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Olo - Padang

Jalan Belakang Olo No. 46 Come Back Soon...

Padang – Indonesia
Mr.. , Zen Ofrina Mr. Zen Ofrina
Room Number : 707
Room Rate : 585
Adult/Child : -guest
Arrival Date : 09/09/23
DepartureDate : 10/09/23
Payment :
Bill No : 127998 /2

Date Description/Voucher Qty RmNO Amount

09/09/23 Room Charge 1 707 380,000.00

Balance 380,000.00

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Lawbreakers will be reported.

I agree to remain personally liable for the payment of the account if the favehotel
Corporation or other third party billed fails to pay part or all of these charges.
Olo - Padang
My signature is authorization for favehotel Padang to use credit card signature ________
Imprinted for the payment of these charges.
Printed by :
884 – 10/09/2023 – 09.10

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