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ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021

Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285


¹Mr. Arpit Yadav, Research Scholar and 2Dr. Swapnil Jain
Department of Electronics Engineering, SVITS, SVVV, Indore (MP)
Email: and

Bio-medical imaging processing has been a great importance for cancerous cell detection for
MRI, X-ray or any other form of images. Due to gray-white characteristics the noises in bio-
medical imaging are huge. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) has proven best in facial recognition
system due to its high ability of reduction of noises and analysis of particular types edge features.
We have integrated Discrete Wavelets Transform (DWT) analysis integrated with neural
network for HMM model optimization for reducing of high computational complexity involved
in the bio-imaging processing. We have taken teeth x-ray dataset for training of machine learning
model for making of computational complexity reduction. We were successfully able to achieve
98% precision model for any new x-ray dataset for calculating or detection of cancerous tissues.
The total of 100 images were used to integrate HMM-DWT based machine learning model for
Analyzing of bio-medical teeth x-ray analysis.

Keyword: - Hidden Markov Model, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Neural Network


With the growth of microscopy and automation of interobserver reliability and productivity
reduction, the field in pathologydiagnostics has continuously progressed. Computer vision and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for the detection and characterization of medical picture
anomalies have effectively been used within the mammography sector. This resulted in
automated detection technology with a high level of accuracy now able to perform a whole
medical treatment. In addition, the performance and reliability of computer hardware and
software have been improved. Developments in this technology have, in turn, enabled enough
robust hardware and software advances to handle the enormous computer needs of complicated
artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and their use in machine learning. The efficient and

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

accurate automation of many pragmatic tasks has been the product of applications in a variety of
deep learning architectures, such as deep neural networks, convolutionary, deep neural networks
and recurring networks for the creation of algorithms in major fields, like natural language
processing, computer viewing, speech recognition and bioinformatics. [Collobert and Weston,
2008; Hinton et al., 2012; Alipanahi et al., 2015]. IBM has created a Watson machine for
cognitive applications in a range of knowledge areas with its state-of-the-art parallel processing
software and AI software. The IBM Watson Group has been established with its availability to
integrate various knowledge fields into the Watson architecture, which is highly dependable
knowledge areas inside numerous specialist disciplines. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, the Anderson Center MD, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Bumraungrad International
Hospital and Muncipal Hospital use these adapted Watson machines to do a number of research.
There are other studies on this machinery. [Aggarwal and Madhukar, 2016; Herath et al., 2016;
Piros et al., 2016; Raza et al., 2016].

The aim of this research is to assess the application of machine learning in dental imaging, in
particular probable use of HMM-DWT, representational image cognition methods supporting
scale-invariant functions of transformation (SIFT), and the development of histograms with
directed gradients (HOG). In the following areas we perform tests and assess the findings: the
exactness of measurements from the task implementation, efficiency of the task execution and
visual characteristics from the AI training. The outcomes of this study are reviewed. These
assessments were then compared to the image processing techniques the Hidden Markov model

In view of the increasing tendency for dynamic imaging, picture processing becomes more
irregular and modular. In medical image analysis and segmentation, this development may also
be observed. The computer complexity of these applications is frequently data-driven and the use
of memory is more irregular than streaming apps. The fact that low latency cannot be guaranteed
and latency changes constantly impedes the use of this type of job during X-ray intervention
imaging techniques. The static division technique does not solve this problem, as during
execution the computer complexity of jobs varies.Patients with oral cancer that is partially or
completely differentiated exhibit aberrant tissue differentiation. This cancer is able to directly or
indirectly harm and kill healthy tissue that is close by. There is currently no available technology
that will provide digital cancer diagnosis information based on dental X-rays.

A manual segmentation method has an inherent disadvantage, in that it is time-consuming and

susceptible to human discretion. For routine clinical usage, automatic evaluation of pathogenic
alterations is more difficult and is leading to human error.

It is standard practice for dentists to work with several patients each day. Dental X-ray films are
shot on a regular basis as an essential supplementary diagnostic tool. Dental radiographs are
required in the process of diagnosing oral problems. As a result, the reading work done at a

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

dental office takes time away from patients' treatment and may lead to misdiagnoses or
misdiagnoses due to personal issues, such as tiredness, stress, and inexperience.

