - These inhibit vitamin K-dependent factors and
other vitamin K-dependent proteins
2. HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA - They alter hepatic synthesis resulting to inability
- Development of antibodies against heparin- of the liver to carboxylate the glutamyl residue
platelet factor 4 complex. of the factor leading to their functional
- This immune complex causes platelet activation, deficiency. These factors / proteins formed are
platelet microparticles, thrombocytopenia, and referred to as PIVKA/des – gamma-carboxy
hypercoagulable state. proteins.
- Coumadin (warfarin): crosses the placenta and
is present in human milk.
- Therapy is monitored by PT / international
Prevention of thrombosis: can be anticoagulant
normalized ratio (INR).
drugs, antiplatelet or thrombolytic drugs
- When overdosed, high levels vitamin K reverse
ANTIPLATELET DRUGS – prevent activation and the action.
aggregation and are most effective in the treatment of - For long term management.
the arterial diseases; platelets are more often
- Used to break down fibrin clots to restore
1. ASPIRIN – MOST COMMONLY USED: Inhibits vascular function and to prevent loss of tissues
Thromboxane A2 synthesis by irreversibly actetylating and organs.
the enzyme cyclooxygenase; acetylsalicylic acid; - Also used in acute arterial thrombosis for
irreversibly affects platelet function by inhibiting the
immediate thrombolysis.
cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme and thereby the
formation of thromboxane A2 (TXA2). SERVE AS PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATORS
thienopyridines, ticlopidine and clopidogrel. 1. UROKINASE – this is not a fibrin specific; it is used in
the treatment of venous thromboembolism, MI and
thrombolysis of clotted catheters.
2. STREPTOKINASE – not fibrin specific.
- Inhibit thrombin and fibrin formation.
- Prevention of venous thrombosis.


- The anticoagulant activity of heparin is enhanced
by binding to AT.
- Heparin-AT complex inactivates thrombin and
Factor Xa.
- Heparin dosage is monitored by APTT &
activated clotting time.
- When overdosed, its action is reversed by
protamine sulfate.
- Effect is immediate because it enters directly
into the vessel.



Characteristics platelet/vascular problem coagulation factor problems or presence of
inhibitors and systemic disease
Onset Spontaneous bleeding, immediate after trauma Delayed after trauma
Sites Skin, mucous membranes Deep tissues
Form Petechiae, ecchymosis Hematomas (bluing of skin with tumor/swelling
 clot within tissues
Mucous Common (nasal, oral, gastrointestinal, Less common
membrane genitourinary)
Other sites Rare in deep tissues Joint, muscle, central nervous system,
retroperitoneal spaces
Clinical examples Quantitative Platelet Defects: Factor deficiency, liver disease, acquired
 Thrombocytopenia inhibitors
Qualitative Platelet Defects: (adhesion,
aggregation or release reaction, vascular defects)
 platelet defects, vWD, scurvy



All CF are produced by the liver except PF3, CF IV(Ca++) and vWF
II Autosomal Prothrombin Liver disease Least to occur
recessive deficiency Vitamin K deficiency
VII Autosomal F VII deficiency (II,VII,IX,X)  functional Most profound
recessive deficiency; no gamma disorder/deficiency;
carboxylation shortest circulating life 
first to disappear.
Oral anticoagulant PT: immediately prolonged;
therapy: inhibits vit. K  more sensitive to liver
functional deficiency diseases and vit. K.
X Autosomal F X deficiency Bile duct obstruction (gall
recessive stone)  incomplete
IX Sex -linked digestion and absorption Hemophilia B; Christmas
of vit. K  functional Disease
I Autosomal Afibrinogenemia Severe liver disease Rarest to occur
recessive DIC

Autosomal Dysfibrinogenemia Fibrinolysis Consumable factors during

dominant Normal levels of I but clotting
has abnormal Sensitive to high levels of
structure plasmin
V Autosomal Owren’s disease
recessive Labile Factor
XIII Autosomal F XIII deficiency
VIII Sex linked Inflammatory liver
(hepatic) diseases
 factor VIII increases
XI Autosomal Most common among
recessive contact factors: Hemophilia
C but least likely to occur in
XII Autosomal F XII deficiency; 2nd most common; not
recessive Hageman deficiency related to bleeding but
related to
thrombosis/abnormal clot
PK Autosomal Fletcher trait
HK Autosomal Fitzgerald trait


- Love of hemorrhage
- Inherited disorders characterized by a deficiency of the anti-hemophilic factors.

OTHER NAME Royal disease and Classic Christmas disease Rosenthal syndrome
INHERITANCE Sex-linked Sex-linked Autosomal
OCCURENCE 1 in 5,000-10,000 males 1 in 25,000 -30,000 in males Ashkenazi Jews
REGARDED AS Most severe congenital 2nd most severe congenital Least and rarest to occur
bleeding anomaly bleeding anomaly same S/s
with A but milder
TREATMENT Commercial Factor VIII Factor IX concentrate Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or
concentrate (prevent (prevent bleeding) whole blood: Replenish
Does not correct bleeding) Recombinant F-IX ( in deficient factor
hemophilias but only Recombinant F-VIII (in developed countries: No single blood component
ARREST BLEEDING or developed countries: standard standard treatment and
treatment and management) management)


BLEEDING arginine-vasopressin)

Contraindication: ASPIRIN,
ANALGESICS (anti-platelets)

Notes: Royal disease: first observed in Named after Stephen Rosenthal: means “rose-
royal family of England (Queen Christmas; case published valley”: German compound
Victoria: Carrier) (December 22, 2011) in The
New England Journal of


- A sex-linked disorder characterized by a surgery
deficiency of Factor VIII:C
- Most common hemophilia
- Clinical signs and symptoms depend on NOTE:
remaining factor VIII:C level  Generally applies to both Factor VIII and factor
IX deficiencies; may not apply to deficiency of
- Therapy:
other factors.
o Commercial Factor VIII concentrate
 To determine the remaining factor level 
o DDAVP (1-desamino-B-arginine-
Factor Assay (+ Factor VIII –deficient plasma
vasopressin) or + Factor IX-deficient plasma)
 Bleeding manifestation: Hematoma,
2. HEMOPHILIA B (CHRISTMAS DISEASE) hemarthrosis  severe hemophilias
- Sex-linked disorder characterized by a deficiency
of Factor IX
- Second most common hemophilia with clinical
signs and symptoms similar to hemophilia A HOW IS SEX-LINKED HEMOPHILIA (A AND B)
- Therapy: Factor IX concentrate TRANSMITTED?
SEVERITY OF HEMOPHILA A AND B - 50:50 Rule of inheritance of genes including
the sex chromosomes( XX:Female; XY: Male)
- Severity of bleeding depends on factor level For females:
which classify hemophilias as severe, moderate, XXH: Only one chromosome is affected  CARRIER
or mild; applicable only to sex-linked hemophilia:  Carrier (does not manifest s/s of hemophilias
A and B but can transmit abnormal gene to either son
or daughter)
CLASSIFICATION FACTOR COMMON XHXH: When both X chromosome have the abnormal
Severe <1% Spontaneous bleeding;  Happens only if father is hemophiliac and
bleeding with minor mother is either hemophiliac or carrier
surgery or trauma XHO: One X chromosome is inactivated; Female is
Moderate 1–5% Spontaneous bleeding suffering from Turner’s syndrome  HEMOPHILIAC
uncommon; may bleed
with surgery or trauma For males:
Mild 5- 20% No spontaneous XHY: Once X is affected  HEMOPHILIAC (one’s that
bleeding; may bleed have the disease and shows s/s)

 HEMOPHILIAC (one’s that have the disease  Swelling and hematomas after blood
and shows s/s) extraction or IM injection
 Muscle tightness


- An autosomal recessive disorder characterized
by a deficiency of Factor XI
- Has an increased incidence among Ashkenazi
- Bleeding is mild unless stressed by trauma or
IMAGE 1: Union of Carrier Mother and Normal Father surgery
will produce sons: (50% normal and 50% - Considered as silent type
haemophiliac) and daughters: (50% normal and 50% - Not associated with bleeding disorder or just
carrier) mild bleeding disorder: explain by current
IMAGE 2: Union of Normal Mother and Hemophiliac coagulation pathway
Father will produce sons: (100% normal) and - Therapy: Fresh frozen plasma or whole blood
daughters: (100% carriers)
- Autosomal recessive disorders with no
associated bleeding tendencies.
- Patients are more vulnerable to excessive
clotting (thrombosis).


- No genetic abnormality or anomaly has been
associated with these condition. Gene is
something that underwent mutation due to
some mutagens. Main causes are the other
underlying conditions or diseases.

 Signs and symptoms - Directed not against coagulation factor but
 Presence of FAMILY HISTORY of bleeding other molecules and proteins involved in
among male relatives in the mother’s side coagulation.
 Laboratory tests: APTT and Clotting Factor - Example: Lupus Anticoagulant (LA)
 Prolonged bleeding after cutting the umbilical ANTIBODIES (APA)/ ANTICARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES
cord  A non-specific inhibitor directed against
 Hematomas and joint swelling in babies platelet phospholipid and phospholipid-
beginning to creep, crawl and walk protein complexes.
 Limited range of motion of certain joint  Its presence will prolong
 Refusal to use limb (young child)  Directed to epitopes of proteins bound to
 Prolonged bleeding after circumcision phospholipids  THROMBOSIS
 Prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction

 Prolonged: APTT (effect is less common) and  Decrease intake of vit. K.: Malnutrition;
dilute Rusell Viper Venom Test (dRVVT) source of Vit. K is diet (green leafy
o The combination of these two tests vegetables)
serves as a screening test for the  Use of oral anticoagulant (warfarin,
presence of Lupus Anticoagulant. coumarin, dicoumarol and other
 Immuno assays (ELISA): for confirmatory test derivatives) or presence of Vitamin K
as well as for titer.
antagonist: inhibits vitamin K 
 Not at risk from suffering bleeding conditions.
inhibiting normal synthesis of vit. K
Instead, they are more at risk to suffer from
dependent coagulation factors 
B. SPECIFIC FACTOR INHIBITORS abnormal in function
o These are IgG autoantibodies  Decreased normal flora in the GIT
directed against specific (bacteroides fragilis, E. coli); prolonged
coagulation factors (e.g. Factor use of strong antibiotics: broad
VIII:C, IX, X and Factor XI inhibitors) spectrum antibiotics  damage normal
flora  growth of abnormal flora
 Decreased intestinal absorption intake
 Most likely to occur  Intestinal infection and Biliary duct
 Commonly developed from patients suffering obstruction (obstructive jaundice).
from B-cell malignancies, autoimmune  Vitamin K is fat soluble vitamin it
diseases (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus), and requires bile for its digestion thus
elderly. obstruction along the normal flow of bile
 Production may also be induced in patients which can be caused by the presence of
who have received the Factor VIII tumor or gallstone that constricts this
concentrate. bile duct and cause obstruction to bile
 Present bleeding conditions similar with flow  inadequate digestion and
Hemophilia A (Acquired hemophilia). absorption.
 Prolonged APTT and will serve as a screening
test to detect VIII:C Inhibitor. NOTE:
 Bethesda Assay-titer: determine the titer of  Infants: given vitamin K at birth to
antibody. improve the baby’s synthesis of vitamin
 High-dose Factor VIII: given to prevent from K dependent factors; intestine is sterile.
suffering bleeding conditions. Bacteria (from maternal skin) grows
 Immunosuppressant drugs (Cytoxan, only when the baby start to breastfeed.
Rituximab): given for longer management of  Importance of Vitamin K: gamma
the patient. It is used to inhibit or prevent the carboxylation of II, VII, IX, X; the addition
immune system from continuous production of this carboxyl radicals to their terminal
of antibody against factor VIII. glutamic acid will cause them to gain a
negative charge thus will allow them to
interact with Calcium which is positively
2. VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY charged and on bind to platelet
- More on functional deficiency and less on phospholipid which is negatively
synthesis deficiency charged.
- Will result to functional decrease of Factor II, VII,
IX, and X, protein C, S and Z
- Causes of Vitamin K Deficiency:


- Both clearance and synthesis function will be GENDER PREFERENCE.
affected  Bleeding disorders. - Occurs as complication of another disorder 
- Leads to synthesis deficiencies (FVII deficiency is causes release of thromboplastic substance 
the most profound; first to decrease due to its initiates both Coagulation and Fibrinolysis: both
short circulating lifespan) system simultaneously occurs and may either
- Decrease clearance activity of activated predominate the other.
components including plasminogen activators
- Increase in FSP due to increase fibrinolysis
- DECREASES: VII (first), PK, I
 Factor VII: most profound to decrease.
When the liver is unable to produce
coagulation factors, Factor VII is the first
to decrease due to its short circulating
life span.
 PK: one of the first to decrease
 Factor I (Fibrinogen): last to decrease
- INCREASE: VIII; if the liver disease is  Result from the liberation of thromboplastic
inflammatory in nature, Factor VIII increases. substance that activates coagulation
 Release of thromboplastic-like substance may
NOTE: be secondary to trauma, sepsis or toxin that
Liver functions in the synthesis of all coagulation
tissues suffering from this may cause the release
factors except calcium and tissue factor and in
of inflammatory substances that may then exerts
clearance, it removes activated coagulation
thromboplastic-like activity
components to prevent further activation and
excessive coagulation. It also removes  Complication of childbirth obstetrics as
plasminogen activators to prevent excessive placental tissue are separated, they release
fibrinolysis or excessive production of plasmin. tissue fluids that can exert thromboplastin-like
It removes products of fibrinolysis: Fibrin split activity, so the substance will activate both
products. coagulation and fibrinolysis.
 Plasminogen is also activated through the
contact phase (TPa)
- Replacement of more than 1.5 L blood volume NOTE:
or more than 3 units of blood bags in 24 hours Thus, coagulation and fibrinolysis occur
resulting to dilution of coagulation factor; simultaneously and either may dominate, resulting to:
DILUTIONAL COAGULOPATHY (in transfusion of  Consumption of coagulation factors (I,V, VIII
pRBC and NSS) and increased introduction of and XIII) and platelets as thrombi are formed
anticoagulants (each unit contains 63 mL of and deposited locally and widely in the
anticoagulant; 10% or more enough to interfere circulation
to normal coagulation). o As COAGULATION is activated,
platelet aggregates  they are
consumed resulting to
thrombocytopenia and bleeding.
COAGULATION (DIC) The platelet aggregate will also
- Disseminated: clot formation occurs elsewhere obstruct normal circulation 
in the body thrombosis  vasoocclusion
- Often described as CONSUMPTION because of thrombus within the
COAGULOPATHY circulation. Because of the clot
deposited in the tissues, the

normal flow of oxygen and blood Hematom II, VIII, IX Umbilical X, XIII
will be obstructed resulting to as cord
ischemia or decrease in tissue bleeding
oxygenation  tissues die Mucosal II, VIII, IX, XI Miscarriag I, XIII
(necrosis): kidneys, lungs, liver bleeding e
and brain. Hemarthr VII, IX, X Thrombosi Abnormal
 RBC fragmentation  SCHISTOCYTES osis s fibrinogens;
o Clot deposits cause trauma to red Postsurgic I, II, V, VII, LA;
cells; some are caught or slice/cut al VIII, IX, X, inhibitor
off by fibrin strands  bleeding XI, XIII deficiencies
fragmentation or lysis  Intracrani VII, VIII, IX, Asymptom FXII, PK, HK
hemolysis lead to presence of RBC al XIII atic
fragments called schistocytes on bleeding -They do
circulation and blood smear. not play a
 Increased in FDP and D-dimer major role
production of fibrin coagulatio
split/degradation products: XYDE n
 interferes in normal platelet NOTE:
function as well as in the Factors VIII and IX is the most severe coagulation
polymerization of fibrin factor deficiency.
monomers  affects normal
coagulation  more bleeding will

NOTE: DIC - Microscopic study and identification of chemical

LAB FINDINGS: all laboratory test will appear constituents within individual cells. It is useful in
abnormal like platelet count (decrease: the identification of malignant cell types on the
thrombocytopenia) and prolonged bleeding time and basis of cytoplasmic or nuclear chemistry;
clotting time(PT, APTT, TT, ST) cellular constituents that are present in
abnormal form or amount; lack of cellular
TREATMENT: underlying cause of DIC should be constituent; and cells exhibiting functional
considered abnormalities.
 Plasma and platelet transfusions – restore
 Heparin –prevent further activation of
clotting mechanism - Leukemia refers to group of disorders
- In the category of cell line, leukemia can be
differentiated to either Myeloid or Lymphoid
FACTOR DEFICIENCIES o Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: Pre-
dominance of lymphoblast.
TYPE OF COAGULATI TYPE OF COAGULATI o Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia:
BLEEDING ON FACTOR BLEEDING ON FACTOR Pre-dominance of mature with few
Easy II, VIII, IX Delayed I, XIII o Acute leukemia: refers to a type of
bruising wound leukemia with poorer prognosis with

an increase predominance of blast acid except the isoenzyme number 5

cells or immature cells which is the one present in hairy cell
o Chronic Leukemia: the decrease of leukemia.
blast cells and increase of mature - In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia the predominant
cells. cells are the mature myeloid cells especially the
o Predominance of myeloblast is granulocytes. CML is also called Chronic
associated with Acute Myeloid Granulocytic Cells. Granulocytes can range from
Leukemia 50,00-300,000
o Predominance of mature myelocyte - Having a very high WBC count can also be
is associated with Chronic Myeloid observed in Leukemoid Reaction which is due to
Leukemia underlying condition.
- Blast cells are not easily identified because of - Both leukemoid reaction and chronic myeloid
their common characteristics (larger in size, large leukemia are characterized by a very high WBC
nucleus, smaller and deeply basophilic count. However, Leukemoid Reaction is
cytoplasm), cytochemical stains are used to reversible that when the underlying condition is
differentiate in the absence of CD marker resolved, the WBC will return to normal count.
- Acute Myeloid Leukemia can be further CLM is a permanent condition. To differentiate
classified knowing it is a stem cell. Leukemoid reaction from CML, alkaline
- French American British System classified phosphatase is used.
leukemia based on the morphology of the cells
after staining with Romanowski stain and their
reaction to cytochemical stain.
- FAB further classified ALL as ALL1, ALL2, ALL3. - The stain itself does not contain the peroxidase
While AML is classified into seven categories enzyme. The peroxidase enzyme is inside the
(AML1-AML7). cell, the composition of the stain is the substrate
- In AML for peroxidase enzyme
o AML1-AML3 predominance cell is - Myeloperoxidase is a normal constituent of the
Myeloblast, promyeolocyte myelocyte primary granules of the myelocytic cells which is
(granulocytic series) observed as early as promyeolocyte.
o AML4 and AML5 uses alpha naphthyl - Stain marker for primary granules & auer rods
Chloroacetate esterase (fused primary granules)
o AML4 stain positive in both Specific and - Stain positive in AML but negative in ALL
non- specific esterase because it - Differentiates AML from ALL
contains both granulocytic and - Stain marker for immature myeloid cells
monocytic cells - Stain positive in granulocyte but not in
o AML5- is the acute monocytic leukemia lymphocytes
o AML6 is called Erythroid Leukemia, - Positive Activity: reddish-brown deposits (in
leukemic cells are precursors of cytoplasm of granulocytes and monocytes)
erythrocyte. Positive in Periodic Acid - Note: Myeloperoxidase enzyme deteriorates;
Schiff. Stain should be done only on fresh specimens
o AML7 leukemia of megakaryocytes
called acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. ALPHA-NAPHTHYL ACETATE ESTERASE & ALPHA-
- One example for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia NAPHTHYL BUTYRATE ESTERASE (NON-SPECIFIC
is the Hairy Cell Leukemia which affects B-cells. ESTERASES/NSE)
Hairy cells contain ACP. - Used to detect the granulocyte of monocytic
o ACP isoenzyme is present in all blood origin
cells and can be inhibited by tartaric - Nonspecific because it can be seen in other cells

- The stain does not contain esterase but rather NAPHTHOL ASD CHLOROACETATE ESTERASE (SPECIFIC
substrate for the enzyme ESTERASE)
- If the cell contains the enzyme it will catalyze the
 Marker for mature & immature Neutrophil and
hydrolysis of the butyrate or acetate in the stain
mast cells.
- Unfixed sample can be used so long in the dark
for as long as 2 weeks  Substrate is the chloroacetate
- Marker for cells of Monocytic origin  Use to identify immature or primitive
- Other cells (+): Megakaryocytes, Platelets, granulocyte ALM1-ALM3
Histiocytes, Plasmacytes, some T-lymphocytes  Positive Activity: bright red granules in
- Positive Activity: red-brown/dark red cytoplasm.
 This enzyme is stable and may last for months.
- Stains NEUTROPHILS (the only leukocytes that
contain this activity)  Stains DNA polymerase immunoperoxidase
- Neutrophils contain various amount of ALP  Marker for immature Lymphoid cell
- Principle: Differential count involving  Positive in almost 90% cases of ALL
neutrophils  Also useful in the detection of the
- Differentiates Leukemoid reaction (LR) from “lymphoblastic transformation” of chronic
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) myeloid leukemia (CML)
- Reference Value: 30 –185 LAP score  Detects blastic transformation of CML
- Increase LAP score is observed in the following: o CML can transform into an acute
o during the last trimester of pregnancy - leukemia
Hodgkin disease o Acute leukemia more than or equal to
o Polycythemia vera - Multiple myeloma 30% blast cells
o Aplastic anemia - Obstructive jaundice o CML can transform either AML or ALL.
- To compute, multiply the counted neutrophils by  AML: (+) MPO stain and SBB
their grade.  ALL: (+) TdT, it means that it
- Normal to High: Leukemoid reaction transforms into ALL.
- Below than normal value to zero: CML
 Present in all hematopoietic cells and found in
- For the diagnosis of Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) lysosomes
- General Principle: ACP is Detected in almost all  Activity is indicated by purple to red granules
blood cells but when treated with tartaric acid it  Unstable, cannot be stored.
is inhibited except isoenzyme number 5
- Labile if unpreserved NON-ENZYMATIC STAINS
- Sample should first be fixed and be stored at - PRUSSIAN BLUE STAIN
20°C and can be used atleast 2 weeks  Stains siderotic granules (for the diagnosis of
- Other Tartrate Resistant cells: Sezary cells; sideroblastic anemia).
Histiocyte; T-cell of acute lymphocytic leukemia  Used to detect hemosiderin in urine
- Activity is indicated by purple to dark red  Used to identify iron in the ferric state (Fe+3)
granules in cytoplasm


- For identification of Eosinophilic components

- Positive Activity: brown


 Stain reacts w/ aldehyde groups in glycogen,  A metachromatic stain

mucoprotein, glycoproteins, and high molecular  Binds with mucopolysaccharides in blood cells
weight carbohydrates.  For the recognition of basophils and mast cells
 Does not detect stains instead it combines with  (+) Result: Reddish-Violet
the aldehyde group of glycogen.
 Positive to all blood cells except normal ADDITIONAL NOTES:
Primary fibrinolysis/fibrinogenolysis: Increase
erythroblast or pronormoblast
activators of plasminogen  increased plasmin: not
 Positive erythroblast indicates that it is affected
normally present
by AML6. Secondary fibrinolysis: Release of thromboplastin-like
 Positive in erythroblasts in Di Guglielmo disease substance  activates both coagulation and
/ Erythroleukemia. fibrinolysis  increased plasmin.
 L1 and L2 also stain positive in PAS
 The positivity of L1 to Pas is described to be Naturally occurring inhibitors: naturally present in the
chunky or block-like positivity circulation and their purpose is for normal regulation
 L2 is not that large as L1 of coagulation mechanism. They maintain
homeostasis. Examples: AT-III; TFPI, Protein C, Protein
 Negative Activity: bright fuchsia pink (Pattern of
S, alpha-2 macroglobulin, alpha-2 anti-plasmin, etc.
staining varies with each cell type)
 Also differentiates Acute Lymphoblastic Abnormally, we could also develop inhibitors or
Leukemia. autoantibodies. Under ACQUIRED COAGULATION
 Peroxidase of eosinophil is resistance to cyanide DISORDER; not normally present in the system or
 Cyanide resistance peroxidase is used to identify circulation but we produce them when our system is
peroxidase of eosinophils abnormally activated.

INHIBITORS: autoantibodies that cause prolongation

SUDAN BLACK B (SBB) of certain test because they interfere in normal
 Marker for phospholipids and lipids
 Has the same staining reaction as 2 CATEGORIES:
myeloperoxidase 1. SPECIFIC
 Gives the same information as Peroxidase in the  inhibitor directed against specific coagulation
interpretation. factor like FVIII, FIX or FVII inhibitor FACTOR
 Positive in AML. VIII: C INHIBITOR
 Advantage over myeloperoxidase is that it is  Most common and severe coagulation factor
more stable, because myeloperoxidase detects inhibitor in VIII:C portion not the complex
enzyme which is somewhat labile and may  Inhibit Factor of VIII: C only: does not have an
disappear in prolonged storage. Sample stained effect on vWF.
in SBB can give reliable result for months.  Prevents VIII:C in participating as cofactor in
 Differentiates AML from ALL the formation of intrinsic tenase.
 Normally present in elderly with B-cell
 (+) Result: Dark purple-black granules
NOTE:  Patients are high risk for suffering bleeding
 Can be done on stored specimens.  Prolonged: APTT
 More sensitive than chloroacetate in the  Bethesda assay – titer: antibody
demonstration of mature & immature measurement
neutrophils and mast cells.  Acute management  high-dose F VIII  not
all will be inhibit  coagulation proceeds (for
short term only).


Immunosuppression  patient is given LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASES
cytosan  inhibit production of all antibodies: MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROME
should be well-planned.
 myelo – bone marrow; dys – abnormality; plastic
2. NON-SPECIFIC – development  abnormality in development
 directed against factor or protein involved in of cells arising from bone marrow.
coagulation but is not specific to a certain
coagulation factors; targets anything.
LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT/APA/ ANTICARDIOLIPIN  Abnormal proliferation of cells in the bone
ANTIBODY marrow.
 Inhibits phospholipids and proteins bound to
phospholipids but it has no anticoagulant MYELODYSPLASTIC-MYELOPROLIFERATIVE
effect in vivo  does not lead to bleeding.
 Directed to epitopes of proteins bound to  Abnormal proliferation and development of cells
phospholipids  Thrombosis; abnormal in the bone marrow.
clotting NOTE:
 Seen in immunocompromised patients: NORMAL LIFE: cell production = cell destruction 
higher in patients suffering from SLE, HIV, and NORMAL cell count
other autoimmune disorders that affects B- Main parent cell: PPSC  Stem cell: LSC (T and B
cells production lymphocytes and non-A non-B population) and MSC
 Effect is different in vivo and in vitro (RBCs, Platelets, Monocytes and granulocytes)
 In vitro: has anticoagulant effect and causes UNILINEAGE DYSPLASIA: only one cell line is affected
prolongation of clotting time tests like APTT MULTILINEAGE DYSPLASIA: one or more cell line is
and dRVVT; less likely in PT affected
 Immunoassay: for diagnosis  ELISA


Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) MYELOPROLIFERATIVE
or Dysmyelopoetic Syndrome
abnormality in development of abnormal proliferation of cells in the bone abnormal proliferation and
bone marrow cells marrow development of cells in the bone
MAIN ABNORMALITY: MAIN ABNORMALITY: Uncontrolled Can’t classify as MDS or MPD alone
Hypercellular maturation  cells proliferation of one or more of the BM  MDS/MPD  with variable
are abnormally large of cells Dysplasia might be present (little) increases in cells as well as
myelo-cell line (RBCs and WBCs but not common cytopenia and morphologic
but NOT LYMPHOCYTES) dysplasia
Abnormal morphology: RBC and Abnormal number of cell: RBC and WBC Show mixed characteristics of MDS
WBC and MPD.
MAIN DIFFERENCE: Many MAIN DIFFERENCE: Little or no dysplasia
Apoptosis (programmed cell Proliferation outspaces apoptosis
death) predominates  easily
BLOOD PICTURE: Cytopenia  BLOOD PICTURE: Overproliferation 
decrease in blood cells increase in blood cells
• Not leukemia but can 1. Leukemia: genetic involvement; 1.Chronic Myelomonocytic
progress to leukemia  complicated classification Leukemia (CMML)
px are at risk of suffering A. ACUTE LEUKEMIA 2. Atypical Chronic Myeloid
leukemia (AML) B. CHRONIC LEUKEMIA Leukemia (aCML)
• Common in elderly 3. Juvenile Myelo-Monocytic
2. Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders
patient: Age 50 and above Leukemia (JMML)
• Acquired condition 4. MDS/MPD-U: unclassified
Shorter than CMPD longer than
Acute Leukemia  AML: short
clinical course
DISORDERS: Refractory 
1. Refractory Cytopenia Unilineage
Dysplasia (RCUD)
Refractory Anemia (RA): only red
cells are affected
Refractory Neutropenia (RN): only
neutrophils are affected
Refractory Thrombocytopenia
(RT): only thrombocytes or
platelets are affected
2. Refractory Anemia with Ringed
Sideroblast (RARS): immature
RBCs with siderotic granules

3. Refractory Anemia with

Dysplasia (RAMD)
Refractory Anemia with Excess
blast (RAEB)
5. MDS-U: unclassified


The FAB Classification The WHO Classification

French-American British System World Health Organization
Group of scientist and doctors
Basis: Morphologic appearance  Basis includes more criteria: morphology,
examination of blood smear stained with chromosomal study (genetic abnormality) and
Wright’s or Giemsa; cellular level  not immunologic probe (CD markers); more
accurate and precise genetic level of disease
RA Refractory anemia Refractory anemia RCUD
RARS Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts
RAEB Refractory anemia with excess blasts Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia
CMML Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
RAEBIT Refractory anemia with excess blasts in Refractory anemia with excess blast
transformation Type I
Type II: characteristics are similar with RAEBIT
Myelodysplastic syndrome unclassifiable
5(q) chromosome abnormality


 MDS are group of disorders that result from clonal abnormalities of hematopoietic pluripotential stem cells. These
are characterized by hypercellular maturation of the erythroid cells, granulocytes and megakaryocytes.
 They are often described as “Pre-Leukemias” FEATURES
 Occur primarily in persons over age 50
 Characterized by peripheral Cytopenias
 Also characterized by presence of dysplasia of the myeloid cell lines
 Clinical course is shorter than CMPD and longer than acute leukemias.



