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Pharmacology and Physiology in the Term

2 Neonate
Adam C. Adler and Ronald S. Litman

associated with additional congenital defects. These

A one-day-old male child presents for omphalocele occur in 25–50% of cases and include chromosome
repair. He was born to a 30-year-old G3P1 mother at anomalies and cardiac defects. Omphalocele may be a
37 weeks of gestation via a planned Cesarean section component of the Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome,
for a prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of omphalo- which consists of hypertrophy of multiple organs.
cele. The mother was treated for gestational diabetes This syndrome is particularly relevant to the anesthe-
with daily insulin and has a history of hypothyroidism, siologist as enlargement of the tongue may comprom-
for which she is prescribed L-thyroxin. ise the upper airway and be associated with difficult
Pertinent findings on physical examination include intubation. Pancreatic enlargement causes hyperinsu-
midfacial hypoplasia and macroglossia. An intestinal
linism, which results in hypoglycemia and needs to be
sac is present and appears to be herniating through a
monitored intraoperatively. The key characteristic
defect in the umbilicus.
Vital signs: BP 60/32, P 164, T 35.8, RR 36, Sat 98% differences are summarized in Table 2.1.
on room air. Weight: 4.4 kg, Apgar scores: 8, 8, 9. Infants with gastroschisis are usually born at full
term without additional isolated defects. The major
pathophysiological difference between the two is that,
in omphalocele, the intestinal contents remain
What Are the Differences Between covered with the peritoneal membrane, which pro-
Gastroschisis and Omphalocele? tects the intestinal mucosa from the irritative effects
Gastroschisis and omphalocele are the most common of amniotic fluid and protects the infant from exces-
congenital abdominal wall defects with a prevalence sive evaporative fluid and temperature loss after deliv-
of approximately 1:2,000–1:5,000 live births in the ery. Infants with gastroschisis lack this natural
United States. Although each represents a distinct protective covering, and thus are more prone to dehy-
anatomical defect, their anesthetic considerations are dration, hypoglycemia, hypothermia, third-space
the same. Each is a congenital defect that allows a fluid accumulation, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis,
portion of the intestinal viscera to extrude outside the bleeding, and sepsis.
abdominal cavity and both require surgical repair in Management of omphalocele or gastroschisis
the newborn period (Figure 2.1). Large defects are begins immediately after birth. The extruded abdom-
managed with a staged approach if primary closure inal contents are covered with warm saline dressings
is not possible. and are encased in a sterile plastic bag or wrap to
An omphalocele occurs when the visceral organs decrease fluid and temperature loss and discourage
fail to migrate from the yolk sac back into the abdo- infection (Figure 2.2). A naso- or orogastric tube is
men early in gestation and the umbilical ring remains placed for gastric decompression, normovolemia is
open; the defect is a central lesion and occurs at the maintained with intravenous hydration, and associ-
insertion of the umbilicus. Gastroschisis is thought to ated comorbidities are addressed prior to surgical
result from an occlusion of the omphalomesenteric repair. Antibiotics may be necessary if intestinal
artery during early development. As a result, the abnormalities are suspected.
abdominal viscera herniate through a rent in the Achieving a primary repair is the goal of surgery
abdominal wall, usually to the right of the umbilicus. as failure to replace all of the intestinal contents back
Omphalocele is more likely than gastroschisis to be into the abdominal cavity increases postoperative

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2 Pharmacology and Physiology in the Term Neonate

Table 2.1 Characteristic differences between omphalocele

and gastroschisis

Omphalocele Gastroschisis
Associated Common Rare
Defect location Umbilicus Right of
Maternal age Average Young
Method of Cesarean/ Vaginal
delivery vaginal
Prognostic Associated Condition of
factors anomalies bowel
Sac Present Absent
Surgical Not emergent Emergent

Figure 2.2 Omphalocele silo. Large omphaloceles are treated

with a silo and progressive constriction until primary repair.
Photograph: Ronald S. Litman, reproduced with parental permission.

morbidity. However, in many cases where the abdom-

inal cavity is too restrictive or when there is not
enough skin to close the underlying defect, a partial
replacement is performed, and the remaining external
viscera are encased in a synthetic silo mesh allowing
for complete repair to occur as a staged procedure.
In addition to its impact on intrathoracic pressure,
increased intra-abdominal pressure may result in an
abdominal compartment syndrome. When this
occurs, venous compression leads to a decrease in
preload and hypotension as well as lower limb venous
congestion. High intra-abdominal pressures may lead
to renal artery compression resulting in oliguria as
well as decreased perfusion to the lower extremities.
Bowel ischemia may also result, secondary to
decreased perfusion. Adequate volume and blood
replacement and full neuromuscular blockade must
be maintained throughout the procedure to optimize
the chances for successful primary closure.