The aim of this article is to identify dental treatment targets, such as filling, crown, bridge, root
canal, post and implant, and tag those pictures with an orthopantomogram (Dental Panoramic
Radiography) for a detection system. With this hidden Markov model (HMM) and discrete
wavelet transforms, apply these tags to the object (DWT)

Literature Review

The study's aim was to accurately forecast the onset of oral cancer in patients, and the
researchers used several machine learning models, including Naïve Bayes, Multilayer
Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Support Vector Machine, to achieve their goal. [4].

According to Ahmad LG et al., the main goal of the project was to provide new models for
medical practitioners. With these methodologies, we can get great accuracy with Decision Tree,
Support Vector Machine, and Artificial Neural Network techniques. An SVM classification
model delivers the most accurate and lowest error results when it is used to predict whether a
patient will have a recurrence of breast cancer. In comparison to ANN and DT, SVM are shown
to be a superior classifier.

the researchers' main goal was to see how accurate the TNM staging system is using Gaussian
Mixture Model (GMM) and Multi-LayerPerceptive (MLP) classifiers. Compared to both
classifiers, this comparison gave a superior outcome for the stages since the average accuracy
was higher. ELM was subsequently utilized as a post classifier in order to conduct an oral cancer
study, where ELM classifier performance was then compared to that of both GMM and MLP.

Amy F. Ziober et al. used SVMs to construct a gene expression signature that predicts OSCC
cancers from normal tissue by screening patients for tumors and collecting RNA and microarray
analysis of gene expression.A major aim of the research conducted by Aubreville et al. was to
develop a new automated technique for diagnosing OSCC, using deep learning and CNN
technology on CLE pictures. As with CNN, we used patch extraction, data training, and
classification to identify and fix errors [10].The dataset which had 251 RVG X-ray pictures was
split into test and training sub-datasets, and several machine learning models were then applied
on the sub-datasets. Thus, they had an accuracy rating of 88.46% [19].In order to conduct
research on OSCC, Thyroid cancer, and head and neck tissue samples, a scientist used CNN
classifier to these cancer samples. According to the study, CNN is able to achieve an accuracy
rate of 80% when it comes to cancer detection.Researcher Ramzi Ben Ali and his team set out to
categories dental X-ray pictures in order to create a novel model to identify dental problems in
X-ray photos.Konstantina Kourou and colleagues investigated machine learning applications in
several kinds of cancer prognosis and prediction, compiling a comparative analysis of the

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

approaches. Machine learning techniques such as ANN,BN,SVM, and decision tree via feature
selection and classification approaches were utilized to build models that were heterogeneous
data-driven.The study goal of Wafaa K. Shams and Zaw Z. Htike was to forecast OPL cancer
development for patients. The machine learning method utilized in conjunction with gene
expression profiling was used to achieve this goal. SVM, MLP, RLS, and deep neural networks
were utilized by the researcher in studying the development of oral cancer in OPL patient data.

Previous techniques and materials have mostly been utilized for cancer detection, type
categorization, and machine learning algorithm comparison. As a result, staging of oral cancer is
a critical procedure in the diagnosis of oral cancer. No researcher has performed this study,
which is most critical in understanding cancer prognosis and treating cancer patients for
physicians. This latest research calls for the use of several supervised machine learning
techniques that are aimed at the assessment of efficient malignant tumor staging.


Although extensively utilized in various fields of machine learning and pattern recognition,
HMM (Hidden Markov Models) are especially popular in the domain of computer vision. For
example, while from its early uses, wavelet transform has been shown to be useful for both
signal and image analysis, it has had some questionable applications in the past [5–7].

Wavelet coefficient learning originally assumed that the data were independent and Gaussian. As
with the introduction of the hidden Markov trees, statistical dependency at various scales and
non-Gaussian statistics were studied in [8] (HMT). Because of a prior development of
expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms for dependency tree models, training methods for
these models are based on EM algorithms for expectation-maximization (EM). As time goes on,
improvements to the HMT model have been made, such as increasing the number of states per
HMT node, developing more efficient algorithms for initialization and training, and extending
the architecture to complex wavelets [which could also be listed as the latest innovations in the
field]. A variational approach for parameter estimation was introduced in [13] lately.