Refractory Cytopenia Unicytopenia Unilineage dysplasia: Refractory:
with Unilineage Dysplasia No or rare blasts (<1% blast) only one cell is affected; Unresponsive to either
(RCUD) >10% of cells in one treatment or stimulation.
• Refractory anemia (RA): myeloid lineage Dysplastic: should be
RBCs (most common) more than or equal to
• Refractory neutropenia 10% of cells.
(RN) Main abnormality:
•Refractory hypercellular maturation
thrombocytopenia: Prognosis: >5 years; good
Platelets prognosis Risk of
leukemia  AML (6%) 
Refractory Anemia Dyserythropoiesis: BM: <5% blasts AML: poor prognosis
megaloblastoid maturation (RA): none or <15%
(ovalocytes); ringed sideroblasts
macroovalocytes ( more than 8
PB: <1% blasts; reticulocytopenia
 increased apoptosis

Refractory anemia with Features are similar with RA. •Erythroid dysplasia only Reasons for the presence
ring sideroblasts (RARS) Dyserythropoiesis: •15% or more ringed of ringed sideroblast:
megaloblastoid maturation sideroblasts (ONLY Abnormal development
(ovalocytes); DIFFERENCE with RA) of cells and impaired RBC
macroovalocytes ( more than 8 •<5% blasts hemoglobinization: Iron
micra) ppt  siderotic granules
PB: <1% blasts; reticulocytopenia Stain to confirm presence Heme synthesis:
 increased apoptosis of iron: mitochondria; near
Anemia, no blast PRUSSIAN BLUE nucleus: iron not utilized
 siderotic granules
around nucleus forming
a ring
Prognosis: >5 years
 AML (2 years)

Refractory Cytopenia Cytopenia(s) Dysplasia in >10% of cells Multilineage: more than

With Multilineage PB: more than or equals to 10% in two or more myeloid one lineage in myelo cell
Dysplasia (RMCD) dysplasia in more than one cell lineages (neutrophil &/or line is affected; any
lines: (> 2 cell line) erythroid precursors combination
No or rare blasts (<1%) &/or Prognosis: 33 months 
<1 x 109/L monocytes; megakaryocytes <5% AML (11%)
monocytopenia is observed blasts in marrow + (less
No Auer rods than 15%) or - ringed

sideroblasts; No Auer

Refractory Anemia With Cytopenia(s) Unilineage or PROGNOSIS: less than

Excess Blasts 1 (RAEB-1) <5% blasts multilineage dysplasia 2 years Incidence to
<1 x 109/L monocytes Hypercellularity progressing as AML
NO AUER RODS dyspoiesis: 5-9% blasts (25%)
without Auer rods

Refractory Anemia With Cytopenia(s) Unilineage or Incidence to progressing

Excess Blasts 2 (RAEB-2) 5-19% blasts multilineage dysplasia as AML (33%)
<1 x 109/L monocytes Hypercellularity
+ or – ; with or without: Auer rods dyspoiesis: 10-19% blasts
(fused primary granules) with Auer rods

Myelodysplastic Cytopenia(s) •Unequivocal dysplasia

Syndrome Unclassified <1% blasts in <10% of cells in one or
(MDS-U) more myeloid cell lines
PB: Rare blast when accompanied by a
cytogenic abnormality
considered as
presumptive evidence for
a diagnosis of MDS
•<5% blasts
MDS Associated With Anemia •Normal to increased 5q: long arm of
Isolated Del (5q) Usually normal or increased megakaryocytes with chromosome; there’s
Also known as: platelet count increased hypolobulated deletion of gene 
5-q Syndrome or Isolated No or rare blasts (<1%) nuclei affecting megakaryocytes
5q Deletion •<5% blasts p-arm: short arm
•No Auer rods Prognosis is good


These are disorders that show features of both  Characterized by leukocytosis with prominent
myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders. They dysgranulopoiesis  (mature and immature
are characterized by variable increases in cells as well as granulocytes)
cytopenia and morphologic dysplasia.
1. CHRONIC MYELOMONOCYTIC LEUKEMIA  This is a clonal disorder of predominantly
(CMML) granulocytic and monocytic lineages.
 Predominant feature is persistent monocytosis  MDS/MPD: no Ph1 chromosome
of >1 X 109/L for more than 3 months duration;  Juvenile - immature or young patients
with <20% blasts (monoblasts) and few  Previously referred to as Ph1 negative CML or
promonocytes in the peripheral blood and bone Monosomy 7.
marrow with dysplasia in one or more myeloid o Normal chromosome: 23 pairs  22
cell line. pairs autosomes and 1 pair of sex
 Cytochemical stain: (+) with alpha naphthyl chromosomes; but in monosomy 7, no
acetate and alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase pair.
stains  nonspecific esterase stains  Ph : Philadelphia chromosomes; abnormal

 Used to be under MDS in FAB classification. translocated chromosome seen in patient

 In WHO, it is under MDS-MPD  used currently suffering CML ( leukemia and stem cell disorder
 Chronic means long/persistent or prolonged; wherein most patients but not all have Ph1 )
more than 3 months o Ph1 (+): mostly adults; when Ph1 is
present, it will fall under CML (MPD).
o Ph1 (-): infants or newborns and young
 CMLL-1: <5% blasts and promonocytes in the
PB, <10% in the BM.
 CMML-2: 5-19% blasts and promonocytes in
the PB, or 10-19% in the BM  more severe
o Whenever the blast is increased, the
disease is more severe and the
poorer the prognosis


CHRONIC LEUKEMIA: good prognosis; ↓ blasts
 These include those cases that meet the criteria
 SPECIFIC: for immature granulocytes like
for MDS/MPN but do not fit into one of the
myeloblast  alpha naphthyl chloroacetate
esterase (combined substrate) specified subcategories.
 NON-SPECIFIC: for monocytic cells  alpha
naphthyl acetate and alpha naphthyl
butyrate esterase stains


3. CHEMICAL AGENTS: carcinogen or leukomogens
 Group of disorders: Leukemia is a disease of  Through inhalation, ingestion or simply exposure
the blood-forming tissues, predominantly the 4. IONIZING RADIATION
bone marrow. It is a malignant neoplasm  Strong dosage
characterized by disorderly, purposeless, and 5. VIRUSES: EBV and HTLV (I and II Retrovirus)
uncontrolled proliferation of one or more of the  Because of their nature (viral replication)
hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow.  EBV and HTLV (I and II Retrovirus): Burkitt
lymphoma  ALL –L3 (leukemic phase)
 Bacteria: can’t cause leukemia: reproduce or
 Medullary: bone marrow: disorder  leukemia divide by binary fission
(cancer of bone marrow of the blood forming  Virus: enters host cell  dissolve its capsid to
cells) release its viral genes or genetic component then
 Extra medullary: thymus, lymph nodes  combine with host’s cell gene  form a new
lymphoma gene  new viral elements  replicate inside
cell using their own and host’s gene  mutation.
ETIOLOGY: genetic mutation and/or oncogene activation

 Genetic mutation: cancerous gene  over 6. IMMUNOLOGICAL DEFECTS

proliferation  Patient’s immune system is suppressed 
 Oncogene activation: a gene when activated genetic mutations/oncogene activation  Prone
converts normal gene/cell into cancerous one  to suffer cancer: *Kaposis sarcoma: HIV 
Onco means cancer Breakdown of the immunosurveillance that
normally keeps neoplastic growths in check.
IMPLICATED/ASSOCIATED CONDITIONS: Leukemia  Especially seen in lymphocytic leukemia and
occur as a combination of genetic and environmental lymphoma
factors. 7. NEOPLASIA

 Familial incidence: cancer that runs in the
 Ph1 chromosome (CML)
 Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)  predisposed
to suffer AML
 Translocation of a part of Chromosome 8 -14 
or written as t (8:14)  Burkitt lymphoma (ALL-
o Leukemia and lymphoma are two
different terms but lymphoma can
progress to leukemia when the
cancerous cells in the lymph nodes
infiltrate the bone marrow  leukemic

CLINICAL FEATURES: Cancerous cell clone will
grow rapidly and the expense of normal
hematopoietic cells
Leukemic cells (LC) are cancer cells that grows
rapidly or replicate easily thus spread rapidly; found
in bone marrow  space is limited by hard bone 
LC grow rapidly  occupy the bone marrow at the
expense of the normal ones  overcrowd and
infiltrated and take up the nutrients fast
(competition) for normal cells  decreased normal
hematopoietic cells and increased abnormal cells or


Decrease RBC production 1.Systemic Symptoms 1. Chemotherapy: destroy all cells
Decrease normal WBC production - Decreased RBC: including normal  monitor CBC
Decrease platelet production  Anemia: Fatigue, headaches, 2. Radiotherapy: radiation destroys
dizziness, paleness and others also abnormal cell.
seen in leukemia with anemia 3. Bone Marrow Transplant
- Decreased WBC: multitude of infection  - Graft vs. Host (GVHD)
fever, increase sweating 4.Differentiation Treatment:
- Decreased Platelets: Bleeding (more manipulation of growth or
important to address) and Clotting replication of cancerous cell into a
problems less or non-cancerous one  turn
into mature cell
2.Hypermetabolism - All Trans Retinoic Acid (ATRA)
5. Supportive Management:
Transfusion of blood for anemia and
Antibiotics for infections

2 MAJOR CLASSIFICATION OF LEUKEMIA BASED ON  Acute: Days to months (poor; short life span)
CELL LINE:  Chronic: 1-2 years or more (good, longer life
1. Myeloid/ Non-Lymphoid/ Myeloblastic/ span)
Myelocytic/ Myelogenous Leukemia (AML or ANLL) 4 MAJOR TYPES OF LEUKEMIA
1. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
2. Lymphoid/ Lymphocytic/ Lymphoblastic/  increased in blast: myeloblast (>30%); stem
Lymphogenous Leukemia cell disorder; elderly and newborns
2. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
BASED ON THE NUMBER OF BLAST CELLS:  decreased blast(<30%); increase mature cell:
 Upper: immature/blasts  increased in blast myelocytes
cells  ACUTE LEUKEMIA (AML or ALL) 3. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
 Acute: more blast (30 (FAB) or 20 (WHO) more  increased in blast: lymphoblast (>30%);
percent) common in children
 Lower: Mature cells increased  CHRONIC 4. Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia (CLL)
LEUKEMIA (CML or CLL)  decreased blast(<30%); increase mature cell:
 Chronic: less blast (20 (WHO) or 30 (FAB) less lymphocytes
percent); more mature cells
e.g. Lymphocytic/Myeloid cell line
Acute/Chronic  number of blast or prognosis/clinical
NUMBER OF BLAST (> or < 20/30):
 Acute: more
 Chronic: less

No. of WBC (PB)
(15 x 109/L)

 LEUKEMIC: based on the number of WBC in

peripheral blood (PB)  if WBC count is higher
or more than 15x 109/L
o In leukemia, WBC/RBC count is high
however these cells are abnormal in
function because it produced by
abnormal bone marrow.
 ALEUKEMIC: leukemia if WBC count less than
15x 109/L
o Absence of leukemic or blast cells in the
circulation, leukemic cells are confined
ONLY in bone marrow
 SUBLEUKEMIC: leukemia if WBC count less than
15x 109/L found in the bone marrow and in the

There are presence of blast and leukemic cells  both in bone marrow and peripheral blood


I. Cell line 1. Myeloid/Myelocytic/Myelogenous Leukemia/Non-Lymphocytic Leukemia
2. Lymphoid/Lymphocytic/Lymphogenous Leukemia/Lymphoblastic
II. % of Blasts in 1. ACUTE LEUKEMIA:
the Peripheral  With increased blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood
blood and  FAB critertia: >30% bone marrow blasts
bone marrow  WHO criteria: >20% bone marrow blasts
 Prognosis: Rapidly progressive, with a shorter prognosis of days to 6 month
 Less than 10% blasts in PB
 With better and longer prognosis
 10-30% blast in the PB plus other symptoms
 Prognosis: at least 2-6 months
III. Number of 1. LEUKEMIC LEUKEMIA: WBC count is more than 15000/uL
WBCs in the 2. SUB-LEUKEMIC LEUKEMIA: WBC count is less than 15,000 uL, and
Peripheral  Presence of immature or abnormal cells in the PB
blood 3. ALEUKEMIC LEUKEMIA: WBC count is less than 15,000/Ul
 No immature nor abnormal cells in the PB
French-American British 1976; group of scientist
(FAB) Criteria: Blood smear with Romanowsky stain (Wright’s or Giemsa)  observe
Classification morphology (M1-M7; L1-L3) Cytochemical staining  identify cell line affected
>30% Acute Leukemia
World Health Improvements in 1997, 2001, 2008, 2014  classification is subject to changes

Organization (WHO) Criteria: Cellular morphology, cytochemical stains, immunologic probes of cell
classification markers (CD markers), cytogenetic or chromosomal abnormalities and clinical
Current basis: Standard system of classifying leukemia >20%  Acute Leukemia

NOTE: ACUTE LEUKEMIA  Key myeloid antigens: Myeloperoxidase,

 Acute Myelocytic Leukemia (AML or ANLL) CD13, CD33, CD117, CD14/CD64
 AML is a stem cell disorder with  Signs and symptoms: Anemia, infection;
predominance of Blast Cells (>20%) in the bleeding (decrease in plts.); coagulation
blood or marrow and may resemble acute mechanism abnormalities (disturbance in CF)
infection at presentation. It affects all ages,
(AML –M3)
but increases with older age (>60 years). This
is also the most common form of acute  FAB: Classified into seven; requires 30% or
leukemia during the first few months of life. more blast in the myeloid series in the
 Stem cell disorder/leukemia  affect all cell marrow or circulation.
line that arise from it CFU- GEMM  WHO: requires 20% or more blast in the
 Ionizing Radiation, Leukomogens; myeloid series in the marrow or circulation
Congenital/Genetic factors (Down’s  Key myeloid antigens: Myeloperoxidase,
syndrome); Viruses, Neoplasia (cancer that CD13, CD33, CD117, CD14/CD64
transform into different or poorer type of
 Classification made by morphology,
cancer; transformation of one type of
malignancy into another form of malignancy) cytogenetics, flow cytometry and
cytochemistry  Recurrent
Clinical and Laboratory features of AML cytogenetic abnormalities that characterize
 Affects all ages, but increases with older age defined subtypes
 Two peaks: newborns or babies (almost
always AML) and elderly (>60 years)  In
children, ALL is more common
 May resemble acute infection at
 Requires 20% blasts in blood or marrow for

(M1, M2, M3: MPO (+); SBB (+); aNCAE(+)); TdT
( -)
Myeloid M4 and M5: aNAE and aNBE (+)
M6: PAS (+)
LAP (+)
MPO (-); SBB(-); Alpha NCAE( -); (TdT (+) L1-L3)
Leukemia L1 (intense) and L2: PAS (+)


French-American-British (FAB) Classification of the Acute Myeloid Leukemias (stem cell disorder)
M0 (AML with minimal differentiation/ Undifferentiated leukemia)
 Cells are not well differentiated
 Cytochemical staining: Negative with SBB and peroxidase  stains used to identify cells in myeloid series
M1 (Acute Myeloblastic L. without Maturation) Myelocytic origin
No maturation: >30% myeloblast
Auer rods present (fused primary granules with pencil or
rod like shaped; spindle-shaped, red-purple)

Primary granules: promyelocyte

Secondary granules: myelocyte
M2 (Acute Myeloblastic L. with Maturation) Myelocyctic origin
With maturation: >30% myeloblast with >10%
granulocytic component (promye- to neutrophil) 
mature forms
Auer rods present
Similar to WHO: t (8:21)

M3 (Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia) With heavy granulation or Hypergranulation 

Also called Hypergranular Promyelocytic Leukemia abundant promyelocyte: primary granules of
Many Auer rods in bundles called “faggot cells”

WHO: t (15:17)

Associated with DIC: normal tissue (damage)  release

of thromboplastic substances  Secondary fibrinolysis:
Coagulation  Fibrinolysis promyelocyte lysis 
lysosomal contents  activate coagulation and fibrinolytic
MONOCYTIC SERIES [(+) with a-naphthyl acetate esterase & a-naphthyl butyrate e.]
M4 (Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia) Myelo represents granulocytic cells
Also called “Naegeli” monocytic Leukemia Monocytic represents monocytic cells
>20% of PB WBCs are monocytes or monocytic
precursors the rest are mixture of the granulocytic cells
Predominance of both myelocytic and monocytic cells at
80:20 ratio WHO: inv (16)

M5 (Acute Monocytic Leukemia) >80% of BM elements are monocytic series; mono-, pro-
Also known as Schilling’s Leukemia and monocytes

WHO: t (9:11)

M5a: poorly differentiated monocytic Leukemia;
predominant cell is promonocyte (increased in BLASTS;
>80% are mostly monoblasts)
M5b: well differentiated; more of promonocytes and
monocytes (more MATURE)
M6 (Pure Erythroid Leukemia) With neoplastic Myeloblasts & Erythroblasts
Cancerous cells in BM represents: >50% are erythroid cells
Other names: in all stages of maturation
Erythremic Myelosis Cytochemical Stains (+) w/ Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)
DiGuglielmo Disease PAS: stain for aldehyde; stains glycogen in the cells;
combined with aldehyde portion of the glycogen therefore
it is positive in ALL BLOOD CELLS except the normal
erythroblast or precursor or immature RBCs Normally,
erythroblast should be negative in PAS however in AML-
M6; erythroblast are abnormal  Positive in PAS.
M7 (Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia) Predominantly Megakaryoblasts (>30%) and
micromegakaryoblast Cytochemical stain: Negative (-) w/
SBB and peroxidase


World Health Organization (WHO) CLASSIFICATION: AML

In order to classify the cell under AML they should be

positive with the following: Key Myeloid Antigens:
CD13, CD33, CD117, and CD14/CD64

Primitive Myeloblasts: (+) Myeloid associated antigens:

MPO (peroxidase enzyme in primary granules), CD13,
CD33, CD117

More mature myeblasts: produces enzymes  (+)

Cytochemical stains: MPO (peroxidase), SBB (lipids),
CAE (enzymes; esterase)

WHO Classification - Main Categories of AML;

current basis
1. AML with recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities
 Translocation (t) and inversion (inv)
 M3

2. AML with multilineage dysplasia

 There is a combination of cell line affected

3. AML, Therapy related: has mutagenic effects 

cause mutation
 Alkylating agents: chlorambucil,
cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, and busulfan
 Exposure to radiation
 Appears 5 years after exposure to both
alkylating agents and/or radiation: MDS  AML

4. AML, Not otherwise specific/classified (sub-

classified by morphology and
 FAB: M1-M7 (except M3) retained as sub-

With stars: AML with recurrent cytogenetic

abnormalities (translocation and inversion) 
Myeloid associated Ag: MPO, CD13, CD33, CD117.
Second table: AML, Not otherwise specific/classified;
retained FAB
M3: under AML with recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities
 APL with t (15:17).


Category Cell Morphology Cell surface markers Cytogenetics Prognosis

AML with t (8;21) >20% blasts, >10% CD 13, 33, 117, t(8;21)(q22;q22) More favorable
maturing granulocytes, CD19, CD34 AML1/ETO
Auer rods, dysplasia
AML with inv (16) Blasts with both CD 13,33,14,4,64 inv(16)(p13;q22) or More favorable
monocytic & t(16;16)(p13;q22)
APL with t (15;17) Promyelocytes with CD 13,33 t(15;17)(q22;q12) More favorable if
azurophilic granules, CD2, +CD117 PML/RARa Variants responsive to ATRA
Auer rods all involve 17q12
AML with (t9;11) Monoblasts and CD 33,65,4, HLA-DR t(9;11)(p22;q23), Intermediate
promonocytes MLLT3-MLL
AML, therapy Multilineage dysplasia, CD 13, 33, 34, +CD 11q23 Less favorable;
related RS, increased basophils 56, 57 abnormality Median survival < 3
seen with years
AML with t(6;9) Any morphology may be CD 13, 33, 38, DEK-NUP214; t(6;9) Less favorable
seen but HLADR, CD117 (p23;q35)
AML with inv(3) or myelomonocytic is most CD13, CD33, CD38, Inv(3)(121; q26.2) or Less favorable
t(3;3) common Any HLA-DR, CD117 t(3;3) (q21;q26.2)
morphology may be RPN1-EV11
seen except APL
AML with t(1;22) Megakaryoblastic CD41, CD61, square} t(1;22)(p13;q13) Less favorable
morphology CD13, CD33 RBM15-MKL1
with small and large
AML with FLT3 Any Any t(6;9)(p23;q34), Less favorable
mutation/duplication t(15;17)(q22;q12) or
AML with NPM1 Myelomonocytic and CD13,CD33, CD34 is NPM1 mutation, More favorable in
mutation monocytic features negative cytoplasmic the absence of FLT3
AML with CEBPA Variable, generally CD13, CD33, CD65, CEBPA mutation More favorable
mutation similar to less CD11b, CD15
differentiated AMLs in
FAB scheme (M1,2)

CYTOCHEMICAL STAINS: Cytochemical Reactions in Acute Leukemia


 Enzymatic staining: the stain is not the enzyme. (e.g. CAE stain  enzyme is what we want to detect which is
inside in the cell) Purpose/Composition of stain: serve as a substrate to cause a reaction
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Neutrophil primary Myeloblasts strong positive Differentiates ALL from
granules and auer rods Monoblast faint positive ANLL
For AML identification
(+) Activity: reddish brown
deposits (in cytoplasm of
granulocytes and

MPO enzyme deteriorates;

stain should be done only
on fresh specimens
Luekocyte Alkaline Present in tertiary granules Identify CML (leukemia; uncontrolled proliferation) from
Phosphatase of neutrophils leukemoid reaction (LR): transient
Reference Value: 30-185 LAP score

CML: WBC: >50,000/uL  LAP score: <0

LR: WBC: >50,000/uL  LAP score: Normal to High

Smear with LAP stain  observe microscopically  count

100 neutrophils  Grade

Kaplow’s LAP SCORE:

0 = no staining
+ = faint and diffuse staining
++ = pale and moderate amount of blue staining
+++ = strong blue ppt
++++ = deep blue or brilliant

Computation: Multiply the number of cell

by their grade e.g.
0 = 30  0
+ = 50  50
++ = 20  40
= 90 LAP score

Increased LAP Score:

(Controls: During the last trimester of pregnancy),
Polycythemia vera, Aplastic anemia, Hodgkin disease,
multiple myeloma, obstructive jaundice
Specific esterase Cellular enzyme Myeloblasts strong positive For AML identification

alpha-Naphthyl Marker for mature and

chloroacetate esterase immature neutrophil and
mast cells
(+) Activity: bright red
granules in cytoplasm
This enzyme is stable and
may last for months
Nonspecific esterase Cellular enzyme Monoblast strong positive For M4 and M5
alpha-naphthyl Acetate Marker for cells of
Esterase and alpha- monocytic origin
Naphthyl Butyrate Other cells: (+)
Esterase Megakaryocytes,
Platelets, Histiocytes,
Plasmacytes, some T-
(+) Activity: red-brown/
dark red
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Intranuclear enzyme Lymphoblast positive Present in the nucleus of
transferase (TdT) immature lymphocytes
primarily lymphoblast
Stain for ALL
Important in identifying
blastic transformation of
e.g. CML  TdT  ALL CML
Tartaric Acid Resistant Acid For hairy cell leukemia(HCL) Other tartrate resistant Activity is indicated by
Phosphatase (TRAP) cells: sezary cells, purple to dark-red granules
histiocytes, T cell of acute in cytoplasm
lymphocytic leukemia
ACP: 5 isoenzymes
1-4: inhibited by tartaric
5: resistant to tartaric acid;
inside lymphocytes of HCL
 positive to TRAP
Cyanide- Resistant For identification of Eosinophils (+) Activity: brown
Peroxidase Eosinophilic components
Acid Phosphatase Present in all hematopoietic Activity is indicated by
cells and found in purple to red granules
lysosomes Unstable and cannot be
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) Glycogen Variable, coarse, block-like It stains glycogen,
positivity often seen in mucoprotein,
lymphoblast and glycoproteins, and high
pronormoblasts, molecular weight
myeloblasts usually carbohydrates by
negative although faint combining with the

diffuse reaction may aldehyde portion of the

occasionally be seen glycogen.

Positive in erythroblasts in
Di Guglielmo disease/

(-) Activity: bright

fuschia pink (pattern
of staining varies with
each cell type)

Principle: positive in all

blood cells except normal
erythroblast but the
abnormal erythroblast in
M6 is positive in PAS.
For AML- M6 Identification

Gives a faint reaction with

lymphocytes in ALL;
ALL-L1 from ALL-L2 of ALL
 Both positive
L1: chunky or block-like
positivity of granules
Sudan Black B (SBB) Lipids and phospholipids Myeloblasts strong positive Differentiates ALL from
Monoblast faint positive ANLL
For AML identification
Gives the same
information as peroxidase
in the interpretation (+)
Result: dark purple-black
Can be done on stored
specimens More sensitive
than chloroacetate in the
demonstration of mature
and immature neutrophils
and mast cells
Perl’s Prussian Blue Stains siderotic granules Use to detect hemosiderin
( for diagnosis of in urine
sideroblastic anemia)
Toluidine Blue O Binds with For recognition of basophils A metachromatic stain:
mucopolysaccharides in and mast cells gives different colors
blood cells (+) Result: Reddish Violet

ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA o Secondary lymphoid organs: spleen and

 All is characterized by an uncontrolled growth of lymph nodes  needs antigenic
abnormal lymphoid cells. It is primarily a disease stimulation.
of childhood (young children) and adolescence, o Primary lymphoid organs: bone marrow
accounting 15% of childhood cancers and up to and thymus.
75% of childhood leukemia.  Common causes of death are infection (1st) and
 Peak: 2-5 years of age bleeding (2nd).
 Clinical Manifestations: The same with other  In children, the common causes of infections are
acute leukemias but onset (s/s) is more sudden. S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans, H. influenza,
o In general, leukemia is characterized by and P. mirabilis  parasites are not that
anemia (decreased RBC), recurrent pathogenic but causes severe outcome
infection and bleeding disorders especially in immunocompromised individuals.
 Immunocompromised patients:
o Humoral Immunity: B cell ALL: signs
include lymphadenopathy. 1. B cells: humoral immunity  produces
Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. antibodies
Eventual infiltration of malignant cells 2. T cells: cell-mediated immunity
into the meninges (lymphoblasts appear
in the CSF), testes, or ovaries.
Unlike neutrophils, it involves on defense but the
o Cell-mediated Immunity: T cell ALL:
activity is PHAGOCYTOSIS.
there may be a large mass in the
TOTAL NORMAL WBC COUNT: 4,500 -11,000/ 4.5-
mediastinum (near ribs) leading to 11.0x109/L Peripheral blood lymphoblast counts
compromised/abnormality of regional greater than 20 to 30 x 109/L
anatomic structures. More common in
teenage males. Laboratory Findings:
 Prognosis: depends on age at the time of  WBC count vary from low (<5.0 x 109/uL) to
diagnosis, lymphoblast load/tumor burden, high (>100 X 109/L)  poor prognosis; most
immunophenotype, and genetic abnormalities. are lymphocyte.
o The younger (common) the age the  Most abundant WBC: Neutrophil (60-80%); 
better prognosis. In adults  worse lymphocyte (20-40%);  monocyte 
prognosis eosinophils  basophils
o Immunophenotype: type of ALL: (L1, L2,  In ALL, predominant cell is immature
L3). lymphoblasts.
 BM is hypercellular/hyperplastic (red marrow;
 L3: most severe and have worst
has more hematopoietic cells uncontrolled
production of lymphocytes) and heavily
 L1: better prognosis among all
infiltrated with lymphoid cells.
the types. NOTE:
o T-ALL: bad prognosis ALL- most are lymphoblasts indicated by immature
o Worse outcome if the count of amount of basophilic cytoplasm
lymphoblast is too high (greater than 20 AML – most are myeloblasts
to 30x109/L)  poor prognosis: Hard to differentiate: Immature cells: larger in size,
hepatosplenomegaly, and large nucleus with basophilic cytoplasm  importance
lymphadenopathy all are associated of cytochemical staining and CD markers
with worse outcome (uncommon in differentiation.

cells are
seen in this
type; negative
in CD34
T-ALL CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, Rare and more
CD7, CD8, TdT common on

WHO: Immunophenotyping

- Regardless of the classification: from CFU-L 

lymphoid antigens: CD34, TdT (nucleus of
Further classification of B-ALL: Based on recurrent genetic
ALL IMMUNOPHENOTYP NOTES abnormalities: 7 types T-ALL not further classified
Early CD34, CD19,
5% (less NOTE:
(pro/pre- cytoplasmic CD22,
common in CALLA: monoclonal COMMON ACUTE
the leukemia cells of 70% of all patients; not present
11% (most
on normal peripheral lymphocytes but not specific
common in
for leukemia because it is also present on normal BM
cells that are positive for TdT and HLA-DR antigen;
Intermediat CD34, CD19, CD10, Common B-
only aids in identification of type II: intermediate B-
e (common) cytoplasmic CD22, ALL;
B-ALL TdT Common ALL FAB Classification of ALL: based on difference in
antigen morphology and cytochemical staining
(CALLA) are
Bases of FAB: Occurrence of individual cytologic
found  CD10
features (cell size; chromatin; nuclear shape, nucleoli,
degree of basophilia in the cytoplasm & presence of
cytoplasmic vacuolation); Degree of heterogeneity in
with CALLA
distribution among the leukemic cell population of
Pre B-ALL -CD34, CD19, 15%
some or all of those cytologic features
cytoplasmic CD22, (child);
Hand-mirror cells: lymphoblast that has
cytoplasmic m, 10%
(adults) contracted cytoplasm
TdT (variable)
 OIF= RBC  Neutrophils  Lymphocytes 
commo Monocytes  Eosinophils  Basophils
n in
less in

Criteria L1 L2 L3
(Burkitt type)
Cell size Small, homogenous Large, heterogeneous (large Large; homogenous
and small)
Nucleus Regular with occasional Irregular; clefting/indentation Regular, oval to round
clefting; Rare with occasional is common
Nucleoli Rare/small, inconspicuous Present (often large) 1-3 (vesicular)
Chromatin 1-3 (vesicular) Variable Finely stippled
Cytoplasm Scanty Moderate Moderately; vacuolation of the
Basophilia Moderate Variable Intense
Incidence 15 y/o and below Older than 15 y/o Rarest to occur; Burkitt lymphoma
(ALL in t(8;14)
general is
common in
children (2-
5 y/o)
Most common and has the best Rarest and has the worst or
prognosis poorest prognosis;

NOTE: ALL resulting to gene fusion (BCR-ABL gene). Ph1 is

First stage of life: Infants and newborns: AML present in around 90% of CML adults, while
Young Children: ALL infants and children <2 years of age are often
Adults: CML Ph1 (-).
Older adults: CLL  Also known as Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia
Late/Last stage of life: Elderly: AML (CGL): most abundant cells is granulocytes
(neutrophils)  Disease of adults
 Philadelphia chromosome: Ph1 or Ph’  BCR-
(CMPD) o Chromosome 9 is longer chromosome;
- CMPDs are a group of acquired, malignant chromosome 22 is shorter  both have
disorders that develop from the proliferation of p arm (short) and q arm (long)
an abnormal pluripotential stem cell. o Chromosome 9 (ABL gene is detached;
became longer) reciprocal translocation
1. CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA  Chromosome 22 (part is truncated in
(CML/CGL) BCR; but not detached; became shorter
 CML is a stem cell disorder commonly affecting due to truncation)  truncated
adult. Some patients show a chromosomal Chromosome 22 (Ph’): where new gene
abnormality called the Ph1 chromosome is formed: BCR-ABL gene  cause
(formed by the translocation of long arm of chronic leukemia  more oncogenic
Chromosome 22 to long arm of Chromosome 9 effect.

o Truncated chromosome 22: Ph1 has o CML: bone marrow defect; cells with
BCR-ABL gene expressed as mRNA (has abnormality  0 to low LAP score
genetic code); template for CHON o Neutrophils (Tertiary granules): with highest
synthesis  DNA transcription  and only cell with LAP activity  LAP is also
production of p210 protein: influence called Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphatase (NAP)
 chronic phase of leukemia  • Increased granulocytes: Basophilia; Eosinophilia;
and Monocytosis
excessive production of mature cells
(granulocytic cells)
(granulocyte) and CFU-M (monocyte)
NOTE: • RBC and Plt. count decreased: Anemia and bleeding
• M:E = 10:1 or higher
o M:E– relationship between nucleated
granulocytic cells and precursor versus
precursors of erythrocytes
o In bone marrow, granulocytic cells is higher in
number than erythrocytes
o Normal ratio: 2-4:1
 Every 1 RBC there is 2-4 granulocytic
o In ALL, hypercullar BM but M:E ratio is not
affected or increased because what increases
are lymphoid cells
PROGNOSIS: Not all CML patients have Ph’

• Ph1 (+) patients have better prognosis than Ph1 (-)

Truncated chromosome 22: Ph1 has BCR-ABL gene  • Ph1 (+) : mostly Adults  CML; prognosis is better.
expressed as mRNA (has genetic code); template for • Ph1 (-) : Infants and <2 y/o  JMML or Monosomy 7
CHON synthesis  DNA transcription  production of under MSD/MPD
p210 protein: influence  chronic phase of leukemia o If you have abnormal chromosome the better
 excessive production of mature cells (granulocytic is your prognosis.
cells) o Effect of presence of Ph1 in CML  better
Imatinib mesylate: drug for CML which targets p210 prognosis
protein  produced as an effect of newly produced o If you have abnormal chromosome the better
BCR-ABL gene  Dominated by granulocytes  is your prognosis
neutrophils • High risk of transforming from chronic to blast 
Clinical Features: Splenomegaly; Hepatomegaly; Bone “blast transformation” or “acute exacerbation blast
pain crisis” is indicated by an increase of >20% blasts in the
PB or BM.
LAB FINDINGS: o If myeloblast fails to mature  acute
•WBC count: 50-600 X 109/L; ↓/0 LAP score leukemia; >20% blasts  can change in cell
•Basophilia; Eosinophilia; Monocytosis line due to release of abnormal chemicals
•Bone marrow: hypercellular with predominant and substances like cytokines that will
granulocytic cells (different stages of maturation); influence the differentiation of cell.
more red marrow  more hematopoietic cells) CML/CGL  ALL: TdT (+) AML: MPO (+)
• ↓/0 LAP score:
o Differentiated with leukemoid reaction (LR):
transient; cells with normal function 
normal to high LAP score.