What Are the Risks and Benefits of

Staged Versus Primary Abdominal
Wall Closure?
Figure 2.1 Omphalocele prior to surgery. Photograph: Ronald The optimal surgical management is related to the
S. Litman, reproduced with parental permission.
degree of bowel extrusion and the ability of the

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Adam C. Adler and Ronald S. Litman

abdominal cavity to accept bowel replacement. shifts, and associated bowel edema can lead to
Infants undergoing primary closure generally require increases in abdominal compartment pressure, low
a shorter length of hospitalization and decreased util- cardiac output, and renal hypoperfusion.
ization of parenteral nutrition. These patients are at risk of hypothermia from
Secondary closure techniques have evolved over exposed abdominal contents. Similarly, fluid evapora-
the past few decades. The extruded bowel is main- tive losses are common, especially with gastroschisis
tained in a spring-loaded silo bag. The bag keeps the where the surface of the intestine is uncovered and
bowel intact and protected from environmental con- exposed to the atmosphere.
tact. This mechanism allows for daily bedside reduc- All infants, except those with the most trivial
tion of the bowel over one to two weeks providing repairs, remain intubated and mechanically ventilated
time for the abdominal cavity to expand and accom- in the postoperative period. Abdominal compartment
modate without elevating abdominal pressures and syndrome and respiratory compromise may continue
interfering with ventilation. postoperatively; therefore, paralysis and adequate sed-
ation with an opioid infusion are essential for optimal
What Are the Anesthetic Considerations management.
for Surgical Intervention of Patients What Are the Pertinent Preoperative
with Gastroschisis or Omphalocele? Diagnostic and Laboratory Evaluations
Considerations for induction of general anesthesia are
similar to those for any newborn infant with a pre- Suggested for These Patients?
sumed increased risk of a “full stomach” secondary to The diagnosis of omphalocele should alert the clin-
intestinal obstruction. A modified rapid sequence ician to the possibility of numerous coexisting con-
intubation (RSI) is performed using gentle breaths. genital defects. Intrapartum diagnosis should prompt
Some pediatric anesthesiologists will prefer to tem- fetal echocardiography and even postnatal echocar-
porarily remove the nasogastric tube during induc- diographic evaluation, as the incidence of concomi-
tion to facilitate airway management. tant cardiac anomalies is as high as 25%. Pulmonary
There are several intraoperative adverse physiolo- hypoplasia often necessitating ventilatory support,
gic derangements that may occur when the surgeon cloacal exstrophy, and anomalies associated with
attempts to place a large volume of abdominal con- VACTERL syndrome may be present. Normal karyo-
tents back into a small, restrictive abdominal cavity. type patients have an incidence of other abnormalities
Cephalad displacement of the diaphragm due to the that is as high as 80%, stressing the importance of a
increase in abdominal contents may significantly complete perioperative evaluation. Chromosomal
decrease functional residual capacity (FRC) and tidal abnormalities (especially trisomies 13, 18, and 21)
volume, which can lead to difficult ventilation, devel- exist in nearly 50% of patients with omphalocele.
opment of atelectasis, and hypoxemia. During the Unlike gastroschisis, the herniation in omphalocele
repair, the anesthetist may frequently need to use patients is enclosed and amenable to supportive
manual ventilation to maintain adequate tidal therapy while workup is obtained. Intravenous
volumes in response to rapid changes in lung compli- access should be obtained, and fluid resuscitation
ance. The presence of hypoxemia despite maximal initiated. Glucose should be evaluated frequently,
ventilation may preclude completion of a primary and if low, it should raise suspicion for Beckwith–
repair. Therefore, intraoperative management should Wiedemann syndrome. Careful cardiopulmonary
focus on ventilatory pressures, temperature regula- workup should ensue prior to closure in a stable
tion, and volume status. Rapidly increasing peak pres- neonate. The bowel should be wrapped to minimize
sures (when using volume-controlled ventilation) or a heat and evaporative loss, which, while less extreme
significant decline in tidal volume (when using compared with gastroschisis patients, remains greater
pressure-controlled ventilation) should raise suspi- than in patients with a closed abdomen. Naso- or
cion of abdominal pressure elevation that will com- orogastric tubes should be placed for decompression.
pete with the ability to provide adequate minute The assessment for comorbidities, while less
ventilation. Fluid administration, postoperative fluid common in patients with gastroschisis, should include

