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What is ICT? Did I say ICT?

ICT stands for

Information and Communication Technology

A Few examples of ICT tools are: Television, Radio, Mobile Phones and Computers.

ICT Tools

These are all man-made machines and not natural things like trees, rocks, soil.

The information given to the computer by us is known as ‘Data’.

Input Devices- Mouse, Keyboard help us to give Data to the computer (Input).

Keyboard Mouse
Process- CPU works (Process) on this Input.

Output Devices- Monitor, printer, Speakers give us the results (Output).

Monitor Printer Speakers

Types of computers:

Desktop Computers

These computers are mostly used in places

like offices, schools, libraries etc. They
are not needed to be moved from place to


Laptops are small enough to fit in our lap.

These are portable computers which, can be
carried from one place to the other. Laptops
work on batteries.

Tablet is commonly known as Tab. It has

touch screen and it is wireless. It works on
battery. We can hold these computers in our
hand while we work on them.


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