Acute Leukemia Chronic Leukemia NOTE:

>20% are blasts/ <20% blast; more mature  Later stage  BM infiltrated with fibrous
immature cells  cells tissues  resembles and become
abnormal indistinguishable with BM myelofibrosis.
Fail to mature  More mature cells o Hallmark mark: teardrop cells in
prone to destruction myelofibrosis and later stage of
of blasts cell primary polycythemia vera.
Unlikely to become If blasts are destroyed  Hyperviscosity syndrome  increased cells
chronic  Can’t revert before maturing  can but few plasma volume  flow slower than
back to chronic progress to Acute Leukemia usual  increased pressure (to compensate)
leukemia o The slower flow  thrombotic
Poor prognosis Better prognosis condition.
Management: Repeated phlebotomy
2. POLYCYTHEMIA VERA  Prevent hyperviscosity of blood
 This is characterized by pancytosis/panmyelosis  Removes blood: Blood removed can’t be
due to clonal proliferation with an increase in all transfused  abnormal blood
cellular BM elements, specifically the red cell  Every blood volume removed; iron (60% in hb)
mass (RCM). is loss  possible develop Iron Deficiency
 Laboratory: Anemia (IDA).
o Generally lower EPO level
o High RBC count (>10M)
▪ Normal RBC count: 3.8-5.2
HCT = PCV x 100 2: Relative polycythemia
Millions TV vera
▪ Increased in all RBC 1: 50/100 x 100= 50% Decreased in plasma
measurement volume  changing the
o High Hct (>55% in males; >47% in total volume
females) 50/75 x100 = 66.67% 
o High Hb: >18.5 g/dL (M); >16.5 g/dL (F) increased hct
o High LAP, WBC count: 40-50,000/uL In here, bone marrow is
o High Plt count (>1000 x 109/L); more not defective but the hct
than 1 million is increased due to
reaction with underlying
▪ Normal plt. count: 150-
o High Basophils


polycythemia vera
 Elevated hb> 18.5 (M), 16.5 (F) g/dL, or other Plasma volume is the
evidence of increased Red cell volume. same however the PCV is
 Presence of JAK2 V617F or similar mutation such increased.
as AK2 exon 12 mutation. 75/100 x 100 = 75% 
increased hct
o Janus kinase gene  mutated gene 
dictates abnormal
Increased PCV  due to
production/proliferation and mutation increased production in
of cells. the bone marrow
(defective BM)

presence of

Associated with some
kidney diseases


- AMM is characterized by fibrosis,
megakaryocytic and granulocytic hyperplasia in
the bone marrow (marrow fibroblast).
- This is caused by an increase in defective
platelets as a result of dysplastic
megakaryocytopoiesis. These dysplastic cells
Polycythemia/Erythrocytosis: Characterized by an are prematurely destroyed resulting in the
INCREASED in HEMATOCRIT which may be due to: release of their a-granules that contain platelet-
1. A true increase in Red Cell Mass: PV/Primary derived growth factor (PDGF) which stimulates
polycythemia and secondary polycythemia fibrosis.
2. Just a decreased in plasma volume (relative o Fibrosis (marrow fibroblast)  caused
polycythemia) by dysplastic megakaryopoiesis 
DIFFERENTIATION abnormal megakaryocytes and platelets
Primary Secondary Relative  easily destroyed and lysed 
Polycythemia Polycythemia Polycythe released the contents of their granules
With bone No bone marrow mia
(alpha  PDGF (normally, promote
marrow defect defect No bone
vessel repair; abnormally, cause fibrous
defect tissue proliferation  scar formation
This is the Appropriate/compens Associated and dense)
myeloprolifera atory with a - Blood film shows predominance of teardrop
tive disease  Characterized decrease cells. Marrow fibrosis often result to “dry tap”
Absolute type by an increase in the during bone marrow aspiration.
Belongs to in the RCM plasma - Bone marrow failure to produce blood 
CMPD &Hct due to volume increased in fibrous tissue and depleted blood
some with no cells; what will produce are liver and spleen that
identifiable increase in has residual function for hematopoiesis
cause RCM & however there would also be fibrosis in these
 High in RCM is EPO organs especially in the spleen.
secondary to
- With increased blood cells and fibrous tissues
high in EPO
 Hypoxia: can
be seen in liver and spleen
high altitude, - Middle aged to older people; rare to occur in
high O2 children
affinity and - Bone marrow: 2 normal tissues

o Yellow: Marrow fats - Spontaneous aggregation even in the absence

o Red: Hematopoietic marrow of vessel injury  Megakaryocyte proliferation
- Blood film shows predominance of teardrop with large and mature morphology; no or little
cells. granulocyte or erythroid proliferation.
o PBS: teardrop cells  hallmark finding; - Platelet aggregation studies show platelets have
indicates the disease decreased/abnormal aggregation with
o Formation of teardrop cell can be epinephrine.
medullary (BM) and extramedullary - In vivo aggregation  platelets tend to obstruct
(SPLEEN) circulation
o Due to narrow circulation in the fibrotic o Two types of thrombosis:
BM and spleen  RBCs squeeze ▪ Arterial: involves platelets 
themselves  deform in order to pass arterial vasoocclusion by
through or enter the limited platelets aggregates 
circulation severe damage in cell decreased circulation and
membrane  retained the shape  oxygenation  called ischemia
TEARDROP CELL ▪ Venous: involves fibrin
- During bone marrow aspiration/core Biopsy 
University of Illinois needle targeting marrow o Arterial or venous thrombosis: 
sinusoids where bone marrow sample is Transient Ischemic Attacks (e.g.
aspirated. priapism (penis); digital ischemia
o Marrow fibrosis often result to “dry (peripheral tissues (digits: toes and
tap” during bone marrow aspiration. finger))
o DRY TAP: difficulty in aspirating that is ▪ More on arterial  decreased
very painful to the patient oxygenation
o Bone marrow should be spongy but due
▪ Toe ischemia: bluish coloration
to fibrous tissues infiltrated it becomes
on the toes
scarred/hard  hard aspiration.
▪ Priapism is a prolonged
erection of the penis. The
persistent erection continues
- ET characterized by thrombocytosis with
hours beyond or isn't caused by
spontaneous aggregation of abnormal platelets.
sexual stimulation. Priapism is
Platelet aggregation studies show platelets have
usually painful. Although
decreased aggregation with epinephrine.
priapism is an uncommon
- 2008 WHO criteria: platelet count of
condition overall, it occurs
>450x109/L. Megakaryocyte proliferation with
commonly in certain groups,
large and mature morphology; no or little
such as people who have sickle
granulocyte or erythroid proliferation; does not
cell anemia.
meet WHO criteria for CML, PV, IMF, MDS, or
▪ Priapus: minor fertility god in
other myeloid neoplasm; demonstration of
Greek mythology, who was also
JAK2 (V817F) mutation or other clonal marker,
the protector of livestock, fruit
No evidence of reactive thrombocytosis.
plants, and male genitals. He
- PRIMARY: main defect is production  bone
was depicted as having an
marrow defect  cancer of BM  excessively
oversized and permanent
produce thrombocytes
- SECONDARY: in reaction, also known as
reactive thrombocytosis

NORMAL SMEAR ABNORMAL SMEAR (Essential thrombocytosis)

Platelet count: 8-20/OIF that

contains 200 RBCs.


Increased platelets (ONLY) with NO increased in RCM Increased in all blood cells with prominent increased RCM
and other blood cells
JK mutation gene JK mutation gene
Platelet count often exceeds 1M/uL or >1000 x109/L Platelet count is high more than 450,000/uL but rarely
exceeds 1M/uL or >1000 x 109/L
Not reactive: Increased in the production by defective Platelet pool: 1/3 spleen and 2/3 circulation
bone marrow  JAK2(V617F) mutation Reactive: When 1/3 platelet in the spleen is mobilized into
the circulation  reactive thrombocytosis (transient)
With permanent damage, unless treated with bone
marrow transplant

Abnormally produced due to defective marrow  Normally produced (from spleen; just mobilized) 
Abnormal platelet function normal platelet function


 CLL is characterized by abnormal proliferation  Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy),
of lymphocyte that are unresponsive to spleen (splenomegaly), and liver
antigenic stimuli. CLL is less likely to undergo (hepatomegaly)  CLL will more likely show
blastic transformation but CLL patients are these S/s over CML.
predisposed to develop autoimmune hemolytic  Pruritus due to recurrent skin infection (often
with Herpes zoster).
anemia (AIHA)
o Less likely to undergo blastic
Lymphocyte count: 10-150 X 109/L  very high and
▪ does not become ALL or AML  More on lymphocytes: thin rim cytoplasm;
o Dormant B-cells: unresponsive to Ag morphologically normal but is fragile 
stimulation and treatment during smearing  smudge cell  CLL
▪ B cells are stimulated by ▪ Differentiate smudge cells from
antigens  transform into basket cell  nuclear remnants of
plasma cells  produce granulocytes; seen in chronic
antibodies. granulocytic leukemia (CGL/CML)
▪ Decreased IgG production: IgG ▪ Smudge cells: formed IN-VITRO 
(2nd; produce at chronic phase, caused by manner of smearing; does
but once produce it continues not seen in wet preparation.
 Lymphoblasts: larger and basophilic
 confers long term or lifetime
protection but in here, it is
Many smudge cells on the blood smear
decreased thus patients prone Hypogammaglobulinemia.
in reinfection). TREATMENT/MANAGEMENT:
▪ Affected B-cells does not 1. Leukapheresis
produce normal IgG but  Apheresis: separation technique for
produces abnormal ones that is blood components  Whole blood:
directed against the patient’s PRBC, Plasma (PPP and Fresh plasma,
RBC leading to AIHA. cryoprecipitate and cryosupernate),
▪ Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Platelets (plateletpheresis), and WBC
Anemia (WAIHA)  IgG – through leukapheresis  separates
into Granulocytes and/or
related: warm type
▪ Recurrent skin infection: 2. Regular injection with gamma-globulins (IgG) 
Herpes zoster or Shingles  manage infection.
▪ Chickenpox: initially appears as
papules on the skin and when 2. HAIRY CELL LEUKEMIA/ LEUKEMIC
reoccurs it is now called herpes RETICULOENDOTHELIOSIS
zoster  HCL shoes presence of small lymphocytes with
▪ IgM (1st; peaks immediately many fine cytoplasmic extensions.
but declines rapidly  does not o It affects B-cells with presence of ACP 5
confers lifetime protection; cold o Microscopically, cells have cytoplasmic
type AIHA). hair-like protrusions
 PROGNOSIS: 3-4 years  Prognosis is quite good (benign), and can be
longer than 10 years.
o Benign and has a good prognosis

 Both CLL and HCL  more common in older o Histological finding: accumulation of
adults (>50 y/o) and more on males lymphocytes called  Pautrier’s
 Pancytopenia  unique finding and important microabscess in epidermal biopsy
feature of HCL.  SEZARY SYNDROME: Flow through lymphatic
circulation and reach lymph
NOTE: o Blood smear: Sezary cells  lymphoid
 Clinical sign and symptoms: splenomegaly is cells with convoluted or irregular
most consistent (splenectomy is often
 Laboratory diagnosis: Cytochemical stain  NOTE:
o Isoenzyme 5 of ACP  unique  This affects the mature T cells. This is an
because it is resistant and not early stage of Sezary syndrome and is
inhibited by Tartaric acid  when characterized by pruritus, eczematoidal
employed with ACP stain  ACP 1-4 psoriasis form non-specific exfoliative
(negative); ACP 5 (positive) dermatitis. Diagnostic evaluation of the skin
reveals Pautrier’smicroabscesses (clusters of
lymphocytes forming on the skin)
accompanied by parakeratosis.
 CLL is characterized by an increase in
prolymphocytes, with almost total replacement SEZARY SYNDROME
of the bone marrow. This has a poorer  This stage manifests infiltration of the lymph
prognosis than HCL and CLL. nodes and viscera, characterized by band-like
 RARE BUT MOST SEVERE infiltrates of lymphocytes with cerebriform
 PROGNOSIS: poor (<1 year)  life expectancy nuclei called Sezary cells.
if left untreated.  ADVANCE STAGE


LAB FINDINGS: Paraproteinemia: MM and WM  malignancies
OF PROLYMPHOCYTES  less mature  Excessive proliferation of plasma cells even in
o STAGES of lymphocyte maturation: the absence of antigenic stimulation 
LYMPHOBLAST  PROLYMPHOCYTE excessive production of abnormal
 LYMPHOCYTE immunoglobulins.

OTHER LYMPHOCYTE and PLASMA CELL NEOPLASMS  This is the most common clonal proliferative
DISORDER  Monoclonal gammopathies  abnormal cells
produce a single type of immunoglobulins.
 Both affects T-cells
 Of the cases, approximately 50% produce only
o T-helper cell (lymphatic tissue)  skin:
IgG; 20% only IgA; and 15% only the L-chain
o Plasma cells: 50% - only IgG; or 20% -
o SKIN: affected T-cells will cause damage
only IgA and/ or 15% - only L-chain 
in the epidermal layer  parakeratosis
interfere in platelet function
and pautrier’s microabscess. Skin
become scale that causes eczematoidal  Marrow infiltration often leads to bone pain.
or fungal lesions. o Myeloma cells: cancerous and leukemic
plasma cells that cause increased

production of antibodies  tumor has sialic acid in their

formation in bone marrow  lytic bone phospholipid layer that
lesions  bone pain imparts a negative charge)
NOTE: ESR: 3 stages
 Initial Rouleaux: first 10 mins
Clinical sign and symptoms:
 Lytic bone lesions  rouleaux  becomes
 Hyperviscosity: due to abnormal proteins in heavier
the plasma  Rapid Settling: succeeding 40
o Causes hypertension and mins  larger sediment will
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) settle faster
 Bleeding disorders
 Final Settling: last 10 mins
o Platelets and endothelial cells are
coated with the abnormal proteins o Hypercalcemia: due to abnormal
 preventing the expression of metabolism of calcium  bone
glycoproteins and other receptors  lesions and pain
abnormal adhesion and aggregation BLOOD FILM FINDINGS
Laboratory findings reveal:  Flame cells: plasma cell with red to pink
o Chemistry: Bence Jones Protein (BJP) cytoplasm associated with increase in IgA
o Myeloma cells may produce BJP  o Plasma cells with cytoplasm filled
part of immunoglobulin but with IgA
represent only the L-chain  Low o Appear like a flickering candle
MW  easily passes through
glomerulus  seen in urine 
urinary screening
o Urine screening: unique solubility
characteristic  when heated at  Dutcher bodies: intranuclear crystalline
certain temperature it can structures of abnormal IgG.
precipitate and be dissolved o Contains precipitated IgG in the
 Not heated or <40°C = clear/ nucleus of the plasma cells
 40-60°C = urine becomes
turbid due to precipitation
of protein; BJP  insoluble
 100°C = clear; BJP  soluble  Grape cell/Mott cell, Morula cell: plasma cell
o Urinalysis: many hyaline casts and other that contains small colorless or blue/pink
casts and positive BJP protein vacuoles that appear like grapes
o Hematology: o Plasma cells whose cytoplasm are
o Elevated ESR: Rouleaux formation filled with several protein globules 
 Because of the abnormal russel bodies: are globules seen in
proteins produced, zeta the cytoplasm containing proteins
potential of the RBC is and IgG  made the cell look like a
altered  rouleaux bundle of grapes
formation (normally in vivo o Russel bodies: accumulations of IgG
RBC does not form into
rouleaux  repel each other
through zeta potential; RBC

- Lymphomas are cancers of the lymph nodes
characterized by uninhibited growth of cellular
 Rouleaux formation elements normally found in lymphatic tissues
resulting to lymph node enlargement.
o Lymph nodes are well-organized
because they are involved in the
- Proliferative disease affecting some of the blood
forming cells and tissues outside the bone
2. WALDENSTROM MACROGLOBULINEMIA marrow  lymph tissues: lymph nodes and
 This is the second most common type of plasma vessels
cell dyscrasia. - May affect either B-cells or T –cells
 Almost similar with MM
 Myeloma plasma cells are more involve in the 1. NON-HODGKIN LYMPHOMA (NHL)
production of IgM.  A more common type than Hodgkin lymphoma.
o Malignant plasma cells show increase It is a B-cell lymphoma characterized by painless
production of IgM (>3 g/dL) lymph node enlargement (cervical nodes are
o IgM: pentamer; big  most often involved)
macroglobulinemia  Cervical nodes  GIT lymph nodes 
 Also called Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma  enlargement.
can affect lymphocytes that are not transformed  Represent 60% of lymphoma cases
into plasma cells.  CAUSES: congenital immunodeficiency diseases
 Hyperviscosity: due to macroglobulins and viral agents
o Since it is a cancer, mechanism isn’t
NOTE: clearly defined.
o Increased IgM (>3 g/dL)
o Low grade: enlargement is slow; can
o Rouleaux formation  Increased ESR
take years for the enlargement of lymph
o BJP can be produced
nodes to be diagnosed as one
1. WM: predominantly IgM o Intermediate grade: Rapid enlargement
MM: predominantly IgG/IgA/L-chain o High grade: More rapid enlargement

2. MM: affects B-cells and plasma cells precursors 2. BURKITT HODGKIN LYMPHOMA
WM: only plasma cells are affected  This is a B-cell neoplasm associated with EBV
and HIV infections. It is endemic among African
children (observed as jaw mass). Cytogenic
abnormality involves a translocation of C-myc
3. PLASMA CELL LEUKEMIA gene on chromosome regions (Ch8:14)
 >2x109/L plasma cell count  One type of non-hodgkin lymphoma which can
be B-type or T-type  can affects both B-cells
 This shows an abnormal synthesis of heavy  Lymphoma that when it infiltrates the bone
chains (Gamma HCD; Alpha HCD) marrow  it becomes leukemic  ALL-L3
 ALL-L3 and Burkitt  related to EBV and HIV
 Problem: translocation of a gene between 8 and
14 (more common; written as t (8;14)) or 8 and

2 or 8 and 22; the gene translocated is is C-myc  Hallmark finding: REED-STERNBERG (R-S) CELL
o C-myc gene is a normal gene that both
regulates proliferation and apoptosis
but its translocation will cause it to be
abnormal thus it will become
overexpressed  abnormal function
 Prominent feature: rapid proliferation of
affected cell  rapid enlargement of lymph  Giant lymph cell that is usually 4-8x larger than
nodes lymphocytes.
 DIAGNOSIS: Lymph node biopsy: diffused  Giant multi/binucleated: more common and
lymphoid proliferation (many lymphoid cells; each half is identical to each other
monocyte and macrophage: clears cellular o Nuclei  shows distinct nucleolus with
debris)  STARRY SKY. very prominent nuclear halo and distinct
nuclear envelope  giving owl-eyes
 When cut in half; almost identical  MIRROR
 When seen is pathognomonic of the disease
 CBC is not the appropriate procedure because it
is not a cancer of the bone marrow thus the
disease have a normal CBC.
NOTE:  But in cases wherein the lymphoma becomes
WHO Classification: leukemic; CBC can be included.
Endemic: more common in African children   LEUKEMIC PHASE OF LYMPHOMA: CBC 
enlarged jaw or with jaw mass or upper lymph nodes Leukocytosis and lymphocytopenia are observed
Sporadic: more common in Unites States 
in advance cases  poor prognosis.
American  begins at GIT  enlargement of GIT
lymph nodes TWO CRITERIA:
Immunodeficiency: EBV and HIV
3. HODGKIN LYMPHOMA  Region of RN (I-IV):
 This is characterized by painless enlarged lymph o Suffix A: no s/s
nodes usually in the neck and/or in some, the o Suffix B: with s/s
cervical nodes that spreads in an orderly fashion. o Subscript E: indicates involvement of
o If enlargement is rapid (severe cases)  extra lymphatic tissue
usually is painful. o Subscript S: indicates involvement of
o Orderly fashion enlargement  it the spleen.
follows lymphatic circulation  Stages:
 More on B cell lymphoma o Stage I: only one lymph node region
 Signs and symptoms include: affected
o GENERAL: fever, night sweats, or 10% o Stage II: two or more lymph node
unexplained weight loss in 6 months, or region affected but all located in one
a combination of both. part of the diaphragm either upper or
 Diagnosis: lymph node biopsy  SPECIFIC lower.

o Stage III: two or more lymph node

region affected but are disseminated in
both parts of the diaphragm
o Stage IV: involvement of an extra
lymphatic tissue (spleen, liver or any
other organs)


 based on extent of lymphocyte infiltration and
the abundance of R-S cells
a. Lymphocyte Predominant: Abundant
Lymphocytes with normal and abnormal
forms; no fibrosis; with few R-SCs
b. Nodular Sclerosis: Moderate Lymphocytes
with nodulating collagen bands; R-SCs in
clear zones
c. Mixed Cellularity: Moderate lymphocytes in
diffuse pattern
d. Lymphocyte Depleted: few lymphocytes
with diffused fibrosis and many R-SCs

Stage Rye Histological Prognosis

Classification Features
I Lymphocyte Lymphocytes BEST
predominant and R-SCs
II Nodular Nodules of GOOD
sclerosis lymphoreticu
lar cells and
lacunar RSCs
III Mixed Mixture of FAIR
cellularity lymphocytes,
plasma cells
and RSCs
IV Lymphocyte Lymphocytes POOR
depleted and RSCs

FINALS o Proper position of patient during

phlebotomy: in comfortable position,
whether upright/sitting or lying in bed.
o Sudden change in position:
Hemodilution: upright to lying: shift of
functions  oxygen transport as conducted by
fluid from extravascular to
its hemoglobin content thus affecting the oxygen
intravascular/circulation  decreased
delivery function of RBCs called ANEMIA.
 ANEMIAS: are group of clinical conditions o Hemoconcentration: lying to upright:
associated with either a decrease in the number shift of fluid from intravascular to
of total red blood cells, a decrease in the
extravascular increased RCM (PV) 
concentration of hemoglobin, and/or a decrease REMEDY: wait for at least 20 minutes to
in the hematocrit (in any or all of the RCM) in
elapse for the fluid to equilibrate
relation to the individual’s age, gender and o IV fluid: hemodilution
geographic location.
o Anemia conditions can be absolute or CLINICAL SIGNS:
General signs and symptoms due to lack of oxygenation
o Decrease in RCM:
in tissues
 Hemoglobin (single lab test
important in screening anemia)  Easy fatigability and dyspnea on exertion  lack
 RBC count of oxygenation
 Hematocrit  Vertigo and faintness  drop in circulation thus
 Decrease oxygen delivery in less circulation and oxygenation in the brain
tissue preventing normal o Nervousness/faint  REMEDY: patient
cellular respiration. must lay down improve circulation in
 POLYCYTHEMIA VERA: all findings are opposite the brain
of anemia  increase in all  increase in RCM  Palpitation, rapid bounding pulse, systolic
(absolute PV) or decrease murmurs and headache o Due to lack
plasma/hemoconcentration (relative PV)  oxygenation  systolic murmur  heart
hematocrit (single lab test important in compensates
screening PV) o Brain demands large amount of oxygen
therefore the heart compensates by
redistributing the circulation of blood
 ABSOLUTE: True decrease in RCM  Decreased through transporting more oxygen to
in production (bone marrow defect that does not the brain causing an increase in cardiac
release a normal RBCs); increased loss output.
(hemorrhagic); increased destruction o Compensation of heart: increase cardiac
(hemolytic) output  increase pressure
o Normal plasma volume but PRBCs or o Low Blood Pressure due to decrease
PCV is decreased blood output causing increase cardiac
 RELATIVE: related to volume of plasma: plasma output causing increase pressure
expansion  hemodilution: shift of fluid from leading to headache  Pallor (lacks
extravascular to intravascular; false hemoglobin  heme: gives the normal
interpretation: decreased in cell count, hb and red pigment of blood)
hct.  low BP (lack of blood)
o Specimen collection: Very important to  Slight fever (especially when coexistent with an
consider infection) and dependent edema


JAUNDICE: yellow discoloration of the LEG ULCERS: open wounds most KOILONYCHIAS: spooning of nail bed
skin, eyes, nail bed due to commonly seen lower extremities  seen in Iron
accumulation of unconjugated because it is affected by thrombosis Deficiency Anemia
bilirubin (persist in circulation(yellow  in sickle cell anemia  rigid cells
plasma); water insoluble and bound  hyperviscosity of blood leading to IDA  hookworm infections
to albumin; not excreted in the urine) thrombosis Iron is very much needed by the body:
 specific sign seen in hemolytic hemoglobin and other heme
anemia In normal condition: RBCs are containing CHON (myoglobin and
discocyte, flexible and deformable  cytochrome) and tissues  heme
pass through small vessels. contains iron that give offs normal
In sickle cell anemia, rigid cells and color of blood and flesh.
not deformable therefore they
obstruct the circulation leading to
hypervicosity of blood  thrombosis
 vasoocclusion decrease in
oxygenation  delay wound healing


Thalassemias: Betathalassemia major Vitamin B12 deficiency  decrease methemoglobinemia  increase in
(more common) and DNA production leading to abnormal hemoglobin: hemoglobin
hemoglobinopathies megaloblastic anemia (affects blood Hemoglobin “M”s  methemoglobin:
cell maturation) and destruction of hb that is not protected from
Cause: Skull (flat bone) that is active in CNS tissues due to inefficient myelin oxidization  easily oxidized (ferrous
hematopoiesis. In B-thalassemia sheath  severe cases: mood swings to ferric form)  Hb M Boston, Hb M
major: no hemoglobin(A1) which is and change in behavior  Iwate, Hb M Hyde park, Hb M
the major hemoglobin in adults so the Megaloblastic madness Saskatoon, Hb M Milwaukee, Hb M
blood production tries to compensate Osaka and Hb M Fort Ripley.
 red marrow expansion inside the Vit. B12: important and serve as a Methemoglobin is normal in blood
flat bone producing more blood cells cofactor in many metabolic reaction: but in small amounts: >3.5% but if
 bone structure also expands  DNA synthesis and maintenance of increased it becomes abnormal
skeletal deformity myelin sheath of the brain and spinal because it cannot transport oxygen
B-THALASSEMIA: manifest mongoloid cord or CNS tissues especially in distal tissue like fingers.
features due to skeletal deformity


Immediately occur Take time to occur

. Shift to the right of the Oxygen Dissociation Curve Erythropoiesis: 3-5 days (from pronormoblast to
Y-axis = oxygen saturation; increase affinity of hb to O2 reticulocyte)
X-axis = partial pressure of oxygen; decrease affinity of  Normally: 3.5 days will be spent in BM and 1 day
hb to O2 in the circulation mature RBC
 Anemia: reticulocyte will be released in the
2.Increase 2,3 DPG shift to right in ODC and more circulation less than its normal (<3 days); if the
oxygen will be released towards the tissue number of days in the BM is shorten, the longer
TWO FORMS OF HEMOGLOBIN BASED ON the number of days the reticulocyte
OXYGENATION: will take in the circulation
1. Oxyhemoglobin – “R” relax form; No 2,3 DPG; Increase in erythropoietin (EPO)
fully oxygenated  increased affinity to  Increase erythroid precursors
oxygen; but once in tissue there will be  Accelerates rate of proliferation and maturation
decreased in the affinity 2,3 DPG inserts in the
 Accelerate release from the BM to the PB
Increase shift cells/stress reticulocyte
2. Deoxyhemoglobin – “T” tense form; with 2,3
DPG that lowers the hb affinity to oxygen
release oxygen in the tissue
3.Selective redistribution of blood flow to areas of
highest oxygen demand like in the brain