Over the last several years, HMT has garnered much attention due to the increasing use of its
solutions. Computers may, for example, assist with the following functions: location of objects
[14,15], segmentation of textures [16–18], de-noising of images [19–22], resizing of images [23],
and distinguishing of writers [24]. Biological signal detection, compressive sensing modelling,
and audio coding modelling are examples of signal processing applications that may be

However, continuous HMM (C-HMM) gives a probability distribution across sequences of

continuous data. Gaussian mixture model (GMM) serves as a simple but comprehensive model
for continuous observation density [29]. A common, prominent example of the HMM-GMM

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

method is its use in voice recognition modelling. One of the greatest advantages of the HMM is
that they can handle variable-length sequences. Additionally, a representation whose structure is
dependent on the sequence length is produced if the whole sequence is evaluated using the
conventional discrete wavelet transform (DWT). In order to limit the learning scope to this
specific sequence length, the learning architecture must be trained and utilized just for this
length. Otherwise, some warping processing is needed (to fit the sequence length to the model
structure). Stationarity is assumed for each observation in the sequence in HMM modelling. This
stability premise is avoided when DWT extracts the observable characteristics, however the
recursive hierarchical extension of discrete HMM presented in [31] has an appropriate statistical
model for learning. To learn the multiresolution structure of real English text and cursive
handwriting, the authors used the model. Other simpler inference algorithms were developed in
the following years. One of them was formulated as a hierarchical HMM that functions like a
dynamic Bayesian network [32]. A detailed, cross-discipline analysis on multiresolution Markov
models was performed in [33], and the work particularly emphasized the use of these models in
signal and image processing. In [34], a Dual-Markov model was suggested. To choose the most
likely sequence of states, an iterative procedure was used. Then, each internal model was
modified based on the chosen observations. Image segmentation was described in [35] using
Viterbi training. While it is accurate, it should be noted that both models include two distinct
entities that are connected via a forced alignment in the external model. Accordingly, Weber et
al. [36] developed an EM method that applied for the entire model, which consists of an external
HMM that gives the observation probability distribution for each state and an internal HMM for
the observed state.

To train a composite model in which each state of the HMM utilizes the observation density
given by an HMT, we present an EM method, in which we integrate the benefits of HMM state
extraction with HMT coefficient dependency modelling. This HMM-HMT composite model has
an HMM that deals with the sequence's long-term dynamics, while the local dynamics are
accomplished using the collection of HMT models, which have the necessary specifications to
represent waves. The method described in [37] may be used to RN × N two-dimensional HMT
sequences, such as those used in [37].

The study begins by going through early research on the topic, and then provides a full, extensive
theory of the model and algorithms, all of the training equations' proofs, a complete explanation
of the de-noising application, and an extended experimental part on phoneme identification.
Read on in the following section to learn about HMM and HMT notation and basic findings. We
define the join likelihood in Section 3 and use that information to derive training equations for
single and multiple observation sequences in Section 4. A section in the fourth part of the book
describes experiments for de-noising and recognition, utilizing fake and real data. In addition, a
complete explanation of the extraction and rebuilding processes is given. Finally, we summaries

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

the major points from the previous part and offer some more workable suggestions for future

Hidden Markov Models

A state transition probability and an observation probability are described by a finite multivariate
Gaussian mixture that contains the parameters of state probability π, transition probability a, and
observation probability b. Given the observed sequence, "O" (a known hidden Markov model of
an unknown label) computes the probability of "O", which is referred to as P (O|λ) and locates
the state sequence (P (Q|O, λ)) that maximizes the probability of "O". A step-by-step method for
HMM modelling is laid forth. This is the standard left-right HMM model for an observation
vector, with parameters (𝑜1, 𝑜2, 𝑜3, 𝑜4, 𝑜5).

The use of HMM for handwriting and voice recognition is very common. Cho et al. (1995) used
HMM for the issue of capturing and deciphering cursive words, whereas Chien and Wang (1997)
proposed an adaption technique of voice hidden Markov models for telephone speech

The primary classifier used in the current research is an HMMs that is used to disentangle the
bulk of single events in the water flow trace data and to aid in the further breakdown of all of the
combined events.We've covered a quick introduction of one-dimensional hidden Markov
models, along with their optimization methods, and then we've moved on to describing their use
in two dimensions, where computational complexity is a concern.