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2 Pharmacology and Physiology in the Term Neonate

evaluation for meningocele, limb abnormalities, and What Are the Associated Malformations
intestinal atresia. Intravenous access and maintenance
of fluid homeostasis is vital as well as frequent Found in Patients with Beckwith–
evaluation of electrolytes. In the interim, exposed Wiedemann Syndrome?
bowel should be wrapped with sterile dressing and Beckwith–Wiedemann is a disorder of increased
plastic to minimize infection, evaporative fluid loss, growth (somatic overgrowth) with a predisposition
and temperature loss. The bowel should be evaluated to development of embryonal tumors. Malformations
frequently for early recognition of ischemic changes include abdominal wall defects and visceromegaly of
possibly due to mesenteric kinking. one or more of the following: heart, liver, spleen,
pancreas, kidneys and adrenals. Neonatal hypogly-
What Is the Prognosis for Patients with cemia occurs in up to 50% of children with
Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome due to pancreatic
Gastroschisis and Omphalocele? islet cell hyperplasia and hyperinsulinemia.
The prognosis for omphalocele is related to the Cardiac anomalies are present in approximately
number and severity of associated congenital anomal- 20% of patients with Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome.
ies. The optimal mode and timing of delivery is Renal anomalies are common, including medullary
debated although most neonates with omphalocele dysplasia, nephrocalcinosis, or nephrolithiasis.
are delivered via cesarean section for fear of abdom- Patients with Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome
inal sac rupture with labor. are predisposed to development of embryonal tumors
Prognosis for gastroschisis is generally determined especially within the first decade of life. Common
by the degree of bowel injury and bowel atresia. tumors include Wilms, hepatoblastoma, rhabdomyo-
Exposure of the bowel to amniotic fluid and degree sarcoma, neuroblastoma, and adrenocortical carcin-
of bowel constriction dictates the severity of injury. oma. The risk of tumor development may be greater
Gastroschisis patients have a greater incidence of in children with hemihypertrophy and nephromegaly.
developing necrotizing enterocolitis when compared
with the general population. The optimal mode and Discuss the Anesthetic Work-Up for a
timing of delivery is still debated.
Patient with Beckwith–Wiedemann
What Is the Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome
Patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome should
Syndrome? undergo thorough preoperative evaluation for non-
The incidence of Beckwith–Wiedemann is approxi- emergent cases. Examination should identify comor-
mately 1 in 13,000–14,000 children without gender bidities especially cardiac anomalies and renal
predominance. impairment. Complete airway examination and
anticipation of potentially difficult airway. Neonatal
hypoglycemia is common in this population and
What Is the General Phenotypic should be addressed. Macroglossia can predispose
Appearance of Children with Beckwith– patients to postoperative airway obstruction.
Wiedemann Syndrome? Which Patients Are at Risk for
Children with Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome dis-
play signs of accelerated growth, including height and Developing Neonatal Hypoglycemia?
weight. Common facial abnormalities include prom- This patient from this case stem has significant risk
inent eyes, midfacial hypoplasia, macroglossia or factors for being unable to maintain glucose homeo-
hemihypertrophy, prominent mandible, and earlobe stasis in the perioperative period. Being the infant of a
anomalies. diabetic mother places a neonate at risk for perinatal
Macroglossia can lead to sleep disordered breathing hypoglycemia. This results from fetal exposure to ele-
and sleep apnea. In addition, hemihypertrophy can vated maternal serum glucose levels. Fetal insulin
often pose difficulty with airway management. secretion is increased to meet the demands of this