4.Increased cardiac output


 Immature cell  Prematurely released
 Normal count: Adults: 0.5-1.5% (average: 1%  More immature than reticulocyte
Retics)  Increased RNA

o Maintains 1% retics everyday o In anemia, prolonged in the circulation 

o In anemia, prolonged in the circulation increased retics count; and if they are shift
 increased retics count; and if they are (more immature more RNA)
shift (more immature more RNA)
Romanowky stain – polychromatic Supravital stain – bluish granules More granules  shift cells

MAJOR CAUSES OF ANEMIA o D. latum - tapeworm that lives in ileum;

1. GENETIC FACTORS interferes in the absorption of Vit. B12
- Abnormalities in the structure of some anemia leading to Vit. B12 deficiency
molecules present in the RBC. anemia or fish tapeworm anemia; often
a. Hemoglobin C, S: can’t function well in referred as bothricephalus pernicious
delivering oxygen leading to anemia. anemia
b. Cell membrane: abnormal spectrin and o Hookworms – Ancylostoma duodenale
ankyrin due to abnormal gene  RBC easily and Necator americanus: blood sucking
deformed  spherocytes/elliptocytes) nematodes that attaches in the mucosal
c. Enzymes: affects metabolism of RBC (like of the small intestine through their
G6PD deficiency  needed in hexose buccal cavity. As they move to one area
monophosphate shunt ) to another, the area of attachment will
be left behind as chronic/minute
2. ENVIRONMENT FACTORS bleeding area and mechanical sucking it
- Factors that interfere with the normal will cause blood loss (hb loss  iron
development and functioning of RBCs. loss especially chronic infection with
a. Lead exposure may lead to Sideroblastic heavy worm burden  IDA)
Anemia (SDA); lead interfere in heme o Malaria/Plasmodium spp. and Babesia
synthesis affecting the utilization of iron  – live inside the RBC  ruptures and
iron cannot be utilized therefore precipitate destroy RBCs hemolysis  hemolytic
as siderotic granules anemia
b. BENZENE – laboratory reagent that exposure
may lead to developing aplastic anemia; 4. IATROGENIC FACTORS
toxic and damages BM thus preventing - These are results of side-effects of legitimate
production of blood cells medical treatment/procedures that may
c. Failure to acquire nutrients, vitamins, interfere with the normal development and
minerals (e.g. from vegetables)  function of RBC
Nutritional Deficiency Anemia: Iron a. Prolonged use of antibiotics:
deficiency (IDA), Lacks dietary vegetable and Chlorampenicol – destroys BM leading to
meat (poultry product)  B12 and Folate development of aplastic anemia b. Surgery
Deficiency – hemorrhagic/blood loss anemia

- infectious organisms and parasites


- To screen for the presence of anemia  Reference Value:
performs CBC  Normocytic: 80-100 fL
(PCV)  Macrocytic: >100 fL
 Single test to screen anemia: Hemoglobin  if FORMULA:
low, proceed with stated test below. 𝑯𝒄𝒕 (𝑳/𝑳) × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑯𝒄𝒕 (%) × 𝟏𝟎
𝑹𝑩𝑪 (𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐 /𝑳) 𝑹𝑩𝑪 (𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟐 /𝑳)
 Reference Value:  MCHC: refers to average Hb concentration of
FORMULA: red cells in a given volume of blood
𝑨 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 (𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒏)
𝑨 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅
Reference Value:
× 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄. (𝟏𝟓𝒈𝒎/𝑳)
= 𝒈/𝑳 𝒐𝒓 𝒈/𝒅𝑳 (𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍)  Normochromic: 320-360 g/L or 32-36% or 32-
 Reference Value:  Hypochromic: <32%
 Male: 140-175 g/L  Spherocytic  full of Hb: >36%
 Female: 123-153 g/L FORMULA:
𝑯𝒈𝑩 (𝒈/𝒅𝑳) 𝑯𝒈𝑩 (𝒈/𝒅𝑳) × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
 At birth: 150-200 g/L 𝒐𝒓
FORMULA 𝑯𝒄𝒕 (𝑳/𝑳) 𝑯𝒄𝒕 (%)
𝑯𝒄𝒕 = 𝑷𝑪𝑽 × 𝑹𝑩𝑪 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕
= 𝑽𝒐𝒍. 𝒐𝒇 %𝑯𝒄𝒕 CORRECTION
𝑯𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 (𝑻𝑽)
𝒐𝒓  Compensatory mechanism of BM is to increase
𝑷𝑪𝑽 its reticulocyte production  increased
= 𝑳/𝑳 (𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍)
𝑻𝑽 reticulocyte count.
 RPI: to measure whether the increase in
production is parallel or compensatory to the
degree of anemia
 For morphological classification of anemia
o Index calculated to correct for the
 RDW: represents the ratio of the standard
presence of shift reticulocytes that
deviation to the MCV )Width of histogram)
otherwise may falsely elevate the visual
o Index of relative anisocytosis; may also
reticulocyte count
indicate poikilocytosis
o Increased in hemolytic and hemorrhagic
 11.6- 14.6% o Reference value: 1 if hct is 0.45
 >14.6% indices variation in sizes
 MCV: refers to the average volume of PCV of the  Reference value: 0.5 -1.5%  average: 1%
individual red cells in a given blood samples.
o It is used as an estimation of the average RETICULOCYTE PRODUCTION INDEX (RPI)
size of the RBC  Reference value: 1 if hct is 0.45
𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒚𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕
o No dependable when RBC vary markedly  FORMULA:
𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 (𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔)
in size.


 Ratio between granulocytes and erythrocytes SYNTHESIS
precursor inside the BM  Defect in globin or heme synthesis
 Normal ratio: 3:1  1 RBC precursor: 3  Heme: IDA, SDA
Granulocytic precursors  Globin: thalassemia
 CGL/CML ratio: >10:1  M:E ratio increases
 Anemia: 3:3  1:1  M:E ratio decreases C. ANEMIA WITH VITAMIN B12 OR FOLATE
5. OTHER SPECIAL TEST DIAGNOSTIC OF THE  Nutritional deficiency anemia: IDA, B12 or
SPECIFIC TYPE OF ANEMIA folate deficiency anemia
 AIHA: serologic test: antibody testing to
indentify the specific autoantibody D. ANEMIA ASSOCIATED WITH IMPAIRED BONE
 Pernicious anemia: Schilling’s test MARROW OR STEM CELL FUNCTION
 Aplastic anemia; bone marrow is infiltrated with
CLASSIFICATION OF ANEMIA fats thus reduced or no red marrow that is the
- Some anemia have more than 1 pathologic
active marrow producing blood cells.
mechanism (e.g. B12 deficiency  tapeworm
infection + nutritional deficiency + antibody) and
go through more than one morphologic stage
(IDA: microcytic-hypochromic; normocytic-
 Prone to damage: hemolytic anemia
 Hemorrhagic anemia:
 The ability of the bone marrow to respond
o Chronic blood loss
physiologically by producing erythrocytes is
o Acute blood loss iii. Post-acute
measured by RPI  Ineffective
hemorrhagic anemia  IDA
erythropoiesis (RPI <2.0)
 Effective erythropoiesis (RPI >3.0)  e.g. RPI= 4
means that the rate of production has increased
4x than its usual for compensation

Some anemia have more than 1 pathologic
mechanism & go through more than one morphologic


 Increase in plasma volume  hemodilution
 RBCs are NOT reduced but is diluted with
increase plasma volume
 TRUE/ABSOLUTE ANEMIA: reduced in number
of RBC due to defective production


- Usually followed
- Basis: size and hemoglobin

MCV: according to size MCHC: hemoglobin concentration RDW: a measure of the degree of
<80 fL = microcytic MCH is not helpful in morphological anisocytosis and poikilocytosis  used
80-100 fL = normocytic classification of anemia because it always because MCV and MCHC cannot be rely
>100 fL = macrocytic follow the MCHC upon when the cell population is diverse.
<32% = hypochromic
32-36% = normochromic machine gives its value from histogram
>36% = spherocytic
According to MCV and MCHC: single
1. Normocytic – normochromic
2. Microcytic – hypochromic
3. Macrocytic – normochromic
4. Normocytic - hypochromic  gradual
changes seen in IDA

MCV: Single red cell index that can be used to CBC  anemia  retic count  morphologic classification
morphologically classify anemia; will suffice alone 
microcytic; macrocytic; normocytic

MICROCYTIC: the most common anemias included are

characterized by defect in hb: heme: SDA, IDA; globin: ACI,
Thalassemia  in general thalassemia fall under
microcytic anemia

GLOBIN DEFECTS: deficiency in alpha and beta chain

synthesis: thalassemia; defect in amino acid
structure/composition: hemoglobinopathies  fall under
normocytic anemia (Hb C and S) except Hb E disease or

MACROCYTIC: include problems in DNA synthesis 

megaloblastic anemia

NORMOCYTIC: more on destruction (hemolytic) and

decrease in production (aplastic: BM failure)


Main cause: defective hb synthesis Commonly Macrocytic Commonly Normocytic
Heme synthesis: IDA, SDA, ACI Globin  Vitamin B12 deficiency  Hypoproliferative anemia
synthesis: alpha or beta thalassemia and anemia  Folic acid  Myelophthisic anemia
Hb E disease deficiency anemia  Hemolytic anemia
 Hemoglobinopathies
Commonly Microcytic Occasionally Macrocytic  Acute blood loss anemia
 Iron deficiency anemia  Hypoproliferative anemia  Anemia of chronic disease
 Sideroblastic anemia   Refractory anemia  Renal and endocrine
Thalassemia  Liver disease diseases
 Hemolytic anemia  Paroxysmal nocturnal
Occasionally Microcytic  Acute blood loss anemia hemoglobinuria
 Anemia of chronic
disease/inflammation Occasionally Normocytic
 Hemoglobinophaties (Hb E  Early iron deficiency
disease  Refractory anemia
The cells will keep on dividing until their optimum MCHC is
reached. In normal erythropoiesis, it takes only 4-5
divisions for mitosis  Pronormoblast will divide once
producing 2 basophilic normoblast (BN) and these BN will
divide twice and the last to go division is the rubicyte  4x
division = 16 ; 5x division = 32

Every time the cell divides the cell size becomes smaller

In microcytic-hypochromic, since due to decrease hb, it

will not reach its optimum MCHC therefore it will keeps on
dividing thus decrease in cell size Microcytic: extra division
Hypochromic: decrease Hb.

MICROCYTIC- HYPOCHROMIC ANEMIAS intestine (particularly in

 ETIOLOGY: Microcytosis is caused by one or duodenum and jejunum) they
more extra cell division due to the depression of will be absorbed by mucosal
the MCHC. This conditions also exhibits cells and immediately cause
hypochromia which is cause by an impairment in oxidation of ferrous thus
the hemoglobin synthesis due to abnormalities converting back into ferric form.
in either the heme or globin synthesis or both. The ferric form will be released
into the plasma circulation by
1. IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (IDA) the mucosal cells.
 Iron Metabolism: Iron is absorbed in the ferrous o Fe+++  bloodstream
form, later oxidized in the mucosal cells to the  Fe binds with apoferritin to form
ferric form. Absorbed iron passed on directly to FERRITIN (major storage form of
the blood stream by the mucosal cells, but most iron  stored in tissues and
of it is bound to Apoferritin, which then forms liver).
Ferritin. Iron in the bloodstream is transported  Fe-transferrin  transported to
by Transferrin which delivers it to the Mononuclear Phagocytic Cell
mononuclear phagocytic cells (MPC) of the (MPC) going into the bone
bone marrow and other issues. During marrow and liver.
erythropoiesis, the MPC of the bone marrow
incorporated iron into the developing red cell.
 In bone marrow, during erythropoiesis, when
 NORMAL BODY IRON (FE): 4,000 mg
the developing red cell start to synthesize hb,
o 3 COMPARTMENTS: iron is distributed mononuclear cell will transport and
among these compartments and sub- incorporate iron into developing RBC 
compartments. incorporation is called ROPHEOCYTOSIS
 STORAGE: in the form of ferritin  ROPHEOCYTOSIS: During hemoglobin
(major form in the liver and synthesis in immature red cell, mononuclear
tissue) and hemosiderin cell will incorporate the iron thus iron (Fe+++)
 TRANSPORT: protein will be released and immediately reduced into
transporter for iron ferrous (Fe++) and incorporate itself into
 FUNCTIONAL: hemoglobin, protoporphyrin IX to form heme.
myoglobin, iron-containing
enzyme. Most of the iron is in
the hemoglobin approximately
60%; thus deficiency in iron will
affect hemoglobin resulting in
o Fe++ & Fe+++ (diet)  Fe++ (stomach)
 Fe+++ (Mucosal cells)
 What the body can absorb is
only the ferrous form; the ferric
form can be reduced into
ferrous form in the stomach by
our gastric juices (very acidic
due to HCl) to promote ETIOLOGY/ RELATED CAUSES: IDA
absorption, when the ferrous 1. CHRONIC BLOOD LOSS
form of iron reaches the small  Most common cause of IDA in adults.

 Small volume but chronic Solubilizing agents: Precipitating agents:

 Male: GIT bleeding  unnoticed because it sugars and amino acids phosphates
occurs inside unless it develops into other Iron deficiency Iron excess
serious complications. Increased erythropoiesis Decreased erythropoiesis
 Female: prolonged menstruation, bleeding infection
after childbirth or cesarean
2. INCREASE DEMAND  STAGE I: Iron depletion stage: Iron is mobilized
 especially among pregnant women (30- from stores, storage iron decreases, plasma
75mg), adolescents and infants
ferritin decreases, iron absorption increases.
 Not pregnant female: 10-20 mg thus female
o First to decrease is iron storage
needs more iron due to monthly blood loss
compartment which is measured by
 Pregnant: ferrous sulfate supplement to
prevent IDA transferrin13
 Adolescent: fast growing  more iron needed o Serum ferritin first decreases and
by the body reflects the iron storage or ferritin
 Infants: breastmilk – poor in iron  pure o Heme is consisting of iron and
breastfed infants may develop IDA called protoporphyrin IX. Deficiency in iron
“milk anemia of infancy”  Male has less iron would lead to increase in
demand because they do not have monthly protoporphyrin IX and will accumulate
menstruation/blood loss inside the RBC which is measured as Free
Erythrocyte Porphyrin  FEP is increase
3. MALABSORPTION o Since functional iron is still normal then
 Absorption of iron happen in small intestine hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal
(duodenum and jejunum). thus, it is characterized as normocytic
 Regardless of the amount of iron take in, the and normochromic
absorption is limited to 10% of dietary iron
o Normal serum iron and TIBC
 Celiac disease (sprue): disorder characterized
 STAGE II: Iron deficient erythropoiesis: after
by antibody destruction of the small intestines
 destroyed absorption sites  total iron stores are depleted, the plasma iron
gastrectomy: decreased absorption sites concentration falls, saturation of transferrin falls
 Intestinal Parasites: below 15% and the percentage of sideroblasts
o N. americanus: 0.03 ml/day  per decreases in the marrow.
worm o Iron storage (ferritin) and transport iron
o A. duodenale: 0.15 – 0.25 ml/day  is depleted
per worm o Decrease in serum iron with increase
o T. trichiura: 0.005 ml/day  per FEP
worm o Increase TIBC: indirect measurement of
4. POOR DIET o Transferrin: transport two molecules of
iron simultaneously
 450 ml: blood donated
 When transferrin is bound into
iron because iron is normal, it is
PROMOTE ABSORPTION REDUCE ABSORPTION fully saturated thus it will no
Ferrous form Ferric form longer bind with additional iron.
Inorganic form Organic form In the absence of iron (IDA),
Acids: HCl, Vitamin C Alkali: Antacids transferrin remains to be free.
Pancreatic secretions

When added with the reagent - In early IDA, RBCs are N/N; in later stages, RBCs
iron, it will bind with iron. become Microcytic-Hypochromic. Severe cases
 Transferrin when it is not will exhibit poikilocytosis & anisocytosis 
saturated, its binding capacity Reticulocyte count is low; Platelet count is
for iron is increased measured slightly elevated
by TIBC. - Bone marrow smear is negative for hemosiderin
o Functional iron is still normal thus the granules
anemia is normocytic – normochromic - Serum iron is decreased, and serum ferritin may
 When the cells are in the be reduced to zero; increase Free Erythrocyte
circulation, they are fully Protoporphyrin (FEP); increase Total Iron-
hemoglobinized and in the Binding Capacity (TIBC)
presence of IDA, the mature RBC - General blood picture: microcytic-hypochromic
will not be affected because the with poikilocytosis and anisocytosis and elevated
mature RBC have fully RDW.
synthesized their hemoglobin. o RDW: measure in the variation of size
 IDA affects the developing RBC and shape
in the bone marrow wherein the - Reticulocytopenia: Even though the red marrow
bone marrow will immediately tries to compensate, the red cells are
suffer in decreased in iron ineffectively growing therefore
because of the storage form of reticulocytopenia.
iron. - Slight thrombocytosis: If it is associated with
 Aside from the liver and tissues bleeding because bleeding is also one of the
having the storage form, there is causes of IDA, chronic bleeding (most common
also in the bone marrow which cause of IDA) especially in adults, it may also be
will be first depleted. characterized by slight thrombosis.
 STAGE III: Iron deficiency anemia: anemia is now - Prussian blue staining: hemosiderin granules are
detectable. The anemia is at first normochromic negative.
acid normocytic, gradually becomes microcytic
and finally microcytic & hypochromic.
o Iron deficient red cells from the bone
marrow will be released and will appear  SERUM FERRITIN
as microcytic as reflected by the low o Reflects the body’s tissue iron stores
hemoglobin (hypochromic). o Decrease in iron causes increase
o Findings: decrease hemoglobin, serum protoporphyrin 9. Though normally, RBC
iron, ferritin ; increase TIBC produces more protoporphyrin than
iron, but in the absence of iron, the more
the protoporphyrin will accumulate
causing increase FEP. It is free because it
is supposed to bind with iron but since
there is no iron, it remains to be free
erythrocyte protoporphyrin. Some
measured it as ZEP because the FEP can
combine with zinc and measured as zinc
erythrocyte protoporphyrin
o Reference value: 12-300 ug/dL

o A sensitive indicator or iron depletion CLINICAL FEATURES OF IDA

but has a marked diurnal variation by as
 TONGUE- ATROPHY: The tongue is red because
much as 30% with its highest values in
of iron in heme present in hemoglobin in blood
the morning and lowest values late in
and myoglobin in tissues, but since it lacks iron,
the day.
it will atrophy (become smaller).
o Reference value: 50-160 ug/dL
o Decreased in IDA  ANGULAR STOMATITIS: the lips will get dry and
have cracks
 FREE ERYTHROCYTE PROTOPORPHYRIN (FEP)  CHEILITIS: the drying and inflammation of the
o Normally, red cells produce slightly more lips; associated with IDA
protoporphyrin than what is needed, but  “Webs” of tissue or partial strictures at the
when iron is deficient, protoporphyrin junction of the esophagus and hypopharynx:
build up in the erythrocytes there will be cracks and wounds inside 
o Reference value: 10-99 ug/dL resulting now to difficulty in swallowing; affects
o Increased in IDA; decreased in most entire GIT.
SDAs.  CHRONIC GASTRITIS – decreased gastric fluid
secretion which is important because it is the
 TOTAL IRON BINDING CAPACITY (TIBC) gastric juice that is acidic which helps in the
o Binding capacity: measure the ability of absorption of iron. The acidity of gastric juices
transferrin to bind with iron. Wherein, if helps reduce the ferric into ferrous in order to
tranferrin is not bound to iron, it will absorb the dietary iron even in the ferric form.
bind. But if the transferrin is already  NUMBNESS & TINGLING SENSATION: peripheral
saturated with iron, it can not further tissues nerves will be affected especially the
bind with other iron (in the reagent). distal parts of the body (toes, fingers, and feet).
o Wherein in normal iron status, iron is  KOILONYCHIA: distortion of the nail bed, spoon
plenty thus transferrin carry two iron shaped of the nails due to lack of iron in the
molecules. tissues
o In IDA, iron is depleted thus they carry  PICA: unusual and compulsive appetite for a
no iron thus transferring is free. When certain kind of food or non-food item; among
the reagent (iron) is added, the children with severe IDA wherein they even have
transferrin can bind with it because TIBC abnormal craving for unusual food.
is increase.  SPLENOMEGALY: spleen function to filter blood
o Reference value: 250-400 ug/dL and remove a lot of abnormal cells so it will be
o Increased in IDA overworked and abnormal cells will clog in the
splenic circulation resulting enlargement of
o Measures how transferrin is saturated; Aside from the general manifestations of anemia,
percent saturation other manifestations include paresthesia, pica,
o Reference value: 20-55% koilonychia, atrophy of epithelium of the tongue with
o Decreased in IDA burning or soreness, fissures/cracks or ulcers at the
corners of the mouth, difficulty swallowing owing to
webs of tissue or partial strictures at the junction of
Since iron is not only for hemoglobin synthesis but also the esophagus & hypopharynx. Chronic IDA also
important for the tissues, enzymes, myoglobin and manifests gastritis and splenomegaly.
other proteins, these tissues and proteins will also be
damaged due to IDA.
 Microcytic-hypochromic

o Central pallor: >1/3 diameter  SDA are a group of heterogeneous disorders

o Normal RBC has the same size as the characterized by hypochromic red cells, which
small lymphocyte are microcytic in the hereditary forms and often
 So roughly, even with the absence of MCHC macrocytic in the acquired forms, as a result of
computation; blood picture alone can suffice defective heme synthesis, the red cells may also
that the cells are hypochromic  central be mixed with normochromic cells (dimorphic
pallor is greater than 1/3 of the diameter.
 Associated with defective protoporphyrin
TREATMENT OF IDA synthesis which leads to excessive accumulation
of iron. The unused iron is deposited in the
 Dependent on the cause of IDA. mitochondria of normoblasts as siderotic
 Important to consider the etiology for the granules.
treatment of anemia.
 Since iron is primarily deficient, iron supplement NOTE:
is given. In SDA, the first enzyme (D-ALA synthase) is commonly
 If the main cause of IDA is malnutrition, ferrous affected or if not the last enzyme (ferrochelatase). If
sulfate supplement may be given. the D-ALA synthetase is affected, defective or
deficient, it will slow down the very first reaction
 If the cause is chronic blood loss, blood loss must
which is the condensation between succinyl CoA and
be supervised and give iron supplement to glycine and deficiency in this reaction would lead to
monitor the progression of disease. deficient D-ALA and the following reactions will
 If it is caused by parasite, eradicate the parasite. become retarded or slow down thus protoporphyrin
IX will also be deficient. When iron is transported in
the RBC, it will not be utilized because of the
deficiency in protoporphyrin IX; wherein iron is
 Described as microcytic: hypochromic type of supposed to bind with protoporphyrin IX but in the
anemia absence of protoporphyrin IX, the iron will be
 Morphologic changes: At first it is normocytic unutilized and the non-utilized iron will precipitate
and as it becomes more severe, it becomes inside the RBC, inside the mitochondria of RBC
microcytic. becoming now the siderotic granules. When siderotic
granules are found surrounding the nucleus of RBC, it
IRON DISTRIBUTION: 3 POOLS/ COMPARTMENTS is called the ringed-sideroblast which are immature
a. IRON STORAGE POOL: includes ferritin RBC containing siderotic granules which are non-
measured using serum ferritin and utilized iron.
hemosiderin measured via Prussian blue
transferrin measured as serum iron or
transferrin saturation or total iron binding
capacity (TIBC).
present in functional proteins such as
hemoglobin, myoglobin and other enzymes.


 It is a group of anemias characterized by
abnormalities in the synthesis or enzyme
 In IDA, iron is deficient thus increase in
involved in synthesis of heme. protoporphyrin IX
o Negative in prussian blue staining

 In SDA, protoporphyrin IX is deficient thus iron B. AQUIRED SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA

will not be utilized and precipitate as siderotic  Due to exposure
granules  Associated with macrocytosis
o Not in all types of SDA, the  Acquired Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemia
protoporphyrin IX will be decrease. (AISA)/ Refractory Anemia with Ringed
There are some types wherein
Sideroblast (RARS)
protoporphyrin IX will be increased.
o Mostly encountered in elderly patients
o Dimorphism is observed in
sideroblastic anemia. (older than 50 y/o) affecting both sexes.
o Some cases, protoporphyrin IX is Actual etiology of the disease is still
increase or decrease depending on unknown but consistent findings
which stage in the heme synthesis is included decreased activity of ALA-
inhibited. synthetase or an abnormal high
o SDA is highly positive in Prussian blue requirement for the cofactor pyridoxial-
stain since iron is not utilized 5PO4 to maintain ALA synthetase RBCs
are hypochromic, despite presence of
large quantities of iron.
 Secondary Sideroblastic Anemia: Secondary to
1. INHERITED some agents that interfere with heme synthesis
 Caused by an abnormal gene (Lead Poisoning; Alcohol, Drug-induced)
 Inability to inherit the gene needed by the o Known etiology
 Characterized by microcytic cells

 Exposure to agent that will inhibit the function of
the enzyme like in lead poisoning wherein lead  PORPHYRIAS:
interferes with some of the enzymes involved in o Group of disorders characterized by the
heme synthesis. accumulation of porphyrins.
 Characterized by macrocytic cells. o Diseases characterized by impaired
 Example: lead poisoning  lead may interfere in production of heme (can be hereditary
the synthesis by inhibiting pyridoxal phosphate or acquired) causing porphyrins to not
ALA synthetase, ALA dehydrase or be completely changed and metabolized
ferrochelatase. When ferrochelatase or heme resulting them to accumulate inside the
synthase (which catalyzes the addition of RBC or liver cells.
protoporphyrin IX with iron) is inhibited by lead o The causes of porphyria can be the same
 protoporphyrin IX may no longer bind with with those of SDA and the more
iron thus there would be protoporphyrin IX and prominent feature is the accumulation
iron build up of porphyrins.
 Lead poisoning can also lead to
A. HEREDITARY SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA o Acquired types are usually associated
 Sex-linked recessive trait, mostly caused by with enzyme deficiency. The products
decreased in D-ALA synthase activity from earlier stages (porphyrins) in the
 Deficiency of D-ALA synthase causes the pathway accumulate in the cells that
retardation of heme synthesis pathway actively produce heme proteins such as
 Associated with microcytosis RBC and hepatocytes. These porphyrins

can also be excreted in the urine or feces  Most common clinical features:
or be deposited in body tissues. Photosensitivity and Psychiatric or neurologic
symptom due to deposition of porphyrins
NOTE: PORPHYRIA  Hematologic manifestations: Acute
MAIN FEATURE: accumulation of porphyrins intermittent porphyria (abdominal pain),
 Porphyrins accumulate first in the RBC congenital erythropoietic porphyria (port
because RBC is involved in heme synthesis and wine red urine), variate porphyria (psychosis
in the liver because it is involved in the and photosensitivity) & erythropoietic
synthesis of myoglobin. protoporphyria (psychosis)
o During damage of RBC, when it is
hemolyze, as it reaches its 120th day,
the RBC will hemolyze and all its
contents will diffuse out into the
plasma including the porphyrins.
o When liver cells are damaged, they
also release their contents like,
porphyrins into the plasma.
Porphyrins will be elevated in the
plasma and can be filtered by the
kidneys to appear in the urine HEMOCHROMATOSIS
(porphyria) where the urine appears
 Another disease related to Iron metabolism:
as port wine red. Some are excreted
in the feces. TRUE IRON OVERLOAD.
o It is more accurate and precise to  TO COMPARE: SDA  Iron wasn’t used in the
measure porphyrins in the feces than phase of normal iron (NORMAL: Iron; Cannot be
in urine. used/metabolized = NO IRON OVERLOAD)
o Deposit in body tissues – when  NORMAL: RATE of IRON ACQUISITION (1%) =
porphyrins deposit in the skin, the RATE of IRON LOSS (at least 1% of Iron daily = Red
skin becomes photosensitive. cell destruction 1% daily)
Porphyrins absorbs the zorret band o Rate of Loss (1%) daily is replaced by
coming from the sun, so when what is absorbed (1%) daily
exposed to sun, the skin of the patient
suffers from sun burn, blindness
(eyes), brain damage or psychiatric
abnormality (brain). o Iron acquisition exceeds the rate of iron
o Some teeth and bones especially loss  iron is accumulated in the body
among the growing children wherein  Results when the body’s state of iron acquisition
some of the substances will exceeds the rate of iron loss. It can be acquired
fluorescence. Teeth and bones are or hereditary (mutations affecting the proteins
fluorescent because of the deposited of iron metabolism). The body’s first reaction is
porphyrins. to store excess iron in the form of ferritin, then
in the form of hemosiderin within cells.
PORPHYRIA: associated with vampire stories
 A common disease affecting the royal families CAUSES OF HEMOCHROMATOSIS
in Romania and Transylvania.
 ACQUIRED: Transfusion-related
 Characterized by bleeding teeth due to lack of
hemoglobin; evasion from sunlight because o It cannot be due to DIETARY REASONS,
they are prone to suffer sunburns and excessive iron in the diet is unlikely to
blindness; fluorescing teeth due to deposition cause hemochromatosis because our
of fluorescing porphyrins in the bone absorption for Iron is LIMITED

o Commonly caused by TRANSFUSION- o Fe++ (+O2)  Superoxide and Free

RELATED radicals – strong oxidizing agents 
 IDA: one factor leading to this PEROXIDATION of membrane lipids
condition is Frequent Blood results to:
Donation that every time we  Cell respiration - (Destroying
donate blood we lose iron. Mitochondrial Membrane) –
 Hemochromatosis: Every time Impaired ATP production = No
the recipient receives blood Cellular Respiration
(transfusion) the recipient gains  Lysosomal enzymes - (Impairing
Iron. Lysosomal Membrane) -
• Example: Patients with Beta- Rupture = Release of Hydrolytic
Thalassemia would require Enzyme
frequent donation or  Lysosome = Suicide Bag of the
transfusion of blood (PRBC/WB) Cell because once it releases its
they gain Iron thus repeated hydrolytic enzymes it can lead to
transfusion will lead to Autolysis (Cell will digest itself)
Transfusion-Related cell damage it will be destroying
Hemochromatosis. the nucleus, nuclear membrane
and in general will cause an
 INHERITED: Mutations affecting the proteins of irreversible membrane damage
iron metabolism of the cell and the organelles.
o Results to Less Metabolism: More Iron  Irreversible membrane damage
Accumulation. (Cell Membrane)
o Excessive Iron (Iron Overload): most of o In the presence of Oxygen, free ferrous
the Iron will first be stored as ferritin, but iron initiates the generation of
when overwhelmed will be stored as superoxide and other free radicals,
hemosiderin. which results in the peroxidation of the
o 2 Storage form of iron: 1st - Ferritin  membrane lipids.
when overwhelmed  2nd - o Results to damage of cell membrane,
Hemosiderin nuclear membrane, mitochrondrial and
o Both storage forms have limits and when lysosomal mnembranes. These events
both get overwhelmed, the remaining ultimately affect cellular respiration,
excessive Iron will have nowhere to be enzyme digestion, cell death, and organ
stored thus the remaining Iron (Fe++) in damage.
the presence of free oxygen (O2) will o Hemosiderin also deposits into tissues
now cause the generation of and organs leading to further organ
AGENT that cause oxidation of proteins,
lipids and cells  causing
PEROXIDATION of Membrane Lipids,
Cell Membrane, Mitochondrial
Membrane, Lysosomal Membrane and o SKIN AND PANCREAS: “bronze diabetes” –
other organelles, even the Nuclear bronze skin plus diabetes meaning the
Membrane leading now to impaired ATP Hemochromatosis have already affected the skin
production. and pancreas.

