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Albert testing results and protocol

FMS Jumps and holds

Test Score Final score Name Left Right Assymetries (%)
OH Squat 2 15 SLJ 162 150 8%
Lunges 2 13 SlLJ 145 133 9%
Shoulder M 3 11 Triple Hop 496 492 1%
Leg raises 3 8 Adductors 41 21 65%
Pushup 3 5 Broad Jump
Rotational 2 2 195cm

Current focus
1. Improve Squat and Lunge technique through Hip and Thoracic Mobility.
2. Improve upper body pulling strength
3. Improve adductor strength on both sides but the right side is a priority
4. Improve bilateral leg strength and stability

Long term focus

1. Competency across main lifts and exercises prescribed
2. Musuclar hypetrophy and strength
3. Integration of plyometrics
4. Introduction to Olympic Lifts
Warm Up - 6x: Worlds Greatest Stretch alternating, alternating Squat internal external rotations, alternating
alternating peterson steps, explosive pushups.

Day 1
Sequence Exercise Sets Reps Intensity
V1 Pogos (1 still 1 forward 1 back) 3 30 N/A
V2 MB Ecc CMJ 3 8 N/A
A1 Bench Press 4 4 8
A2 Deep Squat Chest Up Hold 4 15 seconds N/A
A3 BB Row 4 12 N/A
B1 Goblet Squat 3 10 8
B2 Banded Pigeon Flow 3 8 N/A
C1 Banded Pull Ups 3 10 7
external rotations, alternating Banded external rotations, YTW's, Jefferson curl to inchworm,
ve pushups.

Day 2
Sequence Exercise Sets Reps Intensity
V1 Pogos (1 still 1 forward 1 back) 3 30 N/A
V2 MB Ecc CMJ 3 8 N/A
A1 Unracked BB RDLS 4 8 7
A2 DB lunges 4 10 8
A3 Banded Pigeon Flow 4 12 N/A
B1 Incline Bench Press 3 8 8
B2 Adductor Holds Right leg 3 AMSAP 7
C1 Banded Pullups 3 AMRAP 7

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