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Adam C. Adler and Ronald S. Litman

glucose load. After delivery, maternal glucose exposure gestation. The majority of neonatal jaundice resolves
declines precipitously while leaving the neonatal pan- spontaneously with no residual effects. A small subset
creas oversecreting insulin, resulting in perinatal hypo- of patients, if left untreated, will go on to develop
glycemia. These infants are monitored closely, often in significant hyperbilirubinemia and encephalopathy.
a NICU setting, and may require maintenance infu- If jaundice is observed within the first 24 h of life,
sions of glucose-containing solutions and frequent hemolytic causes must be considered.
serum glucose checks. When the perinatal period and Total bilirubin is the difference between bilirubin
perioperative periods coincide, the anesthesia provider production and bilirubin metabolism.
must remain vigilant to avoid periods of hypogly- Bilirubin production is the result of heme catabol-
cemia, especially during general anesthesia when signs ism. Heme is broken down into biliverdin, and fur-
of low serum glucose are masked. ther metabolized into bilirubin. Bilirubin is
During the neonatal period, the ability for the conjugated in hepatocytes by the enzyme UDP-
immature liver to undergo gluconeogenesis and gly- glucuronsyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) and excreted
cogenolysis is incomplete. After birth, the neonates’ into the bile ducts and bowel for elimination. In
serum glucose concentration falls, rapidly stabilizing neonates, bilirubin also enters the enterohepatic cir-
after 3 h. Plasma insulin levels fall and glucagon is culation where it is converted into the unconjugated
mobilized. This leads to a marked decrease in neo- form once again, is resorbed, and returns to the liver
natal hepatic glucagon stores and thus serum glucose for re-processing.
must be carefully monitored. Hyperbilirubinemia results from an imbalance
between bilirubin production and excretion. Neo-
During the Procedure, the Anesthesia nates have only 1% of the UGT1A1 enzyme activity
compared with adults. This becomes the rate-limiting
Team Infuses D10 as Maintenance Fluid; step and thus makes neonates prone to hyperbilirubi-
Does This Reduce the Need for Repeated nemia. With most neonates, elevated serum bilirubin
can be attributed to immature conjugation abilities.
Glucose Checks? The minority of patients have underlying condi-
Surgical stress response (causing catecholamine tions such as Crigler–Najjar syndrome (abnormal
release), infusion of glucose-containing fluids, and UGT1A1) amongst others. Additionally, patients
administration of corticosteroids (during anesthesia) with G6-PD and RBC membrane deficiencies may
can lead to hyperglycemia. The sequelae of hypergly- suffer from hemolysis which can contribute to
cemia in the perioperative period include: increased hyperbilirubinemia.
risk of surgical site infection, poor wound healing, For the patient in this case, on postoperative day
and the potentially associated increased risk of three, hemolysis may be a contributor. Sepsis can also
intraventricular hemorrhage and retinopathy of pre- lead to hyperbilirubinemia and should always be
maturity (in preterm infants). excluded especially in a postoperative patient.
Elevated hematocrits, not uncommon in neonates,
may result in abnormally low glucose levels, which is
especially marked when the glucose levels are low. What Is Kernicterus, and How Is It
Additionally, arterial samples can have a 10–15%
increase in glucose compared with venous samples.
Kernicterus is a potentially devastating consequence
of excessive and untreated hyperbilirubinemia. The
On Postoperative Day 3, You Are Called excess bilirubin damages the basal ganglia resulting
to Evaluate the Patient for Visible in chronic athetoid movements and cerebral palsy.
Icterus: What Is the Mechanism for The risk is exponentially related to the serum biliru-
bin, with levels >25 mg/dL. With improved detection
Jaundice in the Neonatal Period? and treatment strategies, kernicterus is rare in the
Neonatal jaundice with visible icterus occurs in up to Western world. Treatment focuses on prevention
80% of healthy neonates born after 35 weeks of with screening tests, early intervention with