 SKIN: Bronze/ golden color due to o Free Oxygen Reaction

cellular damage and accumulation of o But itself can be overwhelmed and will
excessive iron. The skin will absorb the only be able to SLOW DOWN the CHAIN
excessive Iron and it will accumulate of REACTIONS = Inefficient
resulting to a BRONZE SKIN COLOR o It should be alongside the
 PANCREAS: Pancreas will be destroyed Therapeutic/repeated phlebotomy and
and its production of Hormones Iron-chelating drugs
(regulate Carbohydrate Digestion) like
INSULIN, GLUCAGON etc.  with that it
BOTH IDA and SDA  heme synthesis defect
affects the Glucose Metabolism and can
Thalassemia  globin synthesis defect
lead to Diabetic Mellitus
 Hemoglobin are usually dimers, their globin
o LIVER: Cirrhosis-induced jaundice subsequent portion has 4 polypeptide chains  2 different
Liver Cancer types of chain (alpha and beta).
o HEART: Congestive Heart Failure o Example: A1 (heme + globin)  4 PPC
o Other more organs can be passively destroyed (2 alpha and 2 beta chains)
o To synthesize the chains, it need
genes (complete number) that is
 Transferrin saturation (common test performed) inherited from parents (one per each
and Ferritin (excessively overwhelm). parent).
 Alpha chain: needs 4 alpha
 Measurement of Transferrin Saturation
o Transferrin is fully saturated due to
 Beta chain: 2 beta gene
excess Iron/ Iron overload ELEVATED o Each PPC has its amino acids
Transferrin Saturation  Alpha chain: made up of 141
 Transferrin and Iron-binding Capacity(TIBC) will AA  per chain
be DECREASED  Beta chain: 146 AA  per
characterized by qualitative structural
TREATMENT: abnormalities of the globin polypeptide chains
 THERAPEUTIC/REPEATED PHLEBOTOMY that result from alteration of the DNA genetic
code for those chains.
o Most practical treatment to prevent
o Structural defect due to defect in
excessive Iron and prevent the
amino acids; classified as normocytic
successive chain reaction anemia except Hb E disease
o Some patients require 2-3 times removal  THALASSEMIA: diverse group of genetic
of blood/phlebotomy  removal of disorders characterized by a primary,
excessive Iron quantitative reduction in globin chain
 IRON-CHELATING DRUGS to bind/chelate excess synthesis for hemoglobin
iron for safe excretion. o Synthesis defect (alpha or beta) 
o Desferrioxamine/Desferal disorder characterized by defective or
 Intake of Vit. E and C deficient number in chains due to
o Slow down chain of reaction but effect deletion of some gene thus proteins
will be overwhelming  inefficient; that is encoded by the gene can’t be
o Can somehow help because they are a
REDUCING SUBSTANCE (especially Vit. E)
resulting to the RETARDATION of the
Iron and


 Thalassemias are the results of impaired MANIFESTATIO N
(deficient) globin chain synthesis. These may N
affect either the alpha or beta chain synthesis. Silent carrier Normal 3 functional
(one-gene hematologically, alpha gene
Greek No. of No. of Chromosome deletion) with few target A1= normal
Name genes Amino Location cells, elliptocyte (97%)
Alpha 4 (2 141 16 s/s:
mother; 2 asymptomatic
father)  normal
Beta 2 (1 146 11
mother; 1
father) Alpha- Mild anemia, 2 functional
Delta 2 146 11 Thalassemia trait: microcytic- alpha gene
Gamma 2 146 11 (two-gene hypochromic, remaining
Epsilon 2 146 11 deletion) elliptocytes, thus
Zeta 4 146 16 target cells synthesis of
(Rodak’s) Hb A1 is
normal A1
levels atleast

Hb A (60%);
Hb Barts
A. ALPHA THALASSEMIA HbH disease Microcytic, One
(Three-gene hypochromic, Hb functional
o A deficiency in the synthesis of Alpha-
deletion) H inclusions, gene
globin chains. Each individual has two
high retics remaining
sets of two alpha genes. Suppression of that
all four genes is needed to completely A1: 2 alpha & 2 is not enough
suppress alpha chain synthesis. The beta to cause
usual mechanism of suppression is by A2: 2 alpha and 2 normal
gene deletion. delta production of
o Main common cause: gene deletion or Hb F: 2 alpha and alpha
no inherited gene. 2 gamma polypeptide
o Deletion is indicated by blank: e.g. – Since alpha chain.
a/aa  one gene deletion; --/aa  two chain production
deletion; --/a  three deletion; --/--  is affected Hb H  seen
and these an pitted golf
four gene deletion.
hemoglobin ball in PBS.
needs the alpha
chain thus their
production will
also be


will compensate Beta Beta Beta
by Thalassemia Thalassemi Thalassemi
increasing the Major/ a Major/ a Major/
synthesis of beta Cooley’s Cooley’s Cooley’s
chain  anemia anemia anemia
4 beta chain 0 0 + +
(B l B ) (B l B ) (B0l B)
producing Hb H
•Complete lack of •Caused by a •Sufficient
Bart’s Hydrops Stillborn, Hb Bart’s:
Beta globin partial quantities of
fetalis (four-gene hydrops tetramer Hb
production suppression of HbA1 is
deletion) (enlarged head) consisting of
•Most affected the Beta genes produced.
-Hb Bart’s has 4 gamma
patients exhibit •Symptoms •Hemoglobin
abnormal chains.
retarded growth are similar levels are
with mongoloid with that of slightly low,
wherein it can’t Since there is
facial features and Beta but blood
promote no
severe anemia Thalassemia smear shows
oxygenation of production of
•Marked by major, but similar
tissues. alpha chains
characteristics depend on the morphology as
due to total
changes in RBC extent of gene in Thalassemia
deletion of
morphology; suppression Major or
alpha gene,
microcytosis, • May produce Intermedia
the RBC will
hypochromia, varying •HbF is about
anisocytosis and amounts of A1 2-3%
by producing
poikilocytosis. depending on •HbA2 level is
Numerous target the degree of elevated 
chains thus
cells, Howell-Jolly suppression has delta chain
formation of
bodies and
Hb bart’s.
siderocytes. TYPES:
•HbF level is Homozygous
elevated (40-60%) (B+l B+): 2 beta
• Can synthesis A2 gene is
• Most severe of partially
all B-thalassemia suppressed
that requires Heterozygous
B. BETA THALASSEMIA frequent (B+IB): One
o Characterized by a deficiency in Beta- transfusion gene is
globin chain synthesis. Each individual partially
has one set of two beta genes. suppressed
Suppression or absence of these beta and the other
one is normal
genes results to deficient beta chain
o Gene deletion is indicated by 0

Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin and B-
Thalassemia Major: highest concentration of Hb F can
be seen.

1. Altered Iron Metabolism  Microcytic

 Among the 4 pathophysiology, most common to
happen due to increase in acute-phase protein
In thalassemias and other disorders characterized by and it is a direct effect of inflammation
abnormal hemoglobin synthesis like IDA and SDA, it is
very common to see target cells  nonspecific finding 2. Direct inhibition hematopoiesis, decreases
unlike schistocytes that is a hallmark finding in production of EPO. moderate destruction 
hemolytic anemia indicating hemolysis and teardrop normocytic (do not involve iron)
cells in myelofibrosis
 During acute/chronic inflammation, the
macrophages and lymphocytes are activated
thus produce cytokines of different types that
includes tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-
alpha), Interferon-gamma and other
interleukins. Some of these cytokines will cause
inhibition of bone marrow function leading to
4. ANEMIA OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATION (ACI) decrease hematopoiesis, inhibition of kidney
 These diseases are grouped into chronic function thus decreased erythropoietin
inflammatory diseases and malignant diseases. production and some may cause direct damage
It is the inflammation that may lead to anemia. on RBCs
 Malignant disease/ cancer NOTE:
 Chronic inflammatory disease Anemias that develop in chronic diseases are caused
o Infectious TB by the effects of the increased inflammatory
o Osteomyelitis cytokines. (i.e. interleukins) produced by activated
o Non-infectious RA cells during the chronic inflammation: These cytokines
o SLE and Crohn’s disease may cause any of the following mechanisms:
 Activated lymphocyte will produce IL-6 that
will act on the liver, it will activates the liver to
produce increase hepcidin (Positive Acute
 Protein: proteins that immediately increase
during inflammation) caused by an increase of
the following acute phase reactants that
interfere with iron metabolism:
o HEPCIDIN: this causes the
degradation of the transmembrane
protein ferroportin used by
macrophages and hepatocytes to
export iron into plasma.

 Increase in hepcidin will result o Hb C (B6 glu  lys) and Hb S(B6 glu 
to failure of iron to be val) has structural defect but Hb E has
released in the plasma both structural and synthesis defect
because iron will be retain in  Decrease in B-chain synthesis
the cells  2nd most common hemoglobinopathies
 Decrease iron absorption and
release  decrease plasma
 FERROPORTIN: transport
protein found in the intestinal
enterocytes(cells of
duodenum), hepatocytes,
and macrophages
o LACTOFERRIN: An iron-binding
protein in the tertiary granules of MACROCYTIC ANEMIA
neutrophils. Its avidity for iron is  MCV: >100 fL
greater than that of transferrin.  A macrocytic cell seems to have more
During inflammation, it scavenges hemoglobin content compared to normocytic
available iron at the expense of but in relation to its size it is normal. 
transferrin. Macrocytic  normochromic.
o FERRITIN: developing RBCs do not
have a ferritin receptor, thus, cannot TWO TYPES OF MACROCYTIC ANEMIA:
utilize iron for hemoglobin synthesis.
 Increase in the production of  In cell maturation, the nuclear-cytoplasmic
apoferritin that binds with maturation must be synchronous in order for the
iron to form ferritin, thus iron cells to be normocytic when released. In
will not be utilized because it asynchronous maturation, the maturation of
is trap in ferritin. nucleus and cytoplasm is not the same that can
2. MODERATE INCREASE IN THE DESTRUCTION lead to megaloblastic maturation.
ERYTHOPOIETIN  Normal maturation therefore normal
 Production of inflammatory cytokines (such as development however when released in the
tissue necrosis factor-a and interleukin-1 from
circulation they appear large
activated macrophages and interferon-g from
 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: Aplastic anemia (but most
activated T-cells) also impairs proliferation of
erythroid progenitor cells, diminishes their are in normocytic classification), chronic liver
response to erythropoietin, and decreases disease, alcoholism and other disease or
production of erythropoietin by the kidney condition that can lead to hypercholesterolemia
and reticulocytosis.
 LIVER DISEASES (chronic, obstructive jaundice),
5. HEMOGLOBIN E LCAT deficiency:
 Only hemoglobinopathies wherein its o LIVER: main organ where cholesterol is
morphology is microcytic stored and metabolized thus when
 It a structural and synthesis defect damaged cholesterol will not be
(hemoglobinopathy and thalassemia) completely metabolized leading to
 Involves same mutation as Hb C(B6) wherein hypercholesterolemia/ excess
Glu  Lysine but the point of cholesterol in plasma
mutation(substitution) occurred in 26th amino o LCAT – enzyme involve in the
acid esterification of cholesterol thus when

deficient the cholesterol(free) in the 2. MEGALOBLASTIC

plasma will accumulate leading now to  Asynchronous maturation
hypercholesterolemia  Due to abnormal development  that during
 Cholesterol in the plasma can their earliest developmental stage
be in the form of free (pronormoblast) their development is already
cholesterol or cholesterol ester abnormal  promegaloblast  2nd stage:
 The RBC membrane consists of basophilic megaloblast (b. normoblast should
phospholipid bilayer which undergo normal maturation)
have some cholesterol,  MAIN PROBLEM: Impaired DNA synthesis
proteins. CHO in the layer. The  Defective nuclear maturation caused by
cholesterol embedded in the impaired DNA synthesis (prolonged intermitotic
membrane depends on plasma resting phase; block early in mitosis)
cholesterol that when  N-C asynchrony or “maturation arrest”
cholesterol plasma is increased, o Deficient DNA synthesis (nucleus)
there will be excessive loading resulting to retarded nuclear maturation
of cholesterol into the plasma while the RNA synthesis in the cytoplasm
membrane thus enlarging the is less impeded thus cytoplasm
size of the cell. maturation proceed normally
 RETICULOCYTOSIS: any condition resulting to o While the nucleus is not yet mature, it
premature release of reticulocytes in the will not cause division but the cytoplasm
circulation keeps on maturing and enlarging
o Reticulocyte (5th in erythropoiesis) are resulting to prolonged intermitotic
immature cells seen as large cells but resting phase leading to block in early
they underwent maturation in the BM mitosis or the cell will not divide at all
o PBS: supravital stain: reticulocyte the cell become larger appearing now as
(reticulocytosis) macrocytic.
o Wright’s Stain: polychromatophilic cell  In contrast to microcytosis
(polychromatophilia) wherein the cells are small
o Shift/Stress cells: more larger because they undergo
o Released as a compensatory extradivision.
mechanism of bone marrow to the  RULE: as the cell divides, the cell
following condition: size decreases
 Acute blood loss o NUCLEUS: control center of the cell:
 Hemolysis or hemolytic anemia control all the process including the
 Bone marrow infiltration: filled division of the cell.
with abnormal cells  Not only affect RBC but all rapidly proliferating
 High level of EPO cells  enlargement of ALL rapidly proliferating
 RBC should stay in the BM for 3.5 days and 1 day cells like neutrophils
in the peripheral circulation but due to the  MCV: >100 fL; cannot be relied alone in
stated condition above, the RBC transit time in determining a megaloblastic maturation
the BM will be shorter and prematurely released  IMPORTANT FINDINGS INDICATING A
in the circulation (prolonged stay) shift/stress MEGALOBLASTIC MATURATION: MCV of >100 fL
reticulocytes + macro-ovalocyte and macropolycyte
 RBC is often seen as macro-ovalocytes (large and
oval) and Neutrophils as macropolycyte (large in
size with hypersegmentation) indication of
megaloblastic anemia.

o Neutrophil: has a normal 3-4 lobes but  Multiple Howell-Jolly bodies and many
when hypersegmented and stil has a nucleated RBCs with karyorrhexis.
normal size (9-15 um) it indicates old o DNA containing inclusion indicating
cell. nuclear remnants
o Problem in DNA synthesis which
affected the nuclear maturation thus
the nucleus is prone to fragmentation
 karyorrhexis
o Due to increase karyorrhexis
 Pancytopenia, leucopenia and

 Total erythropoiesis is increased yet there is
reticulocytopenia indicating ineffective
 Hyperplastic marrow: more red marrow in
order to compensate for decreased amount of
MARROW o A marrow which has red
 Characterized by the presence of macrocytic hematopoietic cell (hematopoietically
cells that are not megaloblastic. This may be due active) over the marrow fats
to early release of immature erythrocytes from o Hypoplastic: more of marrow fats
the bone marrow in response to acute hemolysis o Normoplastic: normally, 50:50 ratio
of red cell and fats or 25:75 in long
and/or acute blood loss.
 Not a complication but a compensation
 3x erythropoiesis
 Supravital stain: reticulocyte  Decrease M:E ratio = 1:1
 Wright’s stain: Polychromatophilic cells o Normal M:E ratio is 3:1
 Reticulocytopenia: Increased RBC in the
B. MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA marrow but not enough number of cells in
 Characterized by enlargement of all rapidly the circulation and due to premature lysis
proliferating cells of the body including marrow  Pancytopenia
cells. The major abnormality is the diminished
capacity for DNA synthesis, resulting to “nuclear- CHEMISTRY
cytoplasmic asynchrony” or “maturation arrest”  Related to hemolysis
RNA synthesis is less impeded than is DNA o Increase serum Lactate
synthesis, hence cytoplasmic maturation and Dehydrogenase (LD)  from RBC-
derived isoenzyme
growth continue.
o Increase bilirubin (both total and
 Most common causes: Vitamin B12 deficiency
and folate deficiency o Increase endogenous carbon
NOTE: monoxide (CO)  while the
hemoglobin continuously degrade,
the heme and globin will separate
 Presence of macroovalocytes and giant
and heme will further separate into
hypersegmented neutrophils.
iron and protoporphyrin IX.
 Basophilic stippling: precipitated ribosomes
Protoporphyrin IX will further
indicating a disturbed erythropoiesis and
undergo degradation releasing
erythrocyte metabolism
biliverdin and CO. In normal

hemolysis, carbon monoxide is

exhaled but if hemolysis is increased
CO is also increased.
o Common source of CO is exogenous:
factory and automobile exhaust
 Others: different mechanism
o Increased serum muramidase 
present in granules of neutrophils
 Disturbed granulopoiesis
thus enlarged and
hypersegmented neutrophils
and easily damaged thus
releasing their enzyme
content (muramidase).
o Increased homocysteine  due to
failure convert into methionine
 Homocysteine should receive
methyl from folate to
convert into methionine, but C. CYANOCOBALAMIN (VITAMIN B12) DEFICIENCY
due to folate deficiency it  Not common to occur because the body’s daily
fails to be converted. requirement of B12 is very minimal (around 2-5
DNA = double stranded helix consisting of sugar- ug/day)
phosphate backbone and nucleotides.  When intake is stopped, this type of anemia can
be acquired after 3-6 months or a year. Because
In the formation of thymidine structure to thymine, the body’s utilization of B12 is also minimal thus
both folate and B12 are needed. Therefore deficiency B12 deficiency takes gradually.
in folate and B12 will result to impaired DNA synthesis.
 Vitamin B12 is required in the Demethylation of
The bone marrow converts
folate during DNA synthesis
deoxyuridinemonophosphate into
deoxythymidinemonophosphate using the enzyme  Folate is absorbed through the ileum with the aid
thymidylate synthethase which needs a cofactor of the intrinsic factor (IF) or Castle’s factor
tetrahydrofolate (THF) which is from dietary folate. produced by the parietal cells, and is transported
Dietary folate enters the plasma in the form of 5- by transcobalamin II (TC II) in the plasma.
methyl THF and enters again the red cell in the form of o Intrinsic factor: a protein synthesized by
5- methyl THF but before it could participate in the gastric mucosa; without it, B12 can’t be
synthesis of DNA structure, it needs to undergo absorbed
demethylation wherein there should be removal of o In ileum, cells (enterocyte) with
the methyl group. The methyl removed will be receptors for B12 are available however
transferred to homocysteine thus converting it into it is specific only to B12-IF complex. Thus
methionine by the enzyme methionine synthase
when only B12 is pass through it, it will
needing the cofactor B12.
not be recognized therefore not
ANEMIA: o Transcoblamin II: transports B12 to sites
1. B12 deficiency anemia where it could be metabolized or stored
2. Folate deficiency anemia like in the liver, bone marrow and other
 RDA: 2-5 ug/day

o DIET: primarily from food of animal  Inadequate myelin synthesis: neurologic

origin  main source of B12 damage
o LARGE INTESTINE: synthesized by some  Hyperhomocysteinemia: cardiovascular
of the normal flora in the intestine disease.
(lactobacilli spp. and bacteroides spp.). NOTE:
However the absorption of B12 is in the RELATED CAUSES IF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY:
ileum but the production comes from 1. INADEQUATE INTAKE
the large intestine. Thus, B12  RDA: 2-5 ug/day from meat diet
synthesized in the large intestine is not  Common in strict vegan people
all/readily available for consumption of
the human body.
 Any condition affecting the ileum
NOTE: (inflammation): Celiac disease, ileal disease
ACQUISITION OF METABOLISM OF B12 (Crohn’s disease/regional enteritis) tropical
 B12 comes from the diet (meat origin) once sprue, resection of the small bowel
reaches the stomach, the gastric juice is very  Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome – deficiency
acidic because of the HCl produced by the or absence of IF-B12 receptors
parietal cells. Thus B12 can be damaged. In  Zollinger-Ellison syndrome – hypersecretion
order to protect B12 from acid destruction, syndrome  gastric hypersecretion (acid and
salivary glands produce haptocorrin or juices) that can degrade B12 and prevent it
Transcobalamin I (TC I). While masticating the from binding with IF and therefore B12 is not
food, B12 combines with TC I. Since TC I absorbed
protects B12, it can bypass the acidity and
digestive action of the stomach in small 3. LACK OF AVAILABILITY OF COBALAMIN
intestine (duodenum;1st portion) the pH of  Blind loop syndrome
the chyme is neutral to alkaline thereby o Refers to bacterial overgrowth
destroying haptocorrin and B12 will be o The large intestine (colon) is rich in
released. B12 combines with Intrinsic factor normal flora that synthesis vitamins
(IF) coming from the parietal cells of the but in this case, what will proliferate
stomach and thus forming the B12-IF in the LI are the abnormal flora which
complex. The complex goes down until the will utilize the available B12 at the
jejunum and terminal part – ileum where it expense of the host. And this
will be absorbed by the intestine. Once abnormal flora will also destroy the
absorbed, IF will be detached and B12 will be normal flora in the expense of their
released into the circulation. B12 will then capacity of producing some
combine with Transcobalamin II and be important vitamins (B12)
brought into the liver (for storage or
metabolism), bone marrow (for utilization and  Infection with Diphyllobothrium latum
DNA synthesis) and other tissues (for o D. latum is the longest tapeworm
utilization being a cofactor). infecting human which resides in the
IMPORTANCE OF B12 o Bothriocephalus anemia: long
 For metabolism tapeworm that competes with the
 Formation of RBCs host with the absorption of B12 and
 Maintenance of CNS (brain and spinal cord) secretes substance that inhibit
binding of IF with B12.
 Ineffective DNA synthesis: Megaloblastic 4. PRESENCE OF AUTOANTIBODIES
anemia  Can be either those who destroy the intrinsic
factor or those which destroys cells(parietal)

that produce IF  Inability of the gastric cells become defective and can’t
mucosa to secrete IF (Pernicious anemia) produce HCl
 Achloridria: absence of HCl;
5. DRUGS/ SUBSTABCE-RELATED more specific of pernicious
 e.g. Neomycin and ethanol  chronic anemia especially when the
alcoholics autoantibodies destroy the
parietal cells.
 HCl: important in digestion in
the stomach  digestion of
 Autoimmune type of vitamin B12 deficiency o Episodic abdominal pain, constipation,
anemia and diarrhea
 Types of Autoantibodies: o Symptoms of anemia with a
o Anti-parietal cell antibodies: destroys combination of skin pallor and lemon-
parietal cells yellow skin
 Intrinsic factor: complexes with o Diffuse and irregular degeneration of
B12 in order for it to be the white matter of the CNS
absorbed  Memory loss, numbness and
 HCl: gives acidity of the tingling in toes and fingers
stomach  absence can lead to damaged nerves
achloridria  Symmetric sensation of “pins &
needles” of the distal
o Anti-intrinsic factor antibodies extremities
 IF production is normal, but IF is  In advance cases, brain may be
inhibited by the autoantibodies affected resulting to irritability,
thus it cannot bind with B12  emotional instability, or a
non-absorption of B12 change in personality
 2 TYPES OF ANTI-INTRINSIC (megaloblastic madness)
Blocking antibody: blocks the
 Normal plasma vit. B12 levels: 180-914 ng/L
binding of cobalamin to IF
Binding antibody: binds to the 1. SERUM COBALAMIN ASSAY
cobalamin-IF complex  A microbiological assay using an organism (E.
becoming trimolecular complex gracilis) that requires B12 for its growth.
receptors will not recognize;  Organisms used: Euglena gracilis and
and prevents the complex from Lactobacillus leichmannii
binding to receptors in the  Patient’s plasma + organism incubated for
ileum 48-72 hours at 37 degree Celsius
 Clinical signs & symptoms include:  If the patient’s plasma has a normal B12, it will
o Atrophic glossitis: tongue will atrophy support the growth of the organisms
and become inflamed due easy organisms will grow and cause turbidity of the
desquamation of surface epithelial cells medium
o If the patient’s plasma has an
(lack of integrity because of B12 def.) 
abnormal B12  growth will be
beefy red tongue
retarded  organisms will not grow
o Atrophic gastritis and achloridria:
and will not cause turbidity
leading to malabsorption; when o TURBIDITY WILL BE COMPARED WITH
stomach become inflamed, parietal STANDARD CONTROLS

 Highly sensitive but it is lengthy to performed binding with the reagent B-

but; lactoglobulin
o Not sensitive to patients taking o Differentiation: using the radioassay.
antibiotics  antibiotics are in plasma
thus when incubated with the 5. SCHILLING’S TEST
organisms, it can destroy or kill these  Specific test for Pernicious Anemia
thus this test should not be done with  Provides a measure of the body’s ability to
patients undergoing an antibiotic secrete viable IF & absorb orally administered
therapy Co-labeled B12.
 Reference value: 200-900 mg/dL  PART ONE: patient is given a physiologic dose
of B12 labeled with radioactive cobalt (0.5 -2
2. METHYLMALONIC ACID & HOMOCYSTEINE ug) ingested orally to see whether the patient
ASSAY can absorb the B12 and after 1-2 hours;
 B12 is a cofactor of methymalony CoA mutase another flushing dose is given  injection of
in the isomerization of methylmalonyl CoA to non-radioactive vitamin B12 (1000 ug)
Succinyl CoA. Deficiency of B12 will lead to intramuscularly in order to saturate the
excretion of increased amount of binding sites of B12 so that the minimal
methylmalonate in the urine. amount of B12 absorbed will not bind in the
 Methyl malonyl CoA  MMCoA mutase with binding site instead it will be urinated. check
cofactor Vit. B12  Succinyl CoA B12 levels in the patient’s urine
 Measured by: o Patients with IF or NO pernicious
o Methyl malonic acid assay: GC-MS anemia: the cobalt labeled B12 given
o Homocysteine assay: GC-MS; HPLC; orally in the duodenum will combine
Fluorescence Polarization with IF available in the patient to now
 In both B12 and folate deficiency, allow B12 absorption. B12 absorbed
homocysteine will increase.  homocysteine will proceed to the plasma and those
assay some will be stored in the liver,
plasma protein binding and urinary
 Indirect test that measures the ability of the  Patients with normal IF: excrete >7% ingested
bone marrow cells in vitro to utilize B12
deoxyuridine in DNA synthesis.  If the first part of the test is normal: excreted
 It is abnormal in both cobalamin (B12) and >7% B12  report it as NORMAL. But if there
folate deficiency. is abnormal result (<7% or none excreted) that
may be due to deficient or absent IF 
RADIOASSAY o If IF is absent, there will be no
 Method of choice for both B12 and folate intestinal absorption of B12 thus,
deficiency quantitation ingested B12 will be excreted through
 Principle: patient’s B12 and folate compete defecation.
with Co-B12 and -folate in binding with hog IF  PART TWO: Done after 24 hours of the
and B-lactoglobulin conduct of first part of the test. Patient is
 Patient’s B12  hog IF  Co-B12 given an oral cobalt-labeled B12 with IF that
o Competition between the patient’s will allow absorption of B12 in the ileum.
B12 against the cobalt-labeled B12 in Result is therefore expected to be impoved.
binding with hog IF o Urinary excretion: improved >7% or
o Differentiation: using the radioassay 15%  PERNICIOUS ANEMIA
 Patient’s folate  B-lactoglobulin  I-folate o Low cobalt in urine  Other B12
o Competition between patient’s folate deficiency anemia
against the iodine-labeled folate in


1. TEST FOR AUTOANTIBODIES  Inadequate intake/Dietary deficiency
 For pernicious anemia  Liver disease
 Identify serologically what specific antibody is  Alcoholism: alcoholic is hepatotoxic
produced  Increased demand/requirement
 More specific than schilling’s o Prone to babies and pregnant women
 Defective absorption
2. GASTRIC ANALYSIS (HCl) AND SERUM  Inadequate utilization of folate
GASTRIN  Presence of folate antagonists (antimalarial
 For pernicious anemia drugs that inhibits utilization of folate)
 HCl: Achloridria due to damage in parietal
 Gastrin: peptide hormone secreted by the 1. Microbiologic assay using Lactobacillus casei
gastric walls which functions to stimulate  Serum and Red Cell folate: usually < 3 ug/L
stomach to secrete juice and acids. Since there
is decrease HCl, gastrin will be stimulated to 2. Deoxyuridine Suppression Test
induce more HCl production. Although serum  Ability of BM to utilize deoxyuridine into
gastrin is plenty, there will be still no HCl since deoxythymidine and finally into DNA
the parietal cells are destroyed. structure
3. Quantitation of Vitamin B12 and folate
3. SERUM HOLOTRANSCOBALAMIN ASSAY through competitive protein binding
 Complementary test radioassay
 Holotranscobalamin: metabolically active  Method of choice
form of cobalamin (B12)
4. Homocysteine Assay
 Operculated eggs of D. latum
 A condition that can cause both vitamin B12 and
E. FOLIC ACID/ PTEROYLGLUTAMIC ACID folic acid malabsorption as a result of intestinal
 Features are similar to Vitamin B12 deficiency  Intestinal atrophy (SI and proximal intestine)
but no neurologic symptoms; leukopenia and Vit. B12 and folic acid malabsorption
thrombocytopenia are less constant o Tropical Sprue: intestinal atrophy of the
 RDA: 50 ug folic acid or 400 ug food folate small intestine
 The clinical s/s of it is very similar with B12 o Gluten-sensitive enteropathy: intestinal
deficiency except NO NEUROLOGIC SYMPTOMS atrophy of the proximal intestine
 uncommon to occur even in severe cases
 Absorption: small intestine: duodenum and NOTE: Tropical Sprue & Gluten-sensitive enteropathy
jejunum (same with iron absorption) THERAPY: depends on the condition
o Small intestine parts: 1st duodenum 
 B12 deficiency: B12 supplement
2nd jejunum  3rd ileum (B12
 Deficiency inhibits the thymidine  For pernicious anemia  through IV/
 SOURCE: vegetables and poultry products (eggs) injection

 Folate deficiency: Folate supplement o HYPOPLASTIC: preferred term meaning

severe depletion of blood cells
o APLASTIC: may be confused due to the
NOTE: RECAP prefix “a” meaning absence; but in
anemia it means the same as hypoplastic
MICROCYTIC: abnormal cytoplasm maturation (hb
 Clinical signs include the common signs of
MACROCYTIC: Megaloblastic: Asynchronous anemia plus infection and bleeding seen also in
maturation due to defective DNA synthesis leukemia
 Splenomegaly & lymphadenopathy are ABSENT
in aplastic anemia but present in leukemia
NORMOCYTIC-NORMOCHROMIC ANEMIAS o In leukemia, there are many leukemic
 Synchronous maturation: not a developmental cells that causes the spleen to be
defect but a survival or proliferation problem overworked (remove cells) 
 Anemia occurs due to: splenomegaly.
o Increased destruction  Hemolytic o For ALL, the lymph nodes are also
anemia: can be INTRINSIC or EXTRINSIC infiltrated  lymphadenopathy
 Problem in the
circulation/spleen wherein a
lysis occur
 Increased in reticulocyte count
due to compensatory
mechanism of a normal bone
o Decreased in proliferation or
hypoproliferation 50% of red Decrease in red Increase in red
 Bone marrow defect wherein marrow and marrow but marrow but
there is decrease production of 50% of marrow increase in white decrease in
cells fats marrow(fats) white marrow
 Decreased or normal (fats)
reticulocyte count due to bone Ratio depends Seen in
marrow failure on age: hypoplastic/aplas Seen in
 Differentiated through reticulocyte count Younger child: tic anemia polycythemia
100% red vera
Adults: 50:50;
 Could be due defect of bone marrow cells
 Abnormal or lack of stimulation of the hormone
(EPO) even with normal bone marrow PATHOGENESIS
1. Direct damage to the hematopoietic
A. APLASTIC/ HYPOPLASTIC ANEMIA stem & progenitor cells decreased in
 Characterized by a severe reduction of the blood cell count
amount of hematopoietic tissues that results to o Causes: ionizing radiation, toxic
deficient production of blood cells (hypocellular chemicals (benzene)
bone marrow) o Infiltration BM: myelophthistic
 BONE MARROW: hypocellular
o competition for nutrients by
 CIRCULATION: pancytopenia
normal and abnormal cells
cancerous cells take up the

oxygen and nutrient supply  Associated with other group of congenital

o PANCYTOPENIA anomalies or with genetic predisposition to
2. Immune-mediated chronic bone marrow failure. Predisposition to
cancer and chronic bone marrow failure.
destruction of marrow cells  Patient is born without aplastic anemia but has
o Antibody destruction wherein
congenital genetic abnormality that made him
patient produce autoantibody
predispose to suffering other
that damages its own cell.
o PANCYTOPENIA malignancies/cancer.