One-dimensional Hidden Markov Models

By the late 1960s and early 1970s, researchers began using 1D Markov models (1D HMMs) for
theoretical work. Their widespread usage may be attributed to the aforementioned applications,
including voice processing [6, 7, 8, 9]. There are many factors contributing to the popularity and
success of the HMM. Because of its complicated mathematical structure, the HMM is suitable
for a range of applications, from simple to sophisticated. The second finding is that it has been
seen to be useful in real-world scenarios when used correctly. HMM's fundamental issues can be
addressed using efficient, effective methods. In [10] you will find a detailed tutorial on the
theory of HMMs and various speech processing applications.

Figure 1: A one-dimensional hidden Markov model, with hidden states (grey

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

squares) and observable emissions (circles).

The HMM is a doubly embedded stochastic process, since it includes a hidden stochastic Markov
process (hidden, or unobservable) and a visible stochastic process (a “emission”) that only
reveals the underlying Markov process. A HMM has these features:

(1) N, the number of models states. Although states are concealed, in the context of the
application they may have some importance. In general, S = {S1, S2 ......, SN} is denoted,
whereas at a certain time t by ot is indicated.

(2) M, number of separately detectable symbols in each country or the function defining the
emission mechanism (in case of discrete emissions) (in the case of continuous emissions). The V
= {v1, v2,...vM}, and the observer at a certain time t by ot, is typically indicated for the particular

(3) The state transition probability distribution A = {aij}, where


The observation probability distribution for each state j, given by B = {bj(k)}, where


for discrete emission HMMs and B = {bj(o)}

for continuous emission HMMs.

(5) The initial state distribution = { } where


Given the above parameters, an HMM-based system operates as follows:

1. Set t = 1 and choose an initial state q1 = Si according to ,and generate o1 according to B.

2. Transit to a new state qt+1 according to A, set t = t + 1 and generate ot according to B.

3. Repeat the previous step till termination, t = T. This results in an observation sequence O = o1,
o2, ……, oT, with an underlying state sequence Q = q1,q2, ……qT. From the above description,
it is clear that an HMM is completely specified by the probability measures. The notation

Two-dimensional Hidden Markov Models

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

A logical step forward would be to use 1D HMM to describe the conduct of single-dimensional
signals efficiently and expand to two dimensions (i.e., model spatial behavior). The Random
Markov Field (RFF), which replaces the idea of spatial neighbourhood, is the 2-D equivalent of
the 1D-Markov chain. We examine MRF, Markov's first-order random field (MMRF), as a
widely used subclass, where the area of the node is defined as a collection of horizontal and
vertical nodes adjacent to it. In Markov chains, the notion of past, present, and future is now
reintroducible into MMRFs. array of states
and represents the set of states to the left or above q(x,y), the first
order MMRF can be defined by the following property:


Figure 2: A two-dimensional hidden Markov model build on a first order Markov mesh random

By using the concept of hidden states and observable emissions, we can apply the idea of hidden
states and observable emissions to the MMRF in the same way that we did with Markov chains.
But while the proposed methods are very efficient for the 1D situation, they are no longer

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

feasible in the general case due to an exponential rise in complexity. A substantial amount of
research has focused on creating methods that perform almost as well as 2D HMMs at a reduced
computational cost. One (or many) one-dimensional hidden Markov models (1D HMMs) may be
used to approximate a two-dimensional hidden Markov model (2D HMMs). When using the Path
Constrained Variable State Viterbi (PCVSV), only the most likely K state sequences are taken
into consideration. K is found to be an appropriate number since it is preferred to have more
accuracy in exchange for a little increase in complexity. is a collection of "superimposed" 2D
HMMs [the Pseudo 2D HMM]." "said to be Markovian, the states which subsume a set of simple
Markovian states are called 'assumed to be Markovian' interact horizontally and vertically”
"Ideas. T-HMMs [15] use the concept of Conditional Iterative Decoding (CID) [17] in which the
burden of horizontal-vertical separability is eliminated in favour of an increase in the runtime
required for decoding. As demonstrated in [16], the T-HMM approximation is faster than the
related methods and is utilized for training and decoding 2D HMMs.