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2 Pharmacology and Physiology in the Term Neonate

phototherapy to aid conjugation and exchange trans- cytochrome P450 pathway and phase 2 (conjuga-
fusion for recalcitrant patients. tion/glucuronidation). The pathways mature
throughout the first year of life. The concentrations
of the cytochrome P450 proteins at birth are approxi-
Describe the Process of Protein mately 30% of adult concentrations, reaching normal
Synthesis by the Neonatal Liver levels at 1 year of age. The neonates have limited
The liver hepatocytes synthesize most plasma proteins enzymatic glucuronidation and conjugation ability,
including alpha-fetoprotein and albumin, which which limits their metabolic capability such as the
reach adult levels by term. All coagulation factors breakdown of bilirubin and morphine.
are produced in the liver with the exception of factor The neonates decreased ability to metabolize
8 which is produced in the liver and vascular endo- drugs results in increased serum levels and increased
thelium. The serum concentration of coagulation elimination half-lives. The metabolic activity is
factors remains low in the first few days following enzyme dependent and has significant inter-patient
birth. In the United States, neonates receive an intra- variability.
muscular injection of vitamin K, to increase the vita-
min K dependent factors. Low factor levels may Describe the Differences in Renal
become a consideration in neonates undergoing
immediate surgical procedures. This may be compli- Function Between the Neonatal and
cated by dilutional coagulopathy through crystalloid Adult Patient
administration. Kidney function undergoes constant change in the
neonatal period. As such, the ability of the imma-
Identify the Differences in the Neonatal ture kidney to deal with hypovolemia by concen-
trating urine is poor as is the ability to process large
Hematologic System solute loads (Table 2.2). The differences between
Term neonates experience a physiologic anemia neonatal and adult renal function is summarized in
around 10–12 weeks of age with a decrease in hema- Table 2.2.
tocrit to approximately 30%. The neonate has a
normal level of platelets at birth although with
reduced clot strength. Early thrombocytopenia
What Are the Determinants of Neonatal
<72 h after birth is often due to maternal–fetal inter- Oxygenation?
action while late thrombocytopenia >72 hrs should Neonatal oxygen delivery depends on the amount of
prompt evaluation of sepsis or necrotizing inspired oxygen, V/Q matching, cardiac output, and
enterocolitis. the type, concentration, and affinity of the hemo-
With respect to hemostasis, the neonate has globin. Oxygen is transported predominantly by
reduced levels of factors 2, 7, 9, 11, and 12. However, hemoglobin with a minimal contribution of dis-
there is a decrease in proteins C and S and an increase solved oxygen in the plasma. Dissociation of oxygen
in vWF which partially offsets the decrease in factors. from hemoglobin is closely related to the oxygen
Neonates have a prolonged PT and PTT but a slightly dissociation curve and its determinants including
shorter bleeding time. temperature, 2,3 DPG, [H+], and hemoglobin vari-
ants. Fetal hemoglobin (HgF) has an increased O2
How Does the Immaturity of the Fetal affinity allowing for greater extraction of O2 from
the placenta. HgF predominates at birth and
Liver Effect Drug Metabolism? decreases to approximately 2% of total hemoglobin
The liver metabolizes drugs through biotransforma- by 1 year. At birth, the oxygen requirement increases
tion followed by excretory transport. These pathways by >100%. To cope with these changes, the neonate
are immature in neonates. has multiple adaptive mechanisms occurring at or
Hepatic biotransformation is divided into phase 1 prior to birth. Near term the fetus begins producing
(oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis) via the hemoglobin A (HgA) which, despite its lower

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Adam C. Adler and Ronald S. Litman

Table 2.2 Characteristic differences between neonatal and adult renal function

Neonate Adult
Renal blood flow 10% of cardiac output 25% of cardiac output
Glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/ <2 Weeks 40 100–125
1.73 m2)
>2 Weeks 60
Concentrating ability <6–12 Months – Low 700 mOsm 1,400 mOsm
Creatinine Active reabsorption in first days of life Not actively reabsorbed
Elevated serum creatinine Serum levels related to renal function
Fractional excretion sodium (FENa) <2 Weeks, Elevated Relative to kidney function and
hydration status
Extracellular fluid (ECF) At Birth: 40% of TBW <6 Months: 30% 20% of TBW
of TBW