3. Low effectiveness of EPO

(cannot activate erythroid
stem cell)  Congenital bone marrow defect that leads to
o Defective/inefficient hormone decrease production blood cells
that causes insufficient  Hereditary Disorder: Autosomal recessive trait
stimulation of the bone marrow or pattern of inheritance
o PURE RED CELL APLASIA  Chromosomal defect are found in lymphocytes
4. Low production of EPO like and BM cells.
 With features of developmental abnormalities
in renal diseases that include hyperpigmentation, short stature
o Normal function of EPO but low
(inability to grow), hypogonadism, mental
in number thus unable to
retardation, strabismus (cross-eyed) and
stimulate the bone marrow
malformation of the extremities.
 Fanconi’s syndrome: different and has no
relationship from this kind of anemia
o Defect in PCT reabsorption thus it is a
A.1. IDIOPATHIC APLASTIC ANEMIA renal tubular defect wherein the
important solute in the filtrate are not
 The cause is of unknown etiology
 The development of sign and symptoms is
hideous and gradually occurring until it becomes FAMILIAL APLASTIC ANEMIA
a full-blown anemia
 Subset of Fanconi’s anemia.
A.2. ACQUIRED APLASTIC ANEMIA  SCHWACHMAN – Diamond syndrome prone to
develop familial aplastic anemia
 May be the effects of exposure to certain
physical and chemical agents some drugs like  Patients may have pancytopenia and a
antimicrobials, anticonvulsants analgesics hypocellular marrow without major
developmental abnormalities.
o Ionizing radiation  high doses
damages bone marrow A.4. PURE RED CELL PLASMA
o Benzene  chemical that has toxic
effect to BM  Benzene Hypersensitive  Only the red cell are decreased
Aplastic Anemia NOTE:
o Chloramphenicol  most common
antibiotic causing AML and Aplasic 1. Transitory Arrest of Erythropoiesis/
anemia  toxic to BM transient aplastic crises – may occur during
the course of a hemolytic anemia often
preceded by an infection with parvovirus B19

infects CFU-E  In chronic disorders/inflammation: WBC are

2. Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood – activated causing them to release cytokines.
associated with a history of viral infection Increased cytokines (interleukins, TNF,
within the last 3 months (humoral inhibition) interferons)  alter iron metabolism that affects
3. Acquired Pure Red Cell Aplasia – associated hb synthesis (microcytic – hypochromic) but if
with thymoma the effect of it is on blood cell production like will
4. Congenital Red Cell Aplasia/ cause decreased EPO because it inhibits kidneys
or it causes decrease in RBC production as it
Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia directly suppresses the erythroid progenitors
(Diamond-Blackfan anemia) (normocytic - normochromic)
 Defects in BFU-E and CFU-E with  Increased cytokines and Decreased EPO
accelerated apoptosis (programmed cell
death) thus decrease production of RBCs
o Progenitor cells BFU-E CFU-E  Normocytic anemia due to renal disease wherein
that give rise to pronormoblast the kidney will not be able to produce enough
mature erythrocytes hormones (EPO) which is the main growth factor
 Most common type caused by a defect in for erythropoiesis
the erythroid-committed progenitor cell
 Decreased EPO (inefficient stimulation)
decreased BM response thus decreased RBCs
II. MYELOPLASTIC ANEMIA  Patients on dialysis is often given commercially
 Associated with marrow replacement by produced EPO and undergo frequent transfusion
metastatic carcinoma, multiple myeloma, of packed red blood cells
leukemia or other conditions.
 This is characterized by the presence of varying
number of normoblasts and immature  EPO has hormonal regulation and its function in
neutrophils. (leukoerythroblastic-anemia) stimulating blood production is also affected by
o Leukoerythroblastic reaction: increase in hormones produced by the endocrine glands like
immature granulocytes or myeloblast the following:
and immature erythrocyte. o Thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, gonads
o Occasionally macrocytic but more
commonly normocytic-normochromic
 Marrow replacement: space occupied by cancer  More characterized by macrocytic anemia but
cells  overcrowding and consumption of occasionally may be normocytic
nutrients and oxygen supply at the expense of  Liver diseases are associated with abnormal
normal cells by the cancer cells metabolism and storage of folate
 In leukemia, there is decrease RBC (anemia), megaloblastic anemia
decrease WBC (infection) and decrease platelets
(bleeding tendencies). Anemia that develops in
leukemia is Normocytic-Normochromic. IV. CONGENICAL DYSERYTHROPOIETIC
III. ANEMIAS OF SYSTEMIC DISORDERS  Group of anemia: inherited refractory anemia
(ASSOCIATED WITH CHRONIC DISEASES) characterized by erythroid multinuclearity,
 These include anemia of renal insufficiency, karyorrhexis and bizarre malformations.
anemia in liver diseases, and anemia of o Refractory means unresponsiveness to
endocrine function, among others. stimulation and medication
 RBCs are usually normocytic-normochromic,
occasionally microcytic-hypochromic.

NOTE: o Intrinsic defects (defects of the red cell

o Abnormal membrane of RBCs:
Hereditary spherocytosis, elliptocytosis,
South-east asian ovalocytosis
o Abnormal metabolism/ metabolic
disorder: embden-meyerhof pathway or
hexose-monophosphate shunt is not
occurring normally due to enzyme
TYPE I: Megaloblastic changes with some binuclearity o Hemoglobin defects: RBCs are
 has nuclear bridging. synthesizing abnormal hemoglobin that
 More on macrocytic. makes the cell prone to lysis.
 Defective gene (Ch 15) o Most are inherited defects
TYPE II: HEMPAS (Hereditary Erythroblastic  Extrinsic defects (factors outside the red cell)
Multinuclearity with a Positive Acid Serum Test) o Normal RBC but the environment of it is
TYPE III: Giant erythroid precursor with more o Damaged blood vessels/
pronounced multinuclearity,
 More on macrocytic
o Plasma has antibodies or toxic agents
 Defective gene (Ch 15)
that can destroy the cells
o Most are acquired defects
 Chemical Agents: Benzene  toxic to BM
causing Toxic Aplastic Anemia and
 Physical Agent: Ionizing Radiation  RBC (most
sensitive)  WBC  Platelets (more resistant;
last to be affective)

 Belong to normochromic-normocytic anemia
 Normally, 1% of our RBCs are destroyed daily by
extravascular hemolysis
 Hemolysis can occur:
o Extravascular hemolysis: outside the
blood vessels  spleen (splenic
o Intravascular hemolysis: within
the blood vessel or circulation
o In both cases, there will be the release of
hemoglobin that may cause the loss of it.
Hemoglobin contains most of the body’s
iron (60% of total iron)
 Increased red cell destruction can be cause by:

If the iron released from the EXTRAVASCULAR HEMOLYSIS occuring in macrophages. When the RBCs are
hemoglobin is not recycled, it will abnormal, the spleen function in filtering the blood and removes any abnormal or
be loss. The body’s mechanism in senescent/old red cells called splenic culling.When there are alot of abnormal cells,
order to recycle the iron: Our splenic culling/ extravascular hemolysis will be increased resulting to the release of
iron source may come from the hemoglobin due to hemolysis of RBCs. Hemoglobin undergoes degradation by
diet and recycled iron, thus it is separating into heme and globin. Globin will be recycled as amino acid and goes
important for our body is able to back to cytoplasm and plasma as part of of the amino acid pool for further protein
recycle iron. When RBCs are synthesis. Heme undergoes further degradation releasing iron and recycled.
hemolyzed, it will release Protoporphyrin IX will also be released from the heme and be broken down into
hemoglobin and it will be endogenous carbon monoxide (exhaled) and biliverdin. Biliverdin is reduced into
degraded to release the iron. bilirubin (unconjugated) and released into the plasma. So what increases in the
Iron can go directly to cells for plasma is the unconjugated type which is water-insoluble and is immediately bound
reuse, or can be bound to to albumin. Unconjugated bilirubin can’t be excreted in the urine because kidney is
transferrin for transport or not able to filter it due to the following reasons: it is water-insoluble and they are
stored in the form of ferritin and bound to albumin (HMW). This albumin-unconjugated bilirubin complex is brought
hemosiderin. into the liver for conjugation. It is conjugated with 2 molecules of glucuronic acid
catalyzed by the enzyme UDP-glucuronyl transferase to form the conjugated
bilirubin called bilirubin diglucuronide. Conjugated bilirubin is stored in the gall
bladder and when needed it forms part of the bile. When needed for digestion it
will be secreted along with the bile into the small intestine to be acted on by some
bacterial enzyme and intestinal enzymes thus it converts into urobilinogen. ½ of the
urobilinogen will reabsorbed going back to the circulation then into the liver. The
other half will be converted into urobilin and stercobilin to be excreted in the stool.
FINDINGS: Increased plasma bilirubin, increased urine urobilinogen, increased
endogenous carbon monoxide.

INTRAVASCULAR HEMOLYSIS: The red cell is not engulf but it lyses in the circulation
releasing now hemoglobin in the circulation resulting to free hemoglobin in the
plasma. Hemoglobin is a LMW protein thus it can be easily filtered (solutes with MW
of <70,000 daltons) by the kidney and excreted into the urine resulting to
unpreservation of the hemoglobin content like iron. To prevent haemoglobin loss,
haptoglobin from the liver will bind with it forming now the hemoglobin-
haptoglobin complex (HMW) and direct into liver for degradation. But due to this,
haptoglobin is consumed. When there is continuous hemolysis, haptoglobin will be
depleted. Thus, hemoglobin becomes free again and will be degraded into heme
and globin in the plasma. Some heme will be oxidized and binds with albumin
forming methemalbumin and some will also bind with hemopexin forming heme-
hemopexin complex and these two will be brought back in to the liver for
FINDINGS: hemoglobinuria or methemoglobinuria; Decreased haptoglobin;
increased plasma methemalbumin; increased carbon monoxide

TYPES OF HEMOLYSIS (intravascular hemolysis)

 Increased urine urobilinogen
(extravascular hemolysis)
destruction of senescent red cells by splenic
macrophages. RBC Survival Studies (Radioactive Chromium
HEMOLYSIS): may be caused by the turbulent o RBC half-life: 25-32 days
environment in the circulation o Cr-RBCs IV blood count every 1-2 days
for 10-14 days
3 MECHANISMS ON HOW THE BODY CONSERVES IRON o Residual activity: index of the
1. Haptoglobin binds with free Hb preventing it o Detects sites of red cell destruction
from being filtered by the kidneys
2. When haptoglobin is depleted, heme is liberated
from hb and binds with hemopexin.
3. Oxidized heme binds with albumin forming


 Reticulocyte count measured by RPI
o Reticulocytosis/
 Decreased red cell hemoglobin, Hct, and
RBC count
 Normocytic and/or occasionally
Macrocytic anemia representing the
reticulocytosis that is prematurely
released in the circulation

 Erythroid hyperplasia (decreased M:E)
 Increased Plasma hemoglobin and
bilirubin (unconjugated)
o Intravascular: highly increased
o Extravascular: slightly increased
 Decreased Serum haptoglobin
o Intravascular: severely decreased
to 0
o Extravascular: slightly decreased
 Increased plasma methemalbumin 
formed when haptoglobin can’t no longer
support hemoglobin
 Increased LHD due to hemolysis 
increased in isoenzyme LD 1 and 2

 Hemoglobinuria and methemoglobinuria


H Hb, Hct, RBC count Decreased Decreased
M Reticulocyte count Increased Increased
T Bone Erythroid hyperplasia Erythroid
O marrow (decreased M:E ratio) hyperplas
L examinatio ia
O n (decrease
G d M:E
Y ratio)
RBC morphology Normocytic some macrocytic Normocytic some

P Free hemoglobin Increased Slightly increased

A Bilirubin Increased Unconjugated Increased
S Unconjugated
Haptoglobin Decreased/Absent Slightly decreased
H Lactate dehydrogenase Increased Slightly increased
Hemopexin Decreased Slightly decreased
S Endogenous CO Increased Increased

U Free hemoglobin Positive Negative

I Urobilinogen Increased Increased
E Hemosiderin Positive Negative

1. HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS  It may involve a defect or deficiency in spectrin

 A defect in the RBC membrane protein or a defect in the binding of spectrin to protein
composition leading to hyperpermeability of the 4.1, ankyrin, band 3, beta-spectrin, protein 4.2.
cell to sodium. o Proteins involves are vertical proteins
 A genetic problem that leads to production of that support the red cell membrane.
abnormal membrane protein or cause non-/ or o Many proteins can be involve:
deficient production of red cell protein. combination of which or it could also
 Repeated removal of parts of the unsupported mean the interaction of these proteins
membrane results to spherocyte formation. to together like the connection of
 Loss of unsupported lipid membrane spectrin to protein bands.

 Uncoupling of unsupported LABORATORY FINDINGS:

defective protein. The detached  Spherocytes, microspherocytes and many
lipids will form vesicles and reticulocytes
remaining part becomes smaller o Seen in both hereditary and acquired
cell without a central pallor condition
spherocytes. (HEREDITARY) o Reticulocytes  as compensatory
mechanism of BM
 Spherocyte does not always mean a hereditary
 Osmotic Fragility Test – always increased
condition, it could also be an acquired condition
o Since the spherocytes are non-
(AUTOIMMUNE ANEMIA that can lead to deformable because they are already
spherocytosis). fully distended, they are fragile and
 It could also be ARTEFACTUAL: in an old stored easily lyse.
blood, most of the red blood cells are  MCV: normal/slightly decrease
spherocytes. o Normocyte is larger than spherocyte,
 Hence, it is needed to differentiate the true but when it comes to volume, they are
hereditary membrane defect (HS) from other the same. The volume of spherocyte is
causes of spherocytosis like in immune closely similar to normocyte despite
hemolytic anemia. the difference in size because
o IMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA: although the spherocyte is smaller, its
entire volume is occupied by the
antibody sensitized the red blood cell. So
hemoglobin (no central pallor) fully
when this sensitized RBCs passes
distended. Unlike the normocyte
through the spleen, the macrophages
wherein it may have a normal size but
will recognize it as a foreign/abnormal its volume is not entirely occupied
cell and remove the inclusion (attached (1/3 central pallor).  SPHEROCYTE
antibody) in the cell (splenic pitting). As and NORMOCYTE have the SAME
the macrophage pulls off the antibodies VOLUME.
from the red cell, it also knits-off some o DIFFERENCE: in SIZE  spherocyte
parts of the red cell. The remaining RBC (smaller) vs. normocyte (larger)
fragments will reseal and form into
spherocytes.  MCHC is increased  no central pallor due to
 Since some of these proteins take part in ion- diminished volume thus the entire volume will
exchange channel, deficiency will cause be occupied by the hemoglobin. When
hemoglobin is measured in relation to the cell
alteration or have defect on the channel thus
volume, it is high. Hence, MCHC is above 36%.
ion transport is affected.
o Spherocytes are cells with highest
o Sodium-Potassium ATPase: instead of MCHC but the volume is normal
normal ion-exchange (normal amount  Autohemolysis test – positive
of Na (major extracellular cation) and K o When the spherocytes are incubated
(major intracellular cation) is for 48 hours, the more they become
maintained.  Defect in transport  sphere therefore they hemolyse on
will result to accumulation of sodium their own.
inside or the cell gains more sodium
causing also the cell to gain more water DIFFERENTIATION:
hence the cell will be bloated.  Direct Antiglobulin/Coomb’s Test (DAT/DCT)
– negative
o Test done in blood banking to
determine occurrence of in vivo
sensitization of RBCs

o Determine whether the RBCs were whether the spherocytosis is hereditary,

attached with antibodies in vivo immune or other causes.
o In HEREDITARY: no antibody-  For hereditary spherocytosis and other
associated whether in vivo or in vitro anemia characterized by spherocytosis
 NEGATIVE in DAT o Spherocytes are test using OFT
o In IMMUNE HEMOLYSIS that result to because they are the most fragile cell
SPHEROCYTOSIS: there are  able to detect the presence of
antibodies-associated  POSITIVE in spherocyte in the circulation.
DAT o RESULT IN HS: 0.60 - 0.65% saline
CLINICAL SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS solution, hemolysis is already
JAUNDICE AND SPLENOMEGALY observed: spherocyte (fragile) easily
 Since it is a type of hemolytic anemia, increase lyse
in bilirubin causing the jaundice.  PRINCIPLE: The cell is placed in a hypotonic
 With the predominance of spherocytes in the saline to cause osmosis (the shift of the fluid
circulation, the spleen becomes overworked from the hypotonic saline into the red blood
in the response of removing them.  cell). If the red cell could still contain its
SPLENOMEGALY: enlargement of the spleen volume, the RBC would be able to absorb
 When the spleen is enlarged, the more it water without lysing and if not, it will easily
sequesters blood and destroys more blood. hemolyse. POSITIVE RESULT: Hemolysis
cause of hemolysis is the spleen. It is the o Incomplete hemolysis: 0.45%
spleen that causes the hemolytic process  Faint pink tinge supernatant
because the function of the spleen is to filter with intact red cell button
the blood thus it removes abnormal cells. o Complete hemolysis: 0.35%
Since spherocytes are abnormal cells, they  Homogenous pink/red
remove it through hemolysis. solution with the absence of
 It is the hemolytic process that will lead to the red cell button.
complications  when the bilirubin levels  Fragility means increased OFT  cells are
increased and the hemoglobin is rearbsorbed easily lyse (spherocytes)
in the kidneys wherein the heme is toxic to the  INCREASED OFT:
kidney  HS. o HS, abnormal membrane, severe G-6-
TREATMENT PDH deficiency, PK deficiency,
SPLENECTOMY is considered to Hemolytic anemia
prevent/lessen/correct the extravascular hemolysis  DECREASED OFT:
however it will not correct the spherocytosis because o Resistant to red cell lysis even when
it is hereditary and therefore the abnormal gene will placed in hypotonic solution
always be there causing the production of  With increased surface area-
spherocytes. But the spherocytes will no longer to volume ratio
hemolyse because the spleen was removed.  Hypochromic cells, target
cells/leptocytes, sickle cell
o Severe IDA (microcytic-hypochromic
1. OSMOTIC FRAGILITY TEST o Thalassemia (microcytic-
 A test to identify the ability of red cells to hypochromic and target cell)
absorb water without lysing. o Sickle cell anemia: If the sickling is still
 It reflects the shape and size of erythrocyte mild and is reversible, when the sickle
(specifically the surface area-to-volume ratio) cell absorbs water it goes back to
 Not a confirmatory test for HS; it will only being a normal cell. However, if its
identify the presence of fragile cells like membrane is totally damaged, the
spherocytes. But it will not determine

sickling becomes irreversible the tube corresponds to the

therefore becomes resistant. drops of 0.5% NaCl)
 AFFECTED BY: 3. Using the same dropper,
o Surface area-to-volume ratio add distilled water into each
 A normocyte with normal tube until a total of 25 drops
central pallor is resistant to (NaCl & water) are in each
lysis because the space can tube.
bloat to extend the capacity, 4. Dispense to each tube one
so the cell can absorb more drop of heparinized or
water without hemolyzing. defibrinated blood. Note:
But a cell without a central Deliver at the same angle
pallor will immediately lyse directly to saline solution.
upon absorption of water like 5. Mix tube and allow to
spherocyte. stand at room temperature
 If the surface area-to-volume or centrifuge for 1 minute at
ratio is still high, the cell is 2,500 rpm.
resistant 6. Examine each tube for
 If the surface area-to-volume initial/incomplete and
ratio is decrease, the cell is complete hemolysis,
fragile  easily lyse  DETERMINE THE
 Cells with decreased surface CONCENTRATION OF NaCl
are-to-volume ratio have a SOLUTION WHERE INITIAL
limited capacity to expand in AND COMPLETE HEMOLYSIS
hypotonic solution and OCCURRED.
therefore lyse even at a less  FORMULA: %NaCl = test tube
hypotonic concentration of number x 0.02
saline than the normal
biconcave cells. o Dacie Method  more accurate
o Functional state of the cell  Hypotonic saline (pH 7.4)
membrane  Buffered at pH 7.4 using PO4
 If the red cell membrane is in order to prevent
defective, it is easily interference of inconsistent
hemolyse. pH
 Like in HS, there is membrane  RECAP: OSMOSIS: movement
problem wherein it lack of fluid in order to attain
integrity due to loss of homeostasis/equillibrium
protein.  Outside is hypotonic, inside is
o Sanford Method  macroscopic isotonic movement of
 Reagent: 0.5% saline + add water from outside to inside
corresponding drops of  Hemolysis: @540 nm
DH2O  INCUBATED OFT: incubate
 SPECIMEN: Heparinized or the sample for at least 24
defibrinated blood hours to detect mild forms of
different concentration of  It is done because if the
hypotonic saline using the observation is done
following procedure: immediate and the HS is mild
1. Set up 12 test tubes and there will be no hemolysis
label no. 14 -25. seen. false negative result
2. Place in each tube 0.5%  Mild forms of HS: on
NaCl solution (The number of prolonged incubation they

become fully spherocyte

therefore show hemolysis
 PURPOSE: detect mild forms
of HS


 Alternative confirmatory test  accurate


5. ACIDIFIED GLYCEROL LYSIS TEST  In Southeast Asian Ovalocytosis/ (SAO), the
6. AUTOHEMOLYSIS TEST mutation in protein band 3 results to
7. HYPERTONIC CRYOHEMOLYSIS TEST increased membrane rigidity, making the red
8. PCR cells resistant to Plasmodium invasion.
 single-stranded and conformational o Mutation: gene for band 3 increased
polymorphism analysis rigidity (not flexible) of the membrane
 alternative confirmatory test and resistance to invasion by malaria
o BAND 3: gives elasticity and flexibility
of the RBC membrane
NOTE:  Common in southeast asian population
Since HS is a genetic disorder, the confirmatory tests  Since the RBC membrane is rigid and instead
are the genetic studies like chromosomal studies or of showing a pale center area, a band is
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). formed at the center
 PINCER-LIKE CELLS: traverse ridge or
longitudinal slit
 A defect in the skeletal protein interaction HERIDITARY PYROPOIKILOCYTOSIS (HPP)
(spectrin dimmers, ankyrin, protein 3 and 4.1)  Affected red cells are heat sensitive and start
anemia is normocytic normochromic with >25% to bud & fragment at 45-46°C. Normal red
elliptocytes. cells fragment starting at 49°C.
o Proteins involves are horizontal proteins  Budding and fragmentation at 45-46 °C
that support the red cell membrane.  Normal RBC will start to fragment or bud at 49
 Clinical manifestions are mild, or none at all. degree Celsius  vesicle formation and
 Deficiency of glycophorin C fragmentation
 ACQUIRED: <25% elliptocytes of the RBC  But cells in HPP are heat-labile meaning that
even at lower temperature (45-46 C) they
easily bud off and fragment
 HEREDITARY: >25% elliptocytes of the RBC
 If they bud off they will form a small vesicle
population which are called microspherocytes
 Splenectomy is not considered buds/fragments from RBC
cells that easily buds and fragment @45-46
degree Celsius
 Pyro: means heat/fire cells are resistant to

 Variant of both HS and HE

 The patient has the abnormal gene resulting  Deficiency will lead to decreased membrane
to spherocytic and elliptocytic HEREDITARY transport mechanism hence it will lead to
 BLOOD SMEAR will show combination of dehydrated or overhydrated cell.
many spherocytes and elliptocytes  Normal cell should maintain more
concentration of sodium outside and
potassium inside but if the defect of the
3. HEREDITARY STOMATOCYTOSIS: transport protein results to:
HEREDITARY XEROCYTOSIS (DEHYDRATED)  Na and K inside)  cell becomes
 A mild hemolytic anemia characterized by too concentrated which will drive the
increased permeability and flux of both Na+& K+. water from the outside to shift inside
Intercellular water is influenced by ions,  cells gains more water appearing
primarily sodium, thus, a net increase or as STOMATOCYTE: a swollen cell/fully
decrease in cellular cations will influence the hydrated cell
shift of fluid shift into or out of the cell. o A NET DECREASE in cellular cation
almost all of the cations have left the
RBC as the cations leaves the RBC,
 In phospholipid bilayer aside from cytoskeleton, even intracellular water will also shift
peripheral proteins at the inner leaflet or lining, outside the RBC  cells become
there are also proteins that traverse the bilayer dehydrated or dessicated 
which are called integral proteins, which serve as appearing as DESSICOCYTE or
ion channels or transport proteins. Integral XEROCYTE: a dehydrated cell
proteins can also be defective altering the
membrane transport mechanism which can
The blood antigens are
result into:
found on the red cell
o Overhydrated Hereditary
surface like the Rh
Stomatocytosis/Hydrocytosis antigens which add in
 Stomatocytes (hydrocytes) are the integrity of the RBC
formed due to the shift of fluid membrane. Hence their
into the cell (swollen cell) these absence (complete
cells have decreased surface-to- absence: Rh null disease)
volume ratio make the RBC
o Dehydrated Hereditary membrane incomplete
Stomatocytosis/Xerocytosis therefore it is
 Xerocytes (dessicocytes) are compromised.
formed due to the shift of fluid Net INCREASE in cellular
out of the cell (dehydrated cell). cations Decrease
surface-to-volume ratio
These cells have increased
OFT: Increase  prone
surface-to-volume ratio.
to lysis MCV: Decreased
CAUSES: Seen in Rh null
1. Mutation in the RHAG gene Net DECREASE in cellular
 RH Blood Group system: any of the antigen cations Increased
DCcEe surface-to-volume ratio
OFT: Decrease 
2. Absence of stomatin (band 7 region) resistant to lysis
3. Mutations in the PIEZO1 gene (Piezo-type MCHC: Elevated  cells
mechanosensitive ion channel component 1 hemoglobin appears

concentrated due to 3. Rapoport-Luebering Pathway

intracellular water loss  Production of 2,3 DPG
Characterized by Mild  Regulates hemoglobin affinity to oxygen
hemolytic anemia  NOT involved in ATP production or RBC
hemoglobin protection
SUMMARY: MEMBRANE DAMAGE 4. Methemoglobin Reductase Pathway
HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS: most affected protein  Maintains hemoglobin in the reduced form
structure are the vertical ones like ankyrin and band 3