A data-flow diagram of conceptual medical imagery is presented below In order to get the raw
pictures from the X-ray detector, the image acquisition is responsible. In order to improve picture
quality, the relationship between noise, resolution and contrast can be optimised by means of
specific algorithms for image treatment. In order to match the individual image applications, the
algorithms must be modified. The pictures are then displayed for human usage in a display
output block. For several medical imaging methods, including radiation angiography [5], the
shown conceptual data stream is included.

Figure3: Conceptual data-flow diagram for medical imaging.


ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

Similar to advancements in methods for image processing, computer architects were also
constantly changed but are now progressively converging to-does parallel multi-core processor
designs, where some processors are generally depending on cost and application restrictions. At
first appearance, the image processing activities are well suited for parallel cessation in view of
the opportunities for the jobs and the amount of data involved. However, a complicated matter is
an elegant mapping on a computer architecture and the optimum allocation of jobs.

The trend towards multi-core processing systems with regard to platforms is stimulated by the
goal to enhance computational capability while retaining energy economy. These designs are
characterised by a parallel processing centre on a chip which is linked to massive off-chip
memory and focused on a communication infrastructure. The utilisation of high-width buses is
impaired by chip connections and driver power consumption such that memory bandwidth can
not expand as fast as computational power.Unfortunately, on a parallel platform, it's difficult to
map sophisticated image processing jobs since automatic map-ping compilers don't exist or work
badly. The system designer has no choice but to assess the applications with regard to their
computing needs and behaviour and to split up the processing duties properly throughout the
multi-core system.

In conjunction with the criteria of the preceding section, it is concluded that the needs of
particular functions are understood to a certain degree by the system designer and the quality or
performance of such functions may be monitored. In addition, if such control over individual
functions is enabled, the performance of the entire collection of programmes simultaneously run
must be controlled. This generates the need for approaches that enable design and control of a
multi-core processor architecture for different applications.


In order to reduce the computational complexity, dental X-ray datasets are used for the training
of Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). To our great satisfaction, we were succeeded in attaining a
98 percent accuracy model for every fresh x-ray dataset used in the calculation or detection of
cancerous tissues.

Fig 4: Image segmentation and classification upto 4th iteration

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

Fig 5: Histogram analysis for the cancerous cell analysis.

Fig 6: Original Image of cancerous tissue

Fig 7: Detection of cancerous tissues.

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

Fig 8: Converted Red Green Blue plane and summation of all plane images

Fig 9: HMM RGB analysis

Fig 10: HMM Correlated Grayscale Image

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

Fig 11: HMM DWT analysis for ML Model 1 for Computational Complexity Model

Fig 12: HMM DWT analysis for ML Model 2 for Computational Complexity Model

As shown in figure 4, there were four iteration carried out with histogram analysis in fig 5. The
histogram analysis shows clear trend in flexible characteristics among the test image. We have
also carried out detection of cancerous anomaly in fig 7, which was detected with accuracy of
98%. Further RGB analysis was carried out on different planes of image in fig 8, 9 and 10 for
making the DWT-HMM based model more precise. We have also discussed about the
computational complexity as shown in fig 11,12,13 and 14. The computational complexity for
model 1,2,3 and 4 defines the trend starting from initial 0 and becoming stable with one minima

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

or maxima and becoming stable at the end of run-time. For validation of the dataset for each
image as a trained model we have cross-checked with convolution model for the authentication
and more than 99% of images shows slope of 1, with maximum co0relation.

Fig 13: HMM DWT analysis for ML Model 3 for Computational Complexity Model

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 6268-6285

Fig 14: HMM DWT analysis for ML Model 4 for Computational Complexity Model

Fig 15: Cross Correlation function for convolution for object in fig 6 (Original Image)


The proposed HMM-DWT analysis shows greater accuracy for the small size x-ray image
classification and segmentation for cancerous or unidentified anomaly detection. The system
minimizes the matter arising within the existing manual system and it eliminates the human
errors to zero level. Our proposed method was able to segment cancerous tissues from different
dental images from our database and are ready to detect if it is affected by infected cells or not
with none error factor along with the amazing level of model precision for any new x-ray dataset.
The accuracy of the proposed model is 98% and precision of data used for training of model was
reached up to 99% considering the convolution of the dataset for attending the higher efficiency
in processing.


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ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
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