affinity for oxygen promotes oxygen transport to Table 2.3 Characteristic differences between neonatal and
adult pulmonary function
tissues. The neonate has an increase in 2,3 DPG
which, aside from decreasing pH also promotes Neonate Adult
transfer of oxygen to tissues.
Respiratory rate (breaths/min) 50 12
The transitional mechanism from placental to
pulmonary oxygenation at birth is discussed in the Tidal volume (cc/kg) 6–8 6–7
cardiovascular section. Minute ventilation (cc/kg/min) 200–250 90
Functional residual capacity (cc/ 25–30 30
How Do Lung Volumes in Children kg)
Compare to Those in Adults? VO2 oxygen consumption (cc/ 6–8 3–4
Pulmonary mechanics is related to the compliance of kg/min)
the chest wall and lung. In neonates, the chest wall, PaO2 (mmHg) 60–90 80–100
mostly composed of cartilage has the tendency to
Dead space (cc/kg) 2 2
collapse outward while the lung is more prone to
inward collapse. This imbalance is partially offset by
the increase in laryngeal tone during exhalation and
Central apnea is cessation of air flow in the
the increase in respiratory rate.
absence of respiratory effort. In obstructive apnea,
Resistance to flow is also significantly greater in
there is cessation of flow with preserved respiratory
neonates as a result of decreased airway diameter. In
efforts. In either case, there is often a closure of the
small children, minor inflammation or reduced
glottis with pharyngeal or laryngeal collapse.
airway diameter causes an exponential increase in
resistance to gas flow. The characteristic differences
between neonatal and adult pulmonary functions are What Are the Etiologies of
highlighted in Table 2.3. Neonatal Apnea?
Neonatal apnea may have central or obstructive com-
Neonatal Apnea ponents or occur in combination.
Neonatal apnea is defined as cessation in respiratory The incidence of neonatal apnea is inversely
flow of greater than 15–20 seconds or <15 seconds if related to gestational age.
accompanied by oxygen desaturation <90% and Neonatal apnea is thought to result from imma-
bradycardia of <100 beats/min. turity of the central mechanism for regulation of

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2 Pharmacology and Physiology in the Term Neonate

breathing and an immature response to hypoxia and At birth, the spinal cord terminates around L3 to L4
hypercarbia and exaggerated protective response to and at L1 at approximately 1 year of age. Thus, spinals in
airway stimulation. neonates should be placed at L4–5 or L5–S1 to avoid
injury. The volume of local anesthetic required is
What Are the Risk Factors for greater in the neonate owing to a greater cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) volume of 4 cc/kg compared with 2 cc/kg in
Neonatal Apnea? adults. Additionally, 50% of the neonate’s CSF remains
Risk factors for development of neonatal apnea in the spinal canal compared with 25% in adults leading
include: airway structural anomalies, ambient tem- to dilution of local anesthetics. The neonate’s spinal
perature fluctuation, anemia, cardiac anomalies, cen- cord has increased blood supply compared with adults
tral nervous system (CNS) disorders, chronic lung and results in increased uptake of local anesthetic and a
disease, infection, metabolic derangement, necrotiz- shorter duration of action. Spinal anesthetics are dis-
ing enterocolitis, prematurity, and sepsis. cussed in greater detail in Chapter 7.
Neonates are exquisitely sensitive to medication
effects including general anesthetics, magnesium, Identify the Differences in Metabolism
prostaglandin, and opioids.
of Fentanyl and Morphine in the
What Are the Treatments for Neonate Compared to the Adult
Neonatal Apnea? Neonates require significantly less morphine than
adults or older children, as their ability to metabolize
Treatment should start with a focus on identifying
morphine is not fully complete. Following adminis-
patients at risk for apnea, avoidance of inciting factors
tration, a neonate will display a greater serum concen-
and adjustment of anesthetic technique when appro-
tration of morphine, and its active metabolites,
priate. Regional anesthetics provide a lower incidence
morphine-3 and morphine-6 glucuronide, compared
of postoperative neonatal apnea compared with gen-
with an adult. Clearance of fentanyl is also reduced in
eral anesthesia. Continuous positive pressure, includ-
the neonatal period to 70–80% of adult clearance and
ing nasal CPAP (for obstructive apnea) and caffeine
normalizes at about two weeks.
supplementation are commonly used to decrease the
incidence of neonatal apnea. Gentle tactile stimula-
tion will often break the apneic cycle. How Does Minimum Alveolar
Suctioning the airway prior to extubation may Concentration Relate to Age?
help to reveal an exaggerated response to stimulation The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) for
leading to breath holding. Postoperative neonatal inhaled anesthetic agents is directly related to age. For
apnea is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 18. isoflurane and desflurane, MAC is high in neonates,
The preanesthesia evaluation should include: peaks during infancy, and steadily declines throughout
1. Identification of neonates having received life. The MAC for sevoflurane peaks in the neonatal
treatment for apnea. period and steadily declines throughout life.
2. Consideration of the safest anesthetic and
avoidance of inciting agents. What Is the Incidence of Congenital
3. Postoperative discharge planning in cases of post
gestational age <60 weeks.
Hypothyroidism (CH)?
The incidence of CH is approximately 1 in 2,000–4,000
4. Identification and avoidance of apnea risk factors.
live births.