HEREDITARY ELLIPTOCYTOSIS: the proteins involved

can be the same with HS but the position of the
protein is horizontal like actin


dehydrated or overhydrated, the problem are the
transport proteins

 This is the most common RBC enzymopathy
associated with hemolytic anemia, inherited as
a sex-linked disorder. Red cells need G6PD to
generate NADPH and reduced glutathione
(GSH). These reducing potentials are important
in protecting hemoglobin from oxidation.
 G-6-PD enzyme is found in hexose
Metabolism Pathway in RBCs: monophosphate shunt which functions to
provide the reducing potential of the RBC or to
1. Embden-meyerhoff Pathway: anaerobic provide the antioxidant property of RBCs.
glycolysis  In the absence of G6PD, hemoglobin is not
 Provides 90-95% ATP protected from oxidation by peroxides. It will be
 Mature RBCs lack mitochondria thus they easily oxidized becoming
produce ATP through EMP
methemoglobin/hemoglobin  iron is in the
ferric state
2. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt or Pentose
Phosphate Pathway:  Oxidized hemoglobin easily denatures and
 Oxidative pathway precipitates as Heinz bodies.  located at the
 Provides 5-10% ATP periphery
 Production of reduced glutathione  main o Heinz bodies are found at the periphery
function attach to red cell membrane inducing
 Glutathione is the main antioxidant property cell rigidity and fragility.
of RBC  detoxifying agent o When RBC with Heinz bodies enters a
microcirculation(splenic sinusoids), a

part of the cell which is flexible can pass

through however the part where there
is inclusion (rigid) will not and will be
detached from the RBC  the
remaining cell will be knit off producing
now a pitted red cells called bite cell,
horned cells, thorned cell or
 Increased oxidation may be associated with
exposure to oxidant drugs, diabetic acidosis &
during neonatal period.
o Included in newborn screening in the
 G6PD Mediterranean is occasionally associated
with severe hemolytics episodes ( CLASS ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY DEGREE OF
hemoglobin) of following consumption of fava
beans (favism)
I Severely deficient  Chronic hemolysis
o G6PD Mediterranean - favisms most severe
 PBS: Heinz bodies, bite cells, polychromasia II Severely deficient Acute, episodic
MAIN REACTION: Glucose-6-Phosphate (<10% residual
Dehydrogenase (cofactor NADP; when functions it activity)
becomes reduced into NADPH  reducing potential) III Moderately to mildly Acute, episodic
catalyzes the conversion of Glucose-6-Phosphate into deficient (10% to 60%
6-phosphogluconate. residual activity)
IV Mildly deficient to Absent
Importance of reduced NADP  NADPH normal (60% to 150%)
1. Protects the hemoglobin from being oxidized; the V Increased (>150%) Absent
H of NADPH will be given to hemoglobin reverse the Not all G6PD deficiency is characterized by severe
oxidation and reduces methemoglobin (oxidized hgb) hemolysis, it depends on the type (5). With hemolysis
back to reduced hemoglobin. (1-3); without hemolysis (4-5)
2. Reduce another reducing potential: Reduced
 Good reducing potential if it is in reduced
form; it can reduce back methemoglobin into
normal form.
 Recommended screening test): hemolysate +
 Major antioxidant property: breaks down
reagent  NADH – NAD (NADH conversion to
hydrogen peroxide (toxic) into water and
NAD results to loss of fluorescence)
oxygen; detoxify peroxides and free radicals
 Blood + Reagent: G6P + NADP  NADPH + 6-
Methemoglobin production: 3.5 himeglobin daily
If accumulated can suffer from methemoglobinemia
o With fluorescence: conversion of
 abnormal hgb that can’t transport oxygen
o Without fluorescence: absence of
NADPH; conversion of NADPH into
NADP  reaction does not occur



 Measures the ability of RBCs to detoxify 

Measures the spontaneous lysis of RBCs
hydrogen peroxide when incubated with when incubated at 37°C for 48 hours.
ascorbate. A brown color develops Depletion of Glucose and ATP during
(methemoglobin) in the absence of adequate incubation results to membrane loss,
RBC G6PD. spherocyte formation, and then ultimately,
 If the patient RBC has a normal G6PD levels, lysis. If positive, test is repeated with addition
it is able to produce NADPH which will cause of Glucose and ATP to protect against
the reduction of glutathione (major autohemolysis.
antioxidant property of red cell that will INTERPRETATIONS:
break down hydrogen peroxide)  Normal sample: 0.2-2% hemolysis; 0%-0.8% /
(H2O2)  G-6-PD deficiency: moderate high
 PROCEDURE: autohemolysis, partially corrected by glucose
o RBC (hemoglobin) + ascorbate  PK deficiency: greatly high autohemolysis,
cyanide reagent –incubated--  corrected by ATP
produces H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide,  Hereditary spherocytosis: Greatly high
a toxic radical that destroys hemolysis corrected by glucose or ATP but not
hemoglobin) to a normal value.
o RBC (Normal – G6PD) + H2O2 
Hemoglobin (normal)  pink
solution: cell is maintained in normal 2. PYRUVATE KINASE DEFICIENCY ANEMIA
state  Pyruvate kinase enzyme is found in EMPathway
o RBC ( Decrease – G6PD) + H2O2  (anaerobic glycolysis) which is important in the
Hemiglobin/Methemoglobin  synthesis of ATP. Hence, its deficiency will lead
brown solution: G6PD deficient cell as well to ATP deficiency.
 PK catalyzes phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate.
 ATP energizes the Na-K pump which is
 INDIRECT TEST that determines the ability of
necessary in the maintenance of RBC
red cell to reduce methemoglobin back to
normal hemoglobin.
 All hemoglobin compounds  PK deficiency results to impaired Na+-K+ pump.
(abnormal/normal) are reversible EXCEPT Water and K+ are lost resulting to shrinkage,
sulfhemoglobin. distortion, speculation and premature RBC
 Hemiglobin is reversible. destruction.
 Detects NADPH generation by G6PD. The  RBC morphology is generally normocytic-
transfer of H+ from NADPH to normochromic, with presence of
methemoglobin results to its reduction back polychromasia.
to normal hemoglobin.
o If patient RBC have normal levels of NOTE:
G6PD, then it is able to generate In embden meyerhoff pathway, there are two
enough NADPH (reducing potential) reaction that are ATP producing:
o Methylene Blue can be added to (1) Conversion of 1,3 – biphosphoglycerate into 3-
make the transfer of hydrogen to phosphoglycerate
methemoglobin faster. (2) Conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)
o It facilitates a fast transfer of into pyruvate 
hydrogen catalyzed by pyruvate kinase

4. AUTOHEMOLYSIS TEST (SCREENING TEST There is two (2) glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate so there

FOR PK AND G-6-PD DEFICIENCIES) will be 4 ATP molecules produced. However, if there
is a deficient enzyme like PK, ATP production will also
be deficient.

o Without fluorescence: Normal PK:

conversion of NADH into NAD+
(oxidized form)
 If patient RBC have PK, it will
cause the conversion of the
above reaction
 Loss of fluorescence means
normal pyruvate kinase

2. AUTOHEMOLYSIS TEST (Screening Test for

1. Active Transport: Transport protein + ATP  For diagnosis of PK, G6PD, HS
 The transport of ion is mostly active thus  Incubated in sterile condition at 37 degree
ATP is needed like in Calcium pump and Celsius for 48 hours (2 days)
NaK ATPase pump
 Measures the spontaneous lysis of RBCs
 Facilitated transport: only transport protein when incubated at 37oC for 48 hours.
is needed Depletion of Glucose and ATP during
Thus the effect of ATP deficiency is that the transport incubation results to membrane loss,
of ions along cell membrane becomes abnormal thus spherocyte formation, then ultimately, lysis.
the cell loses more potassium and losses more water If positive, test is repeated with addition of
 crenated/distorted cell that is prone to Glucose and ATP to protect against
lysis/destruction autohemolysis.
o 1st test: positive for hemolysis 2nd
test: add Glucose or ATP repeat
autohemolysis test
 1st test: Greatly
High/Increase Hemolysis;
2nd test: hemolysis is
corrected by ATP  PK
 1st test: Moderate Hemolysis
partially; 2nd test: hemolysis
DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY TESTS FOR PK is partially corrected by
DEFICIENCY glucose  G6PD deficiency
1. FLUOERSCENT SPOT TEST (OXIDATION)  3rd test: Greatly Hemolysis;
 Blood RBC (Hemolysate) + reagent (PEP, 2nd test: hemolysis is
NADH, LD) –incubate--  NADH  NAD+ partially corrected by ATP
o PEP – PK  Pyruvate –Lactate and Glucose  HS
Dehydrogenase (with cofactor NADH) INTERPRETATIONS:
 Lactate  Normal sample: 0.2-2% hemolysis; 0%-0.8% /
 Pyruvate: aerobic product 0.9% if with ATP or glucose
 Lactate: anaerobic product  G-6-PD deficiency: moderate high
 RESULTS: autohemolysis, partially corrected by glucose
o With fluorescence:  PK deficiency: greatly high autohemolysis,
Abnormal/Deficient PK: Presence of corrected by ATP
NADH (reduced form)

 Hereditary spherocytosis: Greatly high that in the presence of antibodies may

hemolysis corrected by glucose or ATP but mediate hemolysis
not to a normal value.  ETIOLOGY:
o HEMOGLOBINURIA: presence of
hemoglobin in the urine due to
MECHANISM hemolytic anemia (intravascular
1. PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL HEMOGLOBINURA hemolysis)  hemoglobin is directly
(PNH) freed into the plasma and plasma is
 Acquired intrinsic defect which arises in the filtered by the kidney hence will appear
bone marrow stem cells affecting RBCs, WBCs in the urine
and platelets.  Hemolysis mainly is the cause
o The cause of mutation is not yet for hemoglobinuria
established because many factors are o NOCTURNAL: means NIGHT.
involved.  The intravascular hemolysis and
o Acquired but genetic in hemoglobinuria occurs chiefly
nature/hereditary disease at NIGHT  plasma is more
o EFFECT OF MUTATION: the mutation acidified thus the RBCs
has lead to deficiency or absence of hemolyse.
complement defense protein like the o PAROXYSMAL: mean INTERVAL
regulatory protein C3 convertase. The  The lysis does not occur
complement system is part of the everytime or constantly
body’s defense mechanism thus it anytime but it occurs at an
function normally if its activation occurs INTERVAL  NIGHT
normally. The complement protein  Decrease or absence
causes lysis but RBCs are resistant to it  Most cases of PNH, the patient conditions are
because it is protected by C3 related to aplastic anemia indicating that the
convertase however in this disease, the mutation is caused by weaken bone marrow.
RBC does not elaborate these defense o In aplastic anemia, bone marrow is
proteins thus prone to hemolysis. defective, it has decreased function due
Another cause is the deficiency or to infiltration of marrow fats hence it is
absence of GPI which supposedly prone to mutation.
should function to linked complement NOTE:
proteins thus deficiency will lead to The complement system has 3 pathway: classical,
hemolysis. alternative, and lectin pathway in which involve the
 ↓ / (-): complement defense assembly of C3 convertase that will later cleave C3 into
proteins (C3 convertase) C3a and C3b and other fragments. C3 convertase is
 ↓ / (-): Glycosylphosphatidyl injurious to RBC, that C3 may bind with the RBC and
Inositol (GPI)  linked protein stress it. Sooner or later, the RBC bound with
 Affected cells show an abnormal sensitivity to complement hemolyse. However, if the RBC have on
complement in acidified plasma or low ionic their surface the expose CD55 and CD59 which are
strength environment, resulting to protective proteins, the RBC will be protected against
complement. CD55 and CD59 inhihits the further
complement-mediated lysis.
activation of complement.
o Affected cells (acidified plasma/Low
Ionic Strength)  COMPLEMENT- In PNH, CD55 (also called DAF) and CD59 are
mediated lysis deficient/absent, thus on continued activation of the
o COMPLEMENT: a thermo-labile protein complement pathway, there will be formation of
coming from complement activation membrane-attack complex which can also assemble

on surface of RBC together with the complement  PROCEDURE: incubate RBC with the
proteins that will induce further lysis. following:
o Weak acid: complement activation
MAIN MUTATION in PNH occurs in the gene and cause the complement to attach
responsible in the production of the normal GPI  on RBC surface causing stressful
mutation of GPI environment and later hemolysis
GPI: links regulatory protein like CD55 and CD59 on o RBC + N. serum + 0.1% HCl  weak
RBC surface DEFICIENCY OF EITHER/BOTH will lead to acid  POSITIVE
prone complement-mediated lysis. o RBC + Pxt. Serum
o RBC + Inactivated serum  NO
HEMOLYSIS: complement is there
but inactivated; complement
proteins are thermo-labile thus when
heated at 56 degree Celsius will
cause its inactivation.
 Affected RBCs are abnormally sensitive to
complement-mediated lysis in acidified
serum (use of weak acid as reagent)
 Positive screening + Positive confirmatory
test  PNH
 Also test CDA II (HEMPAS)

Currently, flow cytometry procedures are available

that can test white cells for the presence or absence
of GPI-linked proteins. White cells can be examined
for reactivity to anti-CD48, CD55, and CD59, all of
1. SUGAR WATER SCREENING TEST which are anchored proteins. A new diagnostic
 Whole blood and normal control are procedure, FLAER (fluorescent- labeled aerolysin) has
incubated at 37 degrees Celsius in a LISS. proved effective in detecting smaller populations of
Hemolysis in the test/sample may indicate abnormal leukocytes in PNH.
complement-mediated lysis. OTHER DIAGNOSTIC TESTS FOR PNH
o LISS promotes binding of
complement to RBC  straining;
 Able to detect which specific GPI or
while the complement is on the RBC
defense/regulatory protein is deficient or
surface, it stresses the cell until such
defective in affected cells because it made
time the RBC can no longer bear the
use of specific anti- sera
stress and hemolyse
 ANTI-SERA for: CD48, CD55, CD59, WBC and
o WB in LISS at 37°C
other blood cells
o NC in LISS at 37°C
o When blood cell react to the anti-
sera means that they possess the
o WB: with hemolysis; NC: no
following markers have normal
hemolysis  valid but should not yet
regulatory proteins
reported  proceed to another test
 GPI – linked proteins; -WBCs reactivity to
 confirmatory test like sucrose
anti-CD48, CD55 and CD59
hemoysis test and Ham’s acidified
serum test
 It uses fluorescent dyes and has an
 Confirmatory Test
advantage of being able to detect even the
small population of affected cells
 More sensitive
 Confirmatory test for PNH

- Caused by pathologic antibodies (IgM

antibodies against the I antigen) that react
ACQUIRED IMMUNE ANEMIC OF INCREASED most effectively at cold temperature (0-10
DESTRUCTION (Antibody Related) degrees Celsius). Often associated with M.
1. ISOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA pneumoniae & Epstein-barr virus/EBV
 Antibodies comes from another person: infections. Patients exposed to these
o Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and the infections may develop harmful Anti-I & Anti-
Newborn (HDFN) I antibodies, respectively.
 Rh negative mother; Rh positive
baby IgM Ab  directed against I Ag: 0-10 degree Celsius
o Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions (HTR)  Harmless cold antibodies: Anti-I, Anti-H and
2. AUTOIMMUNE HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA (AIHA)  Harmful antibodies: produced in infections 
M. pneumonia (Anti-I); EBV (Anti-i) 
 Antibodies produced by patient’s own body
hemolytic anemia
 Happens when the patient’s immune system
 Reynaud’s phenomenon/acrocyanosis:
becomes altered to cause the production of
Cyanotic appearance: red- blue-black
antibodies that will attack the patient’s own coloration plus painful sensation on the
RBC causing lysis. exposed parts of the body due to
 Can be drug-induced, infections, unknown vasooclussion caused by agglutination of the
 WARM AIHA: IgG production reacts @37 RBC by the abnormal antibody.
degree Celsius; more common
o Associated/Pre-exist with CLL, wherein The exposed body parts like ears and fingertips which
the affected lymphocytes are the are the coldest or easily cold part of the body. The
dormant B-cells but they start IgM which is the Anti-I will bind to I antigen causing
producing abnormal antibodies that will now agglutination. So the blood vessels supplying the
distal tissues will be obstruction resulting to non-
attack patient’s own red blood cell
oxygenation  cyanotic  may even lead to
causing WARM AIHA
necrosis/death of tissue.
 COLD AIHA: IgM production reacts @colder
temperature (0-10 degree Celsius)
o Bind with RBCs at cold temperature,
since IgM is pentamer, more RBC can
bind thus agglutinates more.

- Occurs when the patient’s own immune
system produces anti-RBC antibodies (IgG
antibodies) that react most effectively at
warm temperatures  The hemolysis does not occur anytime but
occurs in an interval  during cold temperature
o Technically, hemolysis occurs in warm
temperature but it is called cold because
antibodies bind in this temperature.
 Caused by the binding of the Donath-Landsteiner
antibody to the patient’s red cells following
exposure to cold. Donath-Landsteiner is an Ab
COLD-ANTIBODY AIHA specific for Pp blood group system. It is biphasic
that reacts at cold and warm temperature. At

cold temperature, it binds to the red cell  Caused by abnormal deposition of fibrin or
membrane without causing lysis. Intravascular atheroma, or anatomic defects of the small
hemolysis and hemoglobinuria occurs as the blood vessels resulting to reduced blood vessel
temperature returns to normal body temp. lumen and increased blood pressure. The
 It is immune because of the presence of combination of this abnormal increase in the
antibody: Donath-Landsteiner (D-L) antibody is force of moving cells and the smaller vessel
directed for the Pp blood group (hence, also cause injury and fragmentation of RBCs.
called  anti-P). IgG antibody type but biphasic  When the cell passage is small and is obstructed,
which reacts in both warm and cold the circulation becomes limited and to
temperature. compensate for the decreased blood supply,
o In cold temperature, it does not cause there will be increase in cardiac output and the
hemolysis, it only binds to surface of the effect is increased blood pressure.
RBC. This binding will cause the partial o The combination of increased pressure
activation of complement mechanism pushing the red cell and the limited
from C1 to C4. Nothing will happen if the circulation where the red cell should
patient is maintained in the cold pass through  trauma to red cells
temperature however when exposed to  PBS: presence of schistocytes  hallmark of
warmer/normal (37 degree Celsius) hemolytic anemia
temperature, the D-L antibody will be  Affects or occurs in the small blood vessels
detached and the complement wherein it further narrows due to the:
mechanism will completely (C3-C9) be o Presence of fibrin deposits causing
activated thus hemolysis will occur. obstruction
o Complement – mediated lysis by D-L o Presence of atheroma plaques like in
antibody diabetes mellitus or
 D-L TEST hypercholesterolemia  thickening and
o PROBLEM: presence of antibody which is hardening of blood vessels (rough)
found in the serum o Anatomic defects: blood vessel is very
o TEST: Pxt serum + Reagent cells: O and small  hemolysis
P+( for anti-P) normal cells incubate @
4 degree Celsius transfer to 37 degree 2. DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR
Celsius incubation COAGULATION (DIC)
antibody  Caused by extensive damage to vessel
 NO HEMOLYSIS: absence of D-L endothelium or exposure to compounds that
antibody initiate clotting resulting to fibrin deposition
along and across the vessel lumen. RBCs are
ANEMIAS fragmented as they are pushed through the
 Vascular OBSTRUCTION caused by fibron clots or vessel by the action of rapid circulation.
threads (DIC and MAHA) and by abnormal  Affects all types of blood vessels: small,
platelet aggregates (TTP and HUS) medium, large and may also affects either
1. MICROANGIOPATHIC HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA  Test: Coagulation & Fibrinolysis tests
(MAHA)  Due to release the release of thromboplastin-
 SECONDARY HEMOSTATIC like or tissue-factor like substance, it will cause
DEFECTS/COAGULATION DISORDER the activation of both coagulation and
fibrinolysis, the effect of which is because of the

continous activation of coagulation decreased  Shiga toxin attach to glomerular

coagulation factors; Increased activation of capillaries(renal damage)
fibrinolysis will lead to increased fibrin-split causing the release and
product (FSP) thus will result to bleeding activation of vWF which causes
o Decreased coagulation and Increased the platelets to adhere with
FSP them and aggregate 
(TTP) / MOSCHKOVITZ SYNDROME following vaccination
 Associated with defective ADAMTS-13 which is 5. HEMOLYSIS DUE TO MECHANICAL INJURY
an enzyme that cleaves the ultralong and  Damage to the heart of aorta – RBCs fragment
ultralarge von Willebrand factor so they as they come in contact with damaged heart
become a smaller or medium sized vWF that is valves.
more effective in hemostasis. However the o Patients with artificial or prosthetic
deficiency/absence in ADAMTS-13, the vWF will heart valves
persist as large which easily binds with  Stress or March hemoglobinuria – lysis is caused
platelets. Ultralarge vWF will bind with platelets by mechanical pressure during exercise or
causing them to aggregate on them thus during marching
blood circulation, the platelet aggregates can o Also called Cadet’s,Orthostatic
detached and flow along the circulation and can hemoglobinuria/proteinuria, Cyclic
be deposited elsewhere causing now hemoglobinuria/proteinuria occurs
obstruction.  thrombosis (thrombus) red cell during the day
trauma o Hemoglobinuria: presence of
 Caused by formation of platelet aggregates (due hemoglobin in the urine due to
to activation) resulting to vascular occlusions hemolysis which is caused by stress and
and RBC fragmentation. More common in force against renal vein
young adults and is characterized by fever,  Infections & Infestations
petechiae, neurologic signs and renal disease. o PLASMODIUM (hemolytic condition;
intraerythrocytic parasite (humans),
4. HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME (HUS) Babesia (ring forms; intraerythrocytic
 PRIMARY HEMOSTATIC DEFECTS cattles  humans)), Bartonella
 Etiology is not clear, though some cases are bacilliformis (Oroya fever), Clostridium
associated with mild febrile illnesses, certain perfringens, Infectious Mononucleos
immunizations, and gastrointestinal (EBV).
disturbances. o INFESTATIONS: spider bites 
 This is common among infants and young Parasitism outside the body
children manifested with acute hemolysis, renal  Exposure to Chemicals and Toxins
failure, neurologic signs, abdominal pain,  Thermal Injury
vomiting, and diarrhea.
 Associated with either diarrheal and non-
diarrheal condition
o DIARRHEAL: seen commonly in young
individuals caused by shiga
(Shigella/Salmonella) or verotoxin
producing organism like E.coli O15H:7



Post-Hemorrhagic because anemia occurs after the
blood loss.
 The amount loss is >20% of patient’s blood
volume and the occurrence is too short like in
overt bleeding (gunshot wounds, accident,
 The amount of blood being is loss quite low
but on prolonged duration like GIT bleeding,
Menstruation, Repeated Pregnancy. Gradual
loss of blood.


It is acute when the amount of blood loss is >20% of the Loss of small amount of blood but in long duration. In
patient’s blood volume. chronic blood loss, there is no disruption in the blood
EXAMPLE: Normal blood volume is 5 Liter  20% is 1L volume but hemoglobin is loss therefore even iron is lost
If a patient loss a 1L of blood in a single incident  ACUTE leading to iron deficiency anemia.
BLOOD LOSS  most patient can adjust to a blood loss of Morphology: before becoming a full-blown (Stage 1and 2)
20% however more than 20%  patient may suffer in IDA: NORMOCYTIC-NORMOCHROMIC  Stage 3:
HYPOVOLEMIA (decrease in blood volume) MICROCYTIC
Hematocrit: PRBC/Total Volume

When a patient loses blood, it will not select RBC only but
it is a loss of proportionate amount plasma and RBC. Thus
both plasma and RBC will decrease and when we get the
hematocrit immediately, it will appear normal. But there
will be sudden decrease in platelets and after an hour will
rise. There will be decrease in platelets because they will
be needing in arresting the bleeding by forming clots and
increased due to splenic mobilization which is caused by

Since there is hypovolemia, there will be vasoconstriction

which will decrease the blood flow however it should not
be remain as that for too long thus the body will adjust to
bring back blood vessel into its normal size. So in order to

have vasodilution, it will cause a shift of fluid from

extravascular and interstitial compartment into the
circulation in order to expand it thus causing an increased
plasma volume over the red blood cell  hemodilution
(will only correct blood volume)  decreased hct and
hgb. Starting 3-5 days after the blood loss, the BM will
compensate by producing more blood cells and releasing
even immature blood cells: red blood cells
(reticulocytes/shift cells) and leukocytes (immature
neutrophil: shilling’s hemogram: shift to the left:
increased in young forms).

Initial: normocytic-normochromic/ unchanged
depending on px blood pic. Later (3rd -5th day): will
become transient macrocytic  immature cells 6th day:
no macrocytosis: immature forms start to mature.

1. ACUTE POSTHERMORRHAGIC ANEMIA o Reticulocyte count and its associated

 Blood loss over a short period of time in corrections can be used to assess
amounts sufficient to cause anemia. Normal bone marrow erythropoietic activity.
individuals are able to compensate for rapid  RETICULOCYTE: 5th stage in the erythopoiesis
blood loss of up to 20% of the circulating blood  first non-nucleated stage but it has
volume with few symptoms. remnant of RNA; fully hemoglobinized
o Young erythrocytes that are in a
 Major manifestations of anemia are due to
discrete, penultimate phase of
depletion of blood volume
maturation where the nucleus has
 RBCs are Normocytic-Normochromic followed been removed, however some of the
by transient Macrocytosis and increased extranuclear RNA remains in the
polychromasia cytoplasm.
o The term reticulocyte is derived from
2. CHRONIC POSTHEMORRHAGIC ANEMIA the fact that the cell contains a small
 Blood loss in small amounts over an extended network of basophilic material called
period of time. This results to gradual iron loss reticulum which is demonstrable only
and slower regeneration of red cells. by supravital stain.
 At first, the anemia is Normocytic- o In the peripheral blood they are called
polychromatophilic erythrocytes.
Normochromic and gradually becomes
 PRINCIPLE: Supravital staining of RNA
o The ribosomal RNA is stained
supravitally. Any non-nucleated RBC
NOTE: that contains stained
RETICULOCYTE COUNT particles/granulofilamentous
 It measure the erythropoietic activity of the materials are counted as reticulocyte.
bone marrow.

o Supravital staining: staining cells RETICULOCYTE POLYCHROMATOPHILI

while in their living state C CELLS
o STAINS: Most commonly used: New STAIN: Supravital stain Without granules 
Methylene Blue and Brilliant Cresyl The granules are arranged RNA is not precipitated
Blue; Others: Janus Green, Nile Blue in “reticulum pattern” Non- but the cell will be seen
sulfate nucleated; with 2 or more as polychromatophilic
 METHOD OF STAINING: Wet method and Dry blue-stained (polychromasia)
Method (schilling’s method) particles/granulofilamento showing a lot of colors
 SPECIMEN NEEDED: EDTA-anticoagulated us  precipitated RNA (grayish, bluish,
blood or capillary blood greenish) due to
 PROCEDURE: mixture of the cell.
a. Mix equal amounts of filtered stain COMPOSITION OF
and EDTA-anticoagulated blood or WRIGHT’S STAIN:
fresh capillary blood in a small test Methylene blue (basic
tube dye) and eosin(acidic
b. Incubate mixture at room dye)  reticulocyte
temperature/using incubator for 10 – have hemoglobin
15 minutes (eosin) and RNA(MB)
o Purpose of incubation: to colors are mixed
promote the staining of RBC.
Since the RBCs are alive, they
resist staining due to intact
c. After incubation, mix thoroughly and
prepare a wedge smear.
d. Examine smear using 100x objective
(OIO) using the routine light
microscope method. Select an area NOTE:
where erythrocytes are close but not METHODS OF COUNTING
overlapping and reticulocytes appear 1. LIGHT MICROSCOPE
to be well stained.  Reticulocytes are enumerated among 1000
RBCs in areas where RBCs are close but not
APPEARANCE OF RBCs and RETICULOCYTES: overlapping and reticulocytes appear to be
 MATURE RBCs: light to medium green without well stained.
 RETICULOCYTES: light green with granules/ 2. MILLER DISK METHOD
granulofilamentous that stain deep blue.  Still made use of light microscope but with
additional component attached to one of the
e. Count the number of reticulocytes in oculars (miller disk).
1000 red cells. Reticulocytes should  The calibrated Miller disc appears in the field
also be counted as erythrocytes. with 2 squares: a large square and a small
f. Calculate as follows: square inside the large square which is 1/9 of
𝑵𝒐. 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒚𝒕𝒆𝒔 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 the size of the larger square.
% 𝑹𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒚𝒕𝒆𝒔 =
𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝑹𝑩𝑪  Reticulocytes are counted in the large square
while the RBCs are counted in the small
square in successive fields on the film until a
total of 500 RBCs have been counted.
 Counterstain is not advisable
 Reticulocytes have lower specific gravity 
after incubation, the reticulocyte appear to

settle in the upper portion  always mix to NOTE: INCLUSIONS & ARTIFACTS CONFUSED WITH
avoid false decrease count RETICS
 Patient with hyperglycemia: Increase glucose  HOWELL-JOLLY BODIES
 inhibit staining  false decrease - Seen in Romanowky and methylene blue stain
 TWO SQUARES: but reticulocyte (RNA) will not be seen in
o LARGER SQUARE: for reticulocyte romanowsky stain.
(mature and immature) Size: 1/9 of - Pappenheimer bodies are present in
the large square romanowsky, supravital stain and Prussian
 REFERENCE VALUES: blue stain (Siderotic granules) but reticulocyte
o Adults: 0.5 – 1.5% are negative in Prussian blue.
o Newborn: 2.0-6.0%
- Hemoglobin H have no pattern; just
distributed in the red cell making the cell as
pitted golf ball whereas reticulocyte have
reticulum pattern

- Most confusing because Heinz bodies are not
seen in romanowsky like the reticulocyte’s
RNA and are both present in supravital stain.
To differentiate, observe closely. Heinz bodies
are often few and found at the periphery
while reticulocyte RNA follows a reticulum

- Dust particles  move the the fine
𝑹𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 %
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒐. 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒆 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒆 × 𝟏𝟎𝟎 adjustment and if the focus is lost. The
= artifacts will glisten.
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒐. 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝑩𝑪𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒆 × 𝟗
- OUT OF FOCUS: refractile  artifacts
disappearance  retics

 Actual number of reticulocytes in 1 Liter of  Hemoglobinopathies are results of structural
whole blood defects in the globin component of hemoglobin.
 Formula: The structural defect result from the alteration
𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 % 𝑅𝐵𝐶 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 (× 1012 /𝐿) × 1000 of the DNA genetic code for the chains leading to
100 the production of abnormal hemoglobins known
as hemoglobin variants.
 Reference value: 25,000 -75,000/uL  NOMENCLATURE:
o Denotes the affected polypeptide chain
o The sequential amino acid number(s)
affected (primary structure)
 This corrects the reticulocyte count to a
normal hematocrit to allow correction for the o The helix number involved (secondary
degree of patient anemia. The percentage of structure A-H).
the reticulocytes may appear increased o The nature of the abnormality (amino
because of early release in the circulation or acid substitution, deletion, addition or
because of a decrease in the number of globin chain fusion).
mature RBCs in the circulation.
 Also called Hematocrit Index or Hematocrit
 Formula:  Disorder in structure
𝐻𝑐𝑡 (𝐿/𝐿)
𝐶𝑅𝐶 = 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 % ×  Results from the alteration of the DNA genetic
0.45 𝐿/𝐿 code for the chains conditions characterized by
 Reference value: 1% (depends on the degree
qualitative structural abnormalities of the globin
of anemia)
polypeptide chains that result from alteration of
3. RETICULOCYTE PRODUCTION INDEX OR the DNA genetic code for those chains. Structural
SHIFT CORRECTION (RPI) abnormalities may involve amino acid
 Index calculated to correct for the presence of STRUCTURAL DEFECTS ON A OR B CHAIN RESULTING
shift reticulocytes that otherwise falsely TO HB VARIANT:
increased the visual reticulocyte count. 1. SUBSTITUTION
 General indicator of the rate of erythrocyte  Ex.: Hb Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu val
production INCREASE above normal in
 Formula:
𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑦𝑡𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡  some amino acid is deleted
𝑅𝑃𝐼 =  reason of thalassemia
𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠)
 Reference value: 1 if hct is 0.45  Ex.: Hb Gun Hill: (β91 to β 95)0
Patient’s Hct (%) Correction factor/
Maturation time 3. FUSION
(days)  Hb Lepore-Baltimore: (G(1-50) B(86-146)) caused
40-45 1.0 by cross over during mitosis resulting to fusion
35-39 1.5
25-34 2.0 4. ELONGATION
15-24 2.5 5. Hb CONSTANT SPRING (a+31c)
<15 3.0
Clinical Significance of Reticulocytes: Increased in
hemolytic and hemorrhagic anemias


REASON FOR DELETION & ELONGATION: mutation in  For the detection&preliminary identification
genetic code of both normal abnormal Hbs particularly, Hbs
gene  PROCEDURE: a small quantity of red cell
hemolysate is placed on the cellulose acetate
NOMENCLATURE: membrane between the center & the
 COMMON NAME cathode. An electrical field is created in the
 Morphology: sickling Hb (Hb S) chamber through the use of a power supply&
 Place where they were discovered: (Hb the ones with greatest charges migrates
Boston) towards the anode.
 Hemoglobin molecules have a net NEGATIVE
 SCIENTIFIC NAME charge at alkaline pH, & therefore migrates
 Gives structural defect of Hb towards the anode
 Ex: Sickling Hb Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu val  BASIS OF MIGRATION: net Negative charge
 B: affected polypeptide chain because all of them are negative but not all
 6: sequential amino acid number(s) affected have the same number of negative charges
(primary structure). Note: Hb that has the greatest no. of Net
 A3: Helix number involved (secondary charges migrates fastest towards the anode
structure: A-H); not necessary as long as farthest from the point of application but the
primary structure is indicated Glu:nature of Hb with few Negative charges migrates slower
the abnormality (substitution, deletion,  Owing to the variations in amino acid content
addition or globin chain fusion) of different Hbs the net charge of each varies&
 PRIMARY STRUCTURE: sequence or this determines their rate of mobility in the
arrangement of amino acid electrical field.
o Hemoglobinopathies commonly  MAJOR Hb: A (adult), F (fetal), S (most
affected the B chain. common abnormal Hb that causes sickling of
RBC) &C (second most common)
 BANDS: indicates the migration
NOTE:  FAST Hb: any other Hb that migrates faster
Laboratory test for variant identification and
o For variant identification
o Follows general principle of
electrophoresis. A – migrates fastest, followed by F
 PRINCIPLE: utilizes an electric chamber that C – slowest followed by S
has both cathode & anode electrons. Arrangement: CSFA
o Hb like proteins are amphoteric.
o Proteins are somewhat amphoteric
wherein its negative charge is
neutralized by the + charge thus it can
show a net Negative & Positive
charges thus it can behave depending
on the pH of the medium.


 PURPOSE: For the separation of Hbs that
migrate together on cellulose acetate
 Also useful in detecting small amounts of
either HbA or F in the presence of large
amount of others& in revealing small amounts
of adult Hbs A & S present at birth in cord
o Samples are place at the center
between cathode & anode & apply
external electricity& migration will
o Hbsare identified by their migration
toward the anode & cathode&
comparing the migration to that of
known control samples
 BASIS: Hbsare separated based on the
interactions among Hb variants, agar & citrate
buffer in addition to the altered electrical
charge of the various Hbs at acid Ph.

S & C migrates alone

F & A migrates towards the cathode
S & C migrates towards the anode
Arrangement: FASC

 Resistant to both acid elution & alkaline
 In electrophoresis, it is slower than HbA

 Has high affinity to O2 thus when it goes to the
tissues, it will not readily release the O2.
 Decreased affinity to 2-3
Diphosphoglycerate: molecule that regulates
affinity of Hb to O2.


pH pH 8.0 – 8.6 ( Turgeon) pH 6.0-6.2 (Bishop)
pH 8.4 - 8.6 (Bishop)
Principle A fresh hemolysate made from a packed RBC Citrate agar electrophoresis is performed at an
( Basis/bases of sample is applied to a cellulose acetate plate acid pH after abnormal haemoglobin is detected
hemoglobin using a buffer of alkaline Ph and electrophoresis on cellulose – acetate electrophoresis.
separation) is performed. After electrophoresis, the Hemoglobin F, with the fastest cathodial
membrane is stained and cleared. The patient’s mobility, is also the most soluble, probably
haemoglobin migration is compared with that because it is most resistant to denaturation at pH
of a control test interpretation. A rough 6. Adult hemoglobins with solubility similar to
estimate of proportions of different that of haemoglobin A, such as D, E, G, O, I and so
hemoglobins may be made using a forth, move with haemoglobin A. The relatively
densitometer. The order of electrophoretic insoluble haemoglobin S moves behind
mobility, from slowest to fastest, is haemoglobin A, and the even more insoluble
hemoglobins C, S, F and A. There are several haemoglobin C moves behind haemoglobin S.
mnemonic devices for remembering the
migration pattern, such as accelerated, fast,
slow, and Crawl. Hemoglobin that migrates
beyond haemoglobin A is termed fast
Hemoglobin Bart’s and haemoglobin H both
migrate here. Any abnormal haemoglobin or
any normal haemoglobin A2 and F, should be
confirmed. If there is abnormal haemoglobin,
confirm with citrate agar electrophoresis and
solubility test if haemoglobin S is suspected. If
an increased amount of A2 or F occurs, then
quantify the amount.
Hemoglobin D and G comigrate with
haemoglobin S in this method.
Importance/ Hemoglobin electrophoresis by cellulose An important factor in determining the mobility
purpose in acetate is useful in identifying and quantifying of hemoglobin
haemoglobin haemoglobin variants and abnormal quantities is solubility and provides ready separation of Hbs
separation of haemoglobin fractions. It is rapid and that migrate together on cellulose acetate: S
reproducible and separates the major Hb from D and G, and C from E and O.
variants S, D, G, C, and E from Hb A.
Quantification of the major bands is easily


utilization of iron due to deficiency in
protoporphyrin 9
 Iron is deficient thus affecting Hb synthesis
leading to IDA
 Deficient Protoporphyrin IX because of enzyme
defectalong the synthesis leading to excess
 Ex: Hb A1 - 2 A w/ 4 genes & 141 amino acids &
iron&iron will not be utilized in the absence of
2 B chains w/ 2 genes & 146 amino acids
protoporphyrin 9. Unused iron will precipitate
into siderotic granules leading to sideroblastic
o Alpha Thalassemia

o B Thalassemia Sickle cells may occlude the marrow

sinusoids, and the lungs, which are the
VARIANTS CAUSED BY B-CHAIN SUBSTITUTION site of frequent infarcts in adults.
- Most common cause of hemoglobinopathies  Infectious crises: Due to abnormal splenic
function and depression of immune
HEMOGLOBIN S (SICKLING HEMOGLOBIN) function, patient becomes susceptible to
infections. In young patients,
 Results from the substitution of glutamic acid by Streptococcus penumoniae appears to be
valine on the 6th position of the B-chain the major infectious agent.
 Inheritance may be homozygous (SS) known as  Splenic sequestration crises: The spleen
sickle cell anemia, or heterozygous (AS) known enlarges and sequesters more blood and
as sickle cell trait. hypovolemia. This may lead to shock and
 Hb S is fully soluble. Sickling occurs when oxygen death
decreases at the tissue level because of the  Aplastic crises: Infection and fever cause
formation of tactoid /fluid crystals. temporary reduction in RBC count, Hb,
Hct and Reticulocytes
- Anemia is usually severe;
(mainly related to vaso-occlusion)
characterized by normocytosis
 Liver (hepatomegaly and liver
- Blood Smear shows: Polychromasia;  Heart (Cardiomegaly & heart failure due
Sickle cells, target cells, ovalocytes, to iron deposition)
schitocytes; Howell-Jolly and  Spleen (Splenomegaly, Abnormal splenic
Pappenheimer bodies function & Splenic infarction)
- Growth and sexual maturation lag  Skin (ulcers/scars); Kidneys (infarcts &
behind that of normal adolescents hematuria); and the lungs
- Electrophoresis reveals HbS 80-90%
and Hb F 10-20%
NOTE: - Hb A is present in higher percentage
 Sickle cell crises: Any situation that and compensates for HbS. Patients
produces excessive deoxygenation of usually have no symptoms unless in
RBCs may cause a crisis. Every organ in the cases of extreme tissue hypoxia
body is affected and include pain of many - Electrophoresis: Hb= S 30-45%
 Vaso-occlusive crises  Hb S-THALASSEMIA
o Occur when rigid sickle cells
- Doubly heterozygous condition in
increase blood viscosity leading to
which the mutant genes for both
development of microthrombi &
Hb S and Thalassemia are inherited
microinfarctions in the joints,
extremities and in major organs. by a single individual. Hb S-a is
o “Hand-foot syndrome” or clinically insignificant while Hb S-B
dactylitis refers to painful has clinical features similar to,
swelling of the back of the although not as severe as sickle cell
affected hands and feet due to anemia.
obstruction caused by many
sickle cells. NOTE:
 Bone, Joint, and other crises: Pain occurs Other sickling Hbs: C Harlem; S Travis; C
in the joints where sickle cells accumulate. Zinguinchor

Hemoglobin C (B6 glulys): Second most  Hemoglobin O-Arab (B 121 Glu -> Lys) Rare,
common hemoglobin variant found in Israel, Bulgaria, Egypt, Romania,
Jamaica, Kenya
 Hb G- Philadephia (a 68 Asn->Lys)
 Hb Gun Hill (B 91-95) Leu His Cys Asp Lys -> 0
 Hb C DISEASE (CC)  Hb Constant Spring (CS) a+31c (142 Gln) Due
- Characterized by a mild to moderate to elongation of the a-chain (31 amino acids)
normocytic-normochromic anemia  Hb Lepore-Baltimore( (1-50) B (86-146)) Due
with numerous target cells. Under to fusion of B
low oxygen tension or when  Hb C-Harlem/ Hb C: Georgetown 2 amino
dehydrated, Hb CC tend to acids substitution (B 6 Glu ->Val; Asp ->Asn)
crystallize into hexagonal or rod-  Hb Chesapeak: has increased affinity with
shaped crystals with blunt ends. The oxygen
crystals does not alter the red cell’s  Hb Kansas: has decreased affinity with oxygen
shape but maked the cells rigid.

- A heterogygous hemoglobinopathy.
Clinical symptoms are similar with
Hb SS, though milder and with fewer
complications. Often, the red cells
may appear with folded cytoplasm.
Hb SC crystals often appear
fingerlike or with projections.
Electrophoresis reveals equal
amounts of Hb S and C
 IbM (M-Saskatoon; M-Boston; M-Iwate; M-  Blood sample is incubated at 50 degrees
HydePark; M-Mulwaukee): These are caused celcius for 3 hrs.
by structural defects (amino acid substitution)
in either the a or b chain. The structural defect 2. ISOPROPANOL PRECIPITATION
in the globin chain results to non-protection of
 Blood sample is incubated with 17%
iron from oxidation (methemoglobinemia).
isopropanol at 37°C
Patients appear cyanotic (with lavender-blue
 PRINCIPLE: Normal hemoglobins have intact
skin) due to tissue hypoxia. Babies may also
bonds and remain in the solution when
show clubbed fingers at birth. Blood appears
heated or incubated with Isopropanol.
brown with numerous Heinz bodies.
Unstable hemoglobins have weaker bonds
 Hb Barts (4 y-chains) and H (4-B chains):
and easily denature or precipitate under these
Found in patients with a-Thalassemia
 Hb Barts disease: leads to stillbirth and
hypoxia because Hb Bart’s affinity to O2 is 3. HEINZ BODY STAINING
 requires supravital staining (e.g. crystal violet)
 Hb H diseases: leads to anemia


 Hemoglobin D Hb D-Punjab/Hb D: Los
Angeles (B121 glu->Gln)
 Hemoglobin E (B 26 Glu ->lys)


 The HbS GENE, when present in homozygous Hb S (Sicking Hb)
form, is an undesirable mutation, so a  The most well-known hb variant
selective advantage in the heterozygous form characterized by substitution of glutamic acid
must account for its high prevalence and by tRNA to valine on the 6th amino acid
persistence. Malaria is possibly the selecting position of the β- chain.
agent because a concordance exists between  Glutamic: CAG Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu  val
the prevalence of malaria and Hb S. Sickling  Valine: GUG
might protect a person from malaria by either  The effect of alteration from glutamic acid to
(1) accelerating sickling so that parasitized valine is a negative charge wherein glutamic is
cells are removed or (2) making it more highly negatively chargecompared to valine
difficult for the parasite to metabolize or to  thus leading to loss of negative charges& Hb
enter the sickled cell. becomes less negative
 SICKLE CELL TRAIT (AS) confers partial  In electrophoresis in cellulose acetate, S
protection against lethal Plasmodium migrates slowly than A & F due to substitution
falciparum malaria. Multiple mechanisms for of amino acid 6 Inheritance: Homozygous (SS)
this have been proposed, with a recent focus – sickle cell anemia
on aberrant cytoadherence of parasite-  Heterozygous (AS): sickle cell trait
infected red blood cells (RBCs). Here we  EFFECTS OF HB S:
investigate the mechanistic basis of AS o Blacks who are suffering from this are
protection through detailed temporal protected from being infected from
mapping. We find that parasites in AS RBCs developing severe falciparum malaria
maintained at low oxygen concentrations stall (Resistance). Hb C, E, B-Thalassemia
at a specific stage in the middle of intracellular &G-6PD deficiency also confer
growth before DNA replication. We protection in terms of resistance but
demonstrate that polymerization of sickle not immunity meaning these patients
hemoglobin (HbS) is responsible for this may still be infected but may not
growth arrest of intraerythrocytic P. proceed to chronic stage.
falciparum parasites, with normal hemoglobin o Falciparum are intracellular species&
digestion and growth restored in the presence when present in RBC& when RBC is
of carbon monoxide, a gaseous antisickling sickle the parasite inside also dies
agent. Modeling of growth inhibition and does no complication arise
sequestration revealed that HbS o Falciparum metabolizes Hb, when Hb
polymerization-induced growth inhibition crystalizes it forms into a crystal&
following cytoadherence is the critical driver falciparum may no longer metabolize
of the reduced parasite densities observed in the Hb
malaria infections of individuals with AS. We o RBC w/ falciparum will be
conclude that the protective effect of AS phagocytosis before it causes severity
derives largely from effective sequestration of
infected RBCs into the hypoxic HOMOZYGOUS (SS) SICKLE CELL ANEMIA
microcirculation.  Severe anemia because the patient does not
synthesize the normal Hb A
 On electrophoresis:
o Hb S: 80 -90%
o Hb F: 10 -20 %
o Hb A2: Normal
 Blood Smear: Polychromasia (Reticulocytes
are increased) ; Sickle cells, target cells,
ovalocytes, schistocytes ; Howell-Jolly &
Pappenheimer bodies

 Increased RDW
 Retarded growth&sexual maturation&patient Hb S – THALASSEMIA
suffers sickle cell crises Main cause of Sickle  Hb S-A
Cell Crises: sickling  Hb S-B – more severe
 Normally when Hb S is fully oxygenated, Hb S
is fully soluble OTHER SICKLING HBS:
 But when Hb S is w/ reduced O2, Hb S  Abnormality: Hb S: β 6(A3) Glu val
+ unique B-
becomes insoluble wherein it polymerizes substitution
(change in molecular arrangement) &forms  Hb C-Harlem, C-Ziguinchor, S-Travis
into tactoid crystals/fluid crystals (elongated
& thin, pointed at both ends) leading to
sickling &rigid cell membrane thus it is no NOTE:
longer adjustable leading to vassoocclusion HEMOGLOBIN C
thus it cannot easily pass through the small  A beta structural defect, where glutamic acid
circulations is substituted w/ lysine
 Sickling is reversible but repeated sickling  Composition: B 6 (A3) Glu Lys
leads to permanent sickling due to permanent
damage to RBC membrane HETEROZYGOUS: Hb C Trait (AC)
 Causes vasso-obstruction  RBCs – slightly hypochromic
 VASOOCCLUSIVE crises occurs commonly on  Less abnormalities
small circulations like in the fingers &toes thus
hand-foot syndrome / dactylitis (inflamed or HEMOGLOBIN SC DISEASE
swollen, cyanotic due to absence of  Signs & symptoms are milder than SS but
circulation) occurs more severe than sickle cell
 VASSOOCCLUSION also occurs in bone&joint  Electrophoresis: C = S = 50 – 50%
causing pain  Cytoplasm appears folded like a pocketbook
 SPLENIC CIRCULATION is also minute, since cells (RBC w/ cytoplasm folded)
spleen also serves as a filter of blood thus its  Hb SC easily crystalize forming a fingerlike
circulation is too small, that only deformable projection w/ more than 1 protrusions where
red cell may pass through. Due to increase one is long&protrude away. It also in the form
activity of spleen&vassoocclusion, spleen also of hand in gloves crystals or pointing – finger
enlarges (splenomegaly) causing or Washington monument crystal
sequestration of more blood leading to
hypovolemic shock. When spleen is
enlarged&bone marrow is affected thus both OTHER ABNORMAL HEMOGLOBINS
are abnormal in function leading to decrease 1. Hb METHEMOGLOBIN
blood production to the marrow (aplastic  M-Saskatoon, Boston, Iwate, HydePark,
crises) thus the immune system is defective & Milwaukee = all have different amino acid
the patient becomes prone to infection substitution but the effect is the same &not
(infectious crises) as a result of all of this organ protected from oxidation
damage occur (marrow lungs)  Methemoglobinemia w/ congenital cyanosis
 The no. 1 cause of death is infection& in due to overwhelming oxidation even at baby
children the most common is S. pneumoniae stage& the blood appears chocolate brown
 Easily precipitate&forms into Heinz bodies
 Predominant Hb is A, only 30-45% is Hb S 2. Hbs WITH ABNORMAL AFFINITY TO OXYGEN
 Patient usually have no symptoms&sickling is a. Hb w/ Increase Affinity
uncommon to occurunless in cases of extreme  Ex.: Hb Chesapeake (a 93 Arg Leu) –
tissue hypoxia because S is minimal in affects affinity of Hb to O2 &O2
 concentration will shift to left

b. Hb with Decrease Affinity 1. SEALED WHOLE BLOOD METHOD (SCRIVER

 Ex.: Hb Kansas (B 120 Asp Thr
)– & WAUGH)
shift to the right  PRINCIPLE: RBC take on a SICKLE-LIKE SHAPE
when oxygen supply to the red cell is
NOTE: Abnormal Hb are connected by weak bonds decreased. HbSforms INSOLUBLE TACTOID
thus they easily precipitate & flocculate. CRYSTALS when exposed to LOW OXYGEN
 PROCESS: Perform IN VIVO. Using a RUBBER
TEST FOR UNSTABLE HB BAND, the rubber band is TIED at the BASE of
 When heated, 17% Isopropanol at 37 C intended to be prick& maintain it for at least
normal Hb do not precipitate but few will 5-10 minutes to cause obstruction in order to
do&unstable Hb will easily precipitate. obstruct the circulation thus decreasing the
 Purpose of Isopropanol: weaken the bonds oxygen& Hb S will form into crystals. Prick
the deoxygenated finger & drop into the
2. HEAT DENATURATION/INSTABILITY TEST center of the slide &cover w/ cover slip. Seal
 At 50°C for 3 hours, normal Hb will not the sides w/ petroleum jelly or paraffin to
flocculate but unstable Hb will prevent entry of atmospheric O2 which
contains abundant O2 which may cause the
3. HEINZ BODY STAINING sickled cell to revert to normal shape.
 If ppt & flocculation happens in vivo forming Incubate for 1 hour at room temperature
Heinz bodies which are not easily seen in &examine microscopically if still none,
normal wrights blood smear incubate for 2 hours until 3rd hour. Perform
 Supravital staining is employed (brilliant interval microscopic examination.
cresyl blue & crystal violet).  POSITIVE RESULT: 1. Sickle RBC (Hb S) but
does determine if heterozygous AS or
homozygous SS REPORTING: positive or
SICKLE CELLS are distorted cells appearing as thin,  DEGREE of sickling depends on the
dense and elongated cells with both ends pointed. CONCENTRATION of the Hb S in the RBC
SICKLING is caused by the PRECIPITATION of an
 Readings are made at an HOURLY INTERVAL
ATYPICAL HEMOGLOBIN (commonly hemoglobin S)
for 2-3 HOURS
or CRESCENT SHAPE. HEMOGLOBIN S is fully soluble
NOT DISTINGUISH Hb S trait & Hb S anemia
when oxygenated but becomes insoluble when the
oxygen level is decreased. It first POLYMERIZES then
forms into CRYSTALS which cause the red cell to
become RIGID.
 REAGENT: 2% Sodium metabisulfide or
sodium bisulfate which are reducing agent
which bind &remove O2 from the blood.
 PRINCIPLE: HbS forms an insoluble tactoid
 PRINCIPLE: a drop of blood is mixed w/ a
crystals when oxygen supply to the red cell is
drop of 2% sodium metabisulfite (a reducing
decreased. When Hb S is deoxygenized
agent) on a slide, & the mixture is sealed
outside the cell into the plasma it will cause
under a coverslip. The hemoglobin inside the
the solution to be TURBID. POSITIVE RESULT:
RBCs becomes deoxygenated causing
1. Sickle RBC 2. Turbidity
polymerization& the resultant sickle cell
 Degree of sickling or turbidity depends on the
concentration of Hb S in the RBC
 PROCESS: add a drops of blood& the reagent
into the center of the slide.Cover the slide w/

coverslip&seal the sides. Observe  Abs are adsorbed to suspended metal sol
microscopically. particles giving the reagent raspberry-like
 POSITIVE RESULT: sickled RBC deoxygenated color
by reducing agent. NOTE:
 After electrophoresis, densitometry is
3. DITHIONITE SOLUBILITY TUBE TEST performed to determine the density of the
 REAGENT: sodium hydrosulfite (dithionite) bands created by the migrating proteins
removes O2 converted into concentration.
 SPECIMEN: whole blood w/ EDTA heparin or  In cellulose Acetate, at an alkaline pH, Hbs are
sodium citrate in order to prevent clotting negatively charge thus they migrate towards
 PRINCIPLE: Red cells are lysed by saponin the anode.Hb S together w/ D & G upon
allowing Hb to escape. Sodium dithionine migration appears as a band of protein thus
binds&removes oxygen from the test densitometry is performed to determine the
environment. Hb S polymerizes in the concentration of Hb S.
deoxygenated state&forms a precipitate in a  On Citrate Agar, at an acidic pH, Hb S migrates
high-molarity phosphate buffer solution. The towards the anode thus citrate agar is more
tactoid refract or deflect light& make the confirmatory
solution turbid.
 PROCESS: anticoagulated whole blood +
sodium dithionite. Saponin lyses the RBC EXPERIMENT MODULE:
releasing now Hb. Hb binds w/ sodium Some hemoglobins that aggregate and have reduced
dithionite which removes O2 from solution solubility are capable of polymerizing and crystallizing
causing Hb to crystalizes but polymerization within the red cell causing a distortion of cell shape
happens outside the RBC thus it will not (sickle shape). Hb S (Sickling Hb), when fully
cause sickling but turbidity of solution& is oxygenated is fully soluble. Polymerization and
determined by refraction&deflection of the formation into tactoid crystals occur only when
solution in the presence of light. Observe oxygen is decreased at tissue level.
specimen for turbidity by holding the tube  SPECIMEN NEEDED: Capillary blood
2.5 cm in front of a newsprint or a card
reader w/ thin black line A. SCRIVER AND WAUGH METHOD
 RULE: if the solution is observed in the a. Place a rubber band around the base of
solution then the solution is not turbid thus the middle finger and allow stayingin
negative result but if lines are no longer place for 5 minutes.
visible then it is positive for tactoid b. Make a finger puncture on the ball of the
crystals&sickling. finger and place a drop of capillary blood
 POSITIVE RESULT: turbidity on a slide.
 Turbidity indicates presence of sickling Hb c. Immediately cover with a coverslip and
regardless of any genotype seal edges with petroleum jelly.
 SCREENING METHOD OF CHOICE d. Incubate the preparation at room
temperature. Observe for red cell sickling
4. HEMOCARD Hb A & S at hourly intervals for 2, 3 hours, or after
 PRINCIPLE: Hb A& S contains monoclonal Ab 24 hours if desired.
(IgG), which specifically bind to the amino e. Microscopic examination (400x): If more
acids at or near the 6th position of the B- than 10% of the cells are sickled, the result
chain of the Hb S&A is positive.
 Hb S monoclonal Ab will react w/ the B-chain
of Hb S but not w/ the Hb A B. SICKLE CELL SLIDE TEST
 Hb A monoclonal Ab will react w/ the B-chain  In the absence of the HbS solubility test, the
of the Hb A but not w/ Hb S sickle cell slide test is useful in detecting
sickle cells in patients who have either sickle
cell disease or sickle cell trait.

a. Weigh 0.1g of sodium metabisulphite and OSMOTIC FRAGILITY TEST (OFT)

transfer to a test tube capable of holding  A test to identify the ability of red cells to
15 ml of water. absorb water without lysing.
b. Add 5 ml of distilled or deionized water,  It reflects the shape and size of erythrocyte
stopper, and mix until the chemical is (specifically the surface area-to-volume ratio)
fully dissolved. The chemical can only be  Not a confirmatory test for HS; it will only
used within the day it was suspended identify the presence of fragile cells like
(within 8 hrs) spherocytes. But it will not determine
c. Deliver one drop of patient’s capillary whether the spherocytosis is hereditary,
blood or well mix venous blood on a slide immune or other causes.
and add an equal volume of freshly made  For hereditary spherocytosis and other
reagent, mix and cover with a cover glass. anemia characterized by spherocytosis
Exclude any air bubbles. o Spherocytes are test using OFT
d. Place the slide in a plastic box or Petri because they are the most fragile cell
dish with damp piece of blotting paper or  able to detect the presence of
tissue at the bottom to prevent drying of spherocyte in the circulation
the preparation (moist chamber). Leave o RESULT IN HS: 0.60 - 0.65% saline
at room temperature. solution, hemolysis is already
e. After 10-20 minutes, examine the observed: spherocyte (fragile) easily
preparation microscopically for sickle lyse
cells. Focus the cells first with the 10x  PRINCIPLE: The cell is placed in a hypotonic
objective and examine for sickling using saline to cause osmosis (the shift of the fluid
the 40xobjective. Examine several fields. from the hypotonic saline into the red blood
Sickling usually takes place in one part of cell). If the red cell could still contain its
the preparation than the other. volume, the RBC would be able to absorb
f. Sickle cells usually appear crescent shape water without lysing and if not, it will easily
with pointed ends or holly leaf shape. hemolyse. POSITIVE RESULT: Hemolysis
Report as “sickle cell test positive” when  RESULTS:
crescent shape cells are seen, or ‘sickle o Incomplete hemolysis: 0.45%
cell test negative” when cells appear  Faint pink tinge supernatant with
rounded or oval shape. intact red cell button
o Complete hemolysis: 0.35%
C. TUBE SOLUBILITY TEST  Homogenous pink/red solution
 The principle of solubility method was based with the absence of red cell
on turbidity created when Hb S is incubated button
with sodium dithionate.  Fragility means increased OFT cells are easily
a. Add 20 uL of blood with 2 ml of the lyse (spherocytes)
reagent prepared in procedure B (2% w/v  INCREASED OFT:
sodium metabisulphite or sodium o HS, abnormal membrane, severe G-6-
dithionite) PDH deficiency, PK deficiency,
b. Mix and stand at room temperature for 5 Hemolytic anemia
minutes.  DECREASED OFT:
c. Examine the tubes using a white board o Resistant to red cell lysis even when
with black lines as the background in placed in hypotonic solution
ambient light settings.  With increased surface area-to
d. Interpret results as positive if the black volume ratio
lines are not visible  Hypochromic cells, target
cells/leptocytes, sickle cell
o Severe IDA (microcytic-hypochromic

o Thalassemia (microcytic-hypochromic o Determine the concentration of nacl

and target cell) solution where initial and complete
o Sickle cell anemia: If the sickling is still hemolysis occurred.
mild and is reversible, when the sickle o FORMULA: %NaCl = test tube
cell absorbs water it goes back to number x 0.02
being a normal cell. However, if its o PROCEDURE: Prepare different
membrane is totally damaged, the concentration of hypotonic saline
sickling becomes irreversible using the following procedure:
therefore becomes resistant. a. Set up 12 test tubes and label no.
 Affected by: 14 -25.
o Surface area-to-volume ratio b. Place in each tube 0.5% NaCl
 A normocyte with normal solution (The number of the tube
central pallor is resistant to corresponds to the drops of 0.5%
lysis because the space can NaCl)
bloat to extend the capacity, c. Using the same dropper, add
so the cell can absorb more distilled water into each tube
water without hemolyzing. until a total of 25 drops (NaCl &
But a cell without a central water) are in each tube.
pallor will immediately lyse d. Dispense to each tube one drop
upon absorption of water like of heparinized or defibrinated
spherocyte. blood.
 If the surface area-to-volume NOTE: Deliver at the same angle
ratio is still high, the cell is directly to saline solution.
resistant e. Mix tube and allow to stand at
 If the surface area-to-volume room temperature or centrifuge
ratio is decrease, the cell is for 1 minute at 2,500 rpm.
fragile  easily lyse f. Examine each tube for
 Cells with decreased surface initial/incomplete and complete
are-to-volume ratio have a hemolysis,
limited capacity to expand in
hypotonic solution and  DACIE METHOD  MORE ACCURATE
therefore lyse even at a less o Hypotonic saline (pH 7.4)
hypotonic concentration of  Buffered at pH 7.4 using PO4
saline than the normal in order to prevent
biconcave cells. interference of inconsistent
o Functional state of the cell  RECAP: OSMOSIS: movement
membrane of fluid in order to attain
 If the red cell membrane is homeostasis/equilibrium
defective, it is easily  Outside is hypotonic, inside is
hemolyse. isotonic  movement of
 Like in HS, there is membrane water from outside to inside
problem wherein it lack o HEMOLYSIS: @540 nm
integrity due to loss of o INCUBATED OFT: incubate the sample
protein. for at least 24 hours to detect mild
o REAGENT: 0.5% saline + add  It is done because if the
corresponding drops of DH2O observation is done
o SPECIMEN: Heparinized or immediate and the HS is mild
defibrinated blood there will be no hemolysis
seen  false negative result

 Mild forms of HS: on

prolonged incubation they
become fully spherocyte
therefore show hemolysis
 PURPOSE: detect mild forms
of HS.

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