Review the Differences Related to What Are the Clinical Characteristics

Spinal Anesthetics Between Neonates of CH?
and Adults Newborn screening programs remain one of the
There are numerous physiologic differences that must greatest advances in medicine aimed at reducing pre-
be considered when performing a spinal anesthetic on ventable morbidity and mortality. Children with CH
a neonate. are generally normal at birth, emphasizing the

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Adam C. Adler and Ronald S. Litman

importance of screening. Less than half of children mothers with untreated hypothyroidism are at risk
with CH show signs by three months and only 70% for mental retardation, hearing loss, and a variety of
will show signs by twelve months. The incidence of motor delays. Mothers should be screened for hypo-
CH is greatest in premature infants with nearly 50% thyroidism in early pregnancy. Mothers with known
showing signs of CH when born at <30 weeks of hypothyroidism often require increased supplemen-
gestation. Low or absent thyroid hormone, if tation to account for the needs of the developing
untreated leads to mental retardation, severe growth fetus.
restriction and brain developmental restriction. These
children often have deficits in attention, arithmetic,
memory and verbal skills in addition to abnormal What Are the Main Disorders
muscle tone, ataxia, poor coordination, and strabis- Screened for by the Neonatal
mus. Congenital hypothyroidism is the leading cause
of preventable mental retardation. Screening Programs?
Neonatal screening programs vary by state. These
What Risks Are Associated with screening tests generally focus on disorders of
fatty acids, amino acids, organic acids, hemoglobi-
Maternal Hypothyroidism? nopathies, hypothyroidism, adrenal hyperplasia,
Maternal thyroid hormone is critical to fetal neuro- biotinidase deficiency, galactosemia, and cystic
development in early pregnancy. Infants born to fibrosis.

Suggested Reading 1995;82:809–22. PMID:

requirements for halothane in
young children 0–1 month and 1–6
Beardsall K. Measurement of glucose months of age. Anesthesiology.
levels in the newborn. Early Hum Davis RP, Mychaliska GB. Neonatal
pulmonary physiology. Semin 1983;59:421–4. PMID:
Dev. 2010;86(5):263–7. PMID: 6638549.
20542649. Pediatr Surg. 2013;22:179–84.
PMID: 24331091. López T, Sánchez FJ, Garzón JC,
Blazer S, Zimmer EZ, Gover A, Muriel C. Spinal anesthesia in
Bronshtein M. Fetal omphalocele Diaz-Miron J, Miller J, Vogel AM.
Neonatal hematology. Semin pediatric patients. Minerva
detected early in pregnancy: Anestesiol. 2012;78:78–87. PMID:
associated anomalies and outcomes. Pediatr Surg. 2013;22:199–204.
PMID: 24331095. 22211775.
Radiology. 2004;232:191–5. PMID:
15220502. Grijalva J, Vakili K. Neonatal liver Maitra S, Baidya DK, Khanna P, et al.
physiology. Semin Pediatr Surg. Acute perioperative pain in
Brantberg A, Blaas HG, Haugen SE, neonates: An evidence-based review
Eik-Nes SH. Characteristics and 2013;22:185–9. PMID: 24331092.
of neurophysiology and
outcome of 90 cases of fetal Harris DL, Weston PJ, Harding JE. management. Acta Anaesthesiol
omphalocele. Ultrasound Obstet Incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia Taiwan. 2014;52:30–7. PMID:
Gynecol. 2005;26:527–37. PMID: in babies identified as at risk. 24999216.
16184512. J Pediatr. 2012;161:787–91. PMID:
22727868. Nandi-Munshi D, Taplin CE. Thyroid-
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